View Full Version : Classify/Passify Youtuber

08-05-2020, 07:54 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKM0guJUZVo&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0qGJsF_yOiDttdV9_ngO3HtbhkcxIarpoAQB6wU fZ-yaTRJdxHaCJVAVI

08-05-2020, 08:12 AM
Some Germanic type, absolutely un-Slavic face.

08-05-2020, 09:26 AM
Some Nordid variety- Friterpian leaning possbly obv. he passes well in Northeuro- best fit maybe Dutch/Northgermany, but some would be surprised how many individuals in Tallin have a similar look.

Outside of some anthrotards do people question such individuals in Hungary actually? I remember i worked with some Hungarian guy who had a german surname and looked like some WASP/Northgermanic model (like this Jason Lewis ). For other Hungarians he was just a regular Hungarian (note: i worked in a Bar at that time)

People will rather guess by language (or behaviour etc.) than looks if you are from somewhere else. So if a East- Tyrolian starts to speak like this, none of his countrymen would say he looks like a German tourist. (Also blonde hair is common there too):

08-05-2020, 04:13 PM
Outside of some anthrotards do people question such individuals in Hungary actually?
Not really. Few hungarians may think he's of german(or "Danube Swabian") descent or has more german ancestry than avarage hungarian, but nothing more.

I knew a guy that was highly northern in appearance with similar hair color to the guy in firs post, but I think he looked more like a Swede than a German ( he said when he travelled to Denmark the locals thought he was from Sweden).
A few times I saw his friends jokingly call him "Swede" and such, but people just thought he was a hungarian man and he wasn't questioned.

Atypical people(on either end of the spectrum) exist in any euro ethnicity.

In high school I had a classmate that was dark pigmented with southern features some people jokingly called him gypsy but everyone knew he was just hungarian.

08-06-2020, 04:41 AM
His features actually resemble the very few blondes found among modern Szekelers. Honestly he looks Hungarian (in the ancient sense), but not like a modern Hungarian (where non-Magyar phenotypes very heavily predominate):

- there is Aryan (obviously)
- there is generic Nordic (visible in nose shape and hair color)

Best fit for this guy is Hungarian (just very atypical)

08-06-2020, 04:50 AM
"Troender" type iMO

08-09-2020, 03:23 PM
His features actually resemble the very few blondes found among modern Szekelers. Honestly he looks Hungarian (in the ancient sense), but not like a modern Hungarian (where non-Magyar phenotypes very heavily predominate):

- there is Aryan (obviously)
- there is generic Nordic (visible in nose shape and hair color)

Best fit for this guy is Hungarian (just very atypical)

Blonde hair arrived with the 'Aryans' no?