View Full Version : Arab DNA in Spanish

08-19-2020, 04:22 PM
I visited Spain in 2013 and surprisingly many of them looked straight out of Yemen to me. How much Arab DNA do they have?


08-19-2020, 04:30 PM
2% maybe, but I think most have 0

08-19-2020, 04:36 PM
You are forgetting that Spain is full of immigrants from Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan, India, etc and even sometimes latin americans can resemble an arab. Maybe for that you saw a lot of "spaniards" with arab DNA.

Anyway I think I have a lot of Arab DNA beacause I have five wifes, I have a camel in my garage and I drink a glass of petroleum every morning for breakfast.

08-19-2020, 04:41 PM
You are forgetting that Spain is full of immigrants from Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan, India, etc and even sometimes latin americans can resemble an arab. Maybe for that you saw a lot of "spaniards" with arab DNA.

Anyway I think I have a lot of Arab DNA beacause I have five wifes, I have a camel in my garage and I drink a glass of petroleum every morning for breakfast.

I'd like to also know why a significant portion of Spain support "Palestine" over Israel? I thought you guys hate Muslims?

08-19-2020, 04:43 PM
Not a lot Arabian or Yemenite, my father is from Andalusia and he scores 0.2% in this little model, which could be even simply "noise".

Arabian,0.05059585,0.13995270,-0.06513990,-0.11723870,-0.00940130,-0.04997380,-0.01229238,-0.00808298,0.05608075,-0.00410653,0.01556333,-0.03192903,0.06243548,0.00350273,0.00455410,0.0252 5745,-0.02140830,0.00386218,0.00015448,0.02687405,0.0126 3658,0.01614353,-0.00905183,0.00697205,-0.00832413
Yemenite,0.05174190,0.13874660,-0.06566620,-0.11837600,-0.00721070,-0.05182340,-0.01121515,-0.00798695,0.06050780,-0.00232075,0.01483365,-0.03200295,0.06152495,0.00486465,0.00592640,0.0233 3400,-0.02076730,0.00343125,0.00063025,0.02348350,0.0122 1305,0.01540175,-0.01090055,0.00567000,-0.00689545
Iberian:NorthWest_Iberia,0.10746950,0.14553650,0.0 3853550,-0.00304150,0.04167050,-0.00207100,-0.00459900,0.00259150,0.02515550,0.02988500,-0.00143150,0.00657900,-0.01267400,-0.01171000,0.01185050,0.00009550,-0.00268450,-0.00152400,-0.00540200,-0.00062600,0.00100550,-0.00273550,0.00024650,-0.00240750,0.00059950
Iberian:North_Iberia,0.12242300,0.14849267,0.04831 367,0.00441433,0.04920567,-0.00158033,-0.00117500,0.00112833,0.02542900,0.03776333,-0.00550333,0.00982467,-0.01831833,-0.01532200,0.01438633,0.00066300,-0.00819967,0.00174567,-0.00188533,-0.00464133,0.00506033,0.00028867,-0.00647733,-0.00282500,0.00303367
Iberian:NorthEast_Iberia,0.11628950,0.14543250,0.0 4336900,0.00072050,0.04682900,-0.00072050,-0.00201750,0.00200900,0.02276150,0.03187600,-0.00244950,0.00846100,-0.01443250,-0.01149150,0.00923450,0.00037000,-0.00267300,-0.00168400,-0.00118350,-0.00093800,0.00588550,-0.00354950,-0.00297350,-0.00353450,0.00150700
Iberian:SouthWest_Iberia,0.10646733,0.14688233,0.0 3492500,-0.00301667,0.04277467,-0.00423167,-0.00322200,0.00147333,0.02499733,0.03070867,-0.00139567,0.00657967,-0.01218267,-0.01163967,0.01011833,-0.00009600,-0.00321833,-0.00176033,-0.00547800,-0.00065367,0.00206267,-0.00287133,-0.00071667,-0.00307933,0.00107233
Iberian:SouthEast_Iberia,0.11097733,0.14567500,0.0 3798667,-0.00415933,0.04427033,-0.00425333,-0.00287600,0.00034833,0.02487300,0.03243767,-0.00255833,0.00645767,-0.01361933,-0.01153233,0.00841333,-0.00166133,-0.00373200,-0.00014500,-0.00148333,-0.00060700,0.00447000,-0.00091833,-0.00123267,-0.00407733,0.00092767

Target: gixajo_scaled
Distance: 1.7087% / 0.01708716
100.0 Iberian
0.0 Arabian
0.0 Yemenite

Target: gixajo_dad_scaled
Distance: 2.0098% / 0.02009777
99.8 Iberian
0.2 Yemenite
0.0 Arabian

Target: gixajo_mom_scaled
Distance: 1.9955% / 0.01995544
100.0 Iberian
0.0 Arabian
0.0 Yemenite

08-19-2020, 04:44 PM
0% in average. The existence of the haplogroup J1 in Spain is around 1%. I have arab ancestry myself but it comes from my sicilian side.

08-19-2020, 04:45 PM
And distances:

Distance to: gixajo_scaled
0.01926328 Iberian:NorthEast_Iberia
0.02040104 Iberian:Center
0.02050104 Iberian:North_Iberia
0.02251675 Iberian:SouthEast_Iberia
0.02369903 Iberian:NorthWest_Iberia
0.02453667 Iberian:SouthWest_Iberia
0.22314310 Yemenite
0.22351645 Arabian

Distance to: gixajo_dad_scaled
0.02067211 Iberian:SouthWest_Iberia
0.02136692 Iberian:SouthEast_Iberia
0.02189294 Iberian:NorthWest_Iberia
0.02204594 Iberian:Center
0.02654867 Iberian:NorthEast_Iberia
0.03106956 Iberian:North_Iberia
0.21267624 Yemenite
0.21306823 Arabian

Distance to: gixajo_mom_scaled
0.02035110 Iberian:North_Iberia
0.02606574 Iberian:NorthEast_Iberia
0.02691918 Iberian:Center
0.03072550 Iberian:SouthEast_Iberia
0.03188690 Iberian:NorthWest_Iberia
0.03330976 Iberian:SouthWest_Iberia
0.23113662 Yemenite
0.23147352 Arabian

08-19-2020, 04:45 PM
I visited Spain in 2013 and surprisingly many of them looked straight out of Yemen to me. How much Arab DNA do they have?


Hey Jew troll. Have you came back again with a new sockpuppet account?

08-19-2020, 04:59 PM
I'd like to also know why a significant portion of Spain support "Palestine" over Israel? I thought you guys hate Muslims?I don't think so. Most of the people here don't know a lot about the conflict Israel-Palestine.

I think there are a minority of lefties and hippies that support Palestine against the bully attitude of Israel because it's cool to preach peace and love...but that's all.

Most of the people here see the muslims as fanatics, terrorists, thiefs and dangerous.

Cristiano viejo
08-19-2020, 04:59 PM
A Jew claiming others have Arab DNA... this only happens in Apricity :rolleyes:

08-19-2020, 05:01 PM
Ah, the Cristiano Viejo summoning thread.

Cristiano viejo
08-19-2020, 05:04 PM
Ah, the Cristiano Viejo summoning thread.

Specially if comes from a Semite :rolleyes:

08-19-2020, 05:16 PM
Much less than you do, that's for sure. Arabs are your semitic kin after all.
What a self hater/OWD thread lol

08-19-2020, 05:37 PM
Much less than you do, that's for sure. Arabs are your semitic kin after all.
What a self hater/OWD thread lol

7abibty, this guy is a Jewish troll that got many of the sockpuppet accounts banned. I already reported on him.

08-19-2020, 05:38 PM
A Jew claiming others have Arab DNA... this only happens in Apricity :rolleyes:

Meanwhile in the federal reserve:


08-19-2020, 05:39 PM
Much less than you do, that's for sure. Arabs are your semitic kin after all.
What a self hater/OWD thread lol

If they're truly our kin then tell them to stop blowing themselves up amongst civilians.

08-19-2020, 05:40 PM
Looks like the Mossad are sending their agents to spread their pro-Israel propaganda:


08-19-2020, 05:41 PM
If they're truly our kin then tell them to stop blowing themselves up amongst civilians.

I thought you created this for a interesting discuss about genetics.

08-19-2020, 05:41 PM
North Africans are not Arabs by blood. They are Berbers with some Black.

08-19-2020, 05:46 PM
North Africans are not Arabs by blood. They are Berbers with some Black.

Actually they have genetical ties, you could see berbers with J1 like Nassbean and arabs with E1b1b. Modern NAs have berber, arab, iberian and sub-saharan ancestry.

08-19-2020, 05:46 PM
North Africans are not Arabs by blood. They are Berbers with some Black.

Basically this, though there's no such thing as an Arab blood considering that pre-Islamic Arabians 2,500 years ago weren't Arabs, and that Arabs came from the Black desert region of Northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Southern Syria:


I can see this Yahudi in his office that the Israeli government pays him to spread pro-Israeli propaganda:


Yes, we goyim do know:


08-19-2020, 05:50 PM
Basically this, though there's no such thing as an Arab blood considering that pre-Islamic Arabians 2,500 years ago weren't Arabs, and that Arabs came from the Black desert region of Northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Southern Syria:
Well, now there definitely are ethnic Arabs, I don't think you would deny that.

08-19-2020, 05:53 PM
Yes, we goyim do know:

I personally prefer "I'm not white, I'm Jewish". Should be the second, unofficial anthem of Israel xD


08-19-2020, 05:53 PM
Well, now there definitely are ethnic Arabs, I don't think you would deny that.

Ethnicity =/= race. Anybody can be an ethnic Arab that is based on linguistic grounds for the most part. I mean, you can't say that a Sudanese Arab would be genetically close to say a Palestinian such as myself.

08-19-2020, 05:54 PM
I personally prefer "I'm not white, I'm Jewish". Should be the second, unofficial anthem of Israel xD


For us goyim, this should be our anthem:


08-19-2020, 05:56 PM
Ethnicity =/= race. Anybody can be an ethnic Arab that is based on linguistic grounds for the most part. I mean, you can't say that a Sudanese Arab would be genetically close to say a Palestinian such as myself.
But which country is the most Arabic? Saudi Arabians probably consider themselves true Ayrabs, don't they?

08-19-2020, 05:57 PM
Ethnicity =/= race. Anybody can be an ethnic Arab that is based on linguistic grounds for the most part. I mean, you can't say that a Sudanese Arab would be genetically close to say a Palestinian such as myself.

Who wants to be Arab anyway? I'd rather be a penguin than an Arab.

Chaos One
08-19-2020, 06:00 PM
We should do a competition regarding which topic is the most annoying here on TA regarding Spain:

1 - Are Spanish people arabs?
2 - Who are whiter, Italians or Spanish?
3 - Why some Latinos do look Spanish?

08-19-2020, 06:00 PM
Who wants to be Arab anyway? I'd rather be a penguin than an Arab.

I'd rather be an Arab than be a parasitic shekelgoldbergersteiner.

08-19-2020, 06:03 PM
But which country is the most Arabic? Saudi Arabians probably consider themselves true Ayrabs, don't they?

There is no "most arabic" really, and no the Saudis claim such things based on Abassid mythos that Arabs came from Yemen or that we came from a race of giants and so on which are not true. We base on archaeological and epigraphic evidence, and they show that Arabs came from the North, not the South in ancient times.

08-20-2020, 03:31 PM
We are the true arabs from a genetical point of view, just with minimal traces of european DNA.

Despite that in countries like Saudi Arabia they call themselves arabs, they are liars, fake arabs.

08-20-2020, 03:38 PM
Even if Spaniards might have Berber DNA, then they don't have Arab DNA because Berbers aren't ethnic Arabs.