View Full Version : Learn how Moroccans in Spain look

Cristiano viejo
05-10-2020, 07:36 PM
I will post all the known Moroccans such as footballers, actors, illegal immigrants, random criminals, politicians, etc that have been or are in Spain.
Post any if you know.
Rest of North Africans allowed but let focus on Moroccans. So people could know if they are as light as Spaniards as Nassbean claims, or semi-niggers as I claim :)

Yousef el Arabi

Nouredine Naybet

Yassine Bono

Achraf Hakimi

Faysal Fajr

Nordin Amrabat

Yousef en Nesiry

Mohamed Munir

Munir el Hadadi

Soufiane Chakla

Zohuir Fedal

Aissa and Boudeboz Mandi (ARGELIANS)

Ahmadou Souilem

Mohamed Nayim

Ahmed Younosi

Adil Kouhkouh

Nasser Saleh

Moussa Echarif
https://scontent-atl.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s320x320/84588731_641363899740294_2610727453071172189_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-lht6-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=Un_uzEMoD0wAX8tcpuS&oh=c08643277c8eb84dc078b591c7fac0a0&oe=5EC314AF

Ben Zhara

Nourredine el Atab
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/ALd9U79ZKRAHqDtAt6XJJ2aNYqTYfUkNUYwv8LAxYUZqTBdrlw qe0g4F0UyUcC2ZTYmn7CsQoUBfE_wKEuoNf6tI5kS1WpLsi4VM rvLAdLyJKlfNMqOF7ZMR00I7X6VHaLQ359IaTbUdPpzo5Q

Sami al Uarichi

Mohamed Alami

05-10-2020, 07:38 PM
Maybe Yassine Bono and Sami al Uariachi could pass in Spain, but the rest???

Cristiano viejo
05-10-2020, 07:42 PM
Maybe Yassine Bono and Sami al Uariachi could pass in Spain, but the rest???


so this guy passes in Spain xD

go out of this thread, mongrel :thumb001:

05-10-2020, 07:42 PM
In London I would mistake most of them for Pakistanis.

05-10-2020, 07:46 PM

so this guy passes in Spain xD

go out of this thread, mongrel :thumb001:
At least he doesn't look Arabid like this Spaniard from Murcia:



05-10-2020, 07:48 PM
At least he doesn't look Arabid like this Spaniard from Murcia:



The guy doesn't look Arabid lmao

05-10-2020, 07:50 PM

They look different from any European whether from Western Europe or Eastern Europe.

Why deny it?

Tooting Carmen
05-10-2020, 07:52 PM
In London I would mistake most of them for Pakistanis.

Not really, some may be similar in colouring but their features are quite different. If anything they resemble Northeast Brazilians and even some Dominicans more than Pakistanis.

Cristiano viejo
05-10-2020, 07:53 PM
At least he doesn't look Arabid like this Spaniard from Murcia:

Noooooooooooooo :rolleyes:

05-10-2020, 07:56 PM
In London I would mistake most of them for Pakistanis.

CV surely didn't cherrypick and is a reliable source of information. I'm myself moroccan and i don't look as dark as most of them

05-10-2020, 07:56 PM
This is a war declaration hahah you'll regret this CV

05-10-2020, 07:57 PM
They look what they are. They don't pass as Southern Europeans

05-10-2020, 08:00 PM
Not really, some may be similar in colouring but their features are quite different. If anything they resemble Northeast Brazilians and even some Dominicans more than Pakistanis.

Maybe, but here there sure are more Pakistanis than Brazillians. Maybe in London they could be mistaken for Brazilian, but elsewhere they'd be perceived as Pakistani (most of them anyway)

05-10-2020, 08:01 PM
This is a war declaration hahah you'll regret this CV
Why does seeing your brown countrymen upset you so much?

05-10-2020, 08:02 PM
At least he doesn't look Arabid like this Spaniard from Murcia:



Nice cherrypicking boy. I knew you were some anti-spanish rat, i can smell it.

05-10-2020, 08:02 PM
That's true. A lot of Latin Americans with mixed heritage can look very pseudo-North African.
My cousin from Bahia, Brazil is a good example for that.

05-10-2020, 08:03 PM


No one should be ashamed of their appearance.

I am hallucinating in this forum.

I'm not even going to write the origin of each pair of photographs, it is not necessary.

05-10-2020, 08:03 PM
Why does seeing your brown countrymen upset you so much?

Yes sure I should stay calm when someone darkwash my people

05-10-2020, 08:03 PM
(Oops... Same post as #16)

05-10-2020, 08:03 PM
Maybe CV is right, some of them don't look exactly Spanish.

Chaos One
05-10-2020, 08:06 PM
They don't look Spanish, that's for sure.

But none of them look like me too, maybe only Amrabat and that's not close enough lol

05-10-2020, 08:07 PM
Yes sure I should stay calm when someone darkwash my people
Lightwashing is no better than darkwashing.
You should be proud u wuz kangz.

05-10-2020, 08:09 PM


05-10-2020, 08:09 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-10-2020, 08:10 PM
I imagine typical Morrocans like Marouane Chamakh

05-10-2020, 08:10 PM
Whitewashing is no better than darkwashing.
You should be proud u wuz kangz.

Sure sure posting moroccans with high amount of SSA is ok but posting spaniard with gypsy admixture is wrong... What kind of hypocrite are you?

05-10-2020, 08:11 PM


Niqab is banned in morocco just so you know

Chaos One
05-10-2020, 08:12 PM
Sure sure posting moroccans with high amount of SSA is ok but posting spaniard with gypsy admixture is wrong... What kind of hypocrite are you?

Must agree with you on this...

05-10-2020, 08:13 PM
That's such a moment where I really find it funny how we all discuss about completely irrelevant things.
Yes, I am guilty, too. However, it looks so absurd that race, ancestry and physical appearance seems to be such an important topic to us.

And weirdly enough, I'm only that stupid on the internet. In real life, I don't even think at all about stuff like: "Why does my neighbour look Atlantid?", "Why does my English teacher look Brunn?" or "Why does my Spanish teacher look Berid?"

God, I should leave this community.
Maybe it's just my boredom.

05-10-2020, 08:13 PM
Niqab is banned in morocco just so you know

It is not my problem nor do I care. I do not tell people what to do, less to other countries, continents. As you can see there are no comments on the post.

05-10-2020, 08:13 PM
Niqab is banned in morocco just so you know

It's not, and even then I'd rather have females wear niqab than walking the streets with their breasts to be seen:rofl:

05-10-2020, 08:16 PM
It's not, and even then I'd rather have females wear niqab than walking the streets with their breasts to be seen:rofl:

In the streets or on the beaches.

05-10-2020, 08:16 PM
It's not, and even then I'd rather have females wear niqab than walking the streets with their breasts to be seen:rofl:

It is : https://theconversation.com/why-moroccos-burqa-ban-is-more-than-just-a-security-measure-72120


05-10-2020, 08:17 PM

05-10-2020, 08:19 PM
In the streets or on the beaches.

I'm talking about streets, what ppl do on the beaches is not of my concern.

05-10-2020, 08:22 PM
It is : https://theconversation.com/why-moroccos-burqa-ban-is-more-than-just-a-security-measure-72120


Well even if they did ban it, it's not enforced because women are still allowed to wear it in practical sense.

05-10-2020, 08:23 PM
Sure sure posting moroccans with high amount of SSA is ok but posting spaniard with gypsy admixture is wrong... What kind of hypocrite are you?
The average North African has some SSA admixture, the average Spaniard doesn't have any Gypsy admixture.
So not really comparable.
Some of the Moroccans you claim have a high amount of SSA can have the same amount of SSA as you, but are simply throwbacks in terms of it showing more. You can't assume their genetic profile simply by their phenotype. If some amount of SSA is integral to a population, then some individuals will likely exhibit those traits.

05-10-2020, 08:25 PM
The average North African has some SSA admixture, the average Spaniard doesn't have any Gypsy admixture.
So not really comparable.
Some of the Moroccans you claim have a high amount of SSA can have the same amount of SSA as you, but are simply throwbacks in terms of it showing more. You can't assume their genetic profile simply by their phenotype. If some amount of SSA is integral to a population, then some individuals will likely exhibit those traits.

At least 3 guys who are shown in the OP have mixed Moroccan and Hartani (W, African) ancestry.

"The Haratin are genetically distinct from Sub-Saharan Africans[3][4][5] and speak Maghrebi Arabic dialects as well as various Berber languages.[1]"


05-10-2020, 08:30 PM

They look different from any European whether from Western Europe or Eastern Europe.

Why deny it?

Whether Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern, I doubt that they will be able to pass even in Cyprus.

05-10-2020, 08:43 PM
It is : https://theconversation.com/why-moroccos-burqa-ban-is-more-than-just-a-security-measure-72120


It said the measure appeared to be motivated by security concerns, "since bandits have repeatedly used this garment to perpetrate their crimes".

Morocco has banned the production and sale of full-face veils apparently for security reasons, according to local media reports.

The reports were met a muted response in the absence of official confirmation, though Salafists expressed concern that the measure could be expanded to include the niqab.

"Is Morocco moving towards banning the niqab that Muslim women have worn for five centuries?" Salafist sheikh Hassan Kettani wrote on Facebook.

"If true, it would be a disaster."

05-10-2020, 08:44 PM

They look different from any European whether from Western Europe or Eastern Europe.

Why deny it?

What are you saying??? Those are Basques not North Africans!!! See those flags...

05-10-2020, 08:44 PM
In London I would mistake most of them for Pakistanis.

there features are not pakistani at all lol

05-10-2020, 08:44 PM
Here famous Moroccans in France :

Sofia Amram



Yassine Belattar



Adil Rami



Amel Bent




Yunis Abdelhamid


Demi Portion

Karim Ait Fana


05-10-2020, 08:45 PM
Cristiano, you cannot resist the handsomeness of Saad Lamjarred, a Moroccan hot singer ;) :amour101:



Let you claim he's not Moroccan but rather a Spanish(!) ;) :p But if you have courage, then go insist on it to his face! :rotfl:

This is not only! Then there is him, Youssef Ben Hayoun Sadafi:

https://scontent.fist10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/p960x960/47421238_2350390161862158_2203347209582280704_o.jp g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=2d5d41&_nc_oc=AQlKNHG8O17uBmae1rexcBf05S8w4Npc-jDqbFwtQc3qA-LIiLBD4uLFXKHVAJFkvzU&_nc_ht=scontent.fist10-1.fna&_nc_tp=6&oh=f5efc3e413abef36af86095420a4af69&oe=5EDE7D71


Then claim he's Spanish(!)

I'm NOT pro- Moroccan but what you do is just douchebaggery

05-10-2020, 08:47 PM
there features are not pakistani at all lol

I know, but Brits aren't experts in race. Due to the number of Pakistanis most brits would just presume that they're south asians of some sort

05-10-2020, 08:51 PM
Here is a Moroccan girl who can steal your heart ;) (100% Moroccan, NOT Spanish)

https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article21645999.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/1_pokimanelol_32759561_2260909814131911_6594543466 89249280_n.jpg

Not only this! Also a second;


Claim they're Spanish(!) if you have courage!

Cristiano viejo
05-10-2020, 10:12 PM
CV surely didn't cherrypick and is a reliable source of information. I'm myself moroccan and i don't look as dark as most of them

Of course I did not. I posted all the Moroccans I know. Some is even something light.
I Will continue posting more and if you know some please post them. Everyone can, gallop did above, his examples are not different than the mine, in fact it is the same: brown people touching the blackness.

05-10-2020, 10:28 PM
Cringe Viejo? You've never answered my reply, I'm so sad... :cry :rolleyes:

05-10-2020, 10:34 PM

Interview with a typical Spanish

05-10-2020, 10:35 PM
Maybe CV is right, some of them don't look exactly Spanish.

They look as much Spanish as Russians look Australian aboriginals.

05-10-2020, 10:45 PM
Looking at their ugly mugs makes me think of this:


Cristiano viejo
05-10-2020, 11:21 PM
Here famous Moroccans in France :

Sofia Amram



Yassine Belattar



Adil Rami



Amel Bent




Yunis Abdelhamid


Demi Portion

Karim Ait Fana

Lol, in France is even worse than here, not even one is moderately non dark :laugh:

05-10-2020, 11:22 PM
I wonder if Spanish tourists in France are regularly mistaken for Maghrebis.

Cristiano viejo
05-10-2020, 11:33 PM
Some of the arrested by the terrorist attack of 11M in Madrid in 2004

One spaniard, one Egyptian, the rest are Moroccans


Cristiano viejo
07-17-2020, 04:24 AM
Dina Bousselham
https://static.yabiladi.com/files/articles/69343_4e997790b540a5e788e0fc60fd4c4140201809282217 32_thumb_565.jpg

Charaf Taoaualy

Ismael Benktib

Mohamed El Ouariachi

Mohamed El Yaagoubi

Ilias Fifa

Abdel Mechaal

Issam El Adoua

Cristiano viejo
10-04-2020, 04:45 PM
Left to right
Fernando Calero (from Castilla y León), Toni Villa (from Murcia)... and Anuar Mohamed Tuhami :rolleyes:

"Northern Moroccans are as light as South Europeans", gñeeeeeeee.

10-04-2020, 05:12 PM
This is a war declaration hahah you'll regret this CV

XDDDDDDDDDDDD So this is where it all began.

10-04-2020, 05:21 PM
XDDDDDDDDDDDD So this is where it all began.

Nah, he’s been making those cartoon villain threats ever since he joined. ‘You will regret this’, lol. Phenotypes are a serious business.

10-04-2020, 10:22 PM

They look different from any European whether from Western Europe or Eastern Europe.

Why deny it?

They ALL look like delinquents and their mere pressence in European soil makes us (most men) boil inside and stay alert.

They are altering our eco-system or hábitat and they are destroying our tranquility and peace in our neighbourhoods.

They have their own fuck*** country to live, why destroy others? They are disliked by 80% of the people in Spain, and I guess than they are disliked in France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, UK, Sweden, Norway, and wherever they go. They bring zero possitive and 100% negative. From a rationalistic point of view it is extremely stupid to allow them live with us: we are the ying and yang in the world: the most opposite people.

They look like hyenas because they are hyenas. They will have zero problem in beheading any of us in the streets if their stupid god says it.

10-04-2020, 10:31 PM


Trash-bag ""women"". The most ugly people, culture, ethnicity, behaviour, way of life, and all of other posible analysis. Just seeing these things in our streets is a provocation and a sign that they will never integrate and that they have the West. So, they should be removed, if posible with all "her" relatives.

Ion Basescul
10-04-2020, 10:36 PM

so this guy passes in Spain xD

go out of this thread, mongrel :thumb001:

Nice to see Alvaro Morata smiling again. Chelsea really ruined him.

10-04-2020, 10:51 PM
Cristiano morro, you know more Moroccans than me :icon_lol:

You're such an expert of North African phenotypes. Where does this unexpected Maghrebophilia come from?

Cristiano viejo
10-04-2020, 11:08 PM
Nice to see Alvaro Morata smiling again. Chelsea really ruined him.
Morata looks nothing like that Moroccan and it is funny that you comment this because I have seen a lot of Romanians here in Spain who indeed do.

Cristiano morro, you know more Moroccans than me :icon_lol:

You're such an expert of North African phenotypes. Where does this unexpected Maghrebophilia come from?

From my hate for France :)

10-05-2020, 12:42 AM
Spaniards generally view Moroccans in this way

Queuing for help and money for doing nothing


Arriving in boats illegally to Spain after having paid large amounts of money to the mafias and with state-of-the-art mobile phones. Spaniards wonder why they come here?


They keep asking for nothing


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQUC9IJw5MfH4hSISgEZCNzqCJhmwS 3vx2ToQ&usqp=CAU

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQmRn2i_N4WgfPlUH6TpGGvTQaEGGR Ze39LGw&usqp=CAU


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/yIBDEHbjcKa8ZnzaFDh9C_WeIBiGt35gwRyeecwD6ovWvOm58d jpKAX3gHmJO7nhL7dD-clnRVF5MO2V6GwWdffQDJmeVmD_xG4kOrx-IjESjXKLukwrlID5fQ9EPXj1







The food that is donated to them is thrown away





And this is how the Spanish see the Moroccans

What kind of country does not protect its borders?
-I will tell you:

Cristiano viejo
10-05-2020, 12:51 AM
^ "north moroccans are as lighter as South Europeans", gñeeeeeee.



And this is how the Spanish see the Moroccans
My god... Fuckin thieves...
And these are who were going to pay our pensions :rolleyes:

10-05-2020, 08:33 AM
From my hate for France :)

If you hate France so much, then why don't you compare ethnic Spanish people with your Latin brothers from the North?

It's really pathetic that you take pride in being lighter than an African people. Both Amazighs and their conquerors from Arabia have been living in hot places for millenia. Their pigmentation is due to a natural adaptation to solar radiation exposure. That's the reason why they only develop few skin cancers, unlike Australians of Anglo-Celtic descent.

Some Moroccans are rather negroid because their ancestors were also mixed with Subsaharian slaves (Arabs were notorious slave traders), just like many Spanish colons in Latin America.
Some of them can also be lighter, probably because they are of Germanic stock (Vandals). That's also the reason why you have so many blonde and red-haired Spaniards, because of the Sueve and Visigothic invaders.

Now it's time to turn the page on this silly chapter.

10-05-2020, 09:05 AM

Cristiano viejo
10-05-2020, 12:50 PM
If you hate France so much, then why don't you compare ethnic Spanish people with your Latin brothers from the North?

Do I?
Nah, I don't compare with French. French are lighter (eye and hair) and have less olive skinned people. In 50-100 years will be the opposite, but that is another and ugly story.

10-06-2020, 09:38 AM

10-06-2020, 09:42 AM
^ "north moroccans are as lighter as South Europeans", gñeeeeeee.

My god... Fuckin thieves...
And these are who were going to pay our pensions :rolleyes:

I will say this, under Sharia law 75% of your Moroccan immigrants will:

-be whipped 100 lashes

highway robbers/drug dealers etc....executed
repeat thieves...chopped hands
harassers women...exiled out of town

You have no guilt for hating Islam because of these people. I understand now why there is a racism. Also, yes they are ugly but think they are better than Blacks when they look Quadroon or Mulatto. When you see them harrass your girls tel them to give their daughters to a Senegalese and see the hypocrisy

10-06-2020, 09:50 AM
some are quite noticeable


Cristiano viejo
10-06-2020, 01:26 PM
I will say this, under Sharia law 75% of your Moroccan immigrants will:

-be whipped 100 lashes

highway robbers/drug dealers etc....executed
repeat thieves...chopped hands
harassers women...exiled out of town

You have no guilt for hating Islam because of these people. I understand now why there is a racism. Also, yes they are ugly but think they are better than Blacks when they look Quadroon or Mulatto. When you see them harrass your girls tel them to give their daughters to a Senegalese and see the hypocrisy
Rapists should be the first to be executed.
Nothing worse in world than pederasts and rapists.

some are quite noticeable

Only some? :rolleyes:

10-06-2020, 01:28 PM

10-06-2020, 01:32 PM
Hamza Zaidi

10-06-2020, 01:36 PM
Saad Lamjarred, Rabii Skalli & Numidia Lezoul are nightmares of CV :rolleyes:

10-06-2020, 02:07 PM
Saad Lamjarred, Rabii Skalli & Numidia Lezoul are nightmares of CV :rolleyes:

Numidia Lezoul will be a nightmare for many Maghrebian OWD'ers tho


10-06-2020, 02:11 PM
Crowds are more useful for these discussions....

10-06-2020, 02:23 PM
Numidia Lezoul will be a nightmare for many Maghrebian OWD'ers tho

Isn't she with Soolking(an Algerian rapper who sings in French) right now? Because in a comment where an Algerian Youtuber jokes about marriage, he tagged Numidia :confused:

Cristiano viejo
10-06-2020, 02:31 PM
Crowds are more useful for these discussions....

The results are the same







10-07-2020, 01:20 PM
Just Reading "moroccoans" + Spain just make me want to puke. We are the most antagonist people on Earth. At any parameter analysis we are the ying and yang. And 2 million of muslims are living in Spain (100% of them came illegally, not 90%---->100%) and most will never integrate. Our politicians are the worst on Earth. They hate Spaniards (at least those that want the best for our country). I will kick them out of Spain to make them live in Morocco forever, so much that they like them.

Today, 55 moroccoans, pakistaníes, and muslims in general, detained in Barcelona for heroine traffiking. Tomorrow they will be set free for sure, with all their gibs intact, and in a few years with the Spanish nationality.

Moroccoans are the worst people on Earth. And if you don´t believe it, be patience, sooner or later you will reach to the same conclussion.

10-07-2020, 01:35 PM
People from Tunisia are little bit less exotic to me...( also some people from scandinavia look exotic to me..... )

10-07-2020, 02:21 PM
But where is the mediterrenean solidarity...

Cristiano viejo
10-07-2020, 08:45 PM
Just Reading "moroccoans" + Spain just make me want to puke. We are the most antagonist people on Earth. At any parameter analysis we are the ying and yang. And 2 million of muslims are living in Spain (100% of them came illegally, not 90%---->100%) and most will never integrate. Our politicians are the worst on Earth. They hate Spaniards (at least those that want the best for our country). I will kick them out of Spain to make them live in Morocco forever, so much that they like them.

Today, 55 moroccoans, pakistaníes, and muslims in general, detained in Barcelona for heroine traffiking. Tomorrow they will be set free for sure, with all their gibs intact, and in a few years with the Spanish nationality.

Moroccoans are the worst people on Earth. And if you don´t believe it, be patience, sooner or later you will reach to the same conclussion.
I always thought gypsies were the worst beings on earth... I was wrong.

But where is the mediterrenean solidarity...

In wonderland along Alice, since never existed.

10-07-2020, 08:49 PM
they are better than Blacks when they look Quadroon or Mulatto

At least there are black christians.

And In my opinion I would say you quadroons and mulatos look the same ugly as menas. Maybe in girls menas are better.(There are exceptions of both cases of course)

10-07-2020, 11:32 PM
At least there are black christians.

And In my opinion I would say you quadroons and mulatos look the same ugly as menas. Maybe in girls menas are better.(There are exceptions of both cases of course)

All my life I wanted to look like a Colombian mestizo or castizo you got me figured out. El Chapo the benchmark of handsome

Jacques de Imbelloni
10-07-2020, 11:38 PM
All my life I wanted to look like a Colombian mestizo or castizo you got me figured out. El Chapo the benchmark of handsome


10-08-2020, 05:29 AM
Compared to them, even mestizos in Mexico pass much better as Spaniards. Non-cherrypicked photos:


Notice how negroid influence, grossly exaggerated in this thread, is minimal.

10-08-2020, 06:50 AM
The premise of this thread is weird.

1) who is suggesting that Modern day Spaniards look like modern day Moroccans? Like many MENA countries, the typical Moroccans from 500-1000 years ago (when they were in Spain)

2) 500 years (since they left) is a LONG time. Why would Spanish people today look exactly like Moroccans? Even the most exotic of Spaniards probably has far more pre-Moor Spanish blood than Moroccan.

Relax dude, and be grateful for your swarthy genetics ;)

10-08-2020, 07:13 AM
All my life I wanted to look like a Colombian mestizo or castizo you got me figured out. El Chapo the benchmark of handsome

You wish:rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
10-08-2020, 08:44 AM
Compared to them, even mestizos in Mexico pass much better as Spaniards. Non-cherrypicked photos:


Notice how negroid influence, grossly exaggerated in this thread, is minimal.

I did not exaggerate anything, I am posting all the Moroccans we can know in Spain. Feel free to post those Moroccans living in Spain you know, or ask other Spanish members if I am exaggerating about their looks.

10-08-2020, 12:28 PM
You should start a Coursera course with assesments like choosing the Moroccan among Celtiberians Christina Puta.

Cristiano viejo
10-08-2020, 05:04 PM
You should start a Coursera course with assesments like choosing the Moroccan among Celtiberians Christina Puta.

I have seen golden dawn members that could be posted in this thread.

10-12-2020, 04:56 AM
How nice that you make a thread of your Moorish cousins. They share blood ties and physical aspects :thumb001:

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 05:16 PM
How nice that you make a thread of your Moorish cousins. They share blood ties and physical aspects :thumb001:

In fact they are brown, uncivilized and undeveloped like you Mexicans.
And don't forget, you are our bastards :D

Mopi Licinius Crassus
10-12-2020, 05:29 PM
most Moroccans look clearly SSA admixed imo

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 05:31 PM
most Moroccans look clearly SSA admixed imo

I bet in uk they look the same than in Spain, despite what nassbean claims ( Moroccans being something light and blablabla).

Mopi Licinius Crassus
10-12-2020, 05:33 PM
I bet in uk they look the same than in Spain, despite what nassbean claims ( Moroccans being something light and blablabla).

I worked with a half white brit, half moroccan bloke a few years back

even this half moroccan looked SSA admixed to me

full moroccans in the UK are mistaken for mixed race coloured ppl

10-12-2020, 05:41 PM
most Moroccans look clearly SSA admixed imo

you're on this site for years now and you still think cristiano is reliable source of information ? He just posted moroccans with black relatives

here a little example (achraf hakimi) :


Moroccans overall don't show any ssa traits :


10-12-2020, 05:41 PM
I worked with a half white brit, half moroccan bloke a few years back

even this half moroccan looked SSA admixed to me

full moroccans in the UK are mistaken for mixed race coloured ppl

many members who live in the UK said the opposite

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 05:44 PM
you're on this site for years now and you still think cristiano is reliable source of information ? He just posted moroccans with black relatives]
False, I have posted all the Moroccans living in Spain I could identify.

Not my fault that they look semi niggers ( 1 or maybe 2 don't do).

many members who live in the UK said the opposite


10-12-2020, 05:46 PM
I worked with a half white brit, half moroccan bloke a few years back

even this half moroccan looked SSA admixed to me

full moroccans in the UK are mistaken for mixed race coloured ppl

moroccans are seen as mena people , i think

10-12-2020, 06:08 PM
In France many Moroccan and other Magrebhi women date Black African men.


Alot of Morrocans look like mulattos and quadroons even the King and the Prince look like mulattos.


Sent from my SM-G770F using Tapatalk

10-12-2020, 06:21 PM
Morrocans integrate as Irish in the UK.

Here is McGregor Algerian criminal in Greece


Another one


Sometimes they also come close to Lewis Hamilton type


Sometimes they also come close to I don't know


But they always remain criminals.

10-12-2020, 08:21 PM
In fact they are brown, uncivilized and undeveloped like you Mexicans.
And don't forget, you are our bastards :D

Just as the Spanish are bastards of the Moors :lol:

Remember that the incivility and underdevelopment of Latinos comes from the retrograde, wild, incapable and brute mentality of the Spanish. Also of how corrupt, stupid and lazy the Spanish are :lol:

Olé (Moorish word), start dancing a good flamenco, Moorish bastard! :lol:


Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 08:27 PM
Just as the Spanish are bastards of the Moors

That makes you the bastard of moors too, plus the bastards of the spaniards :thumb001:

Sorry mestizo, unlike you who carry Spanish surnames, speak Spanish language and have our religion, we have nothing of that from moors :mocking: you are our bastard and always will be :mocking:

10-12-2020, 08:29 PM
Sometimes they also come close to I don't know


Loool.. Negrified pre-plastic Ramos


10-12-2020, 08:40 PM
That makes you the bastard of moors too, plus the bastards of the spaniards :thumb001:

Sorry mestizo, unlike you who carry Spanish surnames, speak Spanish language and have our religion, we have nothing of that from moors :mocking: you are our bastard and always will be :mocking:

It is not necessary for you to speak their language and practice your religion, the Moorish heritage can be seen in their physical features such as their bushy and hairy eyebrows, their hairy body, the bad body odor, their hooked and pointed noses, their brown skin color. And in the words you use daily, Óleee !!

The Alhambra is the greatest exponent of Spanish architecture and Flamenco the greatest exponent of Spanish music.

With total propriety, you are a Moorish bastard, you always will be even if your ass burns, rebellious son of the Caliphate :lol:

10-12-2020, 08:43 PM
It is not necessary for you to speak their language and practice your religion, the Moorish heritage can be seen in their physical features such as their bushy and hairy eyebrows, their hairy body, the bad body odor, their hooked and pointed noses, their brown skin color. And in the words you use daily, Óleee !!

The Alhambra is the greatest exponent of Spanish architecture and Flamenco the greatest exponent of Spanish music.

With total propriety, you are a Moorish bastard, you always will be even if your ass burns, rebellious son of the Caliphate :lol:

They should be proud of having moor blood not every human on this earth has this privilege so I don't understand why you use "moor" as an insult

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 08:45 PM
It is not necessary for you to speak their language and practice your religion, the Moorish heritage can be seen in their physical features such as their bushy and hairy eyebrows, their hairy body, the bad body odor, their hooked and pointed noses, their brown skin color. And in the words you use daily, Óleee !!

The Alhambra is the greatest exponent of Spanish architecture and Flamenco the greatest exponent of Spanish music.

With total propriety, you are a Moorish bastard, you always will be even if your ass burns, rebellious son of the Caliphate :lol:

Flamenco has nothing to do with moors, super retard :lol:
Flamenco was born in the XIII century, more than 300 years later than the expulsion of moors :lol:

If you were not Mexican I would think you have Down syndrome... but not, the point is that you do are Mexican :lol:

10-12-2020, 08:54 PM
Flamenco has nothing to do with moors, super retard :lol:
Flamenco was born in the XIII century, more than 300 years later than the expulsion of moors :lol:

If you were not Mexican I would think you have Down syndrome... but not, the point is that you do are Mexican :lol:

wait...."XIII century" and "300 years after the expulsion of moors" ----> reality : "The government distrusted Moriscos and between 1609 and 1614 began to expel them systematically from the various kingdoms of the united realm."

Keep embarassing yourself :cool:

10-12-2020, 08:58 PM
Morrocans integrate as Irish in the UK.

Here is McGregor Algerian criminal in Greece


Another one


Sometimes they also come close to Lewis Hamilton type


Sometimes they also come close to I don't know


But they always remain criminals.

The Hamitic "low trust" facial features.

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 08:59 PM
wait...."XIII century" and "300 years after the expulsion of moors" ----> reality : "The government distrusted Moriscos and between 1609 and 1614 began to expel them systematically from the various kingdoms of the united realm."

Keep embarassing yourself :cool:

And is that important, or has to do with the topic per chance?

10-12-2020, 09:03 PM
And is that important, or has to do with the topic per chance?


Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 09:16 PM

I will repeat you the question, because you seem quite lost, according your post...
How invalidated your post the mine?
Flamenco was born 200 years later than the expulsion of moors. 150 if you want.
No, wait. 100 years later.
Or just 1.

Is that important? No it is not. The important thing is that flamenco has nothing to do with moors because it was born after your expulsion, not matter if 300 or 1 year later.

10-12-2020, 09:17 PM
I will repeat you the question, because you seem quite lost, according your post...
How invalidated your post the mine?
Flamenco was born 200 years later than the expulsion of moors. 150 if you want.
No, wait. 100 years later.
Or just 1.

Is that important? No it is not. The important thing is that flamenco has nothing to do with moors because it was born after your expulsion, not matter if 300 or 1 year later.

i don't care about your damn gypsy culture the fact is that XIIIth century is not 3 centuries after the expulsion of "moors". Thanks.

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 09:26 PM
i don't care about your damn gypsy culture the fact is that XIIIth century is not 3 centuries after the expulsion of "moors". Thanks.

It is not gypsy culture and don't be racisss, man. Gypsies share your skin color at least and criminal behavior. Gypsies did not invent flamenco neither.
In fact it was born at the end of the XVIII century. Maybe not 300 years but almost 200. Sorry, nothing to do with you.

10-12-2020, 10:28 PM
Flamenco has nothing to do with moors, super retard :lol:
Flamenco was born in the XIII century, more than 300 years later than the expulsion of moors :lol:

If you were not Mexican I would think you have Down syndrome... but not, the point is that you do are Mexican :lol:

It has Moorish origins that the gypsies have promoted.

Do you see how stupid the Spanish are? : picard2:

Cristiano viejo
10-12-2020, 10:32 PM
It has Moorish origins that the gypsies have promoted.

Do you see how stupid the Spanish are? : picard2:

Flamenco Was born when there was not a single moor in the Iberian peninsula, Mexcrement, learn a bit of history :D

10-12-2020, 10:40 PM
Can I laugh about CV too?¿

10-12-2020, 10:58 PM
Flamenco Was born when there was not a single moor in the Iberian peninsula, Mexcrement, learn a bit of history :D

It does not mean that it does not have Moorish origins!

I have to come to teach you about your history, genetics and traits!


10-13-2020, 05:17 AM
It does not mean that it does not have Moorish origins!

I have to come to teach you about your history, genetics and traits!


you're an illiterate idiot that is not in position to teach anybody about history and genetics.

10-13-2020, 01:12 PM
They should go back to Africa. In fact, they should be deported to their original countries (the countries of their DNA). No Europeans wants non-European here. The ones that say so, say it for "political or social" convenience. Nobody likes northafricans or subsaharans, not when they are here.

In France many Moroccan and other Magrebhi women date Black African men.


Alot of Morrocans look like mulattos and quadroons even the King and the Prince look like mulattos.


Sent from my SM-G770F using Tapatalk

Cristiano viejo
10-13-2020, 01:24 PM
It does not mean that it does not have Moorish origins!

I have to come to teach you about your history, genetics and traits!


It means exactly that. Only mexcrements like you could think a thing could be invented by someone that does not exist :lol:

Cristiano viejo
10-22-2020, 09:59 PM
I go finding random Moroccans in the news... not my fault that ALL OF THEM look like niggas...

Hicham Khaloua

Mohamed Sanhaji

Mohamed Benkhemassa (Algerian)

10-22-2020, 10:53 PM
Look their nappy hair like the brillo pad in my kitchen, atleast my hair flutter in the Wind and is soft like a Hollywood movie Star...they have negrofied hair

10-22-2020, 11:45 PM
Algunos se parecen a mi

10-23-2020, 12:04 AM
Si pones en Google hombres jóvenes de Marruecos estudiantes







Si pones hombres jóvenes trabajadores de Marruecos sale esto



https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PotASwxyVmI7RxcJhfBdG5XGhSwLQ6HbFWjKhvAaLv42HTFhBF A40H12s7vOJ5RaPYH_U8HdC2fIqlFQDIy9v4mWPc5SlPBUZW6O NI2AHRHg9RrrUBXj1ZO3NCFrzAXDGUatnQRVoJhhyKUFLA

A veces no entiendo la coherencia de Google imágenes lol


Son fotos normales de la vida cotidiana y la realidad de un país norteafricano como es Marruecos.

Cristiano viejo
11-15-2020, 09:50 PM
Mehdi Nafti (Tunisian)


11-15-2020, 10:53 PM
They don't look Spanish, that's for sure.

But none of them look like me too, maybe only Amrabat and that's not close enough lol

Your profile photo really is interesting, could be middle eastern, North African or even Sylheti (though quite atypical and middle eastern-y).

Cristiano viejo
11-25-2020, 09:38 PM
A such Morad... first time in my life I know about this immigrant :blink:



11-30-2020, 06:13 AM
Son fotos seleccionadas o la verdad lucen asi en promedio? Yo pensaba que muchos eran mas blancos o que por lo menos un promedio luce de tal manera.

11-30-2020, 06:17 AM
Very different from Spaniards

Cristiano viejo
11-30-2020, 05:18 PM
Son fotos seleccionadas o la verdad lucen asi en promedio? Yo pensaba que muchos eran mas blancos o que por lo menos un promedio luce de tal manera.
He posteado TODOS los marroquíes conocidos que hay o ha habido en España en los últimos... 20 años. Bien, antes es que directamente no había...

Si buscas en Google "Marroquíes en España" te sale esto, son marroquíes anónimos
https://www.google.com/search?q=marroquies+en+espa%C3%B1a&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiW5bL176rtAhWODWMBHehABy8Q_AUoAnoECA0QB A&biw=1280&bih=578&dpr=1.5

También puedes preguntar a cualquier usuario español, o leerles directamente en el thread, algunos como Gallop o Tiétar han posteado marroquíes random.
No sé de dónde podías pensar que eran más blancos. Los moros son marrones cuasi negros, es algo vox populi.

Very different from Spaniards

Should they look not different perhaps?

11-30-2020, 05:24 PM
Por un momento pense que estabas posteando a los mas feos sinceramente (haciendoles bullying). No necesariamente tiene que ver con que sean mas blancos o no. De hecho mi idea de los marroquies es que son oscuros con el pelo rizado como la mayoria de tus ejemplos. Sin embargo mi exposicion hacia ellos es limitada. Tampoco me puedo creer un experto.

11-30-2020, 05:28 PM
Moroccans in Spain come from which region in particular?

Because North Moroccans (Rif, Tanger, Tetouan) don't show much SSA influence, they look more like Algerians

Cristiano viejo
11-30-2020, 05:31 PM
Por un momento pense que estabas posteando a los mas feos sinceramente.
jajaja xD

Los moros son feos de cojones, de hecho están entre la gente más fea a nivel mundial bajo mi humilde opinión. Y tienen cara de criminales.

Moroccans in Spain come from which region in particular?

Because North Moroccans (Rif, Tanger, Tetouan) don't show much SSA influence, they look more like Algerians

No idea.

11-30-2020, 05:37 PM
jajaja xD

Los moros son feos de cojones, de hecho están entre la gente más fea a nivel mundial bajo mi humilde opinión. Y tienen cara de criminales.

Por cierto que varios de los marroquies posteados pueden pasar facilmente en paises latinos con alto o mediano SSA. Otros tienen facciones demasiado "arabes" con todo y que tengan el pelo rizado y la piel triguen~a (traits que son comunes en los mulatos) y la verdad no los veo pasar con facilidad.

Cristiano viejo
01-07-2021, 01:05 AM
Najat El Hachmi

This is the kind of brownies from Morocco we have in Spain :rolleyes:

01-07-2021, 01:13 PM
Najat El Hachmi

This is the kind of brownies from Morocco we have in Spain :rolleyes:She looks dominican

01-07-2021, 01:21 PM
Najat El Hachmi

This is the kind of brownies from Morocco we have in Spain :rolleyes:

she looks typical Jewish/Levantine/Arabic too

01-07-2021, 02:28 PM
sad heritage of arabs

Cristiano viejo
01-07-2021, 04:00 PM
She looks dominican
That is because Moroccans are pseudo-blacks.

she looks typical Jewish/Levantine/Arabic too

That is because Moroccans are multiracial.

01-07-2021, 04:16 PM
I still wonder why all arabs look the same.From Syria to Morroca They are all shitskin and ugly.

01-10-2021, 03:03 AM
That is because Moroccans are pseudo-blacks.

Firstly, that lady he pointed out has a Pan-Latino look and I don't think she looks black. Secondly, I thought that it was a common knowledge that Dominican is a nationality?. Here in the USA only like 50% of all the Dominicans are taken for "black" in the American standard and it's often what they call light skinned like Christina Milian or Zoe Saldana. The other 50% is too ambiguous to be taken as such. They will get Biracial, Arab, Mexican, or even Indian before that. The biracial look here is associated with people like Megan Marke, Patrick Mahomes or lighter so go figure.

Cristiano viejo
01-10-2021, 03:08 AM
Firstly, that lady he pointed out has a Pan-Latino look and I don't think she looks black. Secondly, I thought that it was a common knowledge that Dominican is a nationality?. Here in the USA only like 50% of all the Dominicans are taken for "black" in the American standard and it's often what they call light skinned like Christina Milian or Zoe Saldana. The other 50% is too ambiguous to be taken as such. They will get Biracial, Arab, Mexican, or even Indian before that. The biracial look here is associated with people like Megan Marke, Patrick Mahomes or lighter so go figure.
But I dont live in USA. That is why people like this Moroccan immigrant could be branded as black here, same than Zoe Saldaña IS.

01-10-2021, 03:13 AM
But I dont live in USA. That is why people like this Moroccan immigrant could be branded as black here, same than Zoe Saldaña IS.

From what I've noticed the idea of "black" here in the USA is more loose than the one from Europe. It's because of the one drop rule and all that. But even with that people on the streets has an idea of what is black, exotic black or just not black.

Cristiano viejo
01-10-2021, 03:16 AM
From what I've noticed the idea of "black" here in the USA is more loose than the one from Europe. It's because of the one drop rule and all that. But even with that people on the streets has an idea of what is black, exotic black or just not black.

People like that dancer Chayanne, quite popular here, are seen just as Latinos even if he shows clear SSA traits.
More than that, they are seen as black. Obama for example, or even lighter than Obama and with softer features, are blacks for us.

01-10-2021, 03:24 AM
People like that dancer Chayanne, quite popular here, are seen just as Latinos even if he shows clear SSA traits.
More than that, they are seen as black. Obama for example, or even lighter than Obama and with softer features, are blacks for us.

It's similar to here then.

01-10-2021, 03:27 AM
They should never have been allowed to stay. Why give to people that hate you?

Cristiano viejo
01-10-2021, 03:29 AM
It's similar to here then.

I think every country has its own racial disctintions. In Spain a Turk, an AFGHAN, an Iraki or Irani, a Syrian, is called a Moor, even if technically Moors only are from North Africa. But we even go further: Albanians and Bosnians also are called Moors. Look, an example https://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/threads/dua-lipa-mestiza-moromierda-kosovar-saca-album.1482387/

Mulatos = blacks for us.

A white Mexican or Argentinian = sudaca for us, even if we know the term sudaca is mostly for Amerindian people.

You know, the hilarious Spanish caste system version 2021 ;)

01-10-2021, 03:31 AM
I think every country has its own racial disctintions. In Spain a Turk, an AFGHAN, an Iraki or Irani, a Syrian, is called a Moor, even if technically Moors only are from North Africa. But we even go further: Albanians and Bosnians also are called Moors. Look, an example https://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/threads/dua-lipa-mestiza-moromierda-kosovar-saca-album.1482387/

Mulatos = blacks for us.

A white Mexican or Argentinian = sudaca for us, even if we know the term sudaca is mostly for Amerindian people.

You know, the hilarious Spanish caste system version 2021 ;)


Cristiano viejo
01-27-2021, 07:12 PM
Moroccan (brown as fuck as always) being arrested. Look how the bitch screams claiming falsely he is being beaten

01-27-2021, 07:47 PM
Moroccan (brown as fuck as always) being arrested. Look how the bitch screams claiming falsely he is being beaten


Cristiano viejo
01-31-2021, 02:33 AM
Mounir Errahaly (notice how different Moroccans and Spaniards are, like the night and the day)

01-31-2021, 05:08 AM
I will post all the known Moroccans such as footballers, actors, illegal immigrants, random criminals, politicians, etc that have been or are in Spain.
Post any if you know.
Rest of North Africans allowed but let focus on Moroccans. So people could know if they are as light as Spaniards as Nassbean claims, or semi-niggers as I claim :)

Yousef el Arabi

Nouredine Naybet

Yassine Bono

Achraf Hakimi

Faysal Fajr

Nordin Amrabat

Yousef en Nesiry

Mohamed Munir

Munir el Hadadi

Soufiane Chakla

Zohuir Fedal

Aissa and Boudeboz Mandi (ARGELIANS)

Ahmadou Souilem

Mohamed Nayim

Ahmed Younosi

Adil Kouhkouh

Nasser Saleh

Moussa Echarif
https://scontent-atl.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s320x320/84588731_641363899740294_2610727453071172189_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-lht6-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=Un_uzEMoD0wAX8tcpuS&oh=c08643277c8eb84dc078b591c7fac0a0&oe=5EC314AF

Ben Zhara

Nourredine el Atab
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/ALd9U79ZKRAHqDtAt6XJJ2aNYqTYfUkNUYwv8LAxYUZqTBdrlw qe0g4F0UyUcC2ZTYmn7CsQoUBfE_wKEuoNf6tI5kS1WpLsi4VM rvLAdLyJKlfNMqOF7ZMR00I7X6VHaLQ359IaTbUdPpzo5Q

Sami al Uarichi

Mohamed Alami

Given that many here may have black ancestry and not be fully berber; to make a rough comparison, to say they are less Moroccan, would be like saying Iberians with more moorish ancestry are less Iberian. Because is it not so that the black population is so endemic to Morocco as moors are to Iberians? More or less, perhaps.
Of course there is the fact that the North/South difference plays a big role here compared to Iberians, and Iberians have little variance in terms of moorish DNA within themselves, while Moroccans are the opposite if I’m not in mistake. Also, I don’t know if an average Moroccan scores more or less black than an average Iberian scores moorish. Possibly have come across such data, possibility have forgotten it. I invite anyone to clarify on these topics, and it was a rough comparison only, anyway.

I took the liberty of derailing this thread: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?341542-Main-phenotypes-among-these-anti-Covid-French-from-Niza
worst than the Santiago Train Crash of 2013
(I remember this well because at the time I was in a factory in Galicia driving a forklift at 15 years old, I shit you not- and it was not weird at all, under the specific circumstances, it was super fun anyway, it was school holydays etc, so please excuse me if I start using this sad event as a point of comparison)
There, I had some trade of arguments with Samnium, and at some point I explained to him how one may reasonably formulate a conclusion that the phenotypical difference between Iberians and Moroccans is, AT LEAST, (not even accounting for DNA), as great as that between Scandos and Iberian, possibly greater.
(now if one would be feeling reeeeally good about taking conclusions from this to satisfy our dirty nordicist souls - this means that a group of Iberians in Morocco would be seem as a group of Scandos in Iberia :rolleyes:xD)
In Portugal, at least, I have the feeling some people would call me crazy for saying such thing :crazy: (obviously not implying such people know shit of anthropology, duh)
Regarding this whole thing, the only persons in the planet I feel bad about would be the nordicist Pigmees and the southicist Scandos, if you know what I mean :(

Now here comes another interesting, and perhaps contrasting, conclusion I personally take. Unfortunately two of the pics I can no longer see. But I got to say the OP very very likely didn’t cherrypick at all. Why do I say this? Because according to MY concept of passing, which is explained in the Niza thread (gosh Cristiano, when you first invited me to reply to it did any of us though it would grow like that XD) and with the possibility of being very atypical, brothers of our good compatriots Inma and André eheheh, a SURPRISINGLY high number of people posted here could pass in Iberia (conversely this also applies to Iberians and Scandos, brothers of Alicia something). Sami al Uarichi, if need be given the atypicality factor, could pass VERY further north than Iberia.

Fuck yeah quarantine writing time :cool:

02-02-2021, 04:45 AM
Mounir Errahaly (notice how different Moroccans and Spaniards are, like the night and the day)

Guy on the right looks straight "Proto-Indo-European": not a good representative for Spaniards. Guy on the left is representative, though (for Moroccans)... Main point still stands: the two ethnicities are very very different

02-02-2021, 07:00 AM
Most of them look typical magrebis. Some of these guys can pass as Latinos.

Cristiano viejo
02-02-2021, 03:30 PM
Guy on the right looks straight "Proto-Indo-European": not a good representative for Spaniards. Guy on the left is representative, though (for Moroccans)... Main point still stands: the two ethnicities are very very different

As good representative as any other Spaniard.
I know for you people only dark haired dark eyed Spaniards can be representative for Spaniards :rolleyes: but the reality is that Spaniards like that of the photo exist for hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

Cristiano viejo
03-06-2021, 11:52 PM
Mustapha Hadji, a good example of Moroccan being


03-07-2021, 01:18 AM
Moroccan (brown as fuck as always) being arrested. Look how the bitch screams claiming falsely he is being beaten
https://okdiario.com/espana/video-desvela-falsa-agresion-que-simula-joven-inmigrante-durante-identificacion-6751860This is what I saw. She looks like a nice person.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20210307/28340738ad450cff126a66144e59f661.jpg

Cristiano viejo
03-07-2021, 06:47 PM
This is what I saw. She looks like a nice person.]
The Moroccan immigrants is a man, baby.

03-07-2021, 09:53 PM
The Moroccan immigrants is a man, baby.I wasn't being serious. I clearly posted an ad.

03-07-2021, 09:59 PM
The Moroccan immigrants is a man, baby.

No, it's not.

03-07-2021, 10:04 PM
They look S O O O O O O O Iberian :rolleyes::icon_lol:

Cristiano viejo
12-14-2021, 04:08 PM
Hicham Boussefiane

12-14-2021, 08:34 PM
Najat El Hachmi

This is the kind of brownies from Morocco we have in Spain :rolleyes:

She used to write for 'El periodico de Catalonia'.
Very good articles about her life as daughter of morrocan immigrants at Vic, a very catalan nationalist village.
She used to write about the daily racism she passed through as 'moor', but above all the pressure and repression she suffered on behalf of her family and muslim environment for being a girl.

Many articles about the usual repression muslim culture puts on women. I think morrocan govern has labelled her as anti-morrocan.

She rebeled against and broke with her family, mosque and all that muslim environment.

A real fighter.

Cristiano viejo
12-14-2021, 10:35 PM
She rebeled against and broke with her family, mosque and all that muslim environment.

A real fighter.
Her place and fight is in Morocco.

12-14-2021, 11:19 PM
Her place and fight is in Morocco.

yeah, north africans are the worst immigrants one can have because their veeeery backward culture.

And besides they've tons and tons of people who are dirt poor, so it's no surprise so many of them want to leave their countries at any cost. Even the ones who can travel in airplane like we saw with the case of morrocan airplane in Mallorca.
If I could I would reject any immigration from those countries, I've changed a bit regarding immigration but not so much either. Aah If I could...

But nevertheless I can't help to feel some empathy for people like this woman whose life has been a constant struggle against her family, her cultural heritage and environment and her host country too. And she has overcome all that and well... she has triumphed. She's a single mother too I think.

Mora o no hay que reconocer que tiene mas cojones que todos los que posteamos aquí juntos.

12-15-2021, 02:23 AM
Most of them can easily pass in Spain.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 02:32 AM
Most of them can easily pass in Spain.

I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You don't know how to read. The first guessing on my thread was that I'am Slavic, Czech, Slovak, Polish. At the end of the 1st page of my thread, one said that I look more Italian than Spanish. One other, just before I reveal my real ethnicity, said that he doesn't see Spanish for me. So before I reveal my results, there was early on about a 50/50 ratio of people who guessed me as Spanish and of people who don't.

12-15-2021, 02:35 AM
These Moroccans can pass as Spanish, but certainly not as Polish. Unlike me. So it's completely different. And since you are a retard you don't understand it.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 02:38 AM
These Moroccans can pass as Spanish, but certainly not as Polish. Unlike me. So it's completely different. And since you are a retard you don't understand it.

You're frequently confused for being Polish? No. Your own words say you're frequently confused for Spanish.

1/2 of people who commented on your pics said Polish? Nope. They guessed Spanish.

I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You don't know how to read. The first guessing on my thread was that I'am Slavic, Czech, Slovak, Polish. At the end of the 1st page of my thread, one said that I look more Italian than Spanish. One other, just before I reveal my real ethnicity, said that he doesn't see Spanish for me. So before I reveal my results, there was early on about a 50/50 ratio of people who guessed me as Spanish and of people who don't.

12-15-2021, 04:09 AM
You're frequently confused for being Polish? No. Your own words say you're frequently confused for Spanish.

1/2 of people who commented on your pics said Polish? Nope. They guessed Spanish.

I'm frequently confused for being Polish, or others Central Euro nationalities, as it is visible in my classification thread and I've also been frequently guessed as such IRL. This would not happen if I was olive skinned with dark eyes like the average Spaniard is.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 04:17 AM
I'm frequently confused for being Polish, or others Central Euro nationalities, as it is visible in my classification thread and I've also been frequently guessed as such IRL. This would not happen if I was olive skinned with dark eyes like the average Spaniard is.

I'm pretty certain you said you're frequently mistaken for Spanish and as your classification thread shows half of the people thought you were Spanish.

Let's look at the evidence.

I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You don't know how to read. The first guessing on my thread was that I'am Slavic, Czech, Slovak, Polish. At the end of the 1st page of my thread, one said that I look more Italian than Spanish. One other, just before I reveal my real ethnicity, said that he doesn't see Spanish for me. So before I reveal my results, there was early on about a 50/50 ratio of people who guessed me as Spanish and of people who don't.

Yup, you said you're frequently mistaken for being Spanish and your classification thread shows half the people thought you were Spanish.

Dude, if this was a trial do you think you wouldn't be convicted? It's your own words prior to being butthurt by Spaniards, lol.

12-15-2021, 04:19 AM
I'm pretty certain you said you're frequently mistaken for Spanish and as your classification thread shows half of the people thought you were Spanish.

Let's look at the evidence.

Yup, you said you said you're frequently mistaken for being Spanish and your classification thread shows half the people thought you were Spanish.

Dude, if this was a trial do you think you wouldn't be convicted? It's your own words, lol.

And many others guessed me as Polish, IRL and in my classification thread. So there's no consensus to say that Spain is the place where I pass the best.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 04:22 AM
And many others guessed me as Polish, IRL and in my classification thread. So there's no consensus to say that Spain is the place where I pass the best.

But what did people in real life frequently say? And what did most people think you were?

I'll remind you.

I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You don't know how to read. The first guessing on my thread was that I'am Slavic, Czech, Slovak, Polish. At the end of the 1st page of my thread, one said that I look more Italian than Spanish. One other, just before I reveal my real ethnicity, said that he doesn't see Spanish for me. So before I reveal my results, there was early on about a 50/50 ratio of people who guessed me as Spanish and of people who don't.

No one gets a consensus, and almost no one gets 50% of the vote for one ethnicity. Congratulations.

12-15-2021, 04:27 AM
But what did people in real life frequently say? And what did most people think you were?

I'll remind you.

No one gets a consensus, and almost no one gets 50% of the vote for one ethnicity.

So, as you say in your own word, there's no consensus to say that I look Spaniard.

And the others 50% vote for places completely remote from Spain. Conclusion: I'm not like the average Spaniard who is olive skinned with darke eyes, otherwise I would not be guess as Polish so often.

12-15-2021, 04:28 AM
These Moroccans can pass as Spanish, but certainly not as Polish. Unlike me. So it's completely different. And since you are a retard you don't understand it.

No Spaniard mistakes them for Spaniards, you can see right away that they are Moroccans.

Everything that is not Germanic looking cannot be put in the same bag as there are many differences and Moroccans have very particular faces and Moroccans themselves will agree. It is more than proven so don't come to Spain's house to fuck around.

12-15-2021, 04:30 AM
No Spaniard mistakes them for Spaniards, you can see right away that they are Moroccans.

Everything that is not Germanic looking cannot be put in the same bag as there are many differences and Moroccans have very particular faces and Moroccans themselves will agree. It is more than proven so don't come to Spain's house to fuck around.

You are so butthurt about belonging to a brown and poor nation that you can't even accept a little bit of irony without being triggered. Sad.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 04:37 AM
You are so butthurt about belonging to a brown and poor nation that you can't even accept a little bit of irony without being triggered. Sad.

You're butthurt because you look like a Spaniard. How does it feel to be out of place in your own homeland?

I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You don't know how to read. The first guessing on my thread was that I'am Slavic, Czech, Slovak, Polish. At the end of the 1st page of my thread, one said that I look more Italian than Spanish. One other, just before I reveal my real ethnicity, said that he doesn't see Spanish for me. So before I reveal my results, there was early on about a 50/50 ratio of people who guessed me as Spanish and of people who don't.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 04:40 AM
So, as you say in your own word, there's no consensus to say that I look Spaniard.

There isn't a consensus on anything subjective. There is, however, a relative majority opinion. The relative majority opinion is you look like a Spaniard, which is supported by your own experiences.

And the others 50% vote for places completely remote from Spain. Conclusion: I'm not like the average Spaniard who is olive skinned with darke eyes, otherwise I would not be guess as Polish so often.

The relative majority agree that you look like a Spaniard and you supported this belief by stating you're frequently mistaken for a Spaniard.

Your own words.

I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You don't know how to read. The first guessing on my thread was that I'am Slavic, Czech, Slovak, Polish. At the end of the 1st page of my thread, one said that I look more Italian than Spanish. One other, just before I reveal my real ethnicity, said that he doesn't see Spanish for me. So before I reveal my results, there was early on about a 50/50 ratio of people who guessed me as Spanish and of people who don't.

You didn't say you were frequently mistaken for Polish. You said you were frequently mistaken for Spanish. Poles and Spaniards look very different from each other. So what changed? Spaniards caused you butthurt (your time at this forum is to attack Iberians).

I'll repeat the obvious:

What does it matter if some random person says you look like a Polish friend of theirs when half of the people say you look Spanish and you confirm you're frequently mistaken for Spanish.

This is like murdering someone and handing the murder weapon to the police and saying, "No, I didn't commit murder. Let me show you where I hid the body that I stabbed 22 times." There is no way around it.

12-15-2021, 07:17 AM
Most of them can easily pass in Spain.

Only in your PlayStation!

12-15-2021, 02:26 PM
You are so butthurt about belonging to a brown and poor nation that you can't even accept a little bit of irony without being triggered. Sad.

Sad for you that you are a wretch.

Spain is a modern, advanced and European country.

Cristiano viejo
12-15-2021, 02:35 PM
These Moroccans resemble the Centuwog grandmother, ha ha ha ha :cool:

12-15-2021, 06:14 PM
You're butthurt because you look like a Spaniard.

If you read my classification thread you can see that I find these guessings about me being Spanish amusing. So I'm not butthurt at all.

And what is more amusing that so many others people guessed me as Polish, and sometimes also as British, which are very remote from Spain.

In my classification thread, and before I revealed my real ethnicity, half of the people guessed me as Spanish/Italian, the others half as Central Euro Slav.

The only logical conclusion is that I'am intermediate between these places. Which is normal for a French. But would not be for someone who is olive skinned with dark eyes like the average Spanish is.

I look fully European, and therefore feel at home in most places of Europe, unlike those millions of Spaniards who look MENA/South Asians. And that's why Spaniards are butthurt.

There isn't a consensus on anything subjective. There is, however, a relative majority opinion. The relative majority opinion is you look like a Spaniard, which is supported by your own experiences.

No. In my own experience some people can guess me as Spanish. But that's all. Not the majority. A consensus would have been meaningful. But a relative majority opinion is meaningless.

Spain is a modern, advanced and European country.

Spain is poorer then the average EU country and is the second poorest country of Western Europe. That's also why you are butthurt.


These Moroccans resemble the Centuwog grandmother, ha ha ha ha :cool:

Nope. But they ressemble the Moors that your female ancestors dickrided though.:rolleyes:

12-15-2021, 06:37 PM

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-15-2021, 08:37 PM
If you read my classification thread you can see that I find these guessings about me being Spanish amusing. So I'm not butthurt at all.

It shouldn't be amusing based on your personal experience with frequently being mistaken for Spanish. There should have been an expectation.

You had no issue with Spaniards (at least not on the surface) in your initial posts. Something happened between your initial posts and when you were banned. More likely it has something to do with your pseudo-intellectualism taken from Nazi Germany, which I speak about more below.

btw, you shouldn't even be posting here considering you have been banned already unless Loki gave you a second chance, which I doubt since all you do is troll Iberians (Spaniards more specifically) for 90% of your posts. Even your first post with your second account was a troll.

And what is more amusing that so many others people guessed me as Polish, and sometimes also as British, which are very remote from Spain.

What's amusing is you never said in irl that you are frequently mistaken for Polish until I began throwing your own words in your face.

In my classification thread, and before I revealed my real ethnicity, half of the people guessed me as Spanish/Italian, the others half as Central Euro Slav.

No, you can't count. Instead of relying on your retardation, I decided to look for myself, and what a shock to learn you can't count.

4 chose Spanish, 2 chose Slavic. One said more Italian than Spanish. You then - I remind you - confirmed that in your life experience you have been mistaken for Spanish.

What's amusing is you initially - when I threw your own words in your face - went on about how some guy in your classification thread said you look like a Polish friend of his when confronted with your own words about how you're frequently mistaken for Spanish. It would have been relevant to bring up being frequently mistaken for Polish at that time but you didn't until much later. Instead of accepting what you said - because there is no way around ignoring your own words - you began to lie about being frequently mistaken for Polish.

The only logical conclusion is that I'am intermediate between these places. Which is normal for a French. But would not be for someone who is olive skinned with dark eyes like the average Spanish is.

The logical conclusion is you're a Spanish looking Frenchman who was previously banned on this forum and spends his second incarnation here trolling Spaniards (90% of your posts) because at some point you were butthurt by Spaniards or possibly because you revealed yourself as someone who reads pseudo-science Nazi claptrap and confuses them for real scholars and so you spread nonsense about other groups (you're not particularly fond of other southern Euros but Iberians make up the majority of southern European posters here and so it would not be surprising if you butt heads with them more often for that reason).

I look fully European, and therefore feel at home in most places of Europe, unlike those millions of Spaniards who look MENA/South Asians. And that's why Spaniards are butthurt.

You do look European. You look specifically southern European. To be more specific you look Spanish.

Which has been confirmed in your personal experience and validated by posters at this forum with a majority.

No. In my own experience some people can guess me as Spanish.

The word you used initially is frequently. The word 'some' is what you say now. Do you know the difference between frequently and some? It's a significant difference.

But that's all. Not the majority. A consensus would have been meaningful. But a relative majority opinion is meaningless.

It's meaningless if you're butthurt. A relative majority is typically the best anyone can get for classification. No one ever gets a consensus.

However, in your case, it is the majority opinion, as I've shown when I took your advice and looked at the thread again. I made the mistake of thinking you can count. You can't. You're an idiot.

12-16-2021, 12:05 AM
You had no issue with Spaniards (at least not on the surface) in your initial posts.

And I still have no issue with Spaniards. It's them who have an issue with me because I debunk their narrative about being "light and developed".;)

What's amusing is you never said in irl that you are frequently mistaken for Polish until I began throwing your own words in your face.

It's visible in my classification thread that I'm as much guessed as Central Euro. Just because I don't say it loud it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. So I don't see you issue. You just have some weird ocd. You should see a psychiatrist.

Anyway, I also posted this a bit later, in 2018 so far before I triggered these butthurt Spaniards.

It's strange. There's almost as much people guessing that I'am Polish that guessing that I'am Spanish.

It's not specific of this forum, IRL the same thing happen.


Polish is far from French, but it is also very far from Spain. How do I come across with such a gap?

You do look European. You look specifically southern European.

Nope. I also look Central European, and I'm not olive skinned like the average Spaniard is. It has been validated by my personal experience that there's a split of guessing between these 2 regions.

I've already debunked your nonsense on the other thread anyway.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-16-2021, 01:15 AM
And I still have no issue with Spaniards. It's them who have an issue with me because I debunk their narrative about being "light and developed".;)

90% of your posts are about Spaniards. You clearly do.

It's visible in my classification thread that I'm as much guessed as Central Euro. Just because I don't say it loud it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. So I don't see you issue. You just have some weird ocd. You should see a psychiatrist.

I find it fascinating that you're so confident that you didn't bother to do the math. Your claim isn't supported by the evidence. Can you do basic math?

Anyway, I also posted this a bit later, in 2018 so far before I triggered these butthurt Spaniards.

Let's do that math, shall we? Or perhaps you don't want me to do so and hence why you didn't link the thread? You do realize I can just go to the thread itself and find it, right? Lolz.

Southern European
6 Spanish
Something slavic
Czech, Slovak or maybe polish

I think this was the beginning of your butthurt. Only one person said specifically Polish and another person said maybe Polish. 6 said Spanish.

6 Spanish (a specific country)
3 'central European' (only one country stated: Poland)

How do you come to the conclusion that you're 'in between' or central European looking when the votes 8/11 are Southern European and 6/11 are Spanish compared to 3 'central European'? Explain your retardation further, please?

Nope. I also look Central European, and I'm not olive skinned like the average Spaniard is. It has been validated by my personal experience that there's a split of guessing between these 2 regions.

No, you don't. I proved that above and, as I said, your own words:

[QUOTE=Centurion;5155891]I'am actually French, but it's funny that I'am frequently mistaken as Spanish.

You claiming that people thought you were Polish as much as Spanish was a lie. And why lie, you dummy? I can look at the thread. It makes no sense unless you're dumb.

I've already debunked your nonsense on the other thread anyway.

I doubt it. You failed so badly here. You couldn't possibly have done better there. You have consistently failed.

12-16-2021, 04:07 AM
90% of your posts are about Spaniards. You clearly do.

Because I answered to people who talk to me about Spaniards, inlcuding you. Because clearly you are butthurt and you care a lot.

Southern European
6 Spanish
Something slavic
Czech, Slovak or maybe polish

Let's compare 2 regions/ethnicities.

South-West Europe: 11 people guessed me as such over the whole thread.

Central Europe/Slavic: 7 people guessed me as such

Others: 3 guessed me as others thing, namely "British" "Western".

But some places me in 2 categories. Some placed me as British and Iberian, some as Western and Med, some as Spanish and Central Europe. So I'm not specific of one region or the other.

Conclusion, I'm intermediate between these 3 regions of the World: south-west Europe, Central Europe and the British Isles.

This is obvious, and IRL I'm guessed as the same things in similar proportions. So it's even more obvious.

12-16-2021, 04:19 AM
They should go back to Africa. In fact, they should be deported to their original countries (the countries of their DNA). No Europeans wants non-European here. The ones that say so, say it for "political or social" convenience. Nobody likes northafricans or subsaharans, not when they are here.
Jesus you guys are so fucking insecure that you're all about "muh Europeans". The Irish, Germans, English, etc, don't even give a fuck about being European. It's usually you insecure southern folks getting off to the word "European" because you get quite insecure when people compare you to MENA's. Just get over it. ...And yes, Moroccans don't really look like Spaniards. But it's more fucking funny and stupid is that you guys get so butthurt when you're compared to them! Would the Irish get butthurt if people say Irishmen look like Moroccans!? I don't fucking think so. Because they know they fucking don't! Seriously, relax your shit! Y'all look so pathetic and hilarious when you cry about people comparing you to NA niggas, even more so than OWD Moroccans who cry when people say they aren't as light as Spaniards! :picard1:

That all said and done, I am against immigration to Europe/west from MENA countries, but particularly North Africa. Couldn't care less about Spain coz no one really migrates there, but I'm thinking Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, etc...

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-16-2021, 07:16 AM
Because I answered to people who talk to me about Spaniards, inlcuding you. Because clearly you are butthurt and you care a lot.

It's because you troll Spaniards. Your first post with your new account was literally an attempt to troll Spaniards.

You were banned and you came back with a new account. You shouldn't even be here.

Let's compare 2 regions/ethnicities.

South-West Europe: 11 people guessed me as such over the whole thread.

Central Europe/Slavic: 7 people guessed me as such

Others: 3 guessed me as others thing, namely "British" "Western".

But some places me in 2 categories. Some placed me as British and Iberian, some as Western and Med, some as Spanish and Central Europe. So I'm not specific of one region or the other.

I find it amusing how you're pivoting to regions. You did this in the other thread. What ethnicity came up the most?

Conclusion, I'm intermediate between these 3 regions of the World: south-west Europe, Central Europe and the British Isles.

Congratulations: you and almost every other person on this forum are 'intermediate.' I got Greek, Serbia, Irish, German, Spain, France. The conclusion, in all seriousness, none of these people know what they're talking about. Perhaps you're too autistic to notice.

This is obvious, and IRL I'm guessed as the same things in similar proportions. So it's even more obvious.

At similar proportions? You went around and took a poll? What's obvious is you're emotionally attached to a specific conclusion.

I've been fucking with you somewhat because I don't take random people on an internet forum classification seriously. I rarely even look at those threads. Your autism over it was amusing. Imagine thinking random people saying you look like this or that is meaningful since it's all based on one's personal experience and personal experience is limited.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-16-2021, 07:31 AM
Jesus you guys are so fucking insecure that you're all about "muh Europeans". The Irish, Germans, English, etc, don't even give a fuck about being European. It's usually you insecure southern folks getting off to the word "European" because you get quite insecure when people compare you to MENA's. Just get over it. ...And yes, Moroccans don't really look like Spaniards. But it's more fucking funny and stupid is that you guys get so butthurt when you're compared to them! Would the Irish get butthurt if people say Irishmen look like Moroccans!? I don't fucking think so. Because they know they fucking don't! Seriously, relax your shit! Y'all look so pathetic and hilarious when you cry about people comparing you to NA niggas, even more so than OWD Moroccans who cry when people say they aren't as light as Spaniards! :picard1:

That all said and done, I am against immigration to Europe/west from MENA countries, but particularly North Africa. Couldn't care less about Spain coz no one really migrates there, but I'm thinking Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, etc...

Unfortunately, that isn't the case.

Crime by migrants, illegal immigrants, surges in Spain
The Madrid city council, run by Mayor Manuela Carmena, has ordered police to keep out of the neighborhood of Lavapiés. (https://www.jns.org/migrant-crime-surges-in-spain/)

Cristiano viejo
12-16-2021, 02:48 PM
Jesus you guys are so fucking insecure that you're all about "muh Europeans". The Irish, Germans, English, etc, don't even give a fuck about being European. It's usually you insecure southern folks getting off to the word "European" because you get quite insecure when people compare you to MENA's. Just get over it. ...And yes, Moroccans don't really look like Spaniards. But it's more fucking funny and stupid is that you guys get so butthurt when you're compared to them! Would the Irish get butthurt if people say Irishmen look like Moroccans!? I don't fucking think so. Because they know they fucking don't! Seriously, relax your shit! Y'all look so pathetic and hilarious when you cry about people comparing you to NA niggas, even more so than OWD Moroccans who cry when people say they aren't as light as Spaniards! :picard1:
Dont worry Odelia, take away all these sandniggas to France and everybody will be happy.

That all said and done, I am against immigration to Europe/west from MENA countries, but particularly North Africa. Couldn't care less about Spain coz no one really migrates there, but I'm thinking Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, etc...

No one migrates here?? my God, I wish with all my forces that was true :lol:

Cristiano viejo
12-23-2021, 03:53 PM
Abdessamad Ezzalzouli "Ez Abde", footballer of Barcelona


Nassbean claiming Moroccans are not quasi-black and similar to South Euros is one of the most funny things I have heard in all my entire life ;)

Cristiano viejo
12-24-2021, 05:45 PM
Jawaad el Yamik, footballer of Real Valladolid

Ezio Auditore
12-24-2021, 05:59 PM
Well clearly they aren't iberos as I don't see the presence of blonde hair and blue eyes? Why the need to open a thread it's blatantly clear the difference between A morocana like Nassbean and a Celti-ibero like yourself Cristiano Vejo.

Cristiano viejo
12-24-2021, 06:16 PM
Well clearly they aren't iberos as I don't see the presence of blonde hair and blue eyes? Why the need to open a thread it's blatantly clear the difference between A morocana like Nassbean and a Celti-ibero like yourself Cristiano Vejo.

Terrone go home.

Cristiano viejo
01-01-2022, 02:26 AM
Mohamed Katir


01-01-2022, 05:48 PM
Mohamed Katir


A quite common moorish feature I've observed is their magnificient, and prominent, dentition. :bounce:

Cristiano viejo
01-02-2022, 10:41 PM
A quite common moorish feature I've observed is their magnificient, and prominent, dentition. :bounce:

It is not a joke. Moroccans stand out for their prominent teeth.

01-02-2022, 10:46 PM
It is not a joke. Moroccans stand out for their prominent teeth.


Y resucitó de entre los muertos... y baneados!!

Desde donde posteas ahora? desde el cielo, el infierno, o el limbo?

¿Cual es la historia detrás de tu baneo muchacho?

Cristiano viejo
01-02-2022, 10:48 PM

Y resucitó de entre los muertos... y baneados!!

Desde donde posteas ahora? desde el cielo, el infierno, o el limbo?

¿Cual es la historia detrás de tu baneo muchacho?

¿De qué baneo hablas?

01-02-2022, 10:50 PM
¿De qué baneo hablas?

El chileno raptor había creado un thread celebrando tu caída. Pudimos percatar que sí, durante unas horas en este día tu perfil estuvo baneado.

Cristiano viejo
01-02-2022, 10:55 PM
El chileno raptor había creado un thread celebrando tú caída. Pudimos percatar que sí, durante unas horas en este día tu perfil estuvo baneado.

jaja, me parto :bounce:

Ezio Auditore
01-02-2022, 11:04 PM
Basically this thread is selecting the ugliest north africans you can spot. That's a bit disingenuous... especially bc being from Castille y Leon u definitely have some sort of amazigh blood in you amigo!! And it's an exciting revelation, one that I discovered and am now proud of!

Cristiano viejo
01-02-2022, 11:16 PM
Basically this thread is selecting the ugliest north africans you can spot.
North Africans are usually not ugly, but super ugly. I selected nothing. Everyone can post Moroccans living in Spain. Not my fault all of them are brown almost black, and ugly.

That's a bit disingenuous... especially bc being from Castille y Leon u definitely have some sort of amazigh blood in you amigo!! And it's an exciting revelation, one that I discovered and am now proud of!
You wish, Terrone :thumb001:

01-02-2022, 11:18 PM
No sé por qué algunos europeos, bueno en este caso parece que a Italia le cuesta entenderlo o simplemente fingen no entenderlo. Queridos no sentimos ningún apego ni ninguna afinidad con los norteafricanos, ni aunque mañana mismo cualquiera de nosotros descubriera que desciende de Almanzor e.t.c. No es no, acéptenlo, no tenemos nada que ver con ellos, qué quieren qué hagamos, que forcemos una situación que no existe.

Tampoco se confunda, dichos hechos no implica desprecio ni cualquier otra situación desagradable simplemente que no nos sentimos identificados con el Norte de África.

Se ha enterado Italia de una vez o hay que repetírselo, porque ustedes no son nadie para jugar con la identidad de España y los españoles, nadie!

Ustedes lo único que tienen es un miedo atroz a que les adelantemos económicamente y lo haremos.

Ezio Auditore
01-02-2022, 11:18 PM
North Africans are usually not ugly, but super ugly. I selected nothing. Everyone can post Moroccans living in Spain. Not my fault all of them are brown almost black, and ugly.

You wish, Terrone :thumb001:

i am not a terrone, but i do like pizza and pasta. I will say that you can believe what you want amigo. Not talking about skin pigmentation or features, you can be attractive and not look European.

Cristiano viejo
01-02-2022, 11:20 PM
No sé por qué algunos europeos, bueno en este caso parece que a Italia le cuesta entenderlo o simplemente fingen no entenderlo

Es porque algunos espaguetis, como este de arriba, son igual de negruzcos que los marroquíes, y pretenden que otros también lo sean.

Ezio Auditore
01-02-2022, 11:22 PM
No sé por qué algunos europeos, bueno en este caso parece que a Italia le cuesta entenderlo o simplemente fingen no entenderlo. Queridos no sentimos ningún apego ni ninguna afinidad con los norteafricanos, ni aunque mañana mismo cualquiera de nosotros descubriera que desciende de Almanzor e.t.c. No es no, acéptenlo, no tenemos nada que ver con ellos, qué quieren qué hagamos, que forcemos una situación que no existe.

Tampoco se confunda, dichos hechos no implica desprecio ni cualquier otra situación desagradable simplemente que no nos sentimos identificados con el Norte de África.

Se ha enterado Italia de una vez o hay que repetírselo, porque ustedes no son nadie para jugar con la identidad de España y los españoles, nadie!

Ustedes lo único que tienen es un miedo atroz a que les adelantemos económicamente y lo haremos.

el sur de españa y portugal tienden a tener una mayor conexión cultural con el hermoso amazigh. Y esto es sólo otra parte de la historia, como con los visigodos, romanos, etc. para hacer que usted me crea es una hazaña imposible que ni siquiera intentaré. Pero sólo sé que está en el ADN para la mayoría de los iberios, y algunos italianos también y no se va! Usted no necesita sentirse cerca de él para estar implicado.

Cristiano viejo
01-07-2022, 04:48 PM
Two Moroccan immigrants arrested in Palma de Mallorca. Brown as fuck



02-06-2022, 07:30 AM
North Morocco is lighter than Spain

04-24-2022, 06:49 PM
Some of them looks like castizos or mulattos.

Pass better in Latam.

04-24-2022, 06:51 PM
North Morocco is lighter than Spain

That explains why this map is bullshit

Cristiano viejo
04-24-2022, 07:40 PM
That explains why this map is bullshit

They prefer maps than reality :D

Cristiano viejo
06-10-2022, 02:37 PM
Mehdi Nafti, from Tunis

06-15-2022, 09:12 PM


06-15-2022, 09:13 PM
Mehdi Nafti, from Tunis



Cristiano viejo
06-15-2022, 11:01 PM

... They are so brown, inferior, uncivilized and undeveloped like Mexcrements. So. :)

06-16-2022, 12:10 AM
... [I]They are so brown, inferior, uncivilized and undeveloped AND YET THE MOROS MANAGED TO CONQUER,PILAGE,RAPE, SPAIN FOR 800 YEARS .:)



06-16-2022, 12:12 AM
... [I]They are so brown, inferior, uncivilized and undeveloped AND THEY STILL MANAGED TO RAPE,CONQUER,PILAGE ESPANA FOR 800 YEARS


Cristiano viejo
06-16-2022, 12:15 AM


But you are not Moor (even if brown and inferior like them), you did not anything of that... but Spaniards did these things in Mexico :victory0:

06-16-2022, 07:04 AM
a lot of envy i see here...

06-18-2022, 01:35 AM
But you are not Moor (even if brown and inferior like them), you did not anything of that... :



Cristiano viejo
06-18-2022, 02:37 PM

But you are not Moor, you only can talk about others since Mexcrements can not talk about them as conquistadores, I can since my people conquered and enslaved thee your, it is a great satisfaction for me knowing you speak Spanish and portray our surnames because you are our bastards :mocking:

At least you share brown skin and uglyness with Moroccans :laugh:

06-18-2022, 03:29 PM
But you are not Moor,


Cristiano viejo
06-18-2022, 03:32 PM
You descend from us, that makes you twice conquered, enslaved, raped and pillaged for 1300 years, hahahahahahahaahahahahahahah

06-18-2022, 07:11 PM
You descend from us, that makes you twice conquered, enslaved, raped and pillaged for 1300 years, hahahahahahahaahahahahahahah


Cristiano viejo
06-18-2022, 10:10 PM

You are our bastards, our illegitimate children we had for fun in the Americas. So if Spaniards were enslaved that makes you twice enslaved :pound:

06-19-2022, 12:39 AM
You are our bastards, our illegitimate children we had for fun in the Americas. So if Spaniards were enslaved that makes you twice enslaved :pound:

Spaniards were enslaved. Both of you look crazy.

Very few spaniards have ancestors that were involved with slavery in the Americas.
Very very few.
This most spaniards that came here, died here and had their decendants here.
Like alonso de ojeda. He died in venezuela with his indian wife.

Their decendants end up mixing with the decendants of slaves that their own ancestors enslaved. Same with spaniards. Thats why the north african Input is higher in the iberian peninsula overall vs the rest of europe. Especially when you go more north like scandanavia where full scandos have none.

This is some notes about colon decendants. They are other names


This is a book familias dominicanas. Its not a book of every decendant because theres countless decendants not noted. Would be too much. But it has some families noted. Including colon families.
Some information you have to verify with pares records from letters or public historical knowledge because church records for dominican republic before 1590 ( baptisms) are lost and for puerto rico they are lost before about 1647 or 1650s (san juan)
Before 1700 for coamo. San blas church was being built around 1670s. Book 1 of baptism starts for 1700s.

You have to login and create an account. Its free to sign up and use.


With this you can then look up actual documentation... for example


Jose Colon de luyando Rivera

This is the sibling of one my ancestors who shares the same father gregorio colon de luyando. Jose was a teniente a guerra of coamo


It says here he frees his slave I believe also.

He was albaceas in the death of juan lorenzo colon de luyando wife, Anastasia de Torres Colon...

This is also another sibling (half) . He was a sargento Mayor.


So you can see colon de luyando was decendants of military in coamo in Puerto rico for a long long time since early 1600s... with de luyando line neing further back since the conquest of puerto rico...

Another Ancestor

Antonio colon de luyando Espinosa


Noted another decendant of colon de luyando, Ana daughter of capitan Antonio Colon de luyando And catalina de Alvarado Who marries francisco Angel Laureno

Year 1639.


Now lets look at the meritos of esteban cordero de luyando


As you see here... de luyando marks the ancestor juancho de luando... conquistador. Thats where our luyando is from... and leonor Manual

And there is way more decendants but records are lost...

Yes we I know my family history. Not all but I certainly know more than you and much deeper in the past than you.

Both of you are nut jobs. Hispanic Americans ancestors were the spanish Empire. What empire was there if not for Hispanic Americans ancestors. None Except maybe the invasian of italy. Yes you can claim that I guess.
But the Americas history..
Certainly wasn't your ancestors. Only like 1 percent of modern spaniards can claim that.... maybe even less of modern spaniards had ancestors in the Americas.

We just ended up mixing. We're integrated... were not like anglo societies where they remained seperated for hundreds of years. Get real...

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 12:46 AM
Spaniards were enslaved.

Spaniards?? juas, you wish. When that happened, tell me :eyes

Cristiano viejo
12-03-2022, 01:17 PM
Jawad El Yamiq


Cristiano viejo
03-13-2023, 05:56 PM
Abdel Abqar

Cristiano viejo
08-30-2023, 11:42 PM
Ismael Saibari

Cristiano viejo
08-31-2023, 02:26 AM
Simo Keddari (Algerian)

08-31-2023, 03:31 PM

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-31-2023, 04:34 PM
Only one Moroccan in the Portuguese League this season, Reda Ergouai from Gil Vicente.


Tooting Carmen
08-31-2023, 04:44 PM
Only one Moroccan in the Portuguese League this season, Reda Ergouai from Gil Vicente.


Darker than many Pakistanis (though his features don't look South Asian).

Cristiano viejo
08-31-2023, 04:53 PM
Only one Moroccan in the Portuguese League this season, Reda Ergouai from Gil Vicente.

Atlanto Med, passes in the Algarve and Andalusia :laugh:

08-31-2023, 04:57 PM
Only one Moroccan in the Portuguese League this season, Reda Ergouai from Gil Vicente.


He doesn't look Moroccan, looks more like the average citizen of Lisbon or unfortunately London

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-31-2023, 05:00 PM
He doesn't look Moroccan, looks more like the average citizen of Lisbon or unfortunately London

Lisbon has many immigrants but we have virtually no Moroccans in here, so don't talk nonsense.

08-31-2023, 05:20 PM
Lisbon has many immigrants but we have virtually no Moroccans in here, so don't talk nonsense.

I was thinking more of latin americans, mixed race people etc

08-31-2023, 05:42 PM
Darker than many Pakistanis (though his features don't look South Asian).

He is clearly a terceron or adjacent.