View Full Version : Who is whiter?

04-23-2020, 08:27 PM
Ukrainians or Irish?

Cristiano viejo
04-23-2020, 08:29 PM
The only thing i can say is Georgians are darker.

04-23-2020, 08:34 PM
Quality(!) thread.

04-23-2020, 08:37 PM
Autist thread

04-23-2020, 09:05 PM
Autist thread


Dean K
04-23-2020, 09:08 PM
Hard question but because their is Ukranian with west asian back ground and Irish are more clean european I think that Irish are Whiter

04-23-2020, 09:12 PM
Congolese are darker than both.

04-23-2020, 09:25 PM
Irish white ?




04-23-2020, 09:42 PM
Irish, if so slightly, as well as for skin colour if you meant literally "white", although Ukrainians are lighter haired.


Irish: 58.25% Villabruna related

Ukrainians: 54.33% Villabruna related

If you wanted to break up the ANE part(75% of ANE is "huwhite"/paleo Euro, 25% is Asian), although we really don't have a good proxy for pure Basal Eurasians on G25 and Iberomaurasians/Taforalt are more than likely just Basal Eurasian+SSA:

Target: Ukrainian
Distance: 27.3811% / 0.27381061
54.4 ITA_Grotta_Continenza_Meso
29.4 MAR_Taforalt
16.2 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N

Target: Irish
Distance: 27.6644% / 0.27664421
54.4 ITA_Grotta_Continenza_Meso
31.2 MAR_Taforalt
14.4 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N

So equal huwhite based on that, but Irish more Basal Eurasian/kebab, Ukrainians more East Asian/MingLee.

04-23-2020, 09:42 PM

04-23-2020, 09:45 PM
Irish white ?




A guy who claims to love communism dissing the biggest commies in Western Europe xD and praising their Monarchical oppressors. Idk if you smoked too much synthetic weed, are a troll or actually believe this shit xD.

04-23-2020, 09:55 PM
The only thing i can say is Georgians are darker.

No man, Georgians are lily white. They're whiter than Europeans. They rival Scandinavians in terms of whiteness, didn't you know?

04-23-2020, 09:57 PM
Sal şu forumu amk ibnesi ya...

04-15-2022, 03:33 AM
Congolese are darker

04-15-2022, 01:14 PM
The Ukrainians and generally the eastern countries have had to undergo Turkish-Mongolian invasions for several millennia, glory to them for having saved Europe many times against these devastating hordes. The British and Irish and generally the inhabitants of the north of europe have more "northern" profiles thanks to the defense of southern and eastern europe against invasions from outside europe.

04-15-2022, 01:30 PM
The British and Irish and generally the inhabitants of the north of europe

And yet the Irish are more brunette than Ukrainians, despite living farther North than them.

04-15-2022, 02:16 PM
The Ukrainians and generally the eastern countries have had to undergo Turkish-Mongolian invasions for several millennia

But during the Tatar Yoke the only mongoloid people present in Ruthenian lands were Tatar rulers and tax collectors. That's why intermixing between Slavs and Tatars happened only on an aristocratic level (Peter I mother was one such example), and roughly 15% of Grand Duchy of Moscow and Rurikid Russia nobles had mongoloid blood.

If you read the accounts of Greek and Arab historians about the complexion of early Slavs (Antes, Sclavenoi and Venedi), you'll see describing them as "neither too dark nor too light", with equal numbers of blondes and brunettes. I don't think this has changed significantly to this day.

04-15-2022, 02:57 PM
But during the Tatar Yoke the only mongoloid people present in Ruthenian lands were Tatar rulers and tax collectors. That's why intermixing between Slavs and Tatars happened only on an aristocratic level (Peter I mother was one such example), and roughly 15% of Grand Duchy of Moscow and Rurikid Russia nobles had mongoloid blood.

If you read the accounts of Greek and Arab historians about the complexion of early Slavs (Antes, Sclavenoi and Venedi), you'll see describing them as "neither too dark nor too light", with equal numbers of blondes and brunettes. I don't think this has changed significantly to this day.

Greeks were in direct contact with Balkan Slavs.

Ukrainians are on the lighter spectrum of Europe, and Russians are even lighter.



Ukrainians are considerably lighter than your native Slovenia, for example, and roughly match places like Austria and Bavaria.

04-15-2022, 06:17 PM
Greeks were in direct contact with Balkan Slavs.

This is totally, completely and utterly irrelevant. Greek scholars travelled across all of Europe and Procopius described Slavs in a time when Balkan Slavs did not even exist, instead he probably talked about Ukraine-dwelling ancestral Slavic people (what he called Antes and Sclavenoi). Most likely he met a large contingent of them in the form of mercenaries attached to the Greek army.

Ukrainians are on the lighter spectrum of Europe, and Russians are even lighter.

Ancestral populations that made part of the Russian and Ukrainian ethnogenesis, like the Scythians and Sarmatians, most likely had intermediate pigmentation (roughly half and half, 65% light in the best case scenario) and this sort ratio was passed on to the majority Central and Eastern Slavic people (Poles have exactly 50:50 I believe).

The 70-80% blue-eyes/blonde hair ratio present among north western Russians is due to Russification of Finnic and Baltic people, as indicated by the presence of N1 and higher than average WHG autosomal. But those areas have low density, and do not represent the bulk of the Russian population.


Ukrainians are considerably lighter than your native Slovenia, for example, and roughly match places like Austria and Bavaria.

1. Your investigation was not very thorough as I'm ethnic Slovene from outside the country, so you shitting on Slovenia does not do much to stir my sentiments.
2. No anthropological study ever made, nor any common sense ever applied, would tell you that liminal countries like Austria are "considerably" lighter than their neighbours, and the same applies with Ukrainians.
a)The study made by Coon (https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0cc142cca7f8a7e784cceec4b97ba4f4-c)
b)The study made by Beals and Hojier (https://thesocietypages.org/graphicsociology/files/2009/01/frost_european_eye_color2.jpg)
c)This study whose sources I didn't bother to find (https://i.redd.it/h2x4vjifs4871.jpg)
d)Another one (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Light_Eyes_in_Europe.png)

But let me be crystal clear about one thing, even if you were somehow right I'll tell you right now that my life does not revolve around curating an internet profile in a Nordicist forum and then engaging in dick-measuring contests about blue eyes and blonde hair. You, together with a number of Italian, Spanish and Scandinavian members do however, I think you would have much more luck butting heads with them then you would do with me.

04-15-2022, 06:20 PM
And yet the Irish are more brunette than Ukrainians, despite living farther North than them.

How is being more brunette a sign of being white???? Ruski doesn't know what being white means?

04-15-2022, 06:25 PM
Sad that after all those years you see members who don't know the difference of what is European.
Being lighter doesn't mean you are "Whiter"

White = of European origin.

So when you want to to compare a country, you compare that who has smaller non-European dna influence.
An Peloponese Greek or Siclian or someone from Mallorca having all ancestors from that place being 100% are more white than a Swede being 99% Swedish and for example 1% central Asian...

04-15-2022, 06:28 PM
How is being more brunette a sign of being white???? Ruski doesn't know what being white means?

You can consider the Irish whiter than Ukrainians if you want.

Just don't boast about Ireland being "more Northern" when they are more brunette compared to Ukrainians.

04-15-2022, 06:32 PM
You can consider the Irish whiter than Ukrainians if you want.

Just don't boast about Ireland being "more Northern" when they are more brunette compared to Ukrainians.

They are both white, being brunnete or being light or dark has nothing to do with being more European dolbaeb.

04-15-2022, 06:41 PM
Vote in equal measure, usually very white people