View Full Version : Is AncestryDNA worth it, in my case?

07-24-2020, 10:41 AM
Good morning everybody!

I'm from Spain. As you've probably read in 23andMe subforum, I'm Spanish, my parents and grandparents are and were, Spanish, but not all my great-grandparents (and above). My results are always, whether if I take a K15, 13, 36, 47... calculator, or 23andMe, or MyHeritage (...) the same, some tell 70 Spanish, other 79, other 60... I'm Basque, essentialy, from the French side. So that explains why am I always Basque in that calculators, 1st as Basque in Spanish 23andMe regions and why a bit of French genes go in Iberian. That's not my problem, but 23andMe's. I have an Italian and Balkan component that K36 noticed very well and 23andMe could not detect specifically (any regions detected) but noticed. Also, I have more 'broadly NW' than NW, and more broadly southern than Italian or Balkan (which appear in my ancestry timeline, fully Adriatic). K36 always says scandogerman and paleobalkan but that does not tell me anything special :(

In my case, there is always something between 10 and 20% northwestern I would like to go deep into. My father had a high NW with a lot of broadly and only a 5 to 6% of french (if it all goes to broadly that's what happens), but he managed to be detected as Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Īle de France. He got a decent British component that in fact we linked to a common ancestor in French Basque country, who had Scottish family, but so mixed that it did not show any specific region. That's right, well I don't need to know much more, my relatives are all Basque, Scottish and French by that side, far, very far, but there we go.

Troubles? My mother had a mixed German in his ancestry, with French and Polish people. He was called 'Polaco' ('Polish') in Spain, with a non-registered father and a mother who always said she had the baby with a 'northern foreigner'. Their children, grandchildren and so... were pale, tall (6'1'' when the average was 5'5'' and 5'6''), blue-eyed, red haired or blond... Not Spanish in a dark village. In fact there are only two families in the village which are red haired, tall and blue-eyed: mine and one related to the 'Polaco's' one, which, in fact, means that we are cousins, hahaha. Our relatives are all from Denmark, Germany, Poland (-ski, -sson, -dottir, -sen)... but, as that man was not registered in Spain as it is obvious, we can't provide names or dates. K36 and some other oracles tend to put me and my mother, peaks in Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein and even Normandie. But, with more than a 5% broadly NW and a 7 to 8% french-german (my mother, I think, she is 17 % NW), no regions appear. My father, with 5.2, gets Aquitaine and Īle, but my mother still, with twice more german, can't get anything but broadly. You'll probably deduce that her german is so mixed that nothing can be specified.

My question is: having a father with detected regions in France and an Adriatic+British mix, and a mother with a 'recent' ancestor from Central Europe, with a high % of NW (taking into account she is Spanish), but higher from broadly (in short: we are somewhat foreigner but all we know is 800% broadly)... would AncestryDNA tell me something more, I mean, positives in other regions -as they have more-, solving that broadly, giving me less regions but more countries, or would it exaggerate my British, underestimate my Iberian and say little b.shit?
. I only want to get rid of that BROADLY BROADLY BROADLY, and get details. A friend of mine, with 1 % Italian got 3 regions and I only got with a 17 %NW family broadly and nothing more.

If any Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (...) person has been tested from 23andMe with a lot of broadly and then took an Ancestry test, please, tell me, because I think there are going to be some offers soon and I'll pay for a new test if it is more accurate (less broadly, I mean) than 23andMe which told me nothing I didn't know yet. Thanks in advance. Best regards!

Post scriptum: DNA tests from me and my parents, so you can judge. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?328479-Parents-got-tested-These-were-their-results-and-the-changes-in-mine And excuse my English level. I'm not native :P