View Full Version : A Tour of the Laundry - The Victorian Way

The Lawspeaker
08-21-2020, 08:38 AM

A lot goes on at Audley End House beyond the kitchen. Introducing Mrs Warwick, the housekeeper. In her own resolute way, she walks us through the ins and outs of life in the laundry. English Heritage is a charity, working to preserve the story of England and bring it to life. To find out how you can support our cause by making a donation, visit: http:///2YjMSrU (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2F%2F2YjMSrU&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGJCMVhZSEN1ODViendqQTloUWR1U3 ZPVXNZZ3xBQ3Jtc0trUTZVbWVHTHM0emdtQzRVRm9uM0pGWWJl dTkzLVZ1Q2g1WEw5d2dKNWVkNWJNVUsyYnVyNllVdWtGSXczNG NOUWgwV2FpU0lIOVNYWnUwaFF2M0c2STNZVlFseUVoVEVsaFhH MkxhVDFvX0hmNlUwZw%3D%3D&v=2LXqVXl6dVY&event=video_description) The series is filmed on location at Audley End House and Gardens in Essex. Plan your visit today: http:///2S2vY2D (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2F%2F2S2vY2D&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnBOdlFVc2UwMl9Gb3lCZGt5TDJIUF ZuX0Ezd3xBQ3Jtc0ttQkxuNl9XQ3dnOVpjZl9FUXdLcHp4M1ZT M3lTQ2haajk0MUZpdzBKYWR5NFpZZ3ZUemxGclRpNGdpYlNDcE NmRHJDVVUzZ2EwRHk0dlRSU1g2X2RPSWR5MEJHNVpTUENtcjAz S3FBdzYyaDVBS3ZwVQ%3D%3D&v=2LXqVXl6dVY&event=video_description) With thanks to Tracy Russell of Past Pleasures Ltd.