View Full Version : Comparison of Atlantic Facade Populations

09-19-2011, 02:32 PM
As discussed on another thread. I'll start with the Irish ---

09-19-2011, 02:58 PM

The blond guy is obviously not a true atlantic facade representative specimen. Is clearly an eastern immigrant (no matter the age his lineage came there, but when it was, there were already there erected stones and ancient dwellers), call him germanic or whatever, but he is not a true atlantic example.

The guy near him also shares some traits from eastern lands.

This is more true atlantic specimen found in the facade names this thread, from Iberia to France, Ireland...

09-19-2011, 03:28 PM
Compare to Bretons ---

09-19-2011, 03:31 PM

The blond guy is obviously not a true atlantic facade representative specimen. Is clearly an eastern immigrant (no matter the age his lineage came there, but when it was, there were already there erected stones and ancient dwellers), call him germanic or whatever, but he is not a true atlantic example.

The guy near him also shares some traits from eastern lands.

This is more true atlantic specimen found in the facade names this thread, from Iberia to France, Ireland...

There is diversity throughout the AF, but certain types are without doubt more common - Paleo-Atlantid, Atlanto Med, Nordid / sub-Nordid Atlantid.

09-19-2011, 06:54 PM
I think there is a gradient, in terms of appearances, from the British Isles down to Iberia, with some types present fairly evenly all throughout and others that are more prevalent as you go north and/or south.

09-19-2011, 07:02 PM
No doubt there is a rather common look along the atlantic facade.

09-19-2011, 07:22 PM
yes, sincerely i see similarities with Irish, each day I see a more notable conection in appereances in zones with halogroup R1b

09-19-2011, 09:14 PM
Compare to Galicians (North-west Spain) ---

09-19-2011, 09:24 PM
I think these two Norwegian fellows, qualifiy as having an 'Atlantic facade':

Martin Andresen

Jonas Gahr Støre

09-19-2011, 09:27 PM
I think these two Norwegian fellows, qualifiy as having an 'Atlantic facade':

Martin Andresen

Jonas Gahr Støre

Yes, very much so.

09-19-2011, 09:28 PM
Yes Pallan, they would fit perfectly in Spain, are they from Western of Norway?

09-19-2011, 09:28 PM
I would think they could be from any part of Portugal, Spain, or France.

09-19-2011, 09:41 PM
Yes Pallan, they would fit perfectly in Spain, are they from Wester of Norway?

Actually both are from East Norway, Martin Andresen is from Ski in Akershus and Jonas Gahr Støre is from Oslo, of course it's possible both of them have some ancestry from West Norway.:)

Jack B
09-19-2011, 11:00 PM
Interesting thread, here's a few Irish ones that might fit in somewhere along there, it's hard to know for sure if they would sometimes though, they might still look a bit different to people from other countries. But they have a general Western Euro look imo

09-19-2011, 11:08 PM
Interesting thread, here's a few Irish ones that might fit in somewhere along there, it's hard to know for sure if they would sometimes though, they might still look a bit different to people from other countries. But they have a general Western Euro look imo

Some of them look familiar.. who are the people in these pics?

Jack B
09-19-2011, 11:11 PM
Some of them look familiar.. who are the people in these pics?

Just various Irish people, Writer, Fighters, Band Manager, Singers

09-19-2011, 11:12 PM
I have a question. Are the French also part of this "Altantic facade"?

09-19-2011, 11:13 PM
Interesting thread, here's a few Irish ones that might fit in somewhere along there, it's hard to know for sure if they would sometimes though, they might still look a bit different to people from other countries. But they have a general Western Euro look imo


This guy looks 100% spanish imo, but the others would pass also,

09-19-2011, 11:23 PM
Blasphemy! Where is Enya? Über-Atlantic. :)






09-19-2011, 11:40 PM
George Harrison (English-his 'type' is quite common in England).


09-19-2011, 11:43 PM
George Harrison (English-his 'type' is quite common in England).


in serious, wow
i tend to think that Englisk look as keltic nordids

09-20-2011, 12:07 AM
more examples (Spaniards)


09-20-2011, 11:45 AM
I hate it when people say that only the Germanic peoples are the ones with blonde hair. I love how we Celts have really fair skin and pink lips and such :)

09-20-2011, 12:48 PM
The parable of Atlantids is you can never tell where they are from when they are predominantly Atlantic. I have seen some spanish women, that if they didn't open their mouths, I would have thought they were French, or English, maybe Welsh.

That's the thing. I have seen French, Spanish, Even French Swiss of atlantic phenotype, that looked enough to be from other atlantic nations.

I do not know what GoldFenix wants me to say. However I have seen his photos, he looks Welsh, or English. The thing is English is a very undefinable type.

Keltic nordics, anglo-saxons, atlantids. It varies, I am familar to seeing a promiment Keltic-nordic population, and a minority Atlantid, therefore my perception is warped. What I mean is perth is prominently that. I thought England was more so, till I visited certain parts which clearly were not what I thought it was like. Sure North Lincolnshire, is like home of the danes, and the people in Oxford is very British Stereotype in Anglo-saxon/keltic-nordic looks. but some parts are heavily Atlantid, and others aren't.

but yes the British Isles, parts of France, and Spain, seem to feel interchangeable, sometimes I see some spanish, i think the only barriers are culture and languages. However my culture identity is more continental than the normal british. Probably more french if you will.

speaking of french... does this guy look spanish? I think he looks a bit Irish...


09-20-2011, 02:33 PM
in serious, wow
i tend to think that Englisk look as keltic nordids

You're correct. Most English men are Keltic Nordid (perhaps 50%). I live in Norfolk, and the vast majority of men here (perhaps 80%) have strong Nordid admixture (even Hallstatt types can be found here quite easily).

Men such as George Harrison are quite common in England, as mentioned, but they perhaps represent just 10% (maybe less) of the population. We're not all Nordid, that's for sure! ;)

09-20-2011, 02:46 PM
I have a question. Are the French also part of this "Altantic facade"?

Yes. I've already posted some images of Bretons on the thread. Gascons and Aquitani are next.

09-20-2011, 02:47 PM
Blasphemy! Where is Enya? Über-Atlantic. :)






A near perfect example.:thumb001:

09-20-2011, 03:29 PM
Compare with Portuguese - Northern and Central-North regions.

09-20-2011, 04:52 PM
Some similar types from England, France, and Spain.







09-20-2011, 05:01 PM
Some similar types from England, France, and Spain.







Where's all the lighter haired people? :( The third guy in the English section is really attractive.

09-20-2011, 05:02 PM
I can find examples of them, too.

09-20-2011, 05:05 PM
Lol, blondes and red heads are my favourites. Scots, Welsh, and Manx qualify too, don't they?

09-20-2011, 05:07 PM
Next time it can be Welsh, French, Portuguese I compare.

09-20-2011, 05:40 PM
Lol, blondes and red heads are my favourites. Scots, Welsh, and Manx qualify too, don't they?

They all absolutely qualify as Atlantic Facade - sexy and mysterious sort of category, no?:cool:

09-20-2011, 07:53 PM






09-21-2011, 01:26 AM
For People that do not know the lands of England well... yes there are atlantids, but there is many other types...

25% Keltic Nordic (12,5million), 15% Anglo-Saxon (7,5 million), 15% Brünn (7,5 million), 15% North-Atlantid (7,5 million) and 10% Palaeo-Atlantid (7,5 million; blend of Mesolithic Atlanto-Mediterranean invaders with both earlier and later arrivals; most common in the Midlands and northwest), 8% Hallstatt Nordic (4 million; of Viking and Norman derivation), 5% Trønder (2,5 million; of Norwegian Viking derivation; most common in the northeast), 3% Borreby and 2% Fälish (2,5 million; both of Viking and Norman derivation; associated with the landed gentry; source of the "John Bull" type), 2% Noric (1 milion; from Bronze-Age invaders)

09-21-2011, 11:50 AM
Blasphemy! Where is Enya? Über-Atlantic. :)






She ever claimed to be a descendant of a noble Spaniard warrior that survived the storms that sinked part of the called "Armada Invencible" who integrated into the Irish and spent his life leading them (as is known case of many spaniard survivor, like for example Francisco de Cuéllar) to guerrillas against the english.

Seems that she is quite convinced about her lineage and ancestor... quite fantastic?

09-21-2011, 11:55 AM

I don't know who this dude is....but I sure as HELL wouldn't kick him out of my bed.

What a hottie!!

09-21-2011, 12:01 PM

I don't know who this dude is....but I sure as HELL wouldn't kick him out of my bed.

What a hottie!!

The facial structure, is 100% spaniard.

Not sure, but I think is a spaniard actor. If I am wrong, he could be from France or Brit... but I think that face fits more in Spain.

09-21-2011, 12:12 PM
The facial structure, is 100% spaniard.

Not sure, but I think is a spaniard actor. If I am wrong, he could be from France or Brit... but I think that face fits more in Spain.

He's listed under the Irish on this thread:)

09-21-2011, 12:16 PM
He's listed under the Irish on this thread:)


Look. I found the guy.


Some kind of mix between this (Alejo Sauras) and Pavement's Singer, Stephen Malkmus.


09-21-2011, 01:15 PM
The facial structure, is 100% spaniard.

Not sure, but I think is a spaniard actor. If I am wrong, he could be from France or Brit... but I think that face fits more in Spain.

He's Irish.

09-21-2011, 03:27 PM
She ever claimed to be a descendant of a noble Spaniard warrior that survived the storms that sinked part of the called "Armada Invencible" who integrated into the Irish and spent his life leading them (as is known case of many spaniard survivor, like for example Francisco de Cuéllar) to guerrillas against the english.

Seems that she is quite convinced about her lineage and ancestor... quite fantastic?

That stuff about the Spanish Armada made me laugh. At first I thought it was a joke, but it seems that some people take it seriously.

09-21-2011, 04:54 PM
That stuff about the Spanish Armada made me laugh. At first I thought it was a joke, but it seems that some people take it seriously.

An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:

09-21-2011, 05:00 PM
Aquitani. Compare to other AFs.

09-21-2011, 05:16 PM

09-21-2011, 05:28 PM
An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:

Yes, a very silly tale. A. Moffat destroys this myth in his recent book on the genetics of Scotland.

09-21-2011, 05:44 PM
An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:

It was a big ship :p

09-21-2011, 05:51 PM
This guy looks 100% spanish imo, but the others would pass also,

100% yes without question to me as well.

09-21-2011, 05:52 PM
It was a big ship :p

This size?


09-21-2011, 06:06 PM
This size?


Much, much, much bigger.:cool:

09-21-2011, 06:16 PM
An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:


But in the other hand history tells that weren't needed so many spaniards to do some military deeds with the sword leading the irish.

09-21-2011, 06:22 PM
He's listed under the Irish on this thread:)

He almost could be Black Irish. Although, I agree, he does look very Spanish to me from his facial structure. What I do find interesting and I posted a thread on this that no one addressed, he has lighter facial hair. He was likely a blonde-haired baby.

As a side note, I was light strawberry blonde when born and my scalp hair darkened by my teens. I am sure my genetics have much to do with the fact that my body hair especially on arms and legs and chest stayed blonde, facial beard as this man has is golden brown while in the summer sun the hair on my head casts gold but my arm and leg hairs are pale blonde.

Jack B
09-21-2011, 06:47 PM
He almost could be Black Irish.

Well as has been stated already the whole Armada and Black Irish thing is nonsense so it's pretty much up to whoevers using the phrase to decide who is and who isn't, there's no scientific basis for the term. Any phenotypical usage of the term can also be easily made using existing terms already in place from similar areas such as Atlantid, Atlanto-Med etc

btw that guy looks very Irish to me (and Enya), which isn't to say that he can't look Spanish either, that's the point of the thread I guess.

09-21-2011, 06:48 PM
An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:

It is thought that less than 100 out of the 5000 survived. Those that were not drowned were soon put to death. Eight years later the Spanish Government made inquires, and found information concerning 8.

So some Spanish look similar to some Irish.

09-22-2011, 12:30 PM
It is thought that less than 100 out of the 5000 survived. Those that were not drowned were soon put to death. Eight years later the Spanish Government made inquires, and found information concerning 8.

So some Spanish look similar to some Irish.


09-23-2011, 11:43 PM
Any Spanish and Irish similarity is due to prehistoric shared origins, not the Spanish Armada.

09-24-2011, 12:25 AM
The story of the Armada and their descendants in Ireland and Great Britain is extremely funny.

09-24-2011, 10:38 AM
We have myths about stranded Spanish sailors in Norway also, just ask Ladejarlen about it:p

09-24-2011, 01:18 PM
We have myths about stranded Spanish sailors in Norway also, just ask Ladejarlen about it:p

I think locals have also stories about spanish sailors in Perú, California, the Caribe, Rapa Nui, Filipinas, Zipango (Japan), Tierra del Fuego, Madagascar, India and "some" other spots in this planet.

10-04-2011, 01:48 AM
Compare to Orcadians ---

10-04-2011, 02:21 AM
Atlantic Facade populations share a lot of facial characteristics in common.. it's just the frequency of hair and eye colors that change, really.

10-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Why the hell haven't there been any Scottish people on here :mad: ??????

10-08-2011, 05:27 PM
Why the hell haven't there been any Scottish people on here :mad: ??????

I can post some :)

12-28-2011, 02:32 AM
Another set to consider and compare. L to R: Bretons, South-east English, Scottish, Asturian (North Spain), Portuguese.

Damião de Góis
12-28-2011, 02:42 AM
Compare with Portuguese - Northern and Central-North regions.

António Aguilar is not from northern or central-north Portugal... he is from Lisbon, which is south.


12-28-2011, 02:44 AM
António Aguilar is not from northern or central-north Portugal... he is from Lisbon, which is south.



12-31-2011, 11:16 AM
Some italian atlantid people

Alberto Sordi(From Lazio)

Riccardo Scamarcio (From Apulia)

Raul Bova (From Lazio)

Massimo Troisi (From Campania)

James Maritato(American of sicilian origins)

Pino Scotto(From Campania)

Valentina Giovagnini(From Tuscany)

Emanuela Folliero (From Lombardy)

Cristina Scabbia (From Lombardy)

Kaos One (From Campany)

Melita Toniolo (From Veneto)

Ambra Angiolini (From Lazio)

Luca Argentero(Half Sicilian half Piedmontese)

12-31-2011, 02:28 PM
Typical looks for Atlantic Facade population groups. The range for Atlantics encompasses Paleo-Atlantids, Atlanto-Meds, Alpine-Atlantids, Cro-Magnon-Atlantids, Nordid-Atlantids.

Left to right: Irish, Scottish, English, English (Guernsey), Welsh, Galician (North-west Iberia), Leonese (Northern Spain), English (Cumbria), Portuguese, Irish, Scottish, Scottish (Orkney), Portuguese, English, Breton.

12-31-2011, 03:33 PM
Left to right: Irish, Scottish, English, English (Guernsey), Welsh, Galician (North-west Iberia), Leonese (Northern Spain), English (Cumbria), Portuguese, Irish, English, Scottish, Scottish (Orkney), Portuguese, English.
Some influences in the Dutch and Icelanders as well.

12-31-2011, 03:46 PM
Christian Magnus Falsen - Father of the Norwegian Constitution

Harald Rønneberg - TV Host

Magnus Hovdal Moan - Skiier

12-31-2011, 05:14 PM
Some influences in the Dutch and Icelanders as well.

Quite right.

01-01-2012, 04:02 PM
Cornish people:

Padre Organtino
01-01-2012, 04:07 PM
I have a sort of stupid question: how strongly are Atlantid traits correlated with "Celticness" along the facade?

01-01-2012, 04:17 PM
I have a sort of stupid question: how strongly are Atlantid traits correlated with "Celticness" along the facade?

This map was constructed using Eurogenes autosomal scores. There is likely a significant correlation.

01-01-2012, 04:22 PM
got some Asturians

Damião de Góis
01-01-2012, 04:36 PM
This map was constructed using Eurogenes autosomal scores. There is likely a significant correlation.

Shouldn't Switzerland, Austria and South Germany have the highest value if this was measuring "Celtic" ?

01-01-2012, 04:40 PM
Do Africans who live on the Atlantic coast belong to the Atlantic Facade?

01-01-2012, 07:08 PM
Do Africans who live on the Atlantic coast belong to the Atlantic Facade?

[Maybe] there are suppose links between some North Africans and Celts mostly found in Berbers.
- Physically
- Other forms of arts/ expressions

01-01-2012, 07:52 PM
Liam Neeson




01-01-2012, 07:57 PM
well too it is said that celts and old egyptians (bereber) could to have their origin in Atlantis, egyptian have mentionated Atlantis in all their history as the place where they come

01-02-2012, 12:41 AM
Do Africans who live on the Atlantic coast belong to the Atlantic Facade?

The AF goes from Iberia to Western Norway.

01-02-2012, 12:45 AM
Shouldn't Switzerland, Austria and South Germany have the highest value if this was measuring "Celtic" ?

I believe the Eurogenes cutoff was 30%. The highest values to date have been found in the Atlantic Facade.

01-02-2012, 12:47 AM
[Maybe] there are suppose links between some North Africans and Celts mostly found in Berbers.
- Physically
- Other forms of arts/ expressions

Perhaps very ancient Berbers.

01-02-2012, 05:22 PM
Going from left to right: English, Irish, Welsh, Gascons.

01-02-2012, 05:38 PM
The AF goes from Iberia to Western Norway.

But Norwegians don't look Iberians at all.

01-02-2012, 05:59 PM
But Norwegians don't look Iberians at all.

So, it doesn't mean you won't find Atlantic Facade types in Norway (more specifically, the western side of Norway). Ask any Norwegian on this forum.

So, tell us again great expert, what are Iberians supposed to look like? While you're at it, enlighten me on what my father's people, the Bretons, are supposed to look like. :rolleyes2:

01-02-2012, 06:02 PM

01-02-2012, 06:32 PM

01-02-2012, 06:51 PM

01-02-2012, 07:18 PM
But Norwegians don't look Iberians at all.
well i did think those, but i have seen people of the West of Norway who could pass here as native without problems, curiosity the West of Norway has a lot concentration of R1b haplogroup

01-02-2012, 07:38 PM

01-02-2012, 07:50 PM
Shouldn't Switzerland, Austria and South Germany have the highest value if this was measuring "Celtic" ?
It is not measuring anything, that is done automatically by the DNA program, according to similarities in autosomal dna.The Celtic connection is just a hypothessis, since these places (atlantic) had the more extended celtic speaking areas. But could also be just 'atlantic genes' instead of Celtic, since that is more of a culture than an ethnicity.

Do Africans who live on the Atlantic coast belong to the Atlantic Facade?
lol, there is not even 3% of R1b (the european kind) in Morocco, and they live in the atlantic coast.

01-10-2012, 05:14 PM
lol, there is not even 3% of R1b (the european kind) in Morocco, and they live in the atlantic coast.

what did happen to the last pages of this thread?

anyway I remember that R1b is common also in central west africa, in georgia and in the west of China.

01-10-2012, 06:27 PM
Some Danes ---

01-10-2012, 06:47 PM
danes are more borrebies IMO

01-10-2012, 07:49 PM
Borreby is the majority category but Atlantids are not uncommon.

01-12-2012, 04:16 PM
More Bretons for comparison---

The Alchemist
01-12-2012, 04:43 PM
I've read of George Clooney as being North Atlantid, but i don't agree. I think more atlanto-med:


01-12-2012, 04:46 PM
I've read of George Clooney as being North Atlantid, but i don't agree. I think more atlanto-med:


More Paleo-Atlantid. He's actually part Irish and part German.

The Alchemist
01-12-2012, 04:49 PM
If i didn't know his ancestry, i'd surely mistake him for a southern european, don't you agree?? He's got anything "nordic" imo.

The Alchemist
01-12-2012, 05:01 PM
North Atlantid???


The Alchemist
01-12-2012, 05:09 PM
pred. Atlantid


01-12-2012, 05:17 PM
North Atlantid???


North Atlantid with Borreby influences.

01-12-2012, 06:27 PM
North Atlantid???

Nordid with Nordalpinoid

01-12-2012, 09:08 PM
If i didn't know his ancestry, i'd surely mistake him for a southern european, don't you agree?? He's got anything "nordic" imo.

There are good numbers like him in Britain and Ireland.

01-12-2012, 09:08 PM
North Atlantid???


Looks so.

The Alchemist
01-12-2012, 09:27 PM
There are good numbers like him in Britain and Ireland.

Yes, i think so, but way more typical in Iberia, imo. I don't see any nordic influence about him.

01-13-2012, 01:58 AM
pred. Atlantid


North Atlantid???

They don't seem to fit facially.

01-13-2012, 02:57 AM
Nope, no fit Raskolnikov.
First is atlantid+east baltid(? cheekbones and eyes) or alpine
Second is actual for me a North-atlantid girl with some CM influence.

01-13-2012, 03:11 AM
First is atlantid+east baltid(? cheekbones and eyes) or alpine
Second is actual for me a North-atlantid girl with some CM influence.
Like you said the first looks East European, but the other one looks Nordic with dark hair. That's not really what the dark haired stratum in the North Atlantic look like.

01-13-2012, 03:17 AM
I think she is north-atlantid IMO is correct. Black to dark brown/brown is the hair coloration of the north-atlantids.

01-13-2012, 07:21 AM
Heidi Ruud Ellingsen

Lise Aanes

Ingeborg Sundrehagen Raustøl

Jan Ove Ottesen

Per Vestaby

The Alchemist
01-13-2012, 07:54 AM
Like you said the first looks East European, but the other one looks Nordic with dark hair. That's not really what the dark haired stratum in the North Atlantic look like.
Both their skulls are pretty elongated (the shape of their faces), and it's an Atlantid feature (and nordic, too). I don't classify them for the color of her hair, it would be ridicolous ;) Anyway the hair color is important too, as Leisitox said before, cause brown-dark brown (and light eyes) is typical of North Atlantids. Atlantids in general have usually (almost always) brown hair.

The Alchemist
01-13-2012, 08:15 AM
The norwegian people posted have got something typical scandinavian in their look imo, i mean the difference with other Atlantids is visible. Especially in the body (shoulders, neck, constitution in general), they look much more robust than the average Atlantids.

01-15-2012, 08:06 AM
Both their skulls are pretty elongated (the shape of their faces), and it's an Atlantid feature (and nordic, too). I don't classify them for the color of her hair, it would be ridicolous ;) Anyway the hair color is important too, as Leisitox said before, cause brown-dark brown (and light eyes) is typical of North Atlantids. Atlantids in general have usually (almost always) brown hair.
Dark hair + light eyes + similar metrics still doesn't cover the morphological clues and likely genetic inspiration - actually that's a common combination of individuals throughout Europe and not really tied to a single racial background. Ingeborg Sundrehagen Raustøl for instance doesn't fit well in terms of facial features either - Carla Bruni fits fairly well in comparison to her. I don't take taxonomy completely seriously, but as far as Lundman's North Atlantid, and what he was getting at with his Western-Atlantid category (in his case using only bloodgroups and skull-height), I think people are using it often completely against that phylogenetical point.

The Alchemist
01-16-2012, 09:03 PM
Dark hair + light eyes + similar metrics still doesn't cover the morphological clues and likely genetic inspiration - actually that's a common combination of individuals throughout Europe and not really tied to a single racial background. Ingeborg Sundrehagen Raustøl for instance doesn't fit well in terms of facial features either - Carla Bruni fits fairly well in comparison to her. I don't take taxonomy completely seriously, but as far as Lundman's North Atlantid, and what he was getting at with his Western-Atlantid category (in his case using only bloodgroups and skull-height), I think people are using it often completely against that phylogenetical point.

Yes, you're right in what you say, the point is that it's difficult for all of us here (in a website) to classify and analyze the skull index and all the others measures. I just try to do my best in it, and i'm here just to improve my knowledge. We all are at this point, i guess ;)

The Alchemist
01-16-2012, 09:05 PM
North Atlantid???


So, how would you classify Lene Nystroem???

01-16-2012, 09:06 PM
So, how would you classify Lene Nystroem???


The Alchemist
01-16-2012, 09:12 PM


You're becoming always smarter Usho...my friendiship is useful for you, i see :coffee:

01-17-2012, 09:29 AM
Harald Rønneberg, Martin Andresen and Magnus Hovdal Moan are all from East Norway

Lise Aanes and Heidi Ruud Ellingsen are from North Norway

01-18-2012, 01:48 AM
More Bretons---

The Alchemist
01-18-2012, 07:57 AM
Harald Rønneberg, Martin Andresen and Magnus Hovdal Moan are all from East Norway

Lise Aanes and Heidi Ruud Ellingsen are from North Norway

I guess that the first 2 men look absolutely out of place in Norway, don't they?? The first one looks very balkan or Albanian, imo....

01-18-2012, 09:48 AM
Balkan... I don't really see it.

The Alchemist
01-18-2012, 10:17 AM
Dunno, the guy has got a very unique look, no idea where could he fit better :confused: Certainly not scandinavian at all (not for his colors, but for his features).

01-18-2012, 11:33 AM
Dunno, the guy has got a very unique look, no idea where could he fit better :confused: Certainly not scandinavian at all (not for his colors, but for his features).
Don't fu*k with Pallantides, Gretel ;D

01-18-2012, 03:51 PM
Pallantides posted several group pictures of Norwegian students showing a significant number of Atlantids, many with darker hair.

01-18-2012, 03:55 PM
The norwegian people posted have got something typical scandinavian in their look imo, i mean the difference with other Atlantids is visible. Especially in the body (shoulders, neck, constitution in general), they look much more robust than the average Atlantids.

More Cro-Magnon-Atlantids.

01-31-2012, 02:16 AM

01-01-2013, 02:30 PM
The parable of Atlantids is you can never tell where they are from when they are predominantly Atlantic. I have seen some spanish women, that if they didn't open their mouths, I would have thought they were French, or English, maybe Welsh.

That's the thing. I have seen French, Spanish, Even French Swiss of atlantic phenotype, that looked enough to be from other atlantic nations.

I do not know what GoldFenix wants me to say. However I have seen his photos, he looks Welsh, or English. The thing is English is a very undefinable type.

Keltic nordics, anglo-saxons, atlantids. It varies, I am familar to seeing a promiment Keltic-nordic population, and a minority Atlantid, therefore my perception is warped. What I mean is perth is prominently that. I thought England was more so, till I visited certain parts which clearly were not what I thought it was like. Sure North Lincolnshire, is like home of the danes, and the people in Oxford is very British Stereotype in Anglo-saxon/keltic-nordic looks. but some parts are heavily Atlantid, and others aren't.

but yes the British Isles, parts of France, and Spain, seem to feel interchangeable, sometimes I see some spanish, i think the only barriers are culture and languages. However my culture identity is more continental than the normal british. Probably more french if you will.

speaking of french... does this guy look spanish? I think he looks a bit Irish...

That's a typical Frenchman, probably sub-Nordid.

01-01-2013, 02:40 PM
She ever claimed to be a descendant of a noble Spaniard warrior that survived the storms that sinked part of the called "Armada Invencible" who integrated into the Irish and spent his life leading them (as is known case of many spaniard survivor, like for example Francisco de Cuéllar) to guerrillas against the english.

Seems that she is quite convinced about her lineage and ancestor... quite fantastic?
Enya is the perfect North-Atlantid type of the western of Britain and the south-east of Ireland. She's extremely pale with very dark hair. There are people that look like her could range as far north as southern Netherlands to France, maybe northern Spain(not that common though).

01-01-2013, 02:43 PM
An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:
There was no such thing as the Spanish Armada. It's nothing but a myth told to the Irish when they were resisting despotic British rule, that's all.

01-01-2013, 02:50 PM
got some Asturians
Asturians are the fairest Spaniards, so expect many of them to pass as Western, Central to Northern Europeans as well.

01-01-2013, 02:54 PM
Liam Neeson



Liam Neeson is more of a Northern European type. He could pass as German/Dutch, more of a Cro-Magnid type.

01-01-2013, 02:56 PM
Asturians are the fairest Spaniards, so expect many of them to pass as Western, Central to Northern Europeans as well.

More than Cantabrian or Basques? :(:(:(

01-01-2013, 03:00 PM
pred. Atlantid

Nope, more like Alpine due to brachycephaly. She's typically Central European-looking not ATLANTID.

01-01-2013, 03:08 PM
Irish singer Danny O'Donoghue. For the most part he is Atlantid.


01-08-2013, 02:08 PM
An outrageous, nonsensical myth. You would have needed millions of shipwrecked Spaniards for any significant impact on the Irish genome / phenotypes.:rolleyes2:

Not to say that Half the Ships and crew were in fact Portuguese.:)

le penalty
01-08-2013, 03:34 PM

01-09-2013, 12:40 AM
Bretons are not as light as one would expect given their geographic location.

le penalty
01-09-2013, 09:08 AM
Yes, on the same latitude we have more dark hair than other north frenchman or south german.

05-04-2013, 04:56 PM
More Paleo-Atlantid. He's actually part Irish and part German.

George is of Irish, German and English ancestry. He could vary from Atlantid to Alpine. Palaeo-Atlantid are kind of robust people, he's not. He could be Alpine from his German ancestry, Alpines are dark as well.[/quote]

05-04-2013, 04:59 PM
Nope, not North-Atlantid! Her face, facial features are not. She's a blue-eyed Alpine from Northern Italy.

05-04-2013, 05:08 PM
Asturians and Basques are about the same. The difference is definitely not that noticeable.

05-04-2013, 05:11 PM
The Irish are much lighter than Bretons or Galicians on average. This picture also depicts that.

05-05-2013, 12:04 AM
Asturians and Basques are about the same. The difference is definitely not that noticeable.

There is (to me) a distinct Basque look that although it appears throughout Iberia, most Asturians I have seen tend to look more Atlantid, not Baskid.

07-20-2013, 11:54 AM
But Norwegians don't look Iberians at all.

They don't. Western Norwegians do have maybe somewhat more (North)Atlantid types than other parts of Norway and Scandinavia but they are ofc way way closer to Swedes, Danes, Germans etc than Iberians in general. You'll find more Nordoid(Göta Nordid, Borreby, Faelid) types in Western Norway than Atlantid ones.

It's just an exaggeration. There are Atlantid types in Denmark and Sweden too.

09-27-2013, 03:33 AM
I'm going to revitalize this thread on the morrow.

I would hope that we can conduct intelligent discussions here without prejudice.



09-27-2013, 03:39 AM

09-27-2013, 01:34 PM

(top) Aquitanian:

(lower) Breton:

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 01:50 PM

(top) Aquitanian:

(lower) Breton:

The Breton girl could be Irish or British but the girl from Aquitaine does look foreign.

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 02:00 PM
This man looks very typically Irish and would have the most common Irish colouring. He is an Irish boxer called John Duddy. On a side note his uncle was shot dead at age 17 on Bloody Sunday by British paratroopers. I'm not being political here but it is an interesting connection.


https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTs7g9hrdoV6lkpU2zhX7be7wI04Log1 wcyEIh17jaXaq_Hz6JP

09-27-2013, 02:36 PM
She [ Enya ] ever claimed to be a descendant of a noble Spaniard warrior that survived the storms that sinked part of the called "Armada Invencible" who integrated into the Irish and spent his life leading them (as is known case of many spaniard survivor, like for example Francisco de Cuéllar) to guerrillas against the english.
This is a very popular urban (or rural) legend also in Brittany.
Bretons routinely explain the higher than logical presence of dark Mediterranids in the Western coast areas of their province claiming that they are descending from Spanish sailors washed ashore by storms following the demise of the Armada.

09-27-2013, 02:49 PM
Group pics of sportsmen. From the northern part, Scandinavia, to southwestern Europe, Iberia.





British Isles





The Netherlands












Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 03:06 PM
This is a very popular urban (or rural) legend also in Brittany.
Bretons routinely explain the higher than logical presence of dark Mediterranids in the Western coast areas of their province claiming that they are descending from Spanish sailors washed ashore by storms following the demise of the Armada.

A lot of Irish claim ancestry from the Spanish Armada but it has been proven to be a myth as most of the sailors were killed. Very few made it to shore. The Irish love the Spanish and have been claiming ancestry to them for hundreds of years e.g. Lebor Gabála Érenn.

I'm just showing that there is a connection between Ireland and Spain that goes back hundreds of years.


There is the Spanish Arch in Galway that Christopher Columbas came through in 1477 and said a prayer to St Nicholas before going on his way to the Americas.


Also re the comment about the Armada. The sailors from the Armada did come ashore in Ireland after their ships were driven into rocks so I can understand the legend of Spanish sailors in Ireland but I don't think they were near Brittany.


09-27-2013, 04:40 PM
A lot of Irish claim ancestry from the Spanish Armada but it has been proven to be a myth as most of the sailors were killed. Very few made it to shore. The Irish love the Spanish and have been claiming ancestry to them for hundreds of years e.g. Lebor Gabála Érenn.

I'm just showing that there is a connection between Ireland and Spain that goes back hundreds of years.


There is the Spanish Arch in Galway that Christopher Columbas came through in 1477 and said a prayer to St Nicholas before going on his way to the Americas.


Also re the comment about the Armada. The sailors from the Armada did come ashore in Ireland after their ships were driven into rocks so I can understand the legend of Spanish sailors in Ireland but I don't think they were near Brittany.


They were nowhere near Brittany...

Anyway, you would have needed more than a million Spaniard sailors to alter the Irish genome.

Bretons are varied. Some very light and others darker.

09-27-2013, 04:40 PM
The Breton girl could be Irish or British but the girl from Aquitaine does look foreign.

Looks a bit Baskid.

09-27-2013, 05:08 PM

Lower three - SPANISH BASQUES.

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 05:26 PM
Anthropoligique I'm interested in your opinion on these Irish sisters. They are Gráinne and Síle Seoige from Galway on the west coast of Ireland. In what countries do you think they can fit? I'm also happy for anyone to give their opinion. Could they pass as Spanish or not?


09-27-2013, 05:31 PM
Anthropoligique I'm interested in your opinion on these Irish sisters. They are Gráinne and Síle Seoige from Galway on the west coast of Ireland. In what countries do you think they can fit? I'm also happy for anyone to give their opinion. Could they pass as Spanish or not?


Both of them would fit perfectly in Spain or Portugal or my native Brittany.

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 05:35 PM
Everyone one of them would fit perfectly in Spain or Portugal or my native Brittany.

Thanks Anthropoliguique. They are two sisters. I think they look quite Spanish as well. They are beautiful.

09-27-2013, 05:37 PM
Beautiful Atlantic facade women. God bless the Irish.

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 05:43 PM
Beautiful Atlantic facade women. God bless the Irish.

Thank you. That is a really lovely comment. :thumb001:

09-27-2013, 05:44 PM
Thank you. That is a really lovely comment. :thumb001:

Always welcome, Celtic sister.

09-27-2013, 05:56 PM
Celtic women are the most beautiful in the world.

09-27-2013, 05:57 PM
Anthropoligique I'm interested in your opinion on these Irish sisters. They are Gráinne and Síle Seoige from Galway on the west coast of Ireland. In what countries do you think they can fit? I'm also happy for anyone to give their opinion. Could they pass as Spanish or not?


This Atlantic face with strong and rounded features reminds me of this kind of Spanish women.

Mans not hot
09-27-2013, 06:13 PM
Pan Atlantic look?

09-27-2013, 06:16 PM
The Breton girl could be Irish or British but the girl from Aquitaine does look foreign.

Indeed i would say the same.

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 06:39 PM
This Atlantic face with strong and rounded features reminds me of this kind of Spanish women.

Yes I agree. Caroline, Andrea and Sharon Corr


Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 06:46 PM
Pan Atlantic look?

Her colouring is good but she has a very long face. She has got an unusual look.

Mans not hot
09-27-2013, 07:10 PM
Her colouring is good but she has a very long face. She has got an unusual look.
Can you guess her ethnicity?

09-27-2013, 07:11 PM
Pan Atlantic look?

She fits here.

What about edurne? Can she fits in any other country??

Grace O'Malley
09-27-2013, 07:28 PM
Can you guess her ethnicity?

I'm just guessing but is she Polish? On looking at her again she does remind me of Annie Lennox.

09-27-2013, 07:30 PM
This Atlantic face with strong and rounded features reminds me of this kind of Spanish women.


Mans not hot
09-27-2013, 07:32 PM
I'm just guessing but is she Polish? On looking at her again she does remind me of Annie Lennox.
Yes, she's Polish. Surprising, huh? Her look is obviously not typical, but she isn't atypical neither.

09-28-2013, 01:54 AM
More for comparison ---

Top to bottom:





09-30-2013, 03:54 PM
This is a very interesting thesis pertaining to Atlantic facade Celticity and Iberia:

Seamus Hamill-Keays: Celtic Origins: Iberian Connections

You will need to Google the author and title, since the paper contains dissemination restrictions.

09-30-2013, 11:50 PM
Yes, she's Polish. Surprising, huh? Her look is obviously not typical, but she isn't atypical neither.

She would be atypical at least for Wrocław. She has that strong ''off'' vibe, the eyes are the strangest element. I would not suspect her to have distant ancestry nevertheless. Somewhat similar looking to Paweł Korzeniowski :confused:

01-30-2019, 08:17 PM
yes, sincerely i see similarities with Irish, each day I see a more notable conection in appereances in zones with halogroup R1b

Ahh the power of motivated reasoning, once a theory is accepted, the human brain attempts to pattern match reality in line with said theory.

Shame the Atlantic facade theory was all bullshit

01-31-2019, 02:25 PM
The Atlantic Façade is a myth and farce! How can you fall for such as stupid thing!

01-31-2019, 11:11 PM
The Atlantic Façade is a myth and farce! How can you fall for such as stupid thing!

I propose the African Facade theory, The British are all descended from historical kangz who traveled there on flying pyramids to try and civilize the primitive europeans, they lightened over time, but you can still see the african mixture in the british due to the fact that some brits have Jet black curly hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. R1b must have come from them

05-05-2019, 12:05 AM
Anthropoligique I'm interested in your opinion on these Irish sisters. They are Gráinne and Síle Seoige from Galway on the west coast of Ireland. In what countries do you think they can fit? I'm also happy for anyone to give their opinion. Could they pass as Spanish or not?


They are beautiful Celts! I think they would fit more in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Cumbria, Iceland, Faroe Isles, Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (west). Their facial features are very Keltic with the cylindrical skull, nasal features pointy. Quite Keltic, though I expected them to look Bruenn.

Mans not hot
05-05-2019, 12:06 AM
I propose the African Facade theory, The British are all descended from historical kangz who traveled there on flying pyramids to try and civilize the primitive europeans, they lightened over time, but you can still see the african mixture in the british due to the fact that some brits have Jet black curly hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. R1b must have come from them
Bellbeaking strike back

05-05-2019, 12:34 AM
They are beautiful Celts! I think they would fit more in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Cumbria, Iceland, Faroe Isles, Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (west). Their facial features are very Keltic with the cylindrical skull, nasal features pointy. Quite Keltic, though I expected them to look Bruenn.

To be honest those girls would not be very strange in Spain either.
Typical in Northern Spain.

05-05-2019, 12:37 AM
I propose the African Facade theory, The British are all descended from historical kangz who traveled there on flying pyramids to try and civilize the primitive europeans, they lightened over time, but you can still see the african mixture in the british due to the fact that some brits have Jet black curly hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. R1b must have come from them

No that partly true. It was turanids from altai Mountains who mixed with the local population.Thats why you se asian eyes and brown and green eyes among britts. But the irish is of an african race.

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 05:57 AM
They are beautiful Celts! I think they would fit more in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Cumbria, Iceland, Faroe Isles, Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (west). Their facial features are very Keltic with the cylindrical skull, nasal features pointy. Quite Keltic, though I expected them to look Bruenn.

They are indeed Celts. They are both from the Gaeltacht in Galway. I've accidentally put in another girl there who is also from the Gaeltacht Síle Ní Bhraonáin.


They all are Gaeilgeoir.

Here's a couple of other pictures of Gráinne Seoige.


She married this guy who is South African Leon Jordaan.


Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 06:13 AM
Well as has been stated already the whole Armada and Black Irish thing is nonsense so it's pretty much up to whoevers using the phrase to decide who is and who isn't, there's no scientific basis for the term. Any phenotypical usage of the term can also be easily made using existing terms already in place from similar areas such as Atlantid, Atlanto-Med etc

btw that guy looks very Irish to me (and Enya), which isn't to say that he can't look Spanish either, that's the point of the thread I guess.

Just looking back over this thread and this is the guy they were all talking about earlier but his picture has disappeared.

https://img.maximummedia.ie/joe_ie/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvbWVkaW Etam9lLm1heGltdW1tZWRpYS5pZS5zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29t XFxcL3dwLWNvbnRlbnRcXFwvdXBsb2Fkc1xcXC8yMDExXFxcLz AyXFxcL3N0b3J5Xzk5OTJfOTk5Mi14bGFyZ2UuanBnXCIsXCJ3 aWR0aFwiOjc2NyxcImhlaWdodFwiOjQzMSxcImRlZmF1bHRcIj pcImh0dHBzOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LmpvZS5pZVxcXC9hc3NldHNc XFwvaW1hZ2VzXFxcL2pvZVxcXC9uby1pbWFnZS5wbmc_aWQ9Mj Y0YTJkYmUzNzBmMmM2NzVmY2RcIixcIm9wdGlvbnNcIjpbXX0i LCJoYXNoIjoiZTNiZTIxZGZmZmFmYjVhMGExZWEzOTlkN2E3Yj U4OTIwMjMxODI4NiJ9/story-9992-9992-xlarge.jpg

05-05-2019, 06:26 AM
To be honest those girls would not be very strange in Spain either.
Typical in Northern Spain.

'Not strange' perhaps because their dark hair colour, but their facial features are too Keltic for me to consider them as Spaniards!

05-05-2019, 06:35 AM
They are beautiful Celts! I think they would fit more in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Cumbria, Iceland, Faroe Isles, Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (west). Their facial features are very Keltic with the cylindrical skull, nasal features pointy. Quite Keltic, though I expected them to look Bruenn.

No one's debating whether or not they're Celts that's a given, the Celts did a pretty good job spreading themselves through old Gaul and Hispania and No, they'd stick out quite a bit among the Faroese and Icelanders. They look more akin to Spaniards, key word *look*, I'm not saying they're wogs so everyone cool it.

05-05-2019, 06:38 AM
Gráinne Seoige.


Kind of looks like Rose Byrne, very pretty woman

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 06:44 AM
There was some good posters on this thread. Whatever happened to Anthropologique? Pallantides and Jack B are missed as well.

It is interesting looking at past threads but of course genetics has come on in huge leaps in the last few years. All the Atlantic Facade link has gone "whoosh". :)

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 06:45 AM
Kind of looks like Rose Byrne, very pretty woman

Yes Rose Byrne is of Irish and Scots parentage. It is a very attractive look.

05-05-2019, 06:51 AM
Yes Rose Byrne is of Irish and Scots parentage. It is a very attractive look.

I agree, a rather scant looks among Scots but it gave us the faces of Keira Knightley & Bruce Campbell just as well as Rose's, granted I've named diaspora results rather than examples from the old country but it's a good thing it still lingers.

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 07:22 AM
I agree, a rather scant looks among Scots but it gave us the faces of Keira Knightley & Bruce Campbell just as well as Rose's, granted I've named diaspora results rather than examples from the old country but it's a good thing it still lingers.

I think Katie McGrath is beautiful and you can definitely see a resemblance with Grainne Seoige here. Something interesting is that Grainne's name in English is Grace Joyce and Joyce is a Norman surname.


05-05-2019, 07:28 AM
I think Katie McGrath is beautiful and you can definitely see a resemblance with Grainne Seoige here. Something interesting is that Grainne's name in English is Grace Joyce and Joyce is a Norman surname.


Damn, Meant to thumb that up. Either way :confused:, I remember her, What an angel! Whatever became of Katie McGrath? I reckon she should be over 30 by now.

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 07:33 AM
Damn, Meant to thumb that up. Either way :confused:, I remember her, What an angel! Whatever became of Katie McGrath? I reckon she should be over 30 by now.

She is still acting and last I heard she is in Supergirl which is still going.

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 08:04 AM
No one's debating whether or not they're Celts that's a given, the Celts did a pretty good job spreading themselves through old Gaul and Hispania and No, they'd stick out quite a bit among the Faroese and Icelanders. They look more akin to Spaniards, key word *look*, I'm not saying they're wogs so everyone cool it.

Interesting comment because they would be significantly closer to the Faroese and Icelanders genetically and quite distant to the Spanish. A lot of Irish cluster with those populations me being one of them. :)

This is one of the interesting aspects of this thread. The Celts weren't one uniform people genetically and it is still not known whether the Irish have a connection to Celts on the European continent genetically. They most likely have a connection to the Northern French and Belgae but the English would have an even closer connection to these. We need more ancient genomes to see but one thing can be said and that is the Irish, Scots and Welsh are Northwestern European and those populations are the ones they are closest to. Even populations like Galicians are quite distant to Irish, Scots etc. Norwegians, Icelanders however are very close to Scots and Irish.

05-05-2019, 08:39 AM
Interesting comment because they would be significantly closer to the Faroese and Icelanders genetically and quite distant to the Spanish. A lot of Irish cluster with those populations me being one of them. :)

This is one of the interesting aspects of this thread. The Celts weren't one uniform people genetically and it is still not known whether the Irish have a connection to Celts on the European continent genetically. They most likely have a connection to the Northern French and Belgae but the English would have an even closer connection to these. We need more ancient genomes to see but one thing can be said and that is the Irish, Scots and Welsh are Northwestern European and those populations are the ones they are closest to. Even populations like Galicians are quite distant to Irish, Scots etc. Norwegians, Icelanders however are very close to Scots and Irish.

I never denied the Irish are Northern European above all else. I said they *looked* more like Spanish women. As far as those particular women were concerned, they would've stood out, likewise were I to provide say Blanca Estrada or Manuela Velles here below, odds are a DNA test would should still place her closer to South or Western France or Portugal than to Wales or England no matter how seemengly light they are compared to those Irish sisters. It's well know the Irish are closer to Danes genetically no matter how many in Ireland or Wales like to cling to the Spanish Armada legend or the Basque sailor providing them with dark looks.

http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Manuela+Velles+Manuela+Velles+Oscar+Jaenada+uEWS_w MOwEXl.jpg

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 09:15 AM
I never denied the Irish are Northern European above all else. I said they *looked* more like Spanish women. As far as those particular women were concerned, they would've stood out, likewise were I to provide say Blanca Estrada or Manuela Velles here below, odds are a DNA test would should still place her closer to South or Western France or Portugal than to Wales or England no matter how seemengly light they are compared to those Irish sisters. It's well know the Irish are closer to Danes genetically no matter how many in Ireland or Wales like to cling to the Spanish Armada legend or the Basque sailor providing them with dark looks.

http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Manuela+Velles+Manuela+Velles+Oscar+Jaenada+uEWS_w MOwEXl.jpg

There's no argument there I was just pointing out the genetics which is my main interest. This is just an interesting discussion. :)

05-05-2019, 10:38 AM
Finally the Atlantic Façade was proven true by genetics. Anthropologique was a visionary.

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 11:07 AM
Finally the Atlantic Façade was proven true by genetics. Anthropologique was a visionary.

Well one thing I would say about Anthropologique was that he was definitely a very dedicated proponent of the Atlantic Facade and woe to anyone that would question him about it. :) That was really all he posted about but it made for some interesting discussion.

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 11:52 AM
This is populations closest to Galicia using G25 checkfit.

2 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Extremadura_Averaged Averaged 1.839
3 Spanish_Galicia:Average Portuguese_Averaged Averaged 1.942
9 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Murcia_Averaged Averaged 2.271
12 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Cataluna_Averaged Averaged 2.421
16 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Baleares_Averaged Averaged 2.517
19 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon_Averaged Averaged 2.599
22 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Andalucia_Averaged Averaged 2.672
24 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha_Averaged Averaged 2.694
36 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Aragon_Averaged Averaged 3.019
40 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Cantabria_Averaged Averaged 3.075
68 Spanish_Galicia:Average French_South_Averaged Averaged 3.871
74 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Valencia_Averaged Averaged 3.99
95 Spanish_Galicia:Average Italian_Bergamo_Averaged Averaged 4.225
97 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Canarias_Averaged Averaged 4.248
114 Spanish_Galicia:Average French_Averaged Averaged 4.469
140 Spanish_Galicia:Average French_East_Averaged Averaged 4.763
160 Spanish_Galicia:Average Spanish_Pais_Vasco_Averaged Averaged 4.968
191 Spanish_Galicia:Average Basque_French_Averaged Averaged 5.188
195 Spanish_Galicia:Average Basque_Spanish_Averaged Averaged 5.212
199 Spanish_Galicia:Average Italian_Tuscan_Averaged Averaged 5.233
244 Spanish_Galicia:Average Belgian_Averaged Averaged 5.531
308 Spanish_Galicia:Average Romanian_Averaged Averaged 5.923
383 Spanish_Galicia:Average Bulgarian_Averaged Averaged 6.306
392 Spanish_Galicia:Average Montenegrin_Averaged Averaged 6.331
434 Spanish_Galicia:Average Macedonian_Averaged Averaged 6.524
448 Spanish_Galicia:Average Greek_Averaged Averaged 6.585
455 Spanish_Galicia:Average Serbian_Averaged Averaged 6.613
458 Spanish_Galicia:Average Austrian_Averaged Averaged 6.632
463 Spanish_Galicia:Average Albanian_Averaged Averaged 6.661
478 Spanish_Galicia:Average Sicilian_West_Averaged Averaged 6.729
534 Spanish_Galicia:Average Italian_Abruzzo_Averaged Averaged 6.981
535 Spanish_Galicia:Average German_Averaged Averaged 6.985
620 Spanish_Galicia:Average English_Cornwall_Averaged Averaged 7.399
634 Spanish_Galicia:Average Bosnian_Averaged Averaged 7.471
637 Spanish_Galicia:Average Moldovan_Averaged Averaged 7.48
647 Spanish_Galicia:Average Croatian_Averaged Averaged 7.513
666 Spanish_Galicia:Average English_Averaged Averaged 7.588
671 Spanish_Galicia:Average Hungarian_Averaged Averaged 7.604
685 Spanish_Galicia:Average Maltese_Averaged Averaged 7.66
705 Spanish_Galicia:Average Dutch_Averaged Averaged 7.757
713 Spanish_Galicia:Average Slovenian_Averaged Averaged 7.786
717 Spanish_Galicia:Average Italian_South_Averaged Averaged 7.791
754 Spanish_Galicia:Average Sicilian_East_Averaged Averaged 7.904
767 Spanish_Galicia:Average Welsh_Averaged Averaged 7.943
768 Spanish_Galicia:Average Scottish_Averaged Averaged 7.946
777 Spanish_Galicia:Average Orcadian_Averaged Averaged 7.979
814 Spanish_Galicia:Average Irish_Averaged Averaged 8.138
929 Spanish_Galicia:Average Shetlandic_Averaged Averaged 8.448
961 Spanish_Galicia:Average German_East_Averaged Averaged 8.557
992 Spanish_Galicia:Average Ashkenazi_Jew_Averaged Averaged 8.66
1000 Spanish_Galicia:Average Czech_Averaged Averaged 8.686

Went up to 1,000 samples but people can judge for themselves.

05-05-2019, 12:02 PM
This is populations closest to Galicia using G25 checkfit.

Went up to 1,000 samples but people can judge for themselves.
It was never the purpose of this thread or of the whole Atlantic façade concept to prove/assert that the Irish and Spaniards are similar, or that the Irish are more similar to Spaniards than to other Northwestern Europeans.

05-05-2019, 03:50 PM
'Not strange' perhaps because their dark hair colour, but their facial features are too Keltic for me to consider them as Spaniards!

You say there were no Celtics in Spain? :picard1:
Or do you mean the Britons?

Grace O'Malley
05-05-2019, 08:21 PM
It was never the purpose of this thread or of the whole Atlantic façade concept to prove/assert that the Irish and Spaniards are similar, or that the Irish are more similar to Spaniards than to other Northwestern Europeans.

Well the purpose of threads is open to the individual's interpretation. The thread is obviously comparing "Atlantic Facade" populations and a genetic distance table to compare these populations is a good addition just for people who aren't aware of the genetics. On a thread like this it is also legitimate to ask is there even such a thing? It is good to see what the genetics shows. You are free to add anything of interest that you wish.

This is one for Ireland.

1 Irish:Average Scottish_Averaged Averaged 0.683
2 Irish:Average Orcadian_Averaged Averaged 0.929
3 Irish:Average English_Averaged Averaged 1.122
4 Irish:Average English_Cornwall HG00243 Modern; 1.318
5 Irish:Average English_Cornwall_Averaged Averaged 1.334
6 Irish:Average Shetlandic_Averaged Averaged 1.39
8 Irish:Average Welsh_Averaged Averaged 1.399
11 Irish:Average Dutch_Averaged Averaged 1.589
15 Irish:Average Icelandic_Averaged Averaged 1.659
26 Irish:Average Norwegian_Averaged Averaged 1.818
154 Irish:Average Swedish_Averaged Averaged 2.701
168 Irish:Average German_Averaged Averaged 2.762
236 Irish:Average Belgian_Averaged Averaged 3.076
503 Irish:Average French_East_Averaged Averaged 4.134
513 Irish:Average German_East_Averaged Averaged 4.175
533 Irish:Average French_Averaged Averaged 4.24
541 Irish:Average Austrian_Averaged Averaged 4.262
661 Irish:Average Czech_Averaged Averaged 4.777
720 Irish:Average Hungarian_Averaged Averaged 5.113
836 Irish:Average Slovenian_Averaged Averaged 5.785
893 Irish:Average Slovakian_Averaged Averaged 6.095
996 Irish:Average Moldovan_Averaged Averaged 6.64
997 Irish:Average Polish_Averaged Averaged 6.646
1020 Irish:Average Bosnian_Averaged Averaged 6.8
1058 Irish:Average Montenegrin_Averaged Averaged 7.042
1064 Irish:Average French_South_Averaged Averaged 7.08
1078 Irish:Average Spanish_Pais_Vasco_Averaged Averaged 7.184
1082 Irish:Average Spanish_Cataluna_Averaged Averaged 7.233
1098 Irish:Average Spanish_Cantabria_Averaged Averaged 7.305
1110 Irish:Average Basque_French_Averaged Averaged 7.371
1126 Irish:Average Serbian_Averaged Averaged 7.481
1128 Irish:Average Romanian_Averaged Averaged 7.486
1139 Irish:Average Ukrainian_Averaged Averaged 7.531
1150 Irish:Average Cossack_Ukrainian_Averaged Averaged 7.585
1151 Irish:Average Spanish_Aragon_Averaged Averaged 7.588
1154 Irish:Average Spanish_Valencia_Averaged Averaged 7.594
1171 Irish:Average Spanish_Baleares_Averaged Averaged 7.648
1190 Irish:Average Basque_Spanish_Averaged Averaged 7.787
1202 Irish:Average Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon_Averaged Averaged 7.841
1210 Irish:Average Basque_Spanish BAS22 Modern; 7.87
1213 Irish:Average Russian_Orel_Averaged Averaged 7.879
1231 Irish:Average Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha_Averaged Averaged 7.941
1232 Irish:Average Russian_Voronez_Averaged Averaged 7.942
1239 Irish:Average Finnish_Averaged Averaged 7.966
1259 Irish:Average Russian_Kursk_Averaged Averaged 8.073
1272 Irish:Average Russian_Smolensk_Averaged Averaged 8.13
1274 Irish:Average Spanish_Galicia_Averaged Averaged 8.138
1294 Irish:Average Portuguese_Averaged Averaged 8.223
1296 Irish:Average Spanish_Andalucia_Averaged Averaged 8.25
1314 Irish:Average Spanish_Extremadura_Averaged Averaged 8.354
1319 Irish:Average Belarusian_Averaged Averaged 8.363
1321 Irish:Average Bulgarian_Averaged Averaged 8.366
1322 Irish:Average Macedonian_Averaged Averaged 8.374
1330 Irish:Average Spanish_Murcia_Averaged Averaged 8.408
1339 Irish:Average Russian_Tver_Averaged Averaged 8.452
1354 Irish:Average Cossack_Kuban_Averaged Averaged 8.51
1363 Irish:Average Italian_Bergamo_Averaged Averaged 8.6
1367 Irish:Average Ingrian_Averaged Averaged 8.609
1409 Irish:Average Estonian_Averaged Averaged 8.857
1440 Irish:Average Russian_Kostroma_Averaged Averaged 9.076
1493 Irish:Average Lithuanian_Averaged Averaged 9.571
1504 Irish:Average Mordovian_Averaged Averaged 9.67
1540 Irish:Average Finnish_East_Averaged Averaged 9.95
1562 Irish:Average Italian_Tuscan_Averaged Averaged 10.153
1567 Irish:Average Karelian_Averaged Averaged 10.213
1588 Irish:Average Vepsian_Averaged Averaged 10.36
1595 Irish:Average Latvian_Averaged Averaged 10.386
1615 Irish:Average Spanish_Canarias_Averaged Averaged 10.566
1633 Irish:Average Greek_Averaged Averaged 10.739
1680 Irish:Average Russian_Pinega_Averaged Averaged 11.452
1718 Irish:Average Italian_Abruzzo_Averaged Averaged 12.032
1742 Irish:Average Sicilian_West_Averaged Averaged 12.479
1776 Irish:Average Italian_South_Averaged Averaged 12.843
1804 Irish:Average Sicilian_East_Averaged Averaged 13.305
1821 Irish:Average Komi_Averaged Averaged 13.541
1835 Irish:Average Maltese_Averaged Averaged 13.655

05-05-2019, 08:32 PM
Well the purpose of threads is open to the individual's interpretation. The thread is obviously comparing "Atlantic Facade" populations and a genetic distance table to compare these populations is a good addition just for people who aren't aware of the genetics. On a thread like this it is also legitimate to ask is there even such a thing? It is good to see what the genetics shows. You are free to add anything of interest that you wish.

This is one for Ireland.
The entire point of all this 'Atlantic façade' thing is a supposed deep shared ancestry between all populations of Western Europe, and you are perfectly aware that this link does exists, in multiple forms. What is particularly interesting is the shared Atlantic Megalithic admixture that, although weak in Ireland, is still there. Of major importance though is the Beaker and Celtic-related admixture.

This 'link' encompasses all populations of Western Europe though. What is particular about the Atlantic façade is how they managed to preserve Celtic cultural elements. Living in a isolated island in the case of Ireland, and in mountainous areas in the case of NW Iberia probably undermined Germanization/Romanization of these regions and helped the preservation of certain customs.

05-06-2019, 06:25 AM
This man looks very typically Irish and would have the most common Irish colouring. He is an Irish boxer called John Duddy. On a side note his uncle was shot dead at age 17 on Bloody Sunday by British paratroopers. I'm not being political here but it is an interesting connection.


https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTs7g9hrdoV6lkpU2zhX7be7wI04Log1 wcyEIh17jaXaq_Hz6JP

He is a typical Bruenn!

05-06-2019, 06:29 AM
The entire point of all this 'Atlantic façade' thing is a supposed deep shared ancestry between all populations of Western Europe, and you are perfectly aware that this link does exists, in multiple forms. What is particularly interesting is the shared Atlantic Megalithic admixture that, although weak in Ireland, is still there. Of major importance though is the Beaker and Celtic-related admixture.

This 'link' encompasses all populations of Western Europe though. What is particular about the Atlantic façade is how they managed to preserve Celtic cultural elements. Living in a isolated island in the case of Ireland, and in mountainous areas in the case of NW Iberia probably undermined Germanization/Romanization of these regions and helped the preservation of certain customs.

What shared ancestry? The most shared ancestry is that between the Basques from Northern Spain and South West France, not some Irish person out there stranded on an island. An Irish is genetically to a Polish or even a Slovene than to a Spaniard. The Atlantic Facade is a myth.

05-06-2019, 06:44 AM
No one's debating whether or not they're Celts that's a given, the Celts did a pretty good job spreading themselves through old Gaul and Hispania and No, they'd stick out quite a bit among the Faroese and Icelanders. They look more akin to Spaniards, key word *look*, I'm not saying they're wogs so everyone cool it.

What did you say about Icelanders and Faroese? Don't you know most of them are Celtic on the female lineage?
This Miss Iceland looks Irish or Scottish. Unnur Birna Vilhjalmsdottir

05-06-2019, 10:02 AM
Female lineage, you said it, besides a myrriad of concubines, the Gaels didn't influence shit there. And that's Miss World 2005, Hvilhjalmsdottir, I think her was her name, she looks Norwegian quit wasting time. Next you'll bring up Emiliana Torrini

Grace O'Malley
05-06-2019, 11:05 AM
Female lineage, you said it, besides a myrriad of concubines, the Gaels didn't influence shit there. And that's Miss World 2005, Hvilhjalmsdottir, I think her was her name, she looks Norwegian quit wasting time. Next you'll bring up Emiliana Torrini

They didn't influence culture much but apparently there is an Irish influence on the Icelandic Sagas. Some of the Icelandic Sagas centre around Irish characters and events but the Norse held sway not surprisingly in that sort of society.


This is an interesting thesis on Irish/Norse interactions.


05-06-2019, 11:32 AM
They didn't influence culture much but apparently there is an Irish influence on the Icelandic Sagas. Some of the Icelandic Sagas centre around Irish characters and events but the Norse held sway not surprisingly in that sort of society.


This is an interesting thesis on Irish/Norse interactions.


We were also fond of taking Pommeranian concubines, you'll find as many references to the Wendish...guess that means we're Poles now

05-06-2019, 11:52 AM
What shared ancestry? The most shared ancestry is that between the Basques from Northern Spain and South West France, not some Irish person out there stranded on an island. An Irish is genetically to a Polish or even a Slovene than to a Spaniard. The Atlantic Facade is a myth.

It seems you are too dumb to understand my post.

Grace O'Malley
05-06-2019, 12:00 PM
We were also fond of taking Pommeranian concubines, you'll find as many references to the Wendish...guess that means we're Poles now

Yes but we are discussing Iceland here and they were mainly Gaels from the Viking colonies in Ireland and the Western Isles. They weren't all concubines or tralls as they called them. Some were already mixed with Irish/Scots when they went to Iceland.

Who is "we"? :)

05-06-2019, 12:08 PM
What about West Africans? They are also next to Atlantic.

05-06-2019, 12:19 PM
Yes but we are discussing Iceland here and they were mainly Gaels from the Viking colonies in Ireland and the Western Isles. They weren't all concubines or tralls as they called them. Some were already mixed with Irish/Scots when they went to Iceland.

Who is "we"? :)

Father's Danish, mother's Irish catholic with Danish/Norwegian/North Frisian admix. "We" is the Danes, I needn't say which side I'm more partial to since I'm well over half and there's the fødselsret(a kind of Danish jus sanguinis), don't get me wrong, I love her side of the family but as merry and tight as they can be, they're also broody cunts, IRA sympathising as well. I was one of them folk that saw Angela's Ashes looking at the characters thinking...yup! There's gran and uncle whathisface and they relate more to Catholic Southern Europe for some reason, go figure.

Grace O'Malley
05-06-2019, 12:28 PM
Father's Danish, mother's Irish catholic with Danish/Norwegian/North Frisian admix. "We" is the Danes, I needn't say which side I'm more partial to since I'm well over half and there's the fødselsret(a kind of Danish jus sanguinis) also, don't get me wrong, I love her side of the family but as merry and tight as they can be they're also broody cunts IRA sympathising also, I was one of them folk that saw Angela's Ashes looking at the characters thinking...yup! There's gran and uncle's whathisface and the relate more to Catholic Southern Europe for some reason, go figure.

Ah no worries. Yes Angela's Ashes was awfully depressing. It sort of showed the worst aspects of Ireland but it was a hard place to live for a lot of people which is why so many left. :) I guess you have a choice then and can pick the best things from your different ethnicities and leave some of the crappier things behind. You don't come from Minnesota by any chance? :) I think that is one unique accent for the US.

05-06-2019, 12:43 PM
Ah no worries. Yes Angela's Ashes was awfully depressing. It sort of showed the worst aspects of Ireland but it was a hard place to live for a lot of people which is why so many left. :) I guess you have a choice then and can pick the best things from your different ethnicities and leave some of the crappier things behind. You don't come from Minnesota by any chance? :) I think that is one unique accent for the US.

Nah, Nebraska, right under the Dakotas we also had tons of Scandinavian homesteaders and our accent's among the more neutral ones you'll hear, still unmistakeably Midwestern though. We're more Danish and Swedish whereas they're more Swedish & Norwegian, still more Germans overall.

Grace O'Malley
05-06-2019, 01:05 PM
Nah, Nebraska, right under the Dakotas we also had tons of Scandinavian homesteaders and our accent's among the more neutral ones you'll hear, still unmistakeably Midwestern though. We're more Danish and Swedish whereas they're more Swedish & Norwegian, still more Germans overall.

Asking if you were from Minnesota was a bit stereotypical. Nebraska and Minnesota are damn cold so they must be a tough breed to live there. Thanks for answering my questions.

Grace O'Malley
05-06-2019, 01:12 PM
The entire point of all this 'Atlantic façade' thing is a supposed deep shared ancestry between all populations of Western Europe, and you are perfectly aware that this link does exists, in multiple forms. What is particularly interesting is the shared Atlantic Megalithic admixture that, although weak in Ireland, is still there. Of major importance though is the Beaker and Celtic-related admixture.

This 'link' encompasses all populations of Western Europe though. What is particular about the Atlantic façade is how they managed to preserve Celtic cultural elements. Living in a isolated island in the case of Ireland, and in mountainous areas in the case of NW Iberia probably undermined Germanization/Romanization of these regions and helped the preservation of certain customs.

Megalith culture was definitely "Atlantic Facade". Guess this study should be linked here.


05-07-2019, 08:13 PM
My Irish side comes from Donegal; Gaelic is still spoken there largely and that county has a special place in my heart, here's a few groups.
Moya Brennan's a dead ringer for one of my aunts as well as my grandmother in her younger years.