View Full Version : Classify Gypsy Singers

06-12-2020, 04:52 AM
Southern Indian look:


Northern Indian look:


06-12-2020, 04:58 AM


06-12-2020, 04:59 AM
Do you find gypsy women attractive? Or half gypsy women? I think you said once that you do eventhough you like Hitler. Weird. The first is obviously a kid though.

06-12-2020, 06:13 AM

06-12-2020, 07:26 AM
Pakistani PM is saying , when he went to spain lots of gypsy were very happy meeting him and said we are descendents of gujjer tribe from Pakistan , its good gypsies are recongnizing their pakistani roots.


06-12-2020, 08:57 AM
Pakistani PM is saying , when he went to spain lots of gypsy were very happy meeting him and said we are descendents of gujjer tribe from Pakistan , its good gypsies are recongnizing their pakistani roots.


Until not long ago gypsies were thought to come from Egypt.

The patron saint of gypsies is Saint Sarah, the confusion could come from there, or vice versa, choosing that saint as patron saint of the gypsy people is the cause of previous confusion.


06-12-2020, 09:03 AM
Northern Indian look:


If my Bulgarian is correct, i'm pretty sure she said she is from Cyprus.

Her name is Hristiana Loizou. Greek Cypriot.

Crn Volk
06-12-2020, 09:25 AM
If my Bulgarian is correct, i'm pretty sure she said she is from Cyprus.

Her name is Hristiana Loizou. Greek Cypriot.

Ancient Hellene

Serbian Eagle
06-12-2020, 09:34 AM
Both very ugly. Worst thing is when some Gypsies from Serbia goes to Germany and then declare themself as Serbs. :picard1:

06-12-2020, 11:53 AM
1st: Indo-Veddid(mixture of IB & Veddid)

2nd: IB + Alpinid

06-12-2020, 12:03 PM
София Маринова

06-12-2020, 12:05 PM
Бони - gypsy
https://i.pik.bg/news/743/660_15f4738a217d658a291cd6b57ff9f6f1.jpghttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/qSn9p73ge2pNqc0RvR3sjKnEDrjSGbx7R3ClVsae5RTb4ap2a_ 31A4k0UQJrAH3ozVCcA-Z4j7EAa3UcBfkG2Q5docxujHPoAE2QS_pPhttps://www.slavishow.com/content/uploads/2017/06/6_1-6-640x300.jpg

06-12-2020, 12:12 PM
Йоана Сашова - The girl is a gypsy


06-12-2020, 12:15 PM
София Маринова

is she gypsy?

06-12-2020, 12:17 PM
Азис- gypsy

06-12-2020, 12:18 PM
[QUOTE = lameduck; 6747565] циганка ли е? [/ QUOTE]


06-12-2020, 12:31 PM
[QUOTE = lameduck; 6747565] циганка ли е? [/ QUOTE]


looks very obvious mixture of pakistani and european.

Serbian Eagle
06-12-2020, 02:15 PM
Азис- gypsy

Disgusting :picard1: :hitler: :smilie_stop::censored

06-12-2020, 02:35 PM
Азис- gypsy

Looks Indian or Pakistani

06-13-2020, 03:47 AM
Both very ugly. Worst thing is when some Gypsies from Serbia goes to Germany and then declare themself as Serbs. :picard1:

My cousin lives in germany with his family and he said no one ever believes he is from serbia they think he is from brazil. I think even if a gypsy declares himself serb everyone would know he is not so it is not a danger for you guys. I know a gypsy from romania and some said "he is romanian" and one other guy said "he is a gypsy not a real romanian". So they know that.

My cousin
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68411828_1345759505575320_3635670948272668672_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=FN53cV1j40IAX_P9egP&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=e340c4028bf7d46b6a160acf70db51a8&oe=5F08B19A

06-13-2020, 04:15 AM
Pakistani PM is saying , when he went to spain lots of gypsy were very happy meeting him and said we are descendents of gujjer tribe from Pakistan , its good gypsies are recongnizing their pakistani roots.


I think these particular gypsies look much more Indian than 80-90% of Pakis.

06-13-2020, 04:19 AM
My cousin lives in germany with his family and he said no one ever believes he is from serbia they think he is from brazil. I think even if a gypsy declares himself serb everyone would know he is not so it is not a danger for you guys. I know a gypsy from romania and some said "he is romanian" and one other guy said "he is a gypsy not a real romanian". So they know that.

My cousin
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/68411828_1345759505575320_3635670948272668672_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=FN53cV1j40IAX_P9egP&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=e340c4028bf7d46b6a160acf70db51a8&oe=5F08B19A

He looks pure Northern Indian. Compared to him it's obvious you are half...

06-13-2020, 04:36 AM
He looks pure Northern Indian. Compared to him it's obvious you are half...

He told me he gets usually mistaken for brazilian. And no one believes he is a serb. And he doesnt say he is a serb, he does say he is a gypsy. The media would probably write if he commited a crime that he is a serb, but Im sure it is not because he said that that he is a serb.

06-13-2020, 04:37 AM
He looks pure Northern Indian. Compared to him it's obvious you are half...

Mortimer's Gypsy ancestry is more than a half from what he says about his background

What is obvious is that Mortimer despite being pred Roma doesn't look that much exotic and atypical compared to European
and people here calling him brown is just ridiculous

Mortimer might actually pass as native in some parts of Europe one could argue how much his Gypsy/South Asian features give him a distinct vibe to me he looks a bit Indobrachid but its not so stongly emphasized that he would be immediately noticed as foreign ammong any European ethnicity

I actually believe him when he said he has been a few times guessed or mistaken for different European ethnicities such as Italian or Austrian,its not impossible

Well Russian or British would be a bit far fetched but in some parts of South till Central Europe or Balkan its not impossible

06-13-2020, 04:39 AM
Mortimer's Gypsy ancestry is more than a half from what he says about his background

What is obvious is that Mortimer despite being pred Roma doesn't look that much exotic and atypical compared to European
and people here calling him brown is just ridiculous

Mortimer might actually pass as native in some parts of Europe one could argue how much his Gypsy/South Asian features
give him a distinct vibe to me he looks a bit Indobrachid but its not so stongly emphasized that he would be immediately noticed
as foreign ammong any European ethnicity

I actually believe him when he said he has been a few times guessed or mistaken for different European ethnicities such as Italian or
Austrian,its not impossible

Well Russian or British would be a bit far fetched but in some parts of South till Central Europe or Balkan its not impossible

It is really true. I didnt lied. But you could argue how much that was correct, or if it was just "ignorant and delusional" and mestizo guy also said he was mistaken for black and that is very weird and delusional. But it did really happen. Why would I lie?

Serbian Eagle
06-13-2020, 09:26 AM
It is really true. I didnt lied. But you could argue how much that was correct, or if it was just "ignorant and delusional" and mestizo guy also said he was mistaken for black and that is very weird and delusional. But it did really happen. Why would I lie?
Don't worry about it so much, it's important that we are all alive and well, and the rest doesn't matter.