View Full Version : All the Spanish players in NBA ever, main phenotypes

Cristiano viejo
10-01-2020, 03:15 AM
Fernando Martín, from Madrid.
2 05 cms.



Pau Gasol, from Catalonia.
2 14 cms.


Marc Gasol, from Catalonia.
2 16 cms


Rodolfo "Rudy" Fernández, from Balearic Islands.
1 96 cms.


José Manuel Calderón, from Extremadura.
1 91 cms.


Víctor Claver, from Valencia.
2 07 cms.


Sergio "Chacho" Rodríguez, from Canary Islands.
1 91 cms.


Raúl López, from Catalonia.
1 82 cms.


Jorge Garbajosa, from Madrid.


Álex Abrines, from Balearic Islands.
1 98 cms.

https://as.com/baloncesto/imagenes/2019/07/04/acb/1562242261_749843_1562242366_noticia_normal_recort e1.jpg

Juan Carlos Navarro, from Catalonia.
1 93 cms.https://images.daznservices.com/di/library/NBA_Global_CMS_image_storage/6c/c8/navarro_g1g9oymyf1ba1dbviz3xwhf3c.jpg?t=-2078135727&quality=80


Ricky Rubio, from Catalonia.
1 93 Cms.


Guillermo "Willy" Hernangómez, from Madrid.
2 11 Cms.


Juancho Hernangómez, from Madrid.
2 06 cms.


Cristiano viejo
10-01-2020, 03:17 AM
For you Pulstar.

10-01-2020, 03:45 AM
Pau <3

Cristiano viejo
10-01-2020, 04:25 AM
Pau <3

Not sure what you mean but I imagine you are saying Pau is the best of them. I agree but by talent Juan Carlos Navarro, Rudy Fernández and el Chacho Rodríguez are the top three for me.

10-01-2020, 04:40 AM
Not sure what you mean but I imagine you are saying Pau is the best of them. I agree but by talent Juan Carlos Navarro, Rudy Fernández and el Chacho Rodríguez are the top three for me.

I'm saying that I am a Lakers fan and I love Pau Gasol. He's the best Spaniard to ever play I think. Certainly the most decorated with maybe his brother Marc being close.

Cristiano viejo
10-01-2020, 04:42 AM
I'm saying that I am a Lakers fan and I love Pau Gasol. He's the best Spaniard to ever play I think. Certainly the most decorated with maybe his brother Marc being close.

I hate lakers since I was a kid. When I followed nba I liked Celtics because Larry bird.

10-01-2020, 04:46 AM
I hate lakers since I was a kid. When I followed nba I liked Celtics because Larry bird.

I'm not old enough to remember Larry but he is definitely top 10 all time. I grew up in LA so I started rooting for the Lakers. Kobe Bryant made me love the sport and was the best that I've seen in all my years of watching the league.

Cristiano viejo
10-01-2020, 05:18 AM
I'm not old enough to remember Larry but he is definitely top 10 all time. I grew up in LA so I started rooting for the Lakers. Kobe Bryant made me love the sport and was the best that I've seen in all my years of watching the league.

I was not enough clear with my comment about Larry bird. I am 37 yo, I did not watch those Celtics but in 90s, with those Celtics already retired, I started to love them and to hate lakers (because 80s) and Bulls (because Jordan).

10-01-2020, 05:41 AM
I was not enough clear with my comment about Larry bird. I am 37 yo, I did not watch those Celtics but in 90s, with those Celtics already retired, I started to love them and to hate lakers (because 80s) and Bulls (because Jordan).

Do you still support Boston?

Cristiano viejo
10-01-2020, 05:55 AM
Do you still support Boston?

No, i Dont Follow nba anymore. It is totally politized and it is a racist organization with no affirmative actions at all, something niggas claim for therest of fields of the life, except for their own, ironically :rolleyes:

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2020, 01:20 AM
Come on boys, any opinion. If you want you can say where they would pass as a whole or something.

Daco Celtic
10-02-2020, 01:36 AM
It's basically the Gasol bros on top and the rest are scrubs in the NBA.

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2020, 01:44 AM
It's basically the Gasol bros on top and the rest are scrubs in the NBA.

Come on... Calderón had the record (not sure if still he has it ) of free throw in a row.
Navarro had the record of three point shots in a season for a rookie.

Ricky Rubio and juancho hernangómez are very good players and have an quite important role in their teams.

10-02-2020, 01:51 AM
In order:

Atlantid with a shift toward Atlanto-Med(not halfway intermediate, more Atlantid)










Med+CM(or Berid works too)




Daco Celtic
10-02-2020, 01:54 AM
Come on... Calderón had the record (not sure if still he has it ) of free throw in a row.
Navarro had the record of three point shots in a season for a rookie.

Ricky Rubio and juancho hernangómez are very good players and have an quite important role in their teams.

Scrubs doesn't mean bad player, just role player. I'll be nice and give you Rubio and Hernangómez. Rubio is fun to watch and Hernangómez played better this year but before that he almost looked like a bust.

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2020, 02:15 AM
i don't agree, Rubio looks like a fuckin Georgian, but Arabid? :rolleyes:

Scrubs doesn't mean bad player, just role player. I'll be nice and give you Rubio and Hernangómez. Rubio is fun to watch and Hernangómez played better this year but before that he almost looked like a bust.

Remember: juancho hernangómez, not Willy.

10-02-2020, 02:24 AM
i don't agree, Rubio looks like a fuckin Georgian, but Arabid? :rolleyes:

Remember: juancho hernangómez, not Willy.
Georgians are just lighter skinned Arabs. Facial features almost identical.




That's an Arab if I've ever seen one.

Seriously though, even ignoring skin colour/tan I'd call his features atleast Turkish-like(so Anatolid? I dunno specific Middle-Eastern phenotypes, they all look the same to me, it's like trying to tell apart East Asians), Georgians usually look a bit more Balkan.


Cristiano viejo
10-02-2020, 02:52 AM
I don't thin Rubio is dark skinned. Let compare with other euros






And keep in mind he does not have, obviously, any Arab ancestry. Just he is ugly and hairy.
His deceased mother

His father

His brother and sister

10-02-2020, 03:10 AM
I love you Marc Gasol, Jose Calderon and Jorge Garbajosa. Raptors 4 Lyfe

10-02-2020, 11:23 AM
Ricky Rubio is not Arabid but Litorid/ Trans or PanMed. Kendall Jenner passes better as Levantine/Arab whatever then him despide hooked nose.

Guys before him look all very typical Atlanto/ Westeuro. Navarro is the kind of Point Guard you want to have in your team, was a great leader.

10-02-2020, 12:01 PM
For you Pulstar.

Thanks, but I'm not very interested in classification by phenotypes or races.

The Blade
10-02-2020, 12:38 PM
The majority are dominated by Atlanto-Mediterranean and Atlantid factors, with Baskid, Dinarid and Cro-Magnon being common secondary inputs. Navarro seems like an overgrown (due to basketball probably) Gracile Med.

10-02-2020, 03:01 PM
Ricky Rubio is not Arabid but Litorid/ Trans or PanMed. Kendall Jenner passes better as Levantine/Arab whatever then him despide hooked nose.

Guys before him look all very typical Atlanto/ Westeuro. Navarro is the kind of Point Guard you want to have in your team, was a great leader.
Highly disagree about Jenner, she looks far more southern Euro than Rubio.

Based on the supposed range of this Litorid type, sounds like a completely meaningless phenotype to me.


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/jpH7KUQkQJkSnbrZGl1GDZOeIyTzKQ8eWnkIcMVO2n9BqbPa2j pf3swG-9I_bLzjpGYFpZpMYDA17dCd8ek

Even then, Rubio looks far from Litorid examples I've seen looking it up:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/LaA52Fa64p1NDOtP7pDqE9UYgL3NRyl3CVl5xqHhhQ7UXKxTdv DchrmdyRZxt9M73jSsA9IVzkBRuWn_INiaRF2qFhQGL3zmn81o 8XTKoIEBFvRCM1VC9bjN9skhZkd_E3-CEGgaMaLf5u9Qmm_Ah1JIS1pD8r9L9t_k5PnIlBJQj3Y




Looks far closer to very typical and standard Arab Lebanese Firas Zahabi:



Standard unless you think the average Arab looks like these SSA admixed Yemenis or the dude in my sig, which would be wrong:


10-02-2020, 05:05 PM
Highly disagree about Jenner, she looks far more southern Euro than Rubio.

Based on the supposed range of this Litorid type, sounds like a completely meaningless phenotype to me.

Even then, Rubio looks far from Litorid examples I've seen looking it up:

Looks far closer to very typical and standard Arab Lebanese Firas Zahabi:

Standard unless you think the average Arab looks like these SSA admixed Yemenis or the dude in my sig, which would be wrong:

Because those guys are not really Litorid, but Atlanto Meds with a bit prominent nose lol. I guess those guys are mostly Spaniards/Portugese- so of course they dont look Pan- Med unlike Rubio. Also Litorid was used by Deniker as Atlanto Med, should not be confused with Litorid as dinarized Gracile Med.

here basically a Bosnian version of Ricky Rubio- even more wog.

here a Greek:
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftmssl.akamaized.net%2F images%2Fportrait%2Foriginals%2F243606-1532077585.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.transfermarkt.tv%2Fana stasios-donis%2Fprofil%2Fspieler%2F243606&tbnid=QB443hbeEol9lM&vet=12ahUKEwiCkd3LsZbsAhVDdBoKHUm1DAIQMygJegUIARCk AQ..i&docid=9s3HyvRyxjsCTM&w=873&h=1137&q=donis%20stade%20reims&ved=2ahUKEwiCkd3LsZbsAhVDdBoKHUm1DAIQMygJegUIARCkA Q

here an Italian:

And we can differ about Jenner/Rubio- but truth both can pass in Southeuro and outside of Euro as well. Both look more East Med shifted, which is for someone with apparently only NW Euro heritage illogical.

10-02-2020, 05:16 PM
Because those guys are not really Litorid, but Atlanto Meds with a bit prominent nose lol. I guess those guys are mostly Spaniards/Portugese- so of course they dont look Pan- Med unlike Rubio. Also Litorid was used by Deniker as Atlanto Med, should not be confused with Litorid as dinarized Gracile Med.

here basically a Bosnian version of Ricky Rubio- even more wog.

here a Greek:
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftmssl.akamaized.net%2F images%2Fportrait%2Foriginals%2F243606-1532077585.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.transfermarkt.tv%2Fana stasios-donis%2Fprofil%2Fspieler%2F243606&tbnid=QB443hbeEol9lM&vet=12ahUKEwiCkd3LsZbsAhVDdBoKHUm1DAIQMygJegUIARCk AQ..i&docid=9s3HyvRyxjsCTM&w=873&h=1137&q=donis%20stade%20reims&ved=2ahUKEwiCkd3LsZbsAhVDdBoKHUm1DAIQMygJegUIARCkA Q

here an Italian:

And we can differ about Jenner/Rubio- but truth both can pass in Southeuro and outside of Euro as well. Both look more East Med shifted, which is for someone with apparently only NW Euro heritage illogical.
Litorid is described as Atlanto-Med+some Armenid, but maybe that's wrong, I don't know.

We agree on most things, but again I gotta significantly disagree lol. The Bosnian and the Italian do not look more wog than Rubio. They look woggy obviously, but you can still easily say they're Italian or whatever and not Lebanese, and I could see calling their phenotype "European" or "geographically Europe peaking". The Greek yeah, but do you think most people would say he looks Greek? Greece has the most pure MENA passing people in Europe imo so he's not that surprising, but the point is he(and Rubio) don't look like the other 2 examples. For the Italian/Bosnian, if someone asked where they were from, given 2 options of Lebanese and Italian, they'd pick Italian. You really think people would say the same for Rubio? Are we looking at the same person here? I even see more European looking Arabs and Iranians here in Canada than him a lot.

https://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/003/720/366/hi-res-241ba94ade85113174c98b2f83274d66_crop_north.jpg?15 16851542&w=3072&h=2048


10-02-2020, 05:27 PM
Litorid is described as Atlanto-Med+some Armenid, but maybe that's wrong, I don't know.

We agree on most things, but again I gotta significantly disagree lol. The Bosnian and the Italian do not look more wog than Rubio. They look woggy obviously, but you can still easily say they're Italian or whatever and not Lebanese, and I could see calling their phenotype "European" or "geographically Europe peaking". The Greek yeah, but do you think most people would say he looks Greek? Greece has the most pure MENA passing people in Europe imo so he's not that surprising, but the point is he(and Rubio) don't look like the other 2 examples. For the Italian/Bosnian, if someone asked where they were from, given 2 options of Lebanese and Italian, they'd pick Italian. You really think people would say the same for Rubio? Are we looking at the same person here? I even see more European looking Arabs and Iranians here in Canada than him a lot.

well, i think we only disagree about one thing- Jenner looking more Euro. I said already that Rubio is a guy that can walk into the Levant or North Africa and nobody will think he is a foreigner.( therfor PanMed/TransMed)

And yes Litorid as a classifation itself is to vague, so i dont used it for non dinarized Altanto Meds, but more for more ambigous Dinaric- Med mixes. At the end of the day how much are North Africans like Berbers related to Levant, Armenia etc.? Not much i think. Berbers have at times more prominent, and more hooked noses than Morocco Jews

10-02-2020, 07:03 PM
We agree on most things, but again I gotta significantly disagree lol. The Bosnian and the Italian do not look more wog than Rubio. They look woggy obviously, but you can still easily say they're Italian or whatever and not Lebanese, and I could see calling their phenotype "European" or "geographically Europe peaking". The Greek yeah, but do you think most people would say he looks Greek? Greece has the most pure MENA passing people in Europe imo so he's not that surprising, but the point is he(and Rubio) don't look like the other 2 examples. For the Italian/Bosnian, if someone asked where they were from, given 2 options of Lebanese and Italian, they'd pick Italian. You really think people would say the same for Rubio? Are we looking at the same person here? I even see more European looking Arabs and Iranians here in Canada than him a lot.

Beyond your anthrotard universe, Donis (the guy in the picture) passes easily in Central-Northern Greece and he doesn't remind me of refugees/immigrants.

https://simerini.sigmalive.com/media/images/renditions/DOC.20160825_.1337644_.%CE%94%CE%A9%CE%9D%CE%97%CE %A3_.original.jpg

His father is Greek Macedonian



I don't know what area his mother is from but certainly doesn't remind me of immigrants.

https://www.sigmalive.com/application/cache/default/images/news/900x450/%CE%B9%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%86%CF%85%CE%AF%CE%B1%C E%B4%CF%86%CE%B3%CE%B4%CE%B3.jpg

With some slight depigmentation and less metrosexual style, Donis almost looks like Fourtounis.


Who is like sterotypical "lightish Thessalian" bar some euryprosopic (less med) types.

Now, that Bosniak looks like a Georgian immigrant or some atypical Pontic Greek when Rubio looks like a stereotypical Cypriot and passes around SE, follows a trend like Cretan Greek singer Yannis Haroulis.


Littorid is probably a good approximation.

Kylie Jenner looks more like pigmented Komid or Mexican than Greek (and I guess South-European) btw.

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2020, 08:55 PM
Thanks, but I'm not very interested in classification by phenotypes or races.i thought you would aprecciate a basket thread like this.

The majority are dominated by Atlanto-Mediterranean and Atlantid factors, with Baskid, Dinarid and Cro-Magnon being common secondary inputs. Navarro seems like an overgrown (due to basketball probably) Gracile Med.
Not sure how a 1 90 man can be gracile but well.

10-02-2020, 09:04 PM
The Gasol brothers, Calderon and Rickycesto are the best, Marc just come back to play in Spain, he had a good level like to continue in the NBA.

Cristiano viejo
10-02-2020, 10:22 PM
The Gasol brothers, Calderon and Rickycesto are the best, Marc just come back to play in Spain, he had a good level like to continue in the NBA.

Juan Carlos Navarro and Rudy FernándeZ are very above Calderón and Marc, and of course above Ricky.
Sergio Rodríguez is above too. IMHO.

Marc Gasol returning to Spain is a fake and no official at all.

The Blade
10-02-2020, 11:03 PM
i thought you would aprecciate a basket thread like this.

Not sure how a 1 90 man can be gracile but well.
I attribute his height to his occupation, as his facial features still look Gracile Med to me.
Although not of Mediterranean type (he is Keltic Nordid by phenotype), Peter Crouch is also very gracile in terms of build even though he's tall - according to the net 75 kg. at more than 2 m. tall:
Dude is skinny as fuck. A reminder that extremely leptosome build exists not only among Mediterranid but among some Nordid varieties, too.

10-02-2020, 11:09 PM
Juan Carlos Navarro and Rudy FernándeZ are very above Calderón and Marc, and of course above Ricky.
Sergio Rodríguez is above too. IMHO.

Marc Gasol returning to Spain is a fake and no official at all.

Sadly I didn't watch Navarro, Fernández neither Rodriguez although I think I have heard of the first two.
I wait Marc stays in the NBA because I like to watch him.

10-03-2020, 02:20 AM
i thought you would aprecciate a basket thread like this.

I can talk about my opinion on their skillset, but I don't really understand phenotypes and I consider this a bit dated.
and then the others in terms of skillset.