View Full Version : There’s Only One Way To End Youth Violence: Defund The Police

09-01-2020, 01:56 PM
https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/coronavirus-youth-violence-defund-police_uk_5f4e0961c5b6cf66b2bcd26b?ncid=fcbklnkukh pmg00000001&fbclid=IwAR2AJ6Y9a6tNlPcTqM_IgHlk8JNTmvNmKUtjECX3_ h9YAwSMyPJwaeHKBJI

The Lawspeaker
09-01-2020, 02:20 PM
There is only one way to stop youth violence: defund the Democrats, BLM and minorities.

09-01-2020, 02:32 PM

09-01-2020, 02:37 PM
Give them video games.

09-01-2020, 02:53 PM
That article gave me brain damage, never seen something so retarded and factually incorrect in my life

The escalation of racist stop-and-search tactics means that many young people can’t walk the street without the police suspecting them of crimes they haven’t committed – far too many young people feel their skin colour makes them a constant object of suspicion.

After Theresa May 'reformed' stop and search back in 2014 knife crime increased every year since then


Lives are more important than some people getting offended

Firstly, we have to address the misconceptions about youth violence. It’s not caused by drill music

I won't even bother reading past this. Drill music is literally created by gangs boasting about their lifestyles, the lyrics consist of "Yeah I stabbed some guy up last week and he's dead, i'm so cool and girls love me for it" or "I rob high end stores for a living, now i'm rich" or "My bro shot someone and now he's in jail, free him up". But no correlation at all, right?
