View Full Version : A new old link between Siberia/Steppe and America

06-08-2020, 04:12 AM
Researchers have revealed the oldest and deepest connection yet found between the peoples of Siberia and the Americas, dating back 14,000 years.

A 1976 photograph of excavation at the Ust’-Kyakhta-3 site. Credit: AP Okladnikov
Their study of prehistoric hunter-gatherers around Lake Baikal in southern Siberia also demonstrates human mobility, and hence connectivity, across Eurasia during the Early Bronze Age, they say.

Led by Germany’s Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, the work involved human population genetics, ancient pathogen genomics and isotope analysis, and included the sequencing of 19 human genomes.

“This study reveals the deepest link between Upper Paleolithic Siberians and First Americans,” says He Yu, first author of a paper in the journal Cell. “We believe this could shed light on future studies about Native American population history.”

Previous studies have indicated a connection between Siberian and American populations, but a 14,000-year-old individual analysed in the new study is the oldest to carry the mixed ancestry present in Native Americans.

Using an extremely fragmented tooth excavated in 1962 at the Ust-Kyahta-3 site located on Selenga River in the Kyakhtinski region of Russia, the researchers generated a shotgun-sequenced genome enabled by cutting edge techniques in molecular biology.

They found that both this individual and a younger one from northeast Siberia share the same genetic mixture of Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) and Northeast Asian (NEA) ancestry found in Native Americans.

This suggests, they say, that the ancestry which later gave rise to Native Americans in North and South America was much more widely distributed than previously assumed, and that this population experienced frequent genetic contacts with NEA populations, resulting in varying admixture proportions across time and space.

The study also presents connectivity within Eurasia, as evidenced in human and pathogen genomes as well as stable isotope analysis. Combining these lines of evidence, the researchers were able to produce a detailed description of the population history in the Lake Baikal region, which began some 40,000 years ago.

The presence of Eastern European steppe-related ancestry is evidence of contact between southern Siberian and western Eurasian steppe populations in the preamble to the Early Bronze Age, the researchers say, an era characterised by increasing social and technological complexity.

The surprising presence of Yersinia pestis, the plague-causing pathogen, points to further wide-ranging contacts. Isotope analysis of one of the infected individuals revealed a non-local signal, suggesting origins outside the region of discovery.


I hope they publish the genome soon. Also, they confirmed the black death theory for steppe expansion in Europe

06-08-2020, 04:18 AM
Did 25monte now, removed Rus_Kolyma_mesolithic from K11 10 kybp WHG-EHG calculator, it modelled Amerid as 60% Devil Gate and 40% Karelia_EHG. Incorrect but amazingly close

06-08-2020, 04:22 AM
Did 25monte now, removed Rus_Kolyma_mesolithic from K11 10 kybp WHG-EHG calculator, it modelled Amerid as 60% Devil Gate and 40% Karelia_EHG. Incorrect but amazingly close

What was the distance fit though? Does Karelia_EHG contain East Asian ancestry or it is purely West Eurasian?

06-08-2020, 04:23 AM
Did 25monte now, removed Rus_Kolyma_mesolithic from K11 10 kybp WHG-EHG calculator, it modelled Amerid as 60% Devil Gate and 40% Karelia_EHG. Incorrect but amazingly close

Also Natives only have Paleo European-type West Eurasian ancestry but not Steppe which come much later?

06-08-2020, 04:28 AM
What was the distance fit though? Does Karelia_EHG contain East Asian ancestry or it is purely West Eurasian?

Its more purely W. Eurasian, it has WHG in it although its mostly Afontova Gora-3 (ANE). But it lack high basal eurasian, this is the key I think. As for distance: 0.46103917

06-08-2020, 04:31 AM
Its more purely W. Eurasian, it has WHG in it although its mostly Afontova Gora-3 (ANE). But it lack high basal eurasian, this is the key I think. As for distance: 0.46103917

That distance is pretty high. Do you think Karelia_EHG is better proxy for the Western Eurasian ancestry in Amerindians than Kostenki, Vestonice or Sunghir?

06-08-2020, 04:33 AM
Also Natives only have Paleo European-type West Eurasian ancestry but not Steppe which come much later?

It releated to steppe because steppe is made of components with high ANE (EHG and CHG, with EHG having the highest ANE), but Natives lack the Villabruna/UHG/Dzudzuana/Basal stuff in CHG. The Paleo-Euro stuff is the same in both steppe and Natives, but the ANE in EHG is more derived for alleles that express lighter skin and blondism (AG-3), and was more positively selected for in EHG

06-08-2020, 04:36 AM
That distance is pretty high. Do you think Karelia_EHG is better proxy for the Western Eurasian ancestry in Amerindians than Kostenki, Vestonice or Sunghir?

Yes, because EHG was 75% ANE, and the Kostenki-Singhir to Early East Asian cline is the same for the ANE in both Natives and EHG

06-08-2020, 04:49 AM
That ?

What's amazing about this recent finding is that they found an Native American like individual so close to Mongolia and Nothern China (selenga river Delta). Same latitude as Devil Gates. So close to core EE territory, that's insane

06-08-2020, 05:31 AM
Also Natives only have Paleo European-type West Eurasian ancestry but not Steppe which come much later?


06-08-2020, 05:33 AM
What's amazing about this recent finding is that they found an Native American like individual so close to Mongolia and Nothern China (selenga river Delta). Same latitude as Devil Gates. So close to core EE territory, that's insane

I hope they published the sample soon. Okunevo was also genetically close to Natives?

06-08-2020, 05:35 AM
It releated to steppe because steppe is made of components with high ANE (EHG and CHG, with EHG having the highest ANE), but Natives lack the Villabruna/UHG/Dzudzuana/Basal stuff in CHG. The Paleo-Euro stuff is the same in both steppe and Natives, but the ANE in EHG is more derived for alleles that express lighter skin and blondism (AG-3), and was more positively selected for in EHG

The reason Amerindians don't really have blond hair or lighter skin is because their ANE is much older than those in EHG where there is later natural selection for these traits?

06-08-2020, 05:35 AM
I hope they published the sample soon. Okunevo was also genetically close to Natives?

I don't know. Never seen Okunev samples.

06-08-2020, 05:44 AM
The reason Amerindians don't really have blond hair or lighter skin is because their ANE is much older than those in EHG where there is later natural selection for these traits?

Yes, that's why Amerindians, despite having similar ANE percentage as West siberian groups, are phenotypically more different. Sometimes look nothing alike. Kets are the exception, they are dark like N. Amerinds, because they are more of a relic population. They even speak a language that is the same familiy as Athabaskan/dene like Chipewayn
Dogrib, Slavey, Tutchone, Han-yes they is a native ethnicity called Han, Tanana, Ahtna ,Dena'ina, Degxinag etc. You probably heard of some athabaskans like the Apaches and Navajos, the most populous pure Amerids in USA excluding recent Mexican immigration

06-08-2020, 08:49 AM
Yes, that's why Amerindians, despite having similar ANE percentage as West siberian groups, are phenotypically more different. Sometimes look nothing alike. Kets are the exception, they are dark like N. Amerinds, because they are more of a relic population. They even speak a language that is the same familiy as Athabaskan/dene like Chipewayn
Dogrib, Slavey, Tutchone, Han-yes they is a native ethnicity called Han, Tanana, Ahtna ,Dena'ina, Degxinag etc. You probably heard of some athabaskans like the Apaches and Navajos, the most populous pure Amerids in USA excluding recent Mexican immigration

Ah I see. Thanks. I guess Selkups are also similar case like Kets, in terms that they are also dark like North Natives?

Do you know why Northern Amerinds have more "Caucasoid"-like features like very hook nose, long slender face, robust physique despite having lower ANE ancestry than Mayans and Amazonians like Karitiana, Surui who have much broader features with round face, flat nose?
I guess ANE is not necessarily related to sharp features in Native Americans?

06-08-2020, 09:03 AM
Ah I see. Thanks. I guess Selkups are also similar case like Kets, in terms that they are also dark like North Natives?

Do you know why Northern Amerinds have more "Caucasoid"-like features like very hook nose, long slender face, robust physique despite having lower ANE ancestry than Mayans and Amazonians like Karitiana, Surui who have much broader features with round face, flat nose?
I guess ANE is not necessarily related to sharp features in Native Americans?

Yeah, selkups look similar to kets. I think the phenotypic differences between S. Americans and North Americans is more linked more to climate adapatation, with Northerners living in either Cold-sub artic climates, temprerate climates like in Europe or arid environment where it snows like the gobi desert. South Americans living in the Andes and Pategonia have sharper features than Amazonians. I think ANE does play a role, but only up to a point. Climate is the biggest factor IMO. While N. Ameridians have slightly lower ANE/more Han-like influence, I think the original beringian population resembled them better than say the Ashaninka. Also NE Asians can sharper feature naturally like North Sinid or robost bodies, like the Mongols for example

06-08-2020, 09:10 AM
Its more purely W. Eurasian, it has WHG in it although its mostly Afontova Gora-3 (ANE). But it lack high basal eurasian, this is the key I think. As for distance: 0.46103917

If EHG is mostly ANE, wouldn't it also contain minor East Eurasian alleles since ANE is approx. 3/4 Western and 1/4 East Eurasian?

Btw, here are other Amerindians modelling using Devils Gate and Karelia_HG.

Target: Amerindian_North
Distance: 32.3158% / 0.32315792
66.0 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
34.0 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Huichol
Distance: 43.4803% / 0.43480255
60.6 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
39.4 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Mayan (keep in mind, it have some recent Euro admix)
Distance: 43.6850% / 0.43684974
59.2 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
40.8 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Surui
Distance: 52.1805% / 0.52180530
60.0 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
40.0 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Bolivian_Pando (keep in mind Bolivian Pando have some recent Euro admixture)
Distance: 42.3028% / 0.42302766
55.8 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
44.2 RUS_Karelia_HG

Now compared to their closest relatives:

Target: Nenets
Distance: 16.7516% / 0.16751620
62.0 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
38.0 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Ket (strange Karelia is higher, seems like the samples have recent Russian admixture)
Distance: 14.0992% / 0.14099230
53.2 RUS_Karelia_HG
46.8 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N

Target: Selkup
Distance: 15.7238% / 0.15723830
59.6 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
40.4 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Khanty
Distance: 13.2538% / 0.13253755
53.6 RUS_Karelia_HG
46.4 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N

06-08-2020, 09:19 AM
If EHG is mostly ANE, wouldn't it also contain minor East Eurasian alleles since ANE is approx. 3/4 Western and 1/4 East Eurasian?

Btw, here are other Amerindians modelling using Devils Gate and Karelia_HG.

Target: Amerindian_North
Distance: 32.3158% / 0.32315792
66.0 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
34.0 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Huichol
Distance: 43.4803% / 0.43480255
60.6 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
39.4 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Mayan (keep in mind, it have some recent Euro admix)
Distance: 43.6850% / 0.43684974
59.2 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
40.8 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Surui
Distance: 52.1805% / 0.52180530
60.0 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
40.0 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Bolivian_Pando (keep in mind Bolivian Pando have some recent Euro admixture)
Distance: 42.3028% / 0.42302766
55.8 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
44.2 RUS_Karelia_HG

Now compared to their closest relatives:

Target: Nenets
Distance: 16.7516% / 0.16751620
62.0 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
38.0 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Ket (strange Karelia is higher, seems like the samples have recent Russian admixture)
Distance: 14.0992% / 0.14099230
53.2 RUS_Karelia_HG
46.8 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N

Target: Selkup
Distance: 15.7238% / 0.15723830
59.6 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N
40.4 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: Khanty
Distance: 13.2538% / 0.13253755
53.6 RUS_Karelia_HG
46.4 RUS_Devils_Gate_Cave_N

Yes, but keep in mind that when I said EHG is more purely West Eurasian, I meant that it contains less ENA than ANE due to WHG admixture, but yes EHG has East Asian in it, it just lower than pure ANE

06-08-2020, 09:20 AM
Yeah, selkups look similar to kets. I think the phenotypic differences between S. Americans and North Americans is more linked more to climate adapatation, with Northerners living in either Cold-sub artic climates, temprerate climates like in Europe or arid environment where it snows like the gobi desert. South Americans living in the Andes and Pategonia have sharper features than Amazonians. I think ANE does play a role, but only up to a point. Climate is the biggest factor IMO. While N. Ameridians have slightly lower ANE/more Han-like influence, I think the original beringian population resembled them better than say the Ashaninka. Also NE Asians can sharper feature naturally like North Sinid or robost bodies, like the Mongols for example

Yep. Andean and Patagonian Natives usually have sharper features from living in dry, mountainous climates. But why does many Mexican natives have broader and rounder features (still sharper on average than Central American Istmids and Amazonians) despite living in arid desert climates?

I guess round face, big flat nostrils and small deep set eyes are suitable for dwelling in tropical, equatorial climates hence so many Central American Natives and Amazonians possessed these traits?

What do you think the ANE physically resemble? Do they look like "Caucasoids" or their phenotype is unknown?

For some reason, many Andeans look a lot more northern-shifted than Amazonians and Mesoamerican Natives and remind me of Siberians and Central Asians due to their sharp, robust features. I think it is from living in cold, mountainous semi-arid terrain.

06-20-2020, 12:34 PM

06-20-2020, 12:36 PM
Yes, but keep in mind that when I said EHG is more purely West Eurasian, I meant that it contains less ENA than ANE due to WHG admixture, but yes EHG has East Asian in it, it just lower than pure ANE

06-20-2020, 12:42 PM
Also Natives only have Paleo European-type West Eurasian ancestry but not Steppe which come much later?

This video simplify things well
