View Full Version : The Most Important Thing You Would Teach Your Children

06-23-2020, 06:10 PM
What would be the most important thing you teach your children?

06-23-2020, 06:15 PM
1) Their Greek culture and identity and why it's important to hold on to.
2) Respect.
3) Education. Stay educated, keep learning - always.

06-23-2020, 06:37 PM
I would teach him or her not to obey the others. I would teach others to be respectful.
I would teach the mysterious world of music, cinema and books.
I would describe the dark world of religions and cultures

06-23-2020, 06:45 PM
I think the most important thing is to not spoil them, whether it's emotionally or with material things, and teach them to be independent.

06-23-2020, 06:47 PM
Don't understimate promaja.

06-23-2020, 07:45 PM
1) Identification, religious values, our role in history and future
2) Education and the importance should be given to science
3) Perseverance
4) Respect and tolerance

06-23-2020, 07:56 PM
To don't believe all what the media says, but have their own judgement based of what they see in the real world. To never be brainwashed but be eager to get all the information they can, and take their own conclusions. Being able to have their own capacity of analysis and don't just walk forward because they see the others doing so, without thinking.
To be very proud of their origin, and that is totally right for each nation/race wanting to preserve their own
That a nuclear family (with a NATURAL male and a NATURAL woman (no trans) being the parents) are the fundamental core of any decently working society.
That there are only to genres: male and female
That they should work hard to achieve their goals, without cheating, and not at the expenses of others.

Daco Celtic
06-23-2020, 08:05 PM
If I had a son

1) Appreciation for baseball cards
2) How to pick up on women
3) How to fight
4) Respect for poker, pool, and darts
5) Parallel parking skills
6) Ability to recognize good liquor and food

06-23-2020, 08:24 PM
If I had a son

1) Appreciation for baseball cards
2) How to pick up on women
3) How to fight
4) Respect for poker, pool, and darts
5) Parallel parking skills
6) Ability to recognize good liquor and food

E-V13 starter pack.

06-23-2020, 08:42 PM
1) To mind their own business.

2) To identify and avoid psychopaths, narcissists and related.

06-23-2020, 08:43 PM
Skateboarding, cuz I started to do it recently myself so it's on my mind

Seriously though, I would teach him a lot of things. Different things at different ages.

06-23-2020, 10:25 PM
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

06-23-2020, 10:30 PM
The difference between an Ak-47 and an AKM

06-23-2020, 10:57 PM

06-24-2020, 01:07 AM
To the son - so that during the feast he drink less, and eat and speak more.
To the daughter - so that she does not go to work in a position related to weight lifting and does not sit on stones.

06-24-2020, 01:09 AM

Fear God
Honor your parents
Keep your country safe

Fear God
Honor your parents
start a family as housewife and mother

06-24-2020, 01:18 AM
who they are and how the world works, you can't wait around for people to 'discover themselves' or they may never find purpose, of course they can reject the identity you have shown them, but its good to give them a head start in knowing who they are, how they came to be (not like because mommy and daddy love each other very much kind of stuff, but who they descend from, and what their culture values as moral, and why they should care), and how they can work with the world to make a niche for themselves.

06-24-2020, 01:19 PM
who they are and how the world works, you can't wait around for people to 'discover themselves' or they may never find purpose, of course they can reject the identity you have shown them, but its good to give them a head start in knowing who they are, how they came to be (not like because mommy and daddy love each other very much kind of stuff, but who they descend from, and what their culture values as moral, and why they should care), and how they can work with the world to make a niche for themselves.

Children should not live in fantasy world of their parents, with the opinions of their parents. They should explore, find what suits their personality the best, as they form it in interaction with the environment and other people. That's exactly why I said 'nothing'.

06-24-2020, 01:53 PM
Children should not live in fantasy world of their parents, with the opinions of their parents. They should explore, find what suits their personality the best, as they form it in interaction with the environment and other people. That's exactly why I said 'nothing'.

This is only true if you have an authoritarian parenting style and dictate what they do, some parents do treat their kids like an extension of themselves which is wrong but it's important to give them some grounding/foundation and let them explore after, it is healthy for their emotional and cognitive development. kids need some sort of rules/routines and to pass down our knowledge and skills to them, especially little kids they look up to their parents. son's want to be like daddy and girls like their moms. so it's our duty to teach them what we know and that includes sharing our interests and hobbies.

06-24-2020, 05:09 PM
Children should not live in fantasy world of their parents, with the opinions of their parents. They should explore, find what suits their personality the best, as they form it in interaction with the environment and other people. That's exactly why I said 'nothing'.

on the other hand, without the knowledge of their parents, children will be indoctrinated by the left wing, not everything a parent teaches their child is a 'fantasy world' much of it is well lived truth.

06-24-2020, 05:25 PM
- Religious and generally conservative values
- respect
- About all of their ancestral roots

The Blade
10-01-2020, 10:16 PM
Play the game but, above everything else, play the player - in every aspect of life.

Smart, experienced and successful people know what I mean. Morons will never understand.

10-01-2020, 10:37 PM
Be honest, show gratitude, try new things/experiences, stand up for your ideas.

10-01-2020, 10:43 PM
-The importance of an education
-Always strive to turn their adversities into opportunities

10-01-2020, 10:51 PM
- the greek language and culture
- treat others how you want to be treated
- don't let people walk all over you
- prioritize education before anything

10-01-2020, 11:03 PM
-Family and friends are the most important things in life and should always be a priority, most importantly family, but some friends become your family.
-Have a good heart, values, manners but dont let people take advantage or step over u either
-Learn to be an individual and think for yourself, think critically
-Be a hardworker, never take handouts
-Do things bcs they are the right thing to do, not bcs it might just be beneficial, whats right its not always the easy option.
-Most likely raise them catholic, if they change their mind later thats fine, but atleast theyll have that base and thats important to me.

03-20-2021, 04:35 PM
How to rule our dominions and how to conquer Mars when the time comes and name a continent there after my name.


Daco Celtic
03-20-2021, 04:46 PM
Origami and wood carving

03-20-2021, 04:53 PM
To not get into any trouble to be healthy and religion also to be aware of our origins