View Full Version : Classify South Romanian - Stefan Mandachi

06-01-2020, 06:32 PM
young entrepreneur and lawyer. he owns the biggest fast food chain in the country and a hotel but he's mostly known for his charity donations and civic actions. He was one of the most actives civilians in this pandemic, making and collecting donations for hospitals. his entire hotel was used to host the medical staff involved in the treatment of coronavirus patients
https://scontent.ftce2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/90624123_1501709369993692_4108128204215025664_o.jp g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_eui2=AeG6Okn1A44Oie-s-EgsDwkHI-Ni0SCEVOQj42LRIIRU5PCf1ZNy5u7XICltkbS2wh6RSLg2WaW7 SRMOM9ID6YbV&_nc_ohc=n8zEwAlfAUMAX-VJKI8&_nc_ht=scontent.ftce2-1.fna&oh=b0931d54977c1f708e943935875da67e&oe=5EFA054Ahttps://scontent.ftce2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/92664734_1519055721592390_1708487902440194048_o.jp g?_nc_cat=103&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_eui2=AeGZi_73zF-42elmjYqj5G4FNqDh3-vxfd42oOHf6_F93lIzOsSj9PjF-QaZ2__mZ4ZFpJ7L2zWQEN7nLjg54EWu&_nc_ohc=KBfi3-fBS04AX8nNG1h&_nc_ht=scontent.ftce2-1.fna&oh=f33e7f88ca0b8bb900b61ecbe17a7d59&oe=5EFB0B69https://scontent.ftce2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/100471436_1559962554168373_2940380180444610560_o.j pg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_eui2=AeExnqonPKCLBPd7W0NbFVp5AAU_E5jZBbIABT8Tm NkFssne8XdZx8h-msE8_4SkaIwyTxZwEaEVqVjQUelEJ5-s&_nc_ohc=UDv30TCOCCcAX_Nzcbk&_nc_ht=scontent.ftce2-1.fna&oh=82baf4c6fcbcdea7aef2302f607a960a&oe=5EF9D3B3
https://s.iw.ro/gateway/g/ZmlsZVNvdXJjZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJG/c3RvcmFnZTA3dHJhbnNjb2Rlci5yY3Mt/cmRzLnJvJTJGc3RvcmFnZSUyRjIwMTkl/MkYwMyUyRjEwJTJGMTA1MTE4OV8xMDUx/MTg5X3N0ZWZhbi1tYW5kYWNoaS1kaWdp/MjQucG5nJnc9NzgwJmg9NDQwJmhhc2g9/OGNmYWMxNTQ2MTQ3YmEyYTdhMDY3ZTliMTZiMmE5MmY=.thumb .jpg

https://scontent.ftce2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/79507007_1408680072629956_2316370150149849088_o.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_eui2=AeEZkiOLTUv0W-DG9jD105RL80DwJT4_99bzQPAlPj_31kMAgsaChFNVwlDTorXA B7KH0XNRDKTYN8cvOmcACV2_&_nc_ohc=G0vfJ0AP018AX-gyn_V&_nc_ht=scontent.ftce2-1.fna&oh=6abfedaa74e9b19a730362e222233660&oe=5EFBD9AB
https://scontent.ftce2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/89467467_1488233528007943_7918242199857266688_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&_nc_sid=85a577&_nc_eui2=AeHxoCZiApYl9yeQBMjDhMLIIxUTwnaWNxojFRPCd pY3GrqujphL_HUes7Lb8kE059LjTencVkIvAPjOVxGQndk6&_nc_ohc=ZPzaP7tmE9MAX-wGNob&_nc_ht=scontent.ftce2-1.fna&oh=f934f2c2c72614aed1a9c2876f49422a&oe=5EFB3FBC
true vlach :cool:

Tooting Carmen
06-01-2020, 06:39 PM
Very distinctive SE Euro face. Pontid?

06-01-2020, 06:41 PM
Dinaro-Med in my opinion.

06-01-2020, 06:42 PM

06-01-2020, 06:42 PM
Looks West Asian. His surname is Greek.

06-01-2020, 06:42 PM

pretty good

06-01-2020, 06:44 PM
Carpathid (Dinarid+Gorid).

06-01-2020, 06:44 PM
Looks West Asian. His surname is Greek.

Mandachi is normal romanian surname...quite common

06-01-2020, 06:44 PM

06-01-2020, 06:49 PM
reminds me of maciej cioch from the youtube channel everdaters

06-01-2020, 06:50 PM
Dinarid + East-Med.

06-01-2020, 06:53 PM

Ion Basescul
06-01-2020, 06:56 PM
No offense, but if I saw him on the street, I would have thought unmixed Roma.

06-01-2020, 07:00 PM
Mandachi is normal romanian surname...quite common

Plenty of Greeks settled in Romania from XVII to XIXth centuries, his surname don't mean absolutely anything in Romanian, he is typical fanariot product with oriental face. His face is not uncommon between MENA students from local University of Medicine and Farmacy, who I see everyday.

06-01-2020, 07:03 PM
Plenty of Greeks settled in Romania from XVII to XIXth centuries, his surname don't mean absolutely anything in Romanian, he is typical fanariot product with oriental face. His face is not uncommon between MENA students from local University of Medicine and Farmacy, who I see everyday.

Could be...a lot of romanians have greek origins or admixture. This surname is common tho and adapted like many other foreign surnames in romania.

06-01-2020, 07:06 PM
DinaroMed- Carpathid

06-01-2020, 07:17 PM
No offense, but if I saw him on the street, I would have thought unmixed Roma.

Sure, while Mortimer had a typical serbian face and totally passible even in moldova :rolleyes:

06-01-2020, 07:17 PM
No offense, but if I saw him on the street, I would have thought unmixed Roma.

He looks 0% Gypsy.

Ion Basescul
06-01-2020, 07:29 PM
Sure, while Mortimer had a typical serbian face and totally passible even in moldova :rolleyes:

My eyes work in mysterious ways. You shouldn't take it seriously. Looks are subjective, as we've seen with autosomal DNA, but visually these are the vibes that I am receiving.

06-01-2020, 07:36 PM
Very hooked nose, distant apart eye pupils, deep canine fossa, V shaped narrow jaw.
He look sort of Arab or Caucasus to me, except for a principle of browridges and pigmentation maybe.
Maybe he could be just one weird dinaro-med with urban degradating habits or he could have some Jewish admixture( even if not so recent).
As both an enterpreuner and a lawier, i would say that latter makes more sense( even though it could also be the both together...)
But of course it is just a guess.
Btw, his fore limbs don't seen to be very long. From which i guess he is of relatively short height, what do you think, OP?

06-01-2020, 07:38 PM
No offense, but if I saw him on the street, I would have thought unmixed Roma.

Wtf? Unmixed roma should look quite dark and south asian.

06-01-2020, 07:45 PM
Plenty of Greeks settled in Romania from XVII to XIXth centuries, his surname don't mean absolutely anything in Romanian, he is typical fanariot product with oriental face. His face is not uncommon between MENA students from local University of Medicine and Farmacy, who I see everyday.

With all the respect man ,just accept that you are a bastardization of everything up there and stop looking for scapegoats.Do you have any proof of Phanariots being orientals other than your imagination?you probably don't..you could check Constantinople Greek genetics though and study the origin of Phanariot families.
Also it seems guy in the OP is quite successful so there goes your self-hating balkaner assumption that orientals and their culture are to blame for being a shithole.
Not to mention that you can't connect some surname of centuries ago to a modern phenotype.With all the respect again ,I've no problem with you but I can see you have the balkan complex.

06-01-2020, 07:49 PM
Dinaro-med, looks also a bit caucasian.

06-01-2020, 07:53 PM
Plenty of Greeks settled in Romania from XVII to XIXth centuries, his surname don't mean absolutely anything in Romanian, he is typical fanariot product with oriental face. His face is not uncommon between MENA students from local University of Medicine and Farmacy, who I see everyday.

So what? Don't people from republic of Moldova have extra slavic admixture that Romanians lack? I'm not sure if you're more pure than people from Romania.

06-01-2020, 07:53 PM
South Romanian? he comes from northern Moldova :)

And Mandachi/Mandache it's not a greek surname (Mandakis or something) it's quite common in the northern part of Moldavian Romania.

In my opinion he looks just Dinarid or Norid.

And please stop classify as foreign all the romanians surnames! we don't have only POPESCU and ANTONESCU surnames!

Romanians surnames were born from the "Porecle" and the jobs of the paesants in the late XVIII century...
For example, if someone's name was "Turcu", most probably was not a ethnic turk; If someone had Popovici surname it was not a slav! and the most ridiculous think that i red here it's that "Coman/Comanescu" surname descent from the ethnonym "Cuman"... wtf.

Ion Basescul
06-01-2020, 08:01 PM
Wtf? Unmixed roma should look quite dark and south asian.

Stefan Banica Sr. was a full Roma. He has similar traits to Stefan.


06-01-2020, 08:03 PM
South Romanian? he comes from northern Moldova :)

And Mandachi/Mandache it's not a greek surname (Mandakis or something) it's quite common in the northern part of Moldavian Romania.

In my opinion he looks just Dinarid or Norid.

He only lives in suceava. He’s from Calarasi

Ion Basescul
06-01-2020, 08:11 PM
Sure, while Mortimer had a typical serbian face and totally passible even in moldova :rolleyes:

He is passable. There are darker Moldovans than him. Our minister of education looks more Roma than him and nobody questions his identity:


06-01-2020, 08:13 PM
He is passable. There are darker Moldovans than him. Our minister of education, who more Roma than him and nobody questions his identity:


this dude looks roma indeed. stefan no. he could pass foe a caucasian maybe but not roma. he has a distinctive balkan look imo

06-01-2020, 08:15 PM
Stefan Banica Sr. was a full Roma. He has similar traits to Stefan.


"full roma", surely not genetically. Maybe both of his parents identified as Roma but they obviously had European ancestors too, hence their son's look.
What the two Stefans have in common is both of them look European.

06-01-2020, 08:16 PM
Plenty of Greeks settled in Romania from XVII to XIXth centuries, his surname don't mean absolutely anything in Romanian, he is typical fanariot product with oriental face. His face is not uncommon between MENA students from local University of Medicine and Farmacy, who I see everyday.

Phanariotes don't need to look oriental

Ask Dorian whose family is part Phanariot

Dean K
06-01-2020, 08:23 PM
Dinaro East Med look Turkish/Greek

Ion Basescul
06-01-2020, 08:23 PM
"full roma", surely not genetically. Maybe both of his parents identified as Roma but they obviously had European ancestors too, hence their son's look.

Not every Roma looks stereotypically South Asian. These are the Romas from ethnic festivals in my city:


This is the self-entitled "King of Gypsies" from Soroca:


06-01-2020, 08:24 PM
Stefan Banica Sr. was a full Roma. He has similar traits to Stefan.


Both him and Banica don't look stereotypical Roma in terms of features

Banica still looks more Roma than this dude because of his tan in some pictures

The man posted by OP i don't find anything Roma about him he has more a SE European look

If anything he could pass as Arab in the Levant,Persian or Armenian

06-01-2020, 08:25 PM
Not every Roma looks stereotypically South Asian. These are the Romas from ethnic festivals in my city:


This is the self-entitled "King of Gypsies" from Soroca:


I aware such Roma exist. That is so because of their european admixture, or in some cases they're mostly euro genetically.

06-01-2020, 08:28 PM

06-01-2020, 08:29 PM

06-01-2020, 08:45 PM
Phanariotes don't need to look oriental

Ask Dorian whose family is part Phanariot

* 1/16 :p

06-01-2020, 08:48 PM
* 1/16 :p

And the 1/16 Phanariote part of your family were all dark haired with slight orientalid features
the darkest people in your family?:p

06-01-2020, 08:51 PM
Phanariotes don't need to look oriental

Ask Dorian whose family is part Phanariot

Tons of Greeks settled here from XVII to XIXth centuries. Phanariot is a period, were Greeks fully ruled with permission from Turks over these lands, to remove any attempt of rebellity of local elite against Ottoman rule. The XVIIth century is pre-Phanariot time, when Greeks slowly started to take power here buying lands and through intermariages with local elite. With more Greek influence, local socieity started to look more oriental. In the XVIIIth century (the Phanariot period) when Greek fully controled local lands, society started to look like Middle East. And Greeks here were from everywhere (Anatolia, Crete, Cyprus).

06-01-2020, 08:55 PM
And the 1/16 Phanariote part of your family were all dark haired with slight orientalid features
the darkest people in your family?:p

Don't have any photos of them...

06-01-2020, 08:59 PM
Tons of Greeks settled here from XVII to XIXth centuries. Phanariot is a period, were Greeks fully ruled with permission from Turks over these lands, to remove any attempt of rebellity of local elite against Ottoman rule. The XVIIth century is pre-Phanariot time, when Greeks slowly started to take power here buying lands and through intermariages with local elite. With more Greek influence, local socieity started to look more oriental. In the XVIIIth century (the Phanariot period) when Greek fully controled local lands, society started to look like Middle East. And Greeks here were from everywhere (Anatolia, Crete, Cyprus).

I know about rich Greeks settling in Romania but lol at Romania looking Middle Eastern because of that

Phanariotes were mainly from Konstantinople

Alot of them came originally from the Islands but Konstantinopolitan Greeks could be from allmost anywhere as it was
at the crossroads of all places where Greeks lived.

Alot of Greek families in Konstantinople had also Thracian or even Epirote origins

06-01-2020, 09:03 PM
Tons of Greeks settled here from XVII to XIXth centuries. Phanariot is a period, were Greeks fully ruled with permission from Turks over these lands, to remove any attempt of rebellity of local elite against Ottoman rule. The XVIIth century is pre-Phanariot time, when Greeks slowly started to take power here buying lands and through intermariages with local elite. With more Greek influence, local socieity started to look more oriental. In the XVIIIth century (the Phanariot period) when Greek fully controled local lands, society started to look like Middle East. And Greeks here were from everywhere (Anatolia, Crete, Cyprus).

Do you have any estimate of local population back then and how many were these Greeks?and what percentage of population was elite?I'd also ask for fertility rates for peasants/elites but I know there's no such data.

I mean If our influence is so strong ,maybe we should raise an issue of minority there..

06-01-2020, 09:10 PM
I know about rich Greeks settling in Romania but lol at Romania looking Middle Eastern because of that

Phanariotes were mainly from Konstantinople

Alot of them came originally from the Islands but Konstantinopolitan Greeks could be from allmost anywhere as it was
at the crossroads of all places where Greeks lived.

Alot of Greek families in Konstantinople had also Thracian or even Epirote origins

I mean Phanariot period when here came plenty of Greeks, I didn't mean Phanariots themselves, between phanariots were families of foreign ancestry, even two greekized families of Moldavian origin, Rakoviță and Callimachi.

06-01-2020, 09:21 PM
Not every Roma looks stereotypically South Asian. These are the Romas from ethnic festivals in my city:


This is the self-entitled "King of Gypsies" from Soroca:


If those are Roma I’m Pakistani lmao

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-01-2020, 09:27 PM
Do you have any estimate of local population back then and how many were these Greeks?and what percentage of population was elite?I'd also ask for fertility rates for peasants/elites but I know there's no such data.

I mean If our influence is so strong ,maybe we should raise an issue of minority there..

Many, especially elite was heavily mixed with Greeks till XIXth century. This foreign element is the main factor in promoting so called Romanian identity, the word Romania by the way was invented by a Greek, so you can claim Romania if you want.

06-01-2020, 09:30 PM
And please stop classify as foreign all the romanians surnames! we don't have only POPESCU and ANTONESCU surnames!

Romanians surnames were born from the "Porecle" and the jobs of the paesants in the late XVIII century...
For example, if someone's name was "Turcu", most probably was not a ethnic turk; If someone had Popovici surname it was not a slav! and the most ridiculous think that i red here it's that "Coman/Comanescu" surname descent from the ethnonym "Cuman"... wtf.

06-01-2020, 09:41 PM
Plenty of Greeks settled in Romania from XVII to XIXth centuries, his surname don't mean absolutely anything in Romanian, he is typical fanariot product with oriental face. His face is not uncommon between MENA students from local University of Medicine and Farmacy, who I see everyday.

Plenty of? Fanariot? That's a crook of bullshit. Only a few "Greeks" from royalty like Catakouzenos settled in Romania besides that even if "plenty" of Greeks settled in Romania they are genetically assimilated now. Greeks didn't actually exist en-masse over the Jurichek Line.

06-01-2020, 09:45 PM
Many, especially elite was heavily mixed with Greeks till XIXth century. This foreign element is the main factor in promoting so called Romanian identity, the word Romania by the way was invented by a Greek, so you can claim Romania if you want.

No you actually have complexed attitude you being gypsy so everyone according to your ridiculous and bullshit theory must be "nonromanian" to actually overcompensate you being non-Romanian. Deal with it.

06-01-2020, 09:47 PM
Very distinctive SE Euro face. Pontid?

This is a distinctive SE Euro face for you?

Ion Basescul
06-02-2020, 10:06 PM
If those are Roma I’m Pakistani lmao

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I told Aspirin and I'll also tell you. If you guys disagree with their self-identification, then you should both come to the next anual edition and make a scene about this. Don't involve me, as I don't care how they identify. But it seems that they are pretty serious about their identity, since they bothered to wear ethnic costumes. It reads on the panel behind them that they represent the community of Sinti Romas in Chisinau.


06-02-2020, 10:12 PM
I told Aspirin and I'll also tell you. If you guys disagree with their self-identification, then you should both come to the next anual edition and make a scene about this. Don't involve me, as I don't care how they identify. But it seems that they are pretty serious about their identity, since they bothered to wear ethnic costumes. It reads on the panel behind them that they represent the community of Sinti Romas in Chisinau.


They probably are descended from Roma or in other words come from Roma families but obviously these people have other admixture too
like Slavic,Romanian or other..

Ion Basescul
06-02-2020, 10:14 PM
They probably are descended from Roma or in other words come from Roma families but obviously these people have other admixture too
like Slavic,Romanian or other..

So just like any other Gypsy. None of them are fully South Asian, they mix with whatever is available. In Wallachia and Moldavia they used to be enslaved up until the 19th century, so they received less local admixture as opposed to West European Gypsies. But clearly this doesn't apply to all groups and the case here proves that.

06-02-2020, 10:27 PM
So just like any other Gypsy. None of them are fully South Asian, they mix with whatever is available. In Wallachia and Moldavia they used to be enslaved up until the 19th century, so they received less local admixture as opposed to West European Gypsies. But clearly this doesn't apply to all groups and the case here proves that.

So just like any other Gypsy. None of them are fully South Asian, they mix with whatever is available. In Wallachia and Moldavia they used to be enslaved up until the 19th century, so they received less local admixture as opposed to West European Gypsies. But clearly this doesn't apply to all groups and the case here proves that.

Definetly average Gypsy looks more South Asian and darker than most of these at least in Greece and from what i have seen also in the Balkans though there are a few light Gypsies like these folks but its also obvious that the lighter Gypsies would have more mixed ancestors

Only in Britain proper Gypsies look less exotic and more similar to this people

Note there is white(light or pale skinned ) Indians in Northern Western India but they still wouldn't
look like the girl on the left corner of the photo and like the other girl also not


But clearly this doesn't apply to all groups and the case here proves that.

Thats a good point

06-02-2020, 10:38 PM

06-02-2020, 10:42 PM
Take your gypsies out of my thread. Open a new one if you’re passionate about this subject. Thanks

06-02-2020, 10:42 PM
young entrepreneur and lawyer. he owns the biggest fast food chain in the country and a hotel but he's mostly known for his charity donations and civic actions. He was one of the most actives civilians in this pandemic, making and collecting donations for hospitals. his entire hotel was used to host the medical staff involved in the treatment of coronavirus patients

What's the chain's name?

06-02-2020, 10:45 PM
What's the chain's name?


06-02-2020, 10:45 PM
What's the chain's name?


06-02-2020, 10:46 PM
I told Aspirin and I'll also tell you. If you guys disagree with their self-identification, then you should both come to the next anual edition and make a scene about this. Don't involve me, as I don't care how they identify. But it seems that they are pretty serious about their identity, since they bothered to wear ethnic costumes. It reads on the panel behind them that they represent the community of Sinti Romas in Chisinau.


Lol, common, really?

Give them other clothes and they look like average Easteuros.

06-02-2020, 10:50 PM


Merci guys.

06-02-2020, 11:04 PM

BTW, that's another good reason to visit Romania xD

06-02-2020, 11:09 PM
BTW, that's another good reason to visit Romania xD

Can’t recommend it to you tho. Never tried it ))

06-02-2020, 11:13 PM
Can’t recommend it to you tho. Never tried it ))

I'll take the risk. I adore greek food :icon_hungry:

06-02-2020, 11:15 PM
Wow wow 63 posts about a slightly atypical dude.

06-02-2020, 11:18 PM
Lol, common, really?

Give them other clothes and they look like average Easteuros.

Because most of them are not. Gypsies don't look like that here.

06-02-2020, 11:25 PM
Because most of them are not.

What are they?

06-02-2020, 11:40 PM
What are they?

In these type of events allway are many non-Gypsies, if not all of them are non-Gypsies. Gypsies don't have pure East Slavic faces, even the mixed ones.

The good example is this photo posted by Basescul.


And this is the event from where this photo is. The difference from them and Gypsies from the crowd is like day and night, plus in the crowd can be seen and many non-Gypsies.


Ion Basescul
06-02-2020, 11:47 PM
In these type of events allway are many non-Gypsies, if not all of them are non-Gypsies. Gypsies don't have pure East Slavic faces, even the mixed ones.

The good example is this photo posted by Basescul.


And this is the event from where this photo is. The difference from them and Gypsies from the crowd is like day and night, plus in the crowd can be seen and many non-Gypsies.


Gypsies are mainly Rusophones in Moldova, which your video also shows. After the introduction in Romanian by the non-Roma lady, the Romas start to speak in Russian. It's only natural that Rusophones are more inclined to mix with other Rusophones, hence the East Slavic (lol) looks. You are not looking at rural Gypsies. It is normal for people of any ethnicity to live in villages, which are mostly composed of their ethnicity. When people move to an urban locality, they mix with whatever is available under the sun, but first the preferences would probably be those who speak their language.

06-03-2020, 12:01 AM
Gypsies are mainly Rusophones in Moldova, which your video also shows. After the introduction in Romanian by the non-Roma lady, the Romas start to speak in Russian. It's only natural that Rusophones are more inclined to mix with other Rusophones, hence the East Slavic (lol) looks.

This is your average local "Rusophone" Gypsies.


Ion Basescul
06-03-2020, 12:10 AM
This is your average local "Rusophone" Gypsies.



Otaci with a population of 6k is simply a glorified village. In actual towns they will mix outside of their ethnicity, and by the looks of it retain their ethnic identity as Gypsies.

06-03-2020, 12:17 AM

Otaci with a population of 6k is simply a glorified village. In actual towns they will mix outside of their ethnicity, and by the looks of it retain their ethnic identity as Gypsies.

They need to look like this group according to your theory, but I see mostly Dravidian and Negroid faces.


Ion Basescul
06-03-2020, 12:19 AM
They need to look like this group according to your theory, but I see mostly Dravidian and Negroid faces.


According to my theory, urban Gypsies mix with other folk. How thick can you be?

These are Gypsies from Chisinau, like the ones in this image and the earlier ones I shared.


06-03-2020, 12:24 AM
According to my theory, urban Gypsies mix with other folk. How thick can you be?

These are Gypsies from Chisinau, like the ones in this image and the earlier ones I shared.


Post proper Gypsies communities from the Capital, not members of pro-Gypsy NGOs like pro-Migrant/Black ones from the West, where most of member are Whites.

Ion Basescul
06-03-2020, 12:30 AM
Post proper Gypsies communities from the Capital, not members of pro-Gypsy NGOs like pro-Migrant/Black ones from the West, where most of member are Whites.

Why are you lying?
Shall I ask other members who speak Romanian to translate the text to English? It clearly says in the video that "the participants of the flashmob are saying that they faced many cases of discrimination in kindergartens, schools and hospitals". Then they unravel their white T-shirts that read "I am Roma".
They are the Gypsies. How many white people in the US do you see coming out with T-shirts saying that they are black?

I'm done with this useless discussion.

06-03-2020, 12:46 AM
Why are you lying?
Shall I ask other members who speak Romanian to translate the text to English? It clearly says in the video that "the participants of the flashmob are saying that they faced many cases of discrimination in kindergartens, schools and hospitals". Then they unravel their white T-shirts that read "I am Roma".
They are the Gypsies. How many white people in the US do you see coming out with T-shirts saying that they are black?

I'm done with this useless discussion.

How retarded need to be to not see what these are NGO activists, where many individuals are not Gypos, and this is just a pro-Gypsy flashmob.


You realize what you pass normal individuals as Gypos? Maybe you are Gypsy too since you are darker than most of people who you claim to be Gypsies? This is how your logic work.

Ion Basescul
06-03-2020, 12:49 AM
How retarded need to be to not see what these are NGO activists, where many individuals are not Gypos, and this is just a pro-Gypsy flashmob.


You realize what you pass normal individuals as Gypos? Maybe you are Gypsy too since you are darker than most of people who you claim to be Gypsies? This is how your logic work.

Yet unlike them, I am confirmed not to be. You are just salty that they are whiter than you.

06-03-2020, 12:54 AM
Yet unlike them, I am confirmed not to be. You are just salty that they are whiter than you.

Deffinetly, this is the reason. :laugh:

No wonder you identify as Romano, at the same time being hardcore leftard.

Ion Basescul
06-03-2020, 12:58 AM
Deffinetly, this is the reason. :laugh:

No wonder you identified as Romano, at the same time being hardcore leftard.

Yeah, I identify as Romanian, like probably half of your family.
I don't see why else you'd be so insecure about how people choose to self-identify. I couldn't be bothered less, although obviously I also have my preferences.

I'm the only one here who proudly wears the Moldovan flag, without changing it every other week. You are Moldovan through meaningless talk and not actual actions.

06-03-2020, 01:01 AM
Yeah, I identify as Romanian, like probably half of your family.
I don't see why else you'd be so insecure about how people choose to self-identify. I couldn't be bothered less, although obviously I also have my preferences.

None in my family identify as Romano. Sorry.

Ion Basescul
06-03-2020, 01:03 AM
None in my family identify as Romano. Sorry.

Just wait for your next generation ;), especially if they'll grow up in Chisinau. You are also based in Chisinau now if I'm not mistaken, so you'll likely convert at some point too. :rolleyes:

06-03-2020, 01:26 AM
is like an anatolian, with north african vibes

06-03-2020, 01:29 AM
How retarded need to be to not see what these are NGO activists, where many individuals are not Gypos, and this is just a pro-Gypsy flashmob.

You realize what you pass normal individuals as Gypos? Maybe you are Gypsy too since you are darker than most of people who you claim to be Gypsies? This is how your logic work.

It's true that some of those people might be non-Gypsy NGO members.
But it's also true that a substantial number of Gypsies look indistinguishable from regular Eastern Europeans.

These kids are gypsies from my town:


06-03-2020, 08:35 AM
Can pass as Arab in France, never see this kind of face. Many weirds thing on Apricity, who are not very "frenchy".

06-03-2020, 09:01 AM
But it's also true that a substantial number of Gypsies look indistinguishable from regular Eastern Europeans.

I never saw a Gypsy indistunguishable from eastern European all my life, and I live in a city with 3 Gypsy neighbourhoods with Gypsies in my building as well.

06-03-2020, 12:30 PM
In these type of events allway are many non-Gypsies, if not all of them are non-Gypsies. Gypsies don't have pure East Slavic faces, even the mixed ones.

The good example is this photo posted by Basescul.


I agree with you some people in these photos don't look Gypsy at all in particular the one you chosed

06-03-2020, 12:55 PM
In these type of events allway are many non-Gypsies, if not all of them are non-Gypsies. Gypsies don't have pure East Slavic faces, even the mixed ones.

oh yeah, your Masters mixed with gypsies a plenty, look at the gypsy girl on the left, she's as uralic east slav as they come:


06-03-2020, 01:08 PM
you MFs destroyed my thread with your stupid gypsy discussions. if you like so much this topic I'll open you a new thread where you can talk about this all day long.

06-03-2020, 02:29 PM
you MFs destroyed my thread with your stupid gypsy discussions. if you like so much this topic I'll open you a new thread where you can talk about this all day long.

no harm done, OP dude seems like self-promoting asshole and he looks marginal af :D

he fully deserves this parody:


06-03-2020, 03:51 PM
why do 50% of hungarian/romanian threads result in a long discussion about gypsies?

06-04-2020, 12:15 AM
I agree with you some people in these photos don't look Gypsy at all in particular the one you chosed

They look like average Moldavians, since this is what they are, and look entirely alien compared to Gypsies around them.

They will fit like a glove between these crowds and groups of people
