View Full Version : Classify some relatively light-skinned Indian actors from new BBC drama series "A Suitable Boy"

Tooting Carmen
07-29-2020, 01:57 PM
Vivaan Shah

Aamir Bashir

Vivek Gomber

07-29-2020, 05:00 PM
Oh fuck, wow!

They made an adaptation of the novel? Loved the novel.

Hmm, that kid looks like a young teen me, a little. Nose is a bit wide but ...

I'm guessing these will be the main Muslim characters.

Dunno how to classify them, to be honest. The first, as I said, looks a lot like me in my teens, the second looks like a standard alim type from North India or Pakistan.

The third is interesting, looks like a Sikh without his mane.

Tooting Carmen
07-29-2020, 05:38 PM
Oh fuck, wow!

They made an adaptation of the novel? Loved the novel.

Hmm, that kid looks like a young teen me, a little. Nose is a bit wide but ...

I'm guessing these will be the main Muslim characters.

Dunno how to classify them, to be honest. The first, as I said, looks a lot like me in my teens, the second looks like a standard alim type from North India or Pakistan.

The third is interesting, looks like a Sikh without his mane.

Does the second one remind you a bit of John-Rhys Davies? xD

07-29-2020, 06:39 PM
Does the second one remind you a bit of John-Rhys Davies? xD

Very slightly, the facial muscles are different and the nose too.

Tooting Carmen
07-29-2020, 07:51 PM
Anyone else?

07-29-2020, 08:04 PM
Vivaan Shah: Asiatic Alpine + Indo-Brachid

Aamir Bashir: North Indid + minor Iranid

Vivek Gomber: Indo-Brachid + North Indid

The Blade
08-02-2020, 09:27 PM
1 and 3 - North Indids
2 - Indo-Nordic