View Full Version : Soros sees 'revolutionary moment' in pandemic: 'The range of possibilities is much greater'

08-14-2020, 06:46 PM
Billionaire liberal activist George Soros told an Italian newspaper that he sees the coronavirus epidemic as a “revolutionary” opportunity.

In an interview with La Repubblica, the Hungarian-born Mr. Soros also denounced President Trump as a “transitory phenomenon” but expressed hope that the COVID-19 crisis has opened up politics in a radical direction.

“I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times,” he said. “What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared.”

But Mr. Soros, who was being interviewed by the Rome newspaper on the occasion of his 90th birthday, warned that Mr. Trump “remains very dangerous,” despite seeing him as transitory, because of his efforts to stay in power and avoid prosecution.

“He’s fighting for his life, and he will do anything to stay in power,” Mr. Soros said, also calling the president “a confidence trickster” who can “undermine democracy from within.”

Mr. Soros, who bankrolls numerous liberal and leftist causes through his Open Society Foundation and other funding sources, praised the U.S. for still having “a great tradition of checks and balances and established rules. And above all you have the Constitution.

“So, I am confident that Trump will turn out to be a transitory phenomenon, hopefully ending in November,” he concluded.


08-14-2020, 06:48 PM
He is going to burn in hell for eternity.

08-14-2020, 06:59 PM
Globalists like that Jew, beside Bill Gates and even the young retard-looking Swedish girl Greta were utilized to prepare psychologically large human masses that the Earth doesn't have enough resources and room to accommodate its current population. Through their propaganda which called people to avoid consuming cattle meat, travelling by plane and so on, in fact they had been giving the message that it would in reality be good if the world population could be decreased.

All these environment action groups, green political activists are very silent since the beginning of the pandemic. With masses of people dying everyday all over the world (Brazil, Mexico, India and US are leading nowadays), I wonder what the real feelings of those greens are.
Surely they are mourning the victims?

08-14-2020, 07:03 PM
Fuck that Jew piece of shit. He is the one that should be just a transitory phenomenon.

08-14-2020, 07:12 PM
“I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times,” he said. “What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared.”

It's true. And there will never be peace while bio terrorists are at large.