View Full Version : Do Arabs share the same ethnic characteristics and behaviors as Jews?

09-08-2020, 02:03 AM
Are Arabs also greedy, kvetchy, and cunning as the Jews are known for? Also, do they have similar facial features? Could “the Goyim know” meme also apply to Arabs? Do Arabs also have a history of being deceitful merchants and greedy bankers as the Jews?

09-08-2020, 02:04 AM
stop trolling it's boring

09-08-2020, 02:06 AM
stop trolling it's boring

It’s an honest question. Imo it could not only be Jewish but a Semitic thing in general.

09-09-2020, 06:50 PM
I think they are different. The Jews were never really a war faring people. They did have issues with the Turks and such. But mainly, they were a peaceful group that kept to themselves. The Arabs are worse in many ways, especially Palestinian nomadic frauds claiming Israel belongs to them. You would never see a Jew hijack a plane and fly it into a building. It wouldn't be Kosher for them and they would worry about getting their suit dirty.

09-09-2020, 07:00 PM
Yes they do. Hebrew and Arabic are extremely similar languages. Arab greets you saying Salam Alaikum, Jew greets telling Shalom Alerim.
Jewish scriptures pretend that Arabs and Jews both descend from two brothers, one Yitzhak and the other Ishmael. Jews believe that their ancestor Yitzhak was given supremacy over Ishmael, however also believing that Ishmael shall still have a great nation.
It is probably as a result of that belief that financial sharks like Rothschild and other prominent Jewish billionaires are not bothered to see some Arab wealthy sheikhs getting shares in Apple, having money and so on.
Answer to the question is yes. They are extremely similar, diverging on details. Like North Korea and South Korea.