View Full Version : Are South Asians, Sub Saharans much more extroverted and open than SE Asians?

07-18-2020, 05:26 AM
I am curious. Most SE Asians including Thais are rather introverted and reserved. Sub Saharans (mostly Nigerians that I met) and South Asians including the Pakistanis that I met in US, seem very extroverted and loud than most SE Asians.

For example, the Pakistani students would joke around a lot and being loud while most SE Asians would be rather reserved and introverted.

07-18-2020, 05:37 AM
maybe the guys, but among women I feel like southeast asians are much more open than south asian females. SSAs are definitely more extroverted than both south/se asians.

07-18-2020, 05:38 AM
maybe the guys, but among women I feel like southeast asians are much more open than south asian females. SSAs are definitely more extroverted than both south/se asians.

Really? Are South Asian females less open and extroverted than SE Asian females? I dunno but I feel the Thai females I met are very into themselves and rather timid and not that open.

07-18-2020, 07:50 AM

07-18-2020, 12:40 PM
Africans are more extroverted than both other groups. South Asians (particularly Pakistanis) are more extroverted than Southeast Asians imo

07-18-2020, 12:54 PM
Personally I know a guy who's half African-American, half Hungarian and he's really friendly and it's good to hang out with him (of course, he's maybe an exception because he's living in Hungary and he's always surrounded by Hungarians).

On the other hand, I can't say too much about South Asians since I don't know many, once I've met a girl in a party but she was from the USA, she was really open, we talked a lot.

Southeast Asians, particularly Filipinos seem to be very open and friendly people in my experience, in person and on the internet as well. So this is my personal experience.

07-18-2020, 12:55 PM
Double post

07-19-2020, 04:34 AM
Africans are more extroverted than both other groups. South Asians (particularly Pakistanis) are more extroverted than Southeast Asians imo

How about friendliness? Would you say Africans, South Asians are more friendly than SE Asians? I feel SE Asians are not as friendly despite the stereotype. Furthermore, i think Indonesians and maybe Pinos are more friendly and sincere than Thais.

07-19-2020, 04:52 AM
How about friendliness? Would you say Africans, South Asians are more friendly than SE Asians? I feel SE Asians are not as friendly despite the stereotype. Furthermore, i think Indonesians and maybe Pinos are more friendly and sincere than Thais.

SEA's are mostly economic migrants where I live but in nicer parts of London there are established Filipino communities, those i've spoken to are pretty reserved. South Asians are a mixed bag, Africans are the friendliest in my experience. Especially East Africans

07-19-2020, 05:27 AM
SEA's are mostly economic migrants where I live but in nicer parts of London there are established Filipino communities, those i've spoken to are pretty reserved. South Asians are a mixed bag, Africans are the friendliest in my experience. Especially East Africans

Are the ones that you have spoken to mostly Pinos or other SE Asians? I feel its a stereorype that SE Asians are extroverted and friendly when actually a lot of them are pretty reserved, timid and not open and friendly.

Somalians or Ethiopians? They are friendlier than West Africans like Nigerians, Ghanaians?

07-19-2020, 01:47 PM
Are the ones that you have spoken to mostly Pinos or other SE Asians? I feel its a stereorype that SE Asians are extroverted and friendly when actually a lot of them are pretty reserved, timid and not open and friendly.

Somalians or Ethiopians? They are friendlier than West Africans like Nigerians, Ghanaians?

Mostly Pinos. There are some other SEA communities here but they're not as well established, they have the integration level of Slavs for comparison (extremely low).

Somalis particularly are definitely some of the friendliest Africans. East Africans (both younger and older) overall including Kenyans, Ugandans etc I have had nothing but good experiences with. West Africans are more of a mixed bag; Elders are always super nice but they have a lot of youth crime issues

07-19-2020, 02:15 PM
SE Asians I know (4 irl) are all open and extraverted.