View Full Version : Classify and pass her

09-23-2020, 01:52 PM
https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/47584898_568300586976271_7161241866078368375_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=bhUKkuRHP1MAX9Nvq_a&_nc_tp=19&oh=a66b82fdc948c7c1d0f5dc962c3cd84a&oe=5F948145
https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/49933728_456023878263722_1884113011509966563_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=102&_nc_ohc=OScL-cIQRBIAX-p9b9t&_nc_tp=19&oh=87b08e725331e2d65a5727f6c78e2edc&oe=5F952D18
https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/49906964_518013385357503_6470942175441289807_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=CJACvGgNAFQAX-1BS2h&_nc_tp=19&oh=34b370bb1c00060b02e89bb80a51bf7d&oe=5F93D0B3

09-23-2020, 07:27 PM

09-23-2020, 09:39 PM

09-23-2020, 09:39 PM

09-24-2020, 12:52 AM
Textbook Med(West Med). Is she Indian?

09-24-2020, 01:06 AM
Atlanto Med minor Alpine

09-24-2020, 01:14 AM
Trans Med + Pontid

09-24-2020, 01:21 AM
Trans Med + Pontid. She does not look Indid nor does she look Pakistani at all, either. She fits better in Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria and could even pass in Sicily, Sardinia and the Canary Islands.

Indo Nordic
09-24-2020, 11:20 AM
I don't know i Can mistake her for a pontid due to eyebrows and face shape ,but i think she is a North indid type.

09-24-2020, 12:40 PM
Textbook Med(West Med). Is she Indian?

No, she is an Israeli Jew.

09-24-2020, 12:41 PM
I don't know i Can mistake her for a pontid due to eyebrow and face shape ,but i think she is a North indid type.

Considering that she is from Levant, Pontid sounds much more accurate than North Indid.

Indo Nordic
09-24-2020, 12:55 PM
Yes exactly she looks levantine , she doesn't really has any indid features ,but her long face gives a Fake North indid Vibe.

09-24-2020, 01:21 PM
AlpineMed + Indid , very pretty.
Cmon bruv, there's no Alpine in there. If anything maybe a tiny smidgen of CM on the jaw. She has the proper long Med to Nordid(all should have equal face dimensions if I'm honest, main differences are in the eye shape, eyebrow thickness and pigmentation) face, unlike the dumb "gracile Med" types most everyone posts which are just Med+Alpine like Penelope Cruz.

Also, everyone saying she looks Middle-Eastern, bruuuuuuh, what does that make like 20-40% of Greeks, South/Central Italians, Andalusians, Portuguese, etc? :laugh: There are people in those places that pass better in MENA than southern Europe, but the number is not 20-40%. This girl is whiter than a lot of Southern Europeans, and while obviously she has Middle-Eastern influence(a lot of European peaking phenotypes do), she peaks in southern Europe and is a very standard Mediterranid, the phenotype that peaked among neolithic farmers along with Alpine-Med and Dinaro-Med. Passes best in Sardinia, and given she's an Israeli Jew, whether or not she's Mizrahi or Ashkenazi, all Jewish groups have much more European admixture than native Middle-Easterners(other than Iraqi/Yemeni Jews) so it's not surprising.

She looks whiter than Penelope Cruz who often gets Spaniards butthurt when she's called exotic looking.

09-24-2020, 01:23 PM
I see her castiza IMHO.
Could pass in Colombia and Venezuela.

09-24-2020, 01:34 PM
Cmon bruv, there's no Alpine in there. If anything maybe a tiny smidgen of CM on the jaw. She has the proper long Med to Nordid(all should have equal face dimensions if I'm honest, main differences are in the eye shape, eyebrow thickness and pigmentation) face, unlike the dumb "gracile Med" types most everyone posts which are just Med+Alpine like Penelope Cruz.

a bit the nose (infantil, short) and eye area, kind of the facial softness. But i agree with you she pred. Atlanto Med looking and btw i agree with that Gracile Med thing in most cases is AlpineMed (also lol at Trevor posting those Med-Cm-Alpine mixes as Med ). In my eyes Gracile Med is someone like Goebbels, Diogo Jota, Bernarndo Silva. But the problem of classiciation only like 15 % of people in one country are textbook- the majority are kind of hybrids

09-24-2020, 01:37 PM
looks italian

09-24-2020, 02:11 PM
looks italian

I agree. In my opinion she looks Dinaro-Med, considering that she looks tall, I think she is about 1.75 m. Also, Dinaro-Med is very common in Italy AFAIK.

09-24-2020, 02:13 PM
I agree. In my opinion she looks Dinaro-Med, considering that she looks tall, I think she is about 1.75 m. Also, Dinaro-Med is very common in Italy AFAIK.

actually Atlanto Med with minor Alpine is also very Italian- like Alessandra Ambrosio. Nothing Dinarid about her.

09-24-2020, 02:18 PM
actually Atlanto Med with minor Alpine is also very Italian- like Alessandra Ambrosio. Nothing Dinarid about her.

Her tall and lean structure might have given some Dinarid vibe to me.

09-24-2020, 02:26 PM
Her tall and lean structure might have given some Dinarid vibe to me.

Atlanto Med are tall and lean too, although judging pheno i would not consider too much height into it. there are Dinarics/Norics who pretty short- Gorid/Alpines/ Gracile Meds tall

09-24-2020, 04:34 PM
Atlanto Med are tall and lean too, although judging pheno i would not consider too much height into it. there are Dinarics/Norics who pretty short- Gorid/Alpines/ Gracile Meds tall
There are short Nordids too - Ramon Dekkers, Nathan Damigo, Brad Katona, Leister Bowling, all pretty much pure Nordids and between 5'6-5'8. Can't actually say I've seen a tall Alpinid though(Gorid yeah because they're pretty much Alpine+Baltid usually with minor Dinarid), but I'm sure they exist.

There are differences in average height between phenotypes, but height and body build, putting on muscle easily/etc should have 0 to do with phenotype(I've seen extremely skinny, pencil thin Ethiopid body people that were clearly Borreby/CM). Also just to be clear I don't think the girl in the OP is Atlanto-Med, too dark skinned or too much tanning ability, to me she's a pure "Mediterannid" or "West Med" with no Atlantid or northern influences, although I guess not everyone recognizes those phenotypes.

I would reserve Atlanto-Med for Basques like Florian Taulemesse, Mikel Gonzales(+minor Dinarid/Baskid), Inaxio Kortabarria, etc.

09-24-2020, 10:50 PM
Cmon bruv, there's no Alpine in there. If anything maybe a tiny smidgen of CM on the jaw. She has the proper long Med to Nordid(all should have equal face dimensions if I'm honest, main differences are in the eye shape, eyebrow thickness and pigmentation) face, unlike the dumb "gracile Med" types most everyone posts which are just Med+Alpine like Penelope Cruz.

Also, everyone saying she looks Middle-Eastern, bruuuuuuh, what does that make like 20-40% of Greeks, South/Central Italians, Andalusians, Portuguese, etc? :laugh: There are people in those places that pass better in MENA than southern Europe, but the number is not 20-40%. This girl is whiter than a lot of Southern Europeans, and while obviously she has Middle-Eastern influence(a lot of European peaking phenotypes do), she peaks in southern Europe and is a very standard Mediterranid, the phenotype that peaked among neolithic farmers along with Alpine-Med and Dinaro-Med. Passes best in Sardinia, and given she's an Israeli Jew, whether or not she's Mizrahi or Ashkenazi, all Jewish groups have much more European admixture than native Middle-Easterners(other than Iraqi/Yemeni Jews) so it's not surprising.

She looks whiter than Penelope Cruz who often gets Spaniards butthurt when she's called exotic looking.

Penélope Cruz is 50% gypsy. Her first video was for a musical group in which she represented a gypsy. This is his father (a full-blooded gypsy). Or does he looks Euro? Not at all.
And the woman in the OP passes in the 60% of Spaniards that are Med, and inside the Med group she belongs to the 20% of the darkest spectrum. She obviously does not pass in the 40% of Spaniards that don´t look Med.

09-24-2020, 11:13 PM
Penélope Cruz is 50% gypsy. Her first video was for a musical group in which she represented a gypsy. This is his father (a full-blooded gypsy). Or does he looks Euro? Not at all.
And the woman in the OP passes in the 60% of Spaniards that are Med, and inside the Med group she belongs to the 20% of the darkest spectrum. She obviously does not pass in the 40% of Spaniards that don´t look Med.
Spaniards are not majority Med, you guys keep using outdated, flawed terms that make no sense. Spaniards are a majority or plurality Atlanto-Med, which is not a pure Med type, it's in the friggen' name, it's intermediary between Med and Atlantid. There are only two proper Med types, just "Med", or sometimes called West Med, and "gracile Med", which is a useless term because you can just say Med+Alpinid or minor Alpinid, every other "Med" type like Atlanto-Med, Pontid, East Med, etc are intermediaries, Pontid to the north-east, Atlanto-Med to the British Isles, East Med to Anatolia/Levant.

Yes, she's in the darkest spectrum, and my study already only put Spaniards at 13.8% Med spectrum(peaks in Greece at 45%), they are more often the more northern shifted Atlanto-Med as genetics would dictate given they're the most northern shifted southern Europeans.

As for Cruz, I can't anything about her father being a gypsy, but regardless, most Spaniards I've seen have said she's European looking and she's usually posted as a good example of "gracile Med".