View Full Version : Do Muslims Support Islamic Law?

10-17-2020, 11:33 AM
A good research about the percentange of Muslims who cheer for the Islamic Sharia law in their respective countries.


10-17-2020, 03:37 PM
How a muslim can be against muslim law?

I mean, I don't get it.
If you are muslim you beleive mahomet is a prophet, an exemple to follow and the coran is perfect. If the coran is perfect how you can go against or against what mahomet was and stand for?

10-17-2020, 04:10 PM
How a muslim can be against muslim law?

I mean, I don't get it.
If you are muslim you beleive mahomet is a prophet, an exemple to follow and the coran is perfect. If the coran is perfect how you can go against or against what mahomet was and stand for?

Totally agree with you. When I ask the same question to my Turkish Muslim friends, most of them cannot find an answer. Then why do they believe?

10-17-2020, 04:13 PM
No, because I don’t believe Sharia is the word of God. The Umayyads wrapped their pre-Islamic Bedouin Arab traditions with some Islamic provisions, attributing it to God under the name of Sharia, and corrupted this concept as “God's law”. Many Sharia laws were excisted before Islam in the region after all.

10-17-2020, 04:18 PM
No, because I don’t believe Sharia is the word of God. The Umayyads wrapped their pre-Islamic Bedouin Arab traditions with some Islamic provisions, attributing it to God under the name of Sharia, and corrupted this concept as “God's law”. Many Sharia laws were excisted before Islam in the region after all.

Aslında bu konu hakkında konuşabilecek kadar yeterli bilgi birikimine sahip değilim fakat İslam'ın geneline baktığımız zaman da aslında bu böyle değil mi? Şeri kuralların dediğin gibi olduğuna katılıyorum fakat İslamiyet içerisindeki çoğu şey zaten Bedevi-Arap kültürünün büyük bir etkisinde bana kalırsa. O yüzden evrensel olduğu konusunda şüphelerim var.

10-17-2020, 04:40 PM
How a muslim can be against muslim law?

I mean, I don't get it.
If you are muslim you beleive mahomet is a prophet, an exemple to follow and the coran is perfect. If the coran is perfect how you can go against or against what mahomet was and stand for?

Because Qur'an is made up of a set of rules and principles that an individual is supposed to follow. Sharia law means forcing down those rules and principles into the throat of everyone.

It's perfectly normal that a religious person does not approve of that.

Not to go personal but it's kinda unbelieve how someone coming from France where the rationalism and individualism came out of fails to understand this. Or is it because the abundance of extremists is serving the far-right nationalistic trend in the world?

Totally agree with you. When I ask the same question to my Turkish Muslim friends, most of them cannot find an answer. Then why do they believe?

Religion and belief are personal matters. You can't judge anyone for doing this and not doing that. Also that way you're only catering to the interests of radical islamists who are using the same argument against sane, secularized Muslims. They can believe, it's in human nature, the human nature is not perfect at all, it is prone to believe something, to feel good and better. But that doesn't mean they should practice their religion perfectly.

It's good that there are believers that stay within the line of secular modern values.

10-17-2020, 04:56 PM
Because Qur'an is made up of a set of rules and principles that an individual is supposed to follow. Sharia law means forcing down those rules and principles into the throat of everyone.

It's perfectly normal that a religious person does not approve of that.

Religion and belief are personal matters. You can't judge anyone for doing this and not doing that. Also that way you're only catering to the interests of radical islamists who are using the same argument against sane, secularized Muslims. They can believe, it's in human nature, the human nature is not perfect at all, it is prone to believe something, to feel good and better. But that doesn't mean they should practice their religion perfectly.

It's good that there are believers that stay within the line of secular modern values.

Kesinlikle yargılayamam fakat bana gerçekten ilginç geliyor bu durum. Aslında tam olarak şeriatten bahsetmiyorum konu buradan başlayınca ben genelleme yaparak konuştum. Genel olarak Türkiye'de büyük bir çoğunluk kendi inandığı dinin gerekliliklerini yerine getirmiyor. Ya da dini işine gelmeyen durumlarda işine geldiği şekilde yorumlayıp "gerçek islam bu değil" şeklinde savunmaya geçiyor. Haddim değil bunu sorgulamak ve inanan herkese saygılıyım fakat bana bu durum saçma geliyor.

bu forumun altyapısı kafayı yedirtecek bana.

10-17-2020, 05:13 PM
Aslında bu konu hakkında konuşabilecek kadar yeterli bilgi birikimine sahip değilim fakat İslam'ın geneline baktığımız zaman da aslında bu böyle değil mi? Şeri kuralların dediğin gibi olduğuna katılıyorum fakat İslamiyet içerisindeki çoğu şey zaten Bedevi-Arap kültürünün büyük bir etkisinde bana kalırsa. O yüzden evrensel olduğu konusunda şüphelerim var.

Kısmen doğru, İslam kültürü dediğimiz şeyin bazı temel unsurları İslam’dan yüzyıllar önce de bölge halkı tarafından “örf ve adet” adı altında sürdürülmüş değerlerden oluşuyor. Ben agnostisizm eğilimli bir Müslümanım, kutsal kitap dışındaki kaynakların dini referans gösterilmesine de karşıyım. Gerçi Kur’an için de söylenecek çok şey var fakat bu konu hakkında o kadar manipüle edilmiş bilgi var ki asıl sorgulatan bilgileri sorgulamak gerekiyor önce.

10-17-2020, 05:15 PM
I've always been weirded out about the fact that Southeast Asia seems to be the most conservative and extreme Islamic countries apart from countries like Afghanistan, etc.

Like... How did it get so bad there? I've met Indonesians that complained about how extreme people were there and that it seems to be getting worse. Malaysia same shit. Wtf.

Anyway, most Muslims I've met are totally against Sharia Law.

I would think only those who don't live in a country conservative enough and that don't know how living in a sharia law place actually is would agree to it being the country's law. Because I don't understand how someone who knows what Sharia is could agree to it.

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10-17-2020, 05:17 PM
Interesting variation between some of them. Like how Tunisia is at European levels for Polygamy and Veil Wearing but so low for Inheritance equality. Shows that this is moreso based off of the cultural values rather than purely religious I'd say.

10-17-2020, 05:28 PM
My mom and uncle shared equal portion of the inheritance thanks to the civil law brought by Atatürk. This would not have been possible in the Ottoman times.

It's good that such reforms have been absorbed by the society.

Pater Patota
10-18-2020, 01:17 AM
Turkey in Central Asia :picard2:

10-18-2020, 01:46 AM
Muslims publicly objecting to Muslim fanaticism are sorta like celebs for Trump, save that the latter will find most jobs cut off, while the former might have their heads cut off.

10-18-2020, 03:56 PM
Turkey in Central Asia :picard2:

They probably wanted to group Turkic countries together.

Muslim-majority Balkan and Turkic countries are constitutionally secular.

10-21-2020, 08:49 PM
Whats objectively bad about sharia law?

The only way it would affect me is by make me pay Jizya.

I for sure rather pay Jizya instead of pay taxes in a liberal democracy funding satanic practices with it.

10-21-2020, 08:59 PM
Whats objectively bad about sharia law?

If you don’t have oil, retardation.

10-21-2020, 09:04 PM
If you don’t have oil, retardation.

What a compelling argument by the neo ottoman.

10-21-2020, 09:07 PM
What a compelling argument by the neo ottoman.

When i did say something that would indicate that i am a neo ottoman?

10-21-2020, 09:11 PM
When i did say something that would indicate that i am a neo ottoman?

Möge Allah subhan watallah dich rechtleiten.

100% gehst du in eine DITTIB Moschee, wenn überhaupt.

10-21-2020, 09:15 PM
Möge Allah subhan watallah dich rechtleiten.

100% gehst du in eine DITTIB Moschee, wenn überhaupt.

Nur an Bayram und dieses Jahr ist es ausgefallen. Bin gläubiger Moslem aber will nicht in einem Land leben wo man mich umbringt weil ich mit einer Frau Händchen halte.

10-21-2020, 09:21 PM
Nur an Bayram und dieses Jahr ist es ausgefallen. Bin gläubiger Moslem aber will nicht in einem Land leben wo man mich umbringt weil ich mit einer Frau Händchen halte.

Du bist zu verwestlicht.


Ob Moslem oder Christ, Gottes Wort steht über den Gesetzen die von Menschen geschaffen worden.

10-21-2020, 09:27 PM
Du bist zu verwestlicht.

Ob Moslem oder Christ, Gottes Wort steht über den Gesetzen die von Menschen geschaffen worden.

Ein Staat der seinen Leuten die Religion aufzwingt sorgt nur dafür, dass sich das Volk vom Glauben abwendet. Das sieht man im Iran und in der Türkei. Zudem glaube ich, dass jeder Gottes Worte für such selber interpretiert, nenn ihn Yahwe, Gott, Allah oder sonst was.

10-21-2020, 09:30 PM
We're living in a world where the rationalists and traditionalists clash. Radical Christians like Teutone are no different than Sharia law supporters as it can be seen.

Secularism will win.

10-21-2020, 09:59 PM
Do Penguins like snow and ice?


10-21-2020, 10:11 PM
Ein Staat der seinen Leuten die Religion aufzwingt sorgt nur dafür, dass sich das Volk vom Glauben abwendet. Das sieht man im Iran und in der Türkei. Zudem glaube ich, dass jeder Gottes Worte für such selber interpretiert, nenn ihn Yahwe, Gott, Allah oder sonst was.

Klingt 1:1 wie ein schwuler Priester der EKD

no offence

Noch nie einen Türken wie dich erlebt.

10-22-2020, 10:21 AM
Klingt 1:1 wie ein schwuler Priester der EKD

no offence

Noch nie einen Türken wie dich erlebt.

Was ich damit sagen wollte, mir ist es egal an was andere glauben, solange es gute Menschen sind. Du wirst jede Menge Moslems hier finden die auf religiös tun aber jede erdenkliche Regel brechen. Und erst Recht solltest du sowas von einem Türken gehört haben, obwohl wir ein religiöses Volk sind, gehört Säkularismus zu unserer Kultur dazu. Religion ist Privatsache.

10-22-2020, 01:55 PM
Peace TV, banned in some countries, has 200 million viewers worldwide.

10-22-2020, 02:08 PM
No, because I don’t believe Sharia is the word of God. The Umayyads wrapped their pre-Islamic Bedouin Arab traditions with some Islamic provisions, attributing it to God under the name of Sharia, and corrupted this concept as “God's law”. Many Sharia laws were excisted before Islam in the region after all.

If they were capable of doing that, what stopped them from fabricating the whole Qur'an?

People who want to take the hadeeth and Sunnah out of Islam wanna keep the bones but remove the "meat" so they can replace it with their own meat.

10-22-2020, 02:36 PM

10-22-2020, 03:18 PM
If they were capable of doing that, what stopped them from fabricating the whole Qur'an?

People who want to take the hadeeth and Sunnah out of Islam wanna keep the bones but remove the "meat" so they can replace it with their own meat.

How can we know that they didn't try? The oldest Qur'an's existence date is 8th century, approximately 100 years after Mohammad’s death and the oldest one, Yemen edition differs from today's Cairo edition in many aspects.

In the other hand, about hadeeth and sunnah, Qur'an says: "Say, O Prophet,“Should I seek a judge other than Allah while he is the one who has revealed for you the book ˹with the truth˺ perfectly explained?” Those who were given the Scripture know that it has been revealed to you from your Lord in truth. So do not be one of those who doubt." (6:114)
But you seek for another source, that are almost impossible to stay pure after centuries in terms of different aalims' interpretations. Also saying Qur'an is a piece of meat instead of a whole body and hadeeth and sunnah are the bones which make it stand up is a kind of Shirk.

10-22-2020, 03:27 PM
For my bro edgu and my sis Itilvolga

All the claims about the fabricated Qur'an is bs. The Qur'an has numeric codes embedded in it and it is also an easy recital (which is what Qur'an means...reciting). The companions of Prophet Muhammad SAAW were just 33 generations from us, and it's crazy to think (and a bit stupid) that Hafiz could not find 32 generations to transmit the hifz (memorization) a chain of human is more reliable than even text, especially with something like Qur'an which every Aya you almost feel it what's coming next, before you even utter it from your lips because of its "style". You give humans little credit

10-22-2020, 11:20 PM
There are more radical Muslims than radical Christians.

10-22-2020, 11:33 PM
74% of the young (15-25) muslims in France are in favor of the prevalence of the islamic law above the law of their host country. https://democratieparticipative.xyz/74-des-jeunes-musulmans-assurent-preferer-la-loi-islamique-a-la-loi-republicaine-33-des-15-17-ans-daccord-avec-lextermination-des-infideles-qui-blasphement/

10-22-2020, 11:40 PM
74% of the young (15-25) muslims in France are in favor of the prevalence of the islamic law above the law of their host country. https://democratieparticipative.xyz/74-des-jeunes-musulmans-assurent-preferer-la-loi-islamique-a-la-loi-republicaine-33-des-15-17-ans-daccord-avec-lextermination-des-infideles-qui-blasphement/

pure bs coming from an alt right unknown blog. The original question was " En général, faites-vous passer vos convictions religieuses avant les valeurs de la république ? " first most of them probably didn't really understand this question and secondly "convictions religieuses" has nothing to do with sharia law

Noble Cuman
10-22-2020, 11:52 PM
I do not support Islamic law.
Sons and daughters must have equal rights.
Polygamy is immoral and disgusting.
Women can wear veil if they want it or not.

10-22-2020, 11:59 PM
pure bs coming from an alt right unknown blog. The original question was " En général, faites-vous passer vos convictions religieuses avant les valeurs de la république ? " first most of them probably didn't really understand this question and secondly "convictions religieuses" has nothing to do with sharia law

IFOP is an official polling institute. Not an alt right unknown blog. By the way, the polls also show that 66% of the muzz favors trials for those who "commited blasphemy"


This is pretty telling about what they consider to be their "religious convictions" and how they are in accordance with the "republican values".

10-23-2020, 04:30 PM

10-23-2020, 04:31 PM
There are more radical Muslims than radical Christians.


10-23-2020, 05:12 PM
No, because I don’t believe Sharia is the word of God. The Umayyads wrapped their pre-Islamic Bedouin Arab traditions with some Islamic provisions, attributing it to God under the name of Sharia, and corrupted this concept as “God's law”. Many Sharia laws were excisted before Islam in the region after all.

Most Sharia comes from Iranian central Asia via Bukhari who was from the Abbasid Caliphate. Most hadith has various citations that come from different sources thus how Islamic scholars gauge what is more accurate and what is less than reliable. So from a Sunni context it is fairly objective. It was not compiled by an Arab. Their family were native to Uzbekistan (back when the majority of the inhabitants were Iranian).

10-23-2020, 05:22 PM
Most Sharia comes from Iranian central Asia via Bukhari who was from the Abbasid Caliphate. Most hadith has various citations that come from different sources thus how Islamic scholars gauge what is more accurate and what is less than reliable. So from a Sunni context it is fairly objective. It was not compiled by an Arab. Their family were native to Uzbekistan (back when the majority of the inhabitants were Iranian).

I think you are confusing hadiths with Sharia

10-23-2020, 05:23 PM
I think you are confusing hadiths with Sharia

Sharia is based off Hadith and the Quran.

10-23-2020, 05:29 PM
Sharia is based off Hadith and the Quran.

True, but having the most accurate(?) hadiths doesn't make Bukhari a Sharia founder. Sharia is mainly shaped by Arabs and their traditions.

10-23-2020, 05:31 PM
True, but having the most accurate(?) hadiths doesn't make Bukhari a Sharia founder. Sharia is mainly shaped by Arabs and their traditions.

Sharia law has to be justified by the Quran or Hadith otherwise its considered Bidah

10-23-2020, 05:41 PM
Sharia law has to be justified by the Quran or Hadith otherwise its considered Bidah

Yet, it were the Umayyads who appointed Islamic judges, kadis to decide cases involving Muslims in their own way

10-23-2020, 10:14 PM
No, because I don’t believe Sharia is the word of God. The Umayyads wrapped their pre-Islamic Bedouin Arab traditions with some Islamic provisions, attributing it to God under the name of Sharia, and corrupted this concept as “God's law”. Many Sharia laws were excisted before Islam in the region after all.

Interestingly, most Muslims, including young people, support the implementation of Sharia law even in countries where it is not implemented.

10-23-2020, 10:36 PM
following the word of god should be a choice and not forcefully imposed on you by other...humans. this is the whole idea. you should have the free will to take the right decisions. how can you be judged in the afterlife for the choices you've made if you had no choice? god gave you the freedom to take decisions based on your own consciousness. if god wanted you to do something against your will he would have forced your to do it himself.