View Full Version : How would you classify me if I had dark pigmentation?

05-19-2020, 12:40 PM
If I had brown eyes, dark brown hair, tanned skin and thick eyebrows.

05-19-2020, 12:42 PM
Well, that'd basically be Zeno.

05-19-2020, 12:45 PM
Well, that'd basically be Zeno.

Basically who?

05-19-2020, 12:50 PM
Pontid with minor ladogan, most people would propably classify you as just Pontid

05-19-2020, 12:52 PM
Basically who?

A Greek TA member, his username is Zenon now, I believe. You guys look very similar to each other.

05-19-2020, 12:54 PM
Pontid with minor ladogan, most people would propably classify you as just Pontid

Why not atlanto-med + berberid?

05-19-2020, 12:55 PM
Well your facial features would be the same so maybe you would get Pontid+Alpine

05-19-2020, 01:02 PM
Pontid with minor ladogan, most people would propably classify you as just Pontid

05-19-2020, 01:03 PM
Why not atlanto-med + berberid?

because your features are obvioulsy too soft for this.

05-19-2020, 01:20 PM
You don't have such pigmentation so the point of the thread is invalid.

05-19-2020, 01:22 PM
because your features are obvioulsy too soft for this.

Too soft for berberid too? But that's what, don't all meds have soft features, unlike nordids?

05-19-2020, 01:32 PM
Too soft for berberid too? But that's what, don't all meds have soft features, unlike nordids?

Berberid is basically a Coarse Med variant or Med-Cm hybrid mostly common in North Africa- not really known for soft features


Atlanto Med does not have soft features (as a rule), so no this is the main diffeerence, however Pontids are close to Atlanto Med. in your case however- you have some additional Alpine/Ladogan strain (= Neo Danubian).

05-19-2020, 03:55 PM
Berberid is basically a Coarse Med variant or Med-m hybrid mostly common in North Africa- not really known for soft features


Atlanto Med does not have soft features, so no this is the main diffreence, however Pontids are close to Atlanto Med. in your case however- you have some additional Alpine/Ladogan strain (= Neo Danubian).

OK, thanks for the explanation.
I have neo-danubian influence (about my nose and eyes) but ND already has ladogan admixture, right?

05-19-2020, 04:00 PM
Do you have hazel eyes?

05-19-2020, 04:01 PM
You remind me of Christian Lorenz

05-19-2020, 04:03 PM
OK, thanks for the explanation.
I have neo-danubian influence (about my nose and eyes) but ND already has ladogan admixture, right?

Yes- but hypothetically if you would be darker, it would be Ladogan because Neo Danubian is lighter

05-19-2020, 04:03 PM
Do you have hazel eyes?

Yeah, green with a brown ring around a pupil

05-19-2020, 04:05 PM
You remind me of Christian Lorenz

Someone already told me this once but actually I don't see similarities between me and Christian Lorenz

05-19-2020, 04:06 PM
Try to use FaceApp so we can get a clear picture of your idea. You can change almost everything on your face with that app.

05-19-2020, 04:07 PM
Yes- but hypothetically if you would be darker, it would be Ladogan because Neo Danubian is lighter

Besides pigmentation, neo-danubians are more European?

05-19-2020, 04:10 PM
Besides pigmentation, neo-danubians are more European?

Well, this is a question which is hard to answer, but artificially i would say yes because they have Nordid and a gracilization which is similar to Alpines

05-19-2020, 04:11 PM
I'd say that you're Neo-Danubian + Faelid, with a pseudo-Pontid vibe. I've met both Germans, Greeks and even a Syrian who have reminded me of you (mainly in the eyes). I showed you to some people I know from all over the world, and most of them guessed you as Dutch and German, so clearly you can't be fully Eastern in people's eyes, but you still give me a strong Ladogan vibe, especially the nose hints of some kind of Baltid/Neo-Danubian/Ladogan admixture. I'd say that you pass the best in Germany, Austria and the Visegrad countries.

05-19-2020, 04:14 PM
Pontid would be the closest type i think

Friedrich Ulrich
05-19-2020, 04:15 PM
U look typical austurian with bit jew influence

05-19-2020, 04:17 PM
With all due respect but you do not look Polish

05-19-2020, 04:42 PM
I'd say that you're Neo-Danubian + Faelid, with a pseudo-Pontid vibe. I've met both Germans, Greeks and even a Syrian who have reminded me of you (mainly in the eyes). I showed you to some people I know from all over the world, and most of them guessed you as Dutch and German, so clearly you can't be fully Eastern in people's eyes, but you still give me a strong Ladogan vibe, especially the nose hints of some kind of Baltid/Neo-Danubian/Ladogan admixture. I'd say that you pass the best in Germany, Austria and the Visegrad countries.

Faelid? :confused:

05-19-2020, 05:07 PM
Well, that'd basically be Zeno.

I don't see the similarity tbh.

05-19-2020, 05:18 PM
I don't see the similarity tbh.

Me too, lol

05-19-2020, 09:10 PM
If? You already have brown eyes.

05-19-2020, 09:14 PM
You are a depigmented Atlanto-Med, Atlanto-Med blues eyed in the Coon taxonomy. With a Scando local alpinoid touch. With a normal pigmentation (western; chesnut hair and chesnut eyes color), you would be a normal atlanto-med-alpinoid, western version.

Nothing incroyable.