View Full Version : How much non European to be considered european

10-10-2020, 12:51 AM
Should be renamed to white non European if your dominate in European ancestry you have the right to call yourself ethnically European but not white.

In my honest take I think it should look like this

1/64 sub Saharan African & North African
1/64 American Indian
1/64 south Asian
1/64 East Asian central Asian and eastern turkey
1/64 East African
1/32Middle Eastern (Saudi Arabian Yemen and Oman)
1/16(Lebanon & Syria)
1/16 (Iranian Persian)
1/16 (western turkey)
1/8 Caucasus regions like (Azerbaijan, Armenia)
1/4 Caucasus regions like (Georgia, Chechnya)
Middle Eastern Jews (anything under 30%)
And as much as I hate Jews more than anything listed above they are undeniably white as hell there just bad evil whites every race has there bad fall and this is associated most commonly with the white race. So for Jews
Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jew (anything under 50% is white)

Do you agree?