View Full Version : @GaneshDSouza They would not pass/blend in the Philippines right?

06-21-2020, 12:00 AM
These are Amerindians and Indomestizos. I don't think any of them would pass as Pinoy and thus would stand out ; their features are too sharp, distinct and robust. I think Filipinos would be able to tell immediately that they are foreigners.

What do you think?




https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXoGJ2HA5ncQd3EN8sdqXEPK1J1BjYu CbsMduvrvOX4qpq8fEW&s






5. He is very tall and lanky body shape and very dark almost black skin.




https://www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/kulturjournal/friedenspreis-des-deutschen-films-2013-fuer-das-maedchen-wadjda-100~_v-img__16__9__m_-4423061158a17f4152aef84861ed0243214ae6e7.jpg?versi on=9896a


06-21-2020, 12:16 AM

06-21-2020, 12:59 AM
The closest group to the Philipinas are the costa ricans.

06-21-2020, 02:29 AM
If there's one Latina that I thought could pass as Filipino or part Filipino, it has to be Gina Rodriguez. Years ago people use to think she was and sites even use to claim she was. But she clarified and said she's actually Puerto Rican. I believe she's tri-racial, with the Native ancestry being more prominent. Other than that, I can usually tell a Filipino from a Latin American mestizo.

06-21-2020, 02:54 AM
The closest group to the Philipinas are the costa ricans.


None of them can pass in Philipinas right?

06-21-2020, 03:10 AM
If there's one Latina that I thought could pass as Filipino or part Filipino, it has to be Gina Rodriguez. Years ago people use to think she was and sites even use to claim she was. But she clarified and said she's actually Puerto Rican. I believe she's tri-racial, with the Native ancestry being more prominent. Other than that, I can usually tell a Filipino from a Latin American mestizo.

She is pretty Asiatic leaning for a Puerto Rican. Would be fascinating to see her DNA results.

Why can't a lot of other people tell apart a Philipino from a Latino then? Is it because they only focused on the brown skin, super straight hair, round almond eyes but ignore other facial features?

06-21-2020, 03:11 AM
If there's one Latina that I thought could pass as Filipino or part Filipino, it has to be Gina Rodriguez. Years ago people use to think she was and sites even use to claim she was. But she clarified and said she's actually Puerto Rican. I believe she's tri-racial, with the Native ancestry being more prominent. Other than that, I can usually tell a Filipino from a Latin American mestizo.

She is pretty Asiatic leaning for a Puerto Rican. Would be fascinating to see her DNA results.

Why can't a lot of other people tell apart a Philipino from a Latino then? Is it because they only focused on the brown skin, super straight hair, round almond eyes but ignore other facial features?

06-21-2020, 03:18 AM
Yeah Most wouldn't, only one or two exceptions.

06-21-2020, 03:26 AM
Yeah Most wouldn't, only one or two exceptions.

Which individual(s) do you think is/are the exceptions?

06-21-2020, 03:30 AM
Which individual(s) do you think is/are the exceptions?

The first girl maybe, even though she still looks Distinctively Native American. A good pic was what the user Skye gave, Gina Rodriguez I feel could pass imo.

06-21-2020, 03:44 AM
The first girl maybe, even though she still looks Distinctively Native American. A good pic was what the user Skye gave, Gina Rodriguez I feel could pass imo.

Oh you mean Wendy Sulca.

Yup Gina actually looks pretty Asiatic for a Puerto Rican. She is probably Native leaning triracial.

06-21-2020, 05:39 AM
Yeah Most wouldn't, only one or two exceptions.

I think Andids are one of the most distinguished and unique Amerindian types (not counting Pueblids and Fuegians/Patagonids who literally look Siberian/Northern Asian) and would have the hardest time passing as Philipina/SE Asian. When Andids pass in Asia, I notice they would mostly pass in Tibet, Central Asia or even parts of Siberia.

For instance, if you watch this video from 4:00 minutes onward, you will notice some little Quechua girls (daughters of the Quechua nomad) look sort of Caucasoid-ish or Tibetan-ish while the guy's wife and mother gives Siberian vibes.


06-21-2020, 08:20 AM
Yeah Most wouldn't, only one or two exceptions.

I also feel that Margids despite having dark skin would not pass as Philipina/SE Asian as they can be much darker (almost SSA level of hue), much sharper, angular facial features, much taller and lanky body shape.

For example these Tarahumaras cannot pass as Filipino imo despite dark skin and straight hair.


06-21-2020, 09:35 AM
1.- Yes. He would look atypical, but Filipinos would think he's Filipino with a weird face.


2.- He would get a mixed reaction. Some people would think he's Filipino with a long nose (they exist randomly throughout society, especially males), while others would think he's foreign.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXoGJ2HA5ncQd3EN8sdqXEPK1J1BjYu CbsMduvrvOX4qpq8fEW&s


3.- Yes. Easily


4. Yes. This type isn't common, but you can see men like this in the poor areas.


5. Yes. He would pass as a poor or indigenous Filipino



6. Not as a full Filipina. People would assume she's half Filipino half foreign.
https://www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/kulturjournal/friedenspreis-des-deutschen-films-2013-fuer-das-maedchen-wadjda-100~_v-img__16__9__m_-4423061158a17f4152aef84861ed0243214ae6e7.jpg?versi on=9896a


06-21-2020, 09:39 AM
1.- Yes. He would look atypical, but Filipinos would think he's Filipino with a weird face.


2.- He would get a mixed reaction. Some people would think he's Filipino with a long nose (they exist randomly throughout society, especially males), while others would think he's foreign.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXoGJ2HA5ncQd3EN8sdqXEPK1J1BjYu CbsMduvrvOX4qpq8fEW&s


3.- Yes. Easily


4. Yes. This type isn't common, but you can see men like this in the poor areas.


5. Yes. He would pass as a poor or indigenous Filipino



6. Not as a full Filipina. People would assume she's half Filipino half foreign.
https://www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/kulturjournal/friedenspreis-des-deutschen-films-2013-fuer-das-maedchen-wadjda-100~_v-img__16__9__m_-4423061158a17f4152aef84861ed0243214ae6e7.jpg?versi on=9896a


Are you trolling or actually being serious dude?

According to your answer, Filipinos must lack good eyesight and be really suck at telling apart foreigners from their own kind lol.

They are Amerindians and Indomestizos. I thought you once mentioned that they look very different from Filpinos and would not pass most of the time.

06-21-2020, 09:43 AM
Are you trolling or serious dude?

They are Amerindians and Indomestizos. I thought you mentioned that they look very different from Filpinos and would not pass.

Why would you start a whole thread and ask me if you’re going to respond like that when I respond?

They do look different from Filipinos, but many would still pass. If you have brown skin and black hair and are generally part of the Mongoloid race, it's not that hard to pass.

Have you been to the Philippines? Ask Latinos who have been to the Philippines.

This guy is Mexican living in the Philippines and he often says people mistake him as Filipino


This woman is also Mexican living in the Philippines. She also says people mistake her as Filipino. The daughter is half Japanese, thats why she looks Asian. But the mother is full Mexican


He's Mexican-American (but full Mexican-descent) living in the Philippines. Says he's mistaken as Filipino


The woman is Nicaraguan, looks triracial. She said that people talked to her in Tagalog all the time when she was in the Philippines


06-21-2020, 10:02 AM
Why would you start a whole thread and ask me if you’re going to respond like that when I respond?

They do look different from Filipinos, but many would still pass. If you have brown skin and black hair and are generally part of the Mongoloid race, it's not that hard to pass.

Have you been to the Philippines? Ask Latinos who have been to the Philippines.

This guy is Mexican living in the Philippines and he often says people mistake him as Filipino


This woman is also Mexican living in the Philippines. She also says people mistake her as Filipino. The daughter is half Japanese, thats why she looks Asian. But the mother is full Mexican


He's Mexican-American (but full Mexican-descent) living in the Philippines. Says he's mistaken as Filipino


The woman is Nicaraguan, looks triracial. She said that people talked to her in Tagalog all the time when she was in the Philippines


Well, I thought you were be more objective in determining whether who pass in Philippines or not.

So I was really astonished and shocked when they can pass that easily and leniently.

True regarding having brown skin, black hair and being Mongoloid, but they still have much sharper and robust faces than most Filipinos. Btw number #5 is very tall (183 cm) and has a lanky body shape. Also his skin is almost black. I don't think Pinoys on average are that tall and lanky and that dark pigmented?

If you are being serious, most Filipinos must lack good eyesight and really suck at telling apart foreigners from their own kind lol.

I never been to Philippines but I am from Thailand and have two Filipino friends. So I am very familiar with SE Asian phenotypes. And Thais and Pinoys overlap very much and can easily pass for another most of the time. Those individuals(except maybe the first girl) I posted cannot pass/blend in Thailand at all and would stand out from the local crowd, so I have a very hard time believing it would be a different case for the Philippines.

06-21-2020, 10:06 AM
Well, I thought you were be more objective in determining whether who pass in Philippines or not.

So I was really astonished and shocked when they can pass that easily and leniently.

True regarding having brown skin, black hair and being Mongoloid, but they still have much sharper and robust faces than most Filipinos. Btw number #5 is very tall (183 cm) and has a lanky body shape. Also his skin is almost black. I don't think Pinoys on average are that tall and lanky and that dark pigmented?

If you are being serious, most Filipinos must lack good eyesight and really suck at telling apart foreigners from their own kind lol.

I never been to Philippines but I am from Thailand and have two Filipino friends. And Thais and Pinoys overlap very much and can easily pass for another most of the time. Those individuals I posted cannot pass/blend in Thailand at all, so I have a very hard time believing it would be a different case for the Philippines.

You're annoying. Go back and read what I wrote. Of the six, only 1 of them I said would pass easily. All the others would look atypical or specific to a certain type. And go ask Latinos living in the Philippines how often people speak to them in Tagalog. Filipinos speak to foreigners in ENGLISH because it's one of the official languages. So if Filipinos speak to you in Tagalog, that means you pass as Filipino. You might be very atypical, but you still pass enough as Filipino

06-21-2020, 10:22 AM
The reason why many brown-skinned Latinos can pass is because there's a segment of the population that looks similar enough to Latinos by coincidence. The coincidence is Proto-Mongoloid (Taiwanese Aborigines)+Australoid makes some Filipinos look similar to triracial Latinos. You see them more in the poor areas than in the wealthy areas.

My cousin's school in Manila. It's technically a Catholic school, but it's in a very rough area, so these are just regular middle-class Filipinos. No one has a foreign surname. There's a mix of very Southeast Asian-looking people, some Latino-looking, and some East Asian-looking.

I would turn off the sound completely. There's weird music


I only watched half the video. But I think the ones who could pass as Latino (mostly triracial types and some mestizo types) are:

:27- maybe?
1:08- as indigenous mixed with black
1:12- maybe?
2:19- maybe
2:40- maybe
2:42- as indigenous mixed with black
2:50- maybe?
2:53- as indigenous
2:56- maybe as a triracial, i'm not sure
3:18- maybe
4:14- maybe as an indigenous type. Not sure

So the majority of students look regular Asian, but a pretty big chunk could pass as Latino.

I don't expect you to actually watch the video, but until you actually go to the Philippines and to regular neighborhoods, you'll really never know what Filipinos actually look like.

06-21-2020, 10:49 AM
You're annoying. Go back and read what I wrote. Of the six, only 1 of them I said would pass easily. All the others would look atypical or specific to a certain type. And go ask Latinos living in the Philippines how often people speak to them in Tagalog. Filipinos speak to foreigners in ENGLISH because it's one of the official languages. So if Filipinos speak to you in Tagalog, that means you pass as Filipino. You might be very atypical, but you still pass enough as Filipino

Sure. But atypical or specific to a certain type still implies being able to pass to a limited degree? Like how many percent of Pinoys would even resemble them?

If thats the case, Filipinos also won't be able to tell many South Asians, Pacific Islanders, Central Asians or even deeply tanned Northeast Asians from their own kind lol.

Then the idea of passing as Filipino means as much as passing as a Brazilian or American lmao.

Fine I can go ask some Latinos...

06-21-2020, 10:59 AM
Sure. But atypical or specific to a certain type still implies being able to pass to a limited degree? Like how many percent of Pinoys would even resemble them?

If thats the case, Filipinos also won't be able to tell many South Asians, Pacific Islanders, Central Asians or even deeply tanned Northeast Asians from their own kind lol.

Then the idea of passing as Filipino means as much as passing as a Brazilian or American lmao.

Fine I can go ask some Latinos...

Most South Asians dont pass. They're not Mongoloids
Most Polynesians and Micronesians can pass as long as they're not heavily mixed with Melanesian or white
Many Central Asians do pass as long as they dont look too East Asian or too white.

As I said, you'd have to be brown and generally/mostly Mongoloid to pass

Why would you ask Latinos about if these people can pass in the Philippines? How would they know? I said ask Latinos who have been living in the Philippines. The people in the videos I posted lived in the Philippines and they themselves say that Filipinos mistake them for Filipino

06-21-2020, 11:11 AM
Most South Asians dont pass. They're not Mongoloids
Most Polynesians and Micronesians can pass as long as they're not heavily mixed with Melanesian or white
Many Central Asians do pass as long as they dont look too East Asian or too white.

As I said, you'd have to be brown and generally/mostly Mongoloid to pass

Why would you ask Latinos about if these people can pass in the Philippines? How would they know? I said ask Latinos who have been living in the Philippines. The people in the videos I posted lived in the Philippines and they themselves say that Filipinos mistake them for Filipino

Alright man, can most Amerindians and Indomestizos pass or not? Whats the percentage?

Sure dude. Amerindians and Indomestizos have shitloads of ancient Caucasoid (ANE/Paleolithic European-related) ancestry at 30-40% and recent Euro admix though. But it doesn't matter anyway as it doesn't affect their phenos that much and I don't expect you to know about population genetics.

Ok. I don't know any Latinos who have lived in Philippines. Where can I find them? But also stop playing with semantics lmao.

You know what? I think I will also ask other Pinoys including my two friends whether these individuals I posted would still pass or not even as atypical.

Lets see whether their answers will be different from yours.

06-21-2020, 01:12 PM
#1 Looks unmistakably Andean. Does not pass

#2 Looks Mestizo. Does not pass

#3 The only one who could pass as convincingly Filipina in those photos at least, but she's wearing so much makeup that it's probably hiding her features. It's hard to place women because the copious amounts of makeup they wear can make them look more ambiguous

#4 Looks Mestizo, does not pass

#5 Looks unmistakably indigenous, the nose is a dead giveaway. Does not pass

#6 Very standard Mestiza, does not pass

06-21-2020, 01:43 PM
#1 Looks unmistakably Andean. Does not pass

#2 Looks Mestizo. Does not pass

#3 The only one who could pass as convincingly Filipina in those photos at least, but she's wearing so much makeup that it's probably hiding her features. It's hard to place women because the copious amounts of makeup they wear can make them look more ambiguous

#4 Looks Mestizo, does not pass

#5 Looks unmistakably indigenous, the nose is a dead giveaway. Does not pass

#6 Very standard Mestiza, does not pass

Finally a sensible and objective answer.

I forgot to mention the guy on #5 is also very tall (around 183 cm) with very lanky body type. He is also very dark pigmented like almost reaching SSA levels. I think his pheno plus lengthy height and body type are literally alien among Pinoys. Such combinations would make him look like an exotic animal among the Filipino crowds and thus easily rendered as a foreigner.

06-21-2020, 05:04 PM
I don't know why but Latinos look more Middle Eastern or South Asian than East Asian to me.

06-21-2020, 07:33 PM
Maybe just the number #3 could pass I guess (The #6 probably too,but more atypical than #3 Imo)

06-21-2020, 07:39 PM
the girl (nr.3) in OP could pass as a filipino imo

06-22-2020, 02:59 AM
the girl (nr.3) in OP could pass as a filipino imo

The rest cannot? I thought her nose is uncommon in SE Asia. For some reason I think she could not pass as local in Thailand or Indonesia.

06-22-2020, 03:31 AM
The rest cannot? I thought her nose is uncommon in SE Asia. For some reason I think she could not pass as local in Thailand or Indonesia.

the rest look quite caucasoid shifted facial structure/features wise. Only that woman looks asiatic featured. And idk many filipinos have sharp noses tbh. i think its a random stereotype imo that SE asians have slat stubby noses. many are like that, but there are plenty that have sharp noses as well. especially with philippines who tend to have diverse features.

06-22-2020, 03:08 PM
the rest look quite caucasoid shifted facial structure/features wise. Only that woman looks asiatic featured. And idk many filipinos have sharp noses tbh. i think its a random stereotype imo that SE asians have slat stubby noses. many are like that, but there are plenty that have sharp noses as well. especially with philippines who tend to have diverse features.

I see. Can you pinpoint the Caucasoid shifted traits in their facial features/structures?

You could be right. She maybe able to pass in SE Asia, but I will have to admit that living here more than half of my life, I never seen a Thai, indonesian, cambodian, filipino, etc. who resemble her facial feature wise haha.

Also there seems to be a stereotype that dark tanned skin makes Natives being able to pass easier as SE Asians which is not true as a lot of the latter can have very light skin while many Amerindians despite having dark skin, still won't be able to pass as SE Asians, because their facial features and overall body morphologies are very different and easily distinguished from one another.

The problem is a lot of people emphasized only on skin color, super black straight hair and almond eyes but totally ignore/overlook everything else.

For example, these Tarahumaras from Northern Mexico would not pass/stand out in SE Asia including Philippines imo, despite having dark brownish skin because their phenotypes are pretty unique and have very lanky taller physical morphology.



06-22-2020, 04:47 PM
Are you trolling or actually being serious dude?

According to your answer, Filipinos must lack good eyesight and be really suck at telling apart foreigners from their own kind lol.

They are Amerindians and Indomestizos. I thought you once mentioned that they look very different from Filpinos and would not pass most of the time.

This guy also said most would think I was a foreigner in the Filipoons

06-22-2020, 04:54 PM
This guy also said most would think I was a foreigner in the Filipoons

You asked him before? Lol his only criteria passing in the Philippines is being brown skin and Mongoloid which is stupid.

You can pass atypically in parts of SE Asia. Have you ask other Philipinos? Do they disagree with him?

06-22-2020, 06:37 PM
You asked him before? Lol his only criteria passing in the Philippines is being brown skin and Mongoloid which is stupid.

You can pass atypically in parts of SE Asia. Have you ask other Philipinos? Do they disagree with him?

Yes. I don't disagree with him saying I cant pass there(or according to him most would know what I was), its just that he then turns around and says some of those people in the pics you listed as well as some white looking people can pass in Pinoland.

No I haven't asked any other philipinos. dont know any irl

06-22-2020, 06:41 PM
Yes. I don't disagree with him saying I cant pass there(or according to him most would know what I was), its just that he then turns around and says some of those people in the pics you listed as well as some white looking people can pass in Pinoland.

No I haven't asked any other philipinos. dont know any irl

Yep its logical fallacy from him lol.

His initial post to me shows cognitive dissonance.

Actually thinking again ppl here might also think you are foreigner although there are many locals who look South Asian mixed in Thailand.

06-22-2020, 06:48 PM
Yep its logical fallacy from him lol.

His initial post to me shows cognitive dissonance.

Actually thinking again ppl here might also think you are foreigner although there are a lot of locals who look very South Asian mixed in Thailand.

I don't really mind either way. It is extremely difficult for an Asian with origins in one region of Asia to pass in another part of Asia.

06-22-2020, 06:51 PM
I don't really mind either way. It is extremely difficult for an Asian with origins in one region of Asia to pass in another part of Asia.

I want to see would other Pinos answer differently from him or not.

But yep his posts aren't that logical.

06-22-2020, 06:53 PM
I don't really mind either way. It is extremely difficult for an Asian with origins in one region of Asia to pass in another part of Asia.

Anyway you also think none of them would pass?

06-22-2020, 06:54 PM
I don't really mind either way. It is extremely difficult for an Asian with origins in one region of Asia to pass in another part of Asia.

Anyway you also think none of them would pass?

06-22-2020, 06:55 PM
Anyway you also think none of them would pass?

I think 2 and 3 might. Not sure about the rest

06-23-2020, 03:14 AM
These are Amerindians and Indomestizos. I don't think any of them would pass as Pinoy and thus would stand out ; their features are too sharp, distinct and robust. I think Filipinos would be able to tell immediately that they are foreigners.

What do you think?




https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXoGJ2HA5ncQd3EN8sdqXEPK1J1BjYu CbsMduvrvOX4qpq8fEW&s






5. He is very tall and lanky body shape and very dark almost black skin.




https://www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/kulturjournal/friedenspreis-des-deutschen-films-2013-fuer-das-maedchen-wadjda-100~_v-img__16__9__m_-4423061158a17f4152aef84861ed0243214ae6e7.jpg?versi on=9896a


I just think 3 is the closest to look like a SEA, but even I can see she has Native American features, maybe Wendy has Chinese admixture like a lot of Peruvians, that’s why she looks like that. Contrary of what many think, the facial features of a Native American with a native SEA are different, and it’s easy for me to tell. Native Americans were a mix of antique ANE and Siberians. This is why they are different, thousands of years of drifting create different features due to the environment.
The other examples are clearly indo mestizos, but not Malay euro mestizo, but Native American euro mestizo.
People of Latino countries resemble more among other Latino countries just by logic, we are a mix of the same people just in different percentages.

06-23-2020, 10:28 AM
Pure Native American types probably have a harder time passing because of the distinct nose. But when they're mixed with other things, they can pass a bit easier. Just asking Latinos actually living in the Philippines

Regular mestiza Mexican lady who lived in the Philippines for several years. You can see her face at :20. She looks like a balanced mestiza to me. She has said multiple times that Filipinos mistake her as Filipino. At around 4:33, her Filipina friend is saying that many Filipinos thought she was Filipina, and the Filipino man also says it.


This Mexican guy lives in the Philippines. He looks Indo-Mestizo but he doesn't have the long Native American nose, so it's easy for him to look like a typical Filipino. I think he looks more Filipino than Mexican.

He also says that he's mistaken for Filipino all the time. In one of the comments of this video he says "En general son muy amables con los extranjeros, casi siempre me confunden con filipino. Jajajaa" (In general they are very kind to foreigners, they almost always confuse me with Filipino. Hahaha)

And both these people live in areas with a lot of foreign businessmen and even whole foreign families. The woman lives in Makati (the main financial hub of the Philippines) and the man lives in Ortigas (another major financial hub). If you walk around these places, you'll see a lot of foreigners from all over the world living there. So if someone speaks to you in Tagalog instead of English, you definitely pass as Filipino. Because Filipinos in these areas are used to seeing foreigners all the time.

06-23-2020, 02:40 PM
Pure Native American types probably have a harder time passing because of the distinct nose. But when they're mixed with other things, they can pass a bit easier. Just asking Latinos actually living in the Philippines

Regular mestiza Mexican lady who lived in the Philippines for several years. You can see her face at :20. She looks like a balanced mestiza to me. She has said multiple times that Filipinos mistake her as Filipino. At around 4:33, her Filipina friend is saying that many Filipinos thought she was Filipina, and the Filipino man also says it.


This Mexican guy lives in the Philippines. He looks Indo-Mestizo but he doesn't have the long Native American nose, so it's easy for him to look like a typical Filipino. I think he looks more Filipino than Mexican.

He also says that he's mistaken for Filipino all the time. In one of the comments of this video he says "En general son muy amables con los extranjeros, casi siempre me confunden con filipino. Jajajaa" (In general they are very kind to foreigners, they almost always confuse me with Filipino. Hahaha)

And both these people live in areas with a lot of foreign businessmen and even whole foreign families. The woman lives in Makati (the main financial hub of the Philippines) and the man lives in Ortigas (another major financial hub). If you walk around these places, you'll see a lot of foreigners from all over the world living there. So if someone speaks to you in Tagalog instead of English, you definitely pass as Filipino. Because Filipinos in these areas are used to seeing foreigners all the time.

I don’t think that logic is true and applies at all, Filipinos look like Indonesians, Malaysians and people of other SEA countries, just by geographic logic, in fact I believe Indonesia is the more mixed country in SEA, specially mixed with south Asians.
The girl clearly looks indo mestiza, she doesn’t look like a Filipino (well like the vast majority, that casually believe they have a grandparent that is spanish, which is not true in the majority of the cases), well maybe she looks like the few mestizos in your country that score at least 10% of euro, maybe that’s why. The guy looks clearly indo mestizo, if he gets confused as filo is because sometimes people believe all tan skinned people with black hair is the same, but his features are clearly native. Also, it’s true that one of the better lands for foreigners is the Philippines, because I have heard that they treat better foreigners than they own people, they like foreigner’s stuff (specially if it’s to white people), so it’s kind of a good idea to say they look like Filipinos, it can create more views and more acceptance, also a lot of filos want to learn Spanish and see this language as superior in comparison to their native language.

06-23-2020, 02:51 PM
I don’t think that logic is true and applies at all, Filipinos look like Indonesians, Malaysians and people of other SEA countries, just by geographic logic, in fact I believe Indonesia is the more mixed country in SEA.
The girl clearly looks indo mestiza, she doesn’t look like a Filipino (well like the vast majority, that casually believe they have a grandparent that is spanish, which is not true in the majority of the cases), well maybe she looks like the few mestizos in your country, maybe that’s why. The guy looks clearly indo mestizo, if he gets confused as filo is because sometimes people believe all tan skinned people with black hair is the same, but his features are clearly native. Also, it’s true that one of the better lands for foreigners is the Philippines, because I have heard that they treat better foreigners than they own people, they like foreigner’s stuff (specially if it’s to white people), so it’s kind of a good idea to say they look like Filipinos, it can create more views and more acceptance, also a lot of filos want to learn Spanish and see this language as superior in comparison to their native language.

You know absolutely nothing about the Philippines. I only speak for the Philippines because that's where I've been. I'm sure they can also pass in other Southeast Asian countries, but I'm not from those countries.

The woman is mestizo but she can definitely pass as Filipino. She says it herself and Filipinos say it too. Passing does not mean the same as looking like a typical member of that group. Passing just means you go unnoticed because your features don't stand out. Filipinos always talk to foreigners in English because most Filipinos know English. So if a Filipino talks to you in Tagalog, that means you pass as Filipino. The man looks more Filipino than Mexico. If he had a typical long Native American nose, maybe he wouldn't pass. But since his nose is very average in size, he passes easily as Filipino. Also, there are maybe 5 schools in the entire country that teach Spanish. There is NO INTEREST in learning Spanish. You'll find many more Filipinos learning English, Korean, Japanese, even Chinese than Spanish. Your theories don't work because you don't know anything about the Philippines.

06-23-2020, 02:57 PM
You know absolutely nothing about the Philippines. I only speak for the Philippines because that's where I've been. I'm sure they can also pass in other Southeast Asian countries, but I'm not from those countries.

The woman is mestizo but she can definitely pass as Filipino. She says it herself and Filipinos say it too. Passing does not mean the same as looking like a typical member of that group. Passing just means you go unnoticed because your features don't stand out. Filipinos always talk to foreigners in English because most Filipinos know English. So if a Filipino talks to you in Tagalog, that means you pass as Filipino. The man looks more Filipino than Mexico. If he had a typical long Native American nose, maybe he wouldn't pass. But since his nose is very average in size, he passes easily as Filipino. Also, there are maybe 5 schools in the entire country that teach Spanish. There is NO INTEREST in learning Spanish. You'll find many more Filipinos learning English, Korean, Japanese, even Chinese than Spanish. Your theories don't work because you don't know anything about the Philippines.

Haha troll. Are you actually a Pinoy or just a Pino-American tourist who only comes to visit his family but never lives there?

06-23-2020, 03:14 PM
You know absolutely nothing about the Philippines. I only speak for the Philippines because that's where I've been. I'm sure they can also pass in other Southeast Asian countries, but I'm not from those countries.

The woman is mestizo but she can definitely pass as Filipino. She says it herself and Filipinos say it too. Passing does not mean the same as looking like a typical member of that group. Passing just means you go unnoticed because your features don't stand out. Filipinos always talk to foreigners in English because most Filipinos know English. So if a Filipino talks to you in Tagalog, that means you pass as Filipino. The man looks more Filipino than Mexico. If he had a typical long Native American nose, maybe he wouldn't pass. But since his nose is very average in size, he passes easily as Filipino. Also, there are maybe 5 schools in the entire country that teach Spanish. There is NO INTEREST in learning Spanish. You'll find many more Filipinos learning English, Korean, Japanese, even Chinese than Spanish. Your theories don't work because you don't know anything about the Philippines.

Well I know a bit of your country, and you are saying that triracial Latinos are the best option to pass as Filipinos of all the Latino micro identities, that was interesting.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTHcbz2t3ryOk4841heu22mjpzLmPj jj-4pfg&usqp=CAU

Don’t get mad, I think sometimes you are reaching in some of your approaches specially with some group of people. I can disagree. The girl is indo mestiza with a robust face like many amerindians, she can pass maybe, but not as tipycal as you believe, also passing as something is always in the eyes of the beholder.
Many people of different countries know how to speak English is the most used language, and the global language. I wasn’t saying that filos only want to learn Spanish, when did I say that, it seems you got mad with something you only constructed in your head [emoji23], take a breath man.

06-23-2020, 03:19 PM
I don’t think that logic is true and applies at all, Filipinos look like Indonesians, Malaysians and people of other SEA countries, just by geographic logic, in fact I believe Indonesia is the more mixed country in SEA, specially mixed with south Asians.
The girl clearly looks indo mestiza, she doesn’t look like a Filipino (well like the vast majority, that casually believe they have a grandparent that is spanish, which is not true in the majority of the cases), well maybe she looks like the few mestizos in your country that score at least 10% of euro, maybe that’s why. The guy looks clearly indo mestizo, if he gets confused as filo is because sometimes people believe all tan skinned people with black hair is the same, but his features are clearly native. Also, it’s true that one of the better lands for foreigners is the Philippines, because I have heard that they treat better foreigners than they own people, they like foreigner’s stuff (specially if it’s to white people), so it’s kind of a good idea to say they look like Filipinos, it can create more views and more acceptance, also a lot of filos want to learn Spanish and see this language as superior in comparison to their native language.

She's not what Filipinos would call "mestiza" We would call her "morena" We use Spanish terms differently

These Filipinas are what we would call "mestiza" even though their DNA isn't even close to being in the mestizo range




^Those are really just exceptions. Normally you'd have to be at least 25% European to look mestizo.

These are true Spanish-Filipino mestizos look like this. Even the white ones we call mestizos


And these two have very little European DNA, but Latinos on the 23andme subreddit were saying they look Latina



06-23-2020, 03:27 PM
She's not what Filipinos would call "mestiza" We would call her "morena" We use Spanish terms differently

These Filipinas are what we would call "mestiza" even though their DNA isn't even close to being in the mestizo range




^Those are really just exceptions. Normally you'd have to be at least 25% European to look mestizo. True Spanish-Filipino mestizos look like this. Even the white ones we call mestizos


And these two have very little European DNA, but Latinos on the 23andme subreddit were saying they look Latina



I know this cases (you sure have made it clear with how many times you have listed this), the interesting thing is if the girls also have other photos. Also, I sometimes get confused what people consider mestizas or what is not a mestiza.


Also, people also in LATAM call mestizos even euro looking, so nothing different.

06-23-2020, 03:35 PM
I know this cases (you sure have made it clear with how many times you have listed this), the interesting thing is if the girls also have other photos. Also, I sometimes get confused what people consider mestizas or what is not a mestiza.


The people who made the video are dumb. The girl is not a mestiza. Even many people were commenting about it

"I thought the term "mestiza" meant as someone who was a mixed race and not simply someone who is light skinned?"

"Ang mestiza ay half Spanish half Filipino(basically Basta mukha kang espnayol). It’s not just u have a whiter skin tone your a “mestiza”."

"Wouldn’t a Mestiza be someone like Marion Rivera? I’m not seeing a “Mestiza” here."

So she's not a good representation of mestiza. Some Filipinos also use mestiza to describe Chinese-mixed Filipinos, because the Spanish called them "mestiza to Sangley" but that usage has gone away, and we mostly call them "chinitas"

In the Philippines, you have to look partially European to be considered mestizo. It can range from only a little to full European, as long as it's visible.

So Manny Pacquiao's wife is on one end of the spectrum. Her Spanish ancestry is very distant but still somewhat visible, so she gets labeled as "mestiza"

And the mestiza label goes all the way to the girls in this pic who look European. They're still considered mestizas to Filipino because they're Filipinos who look at least partially European.

06-23-2020, 04:02 PM
The people who made the video are dumb. The girl is not a mestiza. Even many people were commenting about it

"I thought the term "mestiza" meant as someone who was a mixed race and not simply someone who is light skinned?"

"Ang mestiza ay half Spanish half Filipino(basically Basta mukha kang espnayol). It’s not just u have a whiter skin tone your a “mestiza”."

"Wouldn’t a Mestiza be someone like Marion Rivera? I’m not seeing a “Mestiza” here."

So she's not a good representation of mestiza. Some Filipinos also use mestiza to describe Chinese-mixed Filipinos, because the Spanish called them "mestiza to Sangley" but that usage has gone away, and we mostly call them "chinitas"

In the Philippines, you have to look partially European to be considered mestizo. It can range from only a little to full European, as long as it's visible.

So Manny Pacquiao's wife is on one end of the spectrum. Her Spanish ancestry is very distant but still somewhat visible, so she gets labeled as "mestiza"

And the mestiza label goes all the way to the girls in this pic who look European. They're still considered mestizas to Filipino because they're Filipinos who look at least partially European.

Well, the girl is in fact mestiza [emoji848], just mixed with Chinese (I am sure there are more of this Filipino-chinese mixes than euro filo mixes in your country by a wide margin), that is the reason of her pale skin, mestizo means mixed, you can be mestizo if you are mixed with African. So, the video is kind of right.

06-23-2020, 04:18 PM
Well, the girl is in fact mestiza [emoji848], just mixed with Chinese (I am sure there are more of this Filipino-chinese mixes than euro filo mixes in your country by a wide margin), that is the reason of her pale skin, mestizo means mixed, you can be mestizo if you are mixed with African. So, the video is kind of right.

Yes but most Filipinos dont call Chinese mixes mestizos. We call them chinoys or chinitos. Thats why so many Filipinos are complaining in the comments. To us, mestizo means visibly mixed with some kind of white. It can be Spanish, American, German etc. And the white ancestry can be distant all the way to full European as long as it’s visible

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06-24-2020, 03:58 AM
1.- Yes. He would look atypical, but Filipinos would think he's Filipino with a weird face.


2.- He would get a mixed reaction. Some people would think he's Filipino with a long nose (they exist randomly throughout society, especially males), while others would think he's foreign.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXoGJ2HA5ncQd3EN8sdqXEPK1J1BjYu CbsMduvrvOX4qpq8fEW&s


3.- Yes. Easily


4. Yes. This type isn't common, but you can see men like this in the poor areas.


5. Yes. He would pass as a poor or indigenous Filipino



6. Not as a full Filipina. People would assume she's half Filipino half foreign.
https://www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/kulturjournal/friedenspreis-des-deutschen-films-2013-fuer-das-maedchen-wadjda-100~_v-img__16__9__m_-4423061158a17f4152aef84861ed0243214ae6e7.jpg?versi on=9896a


I don't know what you're talking about... all these people look straight up Native/Mestiza.

Several of them, the first guy especially has a look that is undeniably Native. I would never guess him to be Filipino at all.

The only one who I think is truly debatable is the first woman posted/3rd picture. And even then I think she looks more Native/Mestiza (which she is) than being part/full Filipino background.

06-24-2020, 11:40 AM
I don't know what you're talking about... all these people look straight up Native/Mestiza.

Several of them, the first guy especially has a look that is undeniably Native. I would never guess him to be Filipino at all.

The only one who I think is truly debatable is the first woman posted/3rd picture. And even then I think she looks more Native/Mestiza (which she is) than being part/full Filipino background.

I agree with you, also the guy that he considers as he would be a poor Filipino (Joel Huiqui) has sharper features (nose) that are not common for Filipinos, he looks clearly native. But, he strongly believe what he writes, which many of us don’t agree, so he will continue with his narrative I suppose.

06-24-2020, 12:29 PM
I agree with you, also the guy that he considers as he would be a poor Filipino (Joel Huiqui) has sharper features (nose) that are not common for Filipinos, he looks clearly native. But, he strongly believe what he writes, which many of us don’t agree, so he will continue with his narrative I suppose.

I also concurred. Not to mention that Huiqui is very tall (he is like 183 cm), lanky body type combined with very dark skin,, features which are very uncommon in Pinos.

06-24-2020, 01:05 PM
I don't know what you're talking about... all these people look straight up Native/Mestiza.

Several of them, the first guy especially has a look that is undeniably Native. I would never guess him to be Filipino at all.

The only one who I think is truly debatable is the first woman posted/3rd picture. And even then I think she looks more Native/Mestiza (which she is) than being part/full Filipino background.

Please read the title of the thread. It's not asking if any of the people look Filipino. It's asking if they would pass or blend in, and I answered honestly. I've actually been there, have you?

Did you read what I wrote? I said he would look ATYPICAL. Filipinos would think he’s Filipino with a weird face. Where in that did you see that I said he looks Filipino?

And the third girl doesnt look mestiza at all. Maybe she's mestiza in Latin America, but in the Philippines, she's a regular morena. She looks similar to this Filipina, and no one in the Philippines calls her mestiza

06-24-2020, 01:08 PM
I also concurred. Not to mention that Huiqui is very tall (he is like 183 cm), lanky body type combined with very dark skin,, features which are very uncommon in Pinos.

When I first looked Huiqui playing in Cruz Azul, I thought he was an Apache, he truly look like one just with darker skin.

06-24-2020, 01:13 PM
I agree with you, also the guy that he considers as he would be a poor Filipino (Joel Huiqui) has sharper features (nose) that are not common for Filipinos, he looks clearly native. But, he strongly believe what he writes, which many of us don’t agree, so he will continue with his narrative I suppose.

READ THE TITLE OF THE THREAD. Nowhere does it ask if these people look Filipino. It's just asking if they would pass or blend in. I answered based on if these people were to come to the Philippines and what people would think about them. People would think the first guy was a Filipino with a weird face.

06-24-2020, 01:41 PM
READ THE TITLE OF THE THREAD. Nowhere does it ask if these people look Filipino. It's just asking if they would pass or blend in. I answered based on if these people were to come to the Philippines and what people would think about them. People would think the first guy was a Filipino with a weird face.

Why would they think he is local with weird face? Are Filipinos that fucking stupid and not used to seeing people from Latin American countries or what?

06-24-2020, 01:48 PM
Why would they think he is local with weird face? Are Filipinos that fucking stupid and not used to seeing people from Latin American countries or what?

How many pure-blooded Native Americans go on vacation in the Philippines?

Filipinos would think he's Filipino with a big square face. Period.

Maybe next time ask "do these people look Filipino?" and you'll get the answers you were looking for

06-24-2020, 01:50 PM
How many pure-blooded Native Americans go on vacation in the Philippines?

Filipinos would think he's Filipino with a big square face. Period.

Maybe next time ask "do these people look Filipino?" and you'll get the answers you were looking for

Stop playing with semantics.

No one here in Thailand would think he is local with weird face.

Filipinos sound like fucking retards...

06-24-2020, 02:02 PM
Stop playing with semantics.

No one here in Thailand would think he is local with weird face.

Filipinos sound like fucking retards...

Uh. Ok?

What does that have to do with anything? Maybe start making threads about Thailand instead of about Filipinos all the time

06-24-2020, 02:08 PM
Uh. Ok?

What does that have to do with anything? Maybe start making threads about Thailand instead of about Filipinos all the time

You shows extreme cognitive dissonance and lack of logic and critical thinking.

Damn i didn't know filipinos are so ignorant of the world they would think some natives are local with a weird face. :picard1::rolleyes:

You sound like a fucking retard.

06-24-2020, 02:16 PM
You shows extreme cognitive dissonance and lack of logic and critical thinking.

Damn i didn't know filipinos are so ignorant of the world they would think some natives are local with a weird face. :picard1::rolleyes:

You sound like a fucking retard.

And you have genocidal tendencies...

"i really dislike how many Istmids/Centralids look because many can pass as Philipino/SE Asian"

"I hope covid wipes out all these Latino looking Pinos haha."

06-24-2020, 02:51 PM
How many pure-blooded Native Americans go on vacation in the Philippines?

Filipinos would think he's Filipino with a big square face. Period.

Maybe next time ask "do these people look Filipino?" and you'll get the answers you were looking for

I don’t wanna be rude but this logic just show ignorance, specifically generalizing. So, this means that you are speaking as all the people of your country, and all of them think the same as you? [emoji848], I just like to give my opinion and not speaking of a group of people, because you know? Everyone has an opinion . I mean with this I could also ask you if all maories can blend in the Philippines and you will say “Filipinos would look them as locals with a weird face”, with this you are feeding the paradigm of all tan skinned people with black hair are the same.

06-24-2020, 05:37 PM
I don’t wanna be rude but this logic just show ignorance, specifically generalizing. So, this means that you are speaking as all the people of your country, and all of them think the same as you? [emoji848], I just like to give my opinion and not speaking of a group of people, because you know? Everyone has an opinion . I mean with this I could also ask you if all maories can blend in the Philippines and you will say “Filipinos would look them as locals with a weird face”, with this you are feeding the paradigm of all tan skinned people with black hair are the same.

But people who have never even stepped foot in the Philippines are somehow more qualified to answer? The question is if they will pass or blend in the Philippines. If you haven't been there, how can you possibly know?

Maoris are heavily mixed with Melanesian and European, so no. I dont even think they're majority Mongoloid anymore because pure Polynesians are around 20-30% Melanesian, then when you consider that most Maoris are mixed with European, the Mongoloid percentage is probably not even 50% of their DNA

06-24-2020, 06:04 PM
But people who have never even stepped foot in the Philippines are somehow more qualified to answer? The question is if they will pass or blend in the Philippines. If you haven't been there, how can you possibly know?

Maoris are heavily mixed with Melanesian and European, so no. I dont even think they're majority Mongoloid anymore because pure Polynesians are around 20-30% Melanesian, then when you consider that most Maoris are mixed with European, the Mongoloid percentage is probably not even 50% of their DNA

I have seen videos of the Philippines, that’s representative of what the people of your country look like.


And I know they kind of love mixed races, that is what your actors and famous people are, and the majority of Latinos are already mixed, so it’s not rare that Filipinos kind of like to be compared with Latinos. And with how emotional you get from people having an opinion about your country men, completely saying they know nothing can be explained with a close mind.
The same I can tell you about Latino Americans, they are on average mestizos and the natives score 30% ANE which is not mongoloid, so in average you can say Latinos are 60/70 not mongoloid. Also the Melanesian component of Maories is similar to the negrito Filipino native that you have, they are not that different. In fact they have similar noses to Filipinos.


Native American

06-24-2020, 06:38 PM
I have seen videos of the Philippines, that’s representative of what the people of your country look like.


And I know they kind of love mixed races, that is what your actors and famous people are, and the majority of Latinos are already mixed, so it’s not rare that Filipinos kind of like to be compared with Latinos. And with how emotional you get from people having an opinion about your country men, completely saying they know nothing can be explained with a close mind.
The same I can tell you about Latino Americans, they are on average mestizos and the natives score 30% ANE which is not mongoloid, so in average you can say Latinos are 60/70 not mongoloid. Also the Melanesian component of Maories is similar to the negrito Filipino native that you have, they are not that different. In fact they have similar noses to Filipinos.


Native American

I posted pics of regular Filipinos from a working-class neighborhood and asked if they could pass in Latin America. Most people said yes. A couple Mexicans said no, but I wouldn't have expected them to pass in Mexico anyways. These Filipinos look more tri-racial


^ Those are regular every-day types of Filipinos you see more in the poor neighborhoods, but not much in the Filipino diaspora. None of them are what we consider mestizos in the Philippines, but most of the Latinos answered that yes, they would pass. It's more just a coincidence than similar DNA because probably none of them have a significant amount of European

06-24-2020, 06:49 PM
I posted pics of regular Filipinos from a working-class neighborhood and asked if they could pass in Latin America. Most people said yes. A couple Mexicans said no, but I wouldn't have expected them to pass in Mexico anyways. These Filipinos look more tri-racial


^ Those are regular every-day types of Filipinos you see more in the poor neighborhoods, but not much in the Filipino diaspora. None of them are what we consider mestizos in the Philippines, but most of the Latinos answered that yes, they would pass. It's more just a coincidence than similar DNA because probably none of them have a significant amount of European

They look clearly Asian, maybe one or two. Maybe in a country like Ecuador. But overall you show individuals and not group of people like the video I showed you of drew blindly where he shows groups of people and not just individuals.

06-24-2020, 06:59 PM
They look clearly Asian, maybe one or two. Maybe in a country like Ecuador. But overall you show individuals and not group of people like the video I showed you of drew blindly where he shows groups of people and not just individuals.

Well you clearly have a different opinion from most of the other people on the thread so you can go argue with them. They said it, not me. I only asked the question.

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06-24-2020, 07:14 PM
Well you clearly have a different opinion from most of the other people on the thread so you can go argue with them. They said it, not me. I only asked the question.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The same can be said about when people disagree with you, the only difference is that you seem to get emotional and angry.

06-24-2020, 07:36 PM
The same can be said about when people disagree with you, the only difference is that you seem to get emotional and angry.

eh, go argue with the people who disagree with you. They said it, not me. Go on that thread and argue with them

You get mad at me but have no problem with these kinds of statements:

"i really dislike how many Istmids/Centralids look because many can pass as Philipino/SE Asian"

"I hope covid wipes out all these Latino looking Pinos"

06-24-2020, 09:19 PM
eh, go argue with the people who disagree with you. They said it, not me. Go on that thread and argue with them

You get mad at me but have no problem with these kinds of statements:

"i really dislike how many Istmids/Centralids look because many can pass as Philipino/SE Asian"

"I hope covid wipes out all these Latino looking Pinos"

I don’t know what is up with those arguments, that’s you with other people in the forum. I am not really in context of that. Lol
I am not mad at you, I just disagree in some stuff you say, some stuff I agree, some I disagree with you. Simple, but I think that those threads at you means that maybe you are trying to force a narrative that some people don’t agree, and I think it’s in function of you being a little bit not so much open minded, just a bit.