View Full Version : The Great Wine Blight

The Lawspeaker
09-09-2020, 03:10 PM

In the 19th century, the Great Wine Blight threatened the very existence of grapes. But the pestilence brought into Europe by American vines was eradicated by the use of those very same vines. The History Guy recalls how American indigenous vines saved the wine industry, and how you can help to preserve its future. This is original content based on research by The History Guy. Images in the Public Domain are carefully selected and provide illustration. As very few images of the actual event are available in the Public Domain, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration. Special thanks to Stone Hill Winery, Hermann, Missouri: https://stonehillwinery.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnJtcmRnYzFXa2c4a1IzM UF4Q3Y4VjBrb0pOd3xBQ3Jtc0tueWxOc0pvTzloN3ozZk8zMFR NLThxSlVONWIwaXZrQUxydnQtTm1RTlk4T0YyMkFoam5sbUZ0e Uxia1dWRmstYXdGS2FrQTMwUzY0NGJXZFFQRTdFWW8zT0ZNOGx rM1RVUzZxWUdQaDNNMkFDdHM2Zw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fstonehillwinery.com&v=SowSuC0jNoI&event=video_description)