View Full Version : Classify Nadal's wife Xisca Perello. Does she pass easily as MENA?

10-08-2020, 04:51 AM

When it comes to classifying, is she Berid/Berber?
She is from the island of Mallorca.
I think she fits fine in Southern Europe, but she looks very attractively exotic.

Would she be considered typical in MENA?

10-08-2020, 05:36 AM

I'm not sure.

10-08-2020, 05:47 AM

10-08-2020, 06:11 AM

So pre Aryan French?

10-08-2020, 07:25 AM

10-08-2020, 07:26 AM
Could pass in MENA.

10-08-2020, 07:31 AM
Could pass in MENA.

Would you say she has significant Moor/MENA ancestry?

10-08-2020, 07:33 AM
Would you say she has significant Moor/MENA ancestry?

Not necessarily, also what exactly is "Moor" ancestry? How do you define that in terms of components? Is it IBM? Is it SSA? How can we identify "Moorish" ancestry?

10-08-2020, 07:34 AM
I disagree,i see too much med thrown in to say just Baskid....in some pictures i see the Baskid,in some others less so.

I'd say she is a Med/baskid....wouldn't look out of place in Italy....

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk

10-08-2020, 07:43 AM
Not necessarily, also what exactly is "Moor" ancestry? How do you define that in terms of components? Is it IBM? Is it SSA? How can we identify "Moorish" ancestry?

SSA I suppose
Could 10-15% possibly show up on her ancestry test?

She looks extremely MENA in the pictures I posted.

10-08-2020, 08:05 AM
I disagree,i see too much med thrown in to say just Baskid....in some pictures i see the Baskid,in some others less so.

I'd say she is a Med/baskid....wouldn't look out of place in Italy....

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk

Which part of Italy would you say?

10-08-2020, 08:39 AM
She just looks pseudo Levantine on some pictures, but she could be "Atlanto-Med", i don't know.

+ Berid and "berberid" do not exist, these are absurd terms for people with 80 IQ who do not want to admit the absence of cranial measurements to define these types and the total non-homogeneity of the people classified as "berid" (part of which are only alpines, according to the old classification they would be classified as such) and "berberid" prove my point.

Cristiano viejo
10-08-2020, 08:53 AM
She just looks pseudo Levantine on some pictures, but she could be "Atlanto-Med", i don't know.

+ Berid and "berberid" do not exist, these are absurd terms for people with 80 IQ who do not want to admit the absence of cranial measurements to define these types and the total non-homogeneity of the people classified as "berid" (part of which are only alpines, according to the old classification they would be classified as such) and "berberid" prove my point.

Berid and berberid exist less even if we put both into the same category, like the retard OP did, stating both phenotypes are related and the same thing.

Vid Flumina
10-08-2020, 09:02 AM
sicilian night clubs

10-08-2020, 09:36 AM
Berid and berberid exist less even if we put both into the same category, like the retard OP did, stating both phenotypes are related and the same thing.

There are threads on this forum comparing berid and berberid, saying they are related.

10-08-2020, 09:37 AM
sicilian night clubs

Haha. I guess I'm going to Sicily for sex tour then

10-08-2020, 10:19 AM
There are threads on this forum comparing berid and berberid, saying they are related.

They arent and they look different.

I m pretty sure you are an Indian user, right?

10-08-2020, 10:39 AM
She's mediterranid and he's mediterranid (but still a bit more robust)

common iberian look. Beautiful couple

10-08-2020, 10:51 AM
She's mediterranid and he's mediterranid (but still a bit more robust)

common iberian look. Beautiful couple

Does she pass in your country?

10-08-2020, 10:54 AM
She's mediterranid and he's mediterranid (but still a bit more robust)

common iberian look. Beautiful couple

i agree, she looks Gracile Med/ with Baskid most likely. Nadal is more of a Paleo type, so Berid but not brachy

10-08-2020, 11:05 AM
They arent and they look different.102675

Read the description:

"Related to other Cromagnoid types such as Paleo Atlantid in the North and Berberid in the South"

Taken from this thread from another forum:

10-08-2020, 11:15 AM

Read the description:

"Related to other Cromagnoid types such as Paleo Atlantid in the North and Berberid in the South"

Taken from this thread from another forum:

any Cm-form looks kinda similar but

while Berberid are more long-headed (often very protruding skulls), usually darker pigmented (there is however a Canarid variety which is pretty light and even light hair/light eyes) and have more ruff features with slented eyes, occassionally also more prominent nose
Berid is more Alpinoid in metrics- usually sub-brachy to brachy, dark haired but tanned like the usual Atlanto Med/ West Med and broad, short, snubed nosed- therefor typical Alpinid.

this source is outdated, there is a reason human phenotypes does not use Berid anymore and you can read at the new Paleo Sardinian that he states they arent related genetically even though they can look artificially similar, just like a Canarid can look similar to a Borreby- artifically at least. ( btw human phenotypes isnt the a good source anyway)

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi290.photobucket.com%2 Falbums%2Fll280%2FAweznas%2FAnthro%2520NA%2Ftroe10 2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theapricity.com%2Fforu m%2Fshowthread.php%3F117612-Correct-use-of-quot-Berberid-quot&tbnid=aBxTxHh3YLwiEM&vet=12ahUKEwiXhYiL7qTsAhUKyRoKHRJBAS8QMygGegUIARCn AQ..i&docid=qCvBk_Rh6gN22M&w=265&h=152&q=berberid&ved=2ahUKEwiXhYiL7qTsAhUKyRoKHRJBAS8QMygGegUIARCnA Q

jsut ask a Portugese user for a Berid example and Hamilcar for Berberid and you ll see they look very different.

10-08-2020, 12:40 PM
I disagree,i see too much med thrown in to say just Baskid....in some pictures i see the Baskid,in some others less so.

I'd say she is a Med/baskid....wouldn't look out of place in Italy....

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando TapatalkLikely south....but atypical exist everywhere.....

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk

10-08-2020, 01:54 PM
Moor legacy..

10-08-2020, 02:02 PM
baskid?, hahaha, she likely has a Jewish mix or maybe from southeastern europe

Parįa do Neymar
10-08-2020, 02:20 PM
Pan-Med with some Dinarid, she hails from Mallorca, but I can picture her in other Mediterranean islands like Sardinia, Sicily, Crete and even Cyprus.

Can pass in places like Lebanon, but she looks substantially more western-shifted than Middle Eastern average.

Cristiano viejo
10-08-2020, 04:56 PM
She's mediterranid and he's mediterranid (but still a bit more robust)

common iberian look. Beautiful couple
No they are not common (you wish) and nadal is quite ugly.

Moor legacy..

Yeah and divac Turkish legacy.

10-08-2020, 05:18 PM
Yeah and divac Turkish legacy.

Vlade Divac is Gypsy, he is a member of the Roma political organization in Serbia, so neither Serb nor White. What does he have to do with this thread anyway? If you're interested about him create thread "Classify Vlade Divac". This girl is a Moorish legacy, if you pretty sure that i'am wrong and want to change my mind, find some pictures and post here that might change my mind, otherwise these Vlade Divac tricks are useless..

Cristiano viejo
10-08-2020, 09:21 PM
Vlade Divac is Gypsy, he is a member of the Roma political organization in Serbia, so neither Serb nor White. What does he have to do with this thread anyway? If you're interested about him create thread "Classify Vlade Divac". This girl is a Moorish legacy, if you pretty sure that i'am wrong and want to change my mind, find some pictures and post here that might change my mind, otherwise these Vlade Divac tricks are useless..
It is you who should prove Divac is Gypsy and in any case it is only an example. I could have said marinovic, Grucic, mitrovic, Ana ivanovic, jelena jankovic, nenad zimonjic and many others.
And it is you who should prove this woman is moorish. Moors did not leave genetic in Spain, for start the vast majority of moors were natives converted to Islam, as genetic proves.

To change the phenotype of a person the percentage of some race must be very big, not ridiculous 1% or let say even 5%. It is ridiculous to think a person 98% white and 2% black will look mulato, let alone black :rolleyes:

10-08-2020, 09:38 PM
Nadal's wife is Mediterranid + Dinarid.
Nadal is Neanderthal CM throwback of Iberian sort. In other words Berid.

10-08-2020, 09:39 PM

I don't need to prove myself, Divac is a gypsy, and he has nothing to do with this girl. The Moors of course left their traces in Italy and Spain. The Moors were not a specific ethnic group, but it was a collective name for the North African Berbers, Arabs and all Muslims who marched on the south of Europe, primarily on the Iberian Peninsula, Malta and Sicily. While the Moors were mostly North African Berbers on the Iberian Peninsula, the Moors near Sicily were more of Arab / Oriental origin. That is why you will find more negroid influence among the mongrels in Spain, while oriental admixtures dominate more among the mongrels in Italy.
However, even these Berber Moors were not classic "blacks" but a mixed mixture of negroid, oriental and Mediterranean types.

10-08-2020, 09:44 PM
Vlade Divac is Gypsy, he is a member of the Roma political organization in Serbia, so neither Serb nor White. What does he have to do with this thread anyway? If you're interested about him create thread "Classify Vlade Divac". This girl is a Moorish legacy, if you pretty sure that i'am wrong and want to change my mind, find some pictures and post here that might change my mind, otherwise these Vlade Divac tricks are useless..
Vlade Divac is not Gypsy. His son did a DNA test, here are the results:
He's just ultra swarthy. It happens sometimes.

Moje ime
10-08-2020, 09:48 PM
Vlade Divac is Montenegrin. He has very Montenegrin look.

10-08-2020, 09:49 PM
Does she pass in your country?


10-08-2020, 09:53 PM
Vlade Divac is Montenegrin. He has very Montenegrin look.
I think he's on the swarthy side even for Montenegrin standards.

Moje ime
10-08-2020, 09:57 PM
I think he's on the swarthy side even for Montenegrin standards.

Correct but there are Montenegrins with similar look, specific only for that region.

10-08-2020, 09:58 PM
Vlade Divac is Montenegrin. He has very Montenegrin look.

Does he has Vlach ancestry?

10-08-2020, 10:06 PM
Vlade Divac is Montenegrin. He has very Montenegrin look.

So according to you typical Montenegrin look like a Turkish Armenoid? Pathetic. He has Dinarid but also have big Armenoid influence that comes from his Gypsy side.



Cristiano viejo
10-08-2020, 10:10 PM
I don't need to prove myself, Divac is a gypsy, and he has nothing to do with this girl. The Moors of course left their traces in Italy and Spain. The Moors were not a specific ethnic group, but it was a collective name for the North African Berbers, Arabs and all Muslims who marched on the south of Europe, primarily on the Iberian Peninsula, Malta and Sicily. While the Moors were mostly North African Berbers on the Iberian Peninsula, the Moors near Sicily were more of Arab / Oriental origin. That is why you will find more negroid influence among the mongrels in Spain, while oriental admixtures dominate more among the mongrels in Italy.
However, even these Berber Moors were not classic "blacks" but a mixed mixture of negroid, oriental and Mediterranean types.

While Alenka just proved to you divac is not gypsy but 100% Serbian and ironically you claim he did not look white, this is how moors looked (and imagine their ancestors, because these are living in North Africa since 400 years ago...)

And here their genetics...

Funny thing is that these moors are lighter and more European looking than fully Serbian divac.

10-08-2020, 10:12 PM
Does he has Vlach ancestry?
No idea if he has Vlach ancestry, but here's some info about his paternal haplogroup:

Divac is R1b-BY611.

This haplogroup is very rare among Serbs, and quite common among Albanians and Sanžaklije.
R1b-BY611 in Balkans is the highest among Albanians and Sandžak muslims.

10-08-2020, 10:14 PM
He is a Dinarid and Dinarids have Armenoid influences by default. Perfectly fine for the region wouldnt pass outside of the Balkans.

10-08-2020, 10:16 PM
By the way, both Nadal and his wife look European. As well as Divac. I mean if you look just at skin color Wernher von Braun was not white:
https://www.biography.com/.image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cg_face%2Cq_auto:good%2 Cw_300/MTE4MDAzNDEwNDYyNjcyMzk4/wernher-von-braun-9224912-1-402.jpg
So that's obviously stupid criteria.

10-08-2020, 10:18 PM
A native North Italian Dinarid


Moje ime
10-08-2020, 10:19 PM
Thread about Divac.


10-09-2020, 06:04 AM
A native North Italian Dinarid


This guy could pass all over West Asia

10-09-2020, 09:00 AM
This guy could pass all over West Asia

This man have clearly Armenoid influence in Nose.

10-09-2020, 09:20 AM
While Alenka just proved to you divac is not gypsy but 100% Serbian and ironically you claim he did not look white, this is how moors looked (and imagine their ancestors, because these are living in North Africa since 400 years ago...)

And here their genetics...

Funny thing is that these moors are lighter and more European looking than fully Serbian divac.

If you want, you can consider her white, yet even a person who has zero knowledge about human anthropology but is racially aware, he/she can clearly see that this woman has visible non-white features.

About Divac, he admited his Gypsy origin with this statement when he was intervied by Croatian news.

Srpski as Vlade Divac u intervjuu hrvatskom Globusu otkrio svojepolitičke i poslovne ambicije u Srbiji

Jedan od najvećih srpskih košarkaša svih vremena Vlade Divac u razgovoru za hrvatski nedeljnik Globus potvrdio je da želi da se kandiduje za predsednika Srbije! Divac je otkrio da posle propalih pokušaja da kupi "Novosti" i "Knjaz Miloš" još uvek ima poslovne ambicije jer hoće da otkupi deo deonica Naftne industrije Srbije. Kurir prenosi najzanimljivije delove Divčevog intervjua.

- Sasvim je realno da se kandidujem za predsednika, ali poenta je u tome šta ja mogu da ponudim narodu. Trenutno je to moje ime, vaspitanje i moralni kredibilitet, ali to sve nije dovoljno. U međuvremenu moram se edukovati i pripremiti da bih došao do stadijuma da jednog dana za to budem spreman - kaže Divac.

Koliko je ozbiljna vaša ponuda za kupovinu Naftne industrije Srbije?
- To je sada više neka moja borba protiv sistema koji ne funkcioniše, ili, rekao bih, koji super funkcioniše, ali ne u pozitivnom smislu. Najavljena je prodaja državnog paketa NIS, koji vredi više od milijardu evra, ali u taj posao umešani su, ne bih rekao srpski političari, već mešetari u vlasti koji ne žele dobro Srbiji. Ipak, investiram u Srbiji pre svega zato što želim da decu, koja su se rodila u inostranstvu, na neki način dugoročno vežem za svoju otadžbinu. No, normalno je da ne želim da investiram tamo gde bih izgubio novac.

Koliko su vas do sada koštali pokušaji investiranja u Srbiju?
- Oko milion evra. U životu ništa ne možeš dobiti ako ne naučiš da ulažeš i da gubiš. Ništa ne može da padne s neba. Siguran sam da ću u Srbiji uspeti u poslovnom smislu, jer sam okupio sjajnu ekipu savetnika i mladih poslovnih ljudi koji su studirali i radili u inostranstvu, a u Srbiju su se vratili nakon 5. oktobra, verujući, kao i ja, da će biti bolje.


Kako danas gledate na SP u Argentini 1990, kada ste gazili hrvatsku zastavu koju ste oteli jednom navijaču?
- Tada smo igrali za jugoslovensku reprezentaciju, svi smo bili Jugosloveni. Imao sam 22 godine, bilo je mnogo emocija i zasmetala mi je hrvatska zastava na parketu kao znak nepotrebne političke provokacije, kao što bi mi smetala bilo koja druga. Prišao sam navijaču, uzeo mu zastavu i bacio je. I to je bilo sve, nisam gazio zastavu.

Da li bi vam smetala i srpska zastava?
- U tom periodu, kako sam tada razmišljao, verovatno bi.


Da li je tačno da ste na insistiranje Rađe i Kukoča nastavili tajno druženje jer je njih bilo strah reakcije hrvatske javnosti?
- Da, i strašno me je pogodilo da je priča koju je kreiralo javno mnjenje tako okrenula ljude koji su bili veoma bliski sa mnom, koje sam poštovao i koji su znali ko sam. To se, pre svega, odnosi na pokojnog Dražena, koga sam obožavao. Užasno me pogodilo što smo se razdvojili i što je otišao a da nikad nisam imao prilike da razjasnimo neke stvari. Sa njim, Stojkom, Dinom i Tonijem bio sam zaista veoma blizak. Ali, u ono ludo vreme, početkom devedesetih, jednostavno su počeli da me izbegavaju, čemu je verovatno doprinela i ta priča sa zastavom. Tada sam išao od jednog do drugog i tražio da mi kažu da li me izbegavaju zato što sam Srbin ili zato što sam nešto pogrešno uradio. Od nekih sam dobio odgovor da treba sačekati da prođe neko vreme, na šta sam im rekao da nemam prijatelje na određeno vreme.

Da li ste za njih nacionalni heroj?
- Za moj narod jesam. Za pojedine političare nisam. To je očigledno iz njihovog ponašanja i odnosa prema meni.

Kakav je bio vaš odnos sa Zoranom Đinđićem i kako ocenjujete političko aktiviranje njegove udovice Ružice?
- Zorana sam podržavao, bili smo veoma dobri i privatno bliski, iako mu neke stvari nisam odobravao. Ružica je divna i jaka žena i razumljivo je da ona oseća obavezu da nastavi veliko delo svoga muža. Verujem da to i može, jer je živela sa jakim čovekom.

Čeda Jovanović?
- Čeda Jovanović je bio blizak Zoranov prijatelj. Poznajem ga, ali nismo prijatelji. Podržavam oko 70 odsto onoga što on danas govori, izuzev pristupa i načina rešavanja problema Kosmeta.

- Koštunica je, izgleda, pošten čovek. On želi da srpskom narodu i Srbiji bude bolje, ali je kao i svi naši političari, koji imaju manu da se negde izgube jer ubede sebe da mogu vladati doživotno.

Koga od njih ste podržali na izborima?
- Nažalost, nikoga. Glasao sam za Rome i srećan sam što smo uspeli i osvojili dva poslanička mesta u parlamentu.

Koga od njih ste podržali na izborima?
- Nažalost, nikoga. Glasao sam za Rome i srećan sam što smo uspeli i osvojili dva poslanička mesta u parlamentu.

ENG translation: Which of them did you support in the elections?
- Unfortunately, no one. I voted for the Roma and i am happy that we succeeded and won two seats in parliament.

10-09-2020, 09:49 AM
If you want, you can consider her white, yet even a person who has zero knowledge about human anthropology but is racially aware, he/she can clearly see that this woman has visible non-white features.

You are talking about the woman in my original post, Nadal's wife, right?

10-09-2020, 10:13 AM
You are talking about the woman in my original post, Nadal's wife, right?


10-09-2020, 11:22 AM
A native North Italian Dinarid


looks north african af

Cristiano viejo
10-09-2020, 11:27 AM
If you want, you can consider her white, yet even a person who has zero knowledge about human anthropology but is racially aware, he/she can clearly see that this woman has visible non-white features.

That is exactly what I will do, and it is none of your business. Spaniards live happily in our country and don't need that a Serbian comes to tell us what we are. Worry for your country and for Albanians attacking your kids.
There are tons and tons of Serbians with non white features and I could not care less about them.

10-09-2020, 01:03 PM
Rafa Nadal, despite his dark pigmentation (obviously playing 8 hours a day under the sun), looks 100% European. You canīt say anything in his face that looks non-Euro. Maybe he could even look slight asiatic if someone wants to pinpoint something.


Compare him with Federer, and Nadal looks "aryan" in all sense. I donīt know Federer ancestry but he is a rare looking type:


10-09-2020, 01:30 PM
Rafa Nadal, despite his dark pigmentation (obviously playing 8 hours a day under the sun), looks 100% European. You canīt say anything in his face that looks non-Euro. Maybe he could even look slight asiatic if someone wants to pinpoint something.


Compare him with Federer, and Nadal looks "aryan" in all sense. I donīt know Federer ancestry but he is a rare looking type:



Yes, a true 'Aryan'.

Vast majority European? Sure. 100% European? No.

It's always Spaniards saying he looks 100% white.
If he wasn't famous, take him to Norway and see how they react to him. They will not see him as their long lost Aryan brother.

I saw on another thread here that even Greeks get beat up in Germany.

10-09-2020, 01:36 PM
That is exactly what I will do, and it is none of your business. Spaniards live happily in our country and don't need that a Serbian comes to tell us what we are. Worry for your country and for Albanians attacking your kids.
There are tons and tons of Serbians with non white features and I could not care less about them.

Your delusion is very amusing. I understand it though- there is no benefit for you to claim that Spaniards have MENA blood. Best for you to say you just have a tan!

2 Spaniards together. Surely only difference is tan!102696

10-09-2020, 01:41 PM

Yes, a true 'Aryan'.

Vast majority European? Sure. 100% European? No.

It's always Spaniards saying he looks 100% white.
If he wasn't famous, take him to Norway and see how they react to him. They will not see him as their long lost Aryan brother.

I saw on another thread here that even Greeks get beat up in Germany.

I too have heard of stories concerning Greeks or swarthy people in general getting beat up in Germany, which to me is proof Germany is not as Leftist as some people portray them to be.

10-09-2020, 01:46 PM

Yes, a true 'Aryan'.

Vast majority European? Sure. 100% European? No.

It's always Spaniards saying he looks 100% white.
If he wasn't famous, take him to Norway and see how they react to him. They will not see him as their long lost Aryan brother.

I saw on another thread here that even Greeks get beat up in Germany.

Lol dude get a life. Nadal is more European than you "West Asians" will ever get. He has Paleo look, not Aryan though.

10-09-2020, 02:12 PM
Lol dude get a life. Nadal is more European than you "West Asians" will ever get. He has Paleo look, not Aryan though.

I never said he was less Euro than me, nor do I think I look Euro. I look very Iran or Iraqi.

He is pre Aryan, that's for sure. Neanderthal or Cromag or something.

10-09-2020, 02:15 PM
Yes, a true 'Aryan'.

Vast majority European? Sure. 100% European? No.

It's always Spaniards saying he looks 100% white.
If he wasn't famous, take him to Norway and see how they react to him. They will not see him as their long lost Aryan brother.

maybe not in norway, but in most of south o west europe. just look at his family



Another possibility is that the Cherokee Indian look that he has in some photos was acquired without the consent of the father on a trip to Latin America.

10-09-2020, 02:19 PM
maybe not in norway, but in most of south o west europe. just look at his family



Another possibility is that the Cherokee Indian look that he has in some photos was acquired without the consent of the father on a trip to Latin America.

Very possible.
I don't understand where he gets his eye area from.

Cristiano viejo
10-09-2020, 02:26 PM
Your delusion is very amusing. I understand it though- there is no benefit for you to claim that Spaniards have MENA blood. Best for you to say you just have a tan!

2 Spaniards together. Surely only difference is tan!102696

The delusion is creating the same thread again and again about the woman of nadal, even asking if she looks like a mongrel male like you

10-09-2020, 02:29 PM
I mean, let's be honest- if a bunch of skinheads walked past Nadal and his mother (pictured), they'd think he is a product of an interratial relationship. Moreso a Mestizo father, though

10-09-2020, 02:31 PM
The delusion is creating the same thread again and again about the woman of nadal, even asking if she looks like a mongrel male like you

She is mongrel too my friend, although a much more beautiful mongrel than me!

Cristiano viejo
10-09-2020, 03:59 PM
She is mongrel too my friend, although a much more beautiful mongrel than me!

No, she is not. She is spaniard while you are a mix of god knows what.

10-09-2020, 04:14 PM
She could pass for a high-caste Brahmin in India.

Cristiano viejo
10-09-2020, 04:19 PM
She could pass for a high-caste Brahmin in India.

No, she does not look Armenian.

10-09-2020, 04:57 PM
No, she is not. She is spaniard while you are a mix of god knows what.

True. Mongrels need to mongrelize others to feel content. I blocked him long ago.

And the issue with southern Europeans (brunettes) is that LIGHTING plays a major role. A blonde under bad lighting still looks relatively light. A southern European with bad lighting CAN look ethnic (if he/she has dark Brown hair and sun-tan).

But with normal lighting, those """ethnic""" looking southern Europeans, look average European, or average pre-indoeuropean (less "celtic" admixture, maybe more ENF admixture, or whatever):
Good lighting, ie, NATURAL LIGHT:
https://duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.standardmedia.co.ke%2Fevem edia%2Feveimages%2Ftuesday%2Fqrufypubapwrmz5cda86f a3492a.jpg
You can even find people with this looks even in the UK (black irish for example).

Now, I want to make her look "high caste brahmin" or "ethnic", I just use BAD LIGHTING, DARK CONTRAST PICTURES:


10-09-2020, 09:44 PM
True. Mongrels need to mongrelize others to feel content. I blocked him long ago.

And the issue with southern Europeans (brunettes) is that LIGHTING plays a major role. A blonde under bad lighting still looks relatively light. A southern European with bad lighting CAN look ethnic (if he/she has dark Brown hair and sun-tan).

But with normal lighting, those """ethnic""" looking southern Europeans, look average European, or average pre-indoeuropean (less "celtic" admixture, maybe more ENF admixture, or whatever):
Good lighting, ie, NATURAL LIGHT:
https://duckduckgo.com/l/?uddg=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.standardmedia.co.ke%2Fevem edia%2Feveimages%2Ftuesday%2Fqrufypubapwrmz5cda86f a3492a.jpg
You can even find people with this looks even in the UK (black irish for example).

Now, I want to make her look "high caste brahmin" or "ethnic", I just use BAD LIGHTING, DARK CONTRAST PICTURES:


No, she is not. She is spaniard while you are a mix of god knows what.

The coping with you guys is hilarious. Believe whatever you want about yourself and your people, but I know the truth about her ancestry, as well as many dark/exotic Southern Europeans.

Nordic people know the truth too.

10-09-2020, 09:53 PM
The coping with you guys is hilarious. Believe whatever you want about yourself and your people, but I know the truth about her ancestry, as well as many dark/exotic Southern Europeans.

Nordic people know the truth too.

I donīt know the truth, wich is the truth?

Tell me the truth!!!

10-09-2020, 09:57 PM
The coping with you guys is hilarious. Believe whatever you want about yourself and your people, but I know the truth about her ancestry, as well as many dark/exotic Southern Europeans.

Nordic people know the truth too.

Yeah, coping mechanism include "Nords are just depigmented meds" LOL yeah right! Everyone knows Nords are albino South Asians.

10-10-2020, 04:17 AM
No, she does not look Armenian.

Here we go again with the Armenian namecalling. If I defend Armenians that DOES NOT mean that I'm Armenian. Do you understand that? How many times do I have to tell you this? :mad:

10-10-2020, 07:48 AM
She's still within natural European variation.

10-10-2020, 01:07 PM
Yeah, coping mechanism include "Nords are just depigmented meds" LOL yeah right! Everyone knows Nords are albino South Asians.

It is curious but in the end, the best indicator of oneīs race or subrace it is the nose in 80% of the cases. Just look at their noses and you will think: these people are mixed (well, it is obvious that the general appareance is exotic despite their albinism -light pigmentation-), but the nose is very useful.

10-10-2020, 09:05 PM
That is exactly what I will do, and it is none of your business. Spaniards live happily in our country and don't need that a Serbian comes to tell us what we are. Worry for your country and for Albanians attacking your kids.

Don't worry about Kosovo, we Serbs know how to take care of ourselves, you better take care of Catalonia.

There are tons and tons of Serbians with non white features and I could not care less about them.

Frustrated complexes because you are a nation full of Negroid and Moorish blood influence :)

10-10-2020, 09:17 PM
When some people will learn that Berid is not Berberid ?, Berid is just a souther adaption of alpinid phenotype.

Berberid is an archaic paleo atlantid phenotype, Upper Paleolithic survivors.

Cristiano viejo
10-10-2020, 09:33 PM
Don't worry about Kosovo, we Serbs know how to take care of ourselves, you better take care of Catalonia.

Frustrated complexes because you are a nation full of Negroid and Moorish blood influence :)

Catalonia unlike Kosovo did not get the independence, so losers you are :thumb001:

Frustrated complexes because you are a nation full of gypsies and ottoman blood influence :)

10-11-2020, 06:11 AM
Passes easily as Lebanese or Israeli... Not my cup of tea:) Some form of East Med!

10-11-2020, 06:38 AM
Passes easily as Lebanese or Israeli... Not my cup of tea:) Some form of East Med!

This guy speaks the truth!

She is my dream girl as I look Middle Eastern like her lol.

Cristiano viejo
10-11-2020, 02:01 PM
This guy speaks the truth!

She is my dream girl as I look Middle Eastern like her lol.

No, you are and look like a mongrel, nothing to do with her.

02-02-2022, 11:47 AM

02-05-2022, 09:54 AM
Nadal's wife is pan-Mediterranean: if europeans lack any Aryan/CM admixture they will pass fine in Levant

02-05-2022, 11:17 AM
Dinaricized Transmed.