View Full Version : do you agree that im paleo pontid + dinarid

06-23-2020, 01:48 AM
My info:
Age: 24
Ethnicity/Nationality: Serbian
Height: 194 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Eye colour: Blue with gray lines
Hair colour: Mixed brown, red and blonde, on every image seems different, on natural light appears blonde (naturaly curly)
Note: I already asked here once and i was mainly classified as pontid, but since then i asked on other places and i was told that im:
north pontid, dinarid, North pontid + dinarid, corded, mainly cro magnon, norid + cm, norid and so on, but most interesting and one that sounds best to me was paleo pontid + dinarid

https://i.postimg.cc/wykHBG3b/IMG-20191202-023034.jpg (https://postimg.cc/wykHBG3b)

https://i.postimg.cc/kRnJFdkm/IMG-20200615-163404.jpg (https://postimg.cc/kRnJFdkm)

https://i.postimg.cc/JtmzWbt2/IMG-MIRROR-20200501-021932.jpg (https://postimg.cc/JtmzWbt2)

https://i.postimg.cc/MXDKZvQK/IMG-MIRROR-20200501-213227.jpg (https://postimg.cc/MXDKZvQK)

https://i.postimg.cc/yk86Dsmh/IMG-MIRROR-20200502-151052.jpg (https://postimg.cc/yk86Dsmh)

https://i.postimg.cc/jDGR3fGv/IMG-MIRROR-20200521-030720.jpg (https://postimg.cc/jDGR3fGv)

https://i.postimg.cc/w74qJZ2C/IMG-MIRROR-20200521-030758.jpg (https://postimg.cc/w74qJZ2C)

https://i.postimg.cc/nsBpyzxx/IMG-MIRROR-20200617-002559.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nsBpyzxx)

https://i.postimg.cc/N9tBBcGH/IMG-MIRROR-20200623-023810.jpg (https://postimg.cc/N9tBBcGH)

06-23-2020, 02:36 AM
Welcome neighbor. I agree to Pontid, North Pontid to be exact (you're pretty light). Not sure about the Dinarid. You actually really look like one of my friend who's about this tall as well.

06-23-2020, 02:50 AM
Welcome neighbor. I agree to Pontid, North Pontid to be exact (you're pretty light). Not sure about the Dinarid. You actually really look like one of my friend who's about this tall as well.

ty for your reply, i would like to ask you to classify my parents also, if you have time for that ill post pictures here
2 guys that classified me as paleo pontid + dinarid classified my mother as paleo pontid + minor west alpid and father as dinarid, but i would like to hear more opinions...

06-23-2020, 03:01 AM
here are pictures, i couldnt find side view photo of father in albums
some info about them:
age on photos around 30 years
height: mother 174 cm father around 185 cm
eye colour: mother green father brown
hair colour: mother was blonde till 14 years old, but then dyed it in to red and never changed, so i dont know if it darkened over time, father black hair

https://i.postimg.cc/mPdZZppr/93933299-2916311075124543-3456025823629279232-o.jpg (https://postimg.cc/mPdZZppr)

https://i.postimg.cc/p9pWmQ3J/94022422-2916312548457729-1357225462425714688-o.jpg (https://postimg.cc/p9pWmQ3J)

https://i.postimg.cc/v1kQfgsF/94238527-2916313548457629-5285754700010881024-o.jpg (https://postimg.cc/v1kQfgsF)

06-23-2020, 03:10 AM
here are pictures, i couldnt find side view photo of father in albums

This information is more than enough :) In my opinion you inherited much more from your mom (phenotype-wise).

Your mom seems to be really North Pontid because of her facial features + pigmentation. And also West Alpinid, because of the broader face.
Your father really seems to be Dinarid, almost the pure form of it, face, nose, pigmentation, height, very interesting. Common in the Balkans, Hungary, etc.

06-23-2020, 03:16 AM
This information is more than enough :) In my opinion you inherited much more from your mom (phenotype-wise).

Your mom seems to be really North Pontid because of her facial features + pigmentation. And also West Alpinid, because of the broader face.
Your father really seems to be Dinarid, almost the pure form of it, face, nose, pigmentation, height, very interesting. Common in the Balkans, Hungary, etc.

ty so much
yeah, almost no one said im dinarid, or said + maybe some dinarid
i heard that dinarid is dying out, bcs its recessive compared to other phenotypes and that its more like mutation/adaptation to mountains, so its not needed anymore as people are living in cities, but who knows...

06-23-2020, 10:30 AM
"Paleo Pontid" never existed. You are mainly Dinaric +minor Cm and Med, you could easily pass as French.

06-23-2020, 11:41 AM
"Paleo Pontid" never existed. You are mainly Dinaric +minor Cm and Med, you could easily pass as French.

ty for your repl, i was never before classified as that, i dont know what to thik now, every time i ask, i get all sorts of different answers... :(

06-23-2020, 11:47 AM
ty for your repl, i was never before classified as that, i dont know what to thik now, every time i ask, i get all sorts of different answers... :(

Well, yeah you should not take classification too serious as you ll get answers by various people with various different approaches and skill level, and foremost such classification do not match scientific criteria. The use of "Pontid" on such forums makes no sense, as nobody will ever classify a Frenchman as Pontid but a Greek, Turk and Russian with complete different features will be Pontid? Makes no sense to me.

06-23-2020, 12:04 PM
Well, yeah you should not take classification too serious as you ll get answers by various people with various different approaches and skill level, and foremost such classification do not match scientific criteria. The use of "Pontid" on such forums makes no sense, as nobody will ever classify a Frenchman as Pontid but a Greek, Turk and Russian with complete different features will be Pontid? Makes no sense to me.

yeah, i mainly asked on facebook to be classified and rules of that group is that you put nationality and ethnicity in info and some guys cry, bcs they think that people just look that and type pontid on whole south eastern europe or norid for austria and so on... xD
can you tell me why you think that paleo pontid is not real, on facebook one greek and one half finnish half hungarian guy classified me as that, greek guy also explained to me that paleo pontid is "eastern counterpart to well established paleo atlantid and that its basically pontid + cm"

06-23-2020, 07:05 PM
Paleo Pontid seems like one of those internet invented types.
From pics you are closest to a Dinaric range.

06-23-2020, 07:06 PM
Double post

06-23-2020, 07:40 PM
Paleo Pontid seems like one of those internet invented types.
From pics you are closest to a Dinaric range.

ok, ty for your reply, but can you be more precise, what you mean by "dinaric range"

Moje ime
06-23-2020, 08:52 PM
Dinarized North Pontid.

06-23-2020, 09:43 PM
Dinarized North Pontid.

ty for your reply / hvala

06-23-2020, 09:49 PM
Between Pontid and North Pontid

And yeah Dinarid

Moje ime
06-23-2020, 10:11 PM
Between Pontid and North Pontid

And yeah Dinarid

North Pontid because that phenotype includes Nordid admixture which he definitely has.

06-23-2020, 10:18 PM
Between Pontid and North Pontid

And yeah Dinarid

that sounds confusing, but anyways ty for you reply

06-23-2020, 10:18 PM
mother - Alpine+CM
father - Dinaro-CM
you - facially very close to Dinarid proper with very tiny CM influence (jaw area) on Pontid skull (your skull seem to be dolichocephalic or at least mesocephalic, Dinarids are brachy/hyper-brachycephalic).

This is first time I hear for "Paleo Pontid" and I've read all major anthropological books. Complete rubbish.

PS. Dobrodošao na forum.

06-23-2020, 10:21 PM
Dinarized North Pontid.

I agree with Moje ime.


Mr. G

Moje ime
06-23-2020, 10:28 PM

North Pontid
Group: East Europid , Mediterranid , Nordid


Group: Mediterranid

06-23-2020, 10:48 PM
mother - Alpine+CM
father - Dinaro-CM
you - facially very close to Dinarid proper with very tiny CM influence (jaw area) on Pontid skull (your skull seem to be dolichocephalic or at least mesocephalic, Dinarids are brachy/hyper-brachycephalic).

This is first time I hear for "Paleo Pontid" and I've read all major anthropological books. Complete rubbish.

PS. Dobrodošao na forum.

yeah, i was also thinking that my father has some cm, but everyone said he is pure dinarid, so if they are dinarid and alpine and cm, how i turned out to be pontid?
also interesting fact about my father is that he developed around 30 years, his shoulders doubled, his jaw increaded and so on
i da prvi put kada me je neki lik klasifikovao, imao sam oko 15 godina, on me je klasifikovao kao "savid" + mozda cm
i pomenuo je tendenciju ka masivnosti nakon tridesete, sta to znaci i cija je odlika

06-23-2020, 11:05 PM
I agree with Moje ime.


Mr. G

good to know, ty

06-23-2020, 11:22 PM
I think you are mainly Dinarid

06-23-2020, 11:39 PM
North Pontid because that phenotype includes Nordid admixture which he definitely has.


06-24-2020, 12:08 AM
yeah, i was also thinking that my father has some cm, but everyone said he is pure dinarid,

That's because people are used on South Slavic Dinarids which in most cases have medium/strong CM input so they take it as plain Dinarid. Dinarid proper have next traits:
1. Very narrow face
2. Inverted triangle chin
3. Very weak/narrow jaw
4. Close set eyes
5. Medium hooked nose with down turned nose tip
6. Thin upper lip and fuller lower lip
7. Brachycephalic (broad/round) head with flat back of the head (it looks like someone cut it)
8. In 99% of cases they are very tall (usually over 190cm) and very gracile, just like you :)

Basically this image is textbook Dinarid:


Now, as you can guess, most of our Dinarids don't look like this. I will give you living examples of Dinarid and Dinaro-CM difference:

UFC (MMA) fighter Stipe Miočić (Dinaro-CM as fuck) and football player Mario Mandžukić (close to Dinarid proper)


You see the difference? :D

so if they are dinarid and alpine and cm, how i turned out to be pontid?

As I said you are pretty much Dinarid except slightly stronger jaw and dolicocephalic skull which is normal for young population, 100 years ago Serbs were one of the most brachy populations in Europe, today not so much. So basically, you are less robust version of your father with doli skull (you got your pigmentation from your mother, obviously).

also interesting fact about my father is that he developed around 30 years, his shoulders doubled, his jaw increaded and so on

I believe that is ideal time for classification (robustification during 20s is very normal).

i da prvi put kada me je neki lik klasifikovao, imao sam oko 15 godina, on me je klasifikovao kao "savid" + mozda cm
i pomenuo je tendenciju ka masivnosti nakon tridesete, sta to znaci i cija je odlika

Majority of people on anthro forums (and FB) didn't read any anthropology book, their only knowledge is from classification threads from other people who also didn't read anything relevant. :D So, feel free to forget that.

06-24-2020, 12:20 AM
I have another observation here that I don't believe anyone has mentioned, your photos, for the most part, suffer from some distortion.

Also, in spite of you having a discernible occipital protuberance, your head does not look particularly long (front to back measurement).

Dinaric may be more dominant in your case than I first thought.

06-24-2020, 12:28 AM
I have another observation here that I don't believe anyone has mentioned, your photos, for the most part, suffer from some distortion.

+1 Phone camera is worst enemy of proper classification as I said many times.

Also, in spite of you having a discernible occipital protuberance, your head does not look particularly long (front to back measurement).

He could be meso (long hair is worst enemy of proper skull classification xD), but I think that he is definitely not brachy. :confused:

06-24-2020, 12:29 AM
+1 Phone camera is worst enemy of proper classification as I said many times.

He could be meso (long hair is worst enemy of proper skull classification xD), but I think that he is definitely not brachy. :confused:

I vote Meso for him

06-24-2020, 12:51 AM
I have another observation here that I don't believe anyone has mentioned, your photos, for the most part, suffer from some distortion.

Also, in spite of you having a discernible occipital protuberance, your head does not look particularly long (front to back measurement).

Dinaric may be more dominant in your case than I first thought.

hmm, yes i have shitty phone, this is only photo i have taken with professional camera, it was taken around 3 and a half years ago i think and i had like 30 kg more on it
it was also taken in nightclub, so lighting is not perfect

https://i.postimg.cc/qNC6Gy5J/evo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/qNC6Gy5J)

Moje ime
06-24-2020, 10:13 AM
In the last photo is even more visible that you're Dinarized North Pontid. Dinarid can't be light pigmented without northern admixture. Also CM jaw influence (as Terminator98 noticed) is northern admixture.

06-24-2020, 10:14 AM
In the last photo is even more visible that you're Dinarized North Pontid. Dinarid can't be light pigmented without northern admixture. Also CM jaw influence (as Terminator98 noticed) is northern admixture.

Thats not true.

Moje ime
06-24-2020, 10:19 AM
Thats not true.


06-24-2020, 10:42 AM

Paleo Atlantids/ Berids can have a square jaw and are found in Southeuro, even with light eyes. Dinaric types found in the Balkan can often have squarre jawilines and are unrelated to Nordids. The question about the Borreby type found in the Balkans is also unsolved, but Borreby is a Cm type, not Nordid proper. i do not even have to start talking about Berberid and Canarid, who are North African derivate types purely.

There is also a strict seperation of "Nordid" and "Cm" because proper Nordids like Hallstatt/Keltic/East Nordid are characteristized by a leptoprosopic face and regulary compressed gonial angels. However many times they are Cm admixed as well as you can find Faelid/Troender admix there in aboundance.

Moje ime
06-24-2020, 10:46 AM
Paleo Atlantids/ Berids can have a square jaw and are found in Southeuro, even with light eyes. Dinaric types found in the Balkan can often have squarre jawilines and are unrelated to Nordids. The question about the Borreby type found in the Balkans is also unsolved, but Borreby is a Cm type, not Nordid proper. i do not even have to start talking about Berberid and Canarid, who are North African derivate types purely.

It's ancient northern admixture and those phenotypes are created during time and with mixing.
Nordid influenced Dinarid is Norid.

There is also a strict seperation of "Nordid" and "Cm" because proper Nordids like Hallstatt/Keltic/East Nordid are characteristized by a leptoprosopic face and regulary compressed gonial angels. However many types they are Cm admixed as well as you can find Faelid/Troender admix there in aboundance.

06-24-2020, 10:56 AM
You are North Pontid + some Dinaric. You father looks pure Dinaric, but that doesn't necessarily means you're dinaric as well. You're mesocephalic, light pigmentation and proeminent semi-acquiline nose, almost slavic look. Maybe some would even consider you to be Proto-Nordid.

06-24-2020, 11:06 AM
It's ancient northern admixture and those phenotypes are created during time and with mixing.
Nordid influenced Dinarid is Norid.


Well, all this things can be disputted like Cm Albanian who are one of the most Neolithic derived populations in Europe. But best case for my argument are the Sardinians- who are Neolithic people for the most part. Cm types derived there propably only because of a WHG/EEF like population. WHG (just like EEF) is pan European by definition, its a mistake to see them as "North europeans"
all 3 are Sardinian footballers:

you can read about genetics on balkan, blonde hair was found even before any Indoeuropean (EHG/CHG mix). not really related to Op classification of course, but just for some who are interested in this stuff


06-24-2020, 03:56 PM
You are North Pontid + some Dinaric. You father looks pure Dinaric, but that doesn't necessarily means you're dinaric as well. You're mesocephalic, light pigmentation and proeminent semi-acquiline nose, almost slavic look. Maybe some would even consider you to be Proto-Nordid.

ty, but i dont get it, if my mother is alpinid + cm and father dinarid or dinarid + cm, how i turned to be pontid, would it help if i post pictures of grandparents?

Moje ime
06-24-2020, 05:26 PM
You look similar to your father with more northern input probably from mother side.
Phenotypes are not directly inherited from parents but are result of mixing.

07-22-2020, 01:09 PM
Corded Dinarid

05-19-2021, 12:03 PM
Corded Dinarid

hey, could you pls classifly my grandparents, i posted here, but got 0 replies https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?346630-pls-classify-my-moms-parents

05-19-2021, 05:00 PM
...imao sam oko 15 godina, on me je klasifikovao kao "savid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sava)"...
thank you
for mentioning the dinarid (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#DINARIC) variety described by božo škerlj (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Božo_Škerlj).

he (like vladimir dvorniković (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338317-Is-Stears-brachycephalic&p=7029712&viewfull=1#post7029712)) should be remembered in the great conversation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Conversation).

if any one can make a digital copy
of branimir maleš opus on dinarids (https://www.worldcat.org/title/osnovi-biogeneze-i-biodinamike-dinarske-rase/oclc/989156224)
before it vanishes completely...

05-20-2021, 02:17 AM
thank you
for mentioning the dinarid (https://www.theapricity.com/snpa/gloss1.htm#DINARIC) variety described by božo škerlj (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Božo_Škerlj).

he (like vladimir dvorniković (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338317-Is-Stears-brachycephalic&p=7029712&viewfull=1#post7029712)) should be remembered in the great conversation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Conversation).

if any one can make a digital copy
of branimir maleš opus on dinarids (https://www.worldcat.org/title/osnovi-biogeneze-i-biodinamike-dinarske-rase/oclc/989156224)
before it vanishes completely...

so is that same as noric or norid or something else? i never again heard anything about "savid", also what you think i am, most of answeres were north pontid or noric, one guy who seems to know what he is doing told me that i am dinaricized north pontid with jaw of cm and forhead of alpinid...

05-20-2021, 10:30 AM
there is some subtle resemblance

05-21-2021, 05:31 AM
there is some subtle resemblance

i dont see any resemblance