View Full Version : Classify her - Spanish Girl

06-30-2020, 07:02 PM

06-30-2020, 07:16 PM
Gracile Med + Berid

Davy Jones's Locker
07-04-2020, 09:06 PM
Mediterranean + Alpine.

07-04-2020, 10:00 PM

I have not seen the pictures but since I already saw you using pictures of gypsies to portrait Spaniards, I am sure that you are trying to fool people into believing that someone that you choose is a native. Since you say that you live in Spain you already should know that we are the 2º country in the world in absolute numbers of gypsies (1 million) and that they live in all the capitals of province (north-south-east and west), specially in the half south. We also have received like 10 million inmigrants since the year 2000 and many of them are mestizos or castizos (for example, many colombians or venezuelans are like 25-40% non-White and you may think that they are natives because you don´t know how we really look like or you don´t know how to distinguish Spanish sounds from different countries.

And are you sure you are polish? Maybe you are a "latino" that want to sell us as darkies when in reality the % of darkies is much lower than what people expect when thinking about Spain.

07-04-2020, 10:25 PM
Posting misleading photographs should be penalized. Another thing is to present it to find out, but a false presentation I think does not make sense or is ethical.

08-01-2020, 03:35 PM
I have not seen the pictures but since I already saw you using pictures of gypsies to portrait Spaniards, I am sure that you are trying to fool people into believing that someone that you choose is a native. Since you say that you live in Spain you already should know that we are the 2º country in the world in absolute numbers of gypsies (1 million) and that they live in all the capitals of province (north-south-east and west), specially in the half south. We also have received like 10 million inmigrants since the year 2000 and many of them are mestizos or castizos (for example, many colombians or venezuelans are like 25-40% non-White and you may think that they are natives because you don´t know how we really look like or you don´t know how to distinguish Spanish sounds from different countries.

And are you sure you are polish? Maybe you are a "latino" that want to sell us as darkies when in reality the % of darkies is much lower than what people expect when thinking about Spain.

Como veo que eres español te respondo en castellano. Yo no he usado en ningún momento fotos de gitanos, mucho menos para intentar demostrar algo. Solo tengo 3 publicaciones en todo el foro y son de gente cercana a mi que tienen un fenotipo inusual para el país del que proceden (la chica de este post ni siquiera es inusual). En este caso, veo que no has visto las fotos, pero proceden de una chica cuyos ancestros conocidos no tienen ningún vínculo conocido con el pueblo gitano. Su familia viene en parte de Huesca, de Asturias, de Segovia y de Jaén. Es posible que tenga ancestros gitanos, pero no es algo documentado y algo improbable.

Y respecto a lo de que soy latino e intento vender que los españoles son más oscuros de lo son no es cierto. No tendría ningún sentido y además estaría desinformando a la gente. Tu comentario me parece un tanto agresivo, dudando de mi etnicidad sin conocerme, tal vez solo viendo unas fotos. Espero que tus demás respuestas sean más respetuosas porque no ayudas a nadie con esas acusaciones.