View Full Version : wich differences in facial traits do you notice between evil and nice people?

08-14-2020, 12:51 AM
if you stop to analise your life for a time, remembering the looks of people that have passed trough it, which striking physical characteristics they had?
for me:
evil ones: small head, big nose and dark features.
good ones: big ears, blonde, progressive features but also robust.

08-14-2020, 12:54 AM
To me good and evil isn't a white and black thing. For example, I don't associate good people with blonde hair and bad people with dark hair... that is foolish.

Cristiano viejo
08-14-2020, 01:02 AM
Nice people: Europeans.
Bad people: the rest.

Closed thread.

08-14-2020, 01:04 AM
Nice people: Europeans.
Bad people: the rest.

Closed thread.

but blonde foreigners are ok

Cristiano viejo
08-14-2020, 01:11 AM
but blonde foreigners are ok

No they are not, specially Brazilians

08-14-2020, 01:11 AM
Man I had a good laugh at this

08-14-2020, 03:05 AM
if you stop to analise your life for a time, remembering the looks of people that have passed trough it, which striking physical characteristics they had?
for me:
evil ones: small head, big nose and dark features.
good ones: big ears, blonde, progressive features but also robust.

Not true, Hollywood taugh me that blondes are evil, while brunettes (whites or ethnics) are heroes.

Look at Karate Kid, the hero, Daniel Larusso is your typical brunette/Gracile-Med Italian-American with a great tanning ability (the actor Ralph Macchio is not fully Terrone, he has 25% Greek ancestry), while the villians are blonde/pinkish of Old Stock/Germanic ancestry:



In the Rocky movie, Silvester Stallone, your classic Dinaro-Med of Italic appearance, is the hero, while the robust blonde is the villain that took drugs in order to win the fight, while the brunette hero didn't cheat:

In the Lost Boys (1987), the main vampire villain is blonde, while one of the heroes is a brunette:

And our here steals the brunette girl of the blondish bad vampire:

Face it, Jolso, blonde are evil. You should never trust one.

08-14-2020, 03:44 AM
Not true, Hollywood taugh me that blondes are evil, while brunettes (whites or ethnics) are heroes.

Look at Karate Kid, the hero, Daniel Larusso is your typical brunette/Gracile-Med Italian-American with a great tanning ability (the actor Ralph Macchio is not fully Terrone, he has 25% Greek ancestry), while the villians are blonde/pinkish of Old Stock/Germanic ancestry:



In the Rocky movie, Silvester Stallone, your classic Dinaro-Med of Italic appearance, is the hero, while the robust blonde is the villain that took drugs in order to win the fight, while the brunette hero didn't cheat:

In the Lost Boys (1987), the main vampire villain is blonde, while one of the heroes is a brunette:

And our here steals the brunette girl of the blondish bad vampire:

Face it, Jolso, blonde are evil. You should never trust one.

I think there might be a political aspect to "blonde hairism"... in first world countries. Economic aspect, too. In the context of the Hollywood of the 1980s, "blonde evil types" were rather conspicuously so... It's a f*cking card to play. Kind of unfair of us to stereotype so viciously.

08-14-2020, 11:43 AM
It is an easy task. Search for images of "moroccoans", "moroccoans youth" and then search picture of "Spaniards", "Spanish youth".

In the first you will see criminal looking types. And in the second group, you will see normal people. I donīt know why but 90% of moroccoans look like criminals, like if they are going to assault you. The face is the mirror of your soul, or something like this. Having to live with those criminal looking types I am sure that it makes natives feel in danger many times, just by living next to them.

08-14-2020, 01:30 PM
For me it depends on the facial expression, some people can look both evil and good

08-14-2020, 01:39 PM
Let me guess, OP is the good one

08-14-2020, 01:58 PM
For me it's so random that I can't tell them apart most of the time.

08-14-2020, 02:07 PM
I think there might be a political aspect to "blonde hairism"... in first world countries. Economic aspect, too. In the context of the Hollywood of the 1980s, "blonde evil types" were rather conspicuously so... It's a f*cking card to play. Kind of unfair of us to stereotype so viciously.

If Hollywood says blondes are bad people then its 100% opposite.

08-14-2020, 02:14 PM
Not true, Hollywood taugh me that blondes are evil, while brunettes (whites or ethnics) are heroes.

Look at Karate Kid, the hero, Daniel Larusso is your typical brunette/Gracile-Med Italian-American with a great tanning ability (the actor Ralph Macchio is not fully Terrone, he has 25% Greek ancestry), while the villians are blonde/pinkish of Old Stock/Germanic ancestry:

Face it, Jolso, blonde are evil. You should never trust one.
What about Biff from Back to the Future (though he wasn't blonde-blonde):

Not a natural blonde, but when T Bag got out jail in Prison Break and went on a killing spree, he dyed his hair blonde for some reason:

Javier Bardem went full on blonde hair and blue eyes for his villainous role in that James Bond movie:

Die Hard villain:

And the rest:


08-14-2020, 02:24 PM
Typical TA: it should be a discussion about facial characteristics- it ends up being a hair (or skin) colour discussion.