View Full Version : Classify and pass Bulgarian highschool graduates

07-03-2020, 07:54 PM
From Sandanski, SW Bulgaria

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07-03-2020, 09:06 PM
Our sexiest neighbour

Dean K
07-03-2020, 09:18 PM
Hot girls dont see any Uk and French shitty girls from meter. Bulgarian girls are beautifull and super friendly.

07-03-2020, 09:30 PM
Main types: Pontid, Dinarid and Gorid. Also, there are some Norid, Baltid and North Pontid.

Best fit: Romania!

07-03-2020, 09:49 PM
Best fit is North Macedonia obviously.

Dean K
07-03-2020, 09:54 PM
Best fit is North Macedonia obviously.

You ever been in North Macedonia they look like them u think ? I guess no.

07-03-2020, 09:56 PM
You ever been in North Macedonia they look like them u think ? I guess no.

I don't need to. These students are Macedonian Bulgarians - they are the same in almost every aspect like Macedonians from North Macedonia.

07-03-2020, 10:11 PM
You ever been in North Macedonia they look like them u think ? I guess no.

They are the same people
They even hired a Gypsy orchesta to accompany them

07-04-2020, 12:30 AM

Crn Volk
07-04-2020, 12:37 AM

07-04-2020, 02:58 AM
Look at the Macedonian graduation pics threads. They look like them exactly.

07-04-2020, 03:59 AM
Country wise, they are identical to North Macedonians. As a group they are somewhere between Romanians and Serbs

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2020, 06:03 AM
These would pass better in Croatia and even possibly Poland than in Greece. Relative to the fact they are two neighbouring European countries, Greeks and Bulgarians look strikingly different.

07-04-2020, 11:57 AM
A general mix of Med (Atlanto and Pontid plus few East-Meds), Dinaric, Cromagnon, Nordic and Baltic traits.

07-04-2020, 12:04 PM
These would pass better in Croatia and even possibly Poland than in Greece. Relative to the fact they are two neighbouring European countries, Greeks and Bulgarians look strikingly different.

You are clueless about Greeks. Your opinion is based probably on two Cypriot restaurant owners in London.


I see Southern European people, not Arabs, a few can even fit in Central Europe.

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2020, 12:18 PM
You are clueless about Greeks. Your opinion is based probably on two Cypriot restaurant owners in London.


I see Southern European people, not Arabs, a few can even fit in Central Europe.

There is overlap but they still look different from the Bulgarians posted in this thread.

07-04-2020, 12:43 PM
Dinarids, Pontids and East Meds.

07-04-2020, 01:20 PM
These would pass better in Croatia and even possibly Poland than in Greece. Relative to the fact they are two neighbouring European countries, Greeks and Bulgarians look strikingly different.

My impression, too! The moment you pass the border (due to ethnic cleansing in early 20th century) there is a sharp decrease in lightness: even children are routinely black haired, let alone adults. Med is dominant everywhere in Greece, except Epirus (where Dinaric is I think more common). This continues the situation in antiquity, when Greeks viewed Thracians as light (compared to them)...

07-04-2020, 01:27 PM
These would pass better in Croatia and even possibly Poland than in Greece. Relative to the fact they are two neighbouring European countries, Greeks and Bulgarians look strikingly different.

-duplicate submission (site is always half-down)-

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2020, 01:37 PM
My impression, too! The moment you pass the border (due to ethnic cleansing in early 20th century) there is a sharp decrease in lightness: even children are routinely black haired, let alone adults. Med is dominant everywhere in Greece, except Epirus (where Dinaric is I think more common). This continues the situation in antiquity, when Greeks viewed Thracians as light (compared to them)...

The Blade, who for some reason doesn't post much now, has said that Sikeliot used to overrate the similarity between Greeks and Bulgarians, and that genetically Bulgarians plot closer even to Czechs than to Greeks.

07-04-2020, 01:52 PM
Some of them look more romanian, others more serbian

07-04-2020, 02:47 PM
The Blade, who for some reason doesn't post much now, has said that Sikeliot used to overrate the similarity between Greeks and Bulgarians, and that genetically Bulgarians plot closer even to Czechs than to Greeks.

No, Bulgarians genetically are closer to mainland Greeks, and in looks too. Bulgarians are closer to Greeks both in looks and genetics than any Central Europeans, except Hungarians, who are part Balkan population.

07-04-2020, 02:54 PM
These would pass better in Croatia and even possibly Poland than in Greece. Relative to the fact they are two neighbouring European countries, Greeks and Bulgarians look strikingly different.The Blade, who for some reason doesn't post much now, has said that Sikeliot used to overrate the similarity between Greeks and Bulgarians, and that genetically Bulgarians plot closer even to Czechs than to Greeks.

Bulgarians are more northern shifted than Greeks and look different. Genetically speaking, South Slavs are closer to Central Europeans than to Greeks Islanders.
Only Greeks from Northern Greece (there they mixed with Slavs and Thracians who had already lived there) cluster close to Bulgarians, Romanians and Serbs.

Even Thessaloniki students look different from Bulgarian students

07-04-2020, 06:55 PM
Anyway, my point is that Bulgarians, Romanians and Macedonians as a whole are closer to mainland Greeks and Albanians than to Poles or Czechs, solely that Balkans are mostly dark/medium brown hair while West/East Slavs are mostly light/medium brown.

We know Greeks are different, that's not even the point of this thread. I live in Plovdiv and know how Greeks look like, not only Greeks, but Iberians, Italians, French too, and majority of them can pass as Bulgarians individually. There are some very dark Greeks and Iberians that can't pass but they are 15-20% at most. Passing is much easier in real life, only Tooting Carmen who has an agenda to swarthify Southern Europeans doesn't see this.

Do you think these two guys would be spoken to in English in Croatia, Serbia or even Hungary if they appear on the street there? I doubt.


Tooting Carmen
07-04-2020, 07:02 PM
Anyway, my point is that Bulgarians, Romanians and Macedonians as a whole are closer to mainland Greeks and Albanians than to Poles or Czechs, solely that Balkans are mostly dark/medium brown hair while West/East Slavs are mostly light/medium brown.

We know Greeks are different, that's not even the point of this thread. I live in Plovdiv and know how Greeks look like, not only Greeks, but Iberians, Italians, French too, and majority of them can pass as Bulgarians individually. There are some very dark Greeks and Iberians that can't pass but they are 15-20% at most. Passing is much easier in real life, only Tooting Carmen who has an agenda to swarthify Southern Europeans doesn't see this.

Do you think these two guys would be spoken to in English in Croatia, Serbia or even Hungary if they appear on the street there? I doubt.


It isn't just that Greeks (and also Iberians and South Italians) are more universally dark-haired and dark-eyed than South Slavs. The features are different too - more gracile, less robust. Btw, French people and to an extent Northern Italians are themselves lighter and have different features than South Slavs, let alone Greeks.

07-04-2020, 07:09 PM
It isn't just that Greeks (and also Iberians and South Italians) are more universally dark-haired and dark-eyed than South Slavs. The features are different too - more gracile, less robust. Btw, French people and to an extent Northern Italians are themselves lighter and have different features than South Slavs, let alone Greeks.

Your problem is that you think that there are gaps in Europe where you cross some line in the sand and everything suddenly changes.

That's not the case.

Macedonian/Thracian Greeks and Slavs from Macedonia and Thrace are very close in looks and genetically, we have lived together for hundreds of years.

Obviously Greeks from distant places would be more Med looking.

South Slavs ourselves are a pretty big group. Slovenes cluster with other Central Europeans, Macedonians/Southern Bulgarians closer to non-Slavs like Gheg Albanians, Vlachs and Southern Romanians. Macedonians on average are 22-23% East Med.

I don't think Southern French and Northern Italians are lighter than us, in fact they look a lot like Bulgarians much more often than people think. I have posted examples. Obviously some are very western looking.

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2020, 07:14 PM
Your problem is that you think that there are gaps in Europe where you cross some line in the sand and everything suddenly changes.

That's not the case.

Macedonian/Thracian Greeks and Slavs from Macedonia and Thrace are very close in looks and genetically, we have lived together for hundreds of years.

Obviously Greeks from distant places would be more Med looking.

South Slavs ourselves are a pretty big group. Slovenes cluster with other Central Europeans, Macedonians/Southern Bulgarians closer to non-Slavs like Gheg Albanians, Vlachs and Southern Romanians. Macedonians on average are 22-23% East Med.

I don't think Southern French and Northern Italians are lighter than us, in fact they look a lot like Bulgarians much more often than people think. I have posted examples. Obviously some are very western looking.

Well I have said before that Slovenes and Croats even as a group look more Central than (stereotypically) Southern European, while this changes the further east you go in ex-Yugoslavia.

07-04-2020, 07:19 PM
A good example of person from the region is Dimitar Berbatov, who can pass in most of Europe, including countries like Poland, France, Russia, Italy and Greece. Most of the students in the first post can as well from my observation, some as more typical in Central, some as more typical in Southern.