View Full Version : Phenotypical similarities and differences between east asians and native americans

05-16-2020, 07:59 AM
Science has proven that there is connection between east asians(or Siberians, more specifically) and native americans/amerindians although it is deep and ancient. But I want to look at the connection on a phenotypic level. So things I noticed they have in common:

1) Hair texture-very thick, soft and straight hair
2) Skin texture-soft babylike skin with a glow
3) Hair distribution-largely lack facial and body hair
4) High, robust cheekbones
5) Typically short stature

Now for the differences
1)Pigmentation-Amerindians are usually a lot darker with a reddish hue to their skin unlike east asians with a yellow hue
2)Robustness-Amerindians look far more robust and masculine as a whole compared to east asians
3)Obesity-Amerindians have a tendency to carry a lot of weight which is almost unheard of among east asians
4)Noses-Amerindians usually have prominent nose bridges which are lacking among east asians
5)Eyes-while east asians have medium-large eyes that are covered by epicanthic folds, amerindians just have very small ones
6)Caucasoidness-Amerindians show much greater overall Caucasoid or psuedo caucasoid influence than east asians probably due to ANE.

Now if we were to talk specifically about Siberians vs. some northern north American natives the similarities might be a lot greater. But overall, the differences are great enough that 99% of the time the two subgroups cannot pass for each other.

05-16-2020, 08:15 AM
Actually some studies on skull metrics claim exact opposite. East Asians are metrically more similar to Europeans than Siberians and Native Americans are.