View Full Version : NW Iranians look Kurdish and NE Iranians look Afghan

10-06-2020, 09:27 AM

10-06-2020, 10:31 AM
There’s no such thing as NE Iranian vs NW Iranian look. NE, NW Iranian and many to most Afghan Tajiks and Pashtuns have a big chunk of Parthian and Zagrosian farmer ancestry which tends to blend their looks.

You can’t also generalize Afghans like you can’t generalize kurd look because both have a huge range in phenotype but they do overlap 80% of the time. Now there are some Pashtuns and Tajiks that don’t overlap with Kurds. Those Pashtuns are the ones that have a layer of ancient Gandharan Dardic and Hindko admixture as well as the Tajiks who have alot of Hazara admixture.

But the Afghans that are descendants of Parthians/Sakas pretty much overlap NE and NW Iranian and kurd

10-06-2020, 01:12 PM
Some NE Iranians can have a psuedo-hazara look, but thats because they are Turkmens or admixed with Turkmens. Not many people within Iran look Pashto to be honest
If by NW Iranians you mean Azeris, yes there are some similarities. Iranian Kurds however look a lot more similar to other SW Iranians like Lurs for example

10-06-2020, 04:50 PM
look here the majority of afghans in kabul are average lighter than iranians


i will post tehran 1 hr instagram location search later today