View Full Version : Classify Finnish Tatar basketball player

10-23-2020, 04:21 PM

About 98% of the Tatars who had migrated to Finland by the 1940s were estimated to be Mishar Tatars from the Sergachsky District of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, in particular from the village of Aktuk (57%) or within a walking distance from it (34%) (https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suomen_tataarit, http://tatar.fi/en/history/).

People from Aktuk: https://vk.com/search?c%5Bcity%5D=1141200&c%5Bcountry%5D=1. Aktuk was still listed as 95% Tatar in the 2002 census (http://lingvarium.org/russia/settlem-database.shtml).

One theory for the origin of Mishars is that they are Turkified Meschera. In early documents, Mishars were called "Mescheryak" (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мишари):

В документах XIV-XV веков, мишари называются «мещеряками», а в более поздних XVI-XVII веков - под общим названием «татары»[15].

In the documents of the XIV-XV centuries, Mishars are called "Meshcheryaks", and in the later XVI-XVII centuries - under the general name "Tatars" [15].

10-23-2020, 04:56 PM
Uralische features. Similar to this Khanty girl.


10-23-2020, 05:00 PM
uralid + local cm

10-23-2020, 05:18 PM
Uralische features. Similar to this Khanty girl.


So true. But just like among other Ural-Altaic Northern Europeans, only a minority of Mişärlär can be considered truly Uralisch.

In this photo of Mişärlär (https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=мишәрләр), out of the girls whose face is clearly visible, the first one from the right is the closest to the Uralisch ideal. She is the closest to the Obid type, which Bunak (who coined the term Uralid) considered Uralid proper. For example she has high cheekbones, high forward growth, and a short upturned nose. The second, fourth, and fifth from the right have more woggish dull-looking eyes with prominent eyelids and dark areas around the eyes. They also have a more reduced facial skeleton with smaller cheekbones.


Similarly out of these three Mishärs, the one on the right looks the most like someone from the Volga-Ural region, or the most sub-Laponid in the scheme which Trofimova used to classify Tatars (https://nomadica.ru/biblioteka/se_42_3_trofimova.html).


10-23-2020, 09:11 PM
So true. But just like among other Ural-Altaic Northern Europeans, only a minority of Mişärlär can be considered truly Uralisch.

In this photo of Mişärlär (https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=мишәрләр), out of the girls whose face is clearly visible, the first one from the right is the closest to the Uralisch ideal. She is the closest to the Obid type, which Bunak (who coined the term Uralid) considered Uralid proper. For example she has high cheekbones, high forward growth, and a short upturned nose. The second, fourth, and fifth from the right have more woggish dull-looking eyes with prominent eyelids and dark areas around the eyes. They also have a more reduced facial skeleton with smaller cheekbones.


Similarly out of these three Mishärs, the one on the right looks the most like someone from the Volga-Ural region, or the most sub-Laponid in the scheme which Trofimova used to classify Tatars (https://nomadica.ru/biblioteka/se_42_3_trofimova.html).


Paradoxically those who loook more Siberian at the same time look more White and European.

10-23-2020, 09:32 PM

08-14-2021, 09:49 PM
what about bump?