View Full Version : Were the Ancient Greeks Nordoids/Nordids?

09-04-2011, 04:17 PM
was the anicent Greeks nordoids/nordids? how about all the other in europe like the romance and slavs was all of them nordoids/nordids once?

09-04-2011, 04:19 PM
Ancient Greeks would have looked pretty much exactly like Greeks today, except a bit less Slavic-influenced in parts of northern Greece.

09-04-2011, 04:19 PM
were the ancient greeks nordid?

no, they were greek.

09-04-2011, 04:20 PM


09-04-2011, 04:24 PM
i ment nordoids/nordids

09-04-2011, 04:33 PM
was the anicent Greeks nordid? how about all the other in europe like the romance and slavs was all of them nordid once?

I doubt it.

Some Anthros claim ancient "Germanic people" are all Nordid and other phenotypes are admixture. In the "define Germanic" thread I posted some pictures of Roman done images of Germanic people and the most of these are not Nordid (almost all Germanics in Roman statues or reliefs are brachycephalic for example). Of course that could also mean, the artists sucked.
(thats they never saw Germanics doesnt count, the people watched thousands of Germanics beeing killed in the circus all day)

So I doubt it for Greeks aswell.

However, as far as I read, there is some kind of "de-nordification" happening. Means, the skulls found in the ground, SEEM (question is: are there enough skulls to be representative?) to show that Nordid features disapear everywhere, in every population. And that, for example, Slavs, had been much more Nordid during the age of Slavic invasions that they are today.

OK, of course I mention this "Master race" theory too:
Some racists claim, "Nordid" is the phenotype of the warrior. Back then, warriors had been the leaders of tribes. Only tribal leaders skulls made it into our hands and so, it apreas that all people of the ancient time had been nordid. ;)

09-04-2011, 04:40 PM


troll my a** you are the obivous troll am i a troll because i asked if the ancient greeks were nordid? i read it somewhere so i made thread to see if it was true you idiot

09-04-2011, 04:45 PM
troll my a** you are the obivous troll am i a troll because i asked if the ancient greeks were nordid? i read it somewhere so i made thread to see if it was true you idiot

yr either an idiot, or a very bad liar...

09-04-2011, 04:48 PM
The Ancient Greeks were not Nordoid.
They were - just like Modern Greeks are - Mediterraneanid, just like Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese people.

The Ancient Greeks being Nordid is a Nordicist wet dream, used by them to justify their claims about being "superior" or "purer than others".
Nordicists claim that Northern Europeans are "pure white", while Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans are "mongrels" or "inferior".
This is false.
To justify their claims about superiority, the Nordicists created several myths about the Ancient Greeks and Romans being Nordoid, which is obviously bull****.


The Ancient Greeks looked exactly like Modern Greeks, maybe even darker than Modern Greeks (Modern Greeks are mixed with Slavic peoples).

09-04-2011, 04:53 PM
yr either an idiot, or a very bad liar...

or you are a retard that doesnt reallise that i am neither

09-04-2011, 04:57 PM
or you are a retard that doesnt reallise that i am neither

Oh, shut up...
The Ancient Greeks were NOT Nordoid, period.
Stop trolling.

09-04-2011, 04:58 PM
i didnt say that they were nordid i asked if they were thats a big diffrence

09-04-2011, 05:00 PM
i didnt say that they were nordid i asked if they were thats a big diffrence

Allright, Captain Obvious.
I've got a similar question to you: is the Pope catholic?

09-04-2011, 05:02 PM
Allright, Captain Obvious.
I've got a similar question to you: is the Pope catholic?

no thats not similiar.... and who knows he might be orthodox in secret for himself ;)

09-04-2011, 05:04 PM
and how should anybody know if the ancient greeks was nordid have you seen them? no! not that i believe they were but i wasnt sure thats why was asking! lol

09-04-2011, 05:07 PM
no thats not similiar.... and who knows he might be orthodox in secret for himself ;)

Sure, Captain Obvious, and I must be Mickey Mouse himself :rolleyes:

and how should anybody know if the ancient greeks was nordid have you seen them? no! not that i believe they were but i wasnt sure thats why was asking! lol

They weren't Nordid or Nordoid. It's extremely obvious.
They were and will always be Mediterraneanid.
The Ancient Greeks being Nordid is a Nordicist wet dream, nothing more...

09-04-2011, 05:16 PM
They were extremely nordid :



09-04-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm sure some of them were,but not as a whole.Otherwise you would see a lot more blonde Greeks around.

09-04-2011, 05:35 PM
Sure, Captain Obvious, and I must be Mickey Mouse himself :rolleyes:

They weren't Nordid or Nordoid. It's extremely obvious.
They were and will always be Mediterraneanid.
The Ancient Greeks being Nordid is a Nordicist wet dream, nothing more...

yes i agree but i dont know why you are trying to start a fight?

09-04-2011, 05:38 PM
yes i agree but i dont know why you are trying to start a fight?

Because I fancy you.

09-04-2011, 05:38 PM
The Ancient Greeks had several influences, some of whom might have been Nordid.


Whereas the Pelasgians and Minoan Greeks were said to be of the typical J2 and E haplogroups, the Mycenaeans were apparently R1a and the Dorians R1b.

I don't know the veracity of these claims, but it sounds interesting. What is sure, is that the ancient Greeks were an eventual amalgamation of different tribes.

09-04-2011, 05:44 PM
yes i agree but i dont know why you are trying to start a fight?

probably because you had a very bad start, being totally rude and disrespectful and calling everyone retard, idiot,etc while debating a somewhat controversial issue (actually 2, Alexander was Hellenic and really Great, btw).

Stars Down To Earth
09-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Well, the Ancient Greeks were probably a combination of different tribes, so they had several racial types. The Dorians, for example, were originally from the Danube riverlands. So I guess you could make a case that the Spartans were "Nordid". But the majority of Greeks were clearly not; they viewed themselves as lighter than the Egyptians but darker than the Northerners.

It's interesting to see how the Greeks represented their own racial types in artworks. Dionysus, the god of drinking and sex, was swarthy, squat and curly-haired. Apollo, the sun god, was usually depicted as blond and blue-eyed.

09-04-2011, 05:55 PM
probably because you had a very bad start, being totally rude and disrespectful and calling everyone retard, idiot,etc while debating a somewhat controversial issue (actually 2, Alexander was Hellenic and really Great, btw).

yes but they started the fight one calling me a troll and one calling me a idiot and lier

09-04-2011, 05:56 PM
The Ancient Greeks had several influences, some of whom might have been Nordid.


Whereas the Pelasgians and Minoan Greeks were said to be of the typical J2 and E haplogroups, the Mycenaeans were apparently R1a and the Dorians R1b.

I don't know the veracity of these claims, but it sounds interesting. What is sure, is that the ancient Greeks were an eventual amalgamation of different tribes.
Nordid I don't know, I would say central/eastern european,

09-04-2011, 06:01 PM
Nordid I don't know, I would say central/eastern european,

Nordids did not originate in Scandinavia.

09-04-2011, 06:05 PM
Nordids did not originate in Scandinavia.

One can argue that. If you consider the Corded Ware people as the original Nordids then no, they didn't originate in Scandinavia.

09-04-2011, 06:11 PM
Nordids originated in Modern-day Russia.

09-05-2011, 08:56 AM
i found some information is this true? ancient Greeks were never white as the northern Europeans. That's Hitler's propaganda, cause modern greeks resisted him. He wanted to prove that modern greeks were not Aryans. According to ancient witnesses, the average ancient greek was darker-skinned than the barbarians of the north.

09-05-2011, 09:01 AM
NO. That is what idiotic fucking nordicists claim, and even they know that they are full of shit when they say such idiotic things.

09-05-2011, 09:55 AM
Ancient Greeks differenciated clearly themselves from Celts and Germans.

09-05-2011, 10:18 AM
We all know what 'anicent' Greeks were, more or less. Fortunately, NOT everyone obsessed with 'nordoids' and 'nordids' and Hitler's hidden motives.

I fail big time to understand the Slavic obsession with Greece and AtG but threads like this one are common phenomenon especially when they are created by loners, 24/7/365 online, ignorant, suffering from borderline personality disorder individuals.

This thread wasn't OBVIOUSLY created to discuss historical facts but a failed effort to to relieve his own inferiority complex and the main AND ONLY axis is for once more the pigmentation.

I'd suggest to bluass to go for a walk and get some fresh air, unless his head has swollen too big to fit out the door frame.

Next thread will probably be something like : 'are croats aryan?' , 'were slavs nordoddododooid?' etc etc

09-05-2011, 10:26 AM
We all know what 'anicent' Greeks were, more or less. Fortunately, NOT everyone obsessed with 'nordoids' and 'nordids' and Hitler's hidden motives.

I fail big time to understand the Slavic obsession with Greece and AtG but threads like this one are common phenomenon especially when they are created by loners, 24/7/365 online, ignorant, suffering from borderline personality disorder individuals.

This thread wasn't OBVIOUSLY created to discuss historical facts but a failed effort to to relieve his own inferiority complex and the main AND ONLY axis is for once more the pigmentation.

I'd suggest to bluass to go for a walk and get some fresh air, unless his head has swollen too big to fit out the door frame.

Next thread will probably be something like : 'are croats aryan?' , 'were slavs nordoddododooid?' etc etc

It's really fucking funny, lol. I remember some one claiming awhile ago that Cleopatra was nordic. It's like these nordicist fucktards have their heads so far stuck up hitler's ass that they are unable to believe that most of the world's greatest civilizations were in no way shape or form nordic. Anyone who is obsessed with gaydolf titler and these nordic ideologies have to be mentally retarded.. Gaydolf titler was nothing more but a moron with pubic hair growing above his top lip that filled his people up with crap, failed them terribly, and then shot himself like a coward. Idiots..

09-05-2011, 02:53 PM
It's really fucking funny, lol. I remember some one claiming awhile ago that Cleopatra was nordic. It's like these nordicist fucktards have their heads so far stuck up hitler's ass that they are unable to believe that most of the world's greatest civilizations were in no way shape or form nordic. Anyone who is obsessed with gaydolf titler and these nordic ideologies have to be mentally retarded.. Gaydolf titler was nothing more but a moron with pubic hair growing above his top lip that filled his people up with crap, failed them terribly, and then shot himself like a coward. Idiots..


I kind of had the same attitude to this shit on Skadi. Didn't go over so well over there. Oh well... :p

09-05-2011, 03:55 PM
We all know what 'anicent' Greeks were, more or less. Fortunately, NOT everyone obsessed with 'nordoids' and 'nordids' and Hitler's hidden motives.

I fail big time to understand the Slavic obsession with Greece and AtG but threads like this one are common phenomenon especially when they are created by loners, 24/7/365 online, ignorant, suffering from borderline personality disorder individuals.

This thread wasn't OBVIOUSLY created to discuss historical facts but a failed effort to to relieve his own inferiority complex and the main AND ONLY axis is for once more the pigmentation.

I'd suggest to bluass to go for a walk and get some fresh air, unless his head has swollen too big to fit out the door frame.

Next thread will probably be something like : 'are croats aryan?' , 'were slavs nordoddododooid?' etc etc

This is unnecessary. Bluesky hasn't said anything to indicate he is a nordicist. At one point, I myself made "what race were the ancient Roman?" threads because I had read March of the Titans and wanted to know the truth. You guys are all acting like asses.

09-05-2011, 04:27 PM
This is unnecessary. Bluesky hasn't said anything to indicate he is a nordicist. At one point, I myself made "what race were the ancient Roman?" threads because I had read March of the Titans and wanted to know the truth. Bluesky could be the same way.

No, this isn't 'unnecessary'. What he's doing is just retarded trolling. Otherwise I'd be glad to discuss with him.

Repetitive threads are unnecessary. We have discussed (and still do) Greek people's history a zillion times.

On a more general note I'm pretty much sure that there are many other subjects to discuss apart from :

a) Alexander's Greekness

b) anything related to Hitler

c) evil Jews

There are already numerous threads about them, enough is enough. He could at least bump one of them.

I'm tired of these clichéd, camouflaged and vomiting allegations .

And for the record Bluesky, Boudica actually agreed with me. She said many more stuff apart from the ''fucking funny'' you only cared to read.

09-05-2011, 04:40 PM
They may not be aware of it, but they are as ridiculous as Afrocentrists, who claim ancient Egypt

09-05-2011, 04:48 PM
Gaydolf titler was nothing more but a moron with pubic hair growing above his top lip that filled his people up with crap, failed them terribly, and then shot himself like a coward. Idiots..

Cool story bro... NOT! http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif
Thank you for proving how ignorant you are when it comes to history.

Adolf Hitler was a genius who freed the German media, German finance, German education and German culture from Jewish influence, and was in the process of kicking all the Jews out of Europe.
If Hitler won WW2, Europe would be still white, there wouldn't be miscegenation, wouldn't be homosexuality, crime rates would be low, etc.

Off course, you are one of those typical Americans who can't do anything than sit behind the computer and insult people :coffee:
Learn real history before making a fool out of yourself again. May the truth set you free.

09-05-2011, 04:52 PM
Cool story bro... NOT! http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif
Thank you for proving how ignorant you are when it comes to history.

Adolf Hitler was a genius who freed the German media, German finance, German education and German culture from Jewish influence, and was in the process of kicking all the Jews out of Europe.
If Hitler won WW2, Europe would be still white, there wouldn't be miscegenation, wouldn't be homosexuality, crime rates would be low, etc.

Off course, you are one of those typical Americans who can't do anything than sit behind the computer and insult people :coffee:
Learn real history before making a fool out of yourself again. May the truth set you free.

Chill out with all these Hitler shit.

09-05-2011, 04:54 PM
Its totally unnecessary. All someone needed to say was "you know, there are already threads on this, and the Greeks weren't nordid". Instead we get your long, crass rant.

09-05-2011, 04:59 PM
Chill out with all these Hitler shit.
Say the swarthy Greek with an Afro hair.

09-05-2011, 05:01 PM
No, this isn't 'unnecessary'. What he's doing is just retarded trolling. Otherwise I'd be glad to discuss with him.

Repetitive threads are unnecessary. We have discussed (and still do) Greek people's history a zillion times.

On a more general note I'm pretty much sure that there are many other subjects to discuss apart from :

a) Alexander's Greekness

b) anything related to Hitler

c) evil Jews

There are already numerous threads about them, enough is enough. He could at least bump one of them.

I'm tired of these clichéd, camouflaged and vomiting allegations .

And for the record Bluesky, Boudica actually agreed with me. She said many more stuff apart from the ''fucking funny'' you only cared to read.
i am only 16 years old what the f*** should i know i was just asking because i read it some where i dont remember where and does it looks like a care if the ancient greeks were nordid or not?? i dont care i was just sking give me some evidence that i am trolling!

09-05-2011, 05:11 PM
i am only 16 years old what the f*** should i know i was just asking because i read it some where i dont remember where and does it looks like a care if the ancient greeks were nordid or not?? i dont care i was just sking give me some evidence that i am trolling!

oh, I don't have to. I mean, the 3 threads you started yesterday speak volumes.

Its totally unnecessary. All someone needed to say was "you know, there are already threads on this, and the Greeks weren't nordid". Instead we get your long, crass rant.

well Curtis, we've had enough of crass rants from you and not only you from times to times, so I'm sure no one really cares if I occasionally misbehave..

09-05-2011, 05:11 PM
Say the swarthy Greek with an Afro hair.

I bet you are swarthier than me , both physicaly and mentaly. I feel sorry for you and your out of date - almost ancient ideas.

Please, if you lack of arguements on certain issues, dont do personal attacks against other members based on colouration/pigmentation, it indicates lack of knowledge/ideas and a peasant's logic, plus i have no intention to get involved in such a low level conversation.

09-05-2011, 05:12 PM
I bet you are swarthier than me
How you know that? :eek:

09-05-2011, 05:15 PM
How you know that? :eek:

I have installed a spycam on your computer that you are not able to see... lol, you actually really care about pigmntation... seriously, come on.

09-05-2011, 05:20 PM
the Hitler discussion shouldn't have started in the first place Seek. ;)

however since you did started it, my humble opinion is that being called a race realist should be considered as a badge of honor these overly pc- and liberal days and not as a slur.

09-05-2011, 06:14 PM
I bet you are swarthier than me , both physicaly and mentaly.

:eek: Mental swarthiness? :confused:

Here at Apricity we have brought insults to a whole different level! :D :thumb001: :lol00002:

09-05-2011, 06:22 PM
Adolf Hitler was a genius who freed the German media, German finance, German education and German culture from Jewish influence, and was in the process of kicking all the Jews out of Europe.
If Hitler won WW2, Europe would be still white, there wouldn't be miscegenation, wouldn't be homosexuality, crime rates would be low, etc.


09-06-2011, 07:51 AM
was the anicent Greeks nordoids/nordids? how about all the other in europe like the romance and slavs was all of them nordoids/nordids once?


09-06-2011, 07:58 AM
They may not be aware of it, but they are as ridiculous as Afrocentrists, who claim ancient Egypt

I would say more ridiculous, since the Ancient Egyptians probably had a good amount of East/Northeast (south of Egypt) African ancestry (as they do today), though not exclusively as some Afrocentrists like to claim.

09-06-2011, 08:01 PM
Cool story bro... NOT! http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif
Thank you for proving how ignorant you are when it comes to history.

Adolf Hitler was a genius who freed the German media, German finance, German education and German culture from Jewish influence, and was in the process of kicking all the Jews out of Europe.
If Hitler won WW2, Europe would be still white, there wouldn't be miscegenation, wouldn't be homosexuality, crime rates would be low, etc.

Off course, you are one of those typical Americans who can't do anything than sit behind the computer and insult people :coffee:
Learn real history before making a fool out of yourself again. May the truth set you free.

Yeah, you're right.. He totally did SO much for the german people :D especially when he was in his little bunker dead after committing suicide and women were getting raped by the red army and old men were being killed and humiliated. He did SO much for them by leaving Germany in shit too :D you're right.

09-06-2011, 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Anders View Post
Adolf Hitler was a genius who freed the German media, German finance, German education and German culture from Jewish influence, and was in the process of kicking all the Jews out of Europe. this irritates the entire global trade network and forces other economic powers to make war on you to get you to play nice.

If Hitler won WW2, Europe would be still white, there wouldn't be miscegenation, wouldn't be homosexuality, crime rates would be low, etc.yes but he didn't. He f**ked up.

The ancient greeks weren't nordid but they were certainly whiter:p

09-06-2011, 08:25 PM
The ancient Greeks were the same subraces as they are today, but the proportions are probably different. Greece, like the rest of Europe, has underone alpinisation in the middle ages and industrial age, i.e. the proportion of reduced forms has increased greatly.

South Europa
10-12-2011, 07:40 PM
Typological terms like "Nordic" , "Mediterranean", "Alpine", etc are outdated and are certainly not used in today's physical anthropology. Modern Greeks are a variety typological varients depending on the source of who's taxa system you use.

If the question is, were the ancient Greeks racially like today's Northern Europeans or today's Southeastern Europeans, the answer is they were most similar..physically speaking, to today's SouthEastern Europeans. In particular today's Greeks and Southern Italians.

"There is complete continuity genetically from ancient to modern times.”
SOURCE : Angel, J. Lawrence, 1964, The origin of the hellenes. An ethnogenetic inquiry. Aris N. Poulianos. 160 pp, 5 tables, 9 maps, 32 photographs. 1962. Morphosis Press, Athens. Originally published in 1960 by the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the U. S. S. R., translated into Greek by the author with special assistance of Nikos Antonopoulos, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Volume 22, Issue 3, Date: September 1964, Pages: 343-345

LINK : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.1330220326/abstract

"A comparative cephalometric investigation was conducted between modern and ancient Greeks to determine craniofacial characteristics and to examine the significance of ethnic heritage. The modern sample was composed of 54 individuals chosen on the basis of ethnic background, normal occlusion and facial harmony. The ancient sample consisted of 40 skulls with normal occlusion dated back to the Minoan civilization (ca. 1,800-1,200 B.C.). A remarkable similarity in craniofacial morphology was revealed between the two groups, suggesting a close genetic affinity between modern and ancient Greeks. The ability of the craniofacial complex to make compensatory or balancing changes was noted. The craniofacial complex was seen to function as an integrated biological entity. Moreover, the cranial base showed a definite influence on skeletal profile configuration. These results provide a more comprehensive understanding of how craniofacial variables interact and contribute to the morphology of the dentofacial skeleton."

SOURCE : Argyropoulos, E. et al., 1989, A comparative cephalometric investigation of the Greek craniofacial pattern through 4,000 years, Angle Orthod 1989 Fall;59(3):195-204

LINK : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2672905

btw, someone here was mentioning the Dorians and said they were "originally from the Danube region"...that is incorect. The Dorians were originally from Epirus in what is today's Northwestern Greece and a fraction of Southern Albania. No Greek speakers, even the earliest of them, can be placed furthern North than the Pindus mountain range. Although Greeks certainly had some distant ancestry from the more northerly regions of the Balkans, just like they had distant ancestry from the Fertile Cresent region and Anatolia.

01-28-2012, 06:55 PM
I think they were even darker than modern Greeks. Paintings and physical descriptions by themselfes indicate it.

Xenophon describes the Ethiopians as black, and the Persian troops as white compared to the sun-tanned skin of Greek troops. Herodotus similarly used Melanchroes "dark-skinned" for the Egyptians and he compared them to the Aithiopsi "burned-faced" for the Ethiopians.

Polemon of Laodicea in Physiognomica notice differences between Greeks and Populations of the North. He came to conclusion that Greek superiority stems "from their medium skin tone". He thinks light hairs and pale skin are sign of barbarism, blue eyes indicate poor eyesight according to him.

Every Greek depiction got black hair at least if not brown skin too. Only Gods associated with sun and brightness(holiness) or mythological heroes are sometimes described as blonde (aphrodite).

08-21-2013, 09:26 AM
Ancient Greek looked like more or less like modern Greek.

05-27-2018, 12:34 PM
No...the ancient Greeks was G.Med/Pontid

brennus dux gallorum
04-02-2020, 09:50 AM
I hope that nobody is too stupid in 2020 to ignore that the difference between ancient and modern Greeks is that modern Greeks have an extra 2-20% northern admixture

04-02-2020, 09:57 AM
I hope that nobody is too stupid in 2020 to ignore that the difference between ancient and modern Greeks is that modern Greeks have an extra 2-20% northern admixture

Yeah around between 5% and 30%, ironically those who match closely Myceneans and Minoans are Southern Italians and maybe some Islanders (because they are less Western shifted).

04-02-2020, 09:58 AM

04-02-2020, 11:08 AM

Thank you for being based here.