View Full Version : The October Revolution of 2020

06-09-2020, 05:32 PM


If necessary, viewers may wish to set aside the fact that the video host is a Muslim woman in the U.S. Instead, they could focus on the information that she presents.

Her hypothesis: the Communists might attempt to provoke another set of riots, this time among Hispanics and Muslims living in America. They would do so by having hit men attack individual Muslims and Hispanics, who are either women or children. The hit men would be masquerading as white supremacists or Trump supporters.

The Lawspeaker
06-09-2020, 05:48 PM
Maybe the only solution would be to respond by attacking Antifa or any other leftists. Don't attack other groups: take on the Left.

06-09-2020, 06:05 PM
Maybe the only solution would be to respond by attacking Antifa or any other leftists. Don't attack other groups: take on the Left.

Even now, if it would still work, I'd like to follow established legal processes to take care of the Left. That may sound foolish at this point, but the first American Civil War was the most bloody we've ever fought; today, a lot of innocent people could get killed in the crossfire.

However, we simply can't afford to lose.

The Lawspeaker
06-09-2020, 06:34 PM
Even now, if it would still work, I'd like to follow established legal processes to take care of the Left. That may sound foolish at this point, but the first American Civil War was the most bloody we've ever fought; today, a lot of innocent people could get killed in the crossfire.

However, we simply can't afford to lose.

Another option would counter-propaganda. The Belgian authorities did just that during the German invasion of 1940 to make sure that the Dutch-speaking Flemish and French-speaking Walloons couldn't be pitted against each other by the invader. They warned the civilian population for German propaganda and against local activists. It was quite successful as local civilians often handed over activists to the Belgian police and army. Those 18 days and some more days in France ended up as the worst days in the lives of those activists - until after the war that is (as the Belgian authorities went on one hell of a spring cleaning sentencing 2940 traitors and other war criminals to death and putting 242 up against the wall - commuting the rest to mostly life imprisonment).

This could be effective. If this Leftist attempt at revolution fails - there should be no mercy for them whatsoever: line them all up. They've earned it. Better shoot every single Leftist who surrenders or they will try again at a later date. Two civil wars is enough.

06-09-2020, 07:35 PM
Before I say anything else, please read the following, and take it to heart: for now at least, keep your index finger outside of the trigger guard, be content with "carrying your rifle over your shoulder".

Now is a time for preparation. Don't mess it up by committing terrorist acts or any other crimes; keep your skirts clean. Find friends you absolutely can trust, form your own group, and start to drill. Unite with other Forest Brothers groups in other parts of Europe, and work together; name your own group whatever you want. It goes without saying that you need to take care and avoid recruiting a Kim Philby into your group. A number of the original Forest Brothers were betrayed to the Soviets by Philby.

If you can bring yourselves to do it, let the Left start the shooting, so that everyone knows who the bad guys are. You could always finish it later.

What's happening in America can occur in Europe at any time.

If the Left gets enough news reports of unidentified persons practicing at impromptu rifle ranges in the forests, then who knows ... maybe they'll stand down, and then you could go after them through the legal system.

The difference between now and the 1940's-1950's is that there are many, many more people in all parts of Europe. If enough Europeans join a Forest Brothers organization, and they are unified, then you could win, if the Left decides to start a shooting war.

I'm chronically ill, and so the best thing I can do is to get in front of my computer as often as I can.

There are already Forest Brothers in America, we just call them militias. :)



06-09-2020, 07:41 PM
I don't think Hispanics in the US are that well-organized or homogenous yet to participate in (nation-wide, organized) riots.

06-09-2020, 07:54 PM
Another option would counter-propaganda. The Belgian authorities did just that during the German invasion of 1940 to make sure that the Dutch-speaking Flemish and French-speaking Walloons couldn't be pitted against each other by the invader. They warned the civilian population for German propaganda and against local activists. It was quite successful as local civilians often handed over activists to the Belgian police and army. Those 18 days and some more days in France ended up as the worst days in the lives of those activists - until after the war that is (as the Belgian authorities went on one hell of a spring cleaning sentencing 2940 traitors and other war criminals to death and putting 242 up against the wall - commuting the rest to mostly life imprisonment).

This could be effective. If this Leftist attempt at revolution fails - there should be no mercy for them whatsoever: line them all up. They've earned it. Better shoot every single Leftist who surrenders or they will try again at a later date. Two civil wars is enough.

Yes. For me, telling the truth about Communists is good counter-propaganda. :)

06-09-2020, 07:56 PM
Russians also plans revolution or war
for example taking Belarus and Ukraine back, according to the words of that man in uniform

06-09-2020, 10:37 PM
Message to the people in America who are sitting on the fence; or else, to those who care only for themselves, who want to know what's in it for them:

Even if only for pragmatic reasons, you might as well join the counterrevolution, today.

If the Communists win, there's no guarantee that you'd be able to carve out an acceptable life for yourself simply by showing unconditional loyalty to a Bolshevik regime. If you say the wrong thing even only once, you just might be a dead man.

Trotsky was one of the "lights" of Communism in the early days of the Soviet Union, but he died in exile in 1940 after a hit man put an ax into his head; he had gotten on the wrong side of Stalin.

During the Holodomor of 1932-33, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians with a man-made famine. What threat was a Ukrainian child to Stalin?

During the Great Purge of 1936-38, dozens of general and flag officers in the Soviet military were murdered by Stalin's men; their profession and ability were no shield for them.

Are you willing to bet your very life that there would never be a Stalin or a Mao Zedong, that the only rulers you'd ever see would be benevolent dictators? Communism's track record is very bad on this point. If it comes to this, better to die in battle than to live under a Communist regime. Being blown to bits by an artillery shell is a better fate than being worked to death in a gulag.

06-11-2020, 04:03 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.conservativedailynews.com%2Fw p-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F08%2Friots-560-x-384.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
"The most significant aspect of Communist expansion since 1945 is the fact that it has not been accomplished by traditional military force. These countries [referring to countries in Eastern Europe] were not conquered by external invasion of Soviet troops, but by internal terrorism, revolution, and subversion by people who were citizens of each target nation."

The photo is from conservativedailynews d com. The photo caption above and the section below are both quotations of G. Edward Griffin's narration in the film documentary The Subversion Factor . The photo caption is a quotation of video section 4:11-4:35, and the section below is a quotation of video section 4:36-6:28.

In 1967, Soviet Premier Brezhnev said

Marxist-Leninists have always understood that socialism cannot be implanted by one country into another by military force, that it is the product of the internal development of a given society.

Brezhnev's predecessor, Nikita Khrushchev, was even more explicit when he said

I am convinced that tomorrow the red flag will fly over the United States. But, we will not fly the flag. It will be the American people themselves [that remains to be seen, and I wouldn't have anything at all to do with it].

The historical record is clear: the prime directive of Communist strategy is conquest from within.

The second most important lesson to be learned is that, at the time of takeover, the actual number of Communists in any country is usually less than 3% ... in many cases, such as the Soviet Union itself, it has been less than 1% of the total population.

The place to begin this inquiry, therefore, is to examine the strategy by which a tiny minority can capture control of an existing government.

The success of this strategy has been largely the result of two factors working together. One is the mobilization of mass action among the non-Communist population; demonstrations, general strikes, or insurrection. The other is the paralysis of the target government; the inability to fight back effectively, indecision, delays, [and] blunders.

It's not surprising, therefore, to learn that a major part of Communist strategy is devoted to techniques for creating exactly these two conditions: mobilization of the masses, and paralysis of the government.

06-11-2020, 04:42 PM
I also tought how these riots remind of October Revolution in the making. Antifa don't give a damn for blacks, they're using stupid people to violently take down Trump.

06-12-2020, 03:15 AM


If Communists take over the U.S., then the things in this video that happened in Latvia in 1940-41 could happen here.

The Lawspeaker
06-12-2020, 11:57 AM


If Communists take over the U.S., then the things in this video that happened in Latvia in 1940-41 could happen here.

If Americans still wonder why Europeans were willing to fight to the death during the Cold War and had armed their army and police forces to the teeth and even left weapons caches all over their countries so a resistance could fight on ? Watch the above video. You will understand.

06-12-2020, 12:23 PM
States confidently follow the scenario of the collapse of the USSR in 1989-1991.
It all fits together. And gerontocracy, and the isolation of the elites (and the elites in the United States are entirely billionaires and whites) from the people, and the lack of national ideas (except money, of course, and all sorts of comic book heroes), and now here is open vandalism to their own history.
Statues of historical heroes are falling around the country, starting with Columbus and ending with former US presidents. In particular, the speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress is already calling for the latter.
Obviously, the Americans themselves do not feel any connection either with their country or with their history.
What does it mean? This means that the "holy 90s" will come to the States.
With all the charms of "true democracy", which nothing else holds back. But now there will be complete freedom from the "slave past".

P.S. Americans, you understand! The main thing is not to stop.

07-04-2020, 03:01 PM
The article linked to below contains the above photo.

LOUISVILLE, Ky—At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country.

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida.

Full article at US Customs and Border Protection website (https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/10800-assault-weapons-parts-seized-cbp-louisville)


From the Natural News, which cites the above article:

The official CBP announcement did not offer any specifics on what exactly the “assault weapons parts” were, but we have since learned from another source that the parts were drop-in full-auto mods for AR-15 rifles.
You might reasonably wonder, then, why China would be sending full-auto rifle mods to the USA. The answer is that China supports the civil war attempt by Black Lives Matter, and China is coordinating with BLM terrorists to arm up their militant troops across the country, upgrading their legally-acquired AR-15 weapons to “full auto” status, which makes them far more formidable in a kinetic assault.

More from the Natural News (https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-03-communist-china-providing-automatic-weapons-to-antifa-black-lives-matter.html)

07-05-2020, 07:52 PM
This is a photo of Robert F. Williams (1925-1996), a revolutionary Communist, from the Wiki article about him. Williams became a fugitive from U.S. justice in the 1960's, and so he fled to Cuba and then to Communist China. During this period of time, he wrote a propaganda newsletter named The Crusader.


Source: =======>
YouTube Film documentary More Deadly than War, video section 26:40 - 30:21; In this source, G. Edward Griffin talks about various topics covered by Williams in The Crusader:

Terrorist Objective
Method and/or Benefits to Them

methods for eliminating a city's water supply
* poison it
* destroy the main aqueduct
* destroy pumping stations

start major fires in rural areas
(this reminds me of the bush fires in Australia, and
the wildfires in California)
how would Communists benefit?
* the value of sheer destruction
* the U.S. would have to spread defenders over the widest possible area
* thus, terrorist snipers might be able to pick off individual soldiers
* psychological benefit

> Communists believed that Americans were soft and decadent;
> thus, they might be too frightened to stop the terrorists

set up sniper units in metropolitan areas
(go to next objective)

make “jumbo” Molotov cocktails (with one-gallon containers)
(go to next objective)

make gasoline burn like napalm
it must be mixed with certain ingredients

set fire to telephone cables
pour gasoline into utility manholes

blow up buildings
put sulfur tips from matches into air conditioning units

ignite gas mains, and oil storage tanks
(go to next objective)

detonate munitions stockpiles, and
gasoline storage areas
use (drones) to fly loads of explosives over guarded fences, into these sites; per Williams, remote-control model airplanes would be used; today, there are drones

infiltrate National Guard units
* get free military training
* get access to military supplies and heavy weapons

In this post, I've reworked a post (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?319868-Communism-and-Minorities-in-the-U-S&p=6633295&viewfull=1#post6633295) that I made in another thread,
Communism and Minorities in the US (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?319868-Communism-and-Minorities-in-the-U-S&highlight=Communism+Minorities). In light of the events of the last month, a review might be useful.

07-05-2020, 08:07 PM
Yes. For me, telling the truth about Communists is good counter-propaganda. :)

Good counter-propaganda ? Have you done the math on that for this forum via Google page rank and Alexa statistics , genius ? :lol:

The truth about Communism is :

1.) It is the liberation of mankind from neo-feudalist-like slavery.

2.) Communism has never existed as the Revolution is supposed to take place in or be internationally supported by advanced industrial nation(s). Soviet Russia did not have an Industrial base so they were working backwards more or less etc ..

07-10-2020, 01:02 AM
1868 map of what became the State of Oklahoma in 1907; the eastern section of the State bordered in red is Indian Territory, according to the map. The image is from historical-us-maps.com.

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the eastern half of Oklahoma can be considered Native American territory, a decision the state warned could create "civil, criminal and regulatory turmoil."

The 5-4 decision was written by Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined by the court's four liberal justices.

Full story in USA Today (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/07/09/supreme-court-allows-native-american-jurisdiction-half-oklahoma/3208778001/)

07-15-2020, 01:33 AM
Photo of Council member Kshama Sawant, which is from the Wiki article about her; she gave a speech in which she stated her intention to do what is stated in the title of this post.

... here is the close of Sawant’s speech:

'We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism, this police state.

We cannot and will not stop until we overthrow it and replace it with a world based instead on solidarity, genuine democracy, and equality – a socialist world.'

Full article at NaturalNews d com (https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-14-seattle-council-member-to-overthrow-united-states.html)

07-31-2020, 10:16 PM
"Leaked Image Obtained by Breitbart Texas"

Breitbart Texas reviewed an FBI “activity alert” regarding the use of modified fireworks during the demonstrations in Atlanta, which began on July 25. The alert states that approximately 100 to 200 people dressed in dark clothing ... approached the ICE office in Atlanta.

Following the attack ... “bomb technicians discovered commercial grade fireworks with nails embedded in the mortar shell,” the document reads.

Full story at Breitbart d com (https://www.breitbart.com/border/2020/07/27/exclusive-atlanta-protesters-embedded-nails-into-fireworks-fbi-document-states/)

Explosion at Weather Underground Bomb Factory (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?323606-Anti-Communism-The-Weather-Underground-Organization&p=6767051&viewfull=1#post6767051)

08-02-2020, 07:08 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fd4%2Fe d%2Fc2%2Fd4edc274070b983f7df191bf7d9f7652.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
Obtained from pinterest.com, this is a screenshot of G. Edward Griffin speaking in the 1969 film documentary More Deadly than War. The context of Griffin's talk was the racial violence of the 1960's.

Source for the quotation below:

More Deadly than War, (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?323546-The-Anti-Communist-Resource-Thread&p=6785940&viewfull=1#post6785940) video section 31:25 - 32:49

Transcript of Griffin's remarks as he talks during the film:

Now, ladies and gentlemen, no evaluation would be complete if we fail to note that the Communist blueprint (for revolution) calls also for White retaliation and violence in the Black communities. Its a very important objective for the Communist party. So far, they've only been able to involve a small percentage of our Negro people in this war of national liberation. The great majority want no part of it in any form.

But the one sure way to change that is to have White vigilante groups striking into the Negro sections, supposedly to seek revenge. We mustn't kid ourselves into thinking that the Communists have placed their agitators only into the Black communities; they're working both sides of the street. They want hatred, violence, and bloodshed between the races, and they don't care how they get it, or whom they use, even children if necessary.

Part of the plan calls for commando squads of Black revolutionaries, to drive into the White residential areas and shoot little children playing on the sidewalks, for the sole purpose of drawing out of the White communities, violent retaliation into the Black communities. Now this is extremely important to the Communists. They must have it. For in this way they plan to unite the entire Negro population for protection behind the militant minority.

I hope that everyone reading this post understands that I'm not suggesting that people become doormats for revolutionaries, I'm not asking people to seek peace at any price. If something happens as described above, and if people give in to blind rage afterward, then innocent persons might suffer the penalty due to the criminal(s), and the Communists might well achieve what they seek. If the rule of law is still largely intact at that time, as I absolutely hope that it will be, let the legal system be the instrument of the divine judgment that would fall upon the adversaries.

08-04-2020, 05:11 PM
"The back of a fake driver's license seized from a shipment at Chicago O'Hare Airport. Authorities said the barcode worked correctly. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo)"

'These fraudulent identity documents can lead to identity theft, worksite enforcement, critical infrastructure protection, fraud linked to immigration-related crimes such as human smuggling and human trafficking,' CBP said in a news release, adding that, 'these documents can be used by those individuals associated with terrorism to minimize scrutiny from travel screening measures.'

Full article at Fox5 New York (https://www.fox5ny.com/news/shipments-of-nearly-20000-fake-drivers-licenses-seized-at-chicago-airport-so-far-in-2020)

08-06-2020, 02:53 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XpZfbQeep0kACMDhe89NkwHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1
Image from sagaciousnewsnetwork.com

Discussing Google’s efforts to suppress conservative content, (Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex) Marlow states: “None of this is gonna come as a surprise to this audience but I don’t think a lot of people by and large understand exactly how much they can manipulate you, Google can, with just a slight tweak to search results or search suggestions or their algorithm… Everyone knows by the Breitbart leak of the Google TGIF meeting in 2016 right after the election that they said they wanted populism to be a blip in history, they wanted to basically use their power to make sure populism doesn’t have long term effects, what does that mean?… Since then Breitbart’s reach has wildly diminished within Google, this cannot be a coincidence.”

Full article at breitbart d com (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/10/dr-robert-epstein-google-will-shift-10-of-voters-to-make-trump-a-blip-in-history/)

08-06-2020, 03:07 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. XpZfbQeep0kACMDhe89NkwHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1
Image from sagaciousnewsnetwork.com

Discussing Google’s efforts to suppress conservative content, (Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex) Marlow states: “None of this is gonna come as a surprise to this audience but I don’t think a lot of people by and large understand exactly how much they can manipulate you, Google can, with just a slight tweak to search results or search suggestions or their algorithm… Everyone knows by the Breitbart leak of the Google TGIF meeting in 2016 right after the election that they said they wanted populism to be a blip in history, they wanted to basically use their power to make sure populism doesn’t have long term effects, what does that mean?… Since then Breitbart’s reach has wildly diminished within Google, this cannot be a coincidence.”

Full article at breitbart d com (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/07/10/dr-robert-epstein-google-will-shift-10-of-voters-to-make-trump-a-blip-in-history/)

08-09-2020, 06:25 PM

Separate path to the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMSX6uVmrCE)

At 16:16, the video above mentions a group named "Bozeman (Montana) United for Racial Justice (https://actionnetwork.org/groups/bozemans-for-racial-justice) (BURJ)". BURJ describes itself as the "Bozeman chapter of the Movement for Black Lives". The web address for this web page is https ://actionnetwork.org/groups/bozemans-for-racial-justice. In the upper left corner of the web page is the phrase "The Action Network".

Next, one can go to the search engine "DuckDuckGo", and search on the phrase "action network communist". When I did so, the very first search result was as follows:

Join the Communist Party USA! - Action Network...
https: //actionnetwork.org/forms/join-the-communist-party-...

After you click on the search result (https://actionnetwork.org/forms/join-the-communist-party-usa), the resulting web page again has the phrase "The Action Network" in the upper left corner. Not far below, the viewer is invited to "Join the Communist Party USA!". The full web address of this web page is https: //actionnetwork.org/forms/join-the-communist-party-usa.

08-10-2020, 11:24 PM
https://twt-thumbs.washtimes.com/media/image/2020/08/10/Virus_Outbreak_Trump_17349.jpg-102b0_c0-221-5272-3294_s885x516.jpg?367f222761e06ce48ff76e5d04b81482 9eba98a8
"President Donald Trump is asked to leave the James Brady Press Briefing Room by a member of the U.S. Secret Service during a news conference at the White House, Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)" The photo and caption are both from The Washington Times.

A shooting near the White House Monday afternoon prompted Secret Service agents to pull President Trump out of a press conference as a precaution moments after the president’s briefing started.

The president returned to the press room several minutes later and reported that Secret Service officers had shot a suspect outside the White House grounds.

Full story at The Washington Times (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/10/secret-service-pulls-trump-out-press-conference-wh/)

08-14-2020, 12:46 PM

Separate link to the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytpzui4Vby0)

This video from Sky News Australia quotes from the CCP propaganda organ the Global Times: "Let more Americans learn Chinese, then they will be able to tell right from wrong, and grasp the real picture". If it were somehow righteous to do so, I would thank the CCP for being this honest.

08-14-2020, 01:37 PM
https://twt-thumbs.washtimes.com/media/image/2020/08/13/BLM_activists_Seattle_c50-0-971-537_s885x516.jpg?07cb14fbf2648226c19a826b682b26e82 c5a3f60
"Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle demand homeowners give up their property as a form of reparations, Aug. 12, 2020." The photo and caption are both from The Washington Times.

Another clip from the event circulating on Twitter features a man saying, 'We’re coming for it. Reparation time.'
'We’re not quite to the French Revolution stage of dragging people out of their homes yet but we seem to be inching closer,' observed writer John Sexton. 'I wonder if this will catch on. The left is already comfortable going into suburban neighborhoods for protests (and vandalism) of elected officials homes.'

Full article at The Washington Times (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/13/black-lives-matter-crowd-demands-seattle-homeowner/)

08-18-2020, 06:35 PM
Photo of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (L), and John Thompson (R), candidate for the Minnesota state legislature. According to the Alpha News MN article quoted below, "Thompson was endorsed by the Minnesota DFL Party and ... Walz in his (Thompson's) campaign ..."

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIF. nfz1G90PWhgoZzYy8MfW5Q%26pid%3DApi&f=1
Photo from dailycaller.com
A DFL-endorsed candidate for the Minnesota House screamed profanities at a group of teenaged girls during a protest Saturday outside the home of Bob Kroll (President of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis) in Hugo, Minnesota. (The Democrat-Farm-Labor Party is affiliated with the U.S. Democratic Party.)
“Don’t run now. Don’t run now racist white people. I’m here. Oh yeah, we pull up. We pulled the f– up,” (John) Thompson continued. “Blue lives ain’t s–, and if people here don’t support black people, f– Hugo, Minnesota.”
“We coming for everything that you motherf–ers took from us,” he added. “This whole [vulgarity] state burned down for 20 [vulgarity] dollars. You think we give a f– about burning Hugo down?”

Full article at Alpha News Minnesota (https://alphanewsmn.com/dfl-candidate-supported-by-walz-screams-at-teenaged-girls-during-bob-kroll-protest/)

Story at the Star Tribune (https://www.startribune.com/gop-calls-candidate-s-comments-at-hugo-protest-reprehensible/572133352/), newspaper for Minneapolis


Separate link to the YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4HZahNuBOY)

08-21-2020, 12:50 PM

Separate link to the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzGmDakW2gM)

Mr. Still's report starts at 1:06.

08-21-2020, 01:56 PM
Good counter-propaganda ? Have you done the math on that for this forum via Google page rank and Alexa statistics , genius ? :lol:

The truth about Communism is :

1.) It is the liberation of mankind from neo-feudalist-like slavery.

2.) Communism has never existed as the Revolution is supposed to take place in or be internationally supported by advanced industrial nation(s). Soviet Russia did not have an Industrial base so they were working backwards more or less etc ..

The truth? :D You have never lived in communism, neither your parents or any relatives, you have no idea about communism/socialism. Stalin called these american marxists like you as "useful idiots". Do you want to know the truth about your beloved commie ideology? How is life in a communist country? I can tell you because my family has lot of experience from outside of Iron Curtain.
-almost every people had same living conditions which was very poor, the starving was not rare, it was impossible to get more money or extra things (doesn't matter if you are hard worker) because that's called "kulak" and the Party deported you. The peoples had same car, same house, same everything on very low level and this poor life is waiting for you in your complete life.
-you can get better life only if you are a communist party member and if you are participating the opression of simple peoples and this whole terror regime. After that you must showing that you are good communist and fanatic one because otherwise you will be a western spy and they are taking you in a show trial and after that prison (in better case) or execution as happaned many times.
-if you wanted to buy a car, you must wait for it many many years, and finally you got a Lada or Trabant which will break after 1 years because of shitty quality.
-you can't buy orange, banana or other exotic foods only 1-2 times per years, the stores were almost empty there were only the basic things
-every 2. people was alcoholist
-you can't say what you want
-you can't go to abroad only with special permission

The communism have failed everywhere it's historical fact, but if you really like this ideology why don't you go to North Korea to live instead of "evil" USA?

08-21-2020, 03:06 PM
The truth? :D You have never lived in communism, neither your parents or any relatives, you have no idea about communism/socialism. Stalin called these american marxists like you as "useful idiots". Do you want to know the truth about your beloved commie ideology? How is life in a communist country? I can tell you because my family has lot of experience from outside of Iron Curtain.
-almost every people had same living conditions which was very poor, the starving was not rare, it was impossible to get more money or extra things (doesn't matter if you are hard worker) because that's called "kulak" and the Party deported you. The peoples had same car, same house, same everything on very low level and this poor life is waiting for you in your complete life.
-you can get better life only if you are a communist party member and if you are participating the opression of simple peoples and this whole terror regime. After that you must showing that you are good communist and fanatic one because otherwise you will be a western spy and they are taking you in a show trial and after that prison (in better case) or execution as happaned many times.
-if you wanted to buy a car, you must wait for it many many years, and finally you got a Lada or Trabant which will break after 1 years because of shitty quality.
-you can't buy orange, banana or other exotic foods only 1-2 times per years, the stores were almost empty there were only the basic things
-every 2. people was alcoholist
-you can't say what you want
-you can't go to abroad only with special permission

The communism have failed everywhere it's historical fact, but if you really like this ideology why don't you go to North Korea to live instead of "evil" USA?


08-21-2020, 03:08 PM

08-21-2020, 03:58 PM
The truth? :D You have never lived in communism, neither your parents or any relatives, you have no idea about communism/socialism. Stalin called these american marxists like you as "useful idiots". Do you want to know the truth about your beloved commie ideology? How is life in a communist country? I can tell you because my family has lot of experience from outside of Iron Curtain.
-almost every people had same living conditions which was very poor, the starving was not rare, it was impossible to get more money or extra things (doesn't matter if you are hard worker) because that's called "kulak" and the Party deported you. The peoples had same car, same house, same everything on very low level and this poor life is waiting for you in your complete life.
-you can get better life only if you are a communist party member and if you are participating the opression of simple peoples and this whole terror regime. After that you must showing that you are good communist and fanatic one because otherwise you will be a western spy and they are taking you in a show trial and after that prison (in better case) or execution as happaned many times.
-if you wanted to buy a car, you must wait for it many many years, and finally you got a Lada or Trabant which will break after 1 years because of shitty quality.
-you can't buy orange, banana or other exotic foods only 1-2 times per years, the stores were almost empty there were only the basic things
-every 2. people was alcoholist
-you can't say what you want
-you can't go to abroad only with special permission

The communism have failed everywhere it's historical fact, but if you really like this ideology why don't you go to North Korea to live instead of "evil" USA?


Separate link to the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtBX4NGLrXI)