View Full Version : Classify/pass Romanians from Ploiesti (Wallachia)

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 11:58 AM
Title of the thread

Also remember what fellow Romanian members preach to you about Gypsies not being integrated, while the below pictures clearly show that a lot of them are in fact integrated and are a normal part of the society.
So don't buy into user complexes and just look at the images.


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Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 12:06 PM

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08-28-2020, 02:25 PM
These 3 women have allien appearance for Serbs 101834

08-28-2020, 02:30 PM
Title of the thread

Also remember what fellow Romanian members preach to you about Gypsies not being integrated, while the below pictures clearly show that a lot of them are in fact integrated and are a normal part of the society.
So don't buy into user complexes and just look at the images.

In a "club de manele" you always find this mix, nothing unusual.

08-28-2020, 02:31 PM
So many romanians damn I couldn't even ask for more my day is made.

08-28-2020, 02:38 PM
So many romanians damn I couldn't even ask for more my day is made.

- EU after 2007 .

08-28-2020, 02:39 PM
This is probably the most diverse club crowd I've seen, I'm actually impressed.

08-28-2020, 02:41 PM
btw you can find clubs/bars in Bucharest where close to 100% of the customers are gypsies, so yes not all of them live in tents.



08-28-2020, 02:50 PM
- EU after 2007 .

Vlach Power

08-28-2020, 02:51 PM
The colored ones could be from the same neighborhood, that would predominantly be gypsy. Integrated or not, most of them will still dress and act like "bombardieri". It's a depressing situation, that is.

08-28-2020, 02:53 PM
The colored ones could be from the same neighborhood, that would predominantly be gypsy. Integrated or not, most of them will still dress and act like "bombardieri". It's a depressing situation, that is.

even so, it's a step forward. they will civilize eventually.

08-28-2020, 02:54 PM
The colored ones could be from the same neighborhood, that would predominantly be gypsy. Integrated or not, most of them will still dress and act like "bombardieri". It's a depressing situation, that is.

Why did we replace cocalari with bombardieri? Are they separate people or?

08-28-2020, 02:55 PM
Why did we replace cocalari with bombardieri? Are they separate people or?

same people, "bombardieri" is how they like to describe themselves :rotfl:

08-28-2020, 03:06 PM
Why did we replace cocalari with bombardieri? Are they separate people or?

You can call them either way. I'd personally call them subhumans, but that would be considered racist by modern standards. :rolleyes:

even so, it's a step forward. they will civilize eventually.

I doubt it. I'd choose separation, rather than integration. They were and still are alien to the "civilized" world of today, that is gradually declining. Each with its own kind. :bored:

08-28-2020, 04:49 PM
I doubt it. I'd choose separation, rather than integration. They were and still are alien to the "civilized" world of today, that is gradually declining. Each with its own kind. :bored:

That's extremely naive. We either integrate them or they will integrate us. Poor, uneducated populations have much higher birth rates, to the point that gypsies can become the majority by the end of the century in the Balkans (including Hungary).

It's the law of nature well put in words in Matthew 20:16: the last shall be first, and the first last. We should understand this from our own past in Transylvania. Magyarization of Romanians failed because Hungarians tied social mobility (like access to cities) to adopting Hungarian culture (language and religion), but that meant that Romanians who refused to do it (which were the majority) remained poor peasants, which had higher birth rates than city dwellers, so the ethnicity distribution in Transylvania was not affected by Magyarization.

The sooner we integrate the gypsies the better.

08-28-2020, 05:38 PM
That's extremely naive. We either integrate them or they will integrate us. Poor, uneducated populations have much higher birth rates, to the point that gypsies can become the majority by the end of the century in the Balkans (including Hungary).

It's the law of nature well put in words in Matthew 20:16: the last shall be first, and the first last. We should understand this from our own past in Transylvania. Magyarization of Romanians failed because Hungarians tied social mobility (like access to cities) to adopting Hungarian culture (language and religion), but that meant that Romanians who refused to do it (which were the majority) remained poor peasants, which had higher birth rates than city dwellers, so the ethnicity distribution in Transylvania was not affected by Magyarization.

The sooner we integrate the gypsies the better.

By separation I mean send them back to where they came from. No need to reach a compromise with them regarding integration, which would be to the detriment of the majority population.

08-28-2020, 05:44 PM
Guy in white shirt reminds me of younger Aspirin with fluffy ears.
https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38837057_1459383037495305_6901006550446374912_o.jp g?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=YsLluK3hNfkAX84qGuf&_nc_ht=scontent-lht6-1.xx&oh=d7bc6c0fca816f37a358d8216410b817&oe=5F6EC347

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 05:44 PM
btw you can find clubs/bars in Bucharest where close to 100% of the customers are gypsies, so yes not all of them live in tents.



Probably just mirrors the actual population there.

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 05:49 PM
That's extremely naive. We either integrate them or they will integrate us.

What do you expect from a kid? Countless of other examples worldwide showed that segregation never works, as the supressed eventually break out of that state leading to huge cultural clashes. Consistent and continous assimilation is the way to go.

08-28-2020, 05:49 PM
Probably just mirrors the actual population there.

Where? in Bucharest? No way, not even close. Bucharest has 2 large neighborhoods with primarily gypsy population (Ferentari and Rahova), but that's nothing compared to the overall city.

08-28-2020, 05:53 PM
Woman on the left is Gypsy 101836

08-28-2020, 05:53 PM
By separation I mean send them back to where they came from. No need to reach a compromise with them regarding integration, which would be to the detriment of the majority population.

Sending them back is never gonna happen. Contemplating such nonsense is only time lost for integration. The more you delay integration the less you're gonna like the result, but it's inevitable.

08-28-2020, 05:57 PM
Why write 'Romanians' in the title and then choose photos with many Gypsies and mixed people?

08-28-2020, 06:00 PM
Balkan + Germanic
Balkan + Turkic
Balkan + Slavic

Amazing really..

08-28-2020, 06:01 PM
What do you expect from a kid? Countless of other examples worldwide showed that segregation never works, as the supressed eventually break out of that state leading to huge cultural clashes. Consistent and continous assimilation is the way to go.

Okay, boomer.

Sending them back is never gonna happen. Contemplating such nonsense is only time lost for integration. The more you delay integration the less you're gonna like the result, but it's inevitable.

We can agree to disagree. :thumb001:

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 06:03 PM
Woman on the left is Gypsy 101836

Inspector Gadget :lol: , I counted 33 people that are probably of Roma/Gypsy heritage in those photos.

08-28-2020, 06:04 PM
We can agree to disagree. :thumb001:

Again, think of what happened in Transylvania between Romanians and Hungarians - the wheel turns my man.

If you delay integration long enough you basically give the reigns of Transylvania to gypsies.

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 06:04 PM
Why write 'Romanians' in the title and then choose photos with many Gypsies and mixed people?

Good luck finding group photos in Romania without Gypsies and mixed people. This is just a random place that I chose, as it was popular in Ploiesti. I doubt any of them consider themselves Roma/Gypsy, as you can see that everyone is comfortable among each other.

08-28-2020, 06:09 PM
Good luck finding group photos in Romania without Gypsies and mixed people. This is just a random place that I chose, as it was popular in Ploiesti. I doubt any of them consider themselves Roma/Gypsy, as you can see that everyone is comfortable among each other.

Here I disagree with you. There was a change in early 2000s when clubs started to play manele. Since then the demographics of these places changed a lot. In the 90s all these clubs were 100% white.

In regards to group photos, the number of gypsies depends on the social status of the group. If the group is just socially average, then you expect 1 gypsy for every 20 Romanians.

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 06:09 PM
Good luck finding group photos in Romania without Gypsies and mixed people. This is just a random place that I chose, as it was popular in Ploiesti. I doubt any of them consider themselves Roma/Gypsy, as you can see that everyone is comfortable among each other.

Population of Ploiesti according to the census by the way:

Ethnic composition

Romanians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanians)
Hungarians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarians)
Germans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germans)
Serbs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbs)
Jews (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews)
Romani (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people)
Russians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians)
Greeks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks)
Ukrainians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians)



Only 0.6% are Gypsies.


08-28-2020, 06:15 PM
Population of Ploiesti according to the census by the way:

Only 0.6% are Gypsies.


that doesn't mean much. clubs is the first place you'd find them.

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 06:35 PM
Here I disagree with you. There was a change in early 2000s when clubs started to play manele. Since then the demographics of these places changed a lot. In the 90s all these clubs were 100% white.

In regards to group photos, the number of gypsies depends on the social status of the group. If the group is just socially average, then you expect 1 gypsy for every 20 Romanians.

Fair enough, now that I'm looking at crowd photos from the Day of the City, the crowd appears less diverse. But still, they can't be 0.6% of the population. Probably close to 10%, but they identify as Romanians at the census, so it's hard to know with certainty. The title of the thread is correct, as there are barely any Gypsies officially in Ploiesti.









08-28-2020, 06:55 PM
Fair enough, now that I'm looking at crowd photos from the Day of the City, the crowd appears less diverse. But still, they can't be 0.6% of the population. Probably close to 10%, but they identify as Romanians at the census, so it's hard to know with certainty. The title of the thread is correct, as there are barely any Gypsies officially in Ploiesti.

Censuses rarely cover the complexity of gypsy identity. You need rubrics for 1. fully Gypsy, 2. culturally Romanian Gypsy, 3. mixed Romanian-Gypsy.

The census indicates 3% Gypsies in Romania, but that only covers the first case. That number is probably going up to 5 or 6% if you include the second category and close to 10% if you include all people with any amount of Gypsy ancestry.

Although for me only the first category is really relevant, because it requires the most intervention.

Ion Basescul
08-28-2020, 07:13 PM
In a "club de manele" you always find this mix, nothing unusual.

Here's a scene from this "club de manele" by the way. :lol:
Are they playing a new song by DJ Salam? I found zero evidence to back your claims up.


08-29-2020, 01:05 AM
Population of Ploiesti according to the census by the way:

Ethnic composition

Romanians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanians)
Hungarians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarians)
Germans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germans)
Serbs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbs)
Jews (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews)
Romani (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people)
Russians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians)
Greeks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks)
Ukrainians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians)



Only 0.6% are Gypsies.

There sure are more, than declared in this census. Mimiu and Bereasca (https://www.google.com/amp/s/adevarul.ro/locale/ploiesti/bereasca-mimiu-1_519dc221c7b855ff561adf1c/index.amphtml) are the "Ferentari and Rahova" of Ploiesti.

08-29-2020, 02:15 AM
Here's a scene from this "club de manele" by the way. :lol:
Are they playing a new song by DJ Salam? I found zero evidence to back your claims up.

cmon dude, you're smarter than this. You thought Da'Mask comes from The Mask? no dude, it's Damask. What kind of music do you think plays in a club called Damask and what type of clientele do you expect there?

Here's an article that clears that up for you:

This is a relevant quote from the article:
"Din fericire, incepand de la 1 iulie, vom auzi mai putine manele in Ploiesti! Singurul ramas este clubul da'mask, care functioneaza fara autorizatie si unde frecvent au loc incendii si batai! Vom urmari indeaproape evolutia acestei ultime redute a Ploiestiului!"

stating that the only "manele club" remaining in Ploiesti is Da'mask, a club that is NOT authorized to function, and a place with frequent fires and fights.

Daco Celtic
08-29-2020, 02:18 AM
I think these pictures cover almost every European phenotype, from northern Euro looking to Roma.

08-29-2020, 02:41 AM
I think these pictures cover almost every European phenotype, from northern Euro looking to Roma.

Just to be clear, the majority of the people in those pictures are Roma, even many of those who don't look Roma. Damask is a club made for Roma taste. Another thing to realize is that the clients are not necessarily all from Ploiesti. Many are from the surrounding region. Clubs like this one often function without being authorized so there is constant conflict with the police, like in the video below where the police is turning on the sirens to disperse the Roma in the club:


Daco Celtic
08-29-2020, 02:56 AM
Just to be clear, the majority of the people in those pictures are Roma, even many of those who don't look Roma. Damask is a club made for Roma taste. Another thing to realize is that the clients are not necessarily all from Ploiesti. Many are from the surrounding region. Clubs like this one often function without being authorized so there is constant conflict with the police, like in the video below where the police is turning on the sirens to disperse the Roma in the club:


Lots of Roma but sprinkled within it a variety of phenotypes. I assume at least 30% plus must be non-Roma but that is my dumb American guess.

08-29-2020, 03:08 AM
Lots of Roma but sprinkled within it a variety of phenotypes. I assume at least 30% plus must be non-Roma but that is my dumb American guess.

That's a good estimate, but it can also be 50/50. It's hard to tell without a DNA test.

Anyways, the job of integrating the Roma will fall upon Romanians attending these clubs :lol:

Ion Basescul
08-29-2020, 11:13 AM

Ion Basescul
08-29-2020, 11:20 AM
cmon dude, you're smarter than this. You thought Da'Mask comes from The Mask? no dude, it's Damask. What kind of music do you think plays in a club called Damask and what type of clientele do you expect there?

Here's an article that clears that up for you:

This is a relevant quote from the article:
"Din fericire, incepand de la 1 iulie, vom auzi mai putine manele in Ploiesti! Singurul ramas este clubul da'mask, care functioneaza fara autorizatie si unde frecvent au loc incendii si batai! Vom urmari indeaproape evolutia acestei ultime redute a Ploiestiului!"

stating that the only "manele club" remaining in Ploiesti is Da'mask, a club that is NOT authorized to function, and a place with frequent fires and fights.

It's just a name, I fail to see how to get from Syria to manele, especially considering that they have two masks as a logo. Maybe you are profiling them? But that quote in the article is sufficient to prove your point. I'm still surprised how you guessed this club as such. Baha was another one on my list to post photos from btw :lol: I'll research prior to picking one then. Hopefully, there won't be any other excuses then.

08-30-2020, 12:43 AM
It's just a name, I fail to see how to get from Syria to manele, especially considering that they have two masks as a logo. Maybe you are profiling them? But that quote in the article is sufficient to prove your point. I'm still surprised how you guessed this club as such. Baha was another one on my list to post photos from btw :lol: I'll research prior to picking one then. Hopefully, there won't be any other excuses then.

Of course, they made the logo into a word play, but the name is pronounced Damasc, hence everyone knows what to expect. Any allusion to Middle East in the name of the club hints towards manele. This is how it works in Romania.

You can confidently tell whether a club plays manele, or the pics are taken during a "manele night" if the clientele looks more than 25% Roma. To be clear, when a crowd looks more than 25% gypsy it's actually more than 40% gypsy. A 40% gypsy crowd has to have manele on the menu, it's how it works these days in Romania. There was a time when you could not even play one manele song in a club. But since mid 2000, young Romanians left the country for work, while young Roma finally had the money to pay for "manele nights", so club owners responded accordingly. If you look closer, the club owner and personnel are Romanians, but most clients are not.

I understand your intentions are good - you want to show examples of integrated gypsies (which I've also done many times in the past) - but please pay as much care with pics as much as you do with samples. When pics show groups of Roma, present them as such. Otherwise you're enforcing stereotypes about Romanians, which will drag you in conflicts, much like it happened with Aspirin. Aspirin tried to pass the cast of "Puterea Dragostei" as average Wallachians when they are 100% gypsy. This of course didn't sit well with Romanians. Please do not repeat the same mistakes.

These are common Romanian faces from the Old Kingdom (Wallachia and Moldova), including some Tatars and Roma (but in numbers not higher than average) - when groups veer off this average you have be cautious.


These are Romanian faces from Transylvania:


Ion Basescul
08-30-2020, 12:53 AM

To be fair, going by how the upcoming generation looks in that video, I won't even have to post pics from a manele club for them to look the same. I was simply ahead of the time.
Arguing on the internet won't change that.

08-30-2020, 04:00 AM
To be fair, going by how the upcoming generation looks in that video, I won't even have to post pics from a manele club for them to look the same. I was simply ahead of the time.
Arguing on the internet won't change that.

No, they're not. Those are mostly kids of the artists featured in the video, phenotypically they're identical with their parents. Yes, there are a couple of gypsies here and there, like I mentioned earlier. In fact, gypsies are more frequent in musicians circles than in the rest of the Romanian society, because traditionally this was one of their most successful occupations.

08-30-2020, 04:46 AM
Alpinid dominant with Med and Dinaric secondary. Outside these (accounting for 90% individuals): Baltid, Indid, Turanid

08-31-2020, 05:47 PM
Good luck finding group photos in Romania without Gypsies and mixed people. This is just a random place that I chose, as it was popular in Ploiesti. I doubt any of them consider themselves Roma/Gypsy, as you can see that everyone is comfortable among each other.
Even integrated Gypsies identify themselves as Gypsy (never heard anyone using the name Roma) and don't mix with Romanians, they are a largely endogamous group.

09-01-2020, 01:24 PM
Aspirin tried to pass the cast of "Puterea Dragostei" as average Wallachians when they are 100% gypsy. This of course didn't sit well with Romanians. Please do not repeat the same mistakes.
