View Full Version : Old pictures of Hungarians. Main types/Best fit

09-26-2020, 10:50 AM
https://imagestore1.blogger.hu/25_29924_339114_2bfb05b068614a00b8dfcad1e142e33c_d 8c107_301.jpg

09-26-2020, 11:06 AM
Very nice pictures! :) Where did you get them from?

I see mainly Neo Danubians, West Alpinids, North Pontids, some Dinarids as well. Or the Dinaricized forms of these phenotypes.

Of course they can pass in Hungary everywhere, in the Hungarian Highland (Slovakia + even in the Czech Republic, Poland), Transylvania (Romania), Southland (Serbia), many of them in Austria as well.

09-26-2020, 11:09 AM
Very nice pictures! :) Where did you get them from?

Eszembe jutott, hogy jó lenne a régi magyar fenotípusokat bemutatni, így kikerestem képeket a neten.

brennus dux gallorum
09-26-2020, 11:56 AM
The male in the third pic looks jewish

Anyway, mainly alpine, baltic (neo-danubian included) and noric/norid subtypes, fewer dinaric

Something intermediate to austria and eastern Europe (which makes sense if we consider the location of the country next door to both austria and eastern Europe)

09-26-2020, 04:49 PM
Neo Danubians Alpinid baltid pontid and some dinarid i think

09-26-2020, 05:10 PM
The male in the third pic looks jewish

I think, he is Dinarid.

09-26-2020, 08:56 PM
A mix of Central Euro, Balkan and generall Slavic types
Alpine/ Gorid/ Pre Slavic and Dinaric is dominant but there are many interesting faces which would be interesting for more individual classification

09-26-2020, 09:07 PM

09-27-2020, 06:20 AM
Alpinid, (Sub)Nordid, Noric, Dinaric

09-30-2020, 07:39 PM

10-02-2020, 11:53 AM

10-02-2020, 05:22 PM
Pope and bride look Mongol.


10-05-2020, 11:39 AM
Very east-central European-AustoHungarian looking. They fit with other ethnicities in the old Monarchy.
Nice photos.

10-17-2020, 03:55 PM
Alpinid, Subnordid, Dinarid, Norid, Borreby range.

Best fit in Central European neighboring countries.

10-17-2020, 06:36 PM
Similar to Romanians from Maramures, a bit different from average (not more than Bulgarians): mainly Alpine and Dinaric.

10-17-2020, 07:10 PM
Pope and bride look Mongol.


Why do you larping serbian? You're macedonian who live in Serbia.

10-17-2020, 08:24 PM
Why do you larping serbian? You're macedonian who live in Serbia.

And you're a male who pretend to be a female and who is still furious because i exposed him, so now he is desperately trying to get revenge on me with his comments.. I have nothing to do with Macedonia, i live in Novi Sad, my paternal ancestors originated from Montenegro, maternal from Lika.. What kind of man pretends to be a woman? A typical moron who has nothing to do with life, you are married, go make a child for your wife, make her happy, if you don't, someone will do it for you. :rolleyes:

10-17-2020, 08:37 PM
And you're a male who pretend to be a female and who is still furious because i exposed him, so now he is desperately trying to get revenge on me with his comments.. I have nothing to do with Macedonia, i live in Novi Sad, my paternal ancestors originated from Montenegro, maternal from Lika.. What kind of man pretends to be a woman? A typical moron who has nothing to do with life, you are married, go make a child for your wife, make her happy, if you don't, someone will do it for you. :rolleyes:

Unfortunatelly Feiicy don't cook my favourite food so i'm frustrated dear macedonian who pretend to be serbian :) What about your other accounts like Serbian Eagle/Слога? How many other accounts do you have? You was the banned pedo who flooded the forum 1 months ago right? You guys have exactly same writing style + similar reg date you came after he was banned interesting coincidence.

10-17-2020, 08:51 PM
Unfortunatelly Feiicy don't cook my favourite food so i'm frustrated dear macedonian who pretend to be serbian :) What about your other accounts like Serbian Eagle/Слога? How many other accounts do you have? You was the banned pedo who flooded the forum 1 months ago right? You guys have exactly same writing style + similar reg date you came after he was banned interesting coincidence.

I can have 50+ accounts and NLO if i want, it's none of your business, understand? I have my own character and my pride and i don't give a shit what other people say about me, i don't need other accounts to write something here, i write exclusively from mine, and you can only guess whether those two are me or not, you will just spend your time on that, instead you could spend your time with a Feiicy, women are not only there for cooking, washing dishes, they are here for love. When was the last time you made her happy, took her to a romantic dinner, dance with her buy a present? You should better do that than hanging out 24 hours a day on this forum pretending to be a woman, looser.

10-17-2020, 08:59 PM
I can have 50+ accounts and NLO if i want, it's none of your business, understand? I have my own character and my pride and i don't give a shit what other people say about me, i don't need other accounts to write something here, i write exclusively from mine, and you can only guess whether those two are me or not, you will just spend your time on that, instead you could spend your time with a Feiicy, women are not only there for cooking, washing dishes, they are here for love.

But... im... Stears... and still here huuuuuu :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


So how can you explain that you and the banned pedo guy have 100% same writing style, same reg date and you came after his ban + you guys are all use tor browser.... Btw this you're Serbian Eagle/Слога is not my idea, i got this info from other user who know you from Stormfront just saying and he recognized you as well... :thumb001:

10-17-2020, 09:34 PM
Btw this you're Serbian Eagle/Слога is not my idea, i got this info from other user who know you from Stormfront just saying and he recognized you as well... :thumb001:

I don't give a shit what other people wrote or say about me as long as they don't have the balls to say it in my face. You know what your problem is? You got nothing to do with your life pal. Why don't you get a job? Do something. Anything beats you waiting around all day, waiting for me to argue with you here.. I advise you to mind your own businesses, not mine. Me, i can do whatever i want, no one can stop me from doing that. I can create 100+ accounts if i want, but i see no reason to do such a silliness thing.. You should start to spend your time with woman, to create plans about family, not spending your time here pretending to be a woman and arguing like a small child.

About my profile, i had nazi profile, muslim profile, commie profile, feminist profile etc, so... You know nothing about me in the reality.

Before you again start to comment something on who i am, what am i and other bullshits, make sure your yard is clear too and that you are perfect, fella. Goodnight.

10-17-2020, 09:52 PM
I don't give a shit what other people wrote or say about me as long as they don't have the balls to say it in my face. You know what your problem is? You got nothing to do with your life pal. Why don't you get a job? Do something. Anything beats you waiting around all day, waiting for me to argue with you here.. I advise you to mind your own businesses, not mine. Me, i can do whatever i want, no one can stop me from doing that. I can create 100+ accounts if i want, but i see no reason to do such a silliness thing.. You should start to spend your time with woman, to create plans about family, not spending your time here pretending to be a woman and arguing like a small child.

Before you again start to comment something on who i am, what am i and other bullshits, make sure your yard is clear too and that you are perfect, fella. Goodnight.

And where is your face pedo because you didn't posted anything about yourself... :D And as i said Feiicy don't cook my favourite food so i'm very angry :mocking::mocking:
My problem is youre a 17 years old kid in the mommy's house pretend to be serbian, you called serbs mongol admixed in the Stromfront when you had macedonian identity, that's why serbian users recognized you here just saying, and now youre larping serbian, to claim macedonians are serbs to justify your real origin... :D You use several accounts to insult others, even now you admitted you can create tons of profile... :rotfl::rotfl: with Tor right? :D
You still didn't explain why the banned pedo user and you had same reg date (yours is exactly after him), same writing style, he also used tor just like you etc etc there are many sign what i asked and you didn't say anything.... But probably you will go back with another profile and another incognito very soon.

10-17-2020, 09:58 PM
Yeah Yeah, have a good night too, funny clown. :bored:

10-17-2020, 10:04 PM
Yeah Yeah, have a good night too, funny clown. :bored:

Why do you run as always? :D Why you can't face your past? Your cover is over :D And again: other users (serbian) recognized you not even me dear macedonian :)

10-18-2020, 09:41 AM
Why do you run as always? :D Why you can't face your past? Your cover is over :D And again: other users (serbian) recognized you not even me dear macedonian :)

Are you finished?

Crn Volk
10-18-2020, 10:02 AM
Seems Castor and all his socks should be banned

10-18-2020, 10:11 AM
Seems Castor and all his socks should be banned

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. So, to all those who hate me i'll strive my best to be worthy of your hatred.

10-18-2020, 10:59 AM
I don't know is Castor Maceodonian or not, but he shouldn't be on this forum. I think he confused it with 4chan or Stormfront.
Blondie as Stears, wehehehe xD :lol: :rofl:

10-18-2020, 07:03 PM
I don't know is Castor Maceodonian or not, but he shouldn't be on this forum. I think he confused it with 4chan or Stormfront.
Blondie as Stears, wehehehe xD :lol: :rofl:

Opinion for this new thread?