View Full Version : What is your most controversial view/opinion?

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03-24-2009, 12:01 PM
Self-explanatory; I'll post mine after I've had some sleep and can articulate my thoughts better, I just didn't want to forget to post this. :)

03-24-2009, 12:35 PM
Alright. I'll get the semantics and other 'B.S.' out of the way, first.

By "controversial", I assume you mean that which would not "jive" with the opinion of the common man/everyday man.

1.) No one has an 'inalienable' right to anything.

2.) Not all men are created 'equal' or with 'equal' opportunity.

3.) Some people should just shut the hell up: Democratic institutions/nations are too noisey for my taste; and, leave far too much room for error.

4.) 'Blacks' are inferiorior; and it is obvious beyond the point of debate.

5.) Jews are 'smarter...' than non-Jews; and, have made it a Folkway and an essential aspect of their Mores to protect the Race: We have not.

6.) European man is one of the greatest misegenators in the history of the planet. - and now were paying for it.

I could go on, indefinately.

03-24-2009, 12:43 PM
Human beings are the most filthy and disgusting species to evolve on this planet ... we deserve to go extinct as soon as possible, then the rest of the life on this planet will thrive. Here's me quietly wishing for a massive asteroid to make its way towards the blue planet ...

Ok, now you can ban me.


03-24-2009, 12:56 PM
Human beings are the most filthy and disgusting species to evolve on this planet ... we deserve to go extinct as soon as possible, then the rest of the life on this planet will thrive. Here's me quietly wishing for a massive asteroid to make its way towards the blue planet ...

Ok, now you can ban me.


You mean like this?

That video gives me goosebumps all over my body and a big fat smile upon my face.

03-24-2009, 01:04 PM
Making me think this hard on a Tuesday morning Oulfie...tisk, tisk! ;) Excellent question though. :D

For me I think they would primarily be the following:

1. Women CANNOT do everything that a man can do and nor should they feel that they have to prove such nonsense. (The converse of course is also true: men cannot do everything that a woman can do).

2. A woman has the full exclusive right to determine how her body will be used at any given time; nobody has the right to tell her otherwise.

3. I am an ardent supporter of Canada's bilingualism policy. Most Canadians have bawked at this, especially in the last while. I think that Pierre Trudeau's language policy lifted the French Canadian from second-class citizen to equal class citizen in his own country. And all of that is very fine by yours truly! :)

4. I most definitely DO believe that Québec is and has a distinct society.

Hmmm this is all that I can think of for now...Aemma :)

03-24-2009, 01:36 PM
There's a few, so I'll follow the lead and use a list format.

1) While I believe Europeans in general are a superior people among humanity, Northern Europeans are specifically at the top of this group. The master race of the master race, to put it simply. Nordicist doctrine is supported by countless examples throughout history.

2) Homosexuality is not innate or biological, but rather the result of mental illness, a personal choice, or simple attention-seeking.

3) I am staunchly opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage, secularism, drug legalization, gun control, and feminism.

4) I support the independence of Quebec from Canada, and the removal of these ridiculous language laws introduced by the communist Trudeau regime, which places a minority in a position of power over the majority in this nation.

5) The definition of "Canadian" is an individual originating from one or more of the originally-settling ethnic groups. That includes the groups of the British Isles, French, Germans, Dutch, and Scandinavians. All others, European or not, are now, and forever will be, foreigners.

03-24-2009, 02:07 PM
My most controversial opinion, is that people who surved societys purpose and are now a strain on society should be euthanised...

03-24-2009, 02:46 PM
1. Russians, turks and countries like kosovo or romania are not european and not white!!! Their history and culture is inferior to European standard and they are insane , they have bloodlust. And they are mixed with non european races.

2. I think Northern Europeans (Germanics Balts and Celts) are the best what evolution has created. Other races are not on our level ---- the history and development shows it! :thumb001: --- Yes i am a racist girl.

3. Money is bad it corrupts mankind! we should go back to item economy...("I give you this and you give me that!")

03-24-2009, 02:48 PM
1. I don't believe in the universal franchise. In particular I don't belived women should have the vote. As for non-Europids ( in what should be White/Europids societies), well it goes without saying they shouldn't have it either. And those White males who want the vote should have to undergo intellect & values testing before being awarded the franchise. When everyone has the vote, politicos are busy scheming to payoff everyone - except White males.

2. I believe non-Europids, including Negroes, should be expelled (http://forums.skadi.net/showthread.php?t=96532) from the US. The Native Indians can have their designated reservations.

2.) Not all men are created 'equal' or with 'equal' opportunity. Nor are men & women created equal with equal opportunity.

4. 'Blacks' are inferiorior; and it is obvious beyond the point of debate.

5. I don't believe women should have control over their own bodies. It is too apparent that many of them are not mature enough to handle that responsibility. And abortion should not be used as a means of birth control.

6. Miscegenation (doing it or encouraging it) should be illegal & punishable by confinement & banishment.

7. Schools & all places used for social interaction should be segregated by race. This should include theatres & employee lounges, restaurants etc...

8. I believe that sterilization should be used as means of controlling population levels & for eugenics. I would favor bribing people to have themselves sterilized but certain persons should be sterilized against their will, e.g. Nadya Suleman or mothers of anchor babies, ghetto mothers etc...

9. I think society should become more patriarchal, like the 19th century.

10. I believe the welfare state should be dismantled, including social security. We got along throughout most of history without welfare & it is driving us into bankruptcy.

Human beings are the most filthy and disgusting species to evolve on this planet ... we deserve to go extinct as soon as possible, then the rest of the life on this planet will thrive. Here's me quietly wishing for a massive asteroid to make its way towards the blue planet ...

I assume you have had yourself sterilized? And that attittude doesn't sound very preservationalist.

2) Homosexuality is not innate or biological, but rather the result of mental illness, a personal choice, or simple attention-seeking.

3) I am staunchly opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage, secularism, drug legalization, gun control, and feminism.

I don't consider those opinions controversial but I don't live in Canada or Manhattan.:coffee:

03-24-2009, 02:53 PM
I assume you have had yourself sterilized? And that attittude doesn't sound very preservationalist.

Well, thusfar it's just about the only truly controversial opinion in this thread. :wink

03-24-2009, 02:53 PM
A Question:

May we debate the "controversial opinions" of others in this thread? (Directed more toward Ulf...)?

03-24-2009, 03:04 PM
Perhapse take them out into a new thread each if you think it worth it? that would avoid cluttering this one.

I believe in forced work for those who are capable but to lazy,

I believe that education past 14 should be optional.

I believe in corpral punishment for minor crimes.

03-24-2009, 03:04 PM
Hmm, aside from the usual controversial ideas about race and ethnicity that would draw someone to a forum like this, my big one is perhaps this:

I think Spengler was most likely right. The West is in a state of decline and will, like any other organism, eventually die. I do not believe, as do other racialists that the tide can be turned. I do not believe that it will get worse and then that a "white utopia" will arise out of the ashes. I think that the West's dominance will be replaced by something entirely different, just as has happened throughout mankind's history. I find this lamentable and continue to do my part make things better for my people, but, in the end, I am, in Spengler's sense, a pessimist.

03-24-2009, 03:13 PM
I believe that purity is an unnatural condition and that the quest for it leads to disaster. The quest for a world of perfect balance where everyone is equal and no one ever offends anyone else holds back the strong and the creative while reducing individuals to the lovingly-polished chips on their shoulders.

Similarly, because of natural human variability, the quest for racial purity leads to infighting and stagnation. There was no pure past world that we can restore, and no pure future world we can demand by thowing tantrums.

If you really crave purity, smoke crack and see what happens to your life and what is around you as you pursue that one moment of the perfect hit.

We can only rebuild the world situation by situation. This takes a flexible mindset with an eye towards increasing the odds of serendipity.

Alas, this philosophical stance beyond left and right seems controversial in all situations.

03-24-2009, 03:32 PM
1. I don't believe in the universal franchise. In particular I don't belived women should have the vote. As for non-Europids ( in what should be White/Europids societies), well it goes without saying they shouldn't have it either. And those White males who want the vote should have to undergo intellect & values testing before being awarded the franchise. When everyone has the vote, politicos are busy scheming to payoff everyone - except White males.

2. I believe non-Europids, including Negroes, should be expelled (http://forums.skadi.net/showthread.php?t=96532) from the US. The Native Indians can have their designated reservations.

3. Nor are men & women created equal with equal opportunity.

4. 'Blacks' are inferiorior; and it is obvious beyond the point of debate.

5. I don't believe women should have control over their own bodies. It is too apparent that many of them are not mature enough to handle that responsibility. And abortion should not be used as a means of birth control.

6. Miscegenation (doing it or encouraging it) should be illegal & punishable by confinement & banishment.

7. Schools & all places used for social interaction should be segregated by race. This should include theatres & employee lounges, restaurants etc...

8. I believe that sterilization should be used as means of controlling population levels & for eugenics. I would favor bribing people to have themselves sterilized but certain persons should be sterilized against their will, e.g. Nadya Suleman or mothers of anchor babies, ghetto mothers etc...

9. I think society should become more patriarchal, like the 19th century.

10. I believe the welfare state should be dismantled, including social security. We got along throughout most of history without welfare & it is driving us into bankruptcy.

I assume you have had yourself sterilized? And that attittude doesn't sound very preservationalist.

I don't consider those opinions controversial but I don't live in Canada or Manhattan.:coffee:

I agree, also Non-Europids should be expelled from Europe too. If we don't we will be living in preservations like the Native Indians in America do, if we aren't exterminated by the violent, retarded Muslim scum that's infesting our lands or if we aren't all murdered and raped by the violent, retarded Niggers that are also infesting our lands.

Also, I even though I am age eligible to vote I didn't vote in the last election. I would more than willingly give up the right to vote. I don't think it should be a right, but a privilege. One that only White men should have. Most women tend to vote Liberally and look at what Liberalism has done to our nations. I don't mean anything against the other women on this site, but women who vote Conservatively are far and few between. But Liberal voting tendencies aren't the only reason that I agree that women shouldn't have the right to vote.

Miscegenators, in Europe and in America should be deported to the nation of origins of the individual they miscegenated with, as do their children. And with non-Europid immigration banned from our nations in the future, if any Europids marry a non-Europid or have a child by one they will not be allowed back into our nations, nor will their children. They will be stripped of their citizenship of whatever White nation they previously were citizens of.

Sterilization is absolutely neccesary for population control. As is Eugenics, we don't need people with Down's Syndrome and other forms of severe mental retardation reproducing. Also, having children should be a privilege and not a right. Too much scum is reproducing and too much of fine racial stock isn't.

03-24-2009, 06:13 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of miscegenation. ;)

Baron Samedi
03-24-2009, 06:29 PM
1. Seid can and should be practiced by males.

2. Women can be warriors alongside of men as well (Looks towards Queen Boudicca and Brynhild for such inspiration).

3. I think heathenry should be "ruled" by an aristocracy of some sort again....

That is all for now.

03-24-2009, 06:50 PM
Pregnant women should be examined early enough to prevent any more down-syndrom (or other children who cannot take care of theirselfs when they grow up) children to be born.

03-24-2009, 07:02 PM
Hmmm, do I even have any opinions that could be considered controversial here at the Apricity .... ? Well, maybe some of these might fit the bill:

My worldview is admittedly pretty abstract and dreamy (some might call it utopian), but here goes anyway.

I believe in the human intellect, in human dignity and freedom. I believe in freedom of thought, opinion, speech and in the right of people to express themselves freely, whether that self-expression is intellectual, artistic, sexual, whatever. I believe in logic, reason, the scientific method and in empiricism.

I believe in ethnically consistent nation states, where the individual citizen can feel that s/he is a part of a larger whole, a nation of people working for the common good, instead of a dog-eat-dog world where each individual is in constant struggle with everyone else. In that sense I am a National Socialist. I do, in principle, agree with the Communist slogan "to each according to his ability, to each according to his need". It's just a pity that the Commies didn't practice what they preached.

Although I most certainly hold certain ethnic and racial groups in higher regard that others, I think of each person I meet as an individual first, and as a representative of his particular group only second.

I hope all this doesn't make come across as a hopeless bleeding-heart liberal.

And oh, I do believe in the Singularity. Or want to.

Black Turlogh
03-24-2009, 07:05 PM
I believe that Gaelic origins lay in the Iberian Peninsula. Not such a controversial thing amongst the Irish, but apparently it isn't too well accepted elsewhere. By extension, I feel there is an unspoken sense of brotherhood between Gaels and Spaniards (I await Oswiu's response :D).

Furthermore, the concept of whiteness is something I utterly reject and want no part of.

Lastly, for the time being, it makes little sense, in my most humble opinion, to hold immigrants responsible for the deterioration of European nations. It is, in truth, we who are responsible in our acceptance of the utterly ludicrous, liberal immigration policies our governments have chosen to adopt and defend.

03-24-2009, 08:19 PM
Alright. I'll get the semantics and other 'B.S.' out of the way, first.

By "controversial", I assume you mean that which would not "jive" with the opinion of the common man/everyday man.

1.) No one has an 'inalienable' right to anything.

2.) Not all men are created 'equal' or with 'equal' opportunity.

3.) Some people should just shut the hell up: Democratic institutions/nations are too noisey for my taste; and, leave far too much room for error.

4.) 'Blacks' are inferiorior; and it is obvious beyond the point of debate.

5.) Jews are 'smarter...' than non-Jews; and, have made it a Folkway and an essential aspect of their Mores to protect the Race: We have not.

6.) European man is one of the greatest misegenators in the history of the planet. - and now were paying for it.

I could go on, indefinately.

Seems to mirror myself quite well, I've got a few of my own though:

1. Nativism, doesn't fly with very many people not even within a preservationist community, most believe kumbaya with everyone of your race just because it's your race, I believe contrary, I believe the native caste, being those descendant from the forgers of the nation should have priority, now in America this is tricky, back in the 1800's it was clear, the Anglos were that caste, but in the 18 to early 1900's the Irish and German immigrants sacrificed equally to that of the previous Anglo-Colonial caste and were thus considered natives in their own right because they have had significant time within U.S. soil and shared in the hardship and helped forge the path of the U.S., now a very controversial issue within this is, what about the people of color?

#1 There weren't too many people of color in the U.S. that did anything to benefit the nation, in order to be considered a native one has to be a benefit not a loss. Those who were beneficial were few and beyond, not the typical case.

#2 the Negroe is a thrall, a tool, had poor participation in the forging of the nation i.e. murdering slave owners, using military service for reasons other than fighting to forge a nation, all un-native behavior.

#3 The Amerindians, they're the conquered people, an underclass, they do not deserve to share the power of the natives(natives being the ruling/conquering class) because they lost, fair and square, they were out matched.

#4 Elaboration on who I consider the natives to be: Anyone of European ancestry who's family has been in the United States since the First World War, reasons: That is a significant amount of time, more than enough for these families to be "assimilated", this is an era of great sacrifice and a change of the world, they took part in an influential era, they helped in the forging of a temporary nation of might and honor(I say temporary because we have obviously strayed soooo far away from our glory), now one may ask why WW1 instead of WW2? My reasoning is this, the WW1 era had larger waves of immigration to begin with, a larger portion of the population arrived during that time, thus more shared a sacrifice.

Now, in regards to both eras, I do hold hostility towards those individuals that still held loyalty to Germany during both World Wars instead of supporting their nation the U.S. their current home, in all honesty in both World Wars all the sides were guilty of crimes unbecoming, so it is logical to stick with your homeland since one cannot choose a true moral side, and those that held Germany as their homeland, or anywhere other than the U.S. as their homeland at heart cannot truly expect to be a native, to be a native of the U.S. one has to be devoted to fighting to forge the U.S. and loyal to it not to a foreign power. To be blunt I'd favor a German immigrant from both era's that was loyal to the U.S. over a German immigrant that was loyal to Germany not the U.S., after all this is America, not Germany, as soon as they hopped on the boat, they forfeited their "German identity" they should have loyalty to America their new home.

Now people ask why I hold hostility to immigrants after the World War era, my reasoning is this, #1 there weren't that many immigrants from Europe during that era(being after WW1&2), most were from nations unbecoming, and most were rag tags who were not needed. #2 The time span is not long enough to be "native" the World War era is just the right amount of time for a family to become true blue American, it's a time span of approx. 100 years on U.S. soil, which is why WW2 is the cut off point that's just over 65 years, not 100 yet, so technically in my opinion WW2 era immigrants are not quite there, now WW1 immigrants are close enough to where I can consider them natives since they've been here approx. 91-86 years, much closer to 100 years than the WW2 immigrants. Basically anything from WW1 and before has been here long enough to be American, WW2 era is almost there, one more generation and they'll have it.

Why do I favor these folks? Because they've been here long enough to make an impact, to truly be American. Now, I do have some personal bias within the native caste, I honestly prefer Colonial Era and U.S. Civil War Era folks, more identical to myself, we've been here longer, and have more in common than we do with immigrants from later, so personally I believe in tiers within the Nativist movement, Tier 1 is the Colonial and U.S. Civil War Stock Tier 2 Reconstruction Era Tier 3 WW1 and soon to be a Tier 4 WW2. Right now there are only 3 Tier's, the fourth is on its way, and honestly I don't want there to be anymore Tiers. There needs to be a cut off point, and the cut off point needs to be now, no more, close borders to all. Why? Because now the only immigrants that seem to be coming here are harmful individuals from South of the Rio Grande and from the Great Litter Box across the sea i.e. the Middle East, and from the Indies. We don't need those folks, they have no ancestry tie with the true native peoples, and they have nothing to give that we want or need in terms of labor, we can do it ourselves, and honestly I do not want to see immigration from Europe, why? There's simply not enough room on U.S. soil, there's already too many cities, too many ghettos, not enough nature, more immigration from anywhere would jeapordize my homeland that which I grew up around and grew to love, it would jeapordize the land marks that I have grown familiar with, I do not want to see the woodlands and mountains of my childhood destroyed to build cities to support further waves of immigration.

To be blunt, keep America ancestrally European, keep American Native, keep America's border's sealed, and natives get off yer asses and work so that immigrants don't have an excuse to come over here. It is paramount that the natives prove their worth, prove why we are the ones who should rightfully inherit this land, it is up to us to work our fingers to the bone to build and grow so that we can say we did it, not some immigrant.

03-24-2009, 08:38 PM
As a libertarian, I want all drug use decriminalized in the US. This will end the multi-trillion dollar war on drugs which has never worked. The war on drugs is what created all the gangs that rot our cities today. Half of the Americans in jail today are there on a drug charge. The cost of wasted lives and families because someone smoked some hemp is ridiculous.

I do not want the government to get involved and regulate and tax drugs. Just let the free market take effect. Most of the people I know who like a little buzz now and then will just grow a few plants out back, and will have no need to ever interface with drug dealers for any reason.

Oh, the drug dealers will go out of business, and actually have to go out and get jobs.

There will be no more increase in drug use than there is right now. Even with the trillions of dollars wasted on the drug war, anyone who wants to obtain drugs can get them now, illegally. Just because the illegal status is removed, the same percentage of drug users will remain, and not have to deal with gang banger drug dealers.

03-24-2009, 09:05 PM
after reading Birkas post i think i have a other controversial opinion:

Drug dealing should lead to death penalty!! I hate drug dealers , i have seen many people sufering on drugs , it kills people , makes them un-able to have a free will and happy life and is a real bad crime. I have no tolerance for legalisation of drugs , sorry!!

03-24-2009, 09:26 PM
You can debate them here, SuuT, but I do think this thread would explode in clutter. I think a new thread for what you wish to debate would be better, but I'm not in charge here. :D

1. I don't think abortion is wrong, ever.

2. Children shouldn't be a tax deduction, the opposite in fact.

3. 90% of humanity are nothing more than animals with speech. You should have to pass an IQ test at 18 to gain human rights.

4. Sterilization and euthanasia need to be carried out on most of the population. There are too many people, the herd needs to be culled.

5. Human life has no inherent value.

These are off the top of my head, I may come up with more later.

Human beings are the most filthy and disgusting species to evolve on this planet ... we deserve to go extinct as soon as possible, then the rest of the life on this planet will thrive. Here's me quietly wishing for a massive asteroid to make its way towards the blue planet ...

Ok, now you can ban me.


I like to think that if Jörð were so inclined she would have no problem removing us. :)

03-24-2009, 11:19 PM
You can debate them here, SuuT, but I do think this thread would explode in clutter.

Thanks to you, Ulf; and at this point, I agree: there is waaaaaaayyyy too much Canon Fodder at this point.:D

EDIT: I reserve the right (per Ancient Germanic Law) to take any and all of you to task, and bring you to book. :D......In another thread, that is. :)

03-25-2009, 12:55 AM
Feminism; is absolutely appalling to me (I am sure most here would agree though). I am perfectly fine being at home, cooking, cleaning etc. I'd rather have children and have a husband to be supportive of, take care of kids, cook, clean etc than to have come 'career' and have like one kid later on, usually with Down Syndrome or something and probably not even get married (artificial insemination or whatever). Seeing a feminist cunt end up with a Down Syndrome child after her 'career' is poetic justice. I'd only get a job if I had to, to make ends meet to support my family but so many women these days have a false sense of entitlement and the whole 'us-vs-them' thing with men. No wonder our people are facing such a demographic crisis. White women and White men have been turned against each other. I am tired of this 'gender war' and women feeling that they deserve all the same opportunities as men do. For what reason? Just because some Jews (and Jew indoctrinated) feminists have told them they've been 'oppressed' and they need to be 'liberated'. Why are they trying to be something they shouldn't be? It isn't natural. I am all for tradition and patriarchal society. I mean nothing against the women here who work, I am just sick of seeing so many women holding off or totally not having families in stead having careers and doing jobs women traditionally wouldn't have done, how about shouldn't. Once I find a husband (I'd rather get married them get a degree and a career; what better career would there be than being a housewife and a caring mother and wife?) I have some personal (emotional issues) to work on (but none of us are perfect I know but I've got some serious issues) but maybe in six or eight years (I hope it won't take that long) I'd be married and then starting a family. My parents have a FAR from perfect marriage but they've stayed together for my sister and I. I admire my parents for sticking together. No one is perfect and there is no perfect marriage but there are some attributes to each of my parents I see in myself and that I don't want to see in myself in the future. In some respects I can learn from their mistakes and try not to make them myself in the future. I'd like to find a man (preferably of Italian heritage, though it ultimately doesn't matter as long as he's White. I'm only half-Italian American and identify as such) and I don't want my kids more mixed up than I am :p. But what really matters is that we both have the same goals and the same values, as in the future of our race, and he likes good food. :D But seriously, I can't understand Feminists. How about Femi-nasty? Feminists and other sick-minded freaks should be euthanized, why keep them in institutions on the tax-payers money (by the way I think tax should be abolished) but they're detrimental towards society. There really is no reasoning with feminists.

Anyway sorry for the long rant-ish post. But Feminists don't even deserve to be called women.

03-25-2009, 01:03 AM
I don't like kids and I don't particularly want them at this point in my life.

Lady L
03-25-2009, 01:25 AM
Hmmm, I am a bit tired and not at the clearest thinking point but I may can offer a few things at this moment...

* Marijuana should be legalized with no criminal punishment
* Abortion should remain legal
* I support right to bare arms
* Illegals should be sent back where they came from, immediately
* I support some Government funding for certain people in need of help
* I'm against banning smoking in bars/private owned places
* I'm somewhat against cell phone use while driving
* I'm against gay marriage
* I support women and doing what makes them happy ( not what society tells them to do/be )
* I strongly support animal rights ...

There's a few to start and @ Ulf...why shouldn't children be a tax deduction..?? and @ Æmeric how do you propose women not having say over their own bodies...how would that work out...? Who would control them and how..?

03-25-2009, 01:28 AM
1) I often see beauty outside of my own "race".

2) Jews are not the master of puppets, hiding in every dark corner ready to pounce upon and devour unsuspecting Europeans.

They might actually be our friends.

3) I think Jorg Haider was a raging homosexual and those who continually deny he was are homosexual and/or sexually deviant themselves or simply unable to comprehend that a man who liked to play with other men's testicles is not what modern nationalism would ever require.

(Also, have you noticed the biggest supporters of eugenics all suck up to the personality which was Jorg Haider?! I know! It's crazy!)

4) It is not acceptable to sit at the same table with the enemy of your enemy.

5) People who are in the act of committing suicide should be encouraged by bystanders to actually go through with the act instead of failing at failing.

6) All drugs should be cleansed from this Earth and all drug users thrown into the deepest, darkest pit known to man to be left to ponder their lives for a moment or two.

7) Children should be hit more often than they are praised.

03-25-2009, 01:39 AM
@ Æmeric how do you propose women not having say over their own bodies...how would that work out...? Who would control them and how..?
Lets just say that women should face the consequences of their actions. Allowing abortion-on-demand allows women to engage in risky behavior. The threat of an unplanned pregnancy was an influential factor in how women handled themselves 50-years ago. With freedom comes responsibility, but many persons assume freedom means no responsibility & no consequences for their actions.


^ An extreme example of a woman who needs someone other-then-herself to take control of her body.

Who would control them and how..? Many years ago, one of my aunts traveled to the city my family then lived in to have a tubal ligation. Having big ears & an inquisitive nature I listened in on the conversations on the adult subjects between my mother & aunt. Turns out my aunt who was in her late 30s needed a signed consent form from her husband to have the procedure. This was about 1971. This seems right that a husband should have a say in such matters. For younger women it should be the parents.

I support right to bare arms It's the right to bear arms.;)

03-25-2009, 01:41 AM
Considering a) that most of the posters in this forum hold opinions greatly at variance with 'common opinion,' and b) that deviance is always in the eye of the beholder, can any of us say with great confidence that anything that we believe is controversial? Just a thought.

03-25-2009, 01:52 AM
yes I could say that I want to breed with a Chinese man, now that WOULD be contoversial as it is I'm going to add that;

I'm pretty much a feminist

03-25-2009, 03:11 AM
Here we go! ;)
1: I think the Confederate States of America should secede and be recognized as an independent nation.

2: I think integration should be reversed.

3:I think immigration should be slowed and restrictions tightened.I think illegals should be shot on sight.

4: I think Texas should become an independent Republic.

5: I think English should be our official language, the only one spoken in public.

6: Blacks and other minorities should have their own seperate pieces of land and kept far from us.

7: The C.S.A. should develop closer ties to the U.K., perhaps with a shared government.

8:Families of victims of violent crimes should be allowed to impose capital sentence on the perpetrator in any way they see fit.

9: Indigenous Heathen traditions should be recognized as valid and legal religions.

10:Stave Temples to the gods,goddesses and land wights need to be erected.

03-25-2009, 03:16 AM
Here we go! ;)
1: I think the Confederate States of America should secede and be recognized as an independent nation.

2: I think integration should be reversed.

3:I think immigration should be slowed and restrictions tightened.I think illegals should be shot on sight.

4: I think Texas should become an independent Republic.

5: I think English should be our official language, the only one spoken in public.

6: Blacks and other minorities should have their own seperate pieces of land and kept far from us.

7: The C.S.A. should develop closer ties to the U.K., perhaps with a shared government.

8:Families of victims of violent crimes should be allowed to impose capital sentence on the perpetrator in any way they see fit.

9: Indigenous Heathen traditions should be recognized as valid and legal religions.

10:Stave Temples to the gods,goddesses and land wights need to be erected.

I agree 100% x infinity. Awesome awesome awesome.

03-25-2009, 03:22 AM
I agree 100% x infinity. Awesome awesome awesome.

Then it's not controversial.

03-25-2009, 03:24 AM
Then it's not controversial.

it may be to someone else.

03-25-2009, 03:29 AM
Mankind disgusts me. I'll take a walk through town and get this deep hatred for everything around me. I hate modern society, and I hate the way we live.. I hate what we've become.. I hate technology, and ultimately frown upon us for our reliance on it. I hate myself for being human.

I suppose anyone who is close to the outdoors like I am feels like this to an extent. But I really can't stand the thought of humanity..

03-25-2009, 03:37 AM
@ Ulf...why shouldn't children be a tax deduction..??

Keep immigrants/minorities from coming here and having 20 kids. Don't give them incentive.

03-25-2009, 03:50 AM
It's the right to bear arms.;)

You mean...


Lady L
03-25-2009, 04:01 AM

^ An extreme example of a woman who needs someone other-then-herself to take control of her body.

The picture you added didn't show up on my end...what was it..?

Many years ago, one of my aunts traveled to the city my family then lived in to have a tubal ligation. Having big ears & an inquisitive nature I listened in on the conversations on the adult subjects between my mother & aunt. Turns out my aunt who was in her late 30s needed a signed consent form from her husband to have the procedure. This was about 1971. This seems right that a husband should have a say in such matters. For younger women it should be the parents.

I can possibly accept parents having say in a minor. I however ( which you already knew I was gonna say this ) Can Not accept a man having say, even if he is the husband, over an adult women's body. That is ridiculous to me because: It sounds like an assumption- you think that a man can decide whats best for a women because 1) he knows best...? 2) because he wouldn't make a mistake in his decision ..? How can you assume that just because he is male that he would make the right decision..? You can't. So, therefore it isn't whats best for anyone. ( I have more to say but its late, maybe tomorrow ) Oh, but before I go...these ideas you have make me think of something a Jew would say...:confused: :wink ( btw, if you mean a husband should have " a say " then sure, I agree. But, if you do mean what I thought you meant as in " The Say " I disagree. :)

It's the right to bear arms.;)

Well, I said I was tired! :p

Keep immigrants/minorities from coming here and having 20 kids. Don't give them incentive.

I don't think child tax credits are all they have in mind as benefits when coming here. Its not my ( our ) fault that the law isn't carried out- { if they are illegal } if the law was carried out- always- then they would not benefit...they would be back in their own homeland. Therefore, our people would benefit from the child tax credit as they should. Oh, and I don't think taking away something from Americans, who earned it...is the answer in punishing an illegal....

03-25-2009, 04:05 AM
I'd pay to have children. I will pay to have children.

I go to the city to work and see Mexicans walking around with 7 little kids walking behind them and die a little inside. Tax their kids, they might leave.

03-25-2009, 04:06 AM
That child credit thing is bullshit, too!:mad: I don't care how many spiclets these illegals have here!They should go right along with their parents back over the border.Birthright citizenship is such an unfunny joke..birth to an American born to American parents of European extraction is something else altogether,though..

03-25-2009, 04:16 AM
Mankind disgusts me. I'll take a walk through town and get this deep hatred for everything around me. I hate modern society, and I hate the way we live.. I hate what we've become.. I hate technology, and ultimately frown upon us for our reliance on it. I hate myself for being human.

I suppose anyone who is close to the outdoors like I am feels like this to an extent. But I really can't stand the thought of humanity..

^ further reason why immigration needs to stop, the more people that come, the less nature there will be, got to shelter these punks now don't we? It's crap I know, I want our border's sealed so that we can enjoy the little bit of nature we have left rather than watch it waste away further. It kills me, heck it got so bad within myself I began talking to the damn trees, now come on does that sound normal? No, but desperate times cause desperate actions, I would die completely if I watched further destruction of the woods and hills of my life, it would kill me, I could not live one minute. It's out of control and what further more kills me is watching people support this action for the sake of political correction and "industry" I want to know how humanity got so screwed up, are we for real the children of the gods? the very gods that created this nature, the nature that people, humanity, so willingly squanders? It's shameful, and I'm glad to see others who love nature the same way I do, may nature live on and may we fight to preserve it at all costs. Heck I even have trees planted in my name lol.

03-25-2009, 07:08 AM
1) I would like to see New Zealand become a maritime nation. It makes no sense that as a country surrounded by seas and being so trade-reliant, that we do not have our own ships transporting the goods.

2) New Zealand needs to increase it's EEZ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EEZ#New_Zealand), regardless of any international pressure. I support the admission of other island nations into the Realm of New Zealand, provided it is beneficial to us, i.e. increases our EEZ.

3) I advocate even stronger political and military ties with Australia, though...

4) New Zealand will be a republic over my dead body. There is no way that we should shift our foreign policy even further from UK.

"With gratitude for the past and confidence in the future we range ourselves without fear beside Britain. Where she goes, we go; where she stands, we stand. We are only a small and young nation, but we march with a union of hearts and souls to a common destiny." - Michael Joseph Savage

03-25-2009, 03:15 PM
I think Germanic women that have a baby should not pay taxes for three years.

I think prisoners should not be released until they can pass a polygraph test.

I think there should not be allowed any corporate donations to politicians.

There should be a percentage representation, instead of winner takes all in the US.

There should be a cap on income at 500,000 per year.

People should have absolute political freedom of speech. It gets questionable when it comes to slander.

Corporations should not be allowed to own one another.

Citizens should be allowed to own belt guns, and 20mm.

Economies should be gold based.

There should be a term limit of one term.

03-25-2009, 03:22 PM
^ further reason why immigration needs to stop, the more people that come, the less nature there will be, got to shelter these punks now don't we?

That reminds me of one person I was talking to who had one very controversial idea in regards to sheltering or housing the continued immigration population.

I was telling him that at current rates, the England as we know it would not be the green and pleasant land anymore, but a non-stop landscape of concrete jungles akin to the sprawl you see in American cities.

His solution was to ensure that new buildings should all be tenements for as far as the eye could see.

03-25-2009, 03:56 PM
All my opinions are most controversial, I am afraid. But in nationalist circles I have lost many friends recently for stating that we will get absolutely nowhere by using the Swastika and other relics from WW2. This is an extremely controversial opinion to adopt in the circles, I used to belong.

03-25-2009, 04:04 PM
All my opinions are most controversial, I am afraid. But in nationalist circles I have lost many friends recently for stating that we will get absolutely nowhere by using the Swastika and other relics from WW2. This is an extremely controversial opinion to adopt in the circles, I used to belong.

Not controversial at all here, though. :) I think most members of Apricity would agree with that.

Fortis in Arduis
03-25-2009, 04:08 PM
I think that co-operation with the Jewish-Israeli far-right will be necessary in order to defeat global jihad and the enemy within.

03-25-2009, 05:44 PM
I'm pretty much a feminist

Hey, I'm for women being feminists, as long being a feminist means "refuses to be some asshole's doormat"; instead of "raging psychotic man-hating bitch".

03-25-2009, 05:46 PM
In contemporary America a feminist is nearly always the latter.:rolleyes2:

03-25-2009, 07:21 PM
or maybe they are just the ones who scream the loudest?

03-25-2009, 07:24 PM
I don't think I have that controversial opinions..

03-25-2009, 07:28 PM
Some debates I've entered into in regards to nativism, my controversial opinion, have got me thinking, what about immigrants that served honorably in the U.S. military or were drafted and fought honorably? Should they be included in the native caste for honorable service and sacrifice equal or near equal to the sacrifice of the founding natives?

03-25-2009, 07:33 PM
I think Germanic women that have a baby should not pay taxes for three years.

Good one, but this one won't work I'm afraid. What if the Germanic woman decides to have non-Germanics baby?:eek::mad:

03-25-2009, 07:53 PM
Mankind disgusts me. I'll take a walk through town and get this deep hatred for everything around me. I hate modern society, and I hate the way we live.. I hate what we've become.. I hate technology, and ultimately frown upon us for our reliance on it. I hate myself for being human.

Why do you hate humans and what is your solution??? I understand that many idiots are on the planet who kill our countries but not all humans are like that....:)
Do you want that humans die out??? Yourself your family and children??? :( you cant want this!??

03-25-2009, 07:58 PM
Ok my turn:)
1) I don't tolerate homosexualism and homosexuals and other perversions.

2) Don't tolerate drugs("hard" and "soft") and drugs addicts.

3) I respect European people of America but I treat jewSA as the greatest weapon in the hands of sionists...particularly to care about their own business.

4) I believe(dream actually;)) in true(don't misteake it with EU:rolleyes:) Pan-European empire with equal European Nations...

5) I think about my people(Slavic/Polish) as health and vital, a bit barbaric probably in yours "Western" eyes:). So maybe some day my folk will performanced their contribution to better, new Europe(?).

6) I'm atcheistic and even anti-christian in country where christian catholics are almost 95% of Polish society this makes troubles.

7) Although I'm definitelly not nazi my lifes are consist from 14 words...

8) Well besides that I tolerate black, yellows, jews and all aliens in Europe and my country...no way it's only joke:D

03-26-2009, 09:24 AM
My controversial opinion is that I don't have a problem with Jewish people. In fact I secretly admire them for their achievements, resilience and their ability to stand their ground. I do not believe that they are a threat, in fact quite the opposite - I think that they can assimilate well and possess a pride in being a citizen of a host nation (unlike Muslims who see themselves as Muslim first, nationality second).

Not so much of a secret now is it. :rolleyes:

03-26-2009, 09:30 AM
^Guess what, I like Jews and gay people. I win.

03-26-2009, 09:35 AM
My problem with the Jewish folk is I find it difficult to separate fact from fiction in regards to their reputation. I find it wise to just stick to your own group for familiarities sake.

03-26-2009, 05:02 PM
Jews = okay.

Zionists = not okay.

Gay people who are regular human beings = okay.

Gay people who insisnt on rubbing their gayness on people's faces and prance around in pride parades carrying giant inflatable penises = not okay.

03-26-2009, 05:06 PM
My controversial opinion is that I don't have a problem with Jewish people. In fact I secretly admire them for their achievements, resilience and their ability to stand their ground. I do not believe that they are a threat, in fact quite the opposite - I think that they can assimilate well and possess a pride in being a citizen of a host nation (unlike Muslims who see themselves as Muslim first, nationality second).

Not so much of a secret now is it. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhhhhh Lords.

As I told you in rep., give it 50 years (or whatever quantity) and the majority of (actual patriots) will be holding the same position on Muslims.

We must know our History; as well as our Historiography.

03-26-2009, 05:08 PM
^Guess what, I like Jews and gay people. I win.

What is your prize? An honourary Yamicuh...?

03-26-2009, 05:18 PM
What is your prize? An honourary Yamicuh...?


Baron Samedi
03-26-2009, 06:20 PM
Ummm, this might not be really controversial, but I think the diets of most Eastern cultures is FAAAAR better than the way most North Americans eat.

I'm not so sure how nutrition is is Europe, though... So I can't comment on that.

New thread idea, perhaps?

EDIT: Thai curry is awesome!

03-26-2009, 06:43 PM
Jews = okay.

Zionists = not okay.

Gay people who are regular human beings = okay.

Gay people who insisnt on rubbing their gayness on people's faces and prance around in pride parades carrying giant inflatable penises = not okay.

That's more or less how I am. Especially with the Jew v.s. Zionist debate.

03-26-2009, 07:31 PM
What is your prize? An honourary Yamicuh...?

Sure, why not

03-26-2009, 07:49 PM
Sure, why not

Because you are saying this out of defiance; not out of Principle. Enjoy your Yamicuh. Perhaps you might enjoy a tonsure while were at it...?

03-27-2009, 05:38 AM
View the complete collection here :D


Ones I haven't seen others mention:

I don't believe in the 'disproportionate force' restriction on the right of self defense (or any other). If someone punches me or comes into my house without permission, I should have the right to shoot him. This goes on a countrywide level too, if some bunch of terrorists attack us, we have the right to nuke their countries.

Limits on emergency response service per person. I'm sick of the same crackheads running up huge expenses that normal people have to pay for with taxes. One unpaid ambulance call per year per person. If you don't pay for it (or your insurance doesn't), you don't get another one. Max of one 'domestic violence' police response per woman, ever. Throw the guy in the can for a week to let her make her escape, and thereafter presume it to be a voluntary position if she goes back to the same guy or hooks up with other 'tough guys'. Fights between criminals and gang members will be presumed voluntary mutual combat and not responded to or investigated by police.

Elimination of virtually all laws except those against murder, rape, assault, theft, and vandalism; which will be harshly punished. It is ridiculous to sentence people to more jail time for growing the wrong crop than for an armed robbery. Government will be as decentralized as possible.

Driving is not a 'privilege', it is a 'right'. This pisses me off when cops and others say this and use it as an excuse for draconian controls, the modern day equivalent to being able to stop anyone walking down the street and ask for their 'papers'. This isn't 1903 anymore: guess what, electricity isn't a 'luxury' anymore either. The roads are a public access and should be open to everyone of appropriate age.

I actually don't like jews but support zionism. They have to go somewhere, and the best place other than 6 feet under is off in some desert surrounded by savages. I really don't care where they go, as long as it's not 'here'.

03-27-2009, 06:13 AM
I have some views that most of my aquaintances would not agree with.

I believe that if you are a young woman of child bearing age, and you are a drug user, and have multiple babies while on drugs, I believe that they should be given long term birth control like Depo Provera, or a IUD. They are not permanent, and can be reversed if she cleans up her act, and gets off the drugs. Because doing drugs while pregnant is child abuse. The baby is born addicted to heroin and the like, and suffers emotional issues for the rest of their lives because of poor choices by the inferior mother. If it turns out that she really is not cleaning up her act, then possibly tubal ligation. Neglectful and abusive mothers fall in this category as well.

I also believe that we need stronger deterrents for the prevention of violent crimes. I believe that serial rapists, hell, rapists period, should be castrated, and then have their thumbs cut off. Child molestors would be castrated, and then further tortured on public television, with the intent of giving mutilating scars, and then allowed to live with the humilation of said scars for the rest of their lives.

I also think that instead of doing medical testing on animals, we should be doing experiments on violent criminals. These people have already demonstrated that they do not care about humanity. They have done horrendous things to land in jail. Why should the common people care about their human rights? Save the lab animals, and send in the murderers.

03-27-2009, 11:01 AM
I also believe that we need stronger deterrents for the prevention of violent crimes.

I agree, wholeheartedly: One step above, whatever we might deem that to be, the commission of a violent crime. We (the western world) don't seem to even be able to live-up to the Semetic "eye for an eye" principle. In a phrase, I say head for an eye.

I believe that serial rapists, hell, rapists period, should be castrated, and then have their thumbs cut off. Child molestors would be castrated, and then further tortured on public television, with the intent of giving mutilating scars, and then allowed to live with the humilation of said scars for the rest of their lives.

(Great post Frigg:thumb001:) I agree again; however, chemical castration is given as an option to repeat offenders (in some states) and has had no measurable affect of recitivism. It is a Neurosis/Psychopathology only loosely connected to free testosterone levels (provided, by and large, per the testes).

I like the scarrification/humiliation thing, though:). - Might have an empirically measureable affect upon recitivism rates...

I suppose we won't know till we try.

03-28-2009, 01:36 PM
Feminism; is absolutely appalling to me (I am sure most here would agree though).

The entire point seems to be to promote inequality and militant hostility but to hide behind male authority in order to get all their crazy ideas implemented. Insane.

I am perfectly fine being at home, cooking, cleaning etc. I'd rather have children and have a husband to be supportive of, take care of kids, cook, clean etc than to have come 'career' and have like one kid later on,

Sure why not. I also don't see anything wrong with the woman working (let's say she has a better job and can make more money while the husband then does more of the housework and looking after the kids). The general idea should be to distribute the workload in the family so as long as everybody are pulling their weight it's all good.

and probably not even get married (artificial insemination or whatever).

I saw a crazy IVF advertisement on the Metro (Underground) today (see attachment) It's like they're commercialising artificial babymaking (and possibly paid for with taxes???? :confused: ) in order to please some weirdos. Imo it's criminal to promote what will very likely be single parent families like this. The poor kids deserve to grow up with both a male and female parent, not some selfish manhater/s.



Seeing a feminist cunt end up with a Down Syndrome child after her 'career' is poetic justice.

Unfortunately not for the poor kid.

I'd only get a job if I had to, to make ends meet to support my family but so many women these days have a false sense of entitlement and the whole 'us-vs-them' thing with men. No wonder our people are facing such a demographic crisis. White women and White men have been turned against each other. I am tired of this 'gender war' and women feeling that they deserve all the same opportunities as men do. For what reason? Just because some Jews (and Jew indoctrinated) feminists have told them they've been 'oppressed' and they need to be 'liberated'. Why are they trying to be something they shouldn't be? It isn't natural. I am all for tradition and patriarchal society.

There are some interesting writings on the topic about where it comes from and why it is being promoted. I agree that the aims of feminism are the promotion of misandry, destruction of the family and pointless friction, competition and resentment between men and women. Reducing the birthrate in Western Societies is possibly one reason, another could be that a broken society which has no cultural foundation or family structure left is easier to control and dominate by "special interests" groups.

An article worth reading on the topic here but keep an open mind of course and don't treat it as "gospel truth".


I mean nothing against the women here who work, I am just sick of seeing so many women holding off or totally not having families in stead having careers and doing jobs women traditionally wouldn't have done, how about shouldn't.

Unfortunately (at least where I live) financial realities and the cost of housing (unless you're sponging off the system) mean that life becomes unaffordable unless both partners are generating income. If one wants your kid/s to have any reasonable chance and education in life it's going to require a fair amount of money.

Once I find a husband (I'd rather get married them get a degree and a career; what better career would there be than being a housewife and a caring mother and wife?)

One fairly standard way of approaching this is to get educated / trained up asap after school, to work for a few years, to get married and to then decide on how to proceed. There aren't any "right or wrong" choices...... it's whatever makes most sense to one's particular requirements.

I have some personal (emotional issues) to work on (but none of us are perfect I know but I've got some serious issues) but maybe in six or eight years (I hope it won't take that long) I'd be married and then starting a family.

Most of us go through this stuff at some point or another. In my case things settled down a bit after hitting 25 :D

My parents have a FAR from perfect marriage but they've stayed together for my sister and I. I admire my parents for sticking together. No one is perfect and there is no perfect marriage but there are some attributes to each of my parents I see in myself and that I don't want to see in myself in the future. In some respects I can learn from their mistakes and try not to make them myself in the future.

Making mistakes is alright. It's repeating them which is stupid. :)

How about Femi-nasty?

Feminazi? :D

Feminists and other sick-minded freaks should be euthanized, why keep them in institutions on the tax-payers money (by the way I think tax should be abolished) but they're detrimental towards society.

Sure, they are hate filled destroyers and wreckers, not builders.

There really is no reasoning with feminists.

Not with the hardcore ones, sure but sometimes they are just angry young women blowing off a bit of steam who later realise their mistake and become "normal".

03-28-2009, 01:48 PM
How about simply being a lone carer for my children who doesn't need a man to take care of me, a Heathen who lives in a predominantly christian community, and a woman who is perfectly capable of carrying out any and all mundane tasks with relative ease - and not simply limited to what women are meant to do? Fuck the stereotyping, I won't stand for it!

03-28-2009, 01:49 PM
My problem with the Jewish folk is I find it difficult to separate fact from fiction in regards to their reputation. I find it wise to just stick to your own group for familiarities sake.

I look at it this way:

- Not all Jews are Zionists.

- Not all Zionists are Jews.

- Some of the cliches / stereotypes about Jews are true, the same as for any other culture. Some are less true, same as for any other culture.

- They tend to wield power and influence disproportionate to their numbers in countries / societies they live in. Some call it being successful, others call it a special-interests mafia. There is probably some truth to both claims.

- The majority are "normal" people.

- The organised Zionists amongst them often work against the best interests of the countries / societies they inhabit by becoming involved in exploitation, by abusing power and by brainwashing the societies with a number of destabilising and corruptive ism's (liberalism, communism, super-capitalism, feminism etc etc etc) which enables them to gain control over those societies and countries.

- I consider the radical Muslims and the Zionists to be roughly equal threats. The Zionists are better organised and funded while the Islamaniacs make up for this deficit through the weight of numbers. My idea of a more "ideal" society to live in would preclude both those groups from gaining a foothold or any significant power and influence.

03-28-2009, 11:57 PM
Good one, but this one won't work I'm afraid. What if the Germanic woman decides to have non-Germanics baby?
I will have to change this to Germanic couples that have a baby should not pay taxes for three years.

03-31-2009, 02:34 PM
I look at it this way:

- Not all Jews are Zionists.

- Not all Zionists are Jews.

- Some of the cliches / stereotypes about Jews are true, the same as for any other culture. Some are less true, same as for any other culture.

- They tend to wield power and influence disproportionate to their numbers in countries / societies they live in. Some call it being successful, others call it a special-interests mafia. There is probably some truth to both claims.

- The majority are "normal" people.

- The organised Zionists amongst them often work against the best interests of the countries / societies they inhabit by becoming involved in exploitation, by abusing power and by brainwashing the societies with a number of destabilising and corruptive ism's (liberalism, communism, super-capitalism, feminism etc etc etc) which enables them to gain control over those societies and countries.

- I consider the radical Muslims and the Zionists to be roughly equal threats. The Zionists are better organised and funded while the Islamaniacs make up for this deficit through the weight of numbers. My idea of a more "ideal" society to live in would preclude both those groups from gaining a foothold or any significant power and influence.

That is a much better way to think about it, however, I still would not marry a jew no matter how un-zionist, simply for the fact that I want to keep sprouting WASPY-Huguenot-Taterpatty-Krauty children lol.

I try to marry within the ethnic groups already represented in my genealogy, I doubt I would feel comfortable with a spouse outside of an English, Irish, German, Huguenot, or other background. In the regions of the U.S. where I was raised the genealogies of the people and the cultures of the people tend to revolve around the British Isle's and especially in the Cumberland Gap region, being personally raised there myself, that region is heavily steeped in the Colonial Era British "backwoods" origins, and they continued the trend to this day. I'm lets say traditional and quite lex talionis.

06-12-2009, 06:47 PM
That long post sorely lacking in structure was basically my response to reading a radical feminist messageboard where they were solely targeting White men. I was really pissed off at the moment, and rightfully so. I wish I could have been more concise but my emotions got the best of me. But all I saw was White man bashing, sure there are some bad apples but who it's just sad to see White men and White women turned against eachother. I don't see that here really but, unfortunately it's the general populace (not men or women particularly) that are indoctrinated with the same anti-White propoganda (particularly targeting White men as the primary source of evil and how the White race owes everything to the rest of the world and how we're supposed to be ashamed because our race has achieved more than any of theirs).

We see this all through 'mainstream' culture. The villains are almost always White men, and the heroes are almost always mixed-race or a diverse group of people. (:rolleyes:). And White women are told by the media that they should desire Black men, it's happening increasingly with presenting Black women as desirable mates for White men. I understand not wanting to get into a relationship with an abusive jerk, it'd be the same if I were a man and not wanting to get in a relationship with an abusive bitch. Abuse in relationships exists and it's not particular to gender.

I hope this cleared some things up. It's just sad that so many of our White Brothers and Sisters have turned against eachother, but I think there must be something fundamentally wrong with someone who purposefully seeks out a relationship with someone who isn't of the same race as them. I have self-esteem issues (which some blame for miscegenation, I think that's mental illness, combined with natural selection [perhaps weeding the weakest and most defective genes out of our race; though that may not always be the case] that causes some White women [and men] to seek to breed with non-Whites) but I've never thought I was only worth having a Black man, I was never attracted to them anyway. Every White Man and every White Woman deserves a partner of his or her own race (well, okay there are some people who just shouldn't even reproduce; such as the severely retarded and/or malformed. In my ideal White nation, no one who can pass on ailments such as Down's Syndrome would even be allowed to reproduce).

06-12-2009, 07:11 PM
1. The larger part of mankind (including white race) must perish to change future in better direction.
2. Males and females are equal, the difference is in hormonal levels.
3. Females have the right to decide what to do with their bodies (incl. abortions).
4. Family contracts and family institutions should not exist.
5. All official religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism are a weapon of mass destruction and manipulation with one root, which should be uproot for the good of mankind.
6. Nordic race isn't the most advanced, not the greatest one.
7. All Europeid subraces are equal when it comes to intellect, culture and accomplishments.
8. Preserving your own nation is more important then preserving the whole race.
9. White nations could also be your enemies, therefore not all should be accepted as "brother ones".
10. White men are guilty for their present day misery.
11. Jews are everything, but not stupid.
12. There are "normal" homosexualists who have right to life as long as they are good citizens and don't exposure their sexuality in front of the society.
13. We can have good relationships with some nonwhite nations.
14. There are Europeids outside Europe.
15. Not all people are equal, even when they are from one race.
16. We should treat white trash the same way the nonwhite one, even harsher.
17. People are generally stupid flock of sheep.

06-12-2009, 07:20 PM
I'll make it short and if anyone interested in any I'll write more

- Serbia FOR Serbs - period.

- Albanians should be erased from the face of the earth

- Jerusalem should be erased from the face of the earth

- There should be dress codes for the girls as obviously they cannot control themselves

- homosexuality should be considered as a sickness and homosexual public activities should be banned and in the case of violence no law should be involved

- Freedom of Speech should be banned as it does not work anyway, and justice for all.

- History of Rock and Heavy Metal should be a mandatory subject in schools same as the history of music

- Religion should be free, everyone should practice whatever they want is it is not hurtful to others, organized religion institutions would have their rights in the political life put down to zero and mixing of politics and the religion should be a serious offense

- Mixing of Sports and Politics should be a serious offense

- Race laws should be banned.

- Education should be free, same as medical care

- Military should not be mandatory but well payed. Some people are just not for army and harm more than they help.

- Women should be allowed into the army (this is for Serbia only obviously)

- Every desecration of the nature or a cultural heritage should be treated as a murder

- Borders of Serbia should be closed for non-Europeans and open for the people of European heritage only - period.

- Rape should be punished by death - period.

- Chinese should be shoot at sight on the borders

- In addition to Lady Lyfing's opinion that pot should be legalized, I'd add if so there should be an age limit and also a complicated law how to let pot into the market and not let it be abused by wannabe mobsters, pot itself is not as big of a deal as it is with dealers and criminal behind it.

- Prostitution should be legal to one point, illegal prostitution and human trafficking should be punished by a gas chamber

06-12-2009, 07:24 PM
I forgot to tell prostitution and drugs should be legal in order to stop criminals and the state could get money.

06-12-2009, 09:17 PM
Here's mine:
1:America for Americans
2: Ship the Hispanics back to the Southwest and away from majority historically English speaking states
3:Give all of the original Thirteen Colonies back to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
4:Rejoin West Virginia with Virginia
5:Reenact anti-miscegenation laws
6:Give the racial mischlings some land of their own and get them out of our hair
7:Give Texas and the Southwest back to Mexico
8:Louisiana must be governed from Paris again
9:Condense the Appalachian Mountains Region into a single state to act as a buffer between British territory and New France
10:Give the Midwest back to France
11:Make Heathenry an official religion and English the official language in territories governed from Westminster
12:Let Russia have Alaska
13:Negotiate a treaty with Hawaii, granting it autonomy.
14:Let the Puerto Ricans have Puerto Rico
15:Enact a European Heritage Appreciation month
16:Give the Blacks some territory and keep them away from us.
17:Let Japan have California
18:Strengthen our army
19: Keep American resources for American needs
20:Let the rest of the world handle their own affairs their own way while we do the same in our own country.

06-13-2009, 12:24 AM
Let adults do whatever they want to do, as long as it does no harm to others. Let adults be responsible for what they do and do not do.

06-13-2009, 01:04 AM
all the ideas have been taken crap... well maybe except this one:

credit card holders, wall street workers CEO's the US Government... you should all be forced to fix the economy on your own without the help of the people who hold a decent credit card score and pay their bills and live within their means,,, i am not happy about having to bail out the auto industries because they supposedly are an important part of economy and if that is true tell them it's their own fault and to fix it them selves.

I pay my bills, i go to school i go to work i live within my means and don't ask for help from the government when life gets really hard i make a plan and figure it out.

thank you for reading
dam americans what the hell is wrong with us..?

Lulletje Rozewater
06-13-2009, 08:52 AM
I believe in
1. The use of drugs,the stronger the better
2. I believe in Hitler-Stalin-Mao-North Korea
3. I believe in nuclear extinction
4. I believe in miscegenation.
5. I believe in Down's syndrome
6. I believe in Africa
7. I believe in promoting Aids
8. I believe in war
9. I believe in murder
10.I believe in suicide
11.I believe in the pee pee of the Pope
12.I believe in baked beans.
13.I believe in women should rule the earth.
14. I believe that Loki's sperm should be preserved for the good of all Apricity women.;)

06-14-2009, 12:36 PM
dam americans what the hell is wrong with us..?
I ask the same question to my people. Keep asking the qestion, rsteve3. Some day you may get the answer, but I am not sure if you will like to hear it, when the time comes.

06-14-2009, 12:57 PM
My most controversial view? There are plenty, but most controversial for this forum maybe this one: America must be destroyed!





06-14-2009, 04:10 PM
all the ideas have been taken crap... well maybe except this one:

credit card holders, wall street workers CEO's the US Government... you should all be forced to fix the economy on your own without the help of the people who hold a decent credit card score and pay their bills and live within their means,,, i am not happy about having to bail out the auto industries because they supposedly are an important part of economy and if that is true tell them it's their own fault and to fix it them selves.

I pay my bills, i go to school i go to work i live within my means and don't ask for help from the government when life gets really hard i make a plan and figure it out.

thank you for reading
dam americans what the hell is wrong with us..?

We've been so conditioned as a people to seize the day that long term planning just isn't something we do regularly as we should.We're also used to blind obedience, so if our taxes are raised to bail out or support others who refuse to pull their own weight, we'll pay them anyway for fear of the bullying tactics the I.R.S. always use to skin American citizens of their money. We're just used to being complacent and passive in the face of our government and its policies.Hence the mess we're in and some of the 20 views I posted earlier.If the government exists with a perpetual proverbial fist in the face of its citizens, then the government itself must be seriously examined..it may not be worth perpetuating. I do love my country, don't get me wrong. Like many of us, my roots here span many generations and the European admixture of peoples that have led to my sister and myself occurred here. I think the government needs a serious overhaul and that the media just needs rebuilding from the ground up.Amerika, Erwache!

Finsterer Streiter
06-15-2009, 03:38 PM
1) Retaining order is more important than retaining hedonism
2) Islam is no religion but an adversarial ideological, political and societal concept
3) The current EU is tantamount to traitorous leftwing fascism
4) Races are not equal. European Whites and East Asians have proven to possess psychical and area thinking advantages
5) Mercy is all too often a shield used by the weak
6) To meet the requirements of true justice capital punishment is inevitable

06-15-2009, 03:54 PM
I believe Hitler was a German chauvinist who cared more about his own people than on the white race as a whole.

06-15-2009, 03:59 PM
I have not it yet, my views are correct, nobody will convince me the opposite.

06-15-2009, 04:48 PM
I ask the same question to my people. Keep asking the qestion, rsteve3. Some day you may get the answer, but I am not sure if you will like to hear it, when the time comes.

your right i more then likely wont but if i don't like it that means i either have to fix it or ignore it... thoes are the only options.

06-15-2009, 04:58 PM
I believe in a White Europe, I don't care which means are necessary to achieve that. Our future has no room for Niggers, for Jews, for Arabs, for Gypsies, etc. But baby-steps, one step at a time as it's not going to happen overnight but by any means necessary there is only room in Europe for the White race. There is no excuse nor any logic for allowing Niggers, Jews, Arabs etc to populate Europe once we take our lands back.

06-15-2009, 05:01 PM
I believe in a White Europe, I don't care which means are necessary to achieve that. Our future has no room for Niggers, for Jews, for Arabs, for Gypsies, etc. But baby-steps, one step at a time as it's not going to happen overnight but by any means necessary there is only room in Europe for the White race. There is no excuse nor any logic for allowing Niggers, Jews, Arabs etc to populate Europe once we take our lands back.

I wonder if in order to escape creating another version of the holocaust in order to rid europe of the above mentioned if we could just give them land and say be gone..?

I am not into killing anyone to get our land back...

06-15-2009, 06:13 PM
that sounds reasonable ... just ship them all to america ... ? i can still come to europe if my ancestores are all of european hearitage ? or can i not come to Europe becasue i am american and there fore have lost all of my cutural background ( i mean i was rasied american so a lot of my culture was never taught to me , even though i am mostly german, irish and a small portion of Norwegian .)

06-15-2009, 06:18 PM
that sounds reasonable ... just ship them all to america ... ? i can still come to europe if my ancestores are all of european hearitage ? or can i not come to Europe becasue i am american and there fore have lost all of my cutural background ( i mean i was rasied american so a lot of my culture was never taught to me , even though i am mostly german, irish and a small portion of Norwegian .)

Since you are ancestrally European you would absolutely be allowed to come to Europe. I am planning on going there in the future and I am ancestrally European and culturally American too. These laws are to exclude non-whites. :thumb001:

Fortis in Arduis
06-15-2009, 06:21 PM
Genotype-specific social housing:

Beat that!!!

06-15-2009, 06:41 PM
Genotype-specific social housing:

Beat that!!!


So I wouldn't have to let any of those inferior R1b "people" brush up against my superior R1a genes!?!? :D

06-15-2009, 06:42 PM
Since you are ancestrally European you would absolutely be allowed to come to Europe. I am planning on going there in the future and I am ancestrally European and culturally American too. These laws are to exclude non-whites. :thumb001:

Fair enough.. and while we are on the subject i think northern america and southern america should just break apart... mason dixie line all over agian split the whole nation in half...

Lady L
06-15-2009, 06:49 PM
Fair enough.. and while we are on the subject i think northern america and southern america should just break apart... mason dixie line all over agian split the whole nation in half...

Why ..?

06-15-2009, 07:57 PM
2. I think Northern Europeans (Germanics Balts and Celts) are the best what evolution has created. Other races are not on our level ---- the history and development shows it! :thumb001: --- Yes i am a racist girl.

I beg to differ and so do objective statistics . (H.D.I)The Human Development Index of the Baltic states is considerably below the European average (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index). This thread is debatable, right?

1. The welfare state is counter-productive and a major waste of valuable tax money. Conditional unemployment benefits should only exist and only be eligible to working persons.

2. Too much economic prosperity(eco-friendly or not) does more harm than good to the cultural framework of all peoples.

3. Get lost with your "Aryan" bullshit, nobility is an individual quality.

06-15-2009, 09:27 PM
My most controversial view? There are plenty, but most controversial for this forum maybe this one: America must be destroyed!

And the EU, break that up as well.

(I'm not anti-European or anti European NATION STATES, just anti-EU)

06-15-2009, 09:30 PM
Aren't we all anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-UNO?

06-15-2009, 09:33 PM
I believe Hitler was a German chauvinist who cared more about his own people than on the white race as a whole.
And how exactly is that a bad thing? :icon_ask:

06-15-2009, 09:36 PM
What do you mean ?

06-15-2009, 09:37 PM
What do you mean ?
What do you mean, what do I mean? I asked you how Hitler caring about his own nation than the whole race as a whole, is either a negative thing or a controversial opinion. :D

06-15-2009, 09:39 PM
Ah I got your point there well it's both, maybe not necessarily a bad thing (for you at least) and a controversial opinion. I know I'm not making myself popular with such diatribes. :)

06-15-2009, 09:45 PM
And how exactly is that a bad thing? :icon_ask:

You have a point there. :D

06-15-2009, 09:49 PM
Ah I got your point there well it's both, maybe not necessarily a bad thing (for you at least) and a controversial opinion. I know I'm not making myself popular with such diatribes. :)
Back in Hitler's time there was no "white race" issue, simply because there wasn't any non-white threats in Europe (well asides from the Jews maybe).

And in any case the only visible enemies at the time where the ones that defeated Gernamy in WWI.

So I don't see why he should care about the "white race" as a whole at times of national sovereignty and no extra-european threats.

06-15-2009, 09:53 PM
Jews and gypsies were not a big deal at the time. But as early as 1930 the global white birthrate in Europe was already slightly falling compared to the 19's. While the one of Africans and Arabs was skyrocketing.

If the "white race" was not an issue for Hitler, that would make him very naive in my opinion. You're not gonna blitzkrieg the whole Europe, even less the world, even with a great army like the Wehrmacht.

06-15-2009, 09:56 PM
You're not gonna blitzkrieg the whole Europe, even less the world, even with a great army like the Wehrmacht.

Yes, you will, if you're Hitler, and you want to make Germany, a superpower :p

06-15-2009, 09:57 PM
LOL Oh well let's say that he was very optimistic. :p

Good night.

06-15-2009, 10:02 PM
Aren't we all anti-EU, anti-NATO, anti-UNO?

One would have thought so, but to my amazement we have NATO supporters on Apricity.

06-15-2009, 10:14 PM
One would have thought so, but to my amazement we have NATO supporters on Apricity.

This is not an issue commonly illuminated in regular geopolitical discussions and so most opinions on the subject are still quickening; it's also immensely complicated cf. the war against Serbia thread we had.

Even my Serb-sympathetic views were not completely die cast then. This tilted me more towards anti-NATO than before.

06-15-2009, 11:44 PM
i just think the south were right to break off from the union... .. if they attempted to do it today i think we may have a chance at living up to ben franklins theory that a country must have a civil war every (50?) years in order to keep peace and to grow as a nation... we are long due for ours... so maybe if the south said hey we want to break off again it might spark something... just maybe...

edit : just shake the whole country up... wake em up maybe ... people arent pissed at what is happening in the world because most of our americans are not paying attention we just need something to wake america up !

The Lawspeaker
06-15-2009, 11:48 PM
One would have thought so, but to my amazement we have NATO supporters on Apricity.
Yes-- and why are there still NATO supporters ? Because they are from countries that have some previous experiences with your favored partners: the Russians.
I for one am very happy that NATO was there during the Cold War because otherwise we would have been overrun and occupied.

That doesn't mean that the NATO-fans are NATO-fans by the way: they realize why it is there. I would rather do without and return to neutrality but there are some nutjobs in Moscow that still seek to rule Europe. That is if Islam doesn't beat them to it first. And Russia is not a friend of Europe- it's an ally of Iran.

06-16-2009, 12:06 AM
There is no Warsaw Pact anymore so there is absolutely no reason for a NATO either. Apart from that is is not only retarded but also extremely dangerous to encircle Russia with yankee nukes. Yankee retards in the Pentagon have proven to be far more dangerous for world peace than Russia after Stalin.

Europes futures lies in the east. The trans-Atlantic west is done.

06-16-2009, 12:15 AM
There is no Warsaw Pact anymor so there is absolutely no reason for a NATO anymore. Apart from that is is not only retarded but also extremely dangerous to encircle Russia with yankee nukes. Yankee retards in the Pentagon have proven to be far more dangerous for world peace than Russia after Stalin.

Europes futures lies in the east. The trans-Atlantic west is done.
Dr. Strangelove, anyone? :D

06-16-2009, 01:34 AM
One would have thought so, but to my amazement we have NATO supporters on Apricity.

I think there should be large scale organizations that can recognize and attempt to resolve large scale problems. For that reason, I give NATO, the EU and the UN the benefit of a doubt. Any future large-scale organizations will inevitably be the institutional successors of the current ones. There should be some mechanism for military and economic coordination among major powers.

The problem is not in the existence of such groups but rather in the processes for recognizing problems and resolving them.

06-16-2009, 02:21 AM
I wonder if in order to escape creating another version of the holocaust in order to rid europe of the above mentioned if we could just give them land and say be gone..?

I am not into killing anyone to get our land back...

Gotta give them some incentive to leave though. Probably the best model is Eisenhower's 'Operation Wetback' which started a countrywide sweep of illegal Mexicans, and then most of them left on their own once they realized the gig was up. Today though, they are more entrenched, clearing out places like Detroit and Los Angeles may require a bit more pressure than was needed in Eisenhower's time.

Fair enough.. and while we are on the subject i think northern america and southern america should just break apart... mason dixie line all over agian split the whole nation in half...

Cultural lines have shifted since then, I'd say just a return to one or more loose affiliations of states would be best.

Since you are ancestrally European you would absolutely be allowed to come to Europe. I am planning on going there in the future and I am ancestrally European and culturally American too. These laws are to exclude non-whites. :thumb001:

Mighta wanna hold off on that, as in most western European countries you'd end up in jail for such opinions as this:


Jews and gypsies were not a big deal at the time. But as early as 1930 the global white birthrate in Europe was already slightly falling compared to the 19's. While the one of Africans and Arabs was skyrocketing.

That was not really a problem though, as long as they stayed in their own countries.

Lulletje Rozewater
06-16-2009, 06:51 AM
I wonder if in order to escape creating another version of the holocaust in order to rid europe of the above mentioned if we could just give them land and say be gone..?

I am not into killing anyone to get our land back...

Than start making the song:Killing me softly our new National anthem :cool::cool:

06-16-2009, 07:58 AM
Some of these are controversial in general, and some are in the context of a pro-white environment:

1. Cajun should be a mandatory subject in school for students in at least southern Louisiana. Nobody speaks it but the old folk, and it's not even offered in most (if any) of our schools. They do, however, teach Mexican Spanish.

2. Most white supremacists are as disgusting and unintelligent as the creatures they hate. Being white does not make one perfect; it is merely a foundation. Destinies are forged, not received.

3. The popular neo-nazi belief in the subordination of women is sickening and distinctively semitic.

4. Homosexuals don't bother me when it's not done for attention.

5. I find that many racially Nordic individuals (including my father) lack a certain depth of thought that seems more common in continental Europeans.

6. Pro-white Christians disgust me for obvious reasons.

7. I don't believe in simply sticking with established white traditions for the sake of it, but progress based on them or even in opposition to them. Cultures are meant to evolve.

8. I think most "heathens" are just trying to find a sense of security in their European-ness, and don't actually believe those things. I do respect those who actually believe, however.

9. I don't understand why even those who think themselves part of a master race spend most of their time obsessing over sex. I don't have a problem with the act itself, but why do proud, white men so often base their lives around it in the manner that niggers do?

10. I hate that white supremacists find it fashionable to apologize for Hitler. The fact is, he was blamed for a lot of things he had little to nothing to do with, and even if he did, he still died knowing that he gave his all to preserving German culture. Personally, I disagree with his treatment of Slavs, and Germany's solution to the Jewish problem, if indeed it happened the way we've been told, but at least Germany provided a solution.

06-16-2009, 08:07 AM
1. Cajun should be a mandatory subject in school for students in at least southern Louisiana. Nobody speaks it but the old folk, and it's not even offered in most (if any) of our schools. They do, however, teach Mexican Spanish.

Très bonne! :thumb001:

06-16-2009, 08:20 AM
Très bonne! :thumb001:

Are you always online? ;)

By the way, I've recently been trying to find a book or something on the Cajun language but I'm not sure which, if any, are worth the money. Do you have any recommendations?

Also, I find your chart in your blog interesting. It's fun to see the similarities and differences from my own development thus far.

06-16-2009, 08:25 AM
Are you always online? ;)

Not always. ;)

By the way, I've recently been trying to find a book or something on the Cajun language but I'm not sure which, if any, are worth the money. Do you have any recommendations?

Since it's a mostly oral dialect, you're probably best off getting a solid foundation in "standard" French first. LSU (http://appl003.lsu.edu/artsci/frenchweb.nsf/$Content/Cajun+French?OpenDocument) has a few articles and resources on Cajun French though that should be of help.

Also, I find your chart in your blog interesting. It's fun to see the similarities and differences from my own development thus far.

Thank ye kindly. :)

06-16-2009, 08:30 AM
Since it's a mostly oral dialect, you're probably best off getting a solid foundation in "standard" French first. LSU (http://appl003.lsu.edu/artsci/frenchweb.nsf/$Content/Cajun+French?OpenDocument) has a few articles and resources on Cajun French though that should be of help.

I'm spending a good chunk of what time I have before college teaching myself French with that purpose in mind. Thanks for the LSU link, though.

06-16-2009, 03:32 PM
Apparently, the belief in objectivity is becoming quite controversial.

06-16-2009, 09:50 PM
i just think the south were right to break off from the union... .. if they attempted to do it today i think we may have a chance at living up to ben franklins theory that a country must have a civil war every (50?) years in order to keep peace and to grow as a nation... we are long due for ours... so maybe if the south said hey we want to break off again it might spark something... just maybe...

edit : just shake the whole country up... wake em up maybe ... people arent pissed at what is happening in the world because most of our americans are not paying attention we just need something to wake america up !

Actually, it was Jefferson; he said that every generation (about twenty years), that there should be a revolution (not necessarily physical) that would result in the creation of a new government and a new constitution.

Sadly, it never came true.

Grumpy Cat
06-16-2009, 10:25 PM
I'm spending a good chunk of what time I have before college teaching myself French with that purpose in mind. Thanks for the LSU link, though.

You should try the immersion at Université Sainte-Anne in Nova Scotia. The dialect of French spoken in that area is closest to Cajun French.

06-16-2009, 10:41 PM
I believe that I should be King of America :D and that I could truly make a big impact in my subjects lives.:p
I would further my philanthropic ideals upon the downtrodden masses with the placement of Apricity members in key government positions. ;)

06-17-2009, 01:36 AM
Make English the official language of the U.S.A. and make fluency in this language a requirement before granting work visas,residency or citizenship to foreigners.

06-17-2009, 10:06 AM
I'd say that at least 200 million American citizens would have a problem if fluency in English is required.

Finsterer Streiter
06-17-2009, 10:25 AM
Europes futures lies in the east. The trans-Atlantic west is done.
Europes future lies neither in the west nor in the east. Europes future lies either within itself or it won´t be anymore. Fornicating around with foreign powers is a bad friend. Don´t rely on USA, don´t rely on Russia, rely on yourself. What we need is a rise of a true European superpower. NS Germany tried it but failed due to several internal and external reasons. No we got the illnesses we have.

The Lawspeaker
06-17-2009, 01:49 PM
Indeed. I think that a democratic Germany would make a good European power.

Sol Invictus
06-17-2009, 03:54 PM
My most controversial opinion is that I was cursed by a girl who liked me when I was in Grade 8, but I wouldn't give her the time of day.. I was 13 and not a very nice boy so I probably deserved it. She was into witchcraft and all that and I caught her giving me the 'evil eye' many times when I turn around. Kinda creeped me out.

06-17-2009, 05:33 PM
My most controversial opinion is that I was cursed by a girl who liked me when I was in Grade 8, but I wouldn't give her the time of day.. I was 13 and not a very nice boy so I probably deserved it. She was into witchcraft and all that and I caught her giving me the 'evil eye' many times when I turn around. Kinda creeped me out.

Curses, imprecations have a peculiar force of their own. Our MHG. poets have 'tiefe fluochen,' deeply, Ms. 2, 188a; 'swinde fluochen,' vehemently, Helbl. 2, 518 and zorn-vluoch, wrath-curse 1, 656. Full of meaning is the phrase: 'ich brach des vluoches herten kiesel,' I brake yon curse's stubborn flint (http://www.northvegr.org/lore/grimmst/03801.php), MsH. 2, 339b, its action is hard as pebbles, and not easy to break. Walther says 73, 29:

Zwêne herzelîche flüeche kan ich ouch,
die fluochent nâch dem willen mîn.
hiure müezen's beide esel und der gowk
gehœren, ê si enbizzen sîn.
wê in (woe to them) denne, den vil armen!

(two round curses ken I eke, hitting whomso I bespeak; them both ass and gowk shall hear, ere they baited be this year, etc.). Curses received on an empty stomach are the more effectual. It is the vulgar opinion in Ireland that a curse once uttered must alight on something: it will float in the air seven years, and may descend any moment on the party it was aimed at; if his guardian angel but forsake him, it takes forthwith the shape of some misfortune, sickness or temptation, and strikes his devoted head. So in the Pentam. 2, 7 a curse takes wing, and mounts to heaven: 'mesero le' mardettiune dessa vecchia l'ascelle, che sagliettero subeto 'n cielo.' When a horse has been cursed, his hair is thought to be luminous: 'a cavallo iastemmiato luce lo pilo,' ibid.

06-17-2009, 06:20 PM
Some of my opinions are controversial in mainstream society, some in nationalists midsts, some are controversial anywhere. :P

- I believe corporal punishment can and should be used. Both in education and in fighting crime.

- I believe in isolationist and protectionist policies when dealing with the rest of the world.

- I'm a language purist. Unless necessary I'll even refuse to name the months by their Latin names (january/february/...) even though those are the generally accepted Flemish month names. Of course, when I have to write down dates for official papers at work I use those names, because it's not worth the trouble. (Since online conversation is mostly in English it's not as noticeable here. If anyone wants to "purify" English, it should be the English themselves and not me.)

- I believe in strict population control. In the first instance by ending immigration, in later phases by limiting the amount of children one is allowed. Removing the pressure of an exploding population should allow nature to heal its wounds.

- I believe homosexuality is perverse, but I support their freedom. Their perversion doesn't mean they are unable to contribute to society and doesn't actually harm anyone after all. What I very strictly oppose though are things like Gay Pride Parade and other happenings which are only about a bunch of half naked people shaking their bare ass on the streets. I also oppose these parades if they're held by straight people though.

- (might be controversial over here) I believe white European people have no business in Africa, Australia, Asia or the Americas and those places should be governed by their native populations. In the same way that I support the rights of the native Europeans inside Europe. Of course, I also agree that some of these other people (especially Africans) are completely unable to run a stable society. But that's not our problem. Leave them to rot if they're unable to save themselves.

- I do not believe that drug users are criminals, unless they perform other crimes to get their hands on the money to buy their stuff. I do believe however that the manufacturers and dealers should face the death penalty. And for the record I consider tobacco as bad a drug as any of the illegal ones.

- I support the burning down of McDonald's and similar restaurants by the ALF. I disagree with their exact reasons though. I believe those chains shouldn't exist because the industrialisation of the food chain has brought disease and death to our people. I only eat organic/free-range/... food which I buy locally in my region. If I ever move out of this region and can't buy fresh meat anymore, I'd sooner become a Vegetaryan (see what I did there? :D) than eat a hamburger.

Lulletje Rozewater
06-18-2009, 07:53 AM
Curses, imprecations have a peculiar force of their own. Our MHG. poets have 'tiefe fluochen,' deeply, Ms. 2, 188a; 'swinde fluochen,' vehemently, Helbl. 2, 518 and zorn-vluoch, wrath-curse 1, 656. Full of meaning is the phrase: 'ich brach des vluoches herten kiesel,' I brake yon curse's stubborn flint (http://www.northvegr.org/lore/grimmst/03801.php), MsH. 2, 339b, its action is hard as pebbles, and not easy to break. Walther says 73, 29:

Zwêne herzelîche flüeche kan ich ouch,
die fluochent nâch dem willen mîn.
hiure müezen's beide esel und der gowk
gehœren, ê si enbizzen sîn.
wê in (woe to them) denne, den vil armen!

(two round curses ken I eke, hitting whomso I bespeak; them both ass and gowk shall hear, ere they baited be this year, etc.). Curses received on an empty stomach are the more effectual. It is the vulgar opinion in Ireland that a curse once uttered must alight on something: it will float in the air seven years, and may descend any moment on the party it was aimed at; if his guardian angel but forsake him, it takes forthwith the shape of some misfortune, sickness or temptation, and strikes his devoted head. So in the Pentam. 2, 7 a curse takes wing, and mounts to heaven: 'mesero le' mardettiune dessa vecchia l'ascelle, che sagliettero subeto 'n cielo.' When a horse has been cursed, his hair is thought to be luminous: 'a cavallo iastemmiato luce lo pilo,' ibid.

The power of witchcraft is so great among nations,even modern nations.
To think that we fall for this is basically a pact with the devil,that women become his chosen bride,who can heal,prophesy,predict,conjure up the spirits of the dead,can spell-bind you.can turn you into a hare or a wolf and most fatal of all-cast a love charm over you.
If,however, you cast aside supernatural powers,witchcraft becomes a science of legends,an abnormality skilfully used as a psychological weapon to further the existence of the philosophers stone,the Black madonna,the Crowley practice, leading to pornography,unnatural sex (in general: Do that which most pleases you

06-18-2009, 08:39 AM
- I believe homosexuality is perverse, but I support their freedom. Their perversion doesn't mean they are unable to contribute to society and doesn't actually harm anyone after all. What I very strictly oppose though are things like Gay Pride Parade and other happenings which are only about a bunch of half naked people shaking their bare ass on the streets. I also oppose these parades if they're held by straight people though.

The fact I know homosexuals who behave much better than some heterosexuals in society and obey the rules made me think in the same way. In fact, all of them are even ashamed of their sexuality, knowing that is unnatural deeply in themselves, so they don't show it public or tell everyone. On gay parades there are lots of heterosexual blind liberals and fee love supporters and some "artificial" homosexuals, who are just sexual perverts or abused in childhood boys and girls. We must limit exactly those kind of people, because they create trendy homosexual and perverts, not the hidden gays, who exist since centuries.

06-20-2009, 02:33 AM
I'd say that at least 200 million American citizens would have a problem if fluency in English is required.

Then it would be up to them to fix their own deficiency.There's no excuse for ignorance of English in this country.I also think that the United States should focus on its own problems and let the rest of the world be for awhile.We're spending far too much money and other resources for interests that have nothing to do with us.If the rest of the world wants to gleefully point out the shortcomings we have,fine.Then let's withdraw our aid and use American money for American interests.Our Colonial legacy is best preserved by Colonials and our future, like our past, will rest here. Israel can piss off too.I'm changing my political views to Isolationism. North Americans for North American needs.

06-20-2009, 02:51 AM
Will that include the removal of "foreign" military bases that are stationed around Europe? ;):)

06-20-2009, 03:28 AM
Will that include the removal of "foreign" military bases that are stationed around Europe? ;):)

No reason why not, once American interests in that region of the world are firmly secured, the safety of our citizens abroad is guaranteed and there's no further threat of a war that our allies would try to drag us into.Once we've secured Iraq and Iran, they're getting military bases too.As a nation at war, we've got to "cover all bases", so to speak.We know how we're popularly depicted and perceived to be in foreign quarters and we're too damned apologetic (thanks to the multicle bug) to be able to stand up and hold our own.Time for a change,perhaps..

06-20-2009, 06:17 AM
Without Americans the rest of the world would not have any target practice at all.

06-20-2009, 07:19 AM
I'd say that at least 200 million American citizens would have a problem if fluency in English is required.

Hum, that would make roughly 1/3 of the United States fluent in English.:thumb001:
I wonder how our mother England compares with all there Paki, Hindi, Carribi,
Celti, Britaly, Dutch community, French peopley, German Britoni, Portuguese,
Burmese, Chinese, Romnichali, Turkish Cypriot immigrants? :coffee:

06-20-2009, 07:23 AM
Without Americans the rest of the world would not have any target practice at all.

Someone had to step in after the fall of Germany. :D

06-20-2009, 09:37 AM
Hum, that would make roughly 1/3 of the United States fluent in English.:thumb001:
I wonder how our mother England compares with all there Paki, Hindi, Carribi,
Celti, Britaly, Dutch community, French peopley, German Britoni, Portuguese,
Burmese, Chinese, Romnichali, Turkish Cypriot immigrants? :coffee:

The natives seem as bad or worse than the immigrants. I don't know if this is because cell phones/texting became popular there much faster than elsewhere, the school system, or what.

Lulletje Rozewater
06-20-2009, 09:51 AM
Hum, that would make roughly 1/3 of the United States fluent in English.:thumb001:
I wonder how our mother England compares with all there Paki, Hindi, Carribi,
Celti, Britaly, Dutch community, French peopley, German Britoni, Portuguese,
Burmese, Chinese, Romnichali, Turkish Cypriot immigrants? :coffee:

Wy shingel auwt de Dutge.

06-20-2009, 02:38 PM
Here's another view of mine that is not readily excepted. I personally think the Eastern U.S. primarily the original Colony states need to be reunited with Britain. Then Germany and Switzerland can have split rule over the North West territory/the Great Lakes Region in the U.S. given that they were the primary ethnic groups in that region, France can kiss my butt, they lost the N.W. fair and square :D

Here's Ohio, it can go to Germany:

Ohio 2000 population of Ohio: 11,353,140 (2000 census)
Rank Ancestry % of Population
1. German 25.2
2. Irish 12.7
3. English 9.2
4. African American 9.1
5. American 8.5

Indiana 2000 population of Indiana: 6,080,485 (2000 census)
Rank Ancestry % of Population
1. German 22.6
2. American 11.8
3. Irish 10.8
4. English 8.9
5. African American 6.5

Wisconsin 2000 population of Wisconsin: 5,363,675 (2000 census)
Rank Ancestry % of Population
1. German 42.6
2. Irish 10.9
3. Polish 9.3
4. Norwegian 8.5
5. English 6.5

Michigan 2000 population of Michigan: 9,938,444 (2000 census)
Rank Ancestry % of Population
1. German 20.4
2. African American 11
3. Irish 10.7
4. English 9.9
5. Polish 8.6

The negroes can go to the Carribean, Haiti, or Jamaica.

Not much Amerindian ethnic groups in Ohio anymore, most Amerind. in the Northwest Territory/Great Lakes Region is product of Southerners who identify with Amerind. moving in.

Michigan can be bombed and resettled by it's original German core.

The Norway can have some role in governing Wisconsin, the Irish population can migrate to the Eastern Colony states and set up a unified Irish community in the East that will be governed by whoever wants it, the UK or Ireland Proper. The Polish-Americans I could really care less about, my experience with Polish American's has been iffy, I got the impression that many Polish Americans are unreliable pot heads.

06-20-2009, 03:25 PM
1. I regard Christianity as a religion for slaves and the ignorant and the self-hating.
2. I regard Islam as a religion for slaves and the ignorant and the violent.
3. I regard Judaism as an ethnic religion of the Hebrew people and not as a religion with a universal calling, despite what many have said that Jehovah is the God of Gods.
4. Hitler was right in some ways (regarding communism/socialism, certain agitative segments of the Jewish population and the inferiority of certain races/cultures).
5. Jesus was a myth constructed around pre-existing Gods, heroes and saviors.
6. The United States is on its way down, gutted from within and without.
7. Might makes right (Ragnar Redbeard's book). Either physical might, mental might or spiritual might- people who possess might are a cut above the ordinary.
8. Whites and east Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) are truly civilized. The rest of mankind falls somewhere between being complete savages and not quite civilized.
9. Africa was better with white colonialism than it is now.

06-20-2009, 06:22 PM
The fact I know homosexuals who behave much better than some heterosexuals in society and obey the rules made me think in the same way. In fact, all of them are even ashamed of their sexuality, knowing that is unnatural deeply in themselves, so they don't show it public or tell everyone. On gay parades there are lots of heterosexual blind liberals and fee love supporters and some "artificial" homosexuals, who are just sexual perverts or abused in childhood boys and girls. We must limit exactly those kind of people, because they create trendy homosexual and perverts, not the hidden gays, who exist since centuries.

I don't think they should necessarily go as far as being -ashamed- of their nature, just that they should keep it between the walls of their bedroom and their private residence.

Personally I'm not 100% "normal"/"natural" when it comes to my sexual interests either (as in, I'm a sado-masochist), as Elf probably knows considering how often she's dug into my Last.fm profile. But it's something I'm discreet about in real life and don't apply outside of my private area. I wouldn't ever think about acting out on those things in public, and I wish other people had the same respect for the society outside their home.

06-21-2009, 02:02 AM
1. I regard Christianity as a religion for slaves and the ignorant and the self-hating.
2. I regard Islam as a religion for slaves and the ignorant and the violent.
3. I regard Judaism as an ethnic religion of the Hebrew people and not as a religion with a universal calling, despite what many have said that Jehovah is the God of Gods.
4. Hitler was right in some ways (regarding communism/socialism, certain agitative segments of the Jewish population and the inferiority of certain races/cultures).
5. Jesus was a myth constructed around pre-existing Gods, heroes and saviors.
6. The United States is on its way down, gutted from within and without.
7. Might makes right (Ragnar Redbeard's book). Either physical might, mental might or spiritual might- people who possess might are a cut above the ordinary.
8. Whites and east Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) are truly civilized. The rest of mankind falls somewhere between being complete savages and not quite civilized.
9. Africa was better with white colonialism than it is now.

To explain my own positions:

1. I regard Christianity as a religion for slaves and the ignorant and the self-hating.

This religions emergence amonst the lower classes of Roman society tells me that Christianity attracted, and still attracts, the lowest common denominator. I am a pagan or a heathen; I believe in self-education and heroic striving against oneself and the world. I cannot accept a religion that teaches me that I am sinful by nature and that the good creation that I live in is depraved.

Christianity predicates itself upon the fables- fables with laws, and laws which the Christians ignore. Laws such as:

Jehovah is not a man.
Jehovah's firstborn son is Israel (the Hebrew nation).
Jehovah alone is the savior.
And so forth.

2. I regard Islam as a religion for slaves and the ignorant and the violent.

As above, except with the added dimension that Islam is ill-tempered and violent. I also see Islam as an outgrowth of Jewish ideas, with Christian yarns thrown into the mix as well.

3. I regard Judaism as an ethnic religion of the Hebrew people and not as a religion with a universal calling, despite what many have said that Jehovah is the God of Gods.

In its earliest form, Jewish mythology resembles the mythologies of other peoples, Semitic and non-Semitic. With contact with other peoples, the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Persians, Jewish religion assimilated the ideas of other peoples.

The idea of a God of Gods is unique to the Jews-- or is it? Greek mythos has a definite God of Gods, Zeus, and his near-twin Jupiter of the Roman religion.

In many ways, almost word for word, Jewish religious writings resembles the religious writings of Canaanites peoples, specifically the religious hymns and myths of Ugarit, a once prosperous Canaanite city-state that was destroyed before the advent of the Hebrew nation.

I have much more tolerance for orthodox, rabbinic Judaism than the watered-down Judaism of the leftist Jewish elites.

4. Hitler was right in some ways (regarding communism/socialism, certain agitative segments of the Jewish population and the inferiority of certain races/cultures).

Self-explanatory; Hitler's opinions, while varied, are very important and correct insofar as the influence of communism/socialism are concerned. He's also correct in the inferiority/superiority of certain races and cultures (I tend to regard culture as more important- many non-white peoples, such as the Chinese, have created very high cultures).

5. Jesus was a myth constructed around pre-existing Gods, heroes and saviors.

Jesus the Christ, the son of God, crucified from a cross. He had twelve disciples and his reusrrection was written about in four books.


Jesus the Christ, the sun of God, crucified from the cross of the zodiac. He has twelve zodiacal followers and passes through four seasons before his rebirth.

Solar religion and ancient astrology. Why was the sun regarded as the savior of the world in ancient times? Hmmm... :thumb001:

6. The United States is on its way down, gutted from within and without.

This one is obvious, I don't think it really needs much comment.

7. Might makes right (Ragnar Redbeard's book). Either physical might, mental might or spiritual might- people who possess might are a cut above the ordinary.

With the added addition that, in theory, anyone can possess might- yet few truly attain the might they often seek. Modern methodology teaches that it's better to be a conformist and not stand than to seek for the heights.

8. Whites and east Asians (Chinese, Japanese and Koreans) are truly civilized. The rest of mankind falls somewhere between being complete savages and not quite civilized.

With exceptions, such as Aksum (Ethiopia), but I regard Aksum's greatness as a reflection of Egypt's glory. Whites (or Indo-Europeans, and this includes Indians, although modern Indians might be a stretch, and Persians) and east Asians have consistently displayed the technical and organizational ability to create true cultures beyond the mere tribal level. I would add Semites to this list of creators of culture, but will add:

* Jews don't exist apart from western nations that host them. There hasn't been an independent Jewish nation for roughly 2,000 years. Modern Israel is a colony of the western nations IMO. They are, for lack of a better term, nationally bereft despite having a unique Jewish culture.

* Arabs have been stunted by Islam, retarded their cultural developments and reducing them to a state of semi-savagery. Take any of the pre-Islamic (or even pre-Christian) Semitic peoples, such as the Carthaginians or the Nabateans, and compare them to their degenerate kin of today. I don't think it needs a lot of comment.

9. Africa was better with white colonialism than it is now.

When having intercourse with a baby is seen as a cure for HIV/AIDS by African men, yes, white colonialism was better.

06-21-2009, 03:56 AM

For more than a thousand years, up until about a hundred years ago, Europeans were Christians. And weaklings they were, they just took over the world. And how great has not the last fifty years of de-Christianizing of the Vest been for the European fighting spirit

How does it make you feel in your well being and Identity as European knowing that your ancestors lived their life as ignorant slaves?

06-21-2009, 04:16 AM

For more than a thousand years, up until about a hundred years ago, Europeans were Christians. And weaklings they were, they just took over the world. And how great has not the last fifty years of de-Christianizing of the Vest been for the European fighting spirit

How does it make you feel in your well being and Identity as European knowing that your ancestors lived their life as ignorant slaves?

1,000 years of Christian history or about 40,000 to 50,000 years of human history all told in Europe? Jesus and his salvific mission goes down quickly to mother Europa insofar as that comparison goes. Europe was non-Christian for the vast majority of its history; now, with the going down of the religion of the fishermen, something else will rise up to take its place- and I don't think it'll be atheistic nihilism. Rather, if Euros are smart, and we are, we'll find that the old ways weren't so bad afterall.

As to taking over the world, what of it? The Christians may've taken it over but they didn't keep it, so it's a Trojan horse of a conquest. Now the Trojan horse is open, and the invaders are swarming into formerly Christian lands from the formerly Christian territories. I'm not going to base the worth of my ancestry on how effective Christians were at beating up primitives (when they weren't massacring each other in Europe).

I am a pagan, or a heathen, so my identity is very analogous to, say, a Christian during pagan times- only the roles are in reverse in that I am a pagan during Christian times. The former is a Christian who comes out of paganism; I am a pagan who comes out of Christianity.

06-23-2009, 08:51 PM
Portuguese are a really borderline European case.

08-05-2010, 07:43 PM
Most controversial elsewhere:
• That a neighborhood or other community on that scale should have the right to control its own demographic composition.
• That Folks, including those of North European origin, exist and are worth recognizing, cherishing, and rebuilding.
• That situations are the fundamental building block of society, not individuals and not nations, ideologies, or demographic categories.

Most controversial here:
• That Obama is an improvement over America's previous President, is about as competent as one could expect under the circumstances, and is not some dire, almost supernatural threat to the nation or world. I don't watch TV so his irritating cadence is irrelevant. America's problems are structural rather than personal.
• That gays are an integral part of a healthy society. Its particular cultural manifestations may push my sense of tolerance but that is merely a matter of taste. Actually, I am relieved that this is not quite so controversial here that I don't have room to make that case.
• That large-scale organizations including the USA, the EU, and the UN are useful and necessary for recognizing and coordinating the solution of large-scale problems. This includes global warming.

08-05-2010, 07:57 PM
-I dont believe that all of us are created equal. There are people smarter, more goodlooking... and I dont see anything wrong about it. It´s natural.

- Public systems? Fuck them all. With the money that the State steal me every year I could afford for a great insurance.

-I dislike the current "democratic" system. We dont take any decission appart from voting the same shit every 4 years. I dont believe neither in the dogma "1 person = 1 vote" . Not all of us are equal and some opinions and judgements are whorthier than others.

- I dislike euphemisms. If you are fat or ugly , face it and accept it. "Overweight, extra kilos...", dude you are fat. Period.
And yes, if you are black you´re not "coloured".

08-05-2010, 08:01 PM
Portuguese are a really borderline European case.
:confused: Care to explain ?

08-05-2010, 08:05 PM

And yes, if you are black you´re not "coloured".

So what's the euphemism you're supposed to use, if "negro" is not kosher?

08-05-2010, 08:24 PM
So what's the euphemism you're supposed to use, if "negro" is not kosher?

No idea, I was just trying to say that i call black people "black" (negro) and not "coloured" (de color) because it sounds ridiculous.
I dont think any black is going to be offended for that. Actually if i was black I would prefer to be called black instead of coloured or other stupidity.

08-05-2010, 08:46 PM
Actually if i was black I would prefer to be called black than coloured or other stupidity.

That's precisely what I was thinking actually.

08-05-2010, 08:58 PM
2. I think Northern Europeans (Germanics Balts and Celts) are the best what evolution has created. Other races are not on our level ---- the history and development shows it! --- Yes i am a racist girl.

And what about Finns and West Slavs? They don't differ racially from neighboring populations of Baltic and Germanic speech that much. I don't get this whole shit about classifying language groups as racial groups. :rolleyes:

Oh, and Russians are not mixed racially, at least those West from Ural. Large area near Baltic Sea don't differ much from neighboring populations of Baltic/Finno-Ugrian speech.


As for "my controversial opinions".

I don't accept belief in super-natural from the very basic reason. If something is called super-natural, then it has to break Nature's basic laws like gravity, etc. There are no documented examples of such activities and it's not rational to believe so. I don't believe in a god but I am not typical atheist either. "Ordinary" atheist is hedonistic, often left-wing junkies. I think that despite super-natural being non-existent, we have goal in life and values we should follow. These values stem from evolution.

All species and races compete against each other. We also don't see them interbreeding in normal circumstances. Black bear and grizzly bear can live in same forest, but they'll not mix. If we observe animals, we don't see one specie or sub-specie wasting their time and energy on helping others. They want to propagate only their own kind and they compete for it with others. Humans are no exceptions from that rule. But we see so called "White race", or Europeans if you like, breaking these most basic laws. We don't care about ourselves but help everyone other which is insane. In few generations we'll dissapear from the face of the planet if we'll not change this quickly.

I also don't believe every race was created equal. Negroes are clearly inferiors - everything proves it, there's no question about it. I abhor race-mixing and I am against islamization of Europe. I don't hide my hatred towards muslims. I am into survival of European races and then eugenics, because we must improve ourselves, not the opposite. More progressive elements should be encouraged to have more children, while less progressive ones should be discouraged to do so. I don't want it to involve violence but it can be achieved for example by economical encouragement.

08-05-2010, 09:10 PM
1. Russians, turks and countries like kosovo or romania are not european and not white!!! Their history and culture is inferior to European standard and they are insane , they have bloodlust. And they are mixed with non european races. Romanians are european you dummy

2. I think Northern Europeans (Germanics Balts and Celts) are the best what evolution has created. Other races are not on our level ---- the history and development shows it! :thumb001: --- Yes i am a racist girl.
Celts were not northern european.
And the history of balts sucks compared to Southern Europe. What role has Latvia played to be considered superior ?

08-05-2010, 09:10 PM
I believe in God. Not Jesus, who I could care less about, but God. It took me a long time to believe this for myself.

Grumpy Cat
08-05-2010, 09:36 PM
Even though I'm from Nova Scotia, I fully support and back Quebec's language laws, and other laws that the rest of Canada has deemed "racist" (even though they're not. Preservationalist? yes. Racist? No).

That rattles many Nova Scotians' cages. :D

Some really controversial views of mine I will not post online, though. They're reserved for sitting around in the kitchen, shed, back doorstep of a private dwelling.

08-05-2010, 10:11 PM
That people called Malcolm should be shot dead on sight.

That hippies should be slow tortured, hung, drawn and quartered, their testicles removed, their eyes gouged out and their remains trampled into the earth by a thousand and one (no more and no less) clog wearing midgets. After which their remains should be dug up and burned. I hate hippies with a passion bordering on psychosis, hippy dippyness is a crime against humanity.

08-05-2010, 10:22 PM
That people called Malcolm should be shot dead on sight.

What is wrong with the name Malcolm?:confused:

That hippies should be slow tortured, hung, drawn and quartered, their testicles removed, their eyes gouged out and their remains trampled into the earth by a thousand and one (no more and no less) clog wearing midgets. After which their remains should be dug up and burned. I hate hippies with a passion bordering on psychosis, hippy dippyness is a crime against humanity.

Do you still have hippies in England, you know the summer of love "67", flower power types, that live in communes and drive VW buses?:)

08-05-2010, 10:24 PM
The European human right's bill. The Political will of the elected goverments relentless pursuit to populate countries with non indigenous foreign stock.

08-06-2010, 01:24 AM
That the female body isn't a sexual object.

08-06-2010, 02:32 AM
I am firmly convinced that paper money ought to be abolished and replaced by precious metal coinage. Platinum, gold, and silver cannot be run off on a printing press.

Let the value of the coins be expressed as their bullion weight, not so-and-so many dollars, eagles, Euros, or what have you, and let the prices of the metals float until they stabilise themselves and, with them, the buying power of the coins.

The Lawspeaker
08-06-2010, 02:38 AM
I am firmly convinced that paper money ought to be abolished and replaced by precious metal coinage. Platinum, gold, and silver cannot be run off on a printing press.

Let the value of the coins be expressed as their bullion weight, not so-and-so many dollars, eagles, Euros, or what have you, and let the prices of the metals float until they stabilise themselves and, with them, the buying power of the coins.
It would be a bit cumbersome but they could at least reinstate the gold/silver/platinum standard , write on the banknotes that they can exchange that €/ƒ 100 note for precious metal which has the same value.

All coins would have to be minted in metals anyways using bronze for "small change" (like a couple of cents) and silver or gold for the real deal.

08-06-2010, 07:38 AM
Romanians are european you dummy
Many are mixed with other people or are gypsys. :rolleyes:

And the history of balts sucks compared to Southern Europe. What role has Latvia played to be considered superior ?
Latvians stayed out of many stupid european brother wars in history and we dont attack or ocupy other countrys in a megalomania complex!! And we survived Sovjet ocupation and had good contacts to Swedes or Germans and you will not find anything negative about Latvians in books. You know, many were normal and friendly peasants and farmers over many centurys and they did honest and hard work for the family and the villages! But at the right time we took the weapons and defended ourselfes like against Russian ocupation!! Yes we are not afraid of anyone and we fighted the Russians and on the side of the Germans until the bitter end in second world war. Never surrender!! :) We are small but proud ---- arrogant people do under-rate us but i say whatever we are here and we have our nation and we are larger than countrys like Belgium, Netherland , Croatia, Czech, Slovenia, Estonia, Denmark or Switzerland and some more

08-06-2010, 07:49 AM
Interesting question.
Undoubtedly the following:
1) There is a correlation between race and the average IQ of a population. This largely explains (but is not the sole explanation) for the current standard of living deficits we can observe in the world today. (This is also why I think cultural preservation is extremely important at a racial level.)
2) Winston Churchill did more to bring about WWII (and put the whole Western world in its current state of decline) than Adolf Hitler ever did.

08-06-2010, 08:07 AM
Latvians stayed out of many stupid european brother wars in history and we dont attack or ocupy other countrys in a megalomania complex!! But at the right time we took the weapons and defended ourselfes like against Russian ocupation!! Yes we are not afraid of anyone and we fighted the Russians and on the side of the Germans until the bitter end in second world war. Never surrender!! :) We are small but proud ---- arrogant people do under-rate us but i say whatever we are here and we have our nation and we are larger than countrys like Belgium, Netherland , Croatia, Czech, Slovenia, Estonia, Denmark or Switzerland and some more

Baltic tribes raided Rus lands and Grand Duchy of Moscow and only nation that never surrendered ware Finns

08-06-2010, 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Eburos
What is wrong with the name Malcolm?

It usually belongs to people who wear peak caps and hand out tickets for which you have to pay money to make them piss off, jobs worths, you know the type, pen pushing fuck wits who make you want to jump across the desk and smash their brains out against the wall. Sitting there with their smug expressions because they know that’s exactly what you want to do.

Do you still have hippies in England, you know the summer of love "67", flower power types, that live in communes and drive VW buses?

Unfortunately we do, even worse many of them are the tree hugging types who are usually called Pagan and use Stonehenge as a brothel and drugs den every solstice.

08-06-2010, 12:27 PM
Many are mixed with other people or are gypsys. :rolleyes:

Latvians stayed out of many stupid european brother wars in history and we dont attack or ocupy other countrys in a megalomania complex!! And we survived Sovjet ocupation and had good contacts to Swedes or Germans and you will not find anything negative about Latvians in books. You know, many were normal and friendly peasants and farmers over many centurys and they did honest and hard work for the family and the villages! But at the right time we took the weapons and defended ourselfes like against Russian ocupation!! Yes we are not afraid of anyone and we fighted the Russians and on the side of the Germans until the bitter end in second world war. Never surrender!! :) We are small but proud ---- arrogant people do under-rate us but i say whatever we are here and we have our nation and we are larger than countrys like Belgium, Netherland , Croatia, Czech, Slovenia, Estonia, Denmark or Switzerland and some more

Had Poland megalomania complex as well? Were we attacking and occupying others (except Russia once, but you should be happy of that :p)(*)? No. Russia, Prussia and Austria have partitioned our country but we remained. When we appeared on the map again, we were subject of bolshevik attack which we defended in 1920. In 1939 we were treacherously attacked from both sides by Germany and Soviet Union alike. Do we qualify as being in "countries with megalomania complex" as well?

And you still didn't answered my questions I posted on previous page.

(*) - Don't think I'm anti-Russian. In fact, I'm rusophile and love everything related to them. :D

10-13-2010, 12:01 AM
Agalloch is crap.

Drudkh - R.I.P.

Mercedes-Benz pwns BMW.

10-13-2010, 12:07 AM
Agalloch is crap.


10-13-2010, 12:08 AM
Had Poland megalomania complex as well? Were we attacking and occupying others (except Russia once, but you should be happy of that :p)(*)? No. Russia, Prussia and Austria have partitioned our country but we remained. When we appeared on the map again, we were subject of bolshevik attack which we defended in 1920. In 1939 we were treacherously attacked from both sides by Germany and Soviet Union alike. Do we qualify as being in "countries with megalomania complex" as well?

And you still didn't answered my questions I posted on previous page.

(*) - Don't think I'm anti-Russian. In fact, I'm rusophile and love everything related to them. :D

I seem to recall reading about Poland happily picking at the Czech Republic when it had a chance. Poland had no moral high ground. Poland also had ambitions of its own like every other European nation at the time.

It only kept Danzig because it cynically believed the war-guarantee from Britain protected them. Prior to Chamberlain's guarantee, they were going to return part of Danzig.

And I'm not anti-Polish, either. But the narrative that starts with September 1, 1939 is BS.

10-13-2010, 12:28 AM
Mercedes-Benz pwns BMW.

and Audi pwns them both :) - Audi is Das Haus

You should come to the E.U. and see who drives BMW and Mercs nowadays :D - This is my controversial statement of the day - .... ;)

10-13-2010, 03:50 AM
I believe in the God of the Bible, the Nameless.

I'll love the United States of America, all 13 of them, till my dying day.

I don't hate all blacks, Jews, homos, etc.

I hate many whites for being pathetic scumbag losers.

From the above, I believe that hatred, when properly focused, is a virtue of the highest order.

I also think that hard work is a virtue.

I also think that suffering, and enduring suffering, is a part of God's plan to create a more perfect world.

I also believe in eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

I'd rather marry a decent negress than some trashy white woman, given the choice between the two.

Lastly, I believe in judgment day (what goes round, comes round and it isn't called karma you beatnik hippies- it's called the wrath of God).

Were I on Stormcunt with the Nazi-slurping stinkpiles thereon, if I admitted to all of the above, I'd be drummed out of town for being a homojewniggerlovingracetraitor.

10-13-2010, 04:05 AM
^I concur. Are any of those controversial, though?

10-13-2010, 04:07 AM
I believe that humans were genetically manipulated by higher beings. Those higher beings became the gods of early man.
I believe that human beings have had much of their genetic code shut off and through the many years of human existence, since his creation, some of these bonds are loosening.
I believe that man is destined to greatness beyond our wildest dreams! :thumb001:

10-13-2010, 05:13 AM
I've seen some pretty good opinions and viewpoints in here, some personally agreeable and others I agree to disagree on.

I have a few controversial opinions, some of them based on experience, some based on observation, and others I have just for the sake of it.

Astrology: I believe astrology to actually have an impact in my life. I've noticed it after becoming acquainted with astrology that my personality and the encounters and events in my life have been subliminally, or subconsciously shaped in my life. Now, I just sit back and see every move I make, how its shaped by my personality and ponder if there truly is a cosmic blueprint. Wierd, innit? It's generally accurate, too.

Human Origins: I believe intellegent, or humanoid-like beings shaped us out of their appearance and moulded their personalities to somewhat mirror theirs; and that there's probably more evidence for Olympian/Roman Gods than there would be for Jesus Christ. On top of that, I believe the Hebraic word Elohim means "the Gods"(as in a pantheon)

European(race): I believe Europeans to be superior to their other neighbors, although I don't know about Japanese people. They seem like "Europeans of Asia", not in race, but in civilization and in behavior

American culture: I am against Ebonization(and Ebonics; can't stand them) and Mexicanization of American culture. And although the US is an anglocultural country, if it had to have a language other than English, I think instead of Spanish, Latin would be the next best candidate. Then English speakers AND Spanish speakers would have to learn the new language(Esperanto is to artificial, Latin has a history)

I don't find Jews to be inferior(or any racial and/or ethno-linguistic group for that matter, although this can be debated in terms of intelligence), I think some of them have provided well to European society and culture, but I don't have a special "Zionistic" attitude(in this case, love lol) to Jews, Israelis, or anything pertaining to them.

and (this is a bit more personal) provided my aunt and father are right about what my grandpapa said, that would make me descended from an ancient Roman patrician family

Anyways, those are my opinions, and some of them are controversial, but I generally stay within the mainstream.


10-13-2010, 05:32 AM
^I concur. Are any of those controversial, though?

Highly, given the proper time, place, and company.

Lulletje Rozewater
10-13-2010, 08:51 AM
I believe in the God of the Bible, the Nameless.

I'll love the United States of America, all 13 of them, till my dying day.

I don't hate all blacks, Jews, homos, etc.

I hate many whites for being pathetic scumbag losers.

From the above, I believe that hatred, when properly focused, is a virtue of the highest order.

I also think that hard work is a virtue.

I also think that suffering, and enduring suffering, is a part of God's plan to create a more perfect world.

I also believe in eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

I'd rather marry a decent negress than some trashy white woman, given the choice between the two.

Lastly, I believe in judgment day (what goes round, comes round and it isn't called karma you beatnik hippies- it's called the wrath of God).

Were I on Stormcunt with the Nazi-slurping stinkpiles thereon, if I admitted to all of the above, I'd be drummed out of town for being a homojewniggerlovingracetraitor.

In short a fok-up.:D

I believe in the Holy Trinity:Aemma-Vixen-Inese.:confused: The Mother-the Daughter and the Holy Spit.:thumbs up.

10-13-2010, 09:15 AM
"Holy Spit"? lol

10-13-2010, 09:55 AM
A really controversial, subjective one, probably fruit of my concentrated ego but with a certain empirical bases you cannot (obviously) deny:

I've the inner feeling Id never personally know a wiser human than me. Indeed I know people with more IQ than me(123 if I bad not remember, for the people think it matters), and what is far more relevant: excelling above me in different matters(i.e. writing skills, physics, computer science, English, chess...) BTW concentrated all of them in just three persons(some of them: point on my favour, way more purposeful than me), or people better readed than me (of course at a lower level than previous group). But, as a kind of a all-ground knowledge of things (including irrelevant and despisable one) and sciences, I dare to say I'm the best of what i know...otoh i'm not involved on science societies, MENSA, or things like this, that could draw me to a different conclusion.:mad:

Pd. I said personally to exclude living people I watch at media(not to much, really), or passed genious which even beats me just by knowledge on a single field like i.e. Einstein or Picasso as the clearest cases...and, last but not least, people who know by internet, from which, frankly, I am no skilled enough to evaluate them fairly, although more or less I have an idea of which ones at this forum could beat me (hoping that last objection prevents others here to try to judge me either to agree or to disagree) .:coffee:

Pd2. BTW it's a really disturbing though (by not means a pleasant one ) because of the sense of orphanity (if not plain solitude) it causes on people who suffer it (so if some of you solemly declare him or her self being wiser than me, with great pleasure I will accept it). And if not, thanks God I still believe in Him.

10-13-2010, 01:34 PM
In short a fok-up.:D

Only to the Stormfart crowd, who I'm not really in any hurry to impress.

10-13-2010, 03:00 PM
I am racist/anti-multicultural and in the same time I like wicca.

09-28-2011, 05:26 PM
What controversial or "politically incorrect" beliefs or opinions do you hold?

Not everyone should go to college/university. More people should instead be encouraged to learn a trade or skill.
Despite abuses carried out by colonists, colonialism had many positive impacts on the world.
Multiculturalism is terrible and does not work either in theory or practice.
Democracy is ineffective, corrupt, and a terrible system of government.
For all its fault, capitalism is a hundred times better than socialism.
American hegemony in the Middle East has been beneficial.
The death penalty should be an option for the most serious crimes.
The art of people like Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali et al is just terrible.
We should stop giving Africa aid.
Bullfighting is a great, elegant, and noble tradition; as is fox hunting.

09-28-2011, 05:28 PM
Not everyone should go to college/university. More people should instead be encouraged to learn a trade or skill.

I firmly believe this as well, I don't even consider it controversial, I think it's common sense :thumb001:

Motörhead Remember Me
09-28-2011, 05:38 PM
All Woody Allen movies suck dead dick.

09-28-2011, 05:46 PM
-Despite abuses carried out by colonists, colonialism had many positive impacts on the world.

-Multiculturalism is terrible and does not work either in theory or practice.

-For all its fault, capitalism is a hundred times better than socialism

And I'll add some of my own:

-Sometimes,violence does solve some problems.

-Some cultures are more advanced and evolved than others.

09-28-2011, 06:11 PM
All Woody Allen movies suck dead dick.
That is also common sense :p

09-28-2011, 06:13 PM
What controversial or "politically incorrect" beliefs or opinions do you hold?

Not everyone should go to college/university. More people should instead be encouraged to learn a trade or skill.
Despite abuses carried out by colonists, colonialism had many positive impacts on the world.
Multiculturalism is terrible and does not work either in theory or practice.
Democracy is ineffective, corrupt, and a terrible system of government.
For all its fault, capitalism is a hundred times better than socialism.
American hegemony in the Middle East has been beneficial.
The death penalty should be an option for the most serious crimes.
The art of people like Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali et al is just terrible.
We should stop giving Africa aid.
Bullfighting is a great, elegant, and noble tradition; as is fox hunting.

I will simply pull out van Gogh, and Picasso then I certainly agree with you 100% across the board.:thumb001:

09-28-2011, 06:14 PM
All Woody Allen movies suck dead dick.

They are what they are comedy from a warped Jewish perspective. I cannot relate to them either.:coffee:

09-28-2011, 06:23 PM
too many to list :p

09-28-2011, 07:29 PM
All Woody Allen movies suck dead dick.

A Norwegian friend of mine thinks exactly the same,it must be a nordic thing....I love most of them.By the way,that same Norwegian looks A LOT like Woody....

09-28-2011, 07:34 PM
A Norwegian friend of mine thinks exactly the same,it must be a nordic thing....I love most of them.By the way,that same Norwegian looks A LOT like Woody....check him out:


Maybe he's touchy about the subject,hehe....

I would never take that guy as Norwegian.

09-28-2011, 07:38 PM
I would never take that guy as Norwegian.

Yeah? well,go tell him and see what happens.

09-28-2011, 07:46 PM
Yeah? well,go tell him and see what happens.


He looks more so in this photo, but not in the first one. Hey, I call it as I see it. :thumb001:

I'll also add in this photo or the first, if that is a concern of his IMHO he does NOT look like that hideous Woody Allen.

09-28-2011, 07:49 PM
- That there are innate differences between the races cognitively:some races are smarter then the others and i believe in the bell curve.

- The situation of europe would be better demograpically if hitler won the war.

- That there is a conspiracy to form a one world government. The reason we are seeing miscegenation explode is because of the propaganda to push these relationships. This is also the reason we are seeing so much immigration.

- That america was created as a great experiment to test multiculturalism/multiracialism. Now that the nation wreckers have seen it as successful they are exporting it to europe.

Joe McCarthy
09-28-2011, 08:09 PM
It is the duty of every patriotic American to hate Mexico. That's probably my most un-PC view, but that it is even a controversial thing to say shows where we're headed.

09-28-2011, 09:59 PM
I fused this thread with an older one of the same topic.

Stygian Cellarius
09-28-2011, 10:30 PM
The situation of europe would be better demograpically if hitler won the war.

But ya never know, something even better could be just over the horizon. I can imagine a few wonderful possibilities. :thumb001:

Damião de Góis
09-28-2011, 10:34 PM
Among my friends it's: Portugal's national team for ethnic portuguese only. They find it strange. :rolleyes:

09-28-2011, 11:01 PM
1) i believe(d) in a possible confederation of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and maybe some of south american countries like Argentina, Southern Brasil and Uruguay
2) Rome and Athens are the true founders of West
3) Multiculturalism in Italy is sick and useless.
4) Italians aren't made for democracy
5) We need a monarchical government: a kingdom or maybe an Empire
6) We need a serius demographical politic, like in Fascist Time (birthrate of 7,9 children/woman).

09-29-2011, 12:20 PM
Britain should adopt similar gun laws that Switzerland has, and proper gun safety and use should be taught in schools.
The Church of England should seek reunion with the Holy See.
I do not believe a species can evolve into a different species.
Empires are superior to nation-states.

09-29-2011, 12:44 PM
The Church of England should seek reunion with the Holy See.

Why on earth?

Empires are superior to nation-states.

Why on earth?

09-29-2011, 09:49 PM
It seems that in the context of this forum, my opinion that Woody Allen has made some great movies is pretty controversial.

09-30-2011, 06:15 AM
Don't worry,Eldritch,I'm with you! It's not our fault that some people don't (ehem....) understand(ehem,ehem) them.

09-30-2011, 11:08 AM
That for this world to get better in every way, a loooooot of people would have to die (now don't ask me why).

09-30-2011, 11:25 AM
Don't worry,Eldritch,I'm with you! It's not our fault that some people don't (ehem....) understand(ehem,ehem) them.

Please, understand them. The only type of person that would relate to a Woody Allen film is a Jew. And the only reason they are considered anything at all is because, like any films that receive big praise, they are Jewish oriented films made by a Jew. Wake up.

09-30-2011, 06:27 PM
The only type of person that would relate to a Woody Allen film is a Jew. ...

Well, I'm not a Jew, and I can relate to Woody Allen's films. How'd that happen?

The Lawspeaker
09-30-2011, 06:31 PM
Well, I'm not a Jew, and I can relate to Woody Allen's films. How'd that happen?
So how was your bar mitzwa ? :D;)

09-30-2011, 06:44 PM
Well, I'm not a Jew, and I can relate to Woody Allen's films. How'd that happen?

You may not know yourself as well as you think?

09-30-2011, 06:45 PM
I dislike sunshine and love cool, cloudy weather.

09-30-2011, 06:55 PM
You may not know yourself as well as you think?

Sorry, you lost me there?

Han Cholo
09-30-2011, 07:01 PM
That every nation needs a significant population of jews to be succesful and work correctly. But never too much.

09-30-2011, 07:23 PM
2. I think Northern Europeans (Germanics Balts and Celts) are the best what evolution has created. Other races are not on our level ---- the history and development shows it! --- Yes i am a racist girl.

WTF? This is the most moronic statement above I've read today and I am half-Nordic. I have read posts of some fucking stupid women in my time online, but you really top them all with that one.

09-30-2011, 07:30 PM
WTF? This is the most moronic statement above I've read today and I am half-Nordic. I have read posts of some fucking stupid women in my time online, but you really top them all with that one.

This coming from someone who says you have to be a Jew to appreciate a Woody Allen flick? Chill out. :rolleyes2:

09-30-2011, 07:44 PM
This coming from someone who says you have to be a Jew to appreciate a Woody Allen flick? Chill out. :rolleyes2:

Yes, I find nothing amusing or entertaining about Allen films. I am a Bergman and Visconti film man. IMHO to fully appreciate something as warped as Woody Allen's purely Jewish humor one would have to be a Jew or one and not know it.

As for that other bullshit of hers that you are defending, anyone discounting Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, Salvino D'Armate of Pisa, Galileo Galilei, Bartolomeo Cristofori of Padua, Leon Battista Alberti. just to name a few, when it comes to contributions to European art, architecture, music and inventions is a complete and utter moron.

09-30-2011, 07:49 PM
Yes, I find nothing amusing or entertaining about Allen films. I am a Bergman and Visconti film man. IMHO to fully appreciate something as warped as Woody Allen's purely Jewish humor one would have to be a Jew or one and not know it.

As for that other bullshit of hers that you are defending, anyone discounting Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, Salvino D'Armate of Pisa, Galileo Galilei, Bartolomeo Cristofori of Padua, Leon Battista Alberti. just to name a few, when it comes to contributions to European art, architecture, music and inventions is a complete and utter moron.

Hear Hear!

09-30-2011, 07:51 PM
What kind of controversial opinions are we talking about? Controversial in the mainstream politically correct society or controversial on Apricity? I have both, and then some. :p

Controversial opinions according to the politically correct:

1. Not all cultures are created equal because not all beliefs or actions are equally valid. Therefore, I'm not a cultural relativist who'd say that stoning someone to death for being a rape victim is equal to a fair and civilised trial. Some ideas and cultures are simply better. Freedom is better than tyranny, and prosperity is better than poverty.

2. The Islamic prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and a warlord. He married a 6 year-old girl and had sex with her at age 9, when he himself was in his 50's, according to Islamic sources. One of the symbols of Islam is also Mohammed's sword, which attests to his position as a man of war.

3. All immigration into the West from the Third World (including all Islamic and African countries) should be stopped, and criminal immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and those without a citizenship should be sent home. I don't support this politicised propagation of multiculturalism, since it's not only synthetic but it also ruins real diversity.

4. Prostitution and the buying of sex should be fully legal, as long as it only involves consensual adults, and under orderly forms (using protection and hidden from the public). What two consenting adults do with their own time and money in privacy, is their business alone as long as they don't harm anyone while doing it. However, sex trafficking and the exploitation and sex slavery of human beings (both men, women and children) is a serious crime and should never be tolerated.

5. Drugs should be legalised, with the stronger drugs being available to drug addicts and heavily regulated, while the softer drugs should become available and readily sold to adults, as is (or has been done) in the coffee shops of Amsterdam. Marihuana is in fact far less dangerous in moderate amounts than alcohol is, and some other drugs are in fact even less dangerous than marihuana. Substances like khat, coca leaves and kava can have a far less harmful effect than alcohol or tobacco, so it's no sensible to have this disparity in the laws regarding these substances.

6. I think child rapists, mass murderers and the like should get life in prison. Believe it or not, but this can be "controversial" among some people. I was even called an extremist once for talking about treating criminals like criminals, rather than putting on silk gloves and treating them like Hollywood therapy clients. I believe that people who do wrong things should be punished, not sit in a circle and talk about their feelings. :rolleyes:

7. Banking is pretty much a form of fraud, as banks create wealth out of nothing (credit and money). Common sense would suggest that banking should be illegal, if it weren't for the fact that most of the world has become dependent upon this magic imaginary bubble that the banks have created. As long as we can imagine that we're wealthy and we believe and trust in our economies, the house of cards won't come crashing down and bury us alive. Yeah right! :D

8. I don't believe human beings are more different on the outside than we are on the inside. On the contrary, I think that humans are far more different than just skin colour. We have different personalities, our brains are all wired slightly different, and science has shown that black and white patients need different types of medications and treatments because whites and blacks are prone to different diseases.

9. I consider Christianity a foreign religion in Norway and I think we should take any mention of God out of our constitution, sever ties between Church and State and stop funding the Church. I oppose the funding of any and all religious institutions.

10. I believe Norway should get rid of its monarchy and become a republic. I used to be a monarchist due to tradition, but since the monarchy chooses to ignore tradition, I see no reason to let it continue. It's lost its purpose in my opinion.

11. Norway should leave the NATO cooperation as it's no longer serving its purpose as a defence organisatiion. We're just getting dragged into senseless wars that have little or nothing to do with defence.

09-30-2011, 08:00 PM
Yes, I find nothing amusing or entertaining about Allen films. I am a Bergman and Visconti film man. IMHO to fully appreciate something as warped as Woody Allen's purely Jewish humor one would have to be a Jew or one and not know it.

I can think of one Woody Allen film that I appreciated, although I don't recall the name of it having watched it some years ago. Something involving a woman visiting a movie theatre. Am I a Jew? Am I a Jew without realizing it? You're welcome to look at my all of my posts in the Genetics subforum to track down the hidden Jew in my ancestry. :rolleyes2:

As for that other bullshit of hers that you are defending,

Who said I was defending it? I'm defending Inese's "controversial opinion" as much as I am defending your opinion that only Jews can like Woody Allen films. :thumb001:

09-30-2011, 08:06 PM
I can think of one Woody Allen film that I appreciated, although I don't recall the name of it having watched it some years ago. Something involving a woman visiting a movie theatre.

The Purple Rose of Cairo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089853/) perhaps?

09-30-2011, 08:12 PM
Some of his work is a reflection of his Jewishness, but some simply of the human condition.

09-30-2011, 08:22 PM
I do not like Jews, but I admire the work of several film directors, actors, Jewish writers. I like your work.

And I am totally against the sexist and archaic Islamic culture, as well as the invasion of Muslims in European countries, but once in Paris, a Bosnian woman, came to me for and asked some money, because her parents had suffered a serious accident. in the first moment, I thought I would not help, but wanted to get rid of a few coins and gave money to her. When I took my wallet, she prayed and cried and gave us eyes to see that she was sincere and I was very upset to have been doubted her and biased.

I apologized for the little money i was giving, about 10 euros, and wanted improvements to her family and she cared. But, I reflected a lot about that and it bothers me to this day for having doubted her, only to be Muslim

09-30-2011, 08:22 PM
The Purple Rose of Cairo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089853/) perhaps?

I dunno, when I watched the trailer, nothing seemed familiar. :shrug: Maybe a scene from some other of his films has stuck in my head? Now I'll go crazy until I figure out which film it was. :P

Oreka Bailoak
09-30-2011, 08:28 PM
I think the government should provide financial incentive strongly encouraging higher IQ citizens to have at least 4-5 kids average. The government should also create financial disincentives to strongly discourage criminals from having kids.

In the UK criminals have 4 kids on average while normal citizens have less than 2 kids on average.

09-30-2011, 09:00 PM
I do not like Jews, but I admire the work of several film directors, actors, Jewish writers. I like your work.

And I am totally against the sexist and archaic Islamic culture, as well as the invasion of Muslims in European countries, but once in Paris, a Bosnian woman, came to me for and asked some money, because her parents had suffered a serious accident. in the first moment, I thought I would not help, but wanted to get rid of a few coins and gave money to her. When I took my wallet, she prayed and cried and gave us eyes to see that she was sincere and I was very upset to have been doubted her and biased.

I apologized for the little money i was giving, about 10 euros, and wanted improvements to her family and she cared. But, I reflected a lot about that and it bothers me to this day for having doubted her, only to be Muslim

And she wiped the tears off her face, walked around the corner to meet up with her "parents" and they laughed all the way home.

09-30-2011, 09:11 PM
Most un-pc views, drugs should be legalized across the board and taxed.

The sun also is responsible for the rise or fall in temperature of the earth, thats a no brainer. Co2 is a naturally occurring element necessary for life, plants eat it, you are made of carbon. The anti co2 movement is political movement based on pseudo science, and Al Gore should be thrown in jail for his lies.

09-30-2011, 09:24 PM
I do not like Jews, but I admire the work of several film directors, actors, Jewish writers. I like your work.

And I am totally against the sexist and archaic Islamic culture, as well as the invasion of Muslims in European countries, but once in Paris, a Bosnian woman, came to me for and asked some money, because her parents had suffered a serious accident. in the first moment, I thought I would not help, but wanted to get rid of a few coins and gave money to her. When I took my wallet, she prayed and cried and gave us eyes to see that she was sincere and I was very upset to have been doubted her and biased.

I apologized for the little money i was giving, about 10 euros, and wanted improvements to her family and she cared. But, I reflected a lot about that and it bothers me to this day for having doubted her, only to be Muslim

That is the oldest con trick in history. :rolleyes:

09-30-2011, 09:32 PM
I want the application of Eugenetic to improve our society.

10-01-2011, 01:51 AM
On this forum? LOL! Pretty much everything I post.

10-01-2011, 01:54 AM
I dislike sunshine and love cool, cloudy weather.

A man after my own heart:) I am totally with you!!

10-01-2011, 02:03 AM
This isn't really that controversial, at least in my eyes.. But I wish for the entire cast of the TV show Jersey Shore and it's followers, to be kicked into the endless pit by King Leonidas.

10-01-2011, 02:29 AM
That all non-Native Europeans, and anyone with non-European ancestry needs to GTFO ASAP from Europe!

10-02-2011, 05:31 PM
I believe in breatharianism

The Lawspeaker
05-22-2012, 03:11 AM
I believe that colonials who want to comment on European affairs should be mandated to undergo an entrance examination about the social, economical and political structure of the country where (s)he wants to comment on. Such an entrance examination should be dictated in person by the moderator designated to that section so that means that the colonial in question should first have to go that country.

It would clear things up once and for all. :D:thumb001:

05-23-2012, 02:05 AM
I believe that humans are brothers and sisters in humanity. As well I strongly believe that love trascends ancestry or whatever people want to dubb it as, and it's color blind and breaks and soften the hardest of hearts that are full of prejudice and hate. It's a true conqueror and bringer of the brotherhood/sisterhood of Humanity. I wish peace and prosperity will occur with people respecting each other,and believe one day it's possible to have universal peace:)

05-23-2012, 02:22 AM
You don't want to know!! :P

05-23-2012, 03:01 AM
I am pro-EU and in some circles that is controversial.

Contra Mundum
05-23-2012, 03:45 AM
Racial and cultural preservation through segregating much of America, but allow some areas to remain integrated if the locals prefer it.

A halt to all immigration.

Deportation of all illegals, including those who acquired citizenship because they were born here to an illegal immigrate mother.

Paying low IQ and poor blacks to leave the country. It shouldn't take that much, but there isn't enough money to pay all middle class and wealthy blacks to leave, so we would have to tolerate them. They aren't as troublesome as the dumber ones, and they aren't that numerous.

Single payer government healthcare for all.

No government aid for healthy adults of working age. If you don't work, you don't eat, unless you are disabled or elderly.

I support eugenics to some degree, though nothing forced. Providing financial incentives to certain couples to marry and procreate.

My views may be considered controversial, but in reality, they just make good common sense.

05-23-2012, 03:45 AM
My views on Israel/Palestine, probably.

Supreme American
05-23-2012, 03:46 AM
I believe that humans are brothers and sisters in humanity. As well I strongly believe that love trascends ancestry or whatever people want to dubb it as, and it's color blind and breaks and soften the hardest of hearts that are full of prejudice and hate. It's a true conqueror and bringer of the brotherhood/sisterhood of Humanity. I wish peace and prosperity will occur with people respecting each other,and believe one day it's possible to have universal peace:)

Thank you, Alan Alda.

Supreme American
05-23-2012, 03:47 AM
My most controversial is undoubtedly my strong stance against interracial romantic relations, especially in that I would like to bring back anti-miscegenation laws which refused whites marriage licenses with non-whites. At the LEAST that's what we should be doing.

The Lawspeaker
05-23-2012, 03:47 AM
I believe that humans are brothers and sisters in humanity. As well I strongly believe that love trascends ancestry or whatever people want to dubb it as, and it's color blind and breaks and soften the hardest of hearts that are full of prejudice and hate. It's a true conqueror and bringer of the brotherhood/sisterhood of Humanity. I wish peace and prosperity will occur with people respecting each other,and believe one day it's possible to have universal peace:)
Dreaming is good. Being awake is better.:coffee:

Supreme American
05-23-2012, 03:48 AM
Paying low IQ and poor blacks to leave the country.

What do you consider low IQ blacks? American blacks average 15 points lower in IQ than whites.

Supreme American
05-23-2012, 03:49 AM
I am pro-EU and in some circles that is controversial.

In its current incarnation I think it is.

Supreme American
05-23-2012, 03:52 AM
My views on Israel/Palestine, probably.

I'm not familiar with them. If you side with Israel, you'd probably be considered a pariah here.