View Full Version : Is eskimid cranial largesse exaggerated?

07-04-2020, 05:30 PM
Since I first learned about race I always read and hear about how Inuits have such gigantic heads, and on HumanPhenotypes.com Inuids and especially "Bering Sea" phenotypes are described as having unusually large heads. But I have looked at photographs of probably hundreds of eskimos from Canada and Greenland and pretty much none of them seem to follow this trend of caputae magnae I keep reading about. Could someone show me an example of a big-headed eskimo?

07-05-2020, 02:33 PM

L3mon J3lly
07-05-2020, 03:32 PM
What do you mean by big?

The human phenotypes website is 100% pure bullshit and should never be consulted for anything. All pictures on the website are false.

Pleas read "the chancelade skull" by WJ Sollas, free PDF is found through Google. Eskimo skulls are extremely dolicocephalic and their capaciousness is mainly attributable to their extreme length (from front to back). Their braincases are narrow. If you're talking about overall skull size, their faces are extremely wide (but narrow relative to their length).

This guy is a pure Eskimo and is a good example of the extreme dolicocephaly that is characteristic of Eskimo (the woman on the left is mixed with Nordic):



Woman on the left is mixed with some kind of white; her head is 50% as long as his:


L3mon J3lly
07-05-2020, 03:43 PM
Another example of the extreme dolicocephaly of (pure) Eskimos:



07-05-2020, 03:49 PM
Here's Eskimos next to Danes. Note how the Danes have woggy features, like long downturned nose, weak-skulled narrow face, and dull-looking eyes with low canthal tilt.


Here's another photo of Eskimo (or maybe mixed) children next to white children. The three girls with a red dot over their head have more white-like features, like a narrower face and more prominent eyelids, and their eyes also look more sad or dull. However the one on the left might still be native. The two other girls with a green dot over their head have more Eskimo-like features, like a wide face and non-prominent eyelids, and they also have eyes that look more clear or alert.


Here's another photo that was classified as being of Eskimos, but the two girls in the front row might be mixed or white. The two girls in the front row have white-like features that makes them look more weak and degenerated, like a smaller and narrower head, more sad-looking eyes with more prominent eyelids, narrower nose, and thinner lips.


To quickly view photos classified as being of Eskimos on the website of the Smithsonian Institution, you can run a shell command like this:

u="https://collections.si.edu/search/results.htm?fq=culture%3A%22Eskimos%22&fq=online_media_type%3A%22Images%22&fq=object_type%3A%22Photographs%22";seq 0 20 `curl -Ls "$u"|pup '.pagination attr{data-max}'`|parallel -q curl -Ls "$u&start="|pup '.record-thumbnail json{}'|jq -r '.[]|(.href|sub(".*?:";"")|sub("\\?.*";""))+" "+(.children[0].src|sub(".*=";""))'|awk '{printf"%s","<a href=https://collections.si.edu/search/detail/edanmdm:"$1"><img src=https://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?max=1000&id="$2" height=50%></a>"}'>/tmp/a.html;open /tmp/a.html

L3mon J3lly
07-05-2020, 03:56 PM
^ This guy is a fucking retard who has been bullied all his life by wog studs, don't listen to a word he says. The Eskimo are partially Caucasoid and Caucasoids traits tend to show up more frequently in the men than the women. Makes sense, given the extremely high frequency of Q-NWT01 in Eskimos, making them direct descendents of Afontova Gora.

07-06-2020, 01:39 AM
Here's Eskimos next to Danes. Note how the Danes have woggy features, like long downturned nose, weak-skulled narrow face, and dull-looking eyes with low canthal tilt.


Here's another photo of Eskimo (or maybe mixed) children next to white children. The three girls with a red dot over their head have more white-like features, like a narrower face and more prominent eyelids, and their eyes also look more sad or dull. However the one on the left might still be native. The two other girls with a green dot over their head have more Eskimo-like features, like a wide face and non-prominent eyelids, and they also have eyes that look more clear or alert.


Here's another photo that was classified as being of Eskimos, but the two girls in the front row might be mixed or white. The two girls in the front row have white-like features that makes them look more weak and degenerated, like a smaller and narrower head, more sad-looking eyes with more prominent eyelids, narrower nose, and thinner lips.


To quickly view photos classified as being of Eskimos on the website of the Smithsonian Institution, you can run a shell command like this:

u="https://collections.si.edu/search/results.htm?fq=culture%3A%22Eskimos%22&fq=online_media_type%3A%22Images%22&fq=object_type%3A%22Photographs%22";seq 0 20 `curl -Ls "$u"|pup '.pagination attr{data-max}'`|parallel -q curl -Ls "$u&start="|pup '.record-thumbnail json{}'|jq -r '.[]|(.href|sub(".*?:";"")|sub("\\?.*";""))+" "+(.children[0].src|sub(".*=";""))'|awk '{printf"%s","<a href=https://collections.si.edu/search/detail/edanmdm:"$1"><img src=https://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?max=1000&id="$2" height=50%></a>"}'>/tmp/a.html;open /tmp/a.html

Well that's well and good, but none of them really stick out as enormous. Here's some photos I scrounged together




They certainly have large faces but it looks to me like their largesse has been over exaggerated

07-07-2020, 09:22 AM
^ This guy is a fucking retard who has been bullied all his life by wog studs, don't listen to a word he says. The Eskimo are partially Caucasoid and Caucasoids traits tend to show up more frequently in the men than the women. Makes sense, given the extremely high frequency of Q-NWT01 in Eskimos, making them direct descendents of Afontova Gora.

Agreed with you in almost all of your statements(including what you said about that weirdo, I really think he's writing all of these from his local mental hospital, he once said he'd castrate negative or neutral canthal tilted men and women, obviously a sick person), only that sometimes boys inherit their appearance from mothers, so even if they are Q haplogroup they could also inherit their mother looks some of the time.

Also I was going to post a thread about eskimid racial type metrics somewhere in april-may, some of the skulls are indeed neanderthal-like, they have like 211 mm head length 161 or 147-150 head breadth, but that's a minority also, the men with these skull shapes were only 164-165 cm tall.