View Full Version : Viking Age samples GEDmatch results

09-17-2020, 07:22 PM
Some samples from the new Viking study:

Eurogenes K13:

Cedynia_NorthWestPoland_VK212,29.02,49.77,9.02,4.5 7,2.56,0.12,1.19,0,1.16,0,0.25,1.76,0.58
Sandomir_SouthPoland_VK494,32.6,47.38,12.62,2.61,0 ,0,0.99,2.36,0,0.36,0,0.87,0.22
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK154,40.64,41.6,6.66,3.68,0,1.37,0 .83,1.75,0,1.63,0.2,0,1.64
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK155,36.74,39.75,11.23,5.89,0,1.6, 1.4,0,0,2.59,0.42,0,0.38

Eurogenes K15:

Cedynia_NorthWestPoland_VK212,16.98,18.9,35.76,20. 06,3.41,1.87,0.36,0,0.78,0,0,0,0.12,1.18,0.56
Sandomir_SouthPoland_VK494,18.43,23.92,33.89,14.53 ,6.06,0,0,0,0.78,1.74,0,0,0,0.06,0.58
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK154,34.17,19.73,23.63,15.87,2.08, 0.29,0,0.41,0.11,1.02,0,1.16,0.03,0,1.49
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK155,26.52,24.82,20.19,17.53,3.76, 4.3,0,0.38,0.04,0,0,2.11,0.35,0,0



I'm adding more samples, now VK155 from Bodzia.

09-17-2020, 07:29 PM
More inforrmation about those samples:

VK212 Poland_Cedynia gr. 558 11-12th centuries CE Male R1a1a1b
VK494 Poland_Sandomierz 10-11th centuries CE Male R1a1a
VK154 Poland_Bodzia B2 10-11th centuries CE Female
VK155 Poland_Bodzia B3 10-11th centuries CE Female

09-17-2020, 07:31 PM
They were buried like vykings, or are local slavs?

09-17-2020, 07:34 PM
They were buried like vykings, or are local slavs?

Bodzia females were buried like vikings. The two males are Slavic. There are more samples from Bodzia, I will check them.

Cedynia was a border stronghold.


PS: Based on K36, Sandomir_VK494 is closest to modern Mazovian Voivodeship rather than to modern Southern Poland:


Not a Cop
09-17-2020, 07:37 PM
Bodzia female was buried like a viking. The two males are Slavic. There are more samples from Bodzia, I will check them.

Cedynia was a border stronghold.


Based on K36, Sandomir_VK494 is closest to modern Mazovia:


Bodzia looks like a slavo-germanic mix, doesn't it?

09-17-2020, 07:43 PM
Bodzia looks like a slavo-germanic mix, doesn't it?


09-17-2020, 07:52 PM
VK200 Poland_Czersk, smallest BAM but results are rather plausible.
Looks like Not a Cop father somewhat:)

Basque 10,03
Central_Euro 19,92
East_Balkan 6,10
East_Central_Euro 13,35
Eastern_Euro 9,45
Fennoscandian 28,03
French 2,15
North_Atlantic 4,94
North_Sea 5,35
Volga-Ural 0,69




ADC: 2x
52.6 Estonian_NW
29.8 Estonian_Tallin
17.6 NE-Ostpreussen

ADC: 1x
39.2 Estonian_NW
35.2 NE-Ostpreussen
25.6 Estonian_Tallin

ADC: 0.5x
36.0 NE-Ostpreussen
27.4 Swede_Finland
17.6 PL_Central
15.0 Estonian_Tallin
4.0 Finn

ADC: 0.25x
56.6 NE-Ostpreussen
19.8 Finn_east_and_north
17.4 PL_Central
3.0 ES_Pais_Vasco
1.6 Swede_Finland
1.6 Tatar_Turkestan

ADC 0x
40.8 NE-Ostpreussen
23.2 Finn_east_and_north
19.4 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
8.4 PL_Central
6.0 ES_Pais_Vasco
1.0 NL_Overijssel

09-17-2020, 08:06 PM
Nice, keep going we want more samples on Gedmatch.

09-17-2020, 08:19 PM
which or those are potentially unmixed Slavic samples according to you (if there are such)? I'd be good to know so we can compare against them.

Not a Cop
09-17-2020, 08:21 PM
VK200 Poland_Czersk, smallest BAM but results are rather plausible.
Looks like Not a Cop father somewhat:)

Basque 10,03
Central_Euro 19,92
East_Balkan 6,10
East_Central_Euro 13,35
Eastern_Euro 9,45
Fennoscandian 28,03
French 2,15
North_Atlantic 4,94
North_Sea 5,35
Volga-Ural 0,69




ADC: 2x
52.6 Estonian_NW
29.8 Estonian_Tallin
17.6 NE-Ostpreussen

ADC: 1x
39.2 Estonian_NW
35.2 NE-Ostpreussen
25.6 Estonian_Tallin

ADC: 0.5x
36.0 NE-Ostpreussen
27.4 Swede_Finland
17.6 PL_Central
15.0 Estonian_Tallin
4.0 Finn

ADC: 0.25x
56.6 NE-Ostpreussen
19.8 Finn_east_and_north
17.4 PL_Central
3.0 ES_Pais_Vasco
1.6 Swede_Finland
1.6 Tatar_Turkestan

ADC 0x
40.8 NE-Ostpreussen
23.2 Finn_east_and_north
19.4 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
8.4 PL_Central
6.0 ES_Pais_Vasco
1.0 NL_Overijssel

My father was not tested, maybe you have someone else in mind?

09-17-2020, 08:58 PM
My father was not tested, maybe you have someone else in mind?

I have feeling I made for him substraction from your results and mother or grandpas? No?

Not a Cop
09-17-2020, 09:09 PM
I have feeling I made for him substraction from your results and mother or grandpas? No?

Could be.

09-18-2020, 12:38 AM
Using Eurogenes K13, VK155 is 1/3 Norse and 2/3 Slavic:

Target: Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK155
Distance: 3.0876% / 3.08762206 | ADC: 0.25x
62.8 Masurian
29.6 Sweden_Svealand_East
5.2 Welsh
1.2 Kalash
1.0 Karitiana
0.2 German_east

which or those are potentially unmixed Slavic samples according to you (if there are such)? I'd be good to know so we can compare against them.

VK494 and VK212. VK212 could be a Medieval West Pomeranian I guess? Or maybe he came to Cedynia from another region.

VK211 another sample from Cedynia from the 13th or late 12th century is a German settler, but rather low quality sample.

VK211 is like modern Western Germans, so he was rather still unmixed with Slavs (unlike later East Germans obviously):

Eurogenes K13:

Cedynia_Ostsiedlung1200s_VK211,40.54,25.31,12.99,4 .61,11.08,2.19,3.03,0,0,0.26,0,0,0


Eurogenes K15:

Cedynia_Ostsiedlung1200s_VK211,19.67,30.41,11.7,12 .61,8.91,8.18,6.27,0.97,1.18,0,0,0.1,0,0,0

Mixture of people like VK211 with people like VK212 produced East German genetics.

09-18-2020, 11:31 AM
Could you upload to Gedmatch the russian and italian viking's samples?

09-18-2020, 12:33 PM
Could you upload to Gedmatch the russian and italian viking's samples?
Whoa, they have Russian Vikings? Varangians from the 9-10th centuries? I wanna see them too.

09-18-2020, 02:24 PM
Whoa, they have Russian Vikings? Varangians from the 9-10th centuries? I wanna see them too.

There are few hundreds samples generally (Russia, Scandinavia, British Isles, Poland and some other locations).
Downloading and checking all those bams would be too time consuming. I'm waiting for PLINK format dataset. Maybe on Reich website it will be soon?

09-20-2020, 10:18 AM
Whoa, they have Russian Vikings? Varangians from the 9-10th centuries? I wanna see them too.

Here is the full list of samples, which ones do you want to see?:

(I'm downloading VK541 now, it takes 30 minutes to download)

VK315 Denmark_Bakkendrup Grav 16
VK369 Denmark_Bakkendrup losfund-2, conc.1
VK294 Denmark_Bakkendrup losfund-2, conc.5
VK281 Denmark_Barse Grav A
VK298 Denmark_Besser Grav III
VK291 Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav D, sk 1
VK289 Denmark_Bodkergarden Grav H, sk 1
VK364 Denmark_Bogovej BN
VK365 Denmark_Bogovej BS
VK363 Denmark_Bogovej BT
VK361 Denmark_Bogovej BX
VK366 Denmark_Bogovej BY
VK367 Denmark_Bogovej D
VK292 Denmark_Bogovej Grav A.D.
VK288 Denmark_Bogovej Grav BA
VK286 Denmark_Bogovej Grav BJ
VK338 Denmark_Bogovej Grav BV
VK320 Denmark_Bogovej Grav S
VK362 Denmark_Bogovej LMR 12077
VK368 Denmark_Bogovej T
VK135 Denmark_Galgedil ALY
VK134 Denmark_Galgedil ALZ
VK139 Denmark_Galgedil ANG
VK370 Denmark_Galgedil ANO
VK138 Denmark_Galgedil AQQ
VK279 Denmark_Galgedil AXE
VK373 Denmark_Galgedil BER
VK372 Denmark_Galgedil KM
VK133 Denmark_Galgedil KO
VK446 Denmark_Galgedil LS
VK141 Denmark_Galgedil OMB/BFQ
VK140 Denmark_Galgedil PT
VK278 Denmark_Galgedil TQ
VK411 Denmark_Galgedil TT
VK371 Denmark_Galgedil UD-Vest
VK280 Denmark_Galgedil UO
VK213 Denmark_Gerdrup-A10
VK214 Denmark_Gerdrup-A12
VK215 Denmark_Gerdrup-B; sk 1
VK216 Denmark_Gerdrup-B; sk 2
VK94 Denmark_GI Lejre-A1861
VK445 Denmark_Gl Lejre-A1896
VK284 Denmark_Grydehoj A2058
VK383 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 11, sk DT
VK86 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 13
VK384 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 14, sk EU
VK339 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 16, sk GO
VK300 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 22, sk IR
VK84 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 3
VK87 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 41b, sk PC
VK340 Denmark_Hesselbjerg Grav 5, sk V
VK318 Denmark_Hesselbjergmarken Grav B
VK295 Denmark_Hessum sk 1
VK316 Denmark_Hessum sk II
VK296 Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 1
VK297 Denmark_Hundstrup Mose sk 2
VK275 Denmark_Kaargarden 217
VK274 Denmark_Kaargarden 391
VK276 Denmark_Kaargarden BH
VK317 Denmark_Kaargarden Grav BF99
VK287 Denmark_Kaargarden Grav BS
VK285 Denmark_Kaargarden Grav BZ
VK290 Denmark_Kumle Hoje Grav O
VK319 Denmark_Ladby Grav 2
VK301 Denmark_Ladby Grav 4
VK385 Denmark_Lejre Grav 321
VK247 Denmark_Lejre Grav 804
VK90 Denmark_Lejre Grav 902
VK92 Denmark_Lejre Grav 935
VK312 Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 1
VK313 Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 2
VK314 Denmark_Rantzausminde Grav 5
VK322 Denmark_Ribe 1
VK323 Denmark_Ribe 2
VK324 Denmark_Ribe 3
VK325 Denmark_Ribe 4
VK326 Denmark_Ribe 5
VK327 Denmark_Ribe 6
VK328 Denmark_Ribe 7
VK329 Denmark_Ribe 8
VK330 Denmark_Ribe 9
VK282 Denmark_Stengade I, LMR c195
VK65 Denmark_Tollemosegard-BQ
VK71 Denmark_Tollemosegard-BU
VK69 Denmark_Tollemosegard-DS
VK70 Denmark_Tollemosegard-EW
VK504 Estonia_Salme_I-1
VK505 Estonia_Salme_I-2
VK506 Estonia_Salme_I-3
VK507 Estonia_Salme_I-4
VK508 Estonia_Salme_I-5
VK509 Estonia_Salme_I-6
VK510 Estonia_Salme_I-7
VK512 Estonia_Salme_II-Ü
VK489 Estonia_Salme_II-Ä
VK491 Estonia_Salme_II-Õ
VK497 Estonia_Salme_II-Ö
VK493 Estonia_Salme_II-Š
VK487 Estonia_Salme_II-A
VK492 Estonia_Salme_II-B
VK495 Estonia_Salme_II-C
VK550 Estonia_Salme_II-D
VK480 Estonia_Salme_II-E
VK481 Estonia_Salme_II-F
VK486 Estonia_Salme_II-G
VK488 Estonia_Salme_II-H
VK555 Estonia_Salme_II-I
VK549 Estonia_Salme_II-J
VK552 Estonia_Salme_II-K
VK554 Estonia_Salme_II-L
VK553 Estonia_Salme_II-M
VK490 Estonia_Salme_II-N
VK485 Estonia_Salme_II-O
VK482 Estonia_Salme_II-P
VK484 Estonia_Salme_II-Q
VK551 Estonia_Salme_II-U
VK483 Estonia_Salme_II-V
VK496 Estonia_Salme_II-W
VK511 Estonia_Salme_II-X
VK498 Estonia_Salme_II-Z
VK25 Faroe_1
VK27 Faroe_10
VK244 Faroe_12
VK241 Faroe_13
VK236 Faroe_14
VK237 Faroe_15
VK245 Faroe_16
VK44 Faroe_17
VK45 Faroe_18
VK46 Faroe_19
VK234 Faroe_2
VK248 Faroe_22
VK242 Faroe_3
VK238 Faroe_4
VK239 Faroe_5
VK240 Faroe_6
VK24 Faroe_AS34/Panum
VK56 Gotland_Frojel-001A98
VK428 Gotland_Frojel-00287
VK432 Gotland_Frojel-00303
VK440 Gotland_Frojel-003A88
VK431 Gotland_Frojel-00487A
VK430 Gotland_Frojel-00502
VK60 Gotland_Frojel-00702
VK434 Gotland_Frojel-01288
VK63 Gotland_Frojel-01499
VK429 Gotland_Frojel-01599
VK433 Gotland_Frojel-01798
VK463 Gotland_Frojel-019A89
VK464 Gotland_Frojel-019B89
VK459 Gotland_Frojel-02198
VK437 Gotland_Frojel-02303
VK456 Gotland_Frojel-02404
VK439 Gotland_Frojel-02498
VK435 Gotland_Frojel-02500
VK461 Gotland_Frojel-025A89
VK462 Gotland_Frojel-025B89
VK457 Gotland_Frojel-03299_1
VK458 Gotland_Frojel-03299_3
VK441 Gotland_Frojel-032A98
VK455 Gotland_Frojel-03401
VK64 Gotland_Frojel-03504
VK57 Gotland_Frojel-03601
VK58 Gotland_Frojel-03604
VK438 Gotland_Frojel-04498
VK460 Gotland_Frojel-04898
VK452 Gotland_Kopparsvik-111
VK472 Gotland_Kopparsvik-112
VK473 Gotland_Kopparsvik-126
VK453 Gotland_Kopparsvik-134
VK474 Gotland_Kopparsvik-137
VK454 Gotland_Kopparsvik-140
VK53 Gotland_Kopparsvik-161/65
VK467 Gotland_Kopparsvik-181
VK475 Gotland_Kopparsvik-187
VK48 Gotland_Kopparsvik-212/65
VK476 Gotland_Kopparsvik-225
VK477 Gotland_Kopparsvik-228
VK468 Gotland_Kopparsvik-235
VK232 Gotland_Kopparsvik-240.65
VK469 Gotland_Kopparsvik-260
VK478 Gotland_Kopparsvik-271
VK479 Gotland_Kopparsvik-272
VK251 Gotland_Kopparsvik-30.64
VK450 Gotland_Kopparsvik-35
VK50 Gotland_Kopparsvik-53.64
VK471 Gotland_Kopparsvik-63
VK51 Gotland_Kopparsvik-88/64
VK179 Greenland F2
VK180 Greenland F3
VK182 Greenland F5
VK183 Greenland F6
VK184 Greenland F7
VK513 Greenland F8
VK185 Greenland F9
VK186 Greenland KNK-[6]
VK187 Greenland KNK-[80]
VK74 Greenland late-0928
VK75 Greenland late-0929
VK196 Greenland late-0947_V051
VK76 Greenland late-0957
VK77 Greenland late-0959
VK78 Greenland late-0960
VK189 Greenland late-0992
VK190 Greenland late-0996
VK191 Greenland late-1000
VK193 Greenland late-1061
VK9 Greenland_530
VK11 Greenland_532
VK1 Greenland_677
VK6 Greenland_678
VK98 Iceland_083
VK99 Iceland_104
VK110 Iceland_115S
VK111 Iceland_118
VK101 Iceland_125
VK95 Iceland_127
VK102 Iceland_128
VK225 Iceland_A108
VK122 Iceland_A114
VK226 Iceland_A115-N
VK227 Iceland_A117
VK228 Iceland_A120
VK230 Iceland_A123
VK127 Iceland_HDR08
VK128 Iceland_HDR111
VK129 Iceland_ING08
VK123 Iceland_X104
VK546 Ireland_08E693
VK543 Ireland_EP55
VK544 Ireland_FG254
VK545 Ireland_SSG12
VK170 Isle-of-Man_Balladoole
VK536 Italy_Foggia-1240
VK537 Italy_Foggia-1248
VK538 Italy_Foggia-1249
VK534 Italy_Foggia-869
VK535 Italy_Foggia-891
VK532 Kragehave Odetofter XL718
VK420 Norway_Hedmark 2813
VK448 Norway_Hedmark 4005
VK393 Norway_Hedmark 4006
VK422 Norway_Hedmark 4304
VK394 Norway_Hedmark 4460
VK548 Norway_Nord-Trondelag 3705
VK418 Norway_Nordland 1502
VK419 Norway_Nordland 1522
VK388 Norway_Nordland 253
VK524 Norway_Nordland 3708
VK525 Norway_Nordland 3709
VK530 Norway_Nordland 4511
VK515 Norway_Nordland 4512
VK518 Norway_Nordland 4689
VK519 Norway_Nordland 4691b
VK547 Norway_Nordland 4727
VK514 Norway_Nordland 5195
VK526 Norway_Nordland 5317
VK529 Norway_Nordland 642
VK414 Norway_Oppland 1517
VK415 Norway_Oppland 1520
VK417 Norway_Oppland 2808-2
VK421 Norway_Oppland 3777
VK387 Norway_Oppland 3778
VK386 Norway_Oppland 5305
VK523 Norway_Sor-Trondelag 3699
VK516 Norway_Sor-Trondelag 4481
VK392 Norway_Telemark 1645
VK390 Norway_Telemark 1648-A
VK391 Norway_Telemark 1648-B
VK389 Norway_Telemark 3697
VK528 Norway_Troms 4049
VK520 Norway_Troms 4184
VK531 Norway_Troms 5001A
VK113 Norway_Trondheim_SK223
VK118 Norway_Trondheim_SK271
VK117 Norway_Trondheim_SK328
VK114 Norway_Trondheim_SK332
VK124 Norway_Trondheim_SK356
VK125 Norway_Trondheim_SK367
VK116 Norway_Trondheim_SK372
VK522 Oland 1052 24846 13
VK533 Oland 1076 28364 35
VK579 Oland 1099 1785/67 35
VK442 Oland_1008
VK352 Oland_1012
VK342 Oland_1016
VK343 Oland_1021
VK353 Oland_1024
VK354 Oland_1026
VK333 Oland_1028
VK344 Oland_1030
VK345 Oland_1045
VK355 Oland_1046
VK346 Oland_1057
VK334 Oland_1058
VK444 Oland_1059
VK337 Oland_1064
VK347 Oland_1065
VK348 Oland_1067
VK335 Oland_1068
VK349 Oland_1073
VK336 Oland_1075
VK379 Oland_1077
VK380 Oland_1078
VK350 Oland_1086
VK332 Oland_1088
VK357 Oland_1097
VK443 Oland_1101
VK358 Oland_1105
VK359 Oland_1130
VK382 Oland_1132
VK202 Orkney_Buckquoy, sk 7B
VK201 Orkney_Buckquoy, sk M12
VK207 Orkney_BY78, Ar. 1, sk 1
VK208 Orkney_BY78, Ar. 1, sk 2
VK203 Orkney_BY78, Ar. 1, sk 3
VK205 Orkney_Newark 68/12
VK206 Orkney_Newark 71(13)
VK204 Orkney_Newark for Brothwell
VK153 Poland_Bodzia B1
VK154 Poland_Bodzia B2
VK155 Poland_Bodzia B3
VK156 Poland_Bodzia B4
VK157 Poland_Bodzia B5
VK211 Poland_Cedynia gr. 435
VK212 Poland_Cedynia gr. 558
VK200 Poland_Czersk gr. 609
VK210 Poland_Kraków-Zakrzowek gr. 24
VK494 Poland_Sandomierz 43478
VK222 Russia_Gnezdovo 60-95
VK223 Russia_Gnezdovo 75-140
VK470 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-212
VK466 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-222
VK272 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-241(g)
VK273 Russia_Gnezdovo 77-255
VK224 Russia_Gnezdovo 78-249
VK252 Russia_Gnezdovo 78-258
VK253 Russia_Gnezdovo 78-262
VK254 Russia_Gnezdovo 81-287
VK413 Russia_Gnezdovo 81-290
VK255 Russia_Gnezdovo 81-292
VK160 Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3
VK161 Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-4
VK20 Russia_Ladoga_5680-1
VK219 Russia_Ladoga_5680-10
VK220 Russia_Ladoga_5680-11
VK14 Russia_Ladoga_5680-12
VK22 Russia_Ladoga_5680-13
VK409 Russia_Ladoga_5680-14
VK410 Russia_Ladoga_5680-15
VK15 Russia_Ladoga_5680-16
VK17 Russia_Ladoga_5680-17
VK21 Russia_Ladoga_5680-18
VK16 Russia_Ladoga_5680-2
VK18 Russia_Ladoga_5680-3
VK218 Russia_Ladoga_5680-4
VK23 Russia_Ladoga_5680-9
VK19 Russia_Ladoga_5757-1
VK221 Russia_Ladoga_5757-14
VK408 Russia_Ladoga_5757-18
VK158 Russia_Pskov_7283-18
VK159 Russia_Pskov_7283-20
VK582 SBM1028 ALKEN ENGE 2013, X2244
VK521 Sol941 Grav900 Brondsager Torsiinre
VK265 Sweden_Karda 17
VK266 Sweden_Karda 19
VK267 Sweden_Karda 21
VK268 Sweden_Karda 22
VK269 Sweden_Karda 24
VK270 Sweden_Karda 25
VK108 Sweden_Ljungbacka
VK217 Sweden_Ljungbacka
VK308 Sweden_Skara 101
VK30 Sweden_Skara 105
VK40 Sweden_Skara 106
VK35 Sweden_Skara 118
VK34 Sweden_Skara 135
VK396 Sweden_Skara 166
VK29 Sweden_Skara 17
VK33 Sweden_Skara 175
VK39 Sweden_Skara 181
VK31 Sweden_Skara 194
VK406 Sweden_Skara 203
VK427 Sweden_Skara 209
VK426 Sweden_Skara 216
VK403 Sweden_Skara 217
VK401 Sweden_Skara 229
VK398 Sweden_Skara 231
VK400 Sweden_Skara 236
VK397 Sweden_Skara 237
VK303 Sweden_Skara 27
VK424 Sweden_Skara 273
VK407 Sweden_Skara 274
VK395 Sweden_Skara 275
VK399 Sweden_Skara 276
VK404 Sweden_Skara 277
VK306 Sweden_Skara 33
VK304 Sweden_Skara 36
VK402 Sweden_Skara 38
VK425 Sweden_Skara 44
VK309 Sweden_Skara 53
VK42 Sweden_Skara 62
VK405 Sweden_Skara 83
VK527 Sweden_Uppsala_UM36031_621
VK517 Sweden_Uppsala_UM36031_623b
VK256 UK_Dorset-3722
VK257 UK_Dorset-3723
VK258 UK_Dorset-3733
VK259 UK_Dorset-3734
VK260 UK_Dorset-3735
VK261 UK_Dorset-3736
VK262 UK_Dorset-3739
VK263 UK_Dorset-3742
VK264 UK_Dorset-3744
VK449 UK_Dorset-3746
VK163 UK_Oxford_#1
VK164 UK_Oxford_#2
VK146 UK_Oxford_#10
VK147 UK_Oxford_#11
VK148 UK_Oxford_#12
VK149 UK_Oxford_#13
VK150 UK_Oxford_#14
VK151 UK_Oxford_#15
VK172 UK_Oxford_#16
VK173 UK_Oxford_#17
VK174 UK_Oxford_#18
VK175 UK_Oxford_#19
VK176 UK_Oxford_#20
VK177 UK_Oxford_#21
VK178 UK_Oxford_#22
VK165 UK_Oxford_#3
VK166 UK_Oxford_#4
VK167 UK_Oxford_#5
VK168 UK_Oxford_#6
VK143 UK_Oxford_#7
VK144 UK_Oxford_#8
VK145 UK_Oxford_#9
VK542 Ukraine_Chernigov
VK541 Ukraine_Lutsk
VK539 Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8870-97
VK540 Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8871-96
VK171 Wales_Cardiff_burial#4

09-20-2020, 10:49 AM
Here is the full list of samples, which ones do you want to see?:

(I'm downloading VK541 now, it takes 30 minutes to download)

I'd like to see those from Ukraine. May have been some of the guys who allegedly founded Russia :cool:

09-20-2020, 10:57 AM
I'd like to see those from Ukraine. May have been some of the guys who allegedly founded Russia :cool:

Not all samples are from the Viking Age, some are a bit older or a bit younger:

VK171 Wales VikingAge
VK540 Ukraine VikingAge
VK539 Ukraine VikingAge
VK542 Ukraine VikingAge
VK541 Ukraine Medieval
VK144 UK VikingAge
VK167 UK VikingAge
VK148 UK VikingAge
VK149 UK VikingAge
VK163 UK VikingAge
VK164 UK VikingAge
VK256 UK VikingAge
VK257 UK VikingAge
VK258 UK VikingAge
VK259 UK VikingAge
VK260 UK VikingAge
VK261 UK VikingAge
VK262 UK VikingAge
VK263 UK VikingAge
VK264 UK VikingAge
VK449 UK VikingAge
VK143 UK VikingAge
VK145 UK VikingAge
VK146 UK VikingAge
VK147 UK VikingAge
VK150 UK VikingAge
VK151 UK VikingAge
VK165 UK VikingAge
VK166 UK VikingAge
VK168 UK VikingAge
VK172 UK VikingAge
VK173 UK VikingAge
VK174 UK VikingAge
VK175 UK VikingAge
VK176 UK VikingAge
VK177 UK VikingAge
VK178 UK VikingAge
VK354 Sweden VikingAge
VK527 Sweden VikingAge
VK33 Sweden VikingAge
VK467 Sweden VikingAge
VK251 Sweden VikingAge
VK435 Sweden VikingAge
VK437 Sweden VikingAge
VK440 Sweden VikingAge
VK441 Sweden VikingAge
VK462 Sweden VikingAge
VK464 Sweden VikingAge
VK472 Sweden VikingAge
VK267 Sweden VikingAge
VK269 Sweden VikingAge
VK270 Sweden VikingAge
VK347 Sweden VikingAge
VK304 Sweden VikingAge
VK232 Sweden VikingAge
VK428 Sweden VikingAge
VK429 Sweden VikingAge
VK430 Sweden VikingAge
VK431 Sweden VikingAge
VK432 Sweden VikingAge
VK433 Sweden VikingAge
VK434 Sweden VikingAge
VK438 Sweden VikingAge
VK439 Sweden VikingAge
VK450 Sweden VikingAge
VK452 Sweden VikingAge
VK453 Sweden VikingAge
VK454 Sweden VikingAge
VK455 Sweden VikingAge
VK456 Sweden VikingAge
VK457 Sweden VikingAge
VK458 Sweden VikingAge
VK459 Sweden VikingAge
VK460 Sweden VikingAge
VK461 Sweden VikingAge
VK463 Sweden VikingAge
VK468 Sweden VikingAge
VK469 Sweden VikingAge
VK471 Sweden VikingAge
VK473 Sweden VikingAge
VK474 Sweden VikingAge
VK475 Sweden VikingAge
VK476 Sweden VikingAge
VK477 Sweden VikingAge
VK478 Sweden VikingAge
VK479 Sweden VikingAge
VK48 Sweden VikingAge
VK50 Sweden VikingAge
VK51 Sweden VikingAge
VK53 Sweden VikingAge
VK56 Sweden VikingAge
VK57 Sweden VikingAge
VK58 Sweden VikingAge
VK60 Sweden VikingAge
VK63 Sweden VikingAge
VK64 Sweden VikingAge
VK265 Sweden VikingAge
VK266 Sweden VikingAge
VK268 Sweden VikingAge
VK108 Sweden VikingAge
VK217 Sweden VikingAge
VK332 Sweden VikingAge
VK333 Sweden VikingAge
VK334 Sweden VikingAge
VK335 Sweden VikingAge
VK336 Sweden VikingAge
VK337 Sweden VikingAge
VK342 Sweden VikingAge
VK343 Sweden VikingAge
VK344 Sweden VikingAge
VK345 Sweden VikingAge
VK346 Sweden VikingAge
VK348 Sweden VikingAge
VK349 Sweden VikingAge
VK350 Sweden VikingAge
VK352 Sweden VikingAge
VK353 Sweden VikingAge
VK355 Sweden VikingAge
VK357 Sweden VikingAge
VK358 Sweden VikingAge
VK380 Sweden VikingAge
VK442 Sweden VikingAge
VK443 Sweden VikingAge
VK444 Sweden VikingAge
VK533 Sweden VikingAge
VK29 Sweden VikingAge
VK30 Sweden VikingAge
VK303 Sweden VikingAge
VK306 Sweden VikingAge
VK308 Sweden VikingAge
VK309 Sweden VikingAge
VK31 Sweden VikingAge
VK34 Sweden VikingAge
VK35 Sweden VikingAge
VK39 Sweden VikingAge
VK395 Sweden VikingAge
VK396 Sweden VikingAge
VK397 Sweden VikingAge
VK398 Sweden VikingAge
VK399 Sweden VikingAge
VK40 Sweden VikingAge
VK400 Sweden VikingAge
VK401 Sweden VikingAge
VK402 Sweden VikingAge
VK403 Sweden VikingAge
VK404 Sweden VikingAge
VK405 Sweden VikingAge
VK406 Sweden VikingAge
VK407 Sweden VikingAge
VK42 Sweden VikingAge
VK424 Sweden VikingAge
VK425 Sweden VikingAge
VK426 Sweden VikingAge
VK427 Sweden VikingAge
VK517 Sweden VikingAge
VK557 Sweden VikingAge
VK558 Sweden VikingAge
VK559 Sweden VikingAge
VK560 Sweden VikingAge
VK561 Sweden VikingAge
VK562 Sweden VikingAge
VK564 Sweden VikingAge
VK565 Sweden VikingAge
VK566 Sweden VikingAge
VK567 Sweden VikingAge
VK568 Sweden VikingAge
VK569 Sweden VikingAge
VK570 Sweden VikingAge
VK571 Sweden VikingAge
VK572 Sweden VikingAge
VK573 Sweden VikingAge
VK574 Sweden VikingAge
VK575 Sweden VikingAge
VK576 Sweden VikingAge
VK577 Sweden VikingAge
VK578 Sweden VikingAge
VK522 Sweden IronAge
VK579 Sweden IronAge
VK359 Sweden EarlyVikingAge
VK379 Sweden EarlyVikingAge
VK382 Sweden EarlyVikingAge
VK408 Russia VikingAge
VK158 Russia VikingAge
VK222 Russia VikingAge
VK252 Russia VikingAge
VK253 Russia VikingAge
VK255 Russia VikingAge
VK413 Russia VikingAge
VK470 Russia VikingAge
VK161 Russia VikingAge
VK223 Russia VikingAge
VK224 Russia VikingAge
VK254 Russia VikingAge
VK272 Russia VikingAge
VK273 Russia VikingAge
VK466 Russia VikingAge
VK160 Russia VikingAge
VK14 Russia VikingAge
VK15 Russia VikingAge
VK16 Russia VikingAge
VK17 Russia VikingAge
VK18 Russia VikingAge
VK19 Russia VikingAge
VK20 Russia VikingAge
VK21 Russia VikingAge
VK218 Russia VikingAge
VK219 Russia VikingAge
VK22 Russia VikingAge
VK220 Russia VikingAge
VK221 Russia VikingAge
VK23 Russia VikingAge
VK409 Russia VikingAge
VK410 Russia VikingAge
VK159 Russia VikingAge
VK156 Poland VikingAge
VK155 Poland VikingAge
VK153 Poland VikingAge
VK200 Poland VikingAge
VK154 Poland VikingAge
VK157 Poland VikingAge
VK212 Poland VikingAge
VK494 Poland VikingAge
VK210 Poland Medieval
VK211 Poland Medieval
VK206 Orkney VikingAge
VK208 Orkney VikingAge
VK201 Orkney VikingAge
VK202 Orkney VikingAge
VK203 Orkney VikingAge
VK204 Orkney VikingAge
VK205 Orkney VikingAge
VK207 Orkney VikingAge
VK518 Norway VikingAge
VK519 Norway VikingAge
VK421 Norway VikingAge
VK516 Norway VikingAge
VK548 Norway VikingAge
VK388 Norway VikingAge
VK419 Norway VikingAge
VK514 Norway VikingAge
VK515 Norway VikingAge
VK520 Norway VikingAge
VK524 Norway VikingAge
VK525 Norway VikingAge
VK526 Norway VikingAge
VK528 Norway VikingAge
VK529 Norway VikingAge
VK530 Norway VikingAge
VK547 Norway VikingAge
VK386 Norway VikingAge
VK387 Norway VikingAge
VK389 Norway VikingAge
VK392 Norway VikingAge
VK393 Norway VikingAge
VK394 Norway VikingAge
VK414 Norway VikingAge
VK415 Norway VikingAge
VK417 Norway VikingAge
VK420 Norway VikingAge
VK422 Norway VikingAge
VK448 Norway VikingAge
VK116 Norway Medieval
VK125 Norway Medieval
VK113 Norway Medieval
VK114 Norway Medieval
VK117 Norway Medieval
VK118 Norway Medieval
VK124 Norway Medieval
VK531 Norway LNBA
VK390 Norway IronAge
VK391 Norway IronAge
VK418 Norway IronAge
VK523 Norway IronAge
VK534 Italy Medieval
VK535 Italy Medieval
VK536 Italy Medieval
VK537 Italy Medieval
VK538 Italy Medieval
VK170 IsleOfMan VikingAge
VK546 Ireland VikingAge
VK543 Ireland VikingAge
VK544 Ireland VikingAge
VK545 Ireland VikingAge
VK110 Iceland VikingAge
VK111 Iceland VikingAge
VK226 Iceland VikingAge
VK228 Iceland VikingAge
VK101 Iceland VikingAge
VK102 Iceland VikingAge
VK122 Iceland VikingAge
VK123 Iceland VikingAge
VK127 Iceland VikingAge
VK128 Iceland VikingAge
VK129 Iceland VikingAge
VK225 Iceland VikingAge
VK227 Iceland VikingAge
VK230 Iceland VikingAge
VK95 Iceland VikingAge
VK98 Iceland VikingAge
VK99 Iceland VikingAge
VK191 Greenland LateNorse
VK189 Greenland LateNorse
VK74 Greenland LateNorse
VK76 Greenland LateNorse
VK77 Greenland LateNorse
VK78 Greenland LateNorse
VK190 Greenland LateNorse
VK75 Greenland LateNorse
VK11 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK180 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK182 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK185 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK193 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK196 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK9 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK1 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK179 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK183 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK184 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK186 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK187 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK513 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK6 Greenland EarlyNorse
VK24 Faroes VikingAge
VK244 Faroes Medieval
VK245 Faroes Medieval
VK45 Faroes Medieval
VK238 Faroes Medieval
VK242 Faroes Medieval
VK44 Faroes Medieval
VK234 Faroes Medieval
VK236 Faroes Medieval
VK239 Faroes Medieval
VK248 Faroes Medieval
VK237 Faroes Medieval
VK240 Faroes Medieval
VK241 Faroes Medieval
VK25 Faroes Medieval
VK27 Faroes Medieval
VK46 Faroes Medieval
VK485 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK490 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK497 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK480 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK481 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK482 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK483 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK484 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK486 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK487 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK488 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK489 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK491 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK492 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK493 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK495 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK496 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK498 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK504 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK505 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK506 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK507 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK508 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK509 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK510 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK511 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK512 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK549 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK550 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK551 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK552 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK553 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK554 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK555 Estonia EarlyVikingAge
VK133 Denmark VikingAge
VK135 Denmark VikingAge
VK140 Denmark VikingAge
VK411 Denmark VikingAge
VK339 Denmark VikingAge
VK383 Denmark VikingAge
VK86 Denmark VikingAge
VK318 Denmark VikingAge
VK215 Denmark VikingAge
VK216 Denmark VikingAge
VK247 Denmark VikingAge
VK134 Denmark VikingAge
VK138 Denmark VikingAge
VK139 Denmark VikingAge
VK141 Denmark VikingAge
VK278 Denmark VikingAge
VK279 Denmark VikingAge
VK280 Denmark VikingAge
VK295 Denmark VikingAge
VK301 Denmark VikingAge
VK312 Denmark VikingAge
VK313 Denmark VikingAge
VK314 Denmark VikingAge
VK316 Denmark VikingAge
VK319 Denmark VikingAge
VK370 Denmark VikingAge
VK371 Denmark VikingAge
VK372 Denmark VikingAge
VK373 Denmark VikingAge
VK446 Denmark VikingAge
VK300 Denmark VikingAge
VK322 Denmark VikingAge
VK323 Denmark VikingAge
VK324 Denmark VikingAge
VK325 Denmark VikingAge
VK326 Denmark VikingAge
VK327 Denmark VikingAge
VK328 Denmark VikingAge
VK329 Denmark VikingAge
VK330 Denmark VikingAge
VK340 Denmark VikingAge
VK384 Denmark VikingAge
VK84 Denmark VikingAge
VK87 Denmark VikingAge
VK274 Denmark VikingAge
VK275 Denmark VikingAge
VK276 Denmark VikingAge
VK282 Denmark VikingAge
VK285 Denmark VikingAge
VK286 Denmark VikingAge
VK287 Denmark VikingAge
VK288 Denmark VikingAge
VK289 Denmark VikingAge
VK290 Denmark VikingAge
VK291 Denmark VikingAge
VK292 Denmark VikingAge
VK317 Denmark VikingAge
VK320 Denmark VikingAge
VK338 Denmark VikingAge
VK361 Denmark VikingAge
VK362 Denmark VikingAge
VK363 Denmark VikingAge
VK364 Denmark VikingAge
VK365 Denmark VikingAge
VK366 Denmark VikingAge
VK367 Denmark VikingAge
VK368 Denmark VikingAge
VK281 Denmark VikingAge
VK284 Denmark VikingAge
VK294 Denmark VikingAge
VK298 Denmark VikingAge
VK315 Denmark VikingAge
VK369 Denmark VikingAge
VK385 Denmark VikingAge
VK445 Denmark VikingAge
VK90 Denmark VikingAge
VK92 Denmark VikingAge
VK94 Denmark VikingAge
VK214 Denmark LNBA
VK213 Denmark IronAge
VK521 Denmark IronAge
VK532 Denmark IronAge
VK582 Denmark IronAge
VK296 Denmark EarlyVikingAge
VK297 Denmark EarlyVikingAge
VK65 Denmark EarlyVikingAge
VK69 Denmark EarlyVikingAge
VK70 Denmark EarlyVikingAge
VK71 Denmark EarlyVikingAge

09-20-2020, 10:58 AM
Where is the genotype data?

09-20-2020, 10:59 AM
Where is the genotype data?

Not available yet, only BAM and FASTQ files are available.

09-20-2020, 11:05 AM
The Viking age lasted approximately from 800 to 1100 AD. Basically after the Norman conquest of Britain they were mostly gone as a phenomenon.

09-20-2020, 11:19 AM
Not available yet, only BAM and FASTQ files are available.

Not really. Davidski added them to G25 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y-epF32g68CF2rM3t_12KqGJ38ixh7ME/view?usp=sharing
from this dataset https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sg0JYRJV49b0nYQtVrlWf7LG5jqJ3Xi7/view?usp=sharing
although probably it was done in BAK and is quite noisy.

So far only those


09-20-2020, 11:22 AM
Results for VK541 (Medieval Lutsk, Ukraine):


09-20-2020, 11:23 AM
although probably it was done in BAK and is quite noisy

BAK is obsolete and slow. You are still using it? I have something much faster.

09-20-2020, 11:39 AM
BAK is obsolete and slow. You are still using it? I have something much faster.

I didn't prepare this dataset.

09-20-2020, 11:43 AM
I didn't prepare this dataset.

Ale napisałeś "16 chromosom leci, będzie za pół godziny" - to czegoś wolnego używasz.

09-20-2020, 01:39 PM
Results for VK541 (Medieval Lutsk, Ukraine):


Can you compare with this one?: Ukrainian_Kiev_4,19.29,17.35,30.54,20.87,1.11,7.08 ,0.21,0.11,0,0,1.79,1.04,0,0.61,0

09-20-2020, 02:05 PM
Peterski start with the Iron Age samples.

09-20-2020, 05:35 PM
Peterski start with the Iron Age samples.

Iron Age Norwegians - all of them are more "Swedish-like" than modern Norwegians:

(which confirms that Norwegians were altered by British admixture after the Iron Age)

Distance to: VK418
0.64636290 SE_Sweden-Sigtuna-Medieval
0.84883803 SE_Svealand
0.85600409 SE_Vastra-Gotaland
0.91985488 NO_Midt-Norge
0.92119813 SE_South-Sweden

Distance to: VK523
0.89012977 SE_Sweden-Sigtuna-Medieval
0.94891833 SE_Svealand
0.97970302 NO_Norway
0.98672337 NO_Midt-Norge
0.99326784 DK_Lolland

Distance to: VK391
0.78377867 SE_Norrbotten
0.82579659 SE_Svealand
0.95407285 SE_Sweden-Medelpad
0.98990353 NO_Troms
1.05687464 NO_Norway

Distance to: VK390
1.05033376 DE_Niedersachsen
1.05082301 SE_Sweden-Medelpad
1.09623173 SE_Svealand
1.11042289 SE_Norrbotten
1.13684871 NO_Troms

09-20-2020, 06:09 PM
Why don't you post their numbers? And also other calculators. They seem very close to modern Norwegians.

09-20-2020, 06:45 PM
This is their Eurogenes K13:

VK390,49.72,32.58,7.33,4.81,0,0,1.09,0,0.56,1.82,0 .39,0,1.7
VK391,47.62,35.01,8.28,6.2,0,0,0,0,0.71,0,0.43,0.8 8,0.85
VK418,51.55,29.78,6.9,4.6,0,1.25,2.83,0,1.57,0,0.4 3,0.55,0.54
VK523,44.91,35.66,8.55,5.51,0,0.04,0.6,0.02,0.83,1 .15,0.89,1.84,0

Distance to: VK523
3.71927412 Sweden_Svealand_East
5.44699917 North-Swedish
7.04528921 Swedish
7.63917535 Sweden_Svealand_West
9.05562808 Sweden_Götaland

Distance to: VK391
3.53677819 Sweden_Svealand_East
5.94699924 Sweden_Svealand_West
5.94978151 Swedish
6.47993827 North-Swedish
7.21577439 Sweden_Götaland

Distance to: VK390
4.09480158 Sweden_Svealand_West
4.57488798 Sweden_Svealand_East
4.72045549 Swedish
5.07954722 Sweden_Götaland
5.20017307 Norway_South_Central

Distance to: VK418
4.22085299 Norway_South_Central
4.35456083 Sweden_Götaland
4.36531786 Sweden_Svealand_West
4.84321174 Norwegian
4.84927830 Denmark


And their Eurogenes K15:

VK390,45.26,20.12,12.15,12.67,4.57,1.31,0,0,0.78,0 ,0.05,1.58,0.19,0,1.31
VK391,40.59,24.03,14.48,13.39,3.78,2.27,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0.51,0.96
VK418,35.47,29.72,15.25,9.37,2.55,3.26,0,0.16,2.46 ,0,0.84,0,0.2,0,0.73
VK523,34.17,23.58,16.7,16.91,3.84,1.49,0,0,0.41,0, 0,0.82,0.65,1.44,0

Distance to: VK391
3.95272058 Swedish
4.01108464 Norwegian
4.81166291 West_Norwegian
6.26365708 North_Swedish
7.46727527 North_Dutch

Distance to: VK523
4.88677808 North_Swedish
7.69427060 Southwest_Finnish
8.40276145 Swedish
9.06961962 Norwegian
10.13779069 Danish

Distance to: VK418
6.27692600 Danish
6.43605469 North_German
6.82130486 North_Dutch
6.82926790 Irish
7.21025658 West_Scottish

Distance to: VK390
5.99337134 West_Norwegian
7.19465079 Norwegian
7.84678278 Swedish
10.18682482 North_Swedish
11.67334571 North_Dutch

09-20-2020, 07:19 PM
(...) from this dataset https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sg0JYRJV49b0nYQtVrlWf7LG5jqJ3Xi7/view?usp=sharing
although probably it was done in BAK and is quite noisy.

So far only those


I downloaded them and checked them in two calculators:

Eurogenes K13 (but was that conversion done using BAK ??? - if it was done using BAK, the results might be inaccurate):

VK11.final.bam.txt,30.12,28.91,5.04,9.36,0.7,5.94, 6.99,8.88,1.01,2.71,0.33,0,0
VK14.final.bam.txt,42.73,20.65,8.72,3.42,0.17,0.55 ,7.9,2.59,6.09,5.06,0,2.11,0
VK15.final.bam.txt,36.03,21.87,9.71,6.9,2.77,2.32, 4.14,5.88,3.57,2.41,3.42,0.98,0
VK16.final.bam.txt,30.33,20.68,7.88,3.67,9.02,4.37 ,6.88,8.32,4.25,3.28,1.32,0,0
VK164.final.bam.txt,0,44.68,1.12,1.2,0,11.09,0,20. 34,0,13.75,0,0,7.81
VK165.final.bam.txt,39.85,21.72,6.33,6.49,0,1.62,5 .12,6.45,5.76,2.66,2.49,1.51,0
VK166.final.bam.txt,32.66,18.93,9.38,5.73,4.98,2.6 3,4.52,9.31,2.18,1.41,2.22,5.54,0.51
VK168.final.bam.txt,38.22,23.54,8.77,3.38,0.77,2.1 7,7.05,6.72,4.54,1.73,1.19,1.91,0
VK17.final.bam.txt,31.49,41.29,2.89,0.6,3.61,0.33, 3.84,3.47,8.43,1.09,1.79,1.17,0
VK170.final.bam.txt,34.89,26.01,7.67,4.9,0,0.71,7. 17,5.76,5.2,3.78,1.63,2.27,0
VK171.final.bam.txt,31.69,22.92,9.52,17.46,0,0,2.6 4,9.91,2.41,1.56,1.89,0,0
VK172.final.bam.txt,38.03,26.85,4.07,3.4,5.13,0,7. 42,5.39,3.76,2.45,1.75,1.75,0
VK173.final.bam.txt,38.22,20.38,8.89,4.91,2.42,3.8 3,5.67,7.03,4.04,1.91,1.03,1.68,0
VK174.final.bam.txt,36.57,23.67,6.67,8.74,0,1.86,6 .71,6.37,4.9,1.58,2.39,0.52,0
VK175.final.bam.txt,33.66,35.12,2.8,4.47,3.51,0.31 ,2.84,4.54,5.83,2.65,1.92,2.37,0
VK176.final.bam.txt,35.63,24.55,4.92,5.39,0,3.94,6 .14,5.53,4.1,2.76,1.72,4.85,0.48
VK177.final.bam.txt,32.84,18.32,14.6,9.93,1.81,0.8 3,4.87,6.69,4.88,1.11,2.28,1.84,0
VK178.final.bam.txt,36.77,20.12,9.67,4.78,3.09,3.4 3,6.88,6.11,1.62,4.69,1.47,1.36,0
VK179.final.bam.txt,38.57,21.84,7.02,7,0,1.01,6.75 ,5.73,5.33,1.67,1.83,3.24,0
VK18.final.bam.txt,30.18,34.56,4.22,4.22,1.69,0.09 ,5.59,5.36,7.59,2.29,2.86,1.34,0
VK180.final.bam.txt,39.85,0,22.06,0,0,0,19.32,3.85 ,2.21,12.71,0,0,0
VK182.final.bam.txt,22.53,27.37,0,15.44,16.52,0,9. 27,3.61,0,0.71,3.69,0.87,0
VK183.final.bam.txt,42.22,22.93,5.43,6.84,0,4.36,4 .41,5.19,4.57,2.66,1.38,0,0
VK184.final.bam.txt,34.92,23.77,7.42,8.84,0.24,1.3 ,5.13,6.06,5.26,2.41,2.23,2.43,0
VK186.final.bam.txt,40.19,23.76,7.15,6.02,1.05,2.7 8,5,4.8,4.56,1.67,2.76,0.25,0
VK187.final.bam.txt,35.9,20.93,9.85,3.32,7.27,0.88 ,3.77,6.06,6.51,1.54,2.3,1.69,0
VK189.final.bam.txt,34.77,28.44,1.83,4.66,1.58,1.8 6,10.33,1.93,6.07,2.1,6.44,0,0
VK19.final.bam.txt,23.26,34.28,6.36,7.12,5.57,2.14 ,2.37,6.9,5.84,3.06,2.12,0.97,0
VK190.final.bam.txt,35.4,19.8,6.79,8,2.63,1.14,6.8 6,5.5,3.35,2.41,1.44,4.72,1.96
VK191.final.bam.txt,25.22,34.08,13.36,0,0,0,15.31, 1,0,8.85,2.18,0,0
VK193.final.bam.txt,33.93,12.03,16.63,10.62,8.39,5 .24,0,4.51,4.73,3.21,0.71,0,0
VK196.final.bam.txt,22.5,30.32,10.9,6.23,0,0,10.47 ,7.78,11.01,0,0.8,0,0
VK20.final.bam.txt,41.02,25.43,6.14,3.65,0,1.06,3. 46,3.65,6.86,4.58,4.15,0,0
VK200.final.bam.txt,8.1,28.49,0,0,16.41,16.73,0.14 ,12.09,0,18.04,0,0,0
VK201.final.bam.txt,42.92,16.87,9.54,8.42,0.3,3.16 ,5.21,6.1,2.21,1.68,2.19,1.37,0
VK202.final.bam.txt,40.4,17.01,9.6,6.51,1.18,2.69, 7.63,4.13,2.05,4.88,2.36,1.57,0
VK203.final.bam.txt,38.05,20.42,9.06,9.09,0,2.61,7 .33,4.19,4.46,1.14,2.19,1.46,0
VK204.final.bam.txt,41.4,21.53,6.05,10.21,1.26,1.6 2,2.35,8.05,3.63,1.41,2.4,0.09,0
VK205.final.bam.txt,38.38,19.65,5.59,7.3,6.6,2.92, 5.14,3.58,5.55,2.75,1.59,0.96,0
VK206.final.bam.txt,14.54,46.95,0,0,12.13,0.67,0,0 ,23.37,2.19,0.16,0,0
VK207.final.bam.txt,38.22,19.83,11.06,7.33,3.3,1.5 5,4.18,5.58,4.65,1.54,2.35,0.42,0
VK208.final.bam.txt,48.7,7.68,7.73,17.24,0,0,5.86, 4.19,0,4.15,2.25,2.2,0
VK21.final.bam.txt,25.8,39.94,1.01,5.58,0.76,2.71, 0.96,7.45,9.11,3.82,2.68,0.18,0
VK210.final.bam.txt,18.83,39.73,13.94,6.09,0.89,0, 4.36,5.54,4.53,4.91,1.2,0,0
VK211.final.bam.txt,29.26,20.76,16.51,1.95,11.64,4 .39,3.58,7.27,1.66,2.95,0.05,0,0
VK212.final.bam.txt,19.18,46.65,3.58,4.31,4.92,1.6 6,5.67,3.61,6.46,0.76,2.16,1.02,0
VK213.final.bam.txt,45.21,21.43,8.23,2.16,3.58,0.8 8,5.24,0.79,10.53,1.17,0.79,0,0
VK214.final.bam.txt,45.5,25.04,0.13,2.79,0,0,8.45, 4.79,6.52,2.65,4.13,0,0
VK215.final.bam.txt,38.84,38.02,3.68,0,0,0,1.71,5. 53,2.73,3.38,6.13,0,0
VK216.final.bam.txt,20.15,41.72,0,2.37,0,4.18,8.28 ,16.25,0.94,1.06,5.05,0,0
VK217.final.bam.txt,27.6,29.57,3.35,8.7,6.25,0,9.1 7,4.35,2.5,4.89,3.62,0,0
VK218.final.bam.txt,36.16,18.16,8.3,7.79,7.05,3.47 ,4.11,5.67,4.5,2.08,1.32,1.38,0
VK219.final.bam.txt,31.13,27.35,6.1,4.24,4.13,3.24 ,7.33,6.56,4.03,2.12,1.26,2.51,0
VK22.final.bam.txt,42.71,22.7,3.1,10.67,0.7,0,5.46 ,3.93,7.68,0.62,2.43,0,0

Eurogenes K15:

VK11.final.bam.txt,35.64,9.74,11.61,10.03,3.1,7.29 ,0,5.11,6.11,7.93,0.83,2.35,0.25,0,0
VK14.final.bam.txt,43.55,10.97,7.33,7.64,8.51,0,0, 0,7.65,0.28,6.2,4.83,0,3.04,0
VK15.final.bam.txt,34.5,12.31,8.04,9.69,8.47,4.89, 2.56,1.14,3.71,4.36,2.97,2.37,3.37,1.61,0
VK16.final.bam.txt,23.94,17.92,9.97,6.82,5.5,2.26, 7.06,4.44,7.02,7.25,3.77,2.67,1.38,0,0
VK164.final.bam.txt,26.91,0,20.56,0,0,11.1,0,0,0,2 1.78,0,12.77,0,0,6.88
VK165.final.bam.txt,33.34,17.96,7.66,11.21,3.4,3.0 4,0,1.68,4.78,4.9,4.96,2.77,2.39,1.91,0
VK166.final.bam.txt,26.19,15.98,9.28,8.03,7.02,4.3 3,2.91,2.12,4.45,8.11,1.42,1.26,2.02,6.11,0.75
VK168.final.bam.txt,35.11,16.58,5.72,13.1,6.45,0.5 9,0,1.44,6.94,5.08,3.71,1.66,1.12,2.49,0
VK17.final.bam.txt,33.45,10.37,19.63,18.44,0.77,0, 0,0.22,3.74,2.26,7.07,0.76,1.65,1.64,0
VK170.final.bam.txt,34.2,14.9,14.08,6,3.87,3.11,0, 0.04,6.86,4.25,4.91,3.45,1.45,2.89,0
VK171.final.bam.txt,32.95,10.48,8.36,15.49,5.01,12 .69,0,0,3.5,7.34,1.94,0.85,1.39,0,0
VK172.final.bam.txt,37.68,15.49,12.86,6.96,1.63,3. 2,1.06,0,7.4,4.08,3.6,2.18,1.56,2.3,0
VK173.final.bam.txt,32.82,17.85,10.52,5.55,6.06,3. 33,0,3.99,5.64,5.36,3.66,1.66,0.65,2.9,0
VK174.final.bam.txt,33.57,15.47,9.32,10.11,3.96,5. 99,0,1.34,6.37,4.63,4.56,1.22,2.35,1.1,0
VK175.final.bam.txt,34.93,11.37,17.21,15.3,0,1.03, 2.88,0.04,2.45,3.15,4.9,2.39,1.82,2.54,0
VK176.final.bam.txt,31.3,16.33,9.79,10.7,2.5,2.51, 0,3.47,6.02,3.99,3.47,2.51,1.43,5.04,0.94
VK177.final.bam.txt,28.97,13.28,8.55,7.21,11.61,9. 77,0.6,0,5.16,4.53,4.4,1.24,2.1,2.57,0
VK178.final.bam.txt,30.13,19.41,7.16,8.76,6.61,3.3 7,0.28,3.83,7.35,4.61,1.01,4.4,1.2,1.87,0
VK179.final.bam.txt,35.71,15.53,9.36,7.64,4.91,3.4 4,0,0.55,6.83,4.28,4.8,1.63,1.54,3.78,0
VK18.final.bam.txt,31.46,12.34,15.92,14.36,2,1,0,0 ,5.59,3.85,6.92,2.03,2.42,2.11,0
VK180.final.bam.txt,0,35.42,0,16.96,15.68,0,0,0,14 .54,3.79,0.34,13.28,0,0,0
VK182.final.bam.txt,0,33.62,30.43,0,0,7.85,12.48,0 ,9.21,0.17,0,0.47,5.59,0.19,0
VK183.final.bam.txt,36.69,20.18,7.9,7.61,3.35,5.24 ,0,3.15,4.32,3.85,4.02,2.61,1.08,0,0
VK184.final.bam.txt,28.01,18.52,12.15,8.63,2.89,7. 09,0,1.1,5.19,4.54,4.56,2.49,2.08,2.75,0
VK186.final.bam.txt,34.42,18.88,12.35,8.12,3,3.86, 0,2.62,4.79,3.22,3.86,1.7,2.58,0.6,0
VK187.final.bam.txt,27.75,20.3,12.47,4.77,5.68,3.4 8,4.48,0.45,3.81,4.84,6.19,1.28,2.09,2.4,0
VK189.final.bam.txt,26.29,14.9,17.32,9.08,0,8.15,0 ,1.6,8.36,0,5.84,0.79,5.97,1.68,0
VK19.final.bam.txt,17.41,14.47,18.29,17.23,3.49,5. 66,3.05,2.01,1.99,5.33,4.67,2.77,1.95,1.69,0
VK190.final.bam.txt,25.54,20.44,10.24,7.56,3.49,6. 57,0.08,1.16,7.11,3.87,2.8,2.39,1.22,5.45,2.08
VK191.final.bam.txt,29.69,10.62,27.03,0,7.64,1.6,0 ,0,12.39,0,0,9.22,1.8,0,0
VK193.final.bam.txt,26.61,5.74,20.64,0,12.66,14.07 ,3.66,5.47,0,1.22,5.57,3.78,0.59,0,0
VK196.final.bam.txt,20.29,9.82,16.39,10.73,10.28,5 .5,0,0,10.81,5.06,10.7,0,0.45,0,0
VK20.final.bam.txt,39.07,14.73,10.87,8.74,4.72,0.8 ,0,0.58,3.28,2.46,6.52,4.34,3.89,0,0
VK200.final.bam.txt,0,18.3,14.73,12.99,0,0,11.61,1 4.51,0,10.84,0,17.02,0,0,0
VK201.final.bam.txt,31.81,24.1,5.38,6.87,6.59,6.11 ,0,1.9,5.17,4.51,1.78,1.83,1.82,2.13,0
VK202.final.bam.txt,32.82,20.83,7.46,5.13,6.44,4.3 9,0.17,1.91,7.53,2.65,1.82,4.61,2.05,2.18,0
VK203.final.bam.txt,25.37,23.38,10.35,8.73,4.46,6. 88,0,2.5,7.18,2.77,3.56,1.13,1.95,1.75,0
VK204.final.bam.txt,34.44,20.37,9.39,8.52,2.58,7.9 8,0,0.65,2.3,6.24,2.95,1.22,2.16,1.19,0
VK205.final.bam.txt,27.31,22.27,13.17,4.7,2.12,5.5 ,3.99,2.87,5.76,2.18,4.83,2.58,1.18,1.55,0
VK206.final.bam.txt,7,18.62,16.49,30.59,0,1.7,2.2, 1.82,0,0,20.4,0.95,0.24,0,0
VK207.final.bam.txt,28.38,22.44,9.96,8.11,6.08,6.9 6,0,1.82,3.6,4.17,4.04,1.38,2.06,0.99,0
VK208.final.bam.txt,24.43,34.22,10.24,0,0.71,12.45 ,0,0,5.76,2.46,0,4.64,2.92,2.17,0
VK21.final.bam.txt,31.51,1.25,18.8,20.51,1.37,2.31 ,0,2.73,0.74,5.53,8.16,3.58,2.21,1.3,0
VK210.final.bam.txt,13.86,11.24,31.13,13.92,5.48,8 .84,0,0,1.73,5.76,2.43,4.68,0.94,0,0
VK211.final.bam.txt,12.63,21.71,13.4,9.72,12.72,8. 37,4.44,4.89,1.94,6.67,1.3,2.21,0,0,0
VK212.final.bam.txt,10.64,11.3,36.44,18.5,0,1.37,4 .18,0.52,5.97,2.26,4.99,0.48,1.94,1.4,0
VK213.final.bam.txt,33.94,24.28,11.33,5.51,6.77,3. 17,0,0,3.65,0,9.72,1.25,0.38,0,0
VK214.final.bam.txt,36.21,19.24,12.48,8.22,0,0,0,0 ,7.93,3.52,6.07,2.65,3.69,0,0
VK215.final.bam.txt,38.65,12.6,25.58,7.41,0,0,0,0, 1,1.72,3.56,3.71,5.75,0,0
VK216.final.bam.txt,33.15,0,16.42,19.48,0,0,0,2.19 ,8.81,14.61,0,0.96,4.39,0,0
VK217.final.bam.txt,25.31,14.46,8.32,19.42,3.07,5. 84,2.43,0,10.34,2.4,1.07,4.57,2.77,0,0
VK218.final.bam.txt,26.76,20.25,10.04,6.16,4.47,5. 38,5.98,3.52,4.17,3.95,3.86,2.2,1.08,2.16,0
VK219.final.bam.txt,27.28,14.77,15.92,8.69,3.72,2. 63,1.63,3.07,7.75,4.84,3.55,1.79,1.11,3.26,0
VK22.final.bam.txt,39.28,18.94,10.6,3.37,0,8.22,0, 0,5.93,3.09,6.75,1.09,2.73,0,0


Yeah, just look at these huge distances. These are not good conversions. :(

09-20-2020, 07:25 PM
Unless the data is broken as Peterski is suggesting, some of those supposed Vikings are more Eastern and more Mongoloid than modern Russians like my mother.

09-20-2020, 07:33 PM
I read on anthrogenica that these BAM files produced really bad results. I think we need to wait for the authors to release the genotype data.
But my guess for now is that Norwegian IA had less Anatolian farmer than modern day Norwegians and contact with Danish and Swedish Iron Age shifted Norwegians to become more similar to modern day Danes and Swedes. Makes sense with the high Battle Axe R1a in Norway.

09-20-2020, 07:35 PM
I read on anthrogenica that these BAM files produced really bad results.

It is because the person who did conversion did it wrongly. I'm obtaining good results from the same BAMs. But GEDmatch is causing issues with uploading.

I think we need to wait for the authors to release the genotype data.

Yeah there are too many samples and it would take a long time even to download all of these BAMs.

09-20-2020, 07:39 PM
It is because the person who did conversion did it wrongly. I'm obtaining good results from the same BAMs. But GEDmatch is causing issues with uploading.

Yeah there are too many samples and it would take a long time even to download all of these BAMs.

Ok so you're getting good SNP reads on Gedmatch? How many SNP:s used on Eurogenes K13? Above 50k I guess is decent.

09-21-2020, 02:08 PM
Ale napisałeś "16 chromosom leci, będzie za pół godziny" - to czegoś wolnego używasz.

Tak, używam ten inny program (robiłem nim Tollense dla Davidskiego) ale dla wikingów mi nie działał... Okazało się że skasowałem jakiś katalog przypadkowo:) Już działa. Zaraz będa największe sample zrobione bo mój net ściąga z prędkością 5 MB na sekundę:) Wkraczam do akcji.

09-21-2020, 02:15 PM
Vk139 Denmark Fyn island. Slavic haplo R-L1029

distances in k36

Distance to:

ADC: 1x
61.8 RU_Tula
29.6 RU_Voronezh
8.6 Belarus_West

ADC: 0.5x
28.8 Belarus_West
20.0 PL_Central
19.2 RU_Yaroslavl
18.2 RU_Tula
11.2 RU_Voronezh
2.2 Belarus_East
0.4 Latvia_general

ADC: 0.25x
34.6 PL_Central
25.4 RU_Voronezh
13.2 RU_Novgorod
12.8 Latvia_general
10.4 Belarus_East
3.6 Belarus_West

34.8 PL_Central
30.6 RU_Voronezh
23.2 Latvia_general
7.0 Belarus_East
3.2 Inkeri_Finn
1.0 Moroccan_Berber_south
0.2 Esan_Nigeria

09-21-2020, 03:00 PM
Me vs those samples:

Target: Mm
Distance: 4.1168% / 4.11682909
60.6 Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK154
39.4 Cedynia_NorthWestPoland_VK212

09-21-2020, 03:36 PM
VK160 Russia_Kurevanikka_7283-3
haplogrupa R-L1029

in K36

Distance to: vk160


ADC: 1x
100.0 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota

ADC: 0.5x
83.4 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
8.8 Mordva_Moksha
4.6 Belarus_East
3.2 Latvia_general

ADC: 0.25x
60.8 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
16.6 Latvia_general
12.0 Mordva_Moksha
8.4 Belarus_East
2.0 Ukraine_Western
0.2 Ukraine_Zhytomyr

47.8 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
18.4 Latvia_general
13.2 Mordva_Moksha
9.4 Belarus_East
6.2 Latvia_north-eastern
2.4 Ukraine_Western
2.4 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
0.2 Dinka_south_Sudan

09-21-2020, 03:47 PM
VK542 Ukraine_Chernigov
haplo I-CTS10228

White Croat???????

Components %
Amerindian 0,00
Arabian 0,00
Armenian 0,00
Basque 3,79
Central_African 0,92
Central_Euro 6,06
East_African 0,00
East_Asian 0,00
East_Balkan 2,32
East_Central_Asian 0,00
East_Central_Euro 22,28
East_Med 2,11
Eastern_Euro 15,89
Fennoscandian 8,36
French 3,15
Iberian 0,00
Indo-Chinese 0,00
Italian 14,24
Malayan 0,00
Near_Eastern 0,00
North_African 0,00
North_Atlantic 3,00
North_Caucasian 2,81
North_Sea 9,63
Northeast_African 0,00
Oceanian 0,00
Omotic 0,05
Pygmy 0,31
Siberian 0,00
South_Asian 0,00
South_Central_Asian 0,00
South_Chinese 0,00
Volga-Ural 2,62
West_African 0,00
West_Caucasian 2,45
West_Med 0,00

Genotype ratio: 126 000 snps

Distance to: vk542

ADC: 1x
68.2 Ukraine_Vinnytsya
31.8 Croatian_BIH

ADC: 0.5x
46.2 Croatian_BIH
30.0 RU_Belgorod
23.8 Ukraine_north-east

ADC: 0.25x
28.6 Croatian_BIH
20.4 RU_Belgorod
17.6 Ukraine_north-east
13.8 Latvia_north-eastern
10.8 Moldova_sud
7.0 Romanian_NE
1.8 Tirol

37.6 Latvia_north-eastern
21.6 RU_Belgorod
15.4 IT_Lombardia
11.0 Romanian_NE
10.0 Tirol
1.6 GR_Cyclades
1.4 Abkhasian
1.0 GR_Central_Anatolia
0.4 Nuer_south_Sudan

09-21-2020, 03:52 PM
Vk542 in K13

Rather East Slav mixed with Crimean Greeks? He was among others prince of Novgorod and Tmutarakan.

vk542,22.48,43.78,10.72,8.56,9.14,0.26,0,0,1.64,0. 82,0.98,0.73,0.87

Distance to: vk542
6.58855068 Southwest_Russian
6.91721765 Ukrainian_Belgorod
7.14690842 Ukrainian_Lviv
7.16361641 Ukrainian
8.36103462 Ukrainian_Ivano_Frankivsk
9.28551560 South_Polish
10.00927070 Russian_Smolensk
10.09260620 Bosniak_Bosnia_proper
10.47337577 Estonian_Polish
10.47880718 Polish
11.17884162 Cossacks_Kuban
11.35566126 Slovak
11.49875211 Belorussian
11.74782107 Kargopol_Russian
12.03161668 Erzya
12.08672826 Sorb_Lusatia
12.12932397 Moldova_North
12.16815516 Croat_Slavonia
12.20859533 Masurian
12.59767836 Hungarian_Northern
13.24633534 Croat
13.24781869 Croat_B&H_Herzegovina
13.24923017 Croat_Croatia
13.46125551 Croat_Croatia_Central
13.46185723 Hungarian_Alfold

Target: vk542
Distance: 4.4356% / 4.43555828 | ADC: 1x
71.6 Southwest_Russian
16.0 Ukrainian_Ivano_Frankivsk
12.4 Bosniak_Bosnia_proper

Target: vk542
Distance: 2.5703% / 2.57026669 | ADC: 0.5x
76.8 Southwest_Russian
15.6 Bulgarian_Ruse
4.8 Ukrainian_Ivano_Frankivsk
2.8 Bulgarian_Northwest

Target: vk542
Distance: 1.9479% / 1.94792481 | ADC: 0.25x
72.8 Southwest_Russian
17.2 Bulgarian_Ruse
4.4 Pomak_Xanthi
4.0 Erzya
1.4 Bulgarian_Northwest
0.2 Mbuti_Pygmy

Target: vk542
Distance: 0.9546% / 0.95461043
56.6 Latvian
27.6 Greek_Northern-Thrace
5.2 Erzya
5.0 Bulgarian_Ruse
4.2 Abhkasian
0.6 Mbuti_Pygmy
0.2 Mayan
0.2 Papuan
0.2 San
0.2 Sudanese

09-21-2020, 05:07 PM
Biggest bams from Poland.

VK157 Poland_Bodzia B5


Components %
North_Atlantic 37,10
Baltic 43,57
West_Med 9,67
West_Asian 1,36
East_Med 1,36
Red_Sea 3,32
South_Asian 0,38
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 0,91
Oceanian 0,94
Northeast_African 0,00
Sub-Saharan 1,37

Mixed Mode:
1 59,77% Latvian + 40,23% Southwest_English @ 3,650
2 51,95% Swedish + 48,05% Latvian @ 3,985
3 58,20% Latvian + 41,80% Southeast_English @ 3,992
4 57,42% Latvian + 42,58% Orcadian @ 4,010
5 58,98% Latvian + 41,02% West_Scottish @ 4,019
6 50,39% Latvian + 49,61% Swedish @ 4,060
7 56,64% Latvian + 43,36% English @ 4,076
8 51,17% Latvian + 48,83% Danish @ 4,129
9 50,39% Danish + 49,61% Latvian @ 4,172
10 58,20% Latvian + 41,80% Irish @ 4,190

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Southwest_Finnish @ 6,675
2 100% Polish @ 8,811
3 100% German_east @ 9,810
4 100% Cossacks_Kuban @ 10,004
5 100% Estonian @ 10,091
6 100% Finnish @ 10,348
7 100% South_Polish @ 10,459
8 100% Czech @ 11,117
9 100% Belorussian @ 11,205
10 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 11,730

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Swedish + 50% Latvian @ 4,036
2 50% Latvian + 50% Danish @ 4,154
3 50% Lithuanian + 50% Swedish @ 4,577
4 50% Latvian + 50% Norwegian @ 4,822
5 50% Latvian + 50% North-Dutch @ 4,890
6 50% Latvian + 50% North_German @ 4,977
7 50% Latvian + 50% Orcadian @ 5,016
8 50% Latvian + 50% English @ 5,031
9 50% German_east + 50% Estonian @ 5,224
10 50% Latvian + 50% Southeast_English @ 5,276

SNPs used for the calculation: 100 411
SNPs in calculator: 165 688
Genotype ratio: 60,60%

Distance to: vk157

Target: vk157
ADC: 1x
45.6 PL_Kuyavia_&_SE_Pomerania
42.6 NE-Ostpreussen
11.8 RU_Tver

ADC: 0.5x
33.8 PL_Kuyavia_&_SE_Pomerania
33.4 RU_Tver
14.4 NE-Ostpreussen
7.6 DE_Sachsen-Anhalt
7.0 DE_Sachsen
3.4 SV_Svealand
0.4 NL_Overijssel

ADC: 0.25x
38.2 RU_Tver
26.6 PL_Kuyavia_&_SE_Pomerania
15.0 NL_Overijssel
6.4 Ukraine_north-east
5.8 Sudtirol
5.6 Latvia_western
1.4 UK_Scotland_Highland
1.0 Lithuanian_western_Zematija

37.0 RU_Tver
27.4 Lithuanian_western_Zematija
17.8 NL_Overijssel
11.8 Sudtirol
5.0 UK_Scotland_Highland
0.8 Latvia_western
0.2 Yoruba_Nigeria

09-21-2020, 05:14 PM
VK156 Poland_Bodzia B4


Distance to: vk156

without East German refs as they were newer...

41.6 SV_Norrland
14.0 NL_Friesland
13.0 PL_Suwalki
10.6 PL_Lublin
10.0 RU_Yaroslavl
7.6 RU_Novgorod
3.2 Latvia_north-eastern

ADC: 0.5x
48.8 SV_Norrland
31.0 PL_Wielkopolska
12.8 RU_Yaroslavl
7.4 Estonian_NE

09-21-2020, 05:42 PM
VK541 Ukraine_Lutsk


Components %
North_Atlantic 23,15
Baltic 43,28
West_Med 11,70
West_Asian 7,62
East_Med 7,79
Red_Sea 1,05
South_Asian 1,58
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 1,18
Amerindian 0,56
Oceanian 0,79
Northeast_African 0,00
Sub-Saharan 1,29

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Ukrainian_Lviv @ 5,345
2 100% Ukrainian @ 5,655
3 100% Southwest_Russian @ 6,394
4 100% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 6,814
5 100% South_Polish @ 8,042
6 100% Croatian @ 9,036
7 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 9,063
8 100% Polish @ 9,142
9 100% Estonian_Polish @ 9,582
10 100% Bosniak_Tuzla @ 9,758


44.8 RU_Tambov
25.4 Belarus_East
20.8 PL_Central
5.4 ES_Extremadura
2.8 Sephardi_Portugal_Belmonte
0.6 Finn_east_and_north
0.2 Baloch_PAK

09-21-2020, 05:45 PM
VK541 Ukraine_Lutsk


Components %
North_Atlantic 23,15
Baltic 43,28
West_Med 11,70
West_Asian 7,62
East_Med 7,79
Red_Sea 1,05
South_Asian 1,58
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 1,18
Amerindian 0,56
Oceanian 0,79
Northeast_African 0,00
Sub-Saharan 1,29

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Ukrainian_Lviv @ 5,345
2 100% Ukrainian @ 5,655
3 100% Southwest_Russian @ 6,394
4 100% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 6,814
5 100% South_Polish @ 8,042
6 100% Croatian @ 9,036
7 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 9,063
8 100% Polish @ 9,142
9 100% Estonian_Polish @ 9,582
10 100% Bosniak_Tuzla @ 9,758


44.8 RU_Tambov
25.4 Belarus_East
20.8 PL_Central
5.4 ES_Extremadura
2.8 Sephardi_Portugal_Belmonte
0.6 Finn_east_and_north
0.2 Baloch_PAK
Chochol Wiking :swl

Could very well be a modern person, especially with the V5 chip.

09-21-2020, 05:45 PM
Denmark Iron Age, only two high quality samples (the other two are low quality):





09-21-2020, 05:46 PM
Chochol Wiking :swl

Could very well be a modern person, especially with the V5 chip.

I'm surprised how little change in this region. Volhyn is core of Ukraine.

09-21-2020, 05:47 PM
All of those samples were “legit” vikings, or the researchers have picked some random viking ages samples across Europe too?

09-21-2020, 05:49 PM
I'm surprised how little change in this region. Volhyn is core of Ukraine.
It's the Northwest. From Lutsk to Zhitomir. But yeah, that sample can probably be used by the likes of Feiichy as 'early Slavic'. Is it from the Viking age?

09-21-2020, 05:50 PM
VK159 Russia_Pskov_7283-20

Distance to: vk159

ADC: 1x
72.6 PL_Masovia
27.4 RU_Kursk

ADC: 0.5x
44.4 PL_Masovia
27.0 RU_Kursk
14.0 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
6.4 Ukraine_Western
6.0 Belarus_East
2.2 Ukraine_Zhytomyr

ADC: 0.25x
48.4 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
28.8 Ukraine_Western
12.8 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
5.8 PL_Masovia
2.4 RU_Kursk
1.8 UK_Scotland_Highland

54.6 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
32.0 Ukraine_Western
9.0 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
4.4 UK_Scotland_Highland


Components %
North_Atlantic 27,57
Baltic 52,11
West_Med 7,64
West_Asian 3,93
East_Med 3,74
Red_Sea 0,00
South_Asian 1,69
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 1,66
Oceanian 0,14
Northeast_African 1,52
Sub-Saharan 0,00

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Lithuanian @ 3,745
2 100% Estonian_Polish @ 4,243
3 100% Belorussian @ 4,528
4 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 5,079
5 100% Southwest_Russian @ 7,054
6 100% Latvian @ 7,613
7 100% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 7,655
8 100% Estonian @ 7,712
9 100% Polish @ 8,120
10 100% Kargopol_Russian @ 8,657

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Lithuanian + 50% Estonian_Polish @ 2,643
2 50% Lithuanian + 50% Belorussian @ 2,954
3 50% Latvian + 50% Polish @ 2,954
4 50% Lithuanian + 50% Russian_Smolensk @ 3,038
5 50% Southwest_Russian + 50% Latvian @ 3,142
6 50% Lithuanian + 50% Southwest_Russian @ 3,152
7 50% Latvian + 50% Ukrainian @ 3,200
8 50% Russian_Smolensk + 50% Latvian @ 3,243
9 50% Estonian_Polish + 50% Latvian @ 3,310
10 50% Latvian + 50% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 3,437

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Southwest_Russian @ 2,534
2 33% Estonian_Polish + 33% Estonian_Polish + 33% Latvian @ 2,701
3 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Estonian_Polish @ 2,706
4 33% Estonian_Polish + 33% Belorussian + 33% Latvian @ 2,763
5 33% Belorussian + 33% Russian_Smolensk + 33% Latvian @ 2,787
6 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2,806
7 33% Latvian + 33% Latvian + 33% Slovak @ 2,819
8 33% Latvian + 33% Latvian + 33% South_Polish @ 2,895
9 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Russian_Smolensk @ 2,908
10 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Belorussian @ 2,932

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Southwest_Russian @ 2,548
2 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Estonian_Polish + 25% Estonian_Polish @ 2,643
3 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Hungarian @ 2,673
4 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Estonian_Polish + 25% Southwest_Russian @ 2,675
5 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Ukrainian_Belgorod + 25% Polish @ 2,702
6 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2,728
7 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Bosniak_Tuzla @ 2,750
8 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Estonian_Polish + 25% Belorussian @ 2,752
9 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Kaykavian_Croatian @ 2,757
10 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Slovenian @ 2,764

09-21-2020, 05:52 PM
It's the Northwest. From Lutsk to Zhitomir. But yeah, that sample can probably be used by the likes of Feiichy as 'early Slavic'. Is it from the Viking age?

From what I remember yes. Supposed Varangian.

09-21-2020, 05:54 PM
VK159 Russia_Pskov_7283-20

Again, could be a modern person. There are similar people in that area (Pskov, Vitebsk, Lithuania).

09-21-2020, 05:57 PM
VK535 Italy_Foggia-891

K13 extended

Components %
North_Atlantic 17,07
Baltic 8,36
West_Med 24,98
West_Asian 14,34
East_Med 23,80
Red_Sea 5,71
South_Asian 2,03
East_Asian 1,00
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 0,00
Oceanian 0,53
Northeast_African 1,03
Sub-Saharan 1,15

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Apulia @ 7,226
2 100% Central_Greek @ 7,333
3 100% East_Sicilian @ 7,463
4 100% Sicily @ 7,503
5 100% Basilicata @ 7,693
6 100% West_Sicilian @ 7,797
7 100% Greek_Peloponnese @ 7,814
8 100% Molise @ 7,883
9 100% Abruzzo @ 8,012
10 100% Campania @ 8,692

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Sicily + 50% Greek_Eastern-Macedonia @ 5,795
2 50% Sicily + 50% Greek_Peloponnese @ 5,905
3 50% Turk_Cypriot + 50% Piedmont @ 6,054
4 50% Greek_Chios + 50% FrenchCorsica @ 6,069
5 50% West_Sicilian + 50% Greek_Peloponnese @ 6,110
6 50% Greek_Chios + 50% Tuscany @ 6,136
7 50% Malta + 50% Greek_Eastern-Macedonia @ 6,152
8 50% Sicily + 50% Torbeshi_North-Macedonia-East @ 6,238
9 50% Veneto + 50% Turk_Cypriot @ 6,244
10 50% Greek_Eastern-Macedonia + 50% Calabria @ 6,287

09-21-2020, 05:58 PM
Denmark Iron Age two high quality samples:


VK521,51.2,30.17,6.5,0.89,2.25,2.32,2.59,0.4,1.12, 0.72,0.75,0.75,0.35
VK532,44.36,30.42,8.29,5.79,1.11,1.17,3.91,0.02,0, 1.02,1.71,1.47,0.73

Distance to: VK532
6.00715407 Swedish
6.21094196 Sweden_Svealand_East
6.55190812 North_German
6.85868792 Sweden_Svealand_West
6.90308627 Danish
7.56366313 Sweden_Götaland
7.77032818 Norway_South_Central
7.80645246 Denmark
8.39741032 Norwegian
8.79404344 North-Swedish

Distance to: VK521
5.35944960 Sweden_Svealand_West
5.56289493 Swedish
5.73322771 Norway_South_Central
5.77032928 Sweden_Götaland
6.33125580 Denmark
6.78520449 Norwegian
7.61529382 Sweden_Svealand_East
7.63597407 Danish
7.85611227 North-Dutch
9.29511700 North_German


VK521,41.01,25.63,14.31,9.46,2.44,0,0,1.91,2.22,0. 24,0.62,0.58,0.61,0.45,0.52
VK532,36.7,23.52,12.33,12.21,4.35,3.09,0,0.19,3.44 ,0,0,0.56,1.34,1.38,0.88

Distance to: VK532
5.16464907 Norwegian
5.76853534 Swedish
6.11231544 Danish
6.70383472 North_Dutch
6.89739081 North_Swedish
7.42698458 West_Norwegian
7.71769396 North_German
9.11116897 West_Scottish
9.38734787 Orcadian
9.50094206 Irish

Distance to: VK521
6.08148830 Swedish
6.08412689 West_Norwegian
6.17722430 Norwegian
7.63469056 North_Dutch
8.13584046 Danish
9.33514328 West_Scottish
9.48935720 North_Swedish
9.51499869 Orcadian
9.85629748 Irish
10.89992202 North_German

09-21-2020, 06:02 PM
So both Norway Iron Age and Denmark Iron Age are more "Swedish-shifted" than modern Norwegians and modern Danes.

Who would have thought? Wasn't it usually claimed on TA that Swedes are less Germanic than Norwegians and Danes?

09-21-2020, 06:04 PM
VK158 Russia_Pskov_7283-18

Although ten times smaller bam than Pskov 159.
So not very good. But without North African would be proper North Russian:)


Central_Euro 18,30
East_Balkan 7,92
East_Central_Euro 18,96
Eastern_Euro 13,42
Fennoscandian 26,64
North_African 6,22
North_Atlantic 4,57
Volga-Ural 3,97

Distance to: vk158

ADC: 1x
76.6 Estonian_NE
16.6 RU_Starover_Siberia
6.8 Estonian_Tallin

ADC: 0.5x
72.2 Estonian_NE
13.6 RU_Tver
11.2 Finn
3.0 Moroccan_Berber_south

ADC: 0.25x
36.0 Estonian_NE
19.6 RU_Bryansk
14.4 Finn_east_and_north
14.4 RU_Tver
9.4 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
6.2 Moroccan_Berber_south

44.4 RU_Bryansk
27.2 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
21.4 Finn_east_and_north
7.0 Moroccan_Berber_south

09-21-2020, 06:08 PM
VK541 Ukraine_Lutsk


Components %
North_Atlantic 23,15
Baltic 43,28
West_Med 11,70
West_Asian 7,62
East_Med 7,79
Red_Sea 1,05
South_Asian 1,58
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 1,18
Amerindian 0,56
Oceanian 0,79
Northeast_African 0,00
Sub-Saharan 1,29

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Ukrainian_Lviv @ 5,345
2 100% Ukrainian @ 5,655
3 100% Southwest_Russian @ 6,394
4 100% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 6,814
5 100% South_Polish @ 8,042
6 100% Croatian @ 9,036
7 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 9,063
8 100% Polish @ 9,142
9 100% Estonian_Polish @ 9,582
10 100% Bosniak_Tuzla @ 9,758


44.8 RU_Tambov
25.4 Belarus_East
20.8 PL_Central
5.4 ES_Extremadura
2.8 Sephardi_Portugal_Belmonte
0.6 Finn_east_and_north
0.2 Baloch_PAK

As for me, he can be from more southern regions, for example Galych warrior.

09-21-2020, 06:09 PM
Denmark Iron Age two high quality samples:

K13 Members from Apricity list from other thread. top 25

None of us are that close/ :thumb001:

Distance to: VK532
4.52170322 Matxe92(Danish+Polish)
5.18334834 Token(German)
5.75820284 Snkves(Swedish)
6.86821665 Uull(german_prussia_USA)
6.86884270 Reith(german/norse_american)
7.76579680 Teutone(german)
7.93546470 Inf99Mom(usa)
8.04363724 Drogin(norwegian/finnish)
8.34856275 Mazik(swedish)
8.54283325 Dandelion(Flemish)
8.63187118 CordedWhelp_father(American)
8.74391217 Aynora(german)
8.81725581 Christofer(German_USA)
9.08833868 yowasgeht_father(RussiaGerman)
9.40469032 Profileid(white_murican)
9.47682964 Schwop(Swedish)
9.58815415 celticdragongod(irish-american)
9.66881068 CreodaMum(English)
9.93438473 Graham's_Mum(scottish)
9.96732662 **JC**(British-German)
10.08437405 Not_a_cop_grandpa1(german+russian)
10.12998519 Catkin(english)
10.15180280 Farke1(British_Isles+Norway)
10.18637325 Jackson(english)
10.30535783 GötterfunkeDad(German+Dutch)

Distance to: VK521
7.27082526 CreodaDad(Irish)
8.67813344 Token(German)
8.74761110 Graham's_Mum(scottish)
9.08740887 NielsW(dutch/german)
9.24174226 Grace(irish)
9.36970117 Jackson_grandpa(english)
9.37031483 Farke1(British_Isles+Norway)
9.37789955 Snkves(Swedish)
9.44727474 Creoda(british-irish)
9.68195228 celticdragongod(irish-american)
9.69996392 Reith(german/norse_american)
9.75251762 Firemonkey(british)
9.80280062 Matxe92(Danish+Polish)
10.06232081 Jackson_father(english)
10.19876463 Graham(scottish)
10.22710614 Profileid(white_murican)
10.45622303 Albannach(scottish/irish)
10.48668680 Daco-Celtic-mom(Irish)
10.65333281 Catkin(english)
10.76609028 Alessio_mother(dutch)
10.97601476 Christofer(German_USA)
11.09608490 Aynora(german)
11.18266069 Dandelion(Flemish)
11.26071490 CordedWhelp_father(American)
11.30807676 CreodaMum(English)

09-21-2020, 06:20 PM
VK171 Wales VikingAge


Distance to: vk171

37.8 UK_Scotland_SW
35.8 UK_Scotland_Highland
15.6 NL_Overijssel
7.0 Finn_east_and_north
3.8 Georgian_Svan


Components %
North_Atlantic 51,80
Baltic 22,94
West_Med 11,49
West_Asian 12,37
East_Med 0,00
Red_Sea 0,00
South_Asian 0,00
East_Asian 0,51
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 0,00
Oceanian 0,50
Northeast_African 0,00
Sub-Saharan 0,40

Mixed Mode:
1 92,58% Scottish + 7,42% Tabassaran @ 4,827
2 93,36% Scottish + 6,64% Chechen @ 4,907
3 93,36% Scottish + 6,64% Lezgin @ 4,933
4 92,58% Irish + 7,42% Tabassaran @ 4,961
5 94,14% Scottish + 5,86% North_Ossetian @ 4,982
6 94,14% Scottish + 5,86% Ossetian @ 5,001
7 93,36% Irish + 6,64% Ossetian @ 5,068
8 92,58% Irish + 7,42% Chechen @ 5,080
9 93,36% Scottish + 6,64% Kabardin @ 5,081
10 93,36% Irish + 6,64% Lezgin @ 5,082

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Scottish @ 6,418
2 100% Irish @ 6,627
3 100% Welsh @ 7,267
4 100% West_Scottish @ 7,439
5 100% English @ 7,999
6 100% Orcadian @ 8,239
7 100% North-Dutch @ 8,326
8 100% Southwest_English @ 8,863
9 100% Norwegian @ 9,260
10 100% North_German @ 9,569

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Scottish + 50% Scottish @ 6,418
2 50% Scottish + 50% Welsh @ 6,465
3 50% Scottish + 50% Irish @ 6,478
4 50% Irish + 50% Welsh @ 6,610
5 50% Irish + 50% Irish @ 6,627
6 50% Scottish + 50% West_Scottish @ 6,915
7 50% Welsh + 50% North-Dutch @ 6,917
8 50% Welsh + 50% West_Scottish @ 6,957
9 50% Scottish + 50% English @ 6,986
10 50% Irish + 50% West_Scottish @ 7,004

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% Scottish + 33% Scottish + 33% Welsh @ 6,359
2 33% Scottish + 33% Scottish + 33% Scottish @ 6,418
3 33% Scottish + 33% Irish + 33% Welsh @ 6,428
4 33% Scottish + 33% Scottish + 33% Irish @ 6,448
5 33% Scottish + 33% Irish + 33% Irish @ 6,518
6 33% Irish + 33% Irish + 33% Welsh @ 6,537
7 33% Irish + 33% Irish + 33% Irish @ 6,627
8 33% Scottish + 33% Scottish + 33% North_German @ 6,643
9 33% Irish + 33% Welsh + 33% North_German @ 6,728
10 33% Scottish + 33% Scottish + 33% English @ 6,740

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Welsh @ 6,339
2 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Irish + 25% Welsh @ 6,380
3 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish @ 6,418
4 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Irish @ 6,436
5 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Irish + 25% Irish @ 6,478
6 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% North_German @ 6,488
7 25% Irish + 25% Irish + 25% Irish + 25% Welsh @ 6,530
8 25% Scottish + 25% Scottish + 25% Irish + 25% North_German @ 6,576
9 25% Irish + 25% Irish + 25% Welsh + 25% Welsh @ 6,610
10 25% Irish + 25% Irish + 25% Welsh + 25% North_German @ 6,626

09-21-2020, 06:26 PM
VK540 Ukraine_Shestovitsa-8871-96

Varangian AT LEAST:)


Components %
North_Atlantic 52,36
Baltic 35,33
West_Med 4,71
West_Asian 1,95
East_Med 0,91
Red_Sea 0,00
South_Asian 0,00
East_Asian 0,37
Siberian 0,81
Amerindian 1,52
Oceanian 0,97
Northeast_African 0,78
Sub-Saharan 0,31

Mixed Mode:
1 50,39% North-Swedish + 49,61% Norwegian @ 7,393
2 50,39% Norwegian + 49,61% North-Swedish @ 7,393
3 79,30% Norwegian + 20,70% Finnish @ 7,645
4 62,89% Swedish + 37,11% North-Swedish @ 7,658
5 73,05% Norwegian + 26,95% Southwest_Finnish @ 7,665
6 50,39% North-Swedish + 49,61% Swedish @ 7,741
7 81,64% Norwegian + 18,36% Estonian @ 7,822
8 83,20% Norwegian + 16,80% East_Finnish @ 7,940
9 62,89% North-Swedish + 37,11% North-Dutch @ 7,952
10 87,11% Norwegian + 12,89% Latvian @ 7,954

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Swedish @ 8,337
2 100% North-Swedish @ 9,424
3 100% Norwegian @ 9,474
4 100% Danish @ 11,296
5 100% North-Dutch @ 11,740
6 100% North_German @ 12,849
7 100% Orcadian @ 14,048
8 100% Irish @ 14,488
9 100% West_Scottish @ 14,811
10 100% English @ 15,412

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% North-Swedish + 50% Norwegian @ 7,393
2 50% Swedish + 50% North-Swedish @ 7,736
3 50% North-Swedish + 50% North-Dutch @ 8,151
4 50% Swedish + 50% Swedish @ 8,337
5 50% Swedish + 50% Norwegian @ 8,657
6 50% North-Swedish + 50% Danish @ 8,777
7 50% North-Swedish + 50% West_Scottish @ 8,871
8 50% North-Swedish + 50% Irish @ 8,952
9 50% West_Scottish + 50% Southwest_Finnish @ 8,965
10 50% Norwegian + 50% Southwest_Finnish @ 8,990

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% Norwegian @ 7,526
2 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% Norwegian @ 7,638
3 33% North-Swedish + 33% Norwegian + 33% Norwegian @ 7,659
4 33% Swedish + 33% Swedish + 33% North-Swedish @ 7,667
5 33% Norwegian + 33% Norwegian + 33% Southwest_Finnish @ 7,770
6 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Dutch @ 7,967
7 33% Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Swedish @ 8,075
8 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% West_Scottish @ 8,081
9 33% Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Dutch @ 8,101
10 33% North-Swedish + 33% North-Swedish + 33% Irish @ 8,225

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% Norwegian + 25% Norwegian @ 7,393
2 25% Swedish + 25% Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% Norwegian @ 7,664
3 25% Norwegian + 25% Norwegian + 25% Norwegian + 25% Southwest_Finnish @ 7,677
4 25% Norwegian + 25% Norwegian + 25% Norwegian + 25% Finnish @ 7,732
5 25% Swedish + 25% Swedish + 25% Swedish + 25% North-Swedish @ 7,736
6 25% Swedish + 25% Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish @ 7,736
7 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% Norwegian + 25% North-Dutch @ 7,751
8 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% Norwegian @ 7,942
9 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% Norwegian + 25% West_Scottish @ 8,017
10 25% North-Swedish + 25% North-Swedish + 25% Norwegian + 25% Danish @ 8,053


Distance to: vk171

ADC: 0.5x
96.2 SV_Norrland
3.8 Finn_south-west

59.0 NL_Friesland
41.0 Finn_south-west

09-21-2020, 06:33 PM
VK535 Foggia M
Y-DNA: R1b1a1b1b3a (R-Z2106)
mtDNA: T1a5

Distance to: VK535_Italy_Foggia-891
7.22634071 Apulia
7.32511433 Greek_Cyclades
7.46310927 East_Sicilian
7.50330594 Sicily
7.69324379 Basilicata
7.75387000 Greek_Athens
7.79659541 West_Sicilian
7.88324806 Molise
8.01240289 Abruzzo
8.16094357 Greek_Central
8.52410113 Greek_Ionia
8.69180073 Campania
8.85214098 Greek_Western-Thrace
9.15176486 Malta
9.47060716 Lazio
9.59439941 Greek_Eastern-Macedonia
9.64319968 Greek_Peloponnese
9.75635178 Greek_Andros_Island
9.80445817 Marche
9.88158894 Greek_West_Macedonia
10.18929340 Albanian_central_Albania
10.33362957 Greek_North_Aegean
10.40989913 Umbria
10.44551578 Vlach_Central-Macedonia
10.55489934 Greek_Northeast

Target: VK535_Italy_Foggia-891
Distance: 1.9721% / 1.97208418 | ADC: 0.25x
44.8 Sicily
26.2 Greek_Eastern-Macedonia
11.8 Sardinian
7.4 Turk_Edirne
5.2 Moroccan
3.6 Balochi
1.0 Romani

VK535 Italy_Foggia-891

K13 extended

Components %
North_Atlantic 17,07
Baltic 8,36
West_Med 24,98
West_Asian 14,34
East_Med 23,80
Red_Sea 5,71
South_Asian 2,03
East_Asian 1,00
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 0,00
Oceanian 0,53
Northeast_African 1,03
Sub-Saharan 1,15

South Asian is high, I wonder if that's due to sample contamination.

09-21-2020, 06:59 PM
VK535 Foggia M

South Asian is high, I wonder if that's due to sample contamination.

I can download the biggest Foggia bam to compare:)

BTW second Ukrainian Varangian

VK539 Ukraine_Shestovitsa

Distance to: vk539

ADC: 0.25x
52.0 SV_Norrland
22.4 Estonian_NW
11.8 Norway_Hedmark
6.8 Finn_south-west
5.2 Latvia_north-eastern
1.8 Estonian_Tallin

09-21-2020, 07:49 PM
Ok end of it. I heard that official genotype files will be soon released.

09-21-2020, 08:19 PM
Nordic_IA consists of RISE174, VK532, VK521, VK418, VK390 and VK391.


Ok end of it. I heard that official genotype files will be soon released.

When are they going to be released?

09-21-2020, 08:21 PM
Biggest bams from Poland.

VK157 Poland_Bodzia B5


Components %
North_Atlantic 37,10
Baltic 43,57
West_Med 9,67
West_Asian 1,36
East_Med 1,36
Red_Sea 3,32
South_Asian 0,38
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 0,91
Oceanian 0,94
Northeast_African 0,00
Sub-Saharan 1,37

Mixed Mode:
1 59,77% Latvian + 40,23% Southwest_English @ 3,650
2 51,95% Swedish + 48,05% Latvian @ 3,985
3 58,20% Latvian + 41,80% Southeast_English @ 3,992
4 57,42% Latvian + 42,58% Orcadian @ 4,010
5 58,98% Latvian + 41,02% West_Scottish @ 4,019
6 50,39% Latvian + 49,61% Swedish @ 4,060
7 56,64% Latvian + 43,36% English @ 4,076
8 51,17% Latvian + 48,83% Danish @ 4,129
9 50,39% Danish + 49,61% Latvian @ 4,172
10 58,20% Latvian + 41,80% Irish @ 4,190

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Southwest_Finnish @ 6,675
2 100% Polish @ 8,811
3 100% German_east @ 9,810
4 100% Cossacks_Kuban @ 10,004
5 100% Estonian @ 10,091
6 100% Finnish @ 10,348
7 100% South_Polish @ 10,459
8 100% Czech @ 11,117
9 100% Belorussian @ 11,205
10 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 11,730

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Swedish + 50% Latvian @ 4,036
2 50% Latvian + 50% Danish @ 4,154
3 50% Lithuanian + 50% Swedish @ 4,577
4 50% Latvian + 50% Norwegian @ 4,822
5 50% Latvian + 50% North-Dutch @ 4,890
6 50% Latvian + 50% North_German @ 4,977
7 50% Latvian + 50% Orcadian @ 5,016
8 50% Latvian + 50% English @ 5,031
9 50% German_east + 50% Estonian @ 5,224
10 50% Latvian + 50% Southeast_English @ 5,276

SNPs used for the calculation: 100 411
SNPs in calculator: 165 688
Genotype ratio: 60,60%

Distance to: vk157

Target: vk157
ADC: 1x
45.6 PL_Kuyavia_&_SE_Pomerania
42.6 NE-Ostpreussen
11.8 RU_Tver

ADC: 0.5x
33.8 PL_Kuyavia_&_SE_Pomerania
33.4 RU_Tver
14.4 NE-Ostpreussen
7.6 DE_Sachsen-Anhalt
7.0 DE_Sachsen
3.4 SV_Svealand
0.4 NL_Overijssel

ADC: 0.25x
38.2 RU_Tver
26.6 PL_Kuyavia_&_SE_Pomerania
15.0 NL_Overijssel
6.4 Ukraine_north-east
5.8 Sudtirol
5.6 Latvia_western
1.4 UK_Scotland_Highland
1.0 Lithuanian_western_Zematija

37.0 RU_Tver
27.4 Lithuanian_western_Zematija
17.8 NL_Overijssel
11.8 Sudtirol
5.0 UK_Scotland_Highland
0.8 Latvia_western
0.2 Yoruba_Nigeria
Interesting mix, half Polish half Norse more or less.

09-21-2020, 08:27 PM

When are they going to be released?

Davidski told me that for few days.

09-21-2020, 08:59 PM
So both Norway Iron Age and Denmark Iron Age are more "Swedish-shifted" than modern Norwegians and modern Danes.

Who would have thought? Wasn't it usually claimed on TA that Swedes are less Germanic than Norwegians and Danes?

They are? Look at K15 they score equal amounts of Baltic/Eastern Euro as modern Norwegians. Swedes have more of it and less North Sea.

How many SNP:s used in these runs?

09-21-2020, 09:40 PM
If I remember correctly some of the conclusions from earlier times: Swedes seem to be mostly descendants of Danes, and not of the Germanic people in Viking Age Sweden. The Germanic people of Viking Age Sweden seem to give clearer ancestry signal to whatever Germano component might linger in Finland. There was also Finnic component in Viking Age Sweden.

09-21-2020, 09:56 PM
If I remember correctly some of the conclusions from earlier times: Swedes seem to be mostly descendants of Danes, and not of the Germanic people in Viking Age Sweden. The Germanic people of Viking Age Sweden seem to give clearer ancestry signal to whatever Germano component might linger in Finland. There was also Finnic component in Viking Age Sweden.

That's odd. How did anyone come to that conclusion? When looking at the Viking genomes of Eastern Sweden we see I2 and R-U106 in Uppsala, R-Z84 and R-U106 in Gotland, R-L664 in Salme(originally from Svealand). None of these haplogroups seem to be present in significant numbers in Finland today. The Germanic men who contributed to the modern Finnish genepool were basically only I1.
N-L550 seems to have an early presence in East-Central Sweden, probably this Finno-Ugric ancestor sailed directly from Estonia to Sweden as soon as he arrived in the eastern Baltic. But I think whatever his ENA percentage was it quickly vanished as we see in the N-L550 sample from Sigtuna that has none of it and seemed more similar to Norwegians than to modern people of Eastern Svealand.

09-21-2020, 10:48 PM
That's odd. How did anyone come to that conclusion? When looking at the Viking genomes of Eastern Sweden we see I2 and R-U106 in Uppsala, R-Z84 and R-U106 in Gotland, R-L664 in Salme(originally from Svealand). None of these haplogroups seem to be present in significant numbers in Finland today. The Germanic men who contributed to the modern Finnish genepool were basically only I1.
N-L550 seems to have an early presence in East-Central Sweden, probably this Finno-Ugric ancestor sailed directly from Estonia to Sweden as soon as he arrived in the eastern Baltic. But I think whatever his ENA percentage was it quickly vanished as we see in the N-L550 sample from Sigtuna that has none of it and seemed more similar to Norwegians than to modern people of Eastern Svealand.

I don't understand what can be so unclear to you here? It seems to be even historical fact that modern Swedes descend largely from that Southern Swedish cultural sphere which they share with Denmark.

Salme burials were something like 80% I1+N-L550 (over 50% I1). In Sigtuna I1 and N-L550 were found in high ranking Nunnan graves whereas one R1b sample was found in mass grave for slaves, the other in Church, so it represents later historical time scale as far as Viking Age goes. Also in Church was found 1 G-man, 1 I2-man, and 1 A2(!)-man.

The archaeological and osteological results coincide in several areas. Signs of social ranking are suggested archaeologically by differences in burial practice. Differences are exposed between the cemeteries in each burial phase. In the block Nunnan the many graves with coffins and with charcoal imply a more elaborate way of burial practice. The smallest amount of graves with coffins is excavated at St Laurence from all three phases. This could imply that those buried in the block Nunnan had a higher social rank compared to those buried at St Laurence. The osteological results show that the general health was better in the block Nunnan and that the women at this site had the highest mean stature of all the women in the study.

The I1 type found in Sigtuna and Salme belonged to Finnish type and not to the Scandinavian type common in Sweden today.

Now what does this heatmap tell you:

Distinct spheres of influence in the Viking world:


Clearly the component here marked "Swedish" component doesn't here mean that there is "Swedish Germanic" influence in Finland and Estonia as it shows stronger affinity to Finland and Estonia than to Sweden, rather it implies, there were Finnic-like people in Viking Age Sweden.

09-21-2020, 11:24 PM
I don't understand what can be so unclear to you here? It seems to be even historical fact that modern Swedes descend largely from that Southern Swedish cultural sphere which they share with Denmark.
Huh? The political and cultural center of Sweden is in Uppland and Södermanland.

Salme burials were something like 80% I1+N-L550 (over 50% I1). In Sigtuna I1 and N-L550 were found in high ranking Nunnan graves whereas one R1b sample was found in mass grave for slaves, the other in Church, so it represents later historical time scale as far as Viking Age goes. Also in Church was found 1 G-man, 1 I2-man, and 1 A2(!)-man.
It's litteraly mentioned in this study that several of these men were brothers. We won't know the real presence of each haplogroup during the Viking era until smaller settlements are tested en masse, and not trade centers like Sigtuna and Skara. The British-like R1b man was the one found in a massgrave not the U106 guy.

The I1 type found in Sigtuna and Salme belonged to Finnish type and not to the Scandinavian type common in Sweden today.
What is the final subclade of the I1 guy from Sigtuna? The study says I-Z74 which obviously is not a Finnish type.
The Salme men belong to Scandinavian specific clades of I1. VK491 belongs to I-L1306 (https://yfull.com/tree/I-L1302/)
We can probably expect all of the men from Salme who have not been predicted further subclade of I-Z73 to belong to this subclade like him.
The other dominat subclade is I-P109 (https://yfull.com/tree/I-P109/) which doesn't even have a Finnish cluster at all.

Now what does this heatmap tell you:

Distinct spheres of influence in the Viking world:

Clearly the component here marked "Swedish" component doesn't here mean that there is "Swedish Germanic" influence in Finland and Estonia as it shows stronger affinity to Finland and Estonia than to Sweden, rather it implies, there were Finnic-like people in Viking Age Sweden.

It doesn't tell me anything. They made a Swedish cluster using genomes from Estonia and Gotland. And yes ofc there were Finnic-like people in Sweden, in the trade hubs of the period that is. Like we also found British-like, Slavic-like and French-like people in Sigtuna but that doesn't change the fact that most of the non-L550 in Eastern and Northern Sweden is from the post-Viking era. The Sigtuna paper showed us a N-L550 guy that plotted with Norwegians. He's the key here to figuring what the general population of eastern Svealand looked like autosomally. I'm sure we'll find more of these men from this paper.

09-22-2020, 12:32 AM
That's odd. How did anyone come to that conclusion? When looking at the Viking genomes of Eastern Sweden we see I2 and R-U106 in Uppsala, R-Z84 and R-U106 in Gotland, R-L664 in Salme(originally from Svealand). None of these haplogroups seem to be present in significant numbers in Finland today. The Germanic men who contributed to the modern Finnish genepool were basically only I1.
N-L550 seems to have an early presence in East-Central Sweden, probably this Finno-Ugric ancestor sailed directly from Estonia to Sweden as soon as he arrived in the eastern Baltic. But I think whatever his ENA percentage was it quickly vanished as we see in the N-L550 sample from Sigtuna that has none of it and seemed more similar to Norwegians than to modern people of Eastern Svealand.
He might actually be partially right, a lot of the Swedish/Norwegian Viking and IA samples(not all, but it either indicates big different population structure across Scandinavian regions or some sort of caste system) have significantly elevated WHG/SHG(similarly to Baltic_BA vs modern Balts) and have rather high distances from modern Swedes/Norwegians despite still being closest to them. Whilist, the Danish IA/Viking samples have much more samples that clustered right ontop modern Scandinavians and didn't have elevated WHG. We actually have a pure Germanic sample from IA Finland, and he clusters with the elevated HG IA/Viking Swedes. Given northern Sweden(as in Uppsala/etc.) Christianized much later than the south and the rest of Scandinavia, I wouldn't be surprised if northern Swedes(or perhaps even all Swedes/Norwegians, although I doubt it) were like these samples before mixing with southern Swedes, Danes, and Slavs/Britons/Finns to a lesser extent.

09-22-2020, 12:41 AM
He might actually be partially right, a lot of the Swedish/Norwegian Viking and IA samples(not all, but it either indicates big different population structure across Scandinavian regions or some sort of caste system) have significantly elevated WHG/SHG(similarly to Baltic_BA vs modern Balts) and have rather high distances from modern Swedes/Norwegians despite still being closest to them. Whilist, the Danish IA/Viking samples have much more samples that clustered right ontop modern Scandinavians and didn't have elevated WHG. We actually have a pure Germanic sample from Finland, and he clusters with the elevated HG IA/Viking Swedes. Given northern Sweden(as in Uppsala/etc.) Christianized much later than the south and the rest of Scandinavia, I wouldn't be surprised if northern Swedes(or perhaps even all Swedes/Norwegians, although I doubt it) were like these samples before mixing with southern Swedes, Danes, and Slavs/Britons/Finns to a lesser extent.

Are you basing this on the guy from Anthrogenica who uploaded them? There was something wrong with the data, very low quality that's why they had high distances.

Looks much better.

First try.

Target: VK1:VK11
Distance: 11.1677% / 0.11167695
63.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
22.8 Anatolia_Barcin_N
11.2 WHG
2.8 Levant_PPNB

VK1:VK11,0.140002,0.14319,0.048271,0.061047,0.0501 63,0.055778,0.028906,-0.017538,0.005727,-0.042643,0.003085,0.020232,0.006838,0.007982,0.045 195,0.01127,-0.008736,-0.005448,0.027151,0.028514,0.002745,0.004451,0.023 91,0.028799,-0.045864


Target: VK2:VK11
Distance: 5.0433% / 0.05043288
51.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.8 Anatolia_Barcin_N
13.8 WHG

VK2:VK11,0.120652,0.137096,0.064111,0.049742,0.042 777,0.025658,0.016451,0.001615,-0.009408,0.000729,-0.000325,0.005095,-0.001635,-0.009083,0.017372,0.011535,-0.008214,0.007095,0.004274,0.013006,0.004492,0.002 844,0.000863,0.016388,-0.007424

Huge difference in the North Euro PCA too.


I do believe that Norwegian IA was a bit less southern shifted than Sweden and Denmark IA like I mentioned earlier. Also you're wrong about the Christening of Sweden. One of the earliest church to be built in Scandinavia was in Birka.
Another issue with this scenario is how Scandinavia became Christian, it did not involve crusades but the various kings converted and the commoners followed.

09-22-2020, 01:22 AM
Are you basing this on the guy from Anthrogenica who uploaded them? There was something wrong with the data, very low quality that's why they had high distances.

I do believe that Norwegian IA was a bit less southern shifted than Sweden and Denmark IA like I mentioned earlier. Also you're wrong about the Christening of Sweden. One of the earliest church to be built in Scandinavia was in Birka.
I am, but again, not all of them had high distances. The Germanic Finn I'm talking about was high coverage as well, but if there's more samples like him or evidence of a population like him I guess we can't know forsure until the samples are out.

From experience in previous papers, the low coverage samples turn out just to be the same as the better quality genomes when they're released. I will concede BA Scandinavians cluster right ontop of moderns/Beakers and don't have extra HG, and this scenario would have to mean HG populations survived for a very long time in Scandinavia, but it happened in the Baltics, so.

Last Pagan Scandinavian monarch was in Sweden in 1080, Denmark's last Pagan monarch was Gorm the old in the mid 900s, and the north/Uppsala was known as a pagan stronghold. When the earliest Church built is kind of irrelevant, common sense would dictate the most Christians in Sweden was Skane just based on geography.

09-22-2020, 01:42 AM
I am, but again, not all of them had high distances. The Germanic Finn I'm talking about was high coverage as well, but if there's more samples like him or evidence of a population like him I guess we can't know forsure until the samples are out.

From experience in previous papers, the low coverage samples turn out just to be the same as the better quality genomes when they're released. I will concede BA Scandinavians cluster right ontop of moderns/Beakers and don't have extra HG, and this scenario would have to mean HG populations survived for a very long time in Scandinavia, but it happened in the Baltics, so.

Last Pagan Scandinavian monarch was in Sweden in 1080, Denmark's last Pagan monarch was Gorm the old in the mid 900s, and the north/Uppsala was known as a pagan stronghold. When the earliest Church built is kind of irrelevant, common sense would dictate the most Christians in Sweden was Skane just based on geography.
Are you talking about the outlier from Levanluhta?
I do not think that the low coverage genomes are to any use at all. Like Davidski showed in his post the difference is huge.
Btw the study did do a qpAdm run on all of the samples.

As we can see Sweden and Denmark IA are pretty much identical in their WHG-EEF-Steppe ratios close to England IA whilst Norway IA has less EEF and very close to the early Anglo-Saxon genomes from England. Trying to replicate this with PCA 25 and nMonte I get this.

Target: Norwegian
Distance: 4.9224% / 0.04922358
50.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.2 TUR_Barcin_N
15.0 WHG

Target: England_Saxon
Distance: 4.6858% / 0.04685801
51.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.6 TUR_Barcin_N
15.4 WHG

Target: England_IA
Distance: 3.8860% / 0.03886000
49.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
36.6 TUR_Barcin_N
13.8 WHG

This is obviously not certain but modern day Norwegians have EEF scores more in line with the early Anglo-Saxons who scored similar to the Norwegian IA samples in their qpAdm run.

09-22-2020, 02:19 AM
He might actually be partially right, a lot of the Swedish/Norwegian Viking and IA samples(not all, but it either indicates big different population structure across Scandinavian regions or some sort of caste system) have significantly elevated WHG/SHG(similarly to Baltic_BA vs modern Balts) and have rather high distances from modern Swedes/Norwegians despite still being closest to them. Whilist, the Danish IA/Viking samples have much more samples that clustered right ontop modern Scandinavians and didn't have elevated WHG. We actually have a pure Germanic sample from IA Finland, and he clusters with the elevated HG IA/Viking Swedes. Given northern Sweden(as in Uppsala/etc.) Christianized much later than the south and the rest of Scandinavia, I wouldn't be surprised if northern Swedes(or perhaps even all Swedes/Norwegians, although I doubt it) were like these samples before mixing with southern Swedes, Danes, and Slavs/Britons/Finns to a lesser extent.

There is an even more extreme high coverage sample that is really far from any modern population, even though he lived around the year 1000.

ISL_Viking_Age_Pre_Christian:SVK-A-1,0.124067,0.14319,0.060339,0.076874,0.042469,0.02 1753,0.011516,0.011769,-0.001636,-0.006014,-0.01088,0.023529,-0.014123,-0.011836,0.015065,0.015115,0.007562,0.013049,-0.004525,0.011631,0.008859,-0.003091,0.000493,0.016508,-0.001916


09-22-2020, 08:37 AM
What I understand of Swedish history after Viking Age, it really is no brainer that even Central and North Swedes derive most of their ancestry from populations which during Viking Age lived in far southern Sweden or Denmark

We find that within Scandinavia, present-day populations are still structured according to the ancient Viking population groups. The component that we associated as Norwegian-like is present at 45-65% in present-day Norway. Similarly, the ancient Swedish-like ancestry is present at 15-30% within Sweden. Of the four Swedish clusters, one is more related to the ancient Finnish than the Swedish-like ancestry, and a second is more related to Danes and Norwegians. Danish-like ancestry is now high across the whole region.
Our genomic analyses add complex layers of nuance to this simple picture. We largely reconstruct the long-argued movements of Vikings outside Scandinavia: Danish Vikings going to Britain, Norwegian Vikings moving to Ireland, Iceland, and Greenland, and Swedish Vikings sailing east towards the Baltic and beyond. However, we also see evidence of individuals with ancient Swedish and Finnish ancestry in the westernmost fringes of Europe, whilst Danish-like ancestry is also found in the east, defying our modern notions of historical groupings.

09-22-2020, 09:41 AM
What I understand of Swedish history after Viking Age, it really is no brainer that even Central and North Swedes derive most of their ancestry from populations which during Viking Age lived in far southern Sweden or Denmark

Why is it a no-brainer? Why would expect a popuplaiton replacement even when it's Svealand that unified Sweden and conquered the south?

09-22-2020, 09:49 AM
Why is it a no-brainer? Why would expect a popuplaiton replacement even when it's Svealand that unified Sweden and conquered the south?

Rule is not the same thing as population. It is pretty obvious that in long run you are going to see drickle of population shift from the more densely populated south towards north.

09-22-2020, 09:53 AM
The Sigtuna paper showed us a N-L550 guy that plotted with Norwegians. He's the key here to figuring what the general population of eastern Svealand looked like autosomally. I'm sure we'll find more of these men from this paper.

I'm fully aware that the N-L550 and I1 guy in Sigtuna were autosomally Germanic. It was not my point to claim he was autosomally Finnic.

Anyway, this y-dna stuff is kinda besides the point. My point was that Germanic autosomal dna in Finland comes from North and East Scandinavians which are not necessarily direct majority ancestors of modern Swedes living in these areas. At no point was it even my aim to claim that this autosomal dna is mediated via Germanic y-dna, rather it most likely comes via stretching the pussy.

09-22-2020, 10:14 AM
He might actually be partially right, a lot of the Swedish/Norwegian Viking and IA samples(not all, but it either indicates big different population structure across Scandinavian regions or some sort of caste system) have significantly elevated WHG/SHG(similarly to Baltic_BA vs modern Balts) and have rather high distances from modern Swedes/Norwegians despite still being closest to them. Whilist, the Danish IA/Viking samples have much more samples that clustered right ontop modern Scandinavians and didn't have elevated WHG. We actually have a pure Germanic sample from IA Finland, and he clusters with the elevated HG IA/Viking Swedes. Given northern Sweden(as in Uppsala/etc.) Christianized much later than the south and the rest of Scandinavia, I wouldn't be surprised if northern Swedes(or perhaps even all Swedes/Norwegians, although I doubt it) were like these samples before mixing with southern Swedes, Danes, and Slavs/Britons/Finns to a lesser extent.

As far as I know the samples with elevated WHG appear to be the samples which appear to be Finnic.

I'm not aware of elevated WHG Germanic sample from Finland. The EURA sample from Iron Age Southwest Finland was said/rumored to have higher WHG than modern Finns, and it was also said to be genetically similar to some of the Viking Age samples from Sweden, but I always presumed the researchers meant that it was similar to the Finnic looking types from Viking Age Sweden. Anyway the fucktards are still pawning the actual results, so lets see.

09-22-2020, 02:28 PM
Rule is not the same thing as population. It is pretty obvious that in long run you are going to see drickle of population shift from the more densely populated south towards north.
This I agree on this when it comes to the modern era atleast. I've noticed most people who have deep roots in Stockholm(going by Gedcoms) descend from families originally from Småland, Västergötland and Skåne.

I'm fully aware that the N-L550 and I1 guy in Sigtuna were autosomally Germanic. It was not my point to claim he was autosomally Finnic.

Anyway, this y-dna stuff is kinda besides the point. My point was that Germanic autosomal dna in Finland comes from North and East Scandinavians which are not necessarily direct majority ancestors of modern Swedes living in these areas. At no point was it even my aim to claim that this autosomal dna is mediated via Germanic y-dna, rather it most likely comes via stretching the pussy.
If I understand you correctly you're suggesting that the Viking era Swedes of Svealand were autosomally Scandinavian/Germanic but had different subset of Y-DNA in comparison with the moders of the area, with higher I1 and with subclades that are now more commong amongst Finns?
If you are basing this on the ADMIXTURE run in this study then I can't say that it's very convincing. It's like trusting Gedmatch oracle.

09-22-2020, 11:26 PM
Are you talking about the outlier from Levanluhta?
I do not think that the low coverage genomes are to any use at all. Like Davidski showed in his post the difference is huge.
Btw the study did do a qpAdm run on all of the samples.

As we can see Sweden and Denmark IA are pretty much identical in their WHG-EEF-Steppe ratios close to England IA whilst Norway IA has less EEF and very close to the early Anglo-Saxon genomes from England. Trying to replicate this with PCA 25 and nMonte I get this.

Target: Norwegian
Distance: 4.9224% / 0.04922358
50.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.2 TUR_Barcin_N
15.0 WHG

Target: England_Saxon
Distance: 4.6858% / 0.04685801
51.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.6 TUR_Barcin_N
15.4 WHG

Target: England_IA
Distance: 3.8860% / 0.03886000
49.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
36.6 TUR_Barcin_N
13.8 WHG

This is obviously not certain but modern day Norwegians have EEF scores more in line with the early Anglo-Saxons who scored similar to the Norwegian IA samples in their qpAdm run.
Yes, that's the sample I'm talking about.

Look how much extra WHG he has compared to modern Scandinavians(and no he isn't a Balt or something, he completely lacks Finnic or Balto-Slavic specific drift and is pulled only towards HGs on a PCA, not Finns/Balts). All his closest distances are Scandinavians, then Britons, then mainland Germanics.

Target: FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
Distance: 5.2191% / 0.05219087
49.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
29.6 TUR_Barcin_N
20.8 LUX_Loschbour

Target: Swedish
Distance: 4.7736% / 0.04773578
51.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.8 TUR_Barcin_N
15.0 LUX_Loschbour

Target: Norwegian
Distance: 4.9418% / 0.04941826
51.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.8 TUR_Barcin_N
13.6 LUX_Loschbour

Target: Danish
Distance: 5.2174% / 0.05217403
50.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
36.6 TUR_Barcin_N
13.2 LUX_Loschbour

For comparison, that is about as large a difference between modern Swedes and modern Belgians, which is very significant.

Target: Belgian
Distance: 3.7692% / 0.03769181
45.0 TUR_Barcin_N
44.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
10.8 LUX_Loschbour

Looking more into it, even Bronze Age Swedes(from southern Sweden) were already significantly more WHG than Bronze Age Danes.

Target: SWE_BA
Distance: 4.8669% / 0.04866894
48.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.6 TUR_Barcin_N
17.4 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_LN
Distance: 2.9930% / 0.02993000
50.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
32.6 TUR_Barcin_N
17.2 LUX_Loschbour

Target: DNK_LN
Distance: 3.8272% / 0.03827221
53.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.8 TUR_Barcin_N
12.8 LUX_Loschbour

Target: DNK_BA
Distance: 4.5497% / 0.04549733
53.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.2 TUR_Barcin_N
12.8 LUX_Loschbour

If you doubt the Viking samples before they're fully released, we do still have the Sigtuna samples, which are definitely high coverage as Davidski only puts high coverage samples on his spreadsheet(these are only the samples that get modern Scandinavians in the first 3 distances, outliers/foreigners excluded).

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 6.1041% / 0.06104098
55.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
27.0 TUR_Barcin_N
17.6 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg026
Distance: 5.3826% / 0.05382636
52.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
30.6 TUR_Barcin_N
16.6 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
Distance: 5.7750% / 0.05774977
49.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
32.6 TUR_Barcin_N
18.0 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_gtm021
Distance: 5.4550% / 0.05454983
54.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
28.4 TUR_Barcin_N
16.8 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97029
Distance: 3.8220% / 0.03822006
51.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
31.2 TUR_Barcin_N
17.4 LUX_Loschbour

but like I said before, there are also samples who are right on modern Scandinavians, but less of them probably 'cause Sigtuna is in the north, yet their presence still justified by Sigtuna being an important Viking hub:

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm161
Distance: 4.8434% / 0.04843419
56.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
31.2 TUR_Barcin_N
12.8 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97026
Distance: 8.9048% / 0.08904849
54.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
32.6 TUR_Barcin_N
13.4 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_84001
Distance: 4.8309% / 0.04830937
54.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
31.2 TUR_Barcin_N
14.8 LUX_Loschbour

I actually wasn't too convinced before but now I'm pretty sure pre-medieval northern Swedes, perhaps even Swedes/Norwegians overall are going to be a lot different to ancient Danes and modern Scandinavians. Denmark was always far more populated than Sweden(as much as over x2 in 1000 AD, although not sure if this includes Skane or not, but Sweden only surpassed Denmark in population by 1500) nearly all the Germanic tribes during the migration period were from Denmark, not Sweden, Sweden had the Goths/Lombards/Vandals/East Germanic speakers, that's about it, and all of them were from southern Sweden. It's really not at all surprising that modern Swedes would be heavily mixed with them.

Given Finland has a lot more I1 than it does have R1b U106 compared to the ratios Scandinavians have, and I1 is most likely not an Indo-European haplogroup(which would make sense for higher WHG admixture), the theory is pretty solid.

Same thing happened in the Baltics, Lithuania was always the most populated part of the Baltics, and Lithuanians(who extended deep into Belarus back then), Prussians, Galindians, Sudovians seem to have either heavily mixed with, if not completely displaced the Latvian/Estonian Baltic tribes(Slavic female mediated admixture had a role as well given there isn't a lot of Slavic y-dna in the Baltics, perhaps Germanic too). Btw, "BA" is misleading here, as when most people think of BA they think of Corded Ware/Beakers/etc, these Baltic samples are very recent, pretty much from the IA everywhere else(800-200 BC).

Target: Baltic_LVA_BA
Distance: 10.7166% / 0.10716569
59.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
24.0 LUX_Loschbour
16.4 TUR_Barcin_N

Target: Baltic_EST_BA
Distance: 10.8569% / 0.10856879
60.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
23.4 LUX_Loschbour
15.8 TUR_Barcin_N

Target: Latvian
Distance: 8.5695% / 0.08569542
58.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
22.4 TUR_Barcin_N
19.2 LUX_Loschbour

Target: Baltic_LTU_BA
Distance: 8.6651% / 0.08665083
60.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
20.0 TUR_Barcin_N
19.4 LUX_Loschbour

Target: Lithuanian_SZ
Distance: 8.5829% / 0.08582905
57.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
23.8 TUR_Barcin_N
19.2 LUX_Loschbour

Target: Lithuanian_PZ
Distance: 8.6543% / 0.08654256
57.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
23.0 TUR_Barcin_N
19.2 LUX_Loschbour

(bottom 2 are moderns)

As far as I know the samples with elevated WHG appear to be the samples which appear to be Finnic.

I'm not aware of elevated WHG Germanic sample from Finland. The EURA sample from Iron Age Southwest Finland was said/rumored to have higher WHG than modern Finns, and it was also said to be genetically similar to some of the Viking Age samples from Sweden, but I always presumed the researchers meant that it was similar to the Finnic looking types from Viking Age Sweden. Anyway the fucktards are still pawning the actual results, so lets see.
Nope, the samples I was talking about were purely Germanic, you can see the Finnish sample I was talking about on this PCA: https://vahaduo.github.io/g25views/#Europe1, it's pulling towards HGs, not Finns/Balts, ancient or modern, he also had no East Asian. Save for Estonians, Finnics don't have much more WHG than Swedes, but only because of East Asian admixture as they have less farmer.

No Finnic populations even enter the top 10 in distances, Finnish actually comes in 20th.

Distance to: FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
0.04504230 Icelandic
0.04544055 Swedish
0.04696795 Norwegian
0.04951976 Orcadian
0.05064946 Danish
0.05114096 Scottish
0.05125024 Irish
0.05367936 Welsh
0.05371792 English
0.05386352 Dutch

but yes, there are Finnic samples among the Vikings:

Distance to: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg020
0.04591764 Estonian
0.04833053 Ingrian
0.04927441 Finnish
0.04963272 Russian_Tver
0.05225065 Lithuanian_PA

Distance to: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_KAL006
0.02977196 Estonian
0.03176273 Ingrian
0.03569277 Karelian
0.03638830 Finnish
0.03796297 Latvian

Distance to: Viking:VK214
0.09311783 Estonian
0.09348571 Finnish
0.09445120 Lithuanian_PZ
0.09650139 Latvian
0.09820974 Lithuanian_VZ

Distance to: Viking:VK21
0.08005460 Finnish_East
0.08020740 Ingrian
0.08024081 Estonian
0.08064466 Karelian
0.08102633 Finnish

Distance to: Viking:VK18
0.05472400 Estonian
0.05767655 Finnish
0.06151591 Ingrian
0.06370297 Latvian
0.06396245 Finnish_East

Distance to: Viking:VK17
0.06325457 Estonian
0.06944245 Latvian
0.07071981 Lithuanian_PZ
0.07127530 Lithuanian_SZ
0.07311073 Lithuanian_VZ

The majority of those are from Ladoga though, not Scandinavia(last one's probably a Balt too). Looks like the Ladoga region was a lot different back then too compared to today and more like modern Estonians, before being blacked by Slavs and Saami/Nenets. Makes me wonder how much of the East Asian in Finns is actually from Finnic speakers rather than Samic speakers.

Target: Viking:VK214
Distance: 9.3687% / 0.09368712
61.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
24.2 LUX_Loschbour
14.8 TUR_Barcin_N

Target: Viking:VK21
Distance: 10.3791% / 0.10379101
57.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
21.8 LUX_Loschbour
17.6 TUR_Barcin_N
2.8 Nganassan

Target: Viking:VK18
Distance: 8.7546% / 0.08754642
60.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
20.2 TUR_Barcin_N
18.6 LUX_Loschbour
1.2 Nganassan

Target: Viking:VK17
Distance: 10.5651% / 0.10565085
59.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
21.2 LUX_Loschbour
19.8 TUR_Barcin_N

Target: Vepsian
Distance: 6.8895% / 0.06889477
54.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
21.0 TUR_Barcin_N
16.8 LUX_Loschbour
7.8 Nganassan

Target: Karelian
Distance: 6.4443% / 0.06444276
55.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
20.4 TUR_Barcin_N
17.6 LUX_Loschbour
7.0 Nganassan

Target: Ingrian
Distance: 6.1698% / 0.06169808
55.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
22.8 TUR_Barcin_N
16.8 LUX_Loschbour
4.6 Nganassan

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 6.4575% / 0.06457486
55.2 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
19.8 TUR_Barcin_N
17.8 LUX_Loschbour
7.2 Nganassan

Target: Finnish
Distance: 6.0836% / 0.06083567
55.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
23.4 TUR_Barcin_N
17.0 LUX_Loschbour
4.6 Nganassan

I'd really love to know how these HG rich populations as young as 1000 AD looked like. There's actually one sole modern that plots like the WHG rich Germanics(and a couple of Latvians that still plot close to Baltic_BA), and he's from Iceland. Must be from a really inbred family of hermits in the middle of the interior or something.

09-23-2020, 01:08 AM
Yes, that's the sample I'm talking about.

Look how much extra WHG he has compared to modern Scandinavians(and no he isn't a Balt or something, he completely lacks Finnic or Balto-Slavic specific drift and is pulled only towards HGs on a PCA, not Finns/Balts). All his closest distances are Scandinavians, then Britons, then mainland Germanics.
Well first of all it's a she, a female sample buried within the context of early Saamis in south-central Finland from the late Antiquity/early Middle Ages. Safe to say I'm not gonna make any conclusions based on this sample and whether she is representive of the Germanic population of Sweden at the time. For all we know she could have gotten her high WHG by mixing with the pre-Uralics of Finland.

Looking more into it, even Bronze Age Swedes(from southern Sweden) were already significantly more WHG than Bronze Age Danes.

You modelled only one out of the four genomes we have from Bronze Age Sweden. Here are the rest.

Target: SWE_Ollsjo_BA:oll010
Distance: 4.8945% / 0.04894521
50.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.6 TUR_Barcin_N
14.8 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Ollsjo_BA:oll009
Distance: 5.2985% / 0.05298484
49.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.8 TUR_Barcin_N
16.6 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Ollsjo_BA:oll007
Distance: 3.3408% / 0.03340763
49.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
36.8 TUR_Barcin_N
13.4 LUX_Loschbour

Their WHG scores are well within the modern variation, not higher or lower.

If you doubt the Viking samples before they're fully released, we do still have the Sigtuna samples, which are definitely high coverage as Davidski only puts high coverage samples on his spreadsheet(these are only the samples that get modern Scandinavians in the first 3 distances, outliers/foreigners excluded).

I don't get this logic, just cause they get Scandinavians in their top three distances, no matter the distance then they are fully Scandinavian? Your run is lacking samples to fully cover their ancestry.
A more recent run shows these samples to be significantly shifted towards the Eastern Baltic. Whether they were natives or not is up for discussion but I suspect the population of coastal Svealand at the time was similar to vik_84001 who already has a small Baltic_BA shift.
Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97029
Distance: 3.6343% / 0.03634314
69.2 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
22.2 Baltic_EST_IA
8.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_gtm021
Distance: 2.7442% / 0.02744166
63.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
34.0 Baltic_EST_IA
3.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
Distance: 4.3187% / 0.04318730
91.6 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
4.6 Baltic_EST_IA
3.8 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg026
Distance: 2.0971% / 0.02097088
59.4 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
25.2 Baltic_EST_IA
15.4 HUN_Avar_Szolad

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 4.1868% / 0.04186757
73.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
27.0 Baltic_EST_IA

I actually wasn't too convinced before but now I'm pretty sure pre-medieval northern Swedes, perhaps even Swedes/Norwegians overall are going to be a lot different to ancient Danes and modern Scandinavians. Denmark was always far more populated than Sweden(as much as over x2 in 1000 AD, although not sure if this includes Skane or not, but Sweden only surpassed Denmark in population by 1500) nearly all the Germanic tribes during the migration period were from Denmark, not Sweden, Sweden had the Goths/Lombards/Vandals/East Germanic speakers, that's about it, and all of them were from southern Sweden. It's really not at all surprising that modern Swedes would be heavily mixed with them.

Given Finland has a lot more I1 than it does have R1b U106 compared to the ratios Scandinavians have, and I1 is most likely not an Indo-European haplogroup(which would make sense for higher WHG admixture), the theory is pretty solid.

Same thing happened in the Baltics, Lithuania was always the most populated part of the Baltics, and Lithuanians(who extended deep into Belarus back then), Prussians, Galindians, Sudovians seem to have either heavily mixed with, if not completely displaced the Latvian/Estonian Baltic tribes(Slavic female mediated admixture had a role as well given there isn't a lot of Slavic y-dna in the Baltics, perhaps Germanic too). Btw, "BA" is misleading here, as when most people think of BA they think of Corded Ware/Beakers/etc, these Baltic samples are very recent, pretty much from the IA everywhere else(800-200 BC).
Interesting theory, it's not supported by the current sampling though. As I just showed in my latest post, Iron Age Sweden had basically the exact same ratio of WHG-EEF-Steppe as Iron Age Denmark. Nevermind that this would be impossible from a linguistic view point. There's no logic in overly thinking the ratio of the modern Finnish haplogroups. The Finnish population is so heavily bottlenecked and descends from such a small population it has little value in our discussion. What matters is that we find R-U106 and R-Z284 in Finland today albeit in small doses but importantly enough under subclades that date to earlier than the Viking era.

09-23-2020, 06:51 AM
Well first of all it's a she, a female sample buried within the context of early Saamis in south-central Finland from the late Antiquity/early Middle Ages. Safe to say I'm not gonna make any conclusions based on this sample and whether she is representive of the Germanic population of Sweden at the time. For all we know she could have gotten her high WHG by mixing with the pre-Uralics of Finland.

You modelled only one out of the four genomes we have from Bronze Age Sweden. Here are the rest.

Target: SWE_Ollsjo_BA:oll010
Distance: 4.8945% / 0.04894521
50.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.6 TUR_Barcin_N
14.8 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Ollsjo_BA:oll009
Distance: 5.2985% / 0.05298484
49.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.8 TUR_Barcin_N
16.6 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Ollsjo_BA:oll007
Distance: 3.3408% / 0.03340763
49.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
36.8 TUR_Barcin_N
13.4 LUX_Loschbour

Their WHG scores are well within the modern variation, not higher or lower.

I don't get this logic, just cause they get Scandinavians in their top three distances, no matter the distance then they are fully Scandinavian? Your run is lacking samples to fully cover their ancestry.
A more recent run shows these samples to be significantly shifted towards the Eastern Baltic. Whether they were natives or not is up for discussion but I suspect the population of coastal Svealand at the time was similar to vik_84001 who already has a small Baltic_BA shift.
Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97029
Distance: 3.6343% / 0.03634314
69.2 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
22.2 Baltic_EST_IA
8.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_gtm021
Distance: 2.7442% / 0.02744166
63.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
34.0 Baltic_EST_IA
3.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
Distance: 4.3187% / 0.04318730
91.6 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
4.6 Baltic_EST_IA
3.8 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg026
Distance: 2.0971% / 0.02097088
59.4 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
25.2 Baltic_EST_IA
15.4 HUN_Avar_Szolad

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 4.1868% / 0.04186757
73.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
27.0 Baltic_EST_IA

Interesting theory, it's not supported by the current sampling though. As I just showed in my latest post, Iron Age Sweden had basically the exact same ratio of WHG-EEF-Steppe as Iron Age Denmark. Nevermind that this would be impossible from a linguistic view point. There's no logic in overly thinking the ratio of the modern Finnish haplogroups. The Finnish population is so heavily bottlenecked and descends from such a small population it has little value in our discussion. What matters is that we find R-U106 and R-Z284 in Finland today albeit in small doses but importantly enough under subclades that date to earlier than the Viking era.
There is no chance FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o has anything to do with anywhere east of Sweden. Even if she is an actual native of southern Finland or mixed with the natives of Finland, that would only mean the Nordic_BA and proto-Germanic used to stretch into Finland before being conquered by Balts and later Finnic speakers. This sample is about as Germanic as you can get, and is far closer to Irish than any east Baltic populations.

Put in her coords in the Northern Europe PCA which is better for more recent specific drift, she is right above modern Norwegians, and is shifted north, not east, you can not draw a straight line from modern Scandinavians to either EST_BA or EST_IA and intersect Levhanluhta_o. What you can do is draw a straight line from modern Scandinavians and Motala_HG, and you do intersect her.

FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o,0.135449,0.121864,0.083344,0.0 72352,0.047393,0.019522,-0.0094,0.005077,0.011453,0.001276,0.001137,0.00254 8,-0.011001,-0.013625,0.034609,0.0118,-0.004563,0.001647,0.012067,0.019384,0.000374,-0.001237,-0.004683,-0.002048,0.005389 Baltic_EST_BA,0.1321485,0.1213556,0.0992205,0.1116 62,0.051671,0.040746,0.0158398,0.0204684,-0.0029042,-0.050607,0.0009094,-0.0182389,0.0359462,0.0400344,-0.0180239,0.0018297,0.0103654,-0.000684,-0.0013952,0.0046272,-0.0024957,-0.0062692,0.0106487,-0.017388,0.002359 Baltic_EST_IA,0.12881,0.1064613,0.093903,0.0930778 ,0.0434952,0.0322583,0.0097137,0.0131533,0.0019773 ,-0.036356,0.0054128,-0.0121143,0.0222,0.0148862,-0.0057682,0.0081983,0.010474,-0.0006547,0.003289,0.011193,0.0060727,-0.00237,0.0028553,-0.0118087,-0.0021555
SWE_Motala_HG,0.13249,0.0895696,0.1651034,0.187341 ,0.0864774,0.0551646,-0.00235,0.008538,0.0376324,-0.0389258,0.0016562,-0.0187034,0.0310404,-0.0173406,0.0315686,0.049297,0.005763,0.0024324,-0.006335,0.039744,0.0507604,0.014418,-0.022086,-0.0977008,0.0070412


Getting top 3 Scandinavian distances may not mean everything, but when you don't get any Balts or Finnic people until #20, it clearly means something. This is a pure descendant of Bell Beaker/Scandinavian Battle Axe and local Hunter Gatherers, nothing more.

Also shows in models:

SWE_Ollsjo_BA,0.126723,0.1326957,0.0644873,0.05534 07,0.0361093,0.0168263,0.0054833,0.006461,0.004295 ,-0.000729,-0.0011367,0.0083927,-0.009861,-0.010918,0.0185937,0.0076017,-0.0005213,0.0041807,0.000377,0.0137567,0.0103983,-0.000165,-0.0024237,0.006547,0.0026743
SWE_PWC_NHG,0.121791,0.119832,0.129352,0.135338,0. 075399,0.03765,-0.00282,0.019153,0.039269,-0.009476,-0.010068,-0.009591,0.01115,-0.016377,0.016015,0.027579,-0.005476,0.005194,-0.004777,0.034391,0.05665,0.013725,-0.022924,-0.085072,0.000599
SWE_Megalithic_Ansarve,0.1246362,0.164008,0.060622 2,-0.015504,0.0840927,-0.0133865,-0.0008225,0.0056538,0.053074,0.0665615,0.000203,0. 0037465,-0.0118188,-0.004851,-0.0110275,0.0128948,0.009583,0.0020902,0.0068508,0 .0014382,0.0093585,0.0043278,-0.0118932,-0.0315408,0.0021852
SWE_Meso,0.1331727,0.0937673,0.1669387,0.1871257,0 .084426,0.0605193,0.00329,0.012384,0.0395413,-0.043433,-0.0018403,-0.0187833,0.0286917,-0.0156893,0.0352873,0.039998,-0.0018253,0.001436,-0.0061593,0.0451467,0.0465843,0.017064,-0.020911,-0.0959977,0.00467
SWE_Motala_HG,0.13249,0.0895696,0.1651034,0.187341 ,0.0864774,0.0551646,-0.00235,0.008538,0.0376324,-0.0389258,0.0016562,-0.0187034,0.0310404,-0.0173406,0.0315686,0.049297,0.005763,0.0024324,-0.006335,0.039744,0.0507604,0.014418,-0.022086,-0.0977008,0.0070412
SWE_TRB,0.128051,0.1627387,0.0550598,-0.0251132,0.0831692,-0.0226598,-0.0006462,0.0076152,0.0556302,0.0712088,0.001908,0 .010528,-0.0203295,-0.007122,-0.0109255,0.0139218,0.018971,0.0011717,0.0046825,0 .0010945,0.0126653,0.0050078,-0.0153442,-0.0260578,-0.005718
Baltic_EST_IA,0.12881,0.1064613,0.093903,0.0930778 ,0.0434952,0.0322583,0.0097137,0.0131533,0.0019773 ,-0.036356,0.0054128,-0.0121143,0.0222,0.0148862,-0.0057682,0.0081983,0.010474,-0.0006547,0.003289,0.011193,0.0060727,-0.00237,0.0028553,-0.0118087,-0.0021555
SWE_BA,0.119514,0.142174,0.073916,0.062016,0.03108 3,0.011156,0.012691,0.015692,0.011658,-0.003645,-0.001624,-0.006744,-0.007879,-0.009634,0.014794,0.024794,0.018775,-0.006334,-0.01081,-0.00075,-0.001497,0.002844,0.006532,-0.011568,0.000359
SWE_LN,0.1195145,0.128972,0.065619,0.065246,0.0389 3,0.0146415,0.007168,0.0076155,0.0030675,-0.0020045,0.0002435,0.00577,-0.006169,-0.012799,0.0206975,0.0196895,0.011213,0.0008235,0. 009553,0.0093795,0.0094205,0.0076045,-0.000801,-0.00488,-0.002335

Target: FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
Distance: 3.3410% / 0.03340982
85.4 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
12.6 SWE_Meso
1.6 SWE_Megalithic_Ansarve
0.4 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Now, 3 of 5 Viking samples we both modeled earlier do show this Baltic_IA signal, and based on PCA they actually do seem to have this Balto-Slavic drift, so I concede your point on that.

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 4.0828% / 0.04082848
77.4 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
17.0 Baltic_EST_IA
5.6 SWE_Meso

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg026
Distance: 2.1790% / 0.02178983
62.8 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
36.0 Baltic_EST_IA
1.0 SWE_Megalithic_Ansarve

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
Distance: 4.1578% / 0.04157761
68.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
23.2 SWE_LN
3.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
3.4 SWE_Meso
1.8 SWE_Megalithic_Ansarve

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_gtm021
Distance: 2.7442% / 0.02744166
63.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
34.0 Baltic_EST_IA
3.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97029
Distance: 3.1331% / 0.03133094
53.8 SWE_LN
18.8 Baltic_EST_IA
10.2 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
10.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

(just on a quick note it's better to use EST_BA because EST_IA already clustered around modern Finns, who have significant Germanic, and EST_IA also does, while BA doesn't)

Target: Baltic_EST_IA
Distance: 2.4175% / 0.02417523
65.4 Baltic_EST_BA
31.8 FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
2.8 SWE_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 3.9969% / 0.03996923
80.8 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
13.8 Baltic_EST_BA
5.4 SWE_Meso

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg026
Distance: 1.9591% / 0.01959142
67.2 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
25.8 Baltic_EST_BA
5.8 SWE_LN
0.2 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
Distance: 4.1578% / 0.04157761
68.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
23.2 SWE_LN
3.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
3.4 SWE_Meso
1.8 SWE_Megalithic_Ansarve

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_gtm021
Distance: 2.5942% / 0.02594234
70.8 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
22.6 Baltic_EST_BA
6.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97029
Distance: 3.1789% / 0.03178903
57.6 SWE_LN
12.6 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
12.2 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
9.4 Baltic_EST_BA
1.0 SWE_Motala_HG

However, 2 of them do not have this signal, and while the Baltic signal isn't fake, the Finnic/Saami signal is definitely fake and is likely picking it for pre-Finnic/Samic southern Finnish populations, because none of these samples have actual East Asian admixture(outside one with noise levels), while Levanluhta is identical to Finnish Saami and has 24% East Asian admixture.

Target: FIN_Levanluhta_IA
Distance: 4.4956% / 0.04495595
31.2 RUS_Karelia_HG
24.4 Nganassan
20.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
17.8 TUR_Barcin_N
6.0 LUX_Loschbour

Target: FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
Distance: 5.1060% / 0.05106025
39.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
32.2 TUR_Barcin_N
18.4 LUX_Loschbour
9.6 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_97029
Distance: 3.5646% / 0.03564585
39.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
34.2 TUR_Barcin_N
14.6 LUX_Loschbour
11.0 RUS_Karelia_HG
0.4 Nganassan

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_gtm021
Distance: 5.3637% / 0.05363696
45.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
30.8 TUR_Barcin_N
14.4 LUX_Loschbour
9.2 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
Distance: 5.7750% / 0.05774977
49.4 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
32.6 TUR_Barcin_N
18.0 LUX_Loschbour

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_stg026
Distance: 5.2931% / 0.05293141
44.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
33.0 TUR_Barcin_N
14.4 LUX_Loschbour
8.6 RUS_Karelia_HG

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 6.0932% / 0.06093242
52.0 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
28.0 TUR_Barcin_N
16.6 LUX_Loschbour
3.4 RUS_Karelia_HG

Btw, Ollsjo is in the southern far tip of Skane. I'm obviously not arguing Danes completely replaced Swedes lol, neither did Harkonnen, a lot of the admixture is probably from southern Swedes(and Britons/Slavs who would also lower the WHG), the main point I'm arguing for is northern Swedes, Svears, maybe deep inland Swedes, up to the Viking era or atleast pre-Viking migration era, and these Germanics or proto-Germanics who migrated to Finland, were very different from Danes and southern Swedes, and MAYBE this also applied to all(or most) Swedes/Norwegians. IA_Swedes do have slightly higher WHG than Danes, sure the difference isn't too big(hard to tell tbh on the charts), but where in Sweden are the samples from? The only Sweden_IA sample on Davidski's spreadsheet, RISE 174, is from southern Sweden, and he's on the lower end of WHG admixture(13.2%), which also by the way indicates southern admixture as he did have the Baltic_BA/IA signal despite having low WHG. That Norway IA has so much WHG in those charts supports this theory tbh. I mean, you even just condeded a lot of modern Stockholmers seem to come from the south, whether or not it happened in modern times or way earlier. I'm not sure where our disagreement is here at this point other than where this extra WHG admixture is from.

Given this Baltic signal is present in SWE_IA as well, you are probably right that some or most could've been shifted that way, rather than via late local HG or HG rich survivals, however given the samples have no East Asian admixture the Baltic shift doesn't come from the Viking era or whatever, it could even come from the Nordic Bronze Age, given archeologists often place parts of Estonia/southern Finland as part of the Nordic BA, which again, would support that northern Swedes were different from the rest. Then again, the Finn outlier and 2 of the Sigtuna Vikings have no Baltic shift or Balto-Slavic/Finnic specific drift despite having elevated WHG, so we might still be talking local HG admixture pre-Viking or migration period era. Both scenarios could be true, with southern Scandinavians already shifting the northerners south before the Viking period, but perhaps after Germanics already moved into Finland.

Either way, interesting discussion. I really think I'm right here tho.

09-23-2020, 11:23 AM
I don't think FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o was very representative for Scandinavians, seems to be atypical even for the oldest samples.
Edit: there are other Viking samples that plot close to FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o.


09-23-2020, 12:25 PM
There is no chance FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o has anything to do with anywhere east of Sweden. Even if she is an actual native of southern Finland or mixed with the natives of Finland, that would only mean the Nordic_BA and proto-Germanic used to stretch into Finland before being conquered by Balts and later Finnic speakers. This sample is about as Germanic as you can get, and is far closer to Irish than any east Baltic populations.

Put in her coords in the Northern Europe PCA which is better for more recent specific drift, she is right above modern Norwegians, and is shifted north, not east, you can not draw a straight line from modern Scandinavians to either EST_BA or EST_IA and intersect Levhanluhta_o. What you can do is draw a straight line from modern Scandinavians and Motala_HG, and you do intersect her.


Getting top 3 Scandinavian distances may not mean everything, but when you don't get any Balts or Finnic people until #20, it clearly means something. This is a pure descendant of Bell Beaker/Scandinavian Battle Axe and local Hunter Gatherers, nothing more.

Also shows in models:

SWE_Ollsjo_BA,0.126723,0.1326957,0.0644873,0.05534 07,0.0361093,0.0168263,0.0054833,0.006461,0.004295 ,-0.000729,-0.0011367,0.0083927,-0.009861,-0.010918,0.0185937,0.0076017,-0.0005213,0.0041807,0.000377,0.0137567,0.0103983,-0.000165,-0.0024237,0.006547,0.0026743
SWE_PWC_NHG,0.121791,0.119832,0.129352,0.135338,0. 075399,0.03765,-0.00282,0.019153,0.039269,-0.009476,-0.010068,-0.009591,0.01115,-0.016377,0.016015,0.027579,-0.005476,0.005194,-0.004777,0.034391,0.05665,0.013725,-0.022924,-0.085072,0.000599
SWE_Megalithic_Ansarve,0.1246362,0.164008,0.060622 2,-0.015504,0.0840927,-0.0133865,-0.0008225,0.0056538,0.053074,0.0665615,0.000203,0. 0037465,-0.0118188,-0.004851,-0.0110275,0.0128948,0.009583,0.0020902,0.0068508,0 .0014382,0.0093585,0.0043278,-0.0118932,-0.0315408,0.0021852
SWE_Meso,0.1331727,0.0937673,0.1669387,0.1871257,0 .084426,0.0605193,0.00329,0.012384,0.0395413,-0.043433,-0.0018403,-0.0187833,0.0286917,-0.0156893,0.0352873,0.039998,-0.0018253,0.001436,-0.0061593,0.0451467,0.0465843,0.017064,-0.020911,-0.0959977,0.00467
SWE_Motala_HG,0.13249,0.0895696,0.1651034,0.187341 ,0.0864774,0.0551646,-0.00235,0.008538,0.0376324,-0.0389258,0.0016562,-0.0187034,0.0310404,-0.0173406,0.0315686,0.049297,0.005763,0.0024324,-0.006335,0.039744,0.0507604,0.014418,-0.022086,-0.0977008,0.0070412
SWE_TRB,0.128051,0.1627387,0.0550598,-0.0251132,0.0831692,-0.0226598,-0.0006462,0.0076152,0.0556302,0.0712088,0.001908,0 .010528,-0.0203295,-0.007122,-0.0109255,0.0139218,0.018971,0.0011717,0.0046825,0 .0010945,0.0126653,0.0050078,-0.0153442,-0.0260578,-0.005718
Baltic_EST_IA,0.12881,0.1064613,0.093903,0.0930778 ,0.0434952,0.0322583,0.0097137,0.0131533,0.0019773 ,-0.036356,0.0054128,-0.0121143,0.0222,0.0148862,-0.0057682,0.0081983,0.010474,-0.0006547,0.003289,0.011193,0.0060727,-0.00237,0.0028553,-0.0118087,-0.0021555
SWE_BA,0.119514,0.142174,0.073916,0.062016,0.03108 3,0.011156,0.012691,0.015692,0.011658,-0.003645,-0.001624,-0.006744,-0.007879,-0.009634,0.014794,0.024794,0.018775,-0.006334,-0.01081,-0.00075,-0.001497,0.002844,0.006532,-0.011568,0.000359
SWE_LN,0.1195145,0.128972,0.065619,0.065246,0.0389 3,0.0146415,0.007168,0.0076155,0.0030675,-0.0020045,0.0002435,0.00577,-0.006169,-0.012799,0.0206975,0.0196895,0.011213,0.0008235,0. 009553,0.0093795,0.0094205,0.0076045,-0.000801,-0.00488,-0.002335

I don't know why you bothered with all this, it's obvious she does not harbour any ancestry from the Baltic. She is a low coverage genome belonging to a very Western Specific mtdna (https://www.familytreedna.com/public/mt-dna-haplotree/K;name=K1a4a1b). It's obvious she's a remnant of the Nordic Bronze, but also a local of Finland according to the study. What is also obvious to me is that she derives a large part of her ancestry from the natives of Finland who most likely had elevated HG-input like Estonia_BA but ofcourse without the Balto-Slavic drift.

Now, 3 of 5 Viking samples we both modeled earlier do show this Baltic_IA signal, and based on PCA they actually do seem to have this Balto-Slavic drift, so I concede your point on that.

(just on a quick note it's better to use EST_BA because EST_IA already clustered around modern Finns, who have significant Germanic, and EST_IA also does, while BA doesn't)

However, 2 of them do not have this signal, and while the Baltic signal isn't fake, the Finnic/Saami signal is definitely fake and is likely picking it for pre-Finnic/Samic southern Finnish populations, because none of these samples have actual East Asian admixture(outside one with noise levels), while Levanluhta is identical to Finnish Saami and has 24% East Asian admixture.

There's no reaason why we shouldn't use Estonia_IA, its more recent in time to the Viking era and we have confirmed historical records of Swedish Vikings heading to what is modern day Estonia, not Latvia or Lithuania.
Kls001 looks indeed native and within the modern variation. grt045 on the other hand seems mixed.

Target: SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_urm045
Distance: 4.0330% / 0.04032978
78.0 SWE_Ollsjo_BA
15.8 Baltic_EST_BA
0.2 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Now one of the cool things with PCA 25 is you can calculate Balto-Slavic admixture pretty easy since they are so drifted. If this sample was just a local with elevated HG input he would be modelled as Sweden_BA + Pitted Ware but no, instead he prefers the extreme Balto-Slavic drifted Estonia_BA. In fact he has so low Barcin it makes me wonder if he's not a remnant of the pre-Uralics of Finland.

Btw, Ollsjo is in the southern far tip of Skane. I'm obviously not arguing Danes completely replaced Swedes lol, neither did Harkonnen, a lot of the admixture is probably from southern Swedes(and Britons/Slavs who would also lower the WHG), the main point I'm arguing for is northern Swedes, Svears, maybe deep inland Swedes, up to the Viking era or atleast pre-Viking migration era, and these Germanics or proto-Germanics who migrated to Finland, were very different from Danes and southern Swedes, and MAYBE this also applied to all(or most) Swedes/Norwegians. IA_Swedes do have slightly higher WHG than Danes, sure the difference isn't too big(hard to tell tbh on the charts), but where in Sweden are the samples from? The only Sweden_IA sample on Davidski's spreadsheet, RISE 174, is from southern Sweden, and he's on the lower end of WHG admixture(13.2%), which also by the way indicates southern admixture as he did have the Baltic_BA/IA signal despite having low WHG. That Norway IA has so much WHG in those charts supports this theory tbh. I mean, you even just condeded a lot of modern Stockholmers seem to come from the south, whether or not it happened in modern times or way earlier. I'm not sure where our disagreement is here at this point other than where this extra WHG admixture is from.
You do not have any hard evidence for this though. Whilst I clearly showed from the qpAdm run of the original study that Iron Age Sweden(from Öland which is East Coast) and Iron Age Denmark were pretty much identical. There's no way around it.
I replicated the runs on nMonte and compared with England_IA and the Anglo-Saxon genomes as they score very similar WHG in the qpAdm run. We are probably gonna get the same results once these genomes are available in Davids spreadsheet.

And btw I'll post this soon but I'll show you modern Finns prefer a more southern Germanic source rather than Levanluhta_BA which contradicts all of what you're saying.

Given this Baltic signal is present in SWE_IA as well, you are probably right that some or most could've been shifted that way, rather than via late local HG or HG rich survivals, however given the samples have no East Asian admixture the Baltic shift doesn't come from the Viking era or whatever, it could even come from the Nordic Bronze Age, given archeologists often place parts of Estonia/southern Finland as part of the Nordic BA, which again, would support that northern Swedes were different from the rest. Then again, the Finn outlier and 2 of the Sigtuna Vikings have no Baltic shift or Balto-Slavic/Finnic specific drift despite having elevated WHG, so we might still be talking local HG admixture pre-Viking or migration period era. Both scenarios could be true, with southern Scandinavians already shifting the northerners south before the Viking period, but perhaps after Germanics already moved into Finland.

I don't know why the sample from Lilla Beddinge is labled Iron Age, some people on Anthrogenica are certain it's from the Bronze Age, I'll contact David.
But then again if the sample shows Baltic_BA admixture then it's Balto-Slavic drifted as opposed to scoring just elevated local HG.

09-23-2020, 01:58 PM
K13 similarity maps for some of the Viking samples:


09-23-2020, 02:42 PM
Btw, Ollsjo is in the southern far tip of Skane.
The 2 Swedish LN samples are also from Skane despite their elevated WHG. Actually we have so many samples from Skane, I wonder if in a way they fit better as being "Danish" considering that Skane was even during the Nordic Bronze Age more affiliated with Denmark:


09-23-2020, 02:50 PM
I don't know why you bothered with all this, it's obvious she does not harbour any ancestry from the Baltic. She is a low coverage genome belonging to a very Western Specific mtdna (https://www.familytreedna.com/public/mt-dna-haplotree/K;name=K1a4a1b). It's obvious she's a remnant of the Nordic Bronze, but also a local of Finland according to the study. What is also obvious to me is that she derives a large part of her ancestry from the natives of Finland who most likely had elevated HG-input like Estonia_BA but ofcourse without the Balto-Slavic drift.
While this makes sense, wouldn't it also be plausible that the natives of Northern Scandinavia before the Uralic/Bolshoy Ostrov onslaught had also left more of an imprint on the margins? At this point in time with the evidence we have, what do you think people in the "Artic Zone" of the map I posted above looked like?

There's no reaason why we shouldn't use Estonia_IA, its more recent in time to the Viking era and we have confirmed historical records of Swedish Vikings heading to what is modern day Estonia, not Latvia or Lithuania.
Also N1c had to have come somehow to Scandinavia between 1000 BCE to 800 CE to be assimilated and I think it's evident that the Malor-Akozino axes event that coincided with the coming of N1c and East Asian admixture to the Baltic region also trickled some of that N1c over to Sweden, with its center being Svealand archaeologically:


(Page 153)

09-23-2020, 03:12 PM
The majority of those are from Ladoga though, not Scandinavia(last one's probably a Balt too). Looks like the Ladoga region was a lot different back then too compared to today and more like modern Estonians, before being blacked by Slavs and Saami/Nenets. Makes me wonder how much of the East Asian in Finns is actually from Finnic speakers rather than Samic speakers.

I think this is actually pretty obvious considering what we know of Estonians and Finns, most of their East Eurasian in G25 is Samic, although maybe G25 is missing a chunk of the Estonian East Eurasian:


Edit: I should have used Baltic_Est_IA instead of the high/late medieval samples but it only depresses Germanic admixture by 5% and increases Samic admixture by 5%, otherwise results are the same. Also further Balto-Slavic admixture is ignored, I gain weird results with the samples I tried using.

09-23-2020, 03:33 PM
While this makes sense, wouldn't it also be plausible that the natives of Northern Scandinavia before the Uralic/Bolshoy Ostrov onslaught had also left more of an imprint on the margins? At this point in time with the evidence we have, what do you think people in the "Artic Zone" of the map I posted above looked like?
As far as I know, Northern Scandinavia was extremely sparsely populated. Lets not forget Proto-Saamis started off in South-Central Finland and only reached Northern Fenno-Skandia during the Middle Ages, so their ethnogenesis happend much further south. Yes, we have some Battle Axe remains from Northern Sweden and Northern Norway but IMO these people must've perished or wandered down south. I don't think it really matters that much what they looked like autosomally, but I suspect remnants of the Battle Axe people who further mixed with sporadic movements from the Nordic Bronze Age.

Also N1c had to have come somehow to Scandinavia between 1000 BCE to 800 CE to be assimilated and I think it's evident that the Malor-Akozino axes event that coincided with the coming of N1c and East Asian admixture to the Baltic region also trickled some of that N1c over to Sweden, with its center being Svealand archaeologically:


(Page 153)
Definitely, like I mentioned earlier the N-L550 man looks like he sailed directly to Sweden once reaching the Eastern Baltic coast during the Iron Age. But that's the only branch of N-TAT that arrived in Scandinavia pre-Viking era.

09-23-2020, 03:52 PM
Lets figure out what the best proxy for the Germanic part of modern day Finns is.

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 1.8987% / 0.01898699
53.6 Baltic_EST_IA
25.4 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
21.0 DEU_MA

Target: Finnish
Distance: 1.7335% / 0.01733505
47.2 Baltic_EST_IA
36.4 DEU_MA
16.4 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Great fits with DEU_MA, the average is most similar to Northern Germans/Dutch.

Target: Finnish
Distance: 2.3563% / 0.02356330
53.0 Baltic_EST_IA
31.8 SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
15.2 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 2.0640% / 0.02063992
56.4 Baltic_EST_IA
24.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
19.0 SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001

With the HG-rich Viking era kls001 the fit worsens significantly.

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 2.2881% / 0.02288104
58.2 Baltic_EST_IA
25.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
16.8 FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o

Target: Finnish
Distance: 2.6645% / 0.02664494
53.0 Baltic_EST_IA
31.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
16.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

And even more so with the Levänluhta outlier despite being from the right time and the right place.

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 1.9022% / 0.01902207
53.8 Baltic_EST_IA
25.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
21.2 Norwegian

Target: Finnish
Distance: 1.7610% / 0.01760959
47.6 Baltic_EST_IA
36.4 Norwegian
16.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

With modern Norwegians the fit is as good as with DEU_MA.

So the HG-rich natives of Eastern Svealand(as proposed by some here) were not ancetral to modern Finns either. Maybe there was a Danish migration to Finland aswell?

09-24-2020, 06:06 AM
Definitely, like I mentioned earlier the N-L550 man looks like he sailed directly to Sweden once reaching the Eastern Baltic coast during the Iron Age. But that's the only branch of N-TAT that arrived in Scandinavia pre-Viking era.
How prevalent is the pre-viking N lineages within all N lineages in Sweden? For example I think we confimred the N1C in Rurikids is Scandinavia, is that also N-L550?

09-24-2020, 12:19 PM
How prevalent is the pre-viking N lineages within all N lineages in Sweden? For example I think we confimred the N1C in Rurikids is Scandinavia, is that also N-L550?

Of the Swedes on Y-full, there are a total of 86 samples on the N page from Sweden. 43 of them belong to N-L550, so half of it seems to be predating the Viking age.

09-24-2020, 01:31 PM
Of the Swedes on Y-full, there are a total of 86 samples on the N page from Sweden. 43 of them belong to N-L550, so half of it seems to be predating the Viking age.
That's actually a lot of pre-Viking lineages considering early modern Forest Finn migration, North Swedes admixed with Saamis and also modern Finnish migration to Sweden.

In any case are you sure N-L550 is the only pre-Viking lineage? Just trying to be sure, I don't know myself.

09-24-2020, 02:03 PM
That's actually a lot of pre-Viking lineages considering early modern Forest Finn migration, North Swedes admixed with Saamis and also modern Finnish migration to Sweden.

In any case are you sure N-L550 is the only pre-Viking lineage? Just trying to be sure, I don't know myself.

Well of those three groups descendants of Finnish migrants post 1945 are by far the most numerous and I don't think they would put Sweden as their country of origin in ftdna, yfull etc.

Well we can't be sure, but looking at the phylogeny of N-TAT only N-L550 stands out.

09-24-2020, 02:41 PM
Well of those three groups descendants of Finnish migrants post 1945 are by far the most numerous and I don't think they would put Sweden as their country of origin in ftdna, yfull etc.

Well we can't be sure, but looking at the phylogeny of N-TAT only N-L550 stands out.
Well some of those migrants might have been Swedish speaking Finns(20% according to wikipedia) and could consider themselves immediately as Swedes, or some could be mixed since 2-3 generations and wouldn't discriminate over the recent ethnic origin male lineage.
I wouldn't expect ALL people on the site to be rigorous in classifying their male lineage so some spillover would have happened even with post 1945 migration.

I wonder about the ratio of N-L550 to overall N1c in Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, I'll try looking for it in Y-Full. Although looking through it I'm not sure how statistically sound it is, I guess I shouldn't demand that much from small and potentially self-selected sample...

09-24-2020, 07:09 PM
Well some of those migrants might have been Swedish speaking Finns(20% according to wikipedia) and could consider themselves immediately as Swedes, or some could be mixed since 2-3 generations and wouldn't discriminate over the recent ethnic origin male lineage.
I wouldn't expect ALL people on the site to be rigorous in classifying their male lineage so some spillover would have happened even with post 1945 migration.

I wonder about the ratio of N-L550 to overall N1c in Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, I'll try looking for it in Y-Full. Although looking through it I'm not sure how statistically sound it is, I guess I shouldn't demand that much from small and potentially self-selected sample...

Yes but when you upload your data you are supposed to name your latest known ancestor and his place of origin. The overwhelming majority know and have paper trail of their ancestry to atleast the 1800s. But I get your point certainly some who have the Swedish flag on yfull atleast might have recent Finnish ancestry.

09-25-2020, 09:15 AM
Lets figure out what the best proxy for the Germanic part of modern day Finns is.

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 1.8987% / 0.01898699
53.6 Baltic_EST_IA
25.4 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
21.0 DEU_MA

Target: Finnish
Distance: 1.7335% / 0.01733505
47.2 Baltic_EST_IA
36.4 DEU_MA
16.4 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Great fits with DEU_MA, the average is most similar to Northern Germans/Dutch.

Target: Finnish
Distance: 2.3563% / 0.02356330
53.0 Baltic_EST_IA
31.8 SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001
15.2 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 2.0640% / 0.02063992
56.4 Baltic_EST_IA
24.6 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
19.0 SWE_Viking_Age_Sigtuna:vik_kls001

With the HG-rich Viking era kls001 the fit worsens significantly.

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 2.2881% / 0.02288104
58.2 Baltic_EST_IA
25.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
16.8 FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o

Target: Finnish
Distance: 2.6645% / 0.02664494
53.0 Baltic_EST_IA
31.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA_o
16.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

And even more so with the Levänluhta outlier despite being from the right time and the right place.

Target: Finnish_East
Distance: 1.9022% / 0.01902207
53.8 Baltic_EST_IA
25.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA
21.2 Norwegian

Target: Finnish
Distance: 1.7610% / 0.01760959
47.6 Baltic_EST_IA
36.4 Norwegian
16.0 FIN_Levanluhta_IA

With modern Norwegians the fit is as good as with DEU_MA.

So the HG-rich natives of Eastern Svealand(as proposed by some here) were not ancetral to modern Finns either. Maybe there was a Danish migration to Finland aswell?

Here are my tests using genealogically confirmed samples from my project.. The first sample is from the SW seaside of Finnish speaking ancestry, the second from East Finland, the third from Lapland (half Finnish-Saami) and the last one from the Finnish speaking Ostrobothnian seaside. I didn't make any selection of references, Estonian_IA, Levanluhta Saami ( excluding outlier) and Sigtuna. I don't trust in those PCA-based categories, because it is difficult to find out the complexity of history by PCA or a few genetic components. I warn to use f.ex. Siberian to allocate geographic locations.


Not a Cop
09-25-2020, 09:36 AM
VK159 Russia_Pskov_7283-20

Distance to: vk159

ADC: 1x
72.6 PL_Masovia
27.4 RU_Kursk

ADC: 0.5x
44.4 PL_Masovia
27.0 RU_Kursk
14.0 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
6.4 Ukraine_Western
6.0 Belarus_East
2.2 Ukraine_Zhytomyr

ADC: 0.25x
48.4 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
28.8 Ukraine_Western
12.8 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
5.8 PL_Masovia
2.4 RU_Kursk
1.8 UK_Scotland_Highland

54.6 Lithuanian_Eastern_Aukstota
32.0 Ukraine_Western
9.0 Ukraine_Zhytomyr
4.4 UK_Scotland_Highland


Components %
North_Atlantic 27,57
Baltic 52,11
West_Med 7,64
West_Asian 3,93
East_Med 3,74
Red_Sea 0,00
South_Asian 1,69
East_Asian 0,00
Siberian 0,00
Amerindian 1,66
Oceanian 0,14
Northeast_African 1,52
Sub-Saharan 0,00

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% Lithuanian @ 3,745
2 100% Estonian_Polish @ 4,243
3 100% Belorussian @ 4,528
4 100% Russian_Smolensk @ 5,079
5 100% Southwest_Russian @ 7,054
6 100% Latvian @ 7,613
7 100% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 7,655
8 100% Estonian @ 7,712
9 100% Polish @ 8,120
10 100% Kargopol_Russian @ 8,657

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% Lithuanian + 50% Estonian_Polish @ 2,643
2 50% Lithuanian + 50% Belorussian @ 2,954
3 50% Latvian + 50% Polish @ 2,954
4 50% Lithuanian + 50% Russian_Smolensk @ 3,038
5 50% Southwest_Russian + 50% Latvian @ 3,142
6 50% Lithuanian + 50% Southwest_Russian @ 3,152
7 50% Latvian + 50% Ukrainian @ 3,200
8 50% Russian_Smolensk + 50% Latvian @ 3,243
9 50% Estonian_Polish + 50% Latvian @ 3,310
10 50% Latvian + 50% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 3,437

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Southwest_Russian @ 2,534
2 33% Estonian_Polish + 33% Estonian_Polish + 33% Latvian @ 2,701
3 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Estonian_Polish @ 2,706
4 33% Estonian_Polish + 33% Belorussian + 33% Latvian @ 2,763
5 33% Belorussian + 33% Russian_Smolensk + 33% Latvian @ 2,787
6 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2,806
7 33% Latvian + 33% Latvian + 33% Slovak @ 2,819
8 33% Latvian + 33% Latvian + 33% South_Polish @ 2,895
9 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Russian_Smolensk @ 2,908
10 33% Lithuanian + 33% Lithuanian + 33% Belorussian @ 2,932

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Southwest_Russian @ 2,548
2 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Estonian_Polish + 25% Estonian_Polish @ 2,643
3 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Hungarian @ 2,673
4 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Estonian_Polish + 25% Southwest_Russian @ 2,675
5 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Ukrainian_Belgorod + 25% Polish @ 2,702
6 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2,728
7 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Bosniak_Tuzla @ 2,750
8 25% Lithuanian + 25% Lithuanian + 25% Estonian_Polish + 25% Belorussian @ 2,752
9 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Kaykavian_Croatian @ 2,757
10 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Latvian + 25% Slovenian @ 2,764

How good is the sample? Zero Siberian/East Asian is atypical for moderns.

09-25-2020, 10:36 AM
How good is the sample? Zero Siberian/East Asian is atypical for moderns.

This one was quite good. More than 100 000 snps for sure.

09-25-2020, 01:07 PM
It should be noted that the latest data are closer to moderns and have a higher fit than the previous ones.


09-25-2020, 06:49 PM
but yes, there are Finnic samples among the Vikings:

The majority of those are from Ladoga though, not Scandinavia(last one's probably a Balt too). Looks like the Ladoga region was a lot different back then too compared to today and more like modern Estonians, before being blacked by Slavs and Saami/Nenets. Makes me wonder how much of the East Asian in Finns is actually from Finnic speakers rather than Samic speakers.

I'd really love to know how these HG rich populations as young as 1000 AD looked like. There's actually one sole modern that plots like the WHG rich Germanics(and a couple of Latvians that still plot close to Baltic_BA), and he's from Iceland. Must be from a really inbred family of hermits in the middle of the interior or something.

1000 AD Finnics from Ladoga? I would expect them to look Kylälahtic. Kylälahti sample is few hundreds years younger Finnic skull sample sample from Ladoga. Continuity from 1000 AD would make sense


I'm pretty confident they were harkonnenoids.

09-26-2020, 08:50 PM
Some samples from the new Viking study:

Eurogenes K13:

Cedynia_NorthWestPoland_VK212,29.02,49.77,9.02,4.5 7,2.56,0.12,1.19,0,1.16,0,0.25,1.76,0.58
Sandomir_SouthPoland_VK494,32.6,47.38,12.62,2.61,0 ,0,0.99,2.36,0,0.36,0,0.87,0.22
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK154,40.64,41.6,6.66,3.68,0,1.37,0 .83,1.75,0,1.63,0.2,0,1.64
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK155,36.74,39.75,11.23,5.89,0,1.6, 1.4,0,0,2.59,0.42,0,0.38

Eurogenes K15:

Cedynia_NorthWestPoland_VK212,16.98,18.9,35.76,20. 06,3.41,1.87,0.36,0,0.78,0,0,0,0.12,1.18,0.56
Sandomir_SouthPoland_VK494,18.43,23.92,33.89,14.53 ,6.06,0,0,0,0.78,1.74,0,0,0,0.06,0.58
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK154,34.17,19.73,23.63,15.87,2.08, 0.29,0,0.41,0.11,1.02,0,1.16,0.03,0,1.49
Bodzia_Kuyavia_VK155,26.52,24.82,20.19,17.53,3.76, 4.3,0,0.38,0.04,0,0,2.11,0.35,0,0



I'm adding more samples, now VK155 from Bodzia.

Could you add the VK17 sample too? from Novgorod.

09-26-2020, 09:05 PM
Could you add the VK17 sample too? from Novgorod.

Here you have all in K13:)


09-26-2020, 09:23 PM
Here you have all in K13:)


Thanks but i dont know how this works lol, how do i find out the distance of VK13 sample? like the one in the OP's post?

10-04-2020, 10:01 AM
These guys are Celtic Britons in my opinion:

VK173 - Oxford
VK166 - Oxford
VK259 - Dorset
VK261 - Dorset

10-04-2020, 10:33 AM
These guys are Celtic Britons in my opinion:

VK173 - Oxford
VK166 - Oxford
VK259 - Dorset
VK261 - Dorset
You mean English?

10-04-2020, 10:53 AM
You mean English?

They look more Welsh than English IMO.

But I guess could be Celtic-shifted English.