View Full Version : Classify Gibraltar's Mayor (spanish)

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05-07-2020, 01:38 AM

05-07-2020, 01:59 AM

05-07-2020, 02:16 AM

no she's spanish

05-07-2020, 02:18 AM
Very familiar face. Atlanto-Med with Berid.

05-07-2020, 02:26 AM
Very familiar face. Atlanto-Med with Berid.Yeah this

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05-07-2020, 02:29 AM
Yeah this

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How common is her face in Ecuador? Here in Brazil we just think of her type as common Brazilian, white or "morena".

05-07-2020, 02:31 AM

05-07-2020, 02:41 AM
How common is her face in Ecuador? Here in Brazil we just think of her type as common Brazilian, white or "morena".It would not be anything common I have seen Venezuelans with a familiar face. people here in my country would take it as a morena

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Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 02:51 AM
She is not Spanish, her name is Kaiane Aldorino . Aldorino is an Italian surname from Liguria. Tons of Genoese in Gibraltar.

Then they complain when we say they post gypsies and foreigners trying to pass them as spaniards, :laugh:

05-07-2020, 02:54 AM
She is not Spanish, her name is Kaiane Aldorino . Aldorino is an Italian surname from Liguria. Tons of Genoese in Gibraltar.

Then they complain when we say they post gypsies and foreigners trying to pass them as spaniards, :laugh:

Nice. Italian women are also great. Yeah, I checked her surname after opening the thread, and it sounds Italian.

05-07-2020, 02:57 AM
She is not Spanish, her name is Kaiane Aldorino . Aldorino is an Italian surname from Liguria. Tons of Genoese in Gibraltar.

Then they complain when we say they post gypsies and foreigners trying to pass them as spaniards, :laugh:

why do you lie ? This name is more common in spain than italy : https://forebears.io/x/fr/surnames/aldorino

also she speaks only english and spanish.

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 02:58 AM
Nice. Italian women are also great. Yeah, I checked her surname after opening the thread, and it sounds Italian.

It was obvious. But the complex of that moor betrayed him... And his agenda of course :laugh:

05-07-2020, 02:58 AM
Nice. Italian women are also great. Yeah, I checked her surname after opening the thread, and it sounds Italian.

she isn't italian and she doesn't look italian at all tbh she has a typical iberian face

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 02:59 AM
Nice. Italian women are also great. Yeah, I checked her surname after opening the thread, and it sounds Italian.

It was obvious. But the complex of that moor betrayed him... And his agenda of course :laugh:

05-07-2020, 03:01 AM
she isn't italian and she doesn't look italian at all tbh she has a typical iberian face

Well, she does look very Iberian to me, more than anything else, but that surname sounds Italian, but I might be wrong.

05-07-2020, 03:02 AM
Well, she does look very Iberian to me, more than anything else, but that surname sounds Italian, but I might be wrong.

check on forebears this name is more common in spain than italy

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:03 AM
why do you lie ? This name is more common in spain than italy : https://forebears.io/x/fr/surnames/aldorino

also she speaks only english and spanish.

2. ¿Por qué Gibraltar parece un pueblo genovés?

Ventanas con persianas verdes y azules, fachadas de colores pastel, puertas con arcos… En algunos rincones de Gibraltar uno podría sentirse transportado a un pueblo genovés, en el norte de Italia.

El visitante no encontrará en esta ciudad las calles estrechas de casas encaladas típicas de Andalucía. Tampoco las casas victorianas de ladrillo y chimeneas humeantes propias de una población británica.
El aire ligur de Gibraltar responde a la influencia de una de las comunidades más antiguas y numerosas del territorio.

En 1753, el 34% de la población local era de origen genovés, el grupo más numeroso de la ciudad en aquella época. Existen varias explicaciones a esta migración: intereses comerciales, pesqueros y el hecho de que Gibraltar era una escala común en el viaje hacia América.

Incluso hoy en día, los apellidos italianos suponen el 20% del censo. Y algunos de esos nombres llegaron a ser ilustres.
El actual gobernante, Fabian Picardo, es uno de ellos. También los son la ex Miss Mundo Kaiane Aldorino y el diseñador de moda John Galliano.

https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2013/07/130708_internacional_gibraltar_cosas_que_no_sabia_ lav

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:07 AM
Everybody in Gibraltar speak Spanish and English, retard. She don't speak Italian because the Italian colony in Gibraltar dates from centuries ago, idiot.

Spanish, he says :laugh: gibrqltarians are mix of British, Italians, Jews and Spanish. Good luck searching pure Spanish there, specially among people with Italian surnames, buaaaajajaja!

05-07-2020, 03:11 AM
2. ¿Por qué Gibraltar parece un pueblo genovés?

Ventanas con persianas verdes y azules, fachadas de colores pastel, puertas con arcos… En algunos rincones de Gibraltar uno podría sentirse transportado a un pueblo genovés, en el norte de Italia.

El visitante no encontrará en esta ciudad las calles estrechas de casas encaladas típicas de Andalucía. Tampoco las casas victorianas de ladrillo y chimeneas humeantes propias de una población británica.
El aire ligur de Gibraltar responde a la influencia de una de las comunidades más antiguas y numerosas del territorio.

En 1753, el 34% de la población local era de origen genovés, el grupo más numeroso de la ciudad en aquella época. Existen varias explicaciones a esta migración: intereses comerciales, pesqueros y el hecho de que Gibraltar era una escala común en el viaje hacia América.

Incluso hoy en día, los apellidos italianos suponen el 20% del censo. Y algunos de esos nombres llegaron a ser ilustres.
El actual gobernante, Fabian Picardo, es uno de ellos. También los son la ex Miss Mundo Kaiane Aldorino y el diseñador de moda John Galliano.

https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2013/07/130708_internacional_gibraltar_cosas_que_no_sabia_ lav

34% only? maybe she has a distant italian ancestor but she doesn't look italian at all you're just ashamed because she doesn't fit in your nordicist agenda

05-07-2020, 03:11 AM
She is a mix bag of multiple ethnicities (Italian, Maltese, Spanish , Portuguese, 1/4 Austrian, distant French, Slovenian, and Irish) and she just looks like a regular Southern European.


Source: https://ethnicelebs.com/kaiane-aldorino

I forgot about that site, and I always check there. Thanks for posting!

05-07-2020, 03:12 AM
She is a mix bag of multiple ethnicities (Italian, Maltese, Spanish , Portuguese, 1/4 Austrian, distant French, Slovenian, and Irish) and she just looks like a regular Southern European.


Source: https://ethnicelebs.com/kaiane-aldorino

you can't deny the fact that she looks very iberian

05-07-2020, 03:13 AM
Everybody in Gibraltar speak Spanish and English, retard. She don't speak Italian because the Italian colony in Gibraltar dates from centuries ago, idiot.

Spanish, he says :laugh: gibrqltarians are mix of British, Italians, Jews and Spanish. Good luck searching pure Spanish there, specially among people with Italian surnames, buaaaajajaja!

don't force me to post another spanish ....with his dna result :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:19 AM
34% only? maybe she has a distant italian ancestor but she doesn't look italian at all you're just ashamed because she doesn't fit in your nordicist agenda
34% is the amount of Genoese people In Gibraltar.

Distant Italian ancestor, juaaas

Aldorino, the surname born in Gibraltar

We have always known the surname came from Northern Italy.


you can't deny the fact that she looks very iberian

Haha you wish.

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:21 AM
don't force me to post another spanish ....with his dna result :rolleyes:

Ohhhh, I am shaking :lol:

But please, don't post the same guy of always.. And overall check first your sources, jua jua jua juajojojojajajajojojo :lol:

05-07-2020, 03:22 AM
34% is the amount of Genoese people In Gibraltar.

Distant Italian ancestor, juaaas

Aldorino, the surname born in Gibraltar

We have always known the surname came from Northern Italy.


Haha you wish.

I know but 34% italians is still low she's still mostly iberian and look iberian + speak spanish. Plenty of spaniards have moorish names like almodovar, Almunia, etc it doesn't mean they are moroccans lol

05-07-2020, 03:24 AM
Ohhhh, I am shaking :lol:

But please, don't post the same guy of always.. And overall check first your sources, jua jua jua juajojojojajajajojojo :lol:

look at how much he laugh :rolleyes: I will make a big thread about him and I will try to get as much attention as I can I want other europeans to give their opinions

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:26 AM
I know but 34% italians is still low she's still mostly iberian and look iberian + speak spanish. Plenty of spaniards have moorish names like almodovar, Almunia, etc it doesn't mean they are moroccans lol

She could speak Martian, that means less than nothing.
No no, does not look Spanish at all, in fact looks like a beautiful Moroccan, whatever that means. If that looked Spanish you would not have posted her, moor :thumb001:

05-07-2020, 03:27 AM
She could speak Martian, that means less than nothing.
No no, does not look Spanish at all, in fact looks like a beautiful Moroccan, whatever that means. If that looked Spanish you would not have posted her, moor :thumb001:

ask any north african here or any individuals who knows a lot of moroccans and you'll see that she doesn't look moroccan at all ...We have a more "semitic"/negroid look :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:28 AM
look at how much he laugh :rolleyes: I will make a big thread about him and I will try to get as much attention as I can I want other europeans to give their opinions

I am sure you will do, I troll you veery hard and your butthurt is killing you, moor :lol:

05-07-2020, 03:29 AM
She could speak Martian, that means less than nothing.
No no, does not look Spanish at all, in fact looks like a beautiful Moroccan, whatever that means. If that looked Spanish you would not have posted her, moor :thumb001:

She looks very Iberian:


Of course, she pass all over Southern Europe, but the vibe is more Iberian.

05-07-2020, 03:30 AM
I am sure you will do, I troll you veery hard and your butthurt is killing you, moor :lol:

No I'm just obsessed and I'm a european wannabe :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 03:33 AM
She looks very Iberian:
Of course, she pass all over Southern Europe, but the vibe is more Iberian.

No, she does not. What a strange, eh?, since she is NOT Spanish :thumb001:

05-07-2020, 03:36 AM
No, she does not. What a strange, eh?, since she is NOT Spanish :thumb001:

tomorrow a big thread : "Yo soy griego ? " my favourite youtuber :pinklove:


Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 04:03 AM
tomorrow a big thread : "Yo soy griego ? " my favourite youtuber :pinklove:

I Had nor any doubt. Not only your favourite but your only one.

05-07-2020, 04:06 AM
I Had nor any doubt. Not only your favourite but your only one.

No not my only one ...more will follow of course. Pure spanish this time you have no escape It's time for other europeans to see how iberians look like :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 04:08 AM
No not my only one ...more will follow of course. Pure spanish this time you have no escape It's time for other europeans to see how iberians look like :rolleyes:

Don't worry, they know. And what more fucks to you: they know how Moroccans do :thumb001:

05-07-2020, 10:43 PM

This was my answer

05-07-2020, 10:56 PM
why do you lie ? This name is more common in spain than italy : https://forebears.io/x/fr/surnames/aldorino

also she speaks only english and spanish.

There are more Aldorinos in England, so you already know what her origin is

05-07-2020, 10:57 PM
There are more Aldorinos in England, so you already know what her origin is

sure if it's not a gypsy it's a foreigner ...pathetic She looks iberian not british or italian I'm ready to bet anything that she's almost fully iberian

05-07-2020, 11:01 PM
sure if it's not a gypsy it's a foreigner ...pathetic She looks iberian not british or italian I'm ready to bet anything that she's almost fully iberian

-What about your Genoese, Italian past, in your DNA?

-Indeed, I have Genoese, Italian descent, but I am from Gibraltar, and that implies an identity of my own, forged by the history we have had to live through and our multiculturalism. But I have to say that the “calentita”, a kind of national dish of Gibraltar, is of Genoese origin.



05-07-2020, 11:01 PM

05-07-2020, 11:10 PM
-What about your Genoese, Italian past, in your DNA?

-Indeed, I have Genoese, Italian descent, but I am from Gibraltar, and that implies an identity of my own, forged by the history we have had to live through and our multiculturalism. But I have to say that the “calentita”, a kind of national dish of Gibraltar, is of Genoese origin.


wtf that doesn't mean she's italian genetically you can have an italian grandparent and still be mainly iberian

05-07-2020, 11:21 PM
why do you lie ? This name is more common in spain than italy : https://forebears.io/x/fr/surnames/aldorino

also she speaks only english and spanish.

She is not Spanish Nassbean...

05-07-2020, 11:42 PM
She is not Spanish Nassbean...

genetically she is

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 11:52 PM
genetically she is

She is as genetically Iberian as yourself. You made a fool of yourself with this thread, trying to pass a gibraltarian as Spanish :laugh: a gibraltarian!! :lol: you must be the only person on earth that don't know gibraltarians are a mix of many ethnicities :lol: and plus a woman with an Italian surname, for Allah sake, Juajuaaa :pound::pound::pound:

05-07-2020, 11:56 PM
genetically she is

And how can you prove it?

Gibraltarians are very mixed, Indians, Malteses, Northafrican Jews, South Italians, British, Cypriots, and her grandparents were already Gibraltarians 50 years ago as i read in the interview.

Surely she could have Spanish blood, but I cannot assure it, only we know is that she is form Gibraltar and that her surname is Italian, and Gibraltarians are very mixed.

Anyway is a very attractive woman. But writting (Spanish) in the title of a classifying thread...:icon_no:

You were trying to conduct members opinion who come to classify her if you put Spanish in a classifying thread, and more even being this woman from Gibraltar and has an non Spanish surname.

Cristiano viejo
05-07-2020, 11:56 PM
-What about your Genoese, Italian past, in your DNA?

-Indeed, I have Genoese, Italian descent, but I am from Gibraltar, and that implies an identity of my own, forged by the history we have had to live through and our multiculturalism. But I have to say that the “calentita”, a kind of national dish of Gibraltar, is of Genoese origin.



Hahahah juajujaijojojjajajaojajaja

05-07-2020, 11:58 PM
And how can you prove it?

Gibraltarians are very mixed, Indians, Malteses, Northafrican Jews, South Italians, British, Cypriots, and her grandparents were already Gibraltarians 50 years ago as i read in the interview.

Surely she could have Spanish blood, but I cannot assure it, only we know is that she is form Gibraltar and that her surname is Italian, and Gibraltarians are very mixed.

Anyway is a very attractive woman. But writting (Spanish) in the title of a classifying thread...:icon_no:

You were trying to conduct members opinion who come to classify her if you put Spanish in a classifying thread, and more even being this woman from Gibraltar and has an non Spanish surname.

are you even serious ? She looks stereotypically iberian and gibraltar was mainly inhabited by spaniards the rest are minorities

05-08-2020, 12:00 AM
wtf that doesn't mean she's italian genetically you can have an italian grandparent and still be mainly iberian

Yep. Like many Brazilians with Italian ancestry, they are in fact are mainly Iberian.
My paternal aunt has Polentone ancestry, but some users here said she looks more Portuguese/Iberian.

05-08-2020, 12:01 AM
Here you have the official page of INE, try Aldorino in "apellido" and you will see how common is actually that surname in Spain .


And then put Smith or Mohamed :rolleyes:

05-08-2020, 12:02 AM
are you even serious ? She looks stereotypically iberian and gibraltar was mainly inhabited by spaniards the rest are minorities

I do agree that she looks more Iberian, but she is not a pure one. Anyway, fuck it. She is hot and doesn't care about genetics and how anthroweirdos (like most Spanish users) perceive her.

05-08-2020, 12:02 AM
The only thing Spanish in Gibraltar is the rock and what little land there is.

05-08-2020, 12:04 AM
She is Italian(ethnic) not Spanish.

05-08-2020, 12:05 AM
She is Italian not Spanish.

She is mix of diferent Euro ethnicities, not fully Spanish and neither fully Italian.

05-08-2020, 12:09 AM
The only thing Spanish in Gibraltar is the rock and what little land there is.

it's not spanish it's english

05-08-2020, 12:09 AM
Only in the wet dreams of the OP most Spaniards look like that.

05-08-2020, 12:09 AM
She is Italian(ethnic) not Spanish.

Both of her surnames appear to be spanish, apperantly her first Aldorino is from Gibraltar and her second one Lopez, is a very spanish surname, where did u get she was Italian ?

05-08-2020, 12:10 AM
She is mix of diferent Euro ethnicities, not fully Spanish and neither fully Italian.

If also, she would have the typical common mix in my country, I mean the euro mix (Italian + Spanish + other)

05-08-2020, 12:10 AM
Only in the wet dreams of the OP most Spaniards look like that.

not the average but a good part of the population looks like her it's useless to deny it

05-08-2020, 12:10 AM
Both of her surnames appear to be spanish, apperantly her first Aldorino is from Gibraltar and her second one Lopez, is a very spanish surname, where did u get she was Italian ?

Aldorino sounds Italian to me.

05-08-2020, 12:11 AM
She is Italian(ethnic) not Spanish.

Nvm her first last name seems to be from Italy, but her second one is Spanish

05-08-2020, 12:11 AM
Her type isn't uncommon in southern Portugal, Spain, or Italia tbh.

05-08-2020, 12:12 AM
Aldorino sounds Italian to me.

It does, Apparently it seems to be most common in Gibraltar and Argentina, but It might be of Italian descent

05-08-2020, 12:12 AM
Only in the wet dreams of the OP most Spaniards look like that.

Even if she is not textbook Spaniard female, I don't see anything atypical/exotic about her looks:


05-08-2020, 12:12 AM
Even if she is not textbook Spaniard female, I don't see anything atypical/exotic about her looks:


In the video I agree

05-08-2020, 12:13 AM
Even if she is not textbook Spaniard female, I don't see anything atypical/exotic about her looks:


She is incredibly typical actually.

05-08-2020, 12:13 AM
It does, Apparently it seems to be most common in Gibraltar and Argentina, but It might be of Italian descent

I think there are some surnames that are found in both Italy and Spain.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:14 AM
Both of her surnames appear to be spanish, apperantly her first Aldorino is from Gibraltar and her second one Lopez, is a very spanish surname, where did u get she was Italian ?

Aldorino is an Italian surname.
López is the surname of her husband.

She is nothing Spanish. The moor was a laughing stock.

05-08-2020, 12:14 AM
I think there are some surnames that are found in both Italy and Spain.

Yep, it actually happens a lot, its really weird lol

05-08-2020, 12:14 AM
I think there are some surnames that are found in both Italy and Spain.

My surname can be found in all three even France I think. But it is said to have originated in Galicia, and in Italy it has an i at the ending instead of an e.

05-08-2020, 12:14 AM
Even if she is not textbook Spaniard female, I don't see anything atypical/exotic about her looks:


Correct, she is not exotic, I do not understand why she referred to her as if she were exotic.

05-08-2020, 12:15 AM
My surname can be found in all three even France I think. But it is said to have originated in Galicia, and in Italy it has an i at the ending instead of an e.

Yes, there are also some surnames that were spread by the Romans throughout Europe (at least in their colonies)

05-08-2020, 12:16 AM
Correct, she is not exotic, I do not understand why she referred to her as if she were exotic.

Right??? Some people whitewash too hard to the point even this type isn't considered typical enough. In what world is she considered a moor, or gypsy? Not every Spaniard is blonde, blue eyes Germanic looking. She looks Southwestern European...

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:16 AM
I think there are some surnames that are found in both Italy and Spain.

But this surname has nothing to do with Spain, it is genovese and arrived to Gibraltar due the extense colony of genovese there since many centuries ago. In 1734 genovese were the 34% of the total population of Gibraltar.

05-08-2020, 12:16 AM
Even if she is not textbook Spaniard female, I don't see anything atypical/exotic about her looks:


I think I change my opinion about her look.

The OP maliciously selected the darkest and more bad lighted people of her, to go with his agenda of exotifying and darkwashing Spaniards.

05-08-2020, 12:16 AM
Aldorino is an Italian surname.
López is the surname of her husband.

She is nothing Spanish. The moor was a laughing stock.

Yeah I searched again, first is Italian, but sometimes some Spanish last names can be found in Italy and vice versa. Wouldn't her second last name be the one she got from her mother ? I thought when people married traditionally women changed her first last name to what her husbands last name is but she here she put it as her second surname ?

05-08-2020, 12:17 AM
But this surname has nothing to do with Spain, it is genovese and arrived to Gibraltar due the extense colony of genovese there since many centuries ago. In 1734 genovese were the 34% of the total population of Gibraltar.

Yep Aldorino is Genovese

05-08-2020, 12:17 AM
She is incredibly typical actually.

that's exactly what I'm trying to say She doesn't look italian at all to me

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:17 AM
Correct, she is not exotic, I do not understand why she referred to her as if she were exotic.

Of cours she is exotic. If she was not, the moor would not have posted her.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:18 AM
Yeah I searched again, first is Italian, but sometimes some Spanish last names can be found in Italy and vice versa. Wouldn't her second last name be the one she got from her mother ? I thought when people married traditionally women changed her first last name to what her husbands last name is but she here she put it as her second surname ?

No, her second name is due her husband.

05-08-2020, 12:19 AM
I think I change my opinion about her look.

The OP maliciously selected the darkest and more bad lighted people of her, to go with his agenda of exotifying and darkening Spaniards.

I don't think he has an agenda, in one of his pics she is actually "fair". And even with the tan, her features are still very Iberian.

05-08-2020, 12:19 AM
Right??? Some people whitewash too hard to the point even this type isn't considered typical enough. In what world is she considered a moor, or gypsy? Not every Spaniard is blonde, blue eyes Germanic looking. She looks Southwestern European...

Some people believe that the Mediterranean euros are exotic, they are not at all.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:20 AM
that's exactly what I'm trying to say She doesn't look italian at all to me

Does not matter what she looks to you, failed boy. A very blond Spanish person could look Scandinavian to you, yet that person would not be Scandinavian in any way.

This thread is epic and a very good example when retards like you complain when we say you post gypsies and foreigners :laugh:

05-08-2020, 12:21 AM
Some people believe that the Mediterranean euros are exotic, they are not at all.

Exotic is relative. A Hallstat Nordid is also exotic for the Med region.

05-08-2020, 12:21 AM
I think there are some surnames that are found in both Italy and Spain.

No, that's actually very rare. Her surname is Italian.
Best reliable resources to check for surname info on Spain and internationally that I use on a daily basis:
https://www.ine.es/widgets/nombApell/index.shtml | Spanish Census, best to look for precise number of people with a surname in Spain*
http://www.mapadeapellidos.eu/index.php | Reliable source, best to look for where people with a surname are precisely located within Spain
https://forebears.io/surnames | International Surname and Forename Database, best to consult in which countries a surname is present

*Please take on note that the colors on the provinces represent how much permillage of the population of that province has that surname, not how many people with that surname actually live there

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:21 AM
I don't think he has an agenda.


05-08-2020, 12:21 AM
But this surname has nothing to do with Spain, it is genovese and arrived to Gibraltar due the extense colony of genovese there since many centuries ago. In 1734 genovese were the 34% of the total population of Gibraltar.

But in Genova there was also immigration of Spanish, I mean when Genova was part of Aragon kingdom.

05-08-2020, 12:21 AM
I don't think he has an agenda, in one of his pics she is actually "fair". And even with the tan, her features are still very Iberian.

She looks exotic AF in the pictures he cherry picked, but in that video she looks more normal for Spanish standards.

05-08-2020, 12:22 AM


05-08-2020, 12:24 AM
No, that's actually very rare. Her surname is Italian.
Best reliable resources to check for surname info on Spain and internationally that I use on a daily basis:
https://www.ine.es/widgets/nombApell/index.shtml | Spanish Official Census, best to look for precise number of people with a surname*
http://www.mapadeapellidos.eu/index.php | Data taken fromCensus, best to look for where people with a surname are located within Spain
https://forebears.io/surnames | International Surname and Forename Database, best to consult in which countries a surname is present

*The colors on the provinces represent how much of the population of that province has that surname, not how many people with that surname actually live there

That could be her case, but it's true what I say about interchangeable surnames.

05-08-2020, 12:24 AM
Westerners can be exotic in China or they may feel somewhat curious in Eastern Europe if they are countries that receive little tourism, the point is that Spain raises passions.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:25 AM
But in Genova there was also immigration of Spanish, I mean when Genova was part of Aragon kingdom.

Genova was never part of the Aragon kingdom.

And again that is irrelevant. The Origen of this surname is genovese. Genovese settled a lot in Gibraltar.

She even admitted so in a interview.

05-08-2020, 12:26 AM
Aldorino is an Italian surname.
López is the surname of her husband.

She is nothing Spanish. The moor was a laughing stock.

She could be Spanish, this is not the problem, the problem is writting (Spanish) in the title, when she is not demonstrably Spanish, and her only probable ancestry by surname would be Italian, and from her born place and her parents born place, could be from any mediterranean or South European country, from African to European shore, and from Egypt to Portugal.

05-08-2020, 12:26 AM
Exotic is relative. A Hallstat Nordid is also exotic for the Med region.

A Hallstat Nordid is exotic for Mediterranean Europe but not for Northwest and Northeast Europe.
Berid and Gracile Med is exotic for North Europe but no for Med Europe.

05-08-2020, 12:27 AM
No, her second name is due her husband.

You are correct, her mother was half austrian. She's mainly Italian, Spanish, Austrian and a little bit of Irish and Maltese in there .

Mayor Aldorino’s patrilineal ancestry can be traced back to her sixth great-grandfather, Giovanni Battista Arduino, of Loano, Savona, Italy.

Mayor Aldorino’s paternal grandfather was Luis Aldorino (the son of Manuel Aldorino and Rosa Rodríguez). Manuel was the son of José Aldorino and María Encarnación Alman. Rosa was the daughter of Manuel Rodríguez and María Avellano.

Mayor Aldorino’s paternal grandmother was María del Carmen Moya Espinosa (the daughter of parents surnamed Moya and Espinosa). Carmen was Spanish.

Mayor Aldorino’s maternal grandfather was named Erwin Czasch. Erwin was Austrian.

Mayor Aldorino’s maternal grandmother is Sonia Victory (the daughter of Elliott Victory and Mary Berllaque, born María Beryaque). Elliott was the son of Alberto (later Albert Edward) Victory and Giuseppa (later Josefina/Josephine) Panzavecchia, who was of Maltese, Irish, and Italian descent. Mary was the daughter of Juan Beryaque and Joaquina Barranco Díaz, who was Spanish, from Benalauría, Málaga.

She's not Gypsy or a Moor though, But I guess is normal she doesn't look Typically Spanish, since her ancestry is from many parts of Europe.

05-08-2020, 12:27 AM
A Hallstat Nordid is exotic for Mediterranean Europe but not for Northwest and Northeast Europe.
Berid and Gracile Med is exotic for North Europe but no for Med Europe.


Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:28 AM
She looks exotic AF in the pictures he cherry picked, but in that video she looks more normal for Spanish standards.

She is nothing Spanish. Nor by ancestry nor by culture, nothing.

Gibraltarians are a cocktail of ethnicities, even if she had a Spanish surname, something she does not have, that never would mean she is Spanish, as the failed moor implied. Even in the title of the thread.

05-08-2020, 12:28 AM
Does not matter what she looks to you, failed boy. A very blond Spanish person could look Scandinavian to you, yet that person would not be Scandinavian in any way.

This thread is epic and a very good example when retards like you complain when we say you post gypsies and foreigners :laugh:

scandinavian looking people in spain are extremely rare maybe not even 0.1% stop your comedy. The look of the woman I posted is way more common

05-08-2020, 12:30 AM
Westerners can be exotic in China or they may feel somewhat curious in Eastern Europe if they are countries that receive little tourism, the point is that Spain raises passions.

No crees que esa chica podría ser española? A mí sí,de piel morena, pero española. Pero es que ese no es el problema, el problema es dirigir la opinión desde el título, y más siendo de Gibraltar, que tienen una mezcla acojonante de zonas que hay en el trayecto desde la India a Gibraltar a través del canal de Suez y todo el mediterráneo, más algún aporte ocasional de los propios ingleses.

05-08-2020, 12:31 AM
scandinavian looking people in spain are extremely rare maybe not even 0.1% stop your comedy. The look of the woman I posted is way more common

Is way more common but she is not Spanish...

05-08-2020, 12:32 AM
But this surname has nothing to do with Spain, it is genovese and arrived to Gibraltar due the extense colony of genovese there since many centuries ago. In 1734 genovese were the 34% of the total population of Gibraltar.

You're right, I confused myself with the territory. Genova was a republic.

05-08-2020, 12:32 AM
Is way more common but she is not Spanish...

she is there is no doubt about it

05-08-2020, 12:34 AM
That could be her case, but it's true what I say about interchangeable surnames.

I mean, yes? Kinda?
It's true that some italian surnames wouldn't sound foreign at first glance in Spain. I even get confused sometimes, when that happens, I use my resources and confirm whether it's Spanish or Italian.
You could even make a quiz or something xD

05-08-2020, 12:35 AM
She is nothing Spanish. Nor by ancestry nor by culture, nothing.

Gibraltarians are a cocktail of ethnicities, even if she had a Spanish surname, something she does not have, that never would mean she is Spanish, as the failed moor implied. Even in the title of the thread.

You must be right about her not being ethnic Spanish. I just meant that in that video posted by Latinus she doesn't look dark or exotic for Spanish standards, as in the cherry picked pictures posted by the OP.

05-08-2020, 12:35 AM
No crees que esa chica podría ser española? A mí sí,de piel morena, pero española. Pero es que ese no es el problema, el problema es dirigir la opinión desde el título, y más siendo de Gibraltar, que tienen una mezcla acojonante de zonas que hay en el trayecto desde la India a Gibraltar a través del canal de Suez y todo el mediterráneo, más algún aporte ocasional de los propios ingleses.

Hay Indios en Gibraltar?

05-08-2020, 12:36 AM
Iberian look.

But in Genova there was also immigration of Spanish, I mean when Genova was part of Aragon kingdom.


Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:36 AM
scandinavian looking people in spain are extremely rare maybe not even 0.1% stop your comedy. The look of the woman I posted is way more common

Stop my comedy, says the guy that posts a gibraltarian with an Italian surname trying to pass her as spaniard :rofl:

And scanddinavian looking spaniards being rare or not, is irrelevant, dumb. It was an example to show your argument is super dumb, does not matter if she looks Spanish to you, what matters is what she is, idioooooot.

You trying to convince xenophobic Prussian Berbers are scando looking is what is a comedia, moooooor :D

05-08-2020, 12:37 AM
I mean, yes? Kinda?
It's true that some italian surnames wouldn't sound foreign at first glance in Spain. I even get confused sometimes, when that happens, I use my resources and confirm whether it's Spanish or Italian.
You could even make a quiz or something xD

Ferrer and Altozano for example is a surname that I have seen in both countries.

05-08-2020, 12:37 AM
Hay Indios en Gibraltar?

Si. Hasta en la primera pagina cuando entras Google Gibraltar abajo aparece entre los idiomas el Hindi

05-08-2020, 12:38 AM
she is there is no doubt about it

She has Spanish blood, but she is not fully Spanish.

She looks Med with Berid and has a good tanning ability, common Spanish features.

05-08-2020, 12:39 AM
Iberian look.


I confused it with the Duchy of Milan at the time.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:39 AM
Iberian look.


Italian look. Blood does not lie.

05-08-2020, 12:39 AM
Ferrer and Altozano for example is a surname that I have seen in both countries.

Ferrer isn't Italian at all xD
Altozano is an only Spanish surname, if it's on Italy is via immigration

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:40 AM
She looks Med with Berid and has a good tanning ability, common Spanish features.

You wish. Well, you showed you were an expert saying stupidities about her when you thought she was Spanish, so what you say now means little, sorry.

05-08-2020, 12:41 AM
There's an italo-spanish girl in my class whose first surname is Tomasello, so if she wanted she could say she's only spanish and it wouldn't sound off

05-08-2020, 12:42 AM
You wish. Well, you showed you were an expert saying stupidities about her when you thought she was Spanish, so what you say now means little, sorry.

I don't wish anything, while she pass all over Southern Europe, her vibe is more Iberian, and she has Spanish blood, which is mixed with Italian and other ethnicities.

05-08-2020, 12:42 AM
No crees que esa chica podría ser española? A mí sí,de piel morena, pero española. Pero es que ese no es el problema, el problema es dirigir la opinión desde el título, y más siendo de Gibraltar, que tienen una mezcla acojonante de zonas que hay en el trayecto desde la India a Gibraltar a través del canal de Suez y todo el mediterráneo, más algún aporte ocasional de los propios ingleses.

Que va. Ella es muy rara, su mirada no la reconozco y en general no me da aspecto de española. Su morfología, estructura del rostro, incluso el pelo parece más aspero que el de cualquier andaluza. La mujer occidental tiene más fuerza en la mirada. Quizá teñida podría pasar mejor en Europa Oriental que desde luego en Europa Occidental. Con esto no condeno a la chica por su aspecto otra cosa es que sea una colona okupa.

05-08-2020, 12:42 AM
Si. Hasta en la primera pagina cuando entras Google Gibraltar abajo aparece entre los idiomas el Hindi

Cada día se aprende algo nuevo en aquí.

05-08-2020, 12:42 AM
I confused it with the Duchy of Milan at the time.

lol the Duchy of Milan was never part of the Argonese Kingdom either. It became Spanish at the end of the Italian Wars.

05-08-2020, 12:42 AM
Doesn't matter. "Iberian look", "Italian look" both can be interchangeable at times. Spain and Italy share some phenotypes like most close geographical areas. :picard2:

05-08-2020, 12:43 AM
Italian look. Blood does not lie.

Mmm what blood? She's uber Iberian, Rodrigo.

05-08-2020, 12:44 AM
Cada día se aprende algo nuevo en aquí.

Los ingleses crearon comunidades de gente de la India en sitios así cuando aún tenían posesiones. Mira el caso de Trinidad y Tobago, es incluso más heavy que Gibraltar

05-08-2020, 12:44 AM
Doesn't matter. "Iberian look" "Italian look" both can be interchangeable at times. Spain and Italy share some phenotypes like any other place. :picard2:

Yes, but some faces have more an Italian vibe, while others more Iberian.

05-08-2020, 12:44 AM
Ferrer isn't Italian at all xD
Altozano is an only Spanish surname, if it's on Italy is via immigration

I met a descendant Italian with that surname.

05-08-2020, 12:44 AM
You are correct, her mother was half austrian. She's mainly Italian, Spanish, Austrian and a little bit of Irish and Maltese in there .

Mayor Aldorino’s patrilineal ancestry can be traced back to her sixth great-grandfather, Giovanni Battista Arduino, of Loano, Savona, Italy.

Mayor Aldorino’s paternal grandfather was Luis Aldorino (the son of Manuel Aldorino and Rosa Rodríguez). Manuel was the son of José Aldorino and María Encarnación Alman. Rosa was the daughter of Manuel Rodríguez and María Avellano.

Mayor Aldorino’s paternal grandmother was María del Carmen Moya Espinosa (the daughter of parents surnamed Moya and Espinosa). Carmen was Spanish.

Mayor Aldorino’s maternal grandfather was named Erwin Czasch. Erwin was Austrian.

Mayor Aldorino’s maternal grandmother is Sonia Victory (the daughter of Elliott Victory and Mary Berllaque, born María Beryaque). Elliott was the son of Alberto (later Albert Edward) Victory and Giuseppa (later Josefina/Josephine) Panzavecchia, who was of Maltese, Irish, and Italian descent. Mary was the daughter of Juan Beryaque and Joaquina Barranco Díaz, who was Spanish, from Benalauría, Málaga.

She's not Gypsy or a Moor though, But I guess is normal she doesn't look Typically Spanish.

Los apellidos Alman, y Beryaque/Berllaque están acompañados de nombres castellanos pero tienen una sonoridad judía castellanizada.Veo que Alman la mayoría son franceses, y los Berllaque que encuentro estám em UK o en Gibraltar.

Aquí se puede ver censos de población histñorica de Gibraltar, pero me da pereza ponerme a buscar ahora:


05-08-2020, 12:45 AM

05-08-2020, 12:46 AM
Los ingleses crearon comunidades de gente de la India en sitios así cuando aún tenían posesiones. Mira el caso de Trinidad y Tobago, es incluso más heavy que Gibraltar

Mirate la Guyana Británica es una mezcla africana-hindú es una rareza que en las Malvinas los habitantes sean ingleses puros.

05-08-2020, 12:46 AM

Tell us the truth: you enjoy these flame wars, right?


05-08-2020, 12:47 AM

Ahora no te hagas el listo.

La has cagado.

05-08-2020, 12:47 AM
I met a descendant Italian with that surname.

Probably they were a descendant of an Aragonese or Catalan immigrant, as aragoneses and catalans were very close to Italy for some centuries

05-08-2020, 12:48 AM
lol the Duchy of Milan was never part of the Argonese Kingdom either. It became Spanish at the end of the Italian Wars.

MIlan's duchy was part of the Spanish empire.
The French want to steal them.

05-08-2020, 12:50 AM
Tell us the truth: you enjoy these flame wars, right?


to be honest I don't even care I'm bored and they all take this too seriously ...I mean come on anyone that visited spain or portugal at least one time in their life know that her phenotype isn't uncommon at all only anthrotards could care about this

05-08-2020, 12:51 AM
she is there is no doubt about it

She is from Gibraltar, and her family is from Gibraltar, nowadays Gibraltarians could have some Spanish blood, but they are not Spaniards, and their genetic is not the usual Spanish genetic.The original population who lived in Gibraltar in 1704 was expelled, and founded La Línea and other surrounding populations. Nowadays population base of Gibraltar is a mix from different British territories and colonies in Mediterranean amd in some time periods, could have received some input from surrounding Spanish villages.

She could pass as Spaniard for me, but she is not Spaniard genetically as you can see.

05-08-2020, 12:53 AM
She is from Gibraltar, and her family is from Gibraltar, nowadays Gibraltarians could have some Spanish blood, but they are not Spaniards, and their genetic is not the usual Spanish genetic.The original population who lived in Gibraltar in 1704 was expelled, and founded La Línea and other surrounding populations. Nowadays population base of Gibraltar is a mix from different British territories and colonies in Mediterranean amd in some time periods, could have received some input from surrounding Spanish villages.

She could pass as Spaniard for me, but she is not Spaniard genetically as you can see.

you can't be sure about it if she looks spanish it's not a coincidence also Lopez is a spanish name as far as I know

05-08-2020, 12:53 AM
to be honest I don't even care I'm bored and they all take this too seriously ...I mean come on anyone that visited spain or portugal at least one time in their lives know that her phenotype isn't uncommon at all only anthrotards could care about this

Yeah, I like phenotypes and genetics, but it's really insecure and pathetic to cry over these things. And all of us, whatever our phenotype/genetics, will all fade up into the eternal darkness.

05-08-2020, 12:55 AM
Para los españoles ha quedado demostrado que es rara, rara, rara.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:55 AM
Mmm what blood? She's uber Iberian, Rodrigo.
Her genovese blood, of course. Are you reading the thread at least?

I met a descendant Italian with that surname.
Nah, ferrer is both, French and Spanish.

Ahora no te hagas el listo.

La has cagado.
Jejej, ya te digo si la ha cagado xD el muy Moro cuelga una tía con aspecto moruno, que da el cante que te cagas, y encima erre que erre con que parece española xD

05-08-2020, 12:56 AM
Yeah, I like phenotypes and genetics, but it's really insecure and pathetic to cry over these things. And all of us, whatever our phenotype/genetics, will all fade up into the eternal darkness.

People like them can't really understand this they are deeply complexed and in general low IQ like most racists and right wing people they can't perceive all the nuances of life. Nevermind let's just play with them !

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:58 AM
you can't be sure about it if she looks spanish it's not a coincidence also Lopez is a spanish name as far as I know

Brown retard, if her surname is Italian, how can you claim she is not Italian but Spanish? It is hilarious, jajaja

López is the surname of her husband, faiiiiiiiiled boy :thumb001:

05-08-2020, 12:58 AM
People like them can't really understand this they are deeply complexed and in general low IQ like most racists and right wing people they can't perceive all the nuances of life. Nevermind let's just play with them !


05-08-2020, 01:00 AM
Brown retard, if her surname is Italian, how can you claim she is not Italian but Spanish? It is hilarious, jajaja

López is the surname of her husband, faiiiiiiiiled boy :thumb001:

and this one is italian ? :rolleyes: :



05-08-2020, 01:02 AM
and this one is italian ? :rolleyes: :



https://media3.giphy.com/media/12aW6JtfvUdcdO/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e478fc06a7e2bfecfcfd60ddadbfa94 95b73d1330c8&rid=giphy.gif

05-08-2020, 01:04 AM
Her genovese blood, of course. Are you reading the thread at least?

Her surname isn't registered anywhere in Italy, It is part of an old Genovese community in Gibraltar. She is now mostly Spanish like many of the Italians living there. In fact her look is much more Iberian to me.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:06 AM
Her surname isn't registered anywhere in Italy. It is part of an old Genovese community in Gibraltar. She is now mostly Spanish. In fact her look is much more Iberian to me.

Are you joking? It is a genovese surnam. She has nothing to do with Spain, from where do you get that? Mostly Spanish, hahaha, and more with an Italian surname :laugh:

05-08-2020, 01:06 AM
People like them can't really understand this they are deeply complexed and in general low IQ like most racists and right wing people they can't perceive all the nuances of life. Nevermind let's just play with them !

If you like and feel attracted to European culture in a way perhaps more than where you live, it can happen to many people, the best way to express it is not to want to transform Spain into a non-European country so that you can feel and demonstrate everyone that you personally could also belong to Europe.

It is very sophisticated but they are not forms.

The forum T.A should help you in your obsession with Spain.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:08 AM
and this one is italian?

Oh, wait... But according your own "Logic", as the guy looks North African, he has to be one, so he can not be Spanish :thumb001:

05-08-2020, 01:08 AM
Para los españoles ha quedado demostrado que es rara, rara, rara.

Que va, su cara es super típica XD

05-08-2020, 01:10 AM
If you like and feel attracted to European culture in a way perhaps more than where you live, it can happen to many people, the best way to express it is not to want to transform Spain into a non-European country so that you can feel and demonstrate everyone that you personally could also belong to Europe.

It is very sophisticated but they are not forms.

The forum T.A should help you in your obsession with Spain.

yes I have an obsession I can't control it unfortunately :ohwell:

On a more serious note : this woman doesn't look north african Do you think every dark south euro can automatically pass in NA ? no it doesn't work like that. Also I've stated many times that my people are extremely different genetically and culturally we share nothing in common so don't try to portray me as some kind of spanish wannabe at least I have dignity unlike you.

05-08-2020, 01:11 AM
Que va, su cara es super típica XD

En Gibraltar ;)

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:12 AM
Que va, su cara es super típica XD

Ya te digo, especialmente aquí xD


05-08-2020, 01:12 AM
Oh, wait... But according your own "Logic", as the guy looks North African, he has to be one, so he can not be Spanish :thumb001:

he looks more pakistani or saudi than north african and his test show that he's mainly iberian ....no gypsy or italian admixture :thumb001: I have to make a thread about it

05-08-2020, 01:14 AM
Nah, ferrer is both, French and Spanish

Això ja és massa, em sap greu però t'ho puc passar per alt :smilie_stop:

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:14 AM
yes I have an obsession I can't control it unfortunately :ohwell:

Good that you admit it, because it is more than evident. But I understand you, there must be hard to see how spaniards dislike your primitive people so much...

05-08-2020, 01:15 AM
and this one is italian ? :rolleyes: :



Do you speak Spanish?

This guy knows perfectly that his traits are not typical in Spain, and this is why he did the DNA test, he says even he thought he would score in NA, and suposedly also that he would have Greek ancestry...

Yes he is Spanish, but not typical, quite out the average.


05-08-2020, 01:16 AM
Are you joking? It is a genovese surnam. She has nothing to do with Spain, from where do you get that? Mostly Spanish, hahaha, and more with an Italian surname :laugh:

No Rodrigo. Only her surname has Italian origin but we have to see who are her parents and ancestors, are they fully Italians? I doubt it...

The surname doesn't tell you if you're and how much you're mixed...

Italian Americans arent fully Italian because they have an Italian surname...

05-08-2020, 01:17 AM
Ya te digo, especialmente aquí xD

A ver, es un poco rara, pero hay españolas así. No es lo habitual, pero podría ser, sobre todo en verano.:D

05-08-2020, 01:17 AM
Ya te digo, especialmente aquí xD


Pues que quieres que te diga a mí se me hace muy común :noidea:
Ten en cuenta que tú vives en otro lado de la península

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:19 AM
Això ja és massa, em sap greu però t'ho puc passar per alt :smilie_stop:

Xiqueta, tens tota la raó.

05-08-2020, 01:19 AM
Do you speak Spanish?

This guy knows perfectly that his traits are not typical in Spain, and this is why he did the DNA test, he says even he thought he would score in NA, and suposedly also that he would have Greek ancestry...

Yes he is Spanish, but not typical, quite out the average.


I never said he was average but he's still mostly iberian :rolleyes:

05-08-2020, 01:20 AM
No Rodrigo. Only her surname has Italian origin but we have to see who are her parents and ancestors, are they fully Italians? I doubt it...

The surname doesn't tell you if you're and how much you're mixed...

Italian Americans arent fully Italian because they have an Italian surname...

Some Italian Americans are fully Italians, like Al Pacino, Ariana Grande, Joey Fatone, Vincent Martella, Marisa Tomei, etc.
But yeah, they are a minority of a minority, most New Worlders are mixed.

05-08-2020, 01:22 AM
Xiqueta, tens tota la raó.

En Cristià vell també parla català quina cosa més curiosa :chin:

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:23 AM
No Rodrigo. Only her surname has Italian origin but we have to see who are her parents and ancestors, are they fully Italians? I doubt it...

The surname doesn't tell you if you're and how much you're mixed...

Italian Americans arent fully Italian because they have an Italian surname...
boy, an user above posted all her italian background. Of course gibraltarian a a fuckin mix of god knows what... But denying she has Italian roots, which is showed just with the sum of her genovese surname + the historical settle of genovese in Gibraltar, is ridiculous.

you even have claimed she is mostly Spanish :lol:

Pues que quieres que te diga a mí se me hace muy común :noidea:
Ten en cuenta que tú vives en otro lado de la península
Será en tu barrio.

05-08-2020, 01:25 AM
yes I have an obsession I can't control it unfortunately :ohwell:

On a more serious note : this woman doesn't look north african Do you think every dark south euro can automatically pass in NA ? no it doesn't work like that. Also I've stated many times that my people are extremely different genetically and culturally we share nothing in common so don't try to portray me as some kind of spanish wannabe at least I have dignity unlike you.

I have already told you. If you feel closer to the West in your way of thinking because of the question that is the best way to express it, it is not trying to demonstrate at all costs that Spain is not a European country by publishing photographs of non-Spanish people in order to demonstrate to yourself that you You could also belong to Europe.

You hurt yourself.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:26 AM
I never said he was average but he's still mostly iberian :rolleyes:
no, she is nothing Iberian. Nor by blood nor by culture, let alone by look.
this is all what you can do: running away lying like a North African rat claiming she is Iberian, nothing else, hojojo

05-08-2020, 01:28 AM
Maybe be Aldorino is a corruption of Ardoino surname, this one has Genovese origin. Not common but its origin in Liguria is clear.

05-08-2020, 01:30 AM
Aldorino López è considerata una tipica bellezza spagnola. Durante la cerimonia d’insediamento è stato impossibile evitare che il suo passato da reginetta di bellezza occupasse le prime pagine dei media. “La sua bellezza spagnola e il suo carattere risoluto l’hanno portata a vincere il Miss Mondo di Johannesburg (Sudafrica) nel 2009

"Aldorino López is considered a typical Spanish beauty. During the inauguration ceremony it was impossible to prevent her past as a beauty queen from occupying the front pages of the media. "Her Spanish beauty and resolute character led her to win the Miss World in Johannesburg (South Africa) in 2009"


05-08-2020, 01:31 AM
no, she is nothing Iberian. Nor by blood nor by culture, let alone by look.
this is all what you can do: running away lying like a North African rat claiming she is Iberian, nothing else, hojojo

I'm talking about the youtuber :rolleyes: hojojo

05-08-2020, 01:32 AM
I have already told you. If you feel closer to the West in your way of thinking because of the question that is the best way to express it, it is not trying to demonstrate at all costs that Spain is not a European country by publishing photographs of non-Spanish people in order to demonstrate to yourself that you You could also belong to Europe.

You hurt yourself.

spanish are europeans and I'm genetically north african. Period. I'm not trying to portray spain as a non-euro country. You exaggerate the woman I posted looks normal for spain you're dishonest

05-08-2020, 01:34 AM
no, she is nothing Iberian. Nor by blood nor by culture, let alone by look.


05-08-2020, 01:35 AM
spanish are europeans and I'm genetically north african. Period. I'm not trying to portray spain as a non-euro country. You exaggerate the woman I posted looks normal for spain you're dishonest

I don't think you darkwash Southern Euros (in fact, in another thread where I posted the Spanish actress Marta Torné as typical for Spain, you agree with me, and I also agreed with you regarding that typical Italian family), but I have the impression that you lightwash typical Northern Africans, your people, but I might be wrong.

05-08-2020, 01:37 AM
I don't think you darkwash Southern Euros (in fact, in another thread where I posted the Spanish actress Marta Torné as typical for Spain, you agree with me, and I also agreed with you regarding that typical Italian family), but I have the impression that you lightwash typical Northern Africans, your people, but I might be wrong.

how can I lightwash them If I posted a lot of crowd pics + me and my family ?? Sometimes I indeed post light types but in general I don't lightwash at all

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:37 AM
"Aldorino López is considered a typical Spanish beauty. During the inauguration ceremony it was impossible to prevent her past as a beauty queen from occupying the front pages of the media. "Her Spanish beauty and resolute character led her to win the Miss World in Johannesburg (South Africa) in 2009"

Man, she even does not consider herself Spanish, she say all the gibraltarian a are not Spanish, what is absolutely true

López is not even her surname.

She admitted in an interview she is genovese by blood

-What about your Genoese, Italian past, in your DNA?

-Indeed, I have Genoese, Italian descent, but I am from Gibraltar, and that implies an identity of my own, forged by the history we have had to live through and our multiculturalism. But I have to say that the “calentita”, a kind of national dish of Gibraltar, is of Genoese origin.


05-08-2020, 01:39 AM
spanish are europeans and I'm genetically north african. Period. I'm not trying to portray spain as a non-euro country. You exaggerate the woman I posted looks normal for spain you're dishonest

I think losing credibility is the worst thing that can happen to you and it has already happened to you.

05-08-2020, 01:41 AM
Man, she even does not consider herself Spanish, she say all the gibraltarian a are not Spanish, what is absolutely true

López is not even her surname.

She admitted in an interview she is genovese by blood

-What about your Genoese, Italian past, in your DNA?

-Indeed, I have Genoese, Italian descent, but I am from Gibraltar, and that implies an identity of my own, forged by the history we have had to live through and our multiculturalism. But I have to say that the “calentita”, a kind of national dish of Gibraltar, is of Genoese origin.


She doesn't say she fully Italian so claim her as Italian is not correct. She is most likely mixed with Iberians and fond with Iberian culture more by now...

05-08-2020, 01:45 AM
Será en tu barrio.

Pues también sera común en el tuyo, no decías vos que no había diferencia entre los españoles locales.

05-08-2020, 01:45 AM
spanish are europeans and I'm genetically north african. Period. I'm not trying to portray spain as a non-euro country. You exaggerate the woman I posted looks normal for spain you're dishonest

But you don't feel NA in your mind, do you?

I think that's what happens to you.

05-08-2020, 01:45 AM
I think losing credibility is the worst thing that can happen to you and it has already happened to you.

as if I had to be admired and respected by anthrotards ...let me laugh pls

05-08-2020, 01:46 AM
Off the record, it's hard to guess her as Italian at first sight with that look. I though she was new worlder South American tbh.

05-08-2020, 01:47 AM
She doesn't say she fully Italian so claim her as Italian is not correct. She is most likely mixed with Iberians and fond with Iberian culture more by now...

Nowhere does he say that she is Spanish, but he does constantly name Genova so she feels more Italian.

We all know how to turn the tortilla and you are a specialist.

05-08-2020, 01:48 AM
Quite attractive woman, I don't see what's the big deal (apart from looking very outstandingly beautiful compared to general mayors she has a look which can not pass outside Southern Europe.

05-08-2020, 01:48 AM
But you don't feel NA in your mind, do you?

I think that's what happens to you.

I certainly do not feel spanish that's for sure

05-08-2020, 01:49 AM
Nowhere does he say that she is Spanish, but he does constantly name Genova so she feels more Italian.

I don't see wheres the logic in that. She wish perhaps. She classified as Spanish everywhere.

05-08-2020, 01:49 AM
Off the record, it's hard to guess her as Italian at first sight with that look. I though she was new worlder South American tbh.

you don't look NA and you can't pass here even in the north !!

05-08-2020, 01:54 AM
as if I had to be admired and respected by anthrotards ...let me laugh pls

Do not be tormented by living in an environment with which you do not feel identified.

05-08-2020, 01:57 AM
Do not be tormented by living in an environment with which you do not feel identified.

what should I do then ?

05-08-2020, 01:59 AM
I don't see wheres the logic in that. She wish perhaps. She classified as Spanish everywhere.

Everywhere? Oh yes in America, in North Africa e.t.c places where they are seeing authentic Spaniards every day.

It is one thing for some Spaniards to accept it as Spanish out of pity and another that seems or happens.

It does not pass, it is very rare. LOL

05-08-2020, 02:02 AM
what should I do then ?

Go live in Europe or America, Australia...

05-08-2020, 02:02 AM
Off the record, it's hard to guess her as Italian at first sight with that look. I though she was new worlder South American tbh.

She doesn't look "New World South American". Her face is common where I live because many people here look Iberian and/or Italian.

05-08-2020, 02:03 AM
Go live in Europe or America

I already live in Europe

05-08-2020, 02:08 AM
I already live in Europe

Or should you not be very comfortable in the country you live in or are you being paid to do what you do with Spain?

05-08-2020, 02:09 AM
and this one is italian ? :rolleyes: :



Holy Crap he looks extremely atypical , looks completly MENA. I think this guy, Jordi Wild is a better representation of a Southern Iberian, he's results are typical ( he even scores more MENA) and his Phenotype as well

05-08-2020, 02:10 AM
Or should you not be very comfortable in the country you live in or are you being paid to do what you do with Spain?

don't exaggerate I'm just bored

05-08-2020, 02:12 AM
Holy Crap he looks extremely atypical , looks completly MENA. I think this guy, Jordi Wild is a better representation of a Southern Iberian, he's results are typical ( he even scores more MENA) and his Phenotype as well

I agree but I don't think there are big differences between northern/southern spaniards the difference is more between west and east Iberia (south being repopulated after the expulsion of Moriscos)

05-08-2020, 02:13 AM
don't exaggerate I'm just bored

I imagined it

Would they be loosing money for the agenda you have with Spain?

05-08-2020, 02:14 AM
I agree but I don't think there are big differences between northern/southern spaniards the difference is more between west and east Iberia (south being repopulated after the expulsion of Moriscos)

True. But I think this guy's phenotype is a good representative of a Spanish look

05-08-2020, 02:15 AM
True. But I think this guy's phenotype is a good representative of a Spanish look

I agree he's typical

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 02:15 AM
She doesn't say she fully Italian so claim her as Italian is not correct. She is most likely mixed with Iberians and fond with Iberian culture more by now...
Her roots already were posted. Sorry if she belongs to the genovese community of Gibraltar and feels so.

Pues también sera común en el tuyo, no decías vos que no había diferencia entre los españoles locales.

y no la hay.

05-08-2020, 02:18 AM
Holy Crap he looks extremely atypical , looks completly MENA. I think this guy, Jordi Wild is a better representation of a Southern Iberian, he's results are typical ( he even scores more MENA) and his Phenotype as well

Chabalín si no sabes ni cómo te ves tú, cómo vas a saber como se ve un íbero típico del Sur. lol

05-08-2020, 02:31 AM
Chabalín si no sabes ni cómo te ves tú, cómo vas a saber como se ve un íbero típico del Sur. lol

Es que como 3 de su 4 abuelos son de Andalucia, pues me imagine que era una buena representacion, ya que luce muy Iberico. Si no se como me veo yo? ehhhh? pos con los ojos compi lol xdxd. Igual si estoy mal, corrigeme bro, todavia estoy aprendiendo, ademas de que pensaba que mas hacia al norte son un poco mas claros no?

05-08-2020, 03:25 AM
Es que como 3 de su 4 abuelos son de Andalucia, pues me imagine que era una buena representacion, ya que luce muy Iberico. Si no se como me veo yo? ehhhh? pos con los ojos compi lol xdxd. Igual si estoy mal, corrigeme bro, todavia estoy aprendiendo, ademas de que pensaba que mas hacia al norte son un poco mas claros no?

No somos norteamericanos o incluso en los países hispano americanos donde pueden haber gran variedad de tonos de piel y realmente ello es significativo. Nosotros nos vemos las caras de españoles, hay gente que puede salir más clara, no he conocido a nadie que tenga un hijo oscuro, en definitiva que aquí es otro rollo. Realmente tenemos que hacer una adaptabilidad porque este foro es internacional y hay lugares en los qué sí hay una gran cantidad de tonos diferentes como he dicho antes y sabemos o intentamos ver cómo puede ser vuestra visión al respecto, pero realmente nosotros no lo vivimos de esa forma porque en cuestiones de tonos de piel e.t.c. como ya se sabe somos muy homogéneos. Algunos españoles podemos tener algunas apreciaciones que si en el norte parece que hay más castaños oscuro y menos rubios que en Valencia o Andalucía por poner un ejemplo, ya casi por aportar algo, porque aquí imagínate Norte América, Sudamérica tenéis mucha más variabilidad y combinaciones.

Si los españoles damos una opinión en las clasificaciones no es porque estemos rechazando a esa persona sino porque quién mejor que los nativos van a saber si alguien se ve o no se ve, no hay que confundir las cosas, no se trata de si estás aceptando o rechazando a alguien se trata de si lo ves o no lo ves o cuánto lo ves y menos que nadie me gustaría que pudiera pensar eso un hispanoamericano.

05-08-2020, 03:46 AM
No somos norteamericanos o incluso en los países hispano americanos donde pueden haber gran variedad de tonos de piel y realmente ello es significativo. Nosotros nos vemos las caras de españoles, hay gente que puede salir más clara, no he conocido a nadie que tenga un hijo oscuro, en definitiva que aquí es otro rollo. Realmente tenemos que hacer una adaptabilidad porque este foro es internacional y hay lugares en los qué sí hay una gran cantidad de tonos diferentes como he dicho antes y sabemos o intentamos ver cómo puede ser vuestra visión al respecto, pero realmente nosotros no lo vivimos de esa forma porque en cuestiones de tonos de piel e.t.c. como ya se sabe somos muy homogéneos. Algunos españoles podemos tener algunas apreciaciones que si en el norte parece que hay más castaños oscuro y menos rubios que en Valencia o Andalucía por poner un ejemplo, ya casi por aportar algo, porque aquí imagínate Norte América, Sudamérica tenéis mucha más variabilidad y combinaciones.

Si los españoles damos una opinión en las clasificaciones no es porque estemos rechazando a esa persona sino porque quién mejor que los nativos van a saber si alguien se ve o no se ve, no hay que confundir las cosas, no se trata de si estás aceptando o rechazando a alguien se trata de si lo ves o no lo ves o cuánto lo ves y menos que nadie me gustaría que pudiera pensar eso un hispanoamericano.

Claro, es que pensaba que era mas un rollo como en Italia que en el sur a veces son mas obscuros que en el norte, pero ya veo que entonces no es asi, igual agradezco por coreegirme, porque de esta manera aprendo mas hermano :). Claro, pues yo no he sentido rechazo de ningun Espanol aca, y pues el trato ha sido muy calido, los espanoles en la vida real son igual en mi experiencia. Si los latinos podemos parecer muchas diferentes cosas debido a el mixing o que parte de Espana imigro mas a ese pais, ponle a mi celtibero me dijo que lucia como gallego jajaja.

05-08-2020, 04:45 AM
Claro, es que pensaba que era mas un rollo como en Italia que en el sur a veces son mas obscuros que en el norte, pero ya veo que entonces no es asi, igual agradezco por coreegirme, porque de esta manera aprendo mas hermano :). Claro, pues yo no he sentido rechazo de ningun Espanol aca, y pues el trato ha sido muy calido, los espanoles en la vida real son igual en mi experiencia. Si los latinos podemos parecer muchas diferentes cosas debido a el mixing o que parte de Espana imigro mas a ese pais, ponle a mi celtibero me dijo que lucia como gallego jajaja.

Sólo diré una cosa: Un moro no se pega semejante tute y gasta tal cantidad de tiempo y de forma sistemática por amor al arte.

05-08-2020, 04:55 AM
Sólo diré una cosa: Un moro no se pega semejante tute y gasta tal cantidad de tiempo y de forma sistemática por amor al arte.

Lo dices por el que abrio el hilo?

05-08-2020, 07:34 AM

She looks like a hot venezuelan woman, hot as fuck, let's admit that, but pure spanish stock? You have to admit that she is not typical, and i would dare say she is not even spanish, but well i'm not sure.

and this one is italian ? :rolleyes: :



He seems to be an extremely atypical spaniard, or heavily guanche influenced, he could of both parents from El Hierro or La Gomera, i don't know actually, but remember that MH es a piece of shiet in ethnic estimations, that's why i only use Gedmatch and G25. Just saying.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 07:45 AM
^ she is of italian ancestry, nothing to do with being Spanish.

05-08-2020, 08:02 AM
She is mixed ass fuck, not what we call a "ethnic spaniard".

On this picture, she looks less "tanned" (a little bit) and she remind me some breton woman (Western facial features). But on other pictures, she looks weird (bad picture, maybe)?

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 09:11 AM
She is mixed ass fuck, not what we call a "ethnic spaniard".

How could she be ethnic spaniard, with an Italian surname from her genovese ancestry, and roots from Malta, Austria etc??

05-08-2020, 10:53 AM
then some wonder why this forum is not taken seriously. If anyone can come up attributing nationalities, ethnicities and origins, without any proof, and the thread is still not moved to the trash or troll carnival

although no one has yet overcome this


05-08-2020, 11:17 AM
Very familiar face. Atlanto-Med with Berid.
Curious what you think a textbook Med is if you think she's Atlanto-Med.

Textbook West Med imo.

05-08-2020, 12:33 PM
Her roots already were posted. Sorry if she belongs to the genovese community of Gibraltar and feels so.

C'mon Rodrigo, we all know that a surname means very little. She grow up in an exotic place and with Iberian culture and when you grow up in an exotic place your look most likely change. Her surname means nothing. It is the only Italian thing she has.

She doesn't look "New World South American". Her face is common where I live because many people here look Iberian and/or Italian.

South Americans view own people and foreigners in one way same for Italians and other Europeans. Every nation has their own way to see others. I imagine her to walk in the streets of Rio de Janeiro or a city in Andalusia more than for example Florence or even Bari.


She could be Latina with no problems. But i repeat this is the point of view of an Italian (and, im ready to bet, of many other Italians), perhaps others have different pov.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:39 PM
C'mon Rodrigo, we all know that a surname means very little. She grow up in an exotic place and with Iberian culture and when you grow up in an exotic place your look most likely change. Her surname means nothing. It is the only Italian thing she has.

South Americans view own people and foreigners in one way same for Italians and other Europeans. Every nation has their own way to see others. I imagine her to walk in the streets of Rio de Janeiro or a city in Andalusia more than for example Florene or Bari.

I see her walking in Génova, where her ancestors come from.

Iberian culture?? Lol, what do You know Exactly about Gibraltar, ragazzo?? Very little, eh??

05-08-2020, 12:42 PM
Iberian culture?? Lol, what do You know Exactly about Gibraltar, ragazzo?? Very little, eh??

Gibraltar has been part of the Iberian cultural sphere and probably still is. She surely has more Iberian culture than Italian.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 12:54 PM
Gibraltar has been part of the Iberian cultural sphere and probably still is. She surely has more Iberian culture than Italian.

Gibraltar has never been part of the Spanish cultural sphere where since 300 years ago, boy. And the oposite, FOR SURE she has infinitely more italian culture than Spanish. She even talked about italian food as part of thegibraltarian culture in an interview. Gibraltar population Was 34% genovese in 1734. The italian influence there is undeniable. The internationally famous dressmaker John Galliano is another gibraltarian from genovese ancestry (although in this case his mother is indeed Spanish), and the current prime minister from Gibraltar, Fabian picardo, too.

Gibraltar unfortunately has absolutely nothing to do with Spain culturally speaking.

05-08-2020, 12:57 PM
Gibraltar has never been part of the Spanish cultural where since 300 years ago, boy. And the oposite, FOR SURE she has infinitely more italian culture than Spanish. She even talked about italian food as part of thegibraltarian culture in an interview. Gibraltar population Was 34% genovese in 1734. The italian influence there is undeniable. The internationally famous dressmaker John Galliano is another gibraltarian from genovese ancestry (although in this case his mother is indeed Spanish), and the current prime minister from Gibraltar, Fabian picardo, too.

Saying that Gibraltar has more Italian culture than Iberian is beyond ridiculous.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:03 PM
Saying that Gibraltar has more Italian culture than Iberian is beyond ridiculous.

Saying the Italian community from Gibraltar has more Spanish culture than Italian is beyond ridiculous.

05-08-2020, 01:03 PM

05-08-2020, 01:05 PM
Saying the Italian community from Gibraltar has more Spanish culture than Italian is beyond ridiculous.


Historically, cultural ties with Spain have been strong; a variant of Andalusian Spanish, "Llanito", being the vernacular language of the territory. Intermarriage between Gibraltarians and Spaniards resulted in many people having relatives on the other side of the frontier, known in Spanish as La Verja or 'the fence'.

The fact that they are largely of Mediterranean appearance and speak an Andalusian Spanish variant, known as Llanito gives Gibraltarians a strong resemblance to Andalusian Spaniards, despite the Gibraltarian's distinct cultural heritage and identity.

Origin of surnames in the electoral roll by percentage is: British (27%), Spanish (26%, mostly Andalusian but also some 2% Menorcan), Genoese and other Italian (15%), Portuguese (15%), and Maltese (8%).



05-08-2020, 01:09 PM
Gibraltar has never been part of the Spanish cultural sphere where since 300 years ago,
Gibraltar unfortunately has absolutely nothing to do with Spain culturally speaking.

Top Surnames in Gibraltar: García, Martínez, Gómez, González, Pérez, Rodríguez, Cruz, López, Smith, Moreno, Olivero

Gibraltar population Was 34% genovese in 1734.
Yes it fucking was in 1734

05-08-2020, 01:22 PM
Gibraltar has been part of the Iberian cultural sphere and probably still is. She surely has more Iberian culture than Italian.

Anybody who lives in west Andalusia know perfectly that the culture of Gibraltar is heavily influenced by Spain. It's in no way like an English town.

05-08-2020, 01:23 PM
Anybody who lives in west Andalusia know perfectly that the culture of Gibraltar is heavily influenced by Spain. It's in no way like an English town.

Seems logic due to Gibraltar being geographically close to it.

05-08-2020, 01:32 PM
Seems logic due to Gibraltar being geographically close to it.

Look how people from Gibraltar (Or Llanitos, as we call them) and La Linea (the spanish city in front of Gibraltar) tend to speak:
This is common on both sides of the border, but specially on Gibraltar


(Also, the girl on this video is a Gibraltar native :rolleyes:)

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:32 PM


Llanito is a mix of Spanish and English... With 700 words in genovese. In fact the word Llanito comes from the Italian.

Genovese cuisine and architecture are part of gibraltarian culture as well. The typical Persiana genovese is vey common there.

Top Surnames in Gibraltar: García, Martínez, Gómez, González, Pérez, Rodríguez, Cruz, López, Smith, Moreno, Olivero

Yes it fucking was in 1734

Now it is 20%

Hoy en día, los gibraltareños con apellidos genovés (y / o italiano) representan casi el 20% de la población total. Este grupo está integrado en la sociedad gibraltareña y no es ninguna asociación relacionada específicamente con ellos. El genovés en Gibraltar han dejado parcialmente su presencia incluso en el Llanito , el dialecto gibraltareño local utilizado por la mayoría de los descendientes de estos ligures, que tiene cerca de 700 palabras prestadas del dialecto genovés.


By the way they quote this woman Kaiane Aldorino as one of them, as it is obvious.

Add Tuscans and Sicilians and the number of Italian surnames in Gibraltar is pretty interesting.

05-08-2020, 01:34 PM
Genovese cuisine and architecture are part of gibraltarian culture as well.

Never said the contrary but saying that Italian influence in Gibraltar is bigger than Spanish is wrong.

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 01:34 PM
Anybody who lives in west Andalusia know perfectly that the culture of Gibraltar is heavily influenced by Spain. It's in no way like an English town.

Rotfl, that is why English is th official language and obviously all its laws are British :Picard1:

05-08-2020, 01:40 PM
In fact the word Llanito comes from the Italian

:picard1: :lol00002:
¿Pero qué dices? Viene de Llano, porque, bueno, viven en una roca gigante... :rotfl:

05-08-2020, 01:43 PM
Rotfl, that is why English is th official language and obviously all its laws are British :Picard1:

And??? I said culturally. It's obviously gonna have English as Official language and british laws beacause it's administratively English,duh


05-08-2020, 01:48 PM
I know first-hand people who have worked in Gibraltar and received first-hand orders that did not waste time with Spanish customers because they asked and did not buy, you can already see the Spanish culture they have in Gibraltar.

Gibraltar follows the same official holiday calendar as the United Kingdom. In addition, we also celebrate Commonwealth Day, Labor Day, the Queen's birthday, and the National Holiday.

The Gastronomy of Gibraltar is a gastronomy that connects with the traditions of Andalusian cuisine and has evident influences from the cuisine of the United Kingdom. This combination gives rise to dishes and preparations mixing between Mediterranean cuisine and British cuisine.

Radio Gibraltar broadcasts 24 hours a day and its programme format is similar to that of commercial local radio stations in the United Kingdom. The station operates on both FM and AM, broadcasting a mix of local programming in English and Spanish

The practice of English / Spanish bilingualism is very common also among Andalusians and other Spanish

I see 100% Spanish culture :cool:

Cristiano viejo
05-08-2020, 03:09 PM
:picard1: :lol00002:
¿Pero qué dices? Viene de Llano, porque, bueno, viven en una roca gigante... :rotfl:

Algunos eruditos (como Manuel Cavilla ) creen que la palabra " Llanito " es de origen italiano, porque viene del diminutivo común del nombre italiano Gianni (Juan en Inglés), pronouncied en el dialecto genovés "iannito".

De acuerdo con el investigador italiano Giulio Vignoli, "Llanito" originalmente -en las primeras décadas del inicio del siglo 19 fue llena de palabras genovesas, más tarde sustituido principalmente por las palabras en español y por algunas palabras en inglés.


05-08-2020, 11:46 PM

She could be Latina with no problems. But i repeat this is the point of view of an Italian (and, im ready to bet, of many other Italians), perhaps others have different pov.

1: Yes, to me she looks more Iberian than anything else, even if she could pass all over Southern Europe.

2: Yeah, I know she could pass as a Latina, LOL, Med/Berids are seen as national looking here, in Brazil Euro looking = Nordid.

3: What I said is that she doesn't have a South American vibe, and she is fully Euro, so, it doesn't make sense to say this woman has a New World look.

Ethnicity: Gibraltarian (Italian, Maltese, Spanish [Andalusian, Valencian], Catalan, Portuguese), 1/4 Austrian, distant French, Slovenian, and Irish

4: She pass here easily because standard Southern Euros and also darker ones are common among the Brazilian caucasoid stock, but she doesn't give me a New World vibe. This is a "South American vibe":

And these are common white (and I know you Euros don't care much about this term) Brazilians that looks no diferent from Europeans (in this case, Portuguese):

05-14-2020, 11:50 AM
Por imaginar se puede uno imaginar lo que le convenga a la hora de pasear por una calle, pero la tía es muy rara yo casi la veo más americana de una película del salvaje Oeste.

Para Andalucía se ve muy opaca, las andaluzas brillan más.

05-14-2020, 11:52 AM
this mayor is a hottie

Rafael Passoni
01-01-2021, 03:45 AM
Edit 2nd time: I saw her pics, she looks Euro as she is.

01-01-2021, 04:12 AM
Her teeth are very British.

01-01-2021, 05:56 AM
If she looks Spanish to you, so does the entire Morocco. Pure Berberid...

Rafael Passoni
01-01-2021, 06:03 AM
On this video she looks very different. She is beautiful and I think her facial features are a bit northern shifed, maybe due her Irish, French and Austrian ancestry. Also, she has Italian and is very tall too. I don't know how to classify her.


01-01-2021, 06:05 AM
If she looks Spanish to you, so does the entire Morocco. Pure Berberid...

Aherne please can you focus on romanians and other east europeans because you seem clueless about southern Europe and MENA in general. Go visit Spain ffs and then you'll come back to me saying I was right.

The woman posted by the OP pass easily among spanish women (she doesn't look moroccan at all) :


01-01-2021, 06:53 AM
Aherne please can you focus on romanians and other east europeans because you seem clueless about southern Europe and MENA in general. Go visit Spain ffs and then you'll come back to me saying I was right.

The woman posted by the OP pass easily among spanish women (she doesn't look moroccan at all) :

I've met thousands and thousands moroccan women --and moroccan men-- in my life, not by accident I am from and I live in the frontier with the moroccans. And I keep on meeting them, because of my job.

And yes, that gibraltarian woman is very similar to many many moroccan women, especially from the north.

01-01-2021, 07:14 AM
I've met thousands and thousands moroccan women --and moroccan men-- in my life, not by accident I am from and I live in the frontier with the moroccans. And I keep on meeting them, because of my job.

And yes, that gibraltarian woman is very similar to many many moroccan women, especially from the north.

you're simply a liar and I will ask you to prove it, good luck :thumb001:

01-01-2021, 08:18 AM
Looks kind of trirracial

01-01-2021, 08:59 AM
She’s Spanish, I don’t wanna hear that she’s foreign nonsense. Some people rlly gotta start accepting there are dark Iberians and move on. There are also Sardinians like her, oldest euro Neolithic farmers... makes sense, overlap to me.

01-01-2021, 09:11 AM
She’s Spanish, I don’t wanna hear that she’s foreign nonsense. Some people rlly gotta start accepting there are dark Iberians and move on. There are also Sardinians like her, oldest euro Neolithic farmers... makes sense, overlap to me.

Totally agree she doesn't even look italian/greek and I don't think she's that dark simply tanned in some pics

01-01-2021, 09:28 AM
She is simply Atlantomed with a tan.
110% European. Just because she doesn't wear white makeup like a Goth, it doesn't make her Berberid. Wtf.

01-01-2021, 09:39 AM
She is simply Atlantomed with a tan.
110% European. Just because she doesn't wear white makeup like a Goth, it doesn't make her Berberid. Wtf.

yourself now can see how absurd your fellow countrymen sound sometimes, they even deny regular spanish women with a mediterranean look

Cristiano viejo
01-01-2021, 07:08 PM
She’s Spanish, I don’t wanna hear that she’s foreign nonsense. Some people rlly gotta start accepting there are dark Iberians and move on. There are also Sardinians like her, oldest euro Neolithic farmers... makes sense, overlap to me.

How is she Spanish if her origins are Italian (specifically from Genova), so her surname is, and plus is from Gibraltar? :lmao
It is like if I say she is Indonesian :laugh:

Cristiano viejo
01-01-2021, 07:11 PM
Moroccan logic: "she is Spanish because according myself she looks Spanish, and she can not be Italian even if herself has talked about her Italian roots thousands of times, because again according myself she does not look Italian" :heh:

02-07-2021, 12:21 AM
she's italian he said :lol: what a delusional gringo he is

Cristiano viejo
02-07-2021, 12:41 AM
she's italian he said :lol: what a delusional gringo he is
How many times we have to post for you her words??

-What about your Genoese, Italian past, in your DNA?

-Indeed, I have Genovese, Italian descent, but I am from Gibraltar, and that implies an identity of my own, forged by the history we have had to live through and our multiculturalism. But I have to say that the “calentita”, a kind of national dish of Gibraltar, is of Genoese origin.


And how many times we have to tell you Aldorino is not a Spanish surname but Italian?

You seem very retarded. Well, you are Moroccan after all.

02-07-2021, 12:43 AM
How many times we have to post for you her words??


And how many times we have to tell you Aldorino is not a Spanish surname but Italian?

You seem very retarded. Well, you are Moroccan after all.

how many times should we remind you that most inhabitants of this area are spanish ? Having some italian ancestors doesn't make someone italian, she looks iberian not really italian

Cristiano viejo
02-07-2021, 12:48 AM
how many times should we remind you that most inhabitants of this area are spanish ?


first, that is absolutely FALSE. People of Gibraltar are a mix of British, Italian, Jewish and some, some, only some, of Spanish descent.

Second, even if all the people of Gibraltar were 100% Spanish, that would not imply she was, retard. People of Italy are Italians, yet Balotelli is not. Do you understand such basic thing?

Having some italian ancestors doesn't make someone italian, she looks iberian not really italian
Looking Iberian less even, that is subjective, and in this case, super false, you wish :lol:

But it is pretty hilarious that you deny her words about her own origin :pound:

02-07-2021, 01:12 AM

first, that is absolutely FALSE. People of Gibraltar are a mix of British, Italian, Jewish and some, some, only some, of Spanish descent.

Second, even if all the people of Gibraltar were 100% Spanish, that would not imply she was, retard. People of Italy are Italians, yet Balotelli is not. Do you understand such basic thing?

Looking Iberian less even, that is subjective, and in this case, super false, you wish :lol:

But it is pretty hilarious that you deny her words about her own origin :pound:

hahahahaha yes one time it's gypsy, another time it's latino and now it's italian :lol:

Accept the truth cristiano vieshit !