View Full Version : A couple of questions from a genetic test newbie

05-25-2020, 05:10 PM
Sorry if that's not the right place for such a thread. I'm thinking about getting a genetic test done, because I'm very curious of my ancestors and where they came from. I'm a Balkan dude so it would be nice if the results are more detailed and are not something like "Congrats you are South Eastern European". Here are my questions :

What test do you recommend me to do? Are there any Balkan dudes/dudettes who did a test and are happy with the details presented by X company?

Will that test show me my Y-DNA haplogroups or I should do a different one for those?

I saw that X company also offers a package that includes health information. Is that package worth it?

05-25-2020, 05:15 PM
Get 23andme. It will show you your haplogroups and ancestry composition. You can then later download the raw data and use it in different ways. For example, Gedmatch calculators.