View Full Version : Do black lives really matter?

06-18-2020, 07:32 PM
Not to long ago It happened In Atlanta Georgia, where there was a fight in the middle of Walmart where a black cop is bludgeoning a Mexican man in the floor and someone was yelling for help & a black person said eh. “Sorry, Black Lives Matter”......

Yeah, that just happened.....How do you expect anyone to take this protest serious?

06-18-2020, 08:05 PM

06-18-2020, 08:09 PM
Not to long ago It happened In Atlanta Georgia, where there was a fight in the middle of Walmart where a black cop is bludgeoning a Mexican man in the floor and someone was yelling for help & a black person said eh. “Sorry, Black Lives Matter”. How do you expect anyone to take this protest serious?

Atlanta is a major hub for Mexican cartel's drug trade after Los Angeles. So I don't blame the cops, they would be obviously very, very suspicious, they probably think you are a member of other cartel trying to infiltrate.

Atlanta became a hotspot for blacks and lots of blacks from around the US moved there. With its proximity to Florida, lots of hispanics went there.

Hispanics in America normally stand in solidarity with blacks against the whitey (pic related).

Protests in Atlanta, negroes were tagging the CNN building sign while climbing it and displaying BLM and Mexican flags.


Peloponnesian pride
06-18-2020, 08:14 PM
This country is fucked up.Your ancestors should had sent the niggers back to africa.

06-18-2020, 08:14 PM
Atlanta is a major hub for Mexican cartel's drug trade after Los Angeles. So I don't blame the cops, they would be obviously very, very suspicious, they probably think you are a member of other cartel trying to infiltrate.

Atlanta became a hotspot for blacks and lots of blacks from around the US moved there. With its proximity to Florida, lots of hispanics went there.

Hispanics in America normally stand in solidarity with blacks against the whitey (pic related).

Protests in Atlanta, negroes were tagging the CNN building sign while climbing it and displaying BLM and Mexican flags.


Except in your picture displays more white people then Mexican, so that's a fail on your part.

06-18-2020, 08:16 PM
Atlanta is a major hub for Mexican cartel's drug trade after Los Angeles. So I don't blame the cops, they would be obviously very, very suspicious, they probably think you are a member of other cartel trying to infiltrate.

Atlanta became a hotspot for blacks and lots of blacks from around the US moved there. With its proximity to Florida, lots of hispanics went there.

Hispanics in America normally stand in solidarity with blacks against the whitey (pic related).

Protests in Atlanta, negroes were tagging the CNN building sign while climbing it and displaying BLM and Mexican flags.


What a chaos! this Is not the correct way to protest I see nothing but a bunch of low IQs from both groups. That´s like feeding fire more fire!

06-18-2020, 08:18 PM
OK. Why do Hispanics always vote overwhelmingly Democrat then?


Maybe it has to do with the fact that Hispanics live in urban areas. Urban areas tend to be more liberal thus influencing the hispanics that live there.

06-18-2020, 08:22 PM
Black life matters obviously, but the protests are really stupid, and it doesn't help most of the looters are actually black.

06-18-2020, 08:25 PM
This country is fucked up.Your ancestors should had sent the niggers back to africa.

America its turning into a joke, feels like the Purge became a 2020 official thing Everytime before we go to sleep my husband and I always secured our house with even have a electric fence.

06-18-2020, 08:26 PM
Atlanta is a major hub for Mexican cartel's drug trade after Los Angeles. So I don't blame the cops, they would be obviously very, very suspicious, they probably think you are a member of other cartel trying to infiltrate.

Atlanta became a hotspot for blacks and lots of blacks from around the US moved there. With its proximity to Florida, lots of hispanics went there.

Hispanics in America normally stand in solidarity with blacks against the whitey (pic related).

Protests in Atlanta, negroes were tagging the CNN building sign while climbing it and displaying BLM and Mexican flags.


Not true. Lots of Hispanics dislike blacks and don't get along with them.

06-18-2020, 08:31 PM
Dude, dems are just capitalising on something you guys have wanted for a long time, and that is for Spanish to be the dominant language in the Southwest.

75% of your brethren vote Democrat, and no amount of belt buckles, Fords, cowboy hats, and tacos are going to overcome that fact.

Yes I am very well aware that the parties like to take advantage over voters. Thats why they pretend to carter to groups just to get elected. I dont think we want spainsh to be the dominant language in the southwest. When our own people generation by generation gradually loose the ability of speaking Spanish. Over half of the Hispanic population of third generation can't even speak a lick of Spanish. Can you name me what policies or movements that promotes the idea that Spanish should become the dominant language in the southwest?

06-18-2020, 08:37 PM
Yeh because speaking Spanish and demanding every sign be in Spanish, more Spanish entertainment is great assimilation, amigo.

Not true many of us try to assimiliate into the white american culture my husband Is white and I havent taught my children to speak Spanish. doesnt have to be the fact we come from Latin america. Its the huge cultural differences even Spaniards would have a hard time assimilating into the Anglo culture and would probably go with Latin americans.

06-18-2020, 08:46 PM
Here's one.


Even if Antifa and the BLM was dismantled today, tomorrow there would appear nearly identical people and organisations willing to take advantage of browns and other minorities resentment.


Lol I knew you were gonna put la raza as an example. I don't take la raza serious and they have no power in the government. Yes if antifa and blm were to be dismantled then obviously a new organization would come and appeal the same type of people. Thats why I personally am logical and don't support blm and antifa because they are retards.

de Burgh II
06-18-2020, 09:00 PM
They obviously do, but they are acting retarded by robbing hard-working, honest businesses for the sake of anarchy and opportuntism due to their low iqs and violent predilections that includes other races that are enabling this.

06-18-2020, 09:02 PM
This country is fucked up.Your ancestors should had sent the niggers back to africa.

Many presidents wanted to do just that, you can google it.

de Burgh II
06-18-2020, 09:08 PM
They obviously do, but they are acting retarded by robbing hard-working, honest businesses for the sake of anarchy and opportunitsm due to their low iqs and violent predilections that includes other races that are enabling this.

06-19-2020, 03:19 AM
Lol I knew you were gonna put la raza as an example. I don't take la raza serious and they have no power in the government.

Except the National Council of La Raza was a group formed in the 1960s to send a message to the Democratic party to either pander to latinos or latinos will go their own way. That is pretty much all "La Raza" was. They are not really powerful anymore since all latinos kept voting Democrat anyways

Many Democrat politicians are literal members of La Raza, such as Julian Castro.


06-25-2020, 11:35 AM
Not true. Lots of Hispanics dislike blacks and don't get along with them.

They dislike whites too.

06-25-2020, 11:45 AM
What is exactly the problem of B.A.A. in USA .? The movie "Gone with wind" ?

06-25-2020, 07:12 PM
The BLM it is a language-trap. It implies that reality don´t want them to live. So, it assumes a world-class brutal racism towards blacks as it was certain and clear. Reality says that black on White crime are like 2000% more normal than the reverse (there were like 32.000 black on White rapes in 2006 in the USA and less than 20 White on black rape in the same year, so it is clear that blacks are inmensely more racist than whites). So, since blacks can´t give anything positive to any society the only way they have to "succeed" is to make trouble or use the victim card. Since they are a decisive vote power (they make US presidents win or lose) they are tolerated in their BLM stupidity and no one tells them to stop selling crap ideas when you are the most racist people in the world.

06-25-2020, 08:55 PM
They dislike whites too.

Not true for all Hispanics.

There are lots of white/near white Hispanics, Euro leaning mestizo Hispanics, and even plain mestizo Hispanics in US, who have no problem with white US Americans, have many white American friends (and even couples) and do their best to get adapted into the North American society.

You are associating all, or nearly all of them with an only one profile: that of resentful Hispanics who untrust whites and see them as evil (normally these ones correspond with the least Euro mixed and/or most unfit ones).

You are generalizing them too much.

06-25-2020, 09:08 PM
If Black ives mattered, It would be self-evident :

You don’t have to tell people that sex is great, or that pizza is delicious. It’s self-evident.

Likewise, if Black lives really mattered, you wouldn’t have to say it. Obviously, black lives don't matter.

Sebastianus Rex
06-25-2020, 09:28 PM
America its turning into a joke, feels like the Purge became a 2020 official thing Everytime before we go to sleep my husband and I always secured our house with even have a electric fence.

You chicanos can always go back to Mexico, it would help to improve the USA dramatically, besides republicans would win more elections since you overwhelmingly vote demoncrats and support racist anti-white movements like BLM. What are you complaining about now?

Sebastianus Rex
06-25-2020, 09:40 PM
Not true for all Hispanics.

There are lots of white/near white Hispanics, Euro leaning mestizo Hispanics, and even plain mestizo Hispanics in US, who have no problem with white US Americans, have many white American friends (and even couples) and do their best to get adapted into the North American society.

You are associating all, or nearly all of them with an only one profile: that of resentful Hispanics who untrust whites and see them as evil (normally these ones correspond with the least Euro mixed and/or most unfit ones).

You are generalizing them too much.

You also generalize blacks, call them animals etc. Why the double standard when latinos are also overepresented in the criminal stats and prison population ?

06-25-2020, 10:17 PM
You also generalize blacks, call them animals etc. Why the double standard when latinos are also overepresented in the criminal stats and prison population ?

I have acknowledged that there are some decent, and intelligent blacks.

Regarding Hispanics, they are clearly in between blacks and US whites in all aspects. So, is more unfair to generalize them in a negative way, than generalizing blacks.

06-25-2020, 10:49 PM
Black Lives matter
Criminal Lives - not really.

With all the education, jobs and path to prosperity through hard work, some people just don't deserve to integrate with normal people.


06-25-2020, 10:49 PM
Not true many of us try to assimiliate into the white american culture my husband Is white and I havent taught my children to speak Spanish. doesnt have to be the fact we come from Latin america. Its the huge cultural differences even Spaniards would have a hard time assimilating into the Anglo culture and would probably go with Latin americans.Are you proud of not having taught spanish to your children? Sorry but you are stupid.

06-25-2020, 11:00 PM
Funny how Spanish Language is persecuted by WN in EEUU, do they know it is an European Language or something? Chicanos speaking only English won't make them whiter. Spanish has nothing to do with it.

Sebastianus Rex
06-25-2020, 11:45 PM
I have acknowledged that there are some decent, and intelligent blacks.

Regarding Hispanics, they are clearly in between blacks and US whites in all aspects. So, is more unfair to generalize them in a negative way, than generalizing blacks.

Blacks have remained more or less 10-12% of the US population for decades and they sure didn't ask to be ttaken there, while latinos have been migrating by the tens of millions mostly illegally wich sure hasn't help making the US a better country.

You think you are in a position to point the finger to black americans?

If whites are becoming the minority in the US and all the political shift that will imply is because of latinos not blacks.

06-26-2020, 12:01 AM
Blacks have remained more or less 10-12% of the US population for decades and they sure didn't ask to be ttaken there, while latinos have been migrating by the tens of millions mostly illegally wich sure hasn't help making the US a better country.

You think you are in a position to point the finger to black americans?

If whites are becoming the minority in the US and all the political shift that will imply is because of latinos not blacks.

I point the finger to misfit blacks (not all blacks but a very large percentage of them), stupid lefty misfit whites, selfish, corrupt, and anti national elites, and misfit hispanics (who I know there are many, but not as many among them, proportionally speaking, than among blacks).

And I have already said that Trump is right in wanting to put an end to the unlimited and uncontrolled illegal immigration from Latin American countries.

You haven't read all my posts. I have said many times that the white Anglo majority of this country is in all their right to keep being the majority of this country.

I just disagre in generalizing all Hispanics in a negative way, and putting them in the same bag as blacks.

06-26-2020, 12:53 AM
Not true for all Hispanics.

There are lots of white/near white Hispanics, Euro leaning mestizo Hispanics, and even plain mestizo Hispanics in US, who have no problem with white US Americans, have many white American friends (and even couples) and do their best to get adapted into the North American society.

You are associating all, or nearly all of them with an only one profile: that of resentful Hispanics who untrust whites and see them as evil (normally these ones correspond with the least Euro mixed and/or most unfit ones).

You are generalizing them too much.

The vast majority are hostile Mestizos. I realize why you feel you need to defend them, but white hispanics like you are very rare here, there's no need to make excuses for mestizo troublemakers you have nothing to do with.

06-26-2020, 01:03 AM
The vast majority are hostile Mestizos. I realize why you feel you need to defend them, but white hispanics like you are very rare here, there's no need to make excuses for mestizo troublemakers you have nothing to do with.

Thanks for being open minded to acknowledge that Hispanics like me are not a problem :)

I agree that many many mestizo and other non white Hispanics are very troublemakers and deserve to be deported out of this country with a big kick in their ass. I just say there is also everything among the mestizo ones.

But believe me, I am on your side for the most part.

06-26-2020, 01:07 AM
The vast majority are hostile Mestizos.

This forum is a good example.


^ Translation: Anglos should kiss the asses of native Americans instead of negroes if they really wanted to atone for their past sins.

Cristiano viejo
06-26-2020, 04:06 PM
Black life matters obviously, but the protests are really stupid, and it doesn't help most of the looters are actually black.

Why obviously? I don't give a fuck about blacks. And it is not even a racial topic. I don't give a fuck about let say British, Russians or Swiss.
That people don't affect my life. For me they don't exist, and if they disappear my life would continue the same.

06-26-2020, 04:10 PM
Black lives don't matter to each other why should they matter to anyone else?

06-26-2020, 04:16 PM
Why obviously? I don't give a fuck about blacks. And it is not even a racial topic. I don't give a fuck about let say British, Russians or Swiss.
That people don't affect my life. For me they don't exist, and if they disappear my life would continue the same.

There's difference of caring and matter... I don't give a shit about my enemies IRL also, that doesn't mean they should be treated like a dogs.

Cristiano viejo
06-26-2020, 04:21 PM
Not true many of us try to assimiliate into the white american culture my husband Is white and I havent taught my children to speak Spanish. doesnt have to be the fact we come from Latin america. Its the huge cultural differences even Spaniards would have a hard time assimilating into the Anglo culture and would probably go with Latin americans.
Spaniards in USA integrate ultra quickly, same than every European ethnicity. Do you know why? Because unlike you we are civilized people.

Funny how Spanish Language is persecuted by WN in EEUU, do they know it is an European Language or something? Chicanos speaking only English won't make them whiter. Spanish has nothing to do with it.

Americans that hate Spanish language would be very happy if these Chicanos and rest of Indians speak English, their language. Maybe they think that would civilize them and magically Chicanos would not involve in drugs and crimes...
It is so stupid that hurts.

Cristiano viejo
06-26-2020, 04:25 PM
There's difference of caring and matter... I don't give a shit about my enemies IRL also, that doesn't mean they should be treated like a dogs.

My life, the your, and the life of any European would be the same if suddenly blacks of USA ceased to exist.
White American lifes would be better, that is sure.

With this I mean, black lives matter? Not to me. I am pretty sure I will never know a black, let alone an American black. For me thy exist because I see them in tv and media, nothing else. Their complete disappearance would not affect the course of my life at all.

06-26-2020, 04:52 PM
This forum is a good example.


^ Translation: Anglos should kiss the asses of native Americans instead of negroes if they really wanted to atone for their past sins.

The only proof you showed is that you need to upgrade your reading comprehension skills. That statement is a joke alluding to how catastrophically blacks are being pampered. The premise of the joke is since
blacks are being pampered might as well pamper the Native Americans. For your information by "anglos" we were referring to this type of people( more like cucks).


Nice try though you spun the narrative, and this is why context matters.

06-26-2020, 04:54 PM
My life, the your, and the life of any European would be the same if suddenly blacks of USA ceased to exist.
White American lifes would be better, that is sure.

With this I mean, black lives matter? Not to me. I am pretty sure I will never know a black, let alone an American black. For me thy exist because I see them in tv and media, nothing else. Their complete disappearance would not affect the course of my life at all.

So let's say in Africa you have a white kid and african kid, they are both starving to death and both need treatment. Would you give food to both or not?

Again caring and giving the person same conditions for life is difference. I don't care for Scandinavians or Africans either, that doesn't mean their life is useless and they are subhumans.

06-27-2020, 07:51 AM
Not to long ago It happened In Atlanta Georgia, where there was a fight in the middle of Walmart where a black cop is bludgeoning a Mexican man in the floor and someone was yelling for help & a black person said eh. “Sorry, Black Lives Matter”......

Yeah, that just happened.....How do you expect anyone to take this protest serious?

Yes, the protest is taken seriously. White people in the United States kneel and crawl in front of black)).
And in England they fire for statements: White Lives Matter. For the authorities of England, apparently, the lives of the white British are no longer important. They only need blacks in England))?

06-27-2020, 07:55 AM
Black lives don't matter to each other why should they matter to anyone else?

Indeed, it is. And blacks in the United States are trying to impose guilt on the white population. If they live so badly in the USA, let them go to their historical homeland - to Africa)). Nobody holds them in the United States after all forcibly))?
And so they arrange banditry and riots under the pretext of allegedly racism.

06-27-2020, 08:00 AM
My life, the your, and the life of any European would be the same if suddenly blacks of USA ceased to exist.
White American lifes would be better, that is sure.

With this I mean, black lives matter? Not to me. I am pretty sure I will never know a black, let alone an American black. For me thy exist because I see them in tv and media, nothing else. Their complete disappearance would not affect the course of my life at all.
I think the disappearance of blacks will affect your life. For example, there will be less banditry, murder and all other things)).
In Europe, there are also many migrants from Africa or Asia.
This is a fact that often poor migrants are the cause of crime, whose culture is alien to that of Europeans, and this has nothing to do with racism.

06-27-2020, 08:12 AM
The BLM it is a language-trap. It implies that reality don´t want them to live. So, it assumes a world-class brutal racism towards blacks as it was certain and clear. Reality says that black on White crime are like 2000% more normal than the reverse (there were like 32.000 black on White rapes in 2006 in the USA and less than 20 White on black rape in the same year, so it is clear that blacks are inmensely more racist than whites). So, since blacks can´t give anything positive to any society the only way they have to "succeed" is to make trouble or use the victim card. Since they are a decisive vote power (they make US presidents win or lose) they are tolerated in their BLM stupidity and no one tells them to stop selling crap ideas when you are the most racist people in the world.

Yes, it is. Black supremacists in the United States are trying to impose their will on the white population.
Give the will to the black supremacists, they will begin to carve out the white population. And if you touch them a little, they will scream about racism))

The Lawspeaker
06-27-2020, 08:17 AM
Increasingly black lives matter as much to me any life (white, black or anything else) matters to them.

06-27-2020, 08:22 AM
Black Lives matter
Criminal Lives - not really.

With all the education, jobs and path to prosperity through hard work, some people just don't deserve to integrate with normal people.


Black Lives Matter.
White Lives Matter.
All Lives Matter.

In general, the life of any person (if he is not a criminal) matters.

Why do black people stand out in these protests? It's like black racism. On the pretext of killing a black man alone, they commit banditry and murder throughout the country. In my opinion, such actions are not justified.
Only a particular policeman and nothing else should be punished.

Cristiano viejo
06-27-2020, 01:58 PM
So let's say in Africa you have a white kid and african kid, they are both starving to death and both need treatment. Would you give food to both or not?

The only way that could happen would be via some ngo, and I hate NGOs. So it would be impossible for me helping them, because I will never go to Africa in my fuckin life. But let play your Game: i would help the white boy, of course.

This being said, i insist, That is not going to happen At all, since i worry only for spaniards. I do have helped spaniards, and i will Continue to do it in the future all what I can.

06-30-2020, 12:59 AM
Yes, but actually all lives matter. Antifa are using a murder to justify destruction of public and private property and attacks against the police. Anarchy is very dangerous for any country. Minorities (racial, sexual) mustn't be considered as victims.

06-30-2020, 02:14 AM
Worm lives matter. So do black lives for what I care...

06-30-2020, 02:51 AM
The BLM strategy, and that of their supporters/handlers, is very Jewish from top to bottom. Loudly protesting victimhood while they simultaeneously loot, riot, assault, murder. Remember the old Polish saying 'The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you'.