View Full Version : Balkans/SE Europe

09-06-2020, 10:21 AM
What do you think of this map I made?

Crimson - core Balkans (North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria) - usually always included as Balkan
Orange - part Balkan (Romania, Croatia, Greece) - sometimes included as Balkan, sometimes not. Definitive links with the region.
Pink - peripheral Balkan - usually not included as Balkan - Slovenia, Moldova, Turkey. Only in widest possible definition.

Keep in mind I took whole countries in account not regions. That's why entire Turkey is colored and only Thrace is in Europe.
Or Serbia, it is always presented as Balkan heartland despite it's northern region was part of central Europe.

09-06-2020, 10:29 AM
If we talk about the geographical boundaries of the Balkan Peninsula, the green line connects the two endpoints. Everything below the green line is a geographical Balkans, without the islands of Greece and Asia Minor

09-06-2020, 10:31 AM
If we talk about the geographical boundaries of the Balkan Peninsula, the green line connects the two endpoints. Everything below the green line is a geographical Balkans, without the islands of Greece and Asia Minor

Croatia has Islands too. Balkan peninsula does not exist.
But this line you show could be good definition of SE Europe (geographically)

09-06-2020, 10:42 AM
I agree with the map.

Crimson color = Core Balkans
Orange = Semi-Balkans
Pink = Historically related to Balkans

09-06-2020, 10:44 AM
I agree.

Crn Volk
09-06-2020, 10:50 AM
Yep, correct

09-06-2020, 10:50 AM
Croatia has Islands too. Balkan peninsula does not exist.
But this line you show could be good definition of SE Europe (geographically)

Why is it called ,,Balkan Peninsula'' everywhere? I never understood this either.. Isn't it too big or idk to be a peninsula?

09-06-2020, 10:52 AM
Why is it called ,,Balkan Peninsula'' everywhere? I never understood this either.. Isn't it too big or idk to be a peninsula?

Mistake from 19th century. The landmass is too wide to make it peninsula. Proper peninsula like Iberian or Italian are clearly separated from European landmass with "narrow" bridge.
SE Europe lacks that. Otherwise Europe is peninsula of Asia.

09-06-2020, 10:57 AM
[QUOTE = Stearsolina; 6880779] Хърватия също има острови. Балкански полуостров не съществува.
Но този ред, който показвате, може да бъде добра дефиниция на Югоизточна Европа (географски) [/ QUOTE]

If the Balkans are not a peninsula, then it follows that we do not have the Iberian Peninsula, we do not even have the continents of Europe and Asia. And we have a common continent Eurasia or AsiaEuro, I do not know how it is more correct to call it in terms of size :). Against the background of a common continent, Europe looks like a peninsula :)

09-06-2020, 11:01 AM
In the blue circle the territory that covers the central Balkans

09-06-2020, 11:18 AM
Mistake from 19th century. The landmass is too wide to make it peninsula. Proper peninsula like Iberian or Italian are clearly separated from European landmass with "narrow" bridge.
SE Europe lacks that. Otherwise Europe is peninsula of Asia.

It´s a peninsula, the bridge can or cannot be "narrow", this point doesn´t change definition.(See the last one)

a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water.

a long piece of land that sticks out from a larger area of land into the sea or into a lake

an area of land mostly surrounded by water but connected to a larger piece of land

: a piece of land jutting out into the water whether with or without a well-defined isthmus

Anatolian peninsula or Arabian peninsula. Even the so called Indian sub-continent (Hindustan) is a peninsula geografically.

The Indian subcontinent, or the subcontinent, is a southern region and peninsula of Asia

I understand that you do not like that all the countries of the Balkans are put in the same category, and it is true that there are notable differences between you, but in the geographical sense, the Balkans are a peninsula.

Verbally denying the existence of something does not make that something disappear by magic.

09-06-2020, 11:21 AM
And yes, strictally Europe is a peninsula of Asia, but sounds better if we call Europa, a Eurasia peninsula.:)

Ion Basescul
09-06-2020, 11:51 AM
That's how I view it too, but I don't equate Balkans to SE Europe necessarily.

I see Balkans as your countries in red + Greece, and SE Europe as everyone on that map minus the Asian part of Turkey.

09-06-2020, 11:58 AM
And yes, strictally Europe is a peninsula of Asia, but sounds better if we call Europa, a Eurasia peninsula.:)

It's a giant peninsula, but Asia is like that :)

In addition, Europe does not meet the requirements to be a continent on its own, it needs a body of water to delimit it :D

09-06-2020, 12:12 PM
You sure love to give this lots of thoughts don't you?

How about getting a job? Maybe that will make you less Balkan and make you think about something else instead.

brennus dux gallorum
09-06-2020, 12:24 PM
Ok i agree with this map (though i would turn all orange countries to pink)

But seriously tell me, why are you obsessed with this issue? Balkans and who is who is not has been discussed more than everything here

09-06-2020, 12:30 PM
You sure love to give this lots of thoughts don't you?

How about getting a job? Maybe that will make you less Balkan and make you think about something else instead.

I have a job in my field. How about fucking off, weirdo?

09-06-2020, 12:35 PM
I have a job in my field. How about fucking off, weirdo?

Says weirdo. Than you are an even more hopeless case. But I doubt that.

Croatia is a Balkan country like Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria.

09-06-2020, 12:36 PM
Says weirdo. Than you are an even more hopeless case. But I doubt that.

Croatia is a Balkan country like Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria.

Okay, now fuck off from this topic subhuman. You are not a Croat, but Montenegrin filth whose ancestors converted to Catholicism.

09-06-2020, 12:38 PM
Ok i agree with this map (though i would turn all orange countries to pink)

But seriously tell me, why are you obsessed with this issue? Balkans and who is who is not has been discussed more than everything here

Ethno-cultural discussion. It's what TA is about. ??
You don't like European discussions? I wonder what you are doing here.

09-06-2020, 12:38 PM
Correct map

09-06-2020, 12:39 PM
Okay, now fuck off from this topic subhuman. You are not a Croat, but Montenegrin filth whose ancestors converted to Catholicism.

Bosniak (+ this + that) giving me a lesson on conversion. Things a man can hear these days.

09-06-2020, 12:40 PM
Bosniak (+ this + that) giving me a lesson on conversion. Things a man can hear these days.

No, my ancestors are Croats and my genetics shows that. Unlike yours.
We value blood above religion, you are not a Croat genetically neither culturally.

Fuck off from us Balkanite.

09-06-2020, 12:41 PM
No, my ancestors are Croats and my genetics shows that. Unlike yours.
We value blood above religion, you are not a Croat genetically neither culturally.

Fuck off from us Balkanite.

How about you fuck off complexed mongrel + sucking foreign cock?

09-06-2020, 12:42 PM
Why are you so obsessed that Croatia is not Balkan is that common for Croats? And Balkan starts in Vienna

09-06-2020, 12:44 PM
How about you fuck off complexed mongrel + sucking foreign cock?

I am Croat, you aren't. Now piss off Montenigga.

09-06-2020, 12:45 PM
Why are you so obsessed that Croatia is not Balkan is that common for Croats? And Balkan starts in Vienna

What's your IQ again? In the map Croatia is marked as part Balkan country. This is my view. Topic serves to discuss other views.

09-06-2020, 12:47 PM
I am Croat, you aren't. Now piss off Montenigga.

Nope. You are not Croat, but what I wrote above. You piss off.

09-06-2020, 12:47 PM
What's your IQ again? In the map Croatia is marked as part Balkan country. This is my view. Topic serves to discuss other views.

You often discuss it. That sounds as if you are obsessed is that what most Croats think I'm curious if most Croats agree with you

09-06-2020, 12:48 PM
Nope. You are not Croat, but what I wrote above. You piss off.

Why don't you fuck off from Croatia, disgusting subhuman? You are Catholic Vlach who thank God doesn't live in Croatia.
Leave us alone with your complexes.

And pack your shit for Serbia as soon as you can.

09-06-2020, 12:51 PM
It's a giant peninsula, but Asia is like that :)

In addition, Europe does not meet the requirements to be a continent on its own, it needs a body of water to delimit it :D

So call it sub-continent, that is an euphemism for giant peninsula with not very well delimited borders.;)

09-06-2020, 12:56 PM
It´s a peninsula, the bridge can or cannot be "narrow", this point doesn´t change definition.(See the last one)

Anatolian peninsula or Arabian peninsula. Even the so called Indian sub-continent (Hindustan) is a peninsula geografically.

I understand that you do not like that all the countries of the Balkans are put in the same category, and it is true that there are notable differences between you, but in the geographical sense, the Balkans are a peninsula.

Verbally denying the existence of something does not make that something disappear by magic.

Sorry, it isn't my opinion.

Criticism of the geographical definition

The term is criticized for having a geopolitical, rather than a geographical meaning and definition, as a multiethnic and political area in the southeastern part of Europe.[24] The geographical term of a peninsula defines that the water border must be longer than land, with the land side being the shortest in the triangle, but that is not the case with the Balkan Peninsula.[23][24] Both Eastern and Western water cathetus from Odessa to Cape Matapan (ca. 1230–1350 km) and from Trieste to Cape Matapan (ca. 1270–1285 km) are shorter than land cathetus from Trieste to Odessa (ca. 1330–1365 km).[23][24] The land has a too wide line connected to the continent to be technically proclaimed as a peninsula - Szczecin (920 km) and Rostock (950 km) at the Baltic Sea are closer to Trieste than Odessa yet it is not considered as another European peninsula.[23] Since the late 19th and early 20th-century literature is not known where is exactly the northern border between the peninsula and the continent,[23][24] with an issue, whether the rivers are suitable for its definition.[5] In the studies the Balkans natural borders, especially the northern border, are often avoided to be addressed, considered as a "fastidious problem" by André Blanc in Geography of the Balkans (1965), while John Lampe and Marvin Jackman in Balkan Economic History (1971) noted that "modern geographers seem agreed in rejecting the old idea of a Balkan Peninsula".[5] Another issue is the name because the Balkan Mountains which are mostly located in Northern Bulgaria are not dominating the region by length and area like the Dinaric Alps.[23] An eventual Balkan peninsula can be considered a territory South of the Balkan Mountains, with a possible name "Greek-Albanian Peninsula."[5][24] The term influenced the meaning of Southeast Europe which again is not properly defined by geographical factors yet historical borders of the Balkans.[24]

09-06-2020, 12:58 PM
Says weirdo. Than you are an even more hopeless case. But I doubt that.

Croatia is a Balkan country like Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria.

It was, but very long ago...

Croatia is like Slovenia today... almost like separate from us.

When I watch RTL or HRT I feel like I am watching foreign TV station, but when I watch Serbian, Montenegrin, Albanian feels domestic....

And I have no negative emotions towards Croatians.

09-06-2020, 12:58 PM
You often discuss it. That sounds as if you are obsessed is that what most Croats think I'm curious if most Croats agree with you

I discuss many things. So?
Most Croats don't really care.

09-06-2020, 01:00 PM
Why don't you fuck off from Croatia, disgusting subhuman? You are Catholic Vlach who thank God doesn't live in Croatia.
Leave us alone with your complexes.

And pack your shit for Serbia as soon as you can.

Why is some subhuman calling other people subhumans? Unfortunately you do live in Croatia.


you are the one who should leave people alone because of your complexes.


09-06-2020, 01:02 PM
Why is some subhuman calling other people subhumans? Unfortunately you do live in Croatia.


you are the one who should leave people alone with your complexes.


Your DNA test showed you reality, that you are not a Croat. You have also Albanian ydna line with Albanian relatives like Salfinator.

Other Herzegovina Croats are Croat, you njet.

Complexed monkey. In Serbia or Montenegro you will feel more at home.

Ion Basescul
09-06-2020, 01:05 PM
Here we go again


09-06-2020, 01:05 PM
Actually, he is even too much Vlach to be a Serb. Hahah. Catholic religion will not help. Muslim Bosniaks of pure Croat origin like Hasan are more valuable than Catholic Vlachs.
Blood above religion. And this Induperable show why it is correct approach.

09-06-2020, 01:06 PM
Your DNA test showed you reality, that you are not a Croat. You have also Albanian ydna line with Albanian relatives like Salfinator.

Other Herzegovina Croats are Croat, you njet.

Complexed monkey. In Serbia or Montenegro you will feel more at home.

If only I had a dollar everytime I saw Croat from Croatia that is some mongrel or croatized I would have messed up Jeff Bezos. Speaking of mongrels from Croatia...

How am I complexed?

09-06-2020, 01:15 PM

Mexico is considered part of North America. They are not related to Canadians. Culture and geography are two different things.
I don't understand the obsession with borders.

09-06-2020, 01:15 PM
Sorry, it isn't my opinion.

Criticism of the geographical definition

The term is criticized for having a geopolitical, rather than a geographical meaning and definition, as a multiethnic and political area in the southeastern part of Europe.[24] The geographical term of a peninsula defines that the water border must be longer than land, with the land side being the shortest in the triangle, but that is not the case with the Balkan Peninsula.[23][24] Both Eastern and Western water cathetus from Odessa to Cape Matapan (ca. 1230–1350 km) and from Trieste to Cape Matapan (ca. 1270–1285 km) are shorter than land cathetus from Trieste to Odessa (ca. 1330–1365 km).[23][24] The land has a too wide line connected to the continent to be technically proclaimed as a peninsula - Szczecin (920 km) and Rostock (950 km) at the Baltic Sea are closer to Trieste than Odessa yet it is not considered as another European peninsula.[23] Since the late 19th and early 20th-century literature is not known where is exactly the northern border between the peninsula and the continent,[23][24] with an issue, whether the rivers are suitable for its definition.[5] In the studies the Balkans natural borders, especially the northern border, are often avoided to be addressed, considered as a "fastidious problem" by André Blanc in Geography of the Balkans (1965), while John Lampe and Marvin Jackman in Balkan Economic History (1971) noted that "modern geographers seem agreed in rejecting the old idea of a Balkan Peninsula".[5] Another issue is the name because the Balkan Mountains which are mostly located in Northern Bulgaria are not dominating the region by length and area like the Dinaric Alps.[23] An eventual Balkan peninsula can be considered a territory South of the Balkan Mountains, with a possible name "Greek-Albanian Peninsula."[5][24] The term influenced the meaning of Southeast Europe which again is not properly defined by geographical factors yet historical borders of the Balkans.[24]

For every text in internet you find saying that Balkans is not a peninsula geographically you will find 100 saying the opposite. And

I am only speaking about geographic concept of Balkans as peninsula, not ethnically, politically, religiously, or about characters etc.

And having not very delimited borders doesn´t make balkans less peninsula.

First you like an idea, and then you find other opinions to reafirm your previous idea, so it´s your opinion, and after having this opinion, you search support in other´s opinion.

Balkans geographically is a peninsula. Even if you don´t like that fact.

If Serbian, Slovenian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarian, Greeks, Macedonian, Kosovars etc are more or less different or not, and in what they differ among them or what are their coincidences, I do not enter in that discussion.

09-06-2020, 01:15 PM
Actually, he is even too much Vlach to be a Serb. Hahah. Catholic religion will not help. Muslim Bosniaks of pure Croat origin like Hasan are more valuable than Catholic Vlachs.
Blood above religion. And this Induperable show why it is correct approach.

Blood above religion... sucking northern coxks.

09-06-2020, 01:22 PM
Sorry, it isn't my opinion.

Criticism of the geographical definition

The term is criticized for having a geopolitical, rather than a geographical meaning and definition, as a multiethnic and political area in the southeastern part of Europe.[24] The geographical term of a peninsula defines that the water border must be longer than land, with the land side being the shortest in the triangle, but that is not the case with the Balkan Peninsula.[23][24] Both Eastern and Western water cathetus from Odessa to Cape Matapan (ca. 1230–1350 km) and from Trieste to Cape Matapan (ca. 1270–1285 km) are shorter than land cathetus from Trieste to Odessa (ca. 1330–1365 km).[23][24] The land has a too wide line connected to the continent to be technically proclaimed as a peninsula - Szczecin (920 km) and Rostock (950 km) at the Baltic Sea are closer to Trieste than Odessa yet it is not considered as another European peninsula.[23] Since the late 19th and early 20th-century literature is not known where is exactly the northern border between the peninsula and the continent,[23][24] with an issue, whether the rivers are suitable for its definition.[5] In the studies the Balkans natural borders, especially the northern border, are often avoided to be addressed, considered as a "fastidious problem" by André Blanc in Geography of the Balkans (1965), while John Lampe and Marvin Jackman in Balkan Economic History (1971) noted that "modern geographers seem agreed in rejecting the old idea of a Balkan Peninsula".[5] Another issue is the name because the Balkan Mountains which are mostly located in Northern Bulgaria are not dominating the region by length and area like the Dinaric Alps.[23] An eventual Balkan peninsula can be considered a territory South of the Balkan Mountains, with a possible name "Greek-Albanian Peninsula."[5][24] The term influenced the meaning of Southeast Europe which again is not properly defined by geographical factors yet historical borders of the Balkans.[24]

For every text in internet you find saying that Balkans is not a peninsula geographically you will find 100 saying the opposite. And

I am only speaking about geographic concept of Balkans as peninsula, not ethnically, politically, religiously, or about characters etc.

And having not very delimited borders doesn´t make balkans less peninsula.

First you like an idea, and then you find other opinions to reafirm your previous idea, so it´s your opinion, and after having this opinion, you search support in other´s opinion.

Balkans geographically is a peninsula. Even if you don´t like that fact.

If Serbian, Slovenian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarian, Greeks, Macedonian, Kosovars etc are more or less different or not, and in what they differ among them or what are their coincidences, I do not enter in that discussion.

09-06-2020, 01:23 PM
For every text in internet you find saying that Balkans is not a peninsula geographically you will find 100 saying the opposite. And

I am only speaking about geographic concept of Balkans as peninsula, not ethnically, politically, religiously, or about characters etc.

And having not very delimited borders doesn´t make balkans less peninsula.

First you like an idea, and then you find other opinions to reafirm your previous idea, so it´s your opinion, and after having this opinion, you search support in other´s opinion.

Balkans geographically is a peninsula. Even if you don´t like that fact.

If Serbian, Slovenian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarian, Greeks, Macedonian, Kosovars etc are more or less different or not, and in what they differ among them or what are their coincidences, I do not enter in that discussion.

I posted a simple text from English wikipedia. I don't understand rest of your text.

09-06-2020, 01:27 PM
Actually, he is even too much Vlach to be a Serb. Hahah. Catholic religion will not help. Muslim Bosniaks of pure Croat origin like Hasan are more valuable than Catholic Vlachs.
Blood above religion. And this Induperable show why it is correct approach.


09-06-2020, 01:38 PM
Blood above religion... sucking northern coxks.

I am more northern than him genetically. And it is none of your business.

09-06-2020, 01:42 PM

What is next, Catholic negroes are Croats?
Catholic Vlachs such as him are ought to be accepted only if they assimilate culturally, which he failed to do.

Therefore it's healthier for him to return to his Montenegrin roots.

09-06-2020, 01:44 PM
I posted a simple text from English wikipedia. I don't understand rest of your text.

This comment makes me think you have already "castled".(I don´t know if this is the exact word in english to define a chess movement/situation), so I stop going around the subject of peninsula or not peninsula, and and better I change of topic.:rolleyes:

I will say, that not being myself any expert about balkan countries "ethos", your map seems quite accurate for me. :thumb001:

09-06-2020, 01:45 PM
I am more northern than him genetically. And it is none of your business.

Muh more northern genetically. That is something you found out later.

Next time when you decide to write something try writing it without turning into a hypocrite scum.

09-06-2020, 01:50 PM
Muh more northern genetically. That is something you found out later.

Next time when you decide to write something try writing it without turning into a hypocrite scum.

No, that's expected because Szekelys mixed with Balkan people and he is also part Croat.
You are not a Croat. You are Montenegrin shit and you should leave my threads.

09-06-2020, 01:51 PM
Actually, he is even too much Vlach to be a Serb. Hahah. Catholic religion will not help. Muslim Bosniaks of pure Croat origin like Hasan are more valuable than Catholic Vlachs.
Blood above religion. And this Induperable show why it is correct approach.

Large part of Bosniaks are of Serbian origin.
BiH Croarians don't like or even hate Bosniaks and vice versa. For BiH Croatians Bosniaks are the worst nightmare. You wanna see Muslims/Bosniaka in Croatian corpus because of your Muslim roots. :biggrin:

09-06-2020, 01:53 PM
No, that's expected because Szekelys mixed with Balkan people and he is also part Croat.

Talk to the hand.

You are not a Croat. You are Montenegrin shit and you should leave my threads.

You are just shit and you should leave your croatian complexes.

09-06-2020, 01:54 PM
Large part of Bosniaks are of Serbian origin.
BiH Croarians don't like or even hate Bosniaks and vice versa. For BiH Croatians Bosniaks are the worst nightmare. You wanna see Muslims/Bosniaka in Croatian corpus because of your Muslim roots. :biggrin:

Large part are Croat origin, all ikavians and šćakavians. East Herzegovina Bosniaks like Bosniensis/Sinan are muslim Serbs. Sandžaklije are muslim Monteniggas, same blood like Insuperable with different religion.

Croats from Croatia gladly accept muslim Bosniaks who realise they Croatian roots. I speak about nationalists.
But Islam isn't welcome.

09-06-2020, 01:58 PM
Talk to the hand.

You are just shit and you should leave your croatian complexes.

Go away, Montenigga! They will accept you. Montenegrin Orthodox Nationalists aren't anti-Catholic and emphasises Catholic roots of Duklja. There you will be much happier.

09-06-2020, 01:59 PM
There is no such thing as Bosniaks of Croatian roots. Console yourself. They they are all mixed up by today.

09-06-2020, 02:01 PM
There is no such thing as Bosniaks of Croatian roots. Console yourself. They they are all mixed up by today.

Nope, there are many who are much purer than you. Hrvoje showed me results of Max Luburić (I am not allowed to share them), and he clusters with Croats from Croatia, unlike you Vlach.

09-06-2020, 02:02 PM
Go away, Montenigga! They will accept you. Montenegrin Orthodox Nationalists aren't anti-Catholic and emphasises Catholic roots of Duklja. There you will be much happier.

You could say Montenegrins would be an improvement over complex Croat nation, but I would feel ashamed even by them running away from their Serbianess. Just another complexed nation like Croatia.

You see, I am loyal to Croatia no matter how shit it is so don't mistake me for average Croat nor would I go marrying foreigners with foreign religion. :)

09-06-2020, 02:03 PM
You could say Montenegrins would be an improvement over complex Croat nation, but I would feel ashamed even by them running away from their Serbianess. Just another complexed nation like Croatia.

You see, I am loyal to Croatia no matter how shit it is so don't mistake me for average Croat nor would I go marrying foreigners with foreign religion. :)

Leave here weirdo! I must go now. Be gone when I am back.

09-06-2020, 02:04 PM
Nope, there are many who are much purer than you. Hrvoje showed me results of Max Luburić (I am not allowed to share them), and he clusters with Croats from Croatia, unlike you Vlach.

Nope. Keep consoling yourself Bosniak.

09-06-2020, 02:04 PM
Large part are Croat origin, all ikavians and šćakavians. East Herzegovina Bosniaks like Bosniensis/Sinan are muslim Serbs. Sandđaklije are muslim Monteniggas, same blood like Insuperable with different religion.

Croats from Croatia gladly accept muslim Bosniaks who realise they Croatian roots. I speak about nationalists.
But Islam isn't welcome.

Bosniensis is from Bihać, not from East Herzegovina.

Whatever their origins Bosniaks don't want to be Croatians neither Serbs. Not as Muslims, and ecpecially they don't want convert on Catholicism or Orthodoxy. They would rather commit collective suicide or moved to Turkey than convert on Catholicism or Orthodoxy.

Dževad Galijašević (from Maglaj) about origin of Bosniaks.


09-06-2020, 02:05 PM
Leave here weirdo! I must go now. Be gone when I am back.

You took words from my mouth.

09-06-2020, 02:22 PM
What is next, Catholic negroes are Croats?
Catholic Vlachs such as him are ought to be accepted only if they assimilate culturally, which he failed to do.

Therefore it's healthier for him to return to his Montenegrin roots.

Nobody would think of me as being a foreigner, culturally or otherwise. I mean culturally:rolleyes: What does it mean to assimilate culturally in Croatia? I need to sing klapa in the south and bećar in the east?:rolleyes:

Because of people with your mentality Croatia was divided so many times through out so many centuries. Some complexed individuals wanted to be a part of Venice and kept sucking Venice cocks. Some wanted to be part of Hungary, some wanted to be part of Habsburgs, Bosnia etc. All these powers took advantage of those local revolutions. From then on you went to the other extreme, into pan-Slaviciness. From one extreme jumped to the other extreme. Then part of Yugoslavia, now part of EU, V4. History of clinging to others.

Of course I forgot about one more faction. People who didn't want to be part of anyone, people with no complexes.

09-06-2020, 03:25 PM

09-06-2020, 03:34 PM

7:46 - 10:00 https://youtu.be/CMxhSPG-IPw?t=466

09-06-2020, 03:45 PM
7:46 - 10:00 https://youtu.be/CMxhSPG-IPw?t=466


Serbs IQ = 0

Whole world is concerned about Serbian state, yes.. yes.. Russians are dying for Serbs.

09-06-2020, 03:52 PM

Serbs IQ = 0

Whole world is concerned about Serbian state, yes.. yes.. Russians are dying for Serbs.

Velikosrpska hegemonija nad Balkanom uskoro stiže! :thumb001:

Za sad imamo tri države - Srbiju (pro-kinesku), Crnu Goru (pro-američku) i Republiku Srpsku (pro-rusku). Propasti nemeremo, jerbo koja god sila da preovlada (Kina, Amerika ili Rusija) mi imamo oslonac tj. jedna od naše 3 države će privesti druge 2 onoj sili koja budu najjača.

09-06-2020, 04:08 PM
Only North Macedonia is the epitome of being Balkan, possibly Bosnia & Hezergovina too, but never been so I can't vouch for it.

09-06-2020, 04:12 PM

Serbs IQ = 0

Whole world is concerned about Serbian state, yes.. yes.. Russians are dying for Serbs.

Muči Sinane, more vam se lako desiti da izgubite trokutistan, a da mi završimo posa započet u 19-om v. uz blagoslov Rusije :)https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iseljavanje_muslimana_iz_Srbije

09-06-2020, 04:20 PM
Nobody would think of me as being a foreigner, culturally or otherwise. I mean culturally:rolleyes: What does it mean to assimilate culturally in Croatia? I need to sing klapa in the south and bećar in the east?:rolleyes:

Because of people with your mentality Croatia was divided so many times through out so many centuries. Some complexed individuals wanted to be a part of Venice and kept sucking Venice cocks. Some wanted to be part of Hungary, some wanted to be part of Habsburgs, Bosnia etc. All these powers took advantage of those local revolutions. From then on you went to the other extreme, into pan-Slaviciness. From one extreme jumped to the other extreme. Then part of Yugoslavia, now part of EU, V4. History of clinging to others.

Of course I forgot about one more faction. People who didn't want to be part of anyone, people with no complexes.

Sounds like a propaganda text out of Serbian nationalist newspapers.

09-06-2020, 04:24 PM
Bosniensis is from Bihać, not from East Herzegovina.

He is not native of Bihać region, and his ancestors from east Herzegovina are related with Dušan's.

09-06-2020, 04:32 PM
He is not native of Bihać region, and his ancestors from east Herzegovina are related with Dušan's.

If you watch like that than humans are native only South Africa, and anywhere else are imigrants.

Sinan's ancestors settled in Bihać area +400 years ago. They are longer in Bihać area than most of Albanians in Kosovo.

Majority of Cazin Krajina Muslims are descendants of settlers from the east after 1590 when Ottomans conquered Cazinska Krajine. On heavy depopulated land by war and migrations Ottomans brought Muslim settlers from central Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, East Bosnia etc.

09-06-2020, 04:35 PM
If you watch like that than humans are native only South Africa, and anywhere else are imigrants.

Sinan's ancestors settled in Bihać area +400 years ago. They are longer in Bihać area than most of Albanians in Kosovo.

Majority of Cazin Krajina Muslims are descendants of settlers from the east after 1590 when Ottomans conquered Cazinska Krajine. On heavy depopulated land by war and migrations Ottomans brought Muslim settlers from central Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, East Bosnia etc.

I wouldn't say majority. That area was heavily Ikavian until after WW2. It's more city of Bihać that has people from all over, surroundings not so much.

09-06-2020, 04:38 PM
Sounds like a propaganda text out of Serbian nationalist newspapers.

Really? I deduced that by myself reading Croatian history and observing behavior of most of Croatian TA members. Then Serbs might be onto something.


09-06-2020, 04:38 PM
I wouldn't say majority. That area was heavily Ikavian until after WW2. It's more city of Bihać that has people from all over, surroundings not so much.

Ikavian šćakavica came to Cazinska Krajina with settlers from central Bosnia.

Before Ottomans Cazinska Krajina was full čakavian speaking area.

09-06-2020, 04:39 PM
400 years is more than enough to consider someone as native in some place.

09-06-2020, 04:40 PM
Really? I deduced that by myself reading Croatian history and observing behavior of most of Croatian TA members. Then Serbs might be onto something.

Because you are a Serb. Montenegrin variation of Serb. For us both are more or less the same. They won't like your Albo Ydna though. Remember Katniss/Rv12aval? xD

09-06-2020, 04:41 PM
Because you are a Serb. Montenegrin variation of Serb. For us both are more or less the same. They won't like your Albo Ydna though. Remember Katniss/Rv12aval? xD

She'll love me once I show her my dna results and take my pants off.

09-06-2020, 04:42 PM
Ikavian šćakavica came to Cazinska Krajina with settlers from central Bosnia.

Before Ottomans Cazinska Krajina was full čakavian speaking area.

Yes. But I meant ijekavians from east Herzegovina/Montenegro etc.

400 years is more than enough to consider someone as native in some place.

It's fishy what he claims, he claim his ancestors were first moved into Dalmatia, than somewhere near Karlovac and than Bihać. I highly doubt he is 400 years there.

09-06-2020, 04:43 PM
She'll love me once I show her my dna results and take my pants off.

:thumbsup: xD

09-06-2020, 04:50 PM

09-06-2020, 04:52 PM

Ukraine is Balkan, just listen to these rhythms


09-06-2020, 04:53 PM
Yes. But I meant ijekavians from east Herzegovina/Montenegro etc.

It's fishy what he claims, he claim his ancestors were first moved into Dalmatia, than somewhere near Karlovac and than Bihać. I highly doubt he is 400 years there.

Sinan's family is n Bihać is probably since late 17th century. Before that they lived on Kordun. In late 17th century Austrians took Kordun from Ottomans and Muslims moved to Cazinska Krajina including Sinan's ancestors. His ancestors came to Kordun or Lika in 16th century via Usora. Their deepest origin is in E. Herzegovina around Bileća, but from there in late 15th century they moved in Usora (NE Bosnia), and in 16th century under the name "Usorci" they migrated to Lika/Kordun.
"Usorci" are significant part of Lika Serbs. Sinan is islamized "Usorac." Serbs with his surname lived in Kordun until 1995, and they celebrate Đurđevdan (former Sinan's Slava).

09-06-2020, 05:14 PM
Ukraine is Balkan, just listen to these rhythms


Beautiful. :thumb001:

09-06-2020, 05:20 PM

09-06-2020, 05:57 PM
Proud Balkanite! I'm happy that my people are fully part of Balkan! Burek store over Mcdonald's all the way :cool:

09-06-2020, 06:02 PM
Apparently Syria is the new Atlantis in that map

09-06-2020, 06:37 PM
Proud Balkanite! I'm happy that my people are fully part of Balkan! Burek store over Mcdonald's all the way :cool:

Burek always over McDonalds.

09-06-2020, 06:38 PM
Proud Balkanite! I'm happy that my people are fully part of Balkan! Burek store over Mcdonald's all the way :cool:

Burek always over McDonalds.

09-06-2020, 06:59 PM
I downloaded it and sent it to Balkan athletic association, they said they would consider it and print different colored t-shirts for every member.

All this stuff is very important they said.

09-06-2020, 07:10 PM
Burek always over McDonalds.

Pljeskavica > hamburger

09-06-2020, 07:12 PM
I don't know what burek is but like Gyros nothing can challenge it.

09-06-2020, 07:21 PM
Kebab & Burek = Bosniak and Turkish food nothing beats that.

09-06-2020, 07:39 PM
Kebab & Börek = Turkish food nothing beats that.

09-06-2020, 07:41 PM
Kebab & Börek & Döner = Turkish food nothing beats that.

09-06-2020, 07:46 PM
I downloaded it and sent it to Balkan athletic association, they said they would consider it and print different colored t-shirts for every member.

All this stuff is very important they said.


09-06-2020, 07:53 PM
Spanakopita + all Greek pies + souvlaki, nothing beats dat.

09-06-2020, 08:10 PM
Poland was Balkan before this starts to be trendy

1988 clip


09-06-2020, 08:49 PM
Pljeskavica > hamburger

I agree.

Nothing beats Serbian pljeskavica.

09-06-2020, 08:55 PM
I agree.

Nothing beats Serbian pljeskavica.


brennus dux gallorum
09-06-2020, 08:56 PM
Poland was Balkan before this starts to be trendy

1988 clip


Polish depeche mode

09-06-2020, 08:57 PM
Bosniensis, I have nice bacon for you. ;)
Delicious. :yumyum:


09-06-2020, 09:12 PM
For all Balkanites! :thumb001:


09-06-2020, 09:17 PM
Bosniensis, I have nice bacon for you. ;)
Delicious. :yumyum:

[img]https://agropapuk.rs/wp-content/uploads/dimnjena-slaninica-agropapuk-srbija-1.jpg [/ig]


09-06-2020, 09:28 PM

Danaske sam ijo pancete i pomidore. Nema ništa bolje od krte pancete, nako kad je šarena. Bolja man pršut iljadu puta
Da si prova vidio bi čega si se odreka radi islama. A murda si i prova nekeda kad niko ne gleda, esi li Siki a? :)

09-06-2020, 09:30 PM
Da oproba svinjetinu sa roštilja za vrijeme svinjokolja odjebo bi islam.

09-06-2020, 09:34 PM
Da oproba svinjetinu sa roštilja za vrijeme svinjokolja odjebo bi islam.


09-06-2020, 09:36 PM

Molim te potpiši i posvajanje Insuperable među Srbe.

09-06-2020, 09:38 PM
Molim te potpiši i posvajanje Insuperable među Srbe.


Znaš ko od Hrvata previše voli svinjetinu vjerovatno je Srbin.

09-06-2020, 09:39 PM

Znaš ko od Hrvata previše voli svinjetinu vjerovatno je Srbin.

Potpis. Mi ne konzumiramo to.

09-06-2020, 09:40 PM
Molim te potpiši i posvajanje Insuperable među Srbe.

Da bude Srbin katolik. :)

09-06-2020, 09:41 PM
Potpis. Mi ne konzumiramo to.

Možeš misliti. U Dalmaciji i Slavoniji pršut, slanina, svinjetina klizi niz grlo ko voda.

09-06-2020, 09:41 PM
Možeš misliti. U Dalmaciji i Slavoniji pršut, slanina, svinjetina klizi niz grlo ko voda.

Mislim moja obitelj. Prestajemo jesti mesine.

09-06-2020, 09:42 PM
Potpis. Mi ne konzumiramo to.

Pa ne jedete, Srbi su imali zastavu divljeg vepra nekad davno, to im zastava bila...

oni su se razvili jedući divlje veprove.

09-06-2020, 09:42 PM
Bosniensis je išao vaditi srpske papire pa su ga odjebali rekavši mu da je balija.:pound:
Meni će reći da sam ustaša i da odjebem.:pound:

09-06-2020, 09:42 PM

Znaš ko od Hrvata previše voli svinjetinu vjerovatno je Srbin.

Znači Slavonci najveće Srbende!

09-06-2020, 09:43 PM
Pa ne jedete, Srbi su imali zastavu divljeg vepra nekad davno, to im zastava bila...

oni su se razvili jedući divlje veprove.

Hahaha Srbi veprovi xD
Tek sada vidim koliko si nam falija.

09-06-2020, 09:43 PM
Znači Slavonci najveće Srbende!


09-06-2020, 09:46 PM
Znači Slavonci najveće Srbende!

Mađari žderu navjiše svinjetinu, zato su debeli kao prasci.
Radije pomogni Insuperableu da postane i službeno Srbin.

09-06-2020, 09:48 PM
Ko traži Srpske korijene samo neka provjeri koliko u familiji ima:

1. Lovaca
2. Drvosječa

To srpski geni nose.

Ko god je krao drva izbjegavajući lugare i jeo veprovine u posljednjih 5 godina, garantujem da je Srpskog porjekla.

09-06-2020, 09:48 PM
Mislim moja obitelj. Prestajemo jesti mesine.

Pa ako ti stari još ne bude htio popiti gemišt za vrijeme druženja reći će mu ekipa koji kurac radi u Dalmaciji.

09-06-2020, 09:50 PM
Pa ako ti stari još ne bude htio popiti gemišt za vrijeme druženja reći će mu ekipa koji kurac radi u Dalmaciji.

On voli rakiju, viski, pive...moji puno piju, i mamica xD
Ali žao nam je životinja. Tata jako voli životinje i ne želi više pomagati mesnu industriju kupovinom proizvoda od životinja

Inače voli jesti meso. Svi volimo ali pokušavamo prestat s tim.

09-06-2020, 09:50 PM
Pa ako ti stari još ne bude htio popiti gemišt za vrijeme druženja reći će mu ekipa koji kurac radi u Dalmaciji.

Mladen Grdović pretpostavljam da je rekao to zadnje.

09-06-2020, 09:52 PM
Moj tata je snob...ima cijelu sobu punu prastarih boca vina i najboljih konjaka i viskija, itd.
Da to prodam dobro bih zaradila xD

On gostima nudi jefinjaću a sam pije ovo vrhunsko...ne da čak ni mami hahah.

09-06-2020, 09:53 PM
Pa ako ti stari još ne bude htio popiti gemišt za vrijeme druženja reći će mu ekipa koji kurac radi u Dalmaciji.

U Dalmaciji se pije bevanda. :)

09-06-2020, 09:55 PM
Mađari žderu navjiše svinjetinu, zato su debeli kao prasci.
Radije pomogni Insuperableu da postane i službeno Srbin.

Jel tebi smeta što ja nemam ništa protiv Srba, a što sam kritičan zbog nekih stvari unutar hr?

On voli rakiju, viski, pive...moji puno piju, i mamica xD
Ali žao nam je životinja. Tata jako voli životinje i ne želi više pomagati mesnu industriju kupovinom proizvoda od životinja

Inače voli jesti meso. Svi volimo ali pokušavamo prestat s tim.

Stari snowflake.xD

Ja svaki dan pojedem pola kila mesa. Svinjetina i svinjski proizvodi su domaći od rodbine, uglavnom se jedu zimi jel.

09-06-2020, 09:55 PM
U Dalmaciji se pije bevanda. :)

Na obali/otocima, u Zagori rakija.
Dalmatinci se nikad ne opijaju uglavnom.

To je tipično za Zagorce i ostale kontinentalce iz Panonske blatnjare.

09-06-2020, 09:57 PM
Jel tebi smeta što ja nemam ništa protiv Srba, a što sam kritičan zbog nekih stvari unutar hr?

Stari snowflake.xD

Ja svaki dan pojedem pola kila mesa. Svinjetina i svinjski proizvodi su domaći od rodbine, uglavnom se jedu zimi jel.

Nadamo se da ce se izumit umjetno meso a da ne škodi zdravlju ili nekekav kvalitetan nadomjestak.
Ovo drugo meni smeta...

09-06-2020, 10:03 PM
Na obali/otocima, u Zagori rakija.
Dalmatinci se nikad ne opijaju uglavnom.

To je tipično za Zagorce i ostale kontinentalce iz Panonske blatnjare.

Kod nas se pilo vino i rakija. Kad se pravi vino pa od tropa od grožđa se pekla rakija. Od šljive isto, ali ljudi su uglavnom više volili lozu. Šljiva nije bila nešto na cjeni.
Tu prednost kao loza nad šljivom je imalo i jagnjeće pečenje na prasećim. Zapravo praseće pečenje nije ni bilo tradicija, to je stiglo iz Srbije zadnjih decenija.

09-06-2020, 10:06 PM
Kod nas se pilo vino i rakija. Kad se pravi vino pa od tropa od grožđa se pekla rakija. Od šljive isto, ali ljudi su uglavnom više volili lozu. Šljiva nije bila nešto na cjeni.
Tu prednost kao loza nad šljivom je imalo i jagnjeće pečenje na prasećim. Zapravo praseće pečenje nije ni bilo tradicija, to je stiglo iz Srbije zadnjih decenija.

Da u Dalmaciji se preferira loza. Šljiva je više Bosna i krajevi tipa Kordun etc.
Moj djed je kao pravi Bosanac radio odličnu Šljivu.

09-06-2020, 10:15 PM

09-06-2020, 10:27 PM
Balkan behavior in kafana. :thumb001:


09-06-2020, 10:36 PM

Daco Celtic
09-06-2020, 10:37 PM
Ireland is Balkan too, should at least be orange

09-06-2020, 10:51 PM

09-06-2020, 11:06 PM
This song has almost 145 000 000 views on youtube. I think it's record in the Balkan.


Crn Volk
09-07-2020, 12:43 AM

09-07-2020, 08:11 AM
Ireland is Balkan too, should at least be orange


09-07-2020, 04:04 PM
Hungary historically was partially Balkanic and today culturally it also has more things in common with the Balkans than many outsiders might think.

Besh o Drom are pretty well known internationally to popularize Balkanic Folk music:


09-07-2020, 05:45 PM
I can't connect with this kind of music. It sound very middle eastern to me. If that is Balkan than I am definitelly not.

And Balkanites should not be insulted when they are seen as MENA influenced than, because they are.

09-07-2020, 06:16 PM
Balkan behavior in kafana. :thumb001:




09-09-2020, 04:13 PM
Ethnic map 1920
