View Full Version : I believe there's a link between incels and jihadists

04-28-2020, 12:54 PM
Most of incels I met spoke highly of how Sharia guarantees women for them. I have never seen an anti-Sharia incel on their communities. I saw even native European guys wanting Sharia laws in their countries.
I guess most of those jihadists going to Islamic State from western world had inceldom. They had no link or aim on where they lived. I also remember Nietzsche had a quote for link between angry, celibate men and banditry back in days. I believe in the future, weakening of patriarchy around the world will have consequences like these.

04-28-2020, 01:04 PM
It's not usually the blokes with a good job, nice house, wife and kids that depart. Few that they may be. Jihadist movements such as any other extremists seem to lean heavily on recruiting among the outcasts in societies of different sorts. Unemployed, single & bitter and with criminal backgrounds are prime recruits for the great sacrifice. Same thing whenever there are riots going on, it's not Usman the lawyer setting cars on fire and screaming from the top of his lungs at the infidels. He is at home with a full belly hoping he won't get any snarky comments at work next morning.

04-28-2020, 01:10 PM
It's not usually the blokes with a good job, nice house, wife and kids that depart. Few that they may be. Jihadist movements such as any other extremists seem to lean heavily on recruiting among the outcasts in societies of different sorts. Unemployed, single & bitter and with criminal backgrounds are prime recruits for the great sacrifice. Same thing whenever there are riots going on,

it's not Usman the lawyer setting cars on fire and screaming from the top of his lungs at the infidels. He is at home with a full belly hoping he won't get any snarky comments at work next morning.

Well I agree totally with the first part of your comment when it come to europeans who choose islam and jihad. Most of the time they are exactly what you describe or they come from poor family whitout culture and grow up in the middle of muslims. They choose to join islam to feel in security and like all the others.

On the second part, when it come to muslims and arabs, you can find some djihadist in all class of the society, even the educate one. Well of course as they aren't a lot of educate muslims you will find only a handfull i djihadist groups.

04-28-2020, 01:19 PM
It's not usually the blokes with a good job, nice house, wife and kids that depart. Few that they may be. Jihadist movements such as any other extremists seem to lean heavily on recruiting among the outcasts in societies of different sorts. Unemployed, single & bitter and with criminal backgrounds are prime recruits for the great sacrifice. Same thing whenever there are riots going on, it's not Usman the lawyer setting cars on fire and screaming from the top of his lungs at the infidels. He is at home with a full belly hoping he won't get any snarky comments at work next morning.

True, generally neurotypical people don't join these kind of organizations or they become pro-Sharia. It's about one's profit or lack of profit by existing system.

I observed incels are more internationalist, due to being outcast in their society, ethnicity and race. This outcast attitude causes an angry nihilism and doomer attitude probably.

Tooting Carmen
04-28-2020, 01:26 PM
Many if not most jihadists (beginning with Bin Laden himself) are actually middle or even upper-class, well-educated and, most frighteningly of all, know about technology. The notion that Islamists are mostly peasants and the 'wretched of the Earth' is a ridiculous myth.

04-28-2020, 01:26 PM
True, generally neurotypical people don't join these kind of organizations or they become pro-Sharia. It's about one's profit or lack of profit by existing system.

I observed incels are more internationalist, due to being outcast in their society, ethnicity and race. This outcast attitude causes an angry nihilism and doomer attitude probably.

Misery loves company. The only difference is what sort of extreme movement they join on the political spectrum. Depends who get's to them first and pull the right strings.
If they can't be happy no one should, and by whatever means necessary they will drag the others down with them.

04-28-2020, 01:35 PM
Many if not most jihadists (beginning with Bin Laden himself) are actually middle or even upper-class, well-educated and, most frighteningly of all, know about technology. The notion that Islamists are mostly peasants and the 'wretched of the Earth' is a ridiculous myth.

High tier jihadists may be educated and well adjusted. But, I'm talking about commoners.

04-28-2020, 01:52 PM
Many if not most jihadists (beginning with Bin Laden himself) are actually middle or even upper-class, well-educated and, most frighteningly of all, know about technology. The notion that Islamists are mostly peasants and the 'wretched of the Earth' is a ridiculous myth.

Among the top leaders there may be a higher percentage from upper-class backgrounds. Anjem Choudary is another example. But, generally wealthy individuals are less inclined to take suchs risks because they have something to lose in this world. Which is what many Jihadis don't.
The cannon fodder is and always have been outcasts.

The majority of those who departed to join Isis here in Norway had been involved in gangs, low-petty crime or trouble adjusting to society one way or the other. Be it born muslims or converts who were tricked into joining this.

04-28-2020, 06:34 PM

Funny how someone named "Alek Minassian" was depicted as white.

I saw even native European guys wanting Sharia laws in their countries.

If you mean European incels composed of unmarried men who are socially regarded as losers, the early Nazi Party and pre-WWI Bolsheviks had plenty of them. The SA was stuffed full of men who were unemployed and unmarried (part of the reason why homosexuality became so prevalent under Röhm). And now they have already created a subculture promoting them to import Asian brides.


I guess most of those jihadists going to Islamic State from western world had inceldom. They had no link or aim on where they lived.

Before the Arab Spring, the Middle East had a rising number of angry young men that couldn't get good work, money or status so remained unmarried in countries where Western-style 'dating' and casual relationships aren't a thing save from the most liberal enclaves (your country is a good example). So what did they do? Rose up against governments and caused disorder or got radicalised and joined fundamentalist jihadist groups promising them virgins and women.

Al-Qaeda specifically recruited these types of individuals because they can be more easily indoctrinated with a Jihadist mentality and are more likely to unconditionally obey orders, even when said orders will invariably result in their own death. Because they have nothing left to lose and can devote themselves to the ideology totally. 18 out of the 19 9/11 hijackers for instance were in their late 20s and 30s and unmarried (just like yourself).

ISIS was really the first ever incel terrorist organisation when you look at the backgrounds and demographics of most of it's fighters; low status dropouts and failures looking for glory and the promise of slave brides. That was really the purest lashing out of incel rage we've seen since postmodernity began and it's likely to manifest again in different ways in different regions and cultures.

04-03-2021, 05:00 AM
Western incels converting to Islam and becoming jihadists is one of my favourite memes.


Pathetic losers defending Islam because they can't get pussy, but rather complain about a lack of community, lack of morality, lack of religion, lack of female company, disintegration of traditional values, and gender norms etc.

They convert to Islam so they can tell themselves their faith is the reason they don't sleep around lel.

Case in point:


Most incels however are minorities born in the West. Incel forums are full of brown, swarthy people, Asians etc. Elliot Rodgers was a hapa, the Toronto van guy was Armenian, Virginia Tech guy was Korean.

A lot of mass shooters were minorities too (Pulse nightclub shooter was a gay Muslim, the Washington Navy shooter was black etc.), or left-wing (Dimitrios Pagourtzis had Communist shit on his FB) and the white ones were normally not incels (the Sutherland Springs church shooter was divorced, as was the Thousand Oaks shooter, Vegas shooter was a married boomer etc.).

Even brown Colorado shooter was moaning how he couldn't find a white woman and that they're all whores.


These white Islamophile incels on the other hand think they'd succeed in a traditional society of the past. Same as the ones who think they'd get a girlfriend just for converting to Islam.

The sad truth is that traditional societies weren't any better for white incels or women than today. You didn't get paired with even a 7/10 or better unless your family had money.

If you yourself were below 5/10 you'd be wed to whoever paid the most in land or cash or cattle, or sent off to a monastery in exchange for payment to your parents, or just to get rid of you.

Difference was people could judge you based on your face and say you were born ugly as a test or punishment then proceed to treat you like shit and feel divinely justified.

European incels mass converting to Islam would make non-whites even bigger incels. Its like they are preparing you for your own demise becoming even more incel and alienated from normal society.

Soon, every socially awkward/autistic white male will be placed under surveillance for few of incel terrorism. They're already trying to manufacture incel "ideology", like how they're trying to manufacture Boogaloo "ideology". Obviously, this is an attempt to demonise ideas which challenge the neocon/neolib status quo.


On an interesting note, "white sharia" as a meme was used by Russian propaganda machines during the Ukrainian conflict. They were saying how Ukrainian Neo-Nazis mass converting to Islam to fight the Russian infidels literally. Also how Ukrainians helped Chechens commit acts of terror in Southern Russia during the Chechen-Russian conflict.


04-03-2021, 07:15 AM
This link that you make could be part of the explanation : frustration, nothing to lose mentality, wanting a radical change in life, idealization of the pure "Islamic" society

But I think there is something even more trivial, that has nothing to do with theology (because most Western-born Muslims that went to Jihad, were not scholarly trained in Islam), it's also simply about getting the thrill, the adrenaline of fighting, will of power (Nietzschean sense), unconscious projection of hero/action movies/video games into real life, testosterone impulse to fight and experience war for its own sake

IMO people give too much importance about the top-down process : well-thought Ideology leading to concrete terrorist actions. I don't deny the role of ideology, especially Islam, as a vital and energizing religion because it covers the entirety of human experience (from material to spiritual to family to social). This is why Islam is a great catalyst for great causes.

But we should also see the bottom-up proces that is involved also : people with strong primal instincts to thrill, of fighting, aggression, will of power that are suppressed by the supergo, that find in radical Islam a rationalization and a way to act out. This is why most of these terrorists were involved in petty crimes, or same in another context and time, bandits/criminals being paramilitary in the EX-YU wars (replace religion with nationalism as a catalyst)

Especially in the context of boring, "bland", civilized Western societies, where everything is regulated, where "peace" has been achieved...

04-07-2021, 05:44 PM
Feminists are becoming Muslim too for some reason.

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