View Full Version : Stereotypical Dixies?

08-30-2011, 12:11 AM
Whenever I think of a stereotypical Dixie, my first thought is CJ from Dawn of the Dead. Do you also think he is a stereotypical Dixie or?



08-30-2011, 05:10 AM
I know what Dixie is, but what is "a Dixie"? :confused:

08-30-2011, 05:26 AM
I know what Dixie is, but what is "a Dixie"? :confused:

A White American from the former Confederate States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Confederate_States_of_America_%28orthographic _projection%29.svg). :coffee:

08-30-2011, 06:07 AM
I fail to see how the average Southron looks any different from the average Yankee WASP.

08-30-2011, 01:00 PM
A White American from the former Confederate States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Confederate_States_of_America_%28orthographic _projection%29.svg). :coffee:

I've never heard a person from the South called "a Dixie." You mean "Southerner," or "Southron." Or, judging by your stereotypical example, "redneck." :P

Oreka Bailoak
08-30-2011, 01:08 PM
I fail to see how the average Southron looks any different from the average Yankee WASP.
There is a difference.

4 Waves of English immigration came to America. (from the book Albion Seed)

1) East Anglia (Eastern England) colonized Massachusetts during 1629-1641.

2) The South was colonized primarily from a region of England in the shape of a trangle from Cornwall up to the boarder of Wales to London during 1642-1675. (not as many blondes in this wave as other more northern English waves)

3) North Midlands (Yorkshire etc.) colonized the Delaware region during 1675-1725.

4) Northern English Borderlands and Scotland (and Protestant North Irish) colonized the back country of America (1717-1775) (Kentucky etc.).

So yes the English of the south are more brunette than other parts of America because their ancestors are mostly from the south of England.

Do you also think he is a stereotypical Dixie or?
Judging by his look, yes that would be more often found in the South than other parts of America.

Aces High
08-30-2011, 01:09 PM
I know a few Texans from work and in some respects they conform to the streotype,for instance they chew tobacco,drink too much,have oversized trucks....and they love guns.

(I once remember one of them showing me a pistol which was a 9mm glock and i then asked what he needed that for and he answered "niggers"....then he showed me his dirty harry magnum and i asked him what he needed that for and he says...."bigger niggers"....which i thought quite funny.)

Other than that they are very polite,almost over polite and respectful (except to niggers).
I know a couple of girls from Kentucky and they seem to posess an old world bygone charm and are extremely polite.

As for the redneck retard stereotype,it probably comes from Hollywood and WASP hating kikes.

Sol Invictus
08-30-2011, 01:17 PM
I was wondering what you were talking about when you said I looked like a "Dixie"..? I had a feeling though. I don't think I look like your typical confederate at least. But I have alot of family down there...

08-30-2011, 01:28 PM

08-31-2011, 05:40 AM
There is a difference.

4 Waves of English immigration came to America. (from the book Albion Seed)

So yes the English of the south are more brunette than other parts of America because their ancestors are mostly from the south of England.

Judging by his look, yes that would be more often found in the South than other parts of America.I have that book and it is seriously flawed. There are only three main differences: the colonies settled by English, the colonies settled by British, and the colonies settled by Scottish. The English had from Maine down to North Carolina, but the Union with Scotland in 1707 afterwards produced new colonies, first by splitting Carolina up, and then creating Georgia, which was appended to South Carolina. This is why the Confederacy's original states in its Constitution were from South Carolina to Texas. Canada remained Loyal because Nova Scotia was not English, and the main difference between the English colonies with the British and Scottish, was the legal system from Common Law without any Civil Law interference. The French in Quebec retained Civil Law, and the Nova Scotians would have preferred their French allegiance anyway to being overlorded by the English. Florida was also a Civil Law colony, and Loyalist. The Georgians had Civil Law in Hannover. All of these Civil Law peoples infringed on the rights of Anglo-Saxons, who represented the Union. The only truth of Scots in the South is the Deep South, as additive to the primary English component, and there was no real English regionalism to speak of, aside from Northumbrian (Province of York) and Anglo-Saxon (Province of Canterbury). Even Jersey was considered English enough to include New Jersey in a Dominion of New England. Lincoln and the Republicans represented the English, Andrew Jackson and the Democrats represented the British, which only means Anglo-Scottish.

08-31-2011, 05:50 AM
I live in one of the so to say "dixie states" and I will say that there are MANY people that fit this stereotype, however there are MANY that also don't fit the stereotype what so ever. It all depends on what part of the state you go to. If you go to a Suburban/City area, you won't see many of these types, but if you go to a rural area it will be a redneck wonderland. This stereotype is like many stereotypes, it is true to an extent. I know one thing for sure, these "dixie/redneck" creatures may be incredibly disgusting, mentally retarded, inbred, and severely unintelligent BUT I'd pick them over a ghetto spic or negro any day.

10-30-2011, 04:45 AM
When I think of a Dixie. I think of someone like Carrie Underwood. Mostly Anglo-Celtic with a slight touch of Amerindian.


Another common Dixie look is a Scots Irish Brunn type like Haley Barbour. He looks very Southern to me


Jake Featherston
10-30-2011, 06:59 AM
Whenever I think of a stereotypical Dixie, my first thought is CJ from Dawn of the Dead. Do you also think he is a stereotypical Dixie or?

Southerners are not referred to as "Dixies" (thank God).

Jake Featherston
10-30-2011, 07:03 AM
I live in one of the so to say "dixie states"

Is the SHIFT key on your keyboard broken?