View Full Version : typify this guy

08-11-2020, 02:19 PM
https://i.ibb.co/dgmRgL5/Heikki-K-rp-nen-141.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

08-11-2020, 02:27 PM
Borreby with eastern vibe.

08-11-2020, 02:28 PM
All human males can be tipified in four categories: turtle-faced, bird-faced,dog-faced and horse-faced.

This is a clear example of bird-faced guy, specifically bird-faced , subtype goldfinch mixed with swallow.

08-11-2020, 02:30 PM
Cm ("West" Baltid or Borreby/Baltid) + Nordid, as he seems a bit graciler

08-11-2020, 03:06 PM
All human males can be tipified in four categories: turtle-faced, bird-faced,dog-faced and horse-faced.

This is a clear example of bird-faced guy, specifically bird-faced , subtype goldfinch mixed with swallow.

So he is Ilmannäpistelijä from village of the man who rolls a rock.

08-11-2020, 03:20 PM
He comes from the same little town (against Russian border) as this guy



I can see similarity in looks.

08-11-2020, 04:56 PM

Girl asks From Pekka, "do you know what is Ilmannäpistelijä (Sky Thief)?"

No answer from Pekka.

Stoneroller looks at the sky where bird flies and Eljas starts to narrate:

During wartime there was a man at Isthmus front who was just like a bird. He had a neck like a bird, eyes like a bird, and head like a bird. And he walked like he was a stork, stretching out his joints. We called him Ilmannäpistelijä (Sky Thief). It did not anger him that we called him a bird. He just fluttered his hands like they were wings, looked at the sky, and made noises like woodpecker and said, "very funny you find me, but what will you say, when I go away?" And then looked at us like a December-Crow.

Day before the Russian main offense Ilmannäpistelijä disappeared. All that was left of him at the dugout, was a shirt, hat, and a white shit. And to this day no one has seen him since.