View Full Version : New study on the genetics and origins of doggos around the world

11-05-2020, 06:36 PM
Link: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6516/557

My summary/key points:
- There are 5 basal dog races and main ancestries that make up the ancestry of modern dogs, 1) WHG dogs 2) Baikal/Siberian dogs 3) New Guinea Singing Dog(name is misleading, as the paper finds it is originally from China and split off from Baikal/Siberian dogs only 7k YBP, and modern East Asian breeds are rich in its ancestry despite being mixed with modern European dogs due to international trade and colonialism) 4) Amerindian dogs(basically Siberian dogs+ extra drift, mostly feral/wild in South America, village dogs in the North) 5) Basal Eurasian/Natufian dogs(from the Levant and Iran, today they are known as African dogs but these were absolutely introduced to Africa from Eurasian with the Basal Eurasians based on the ancient dog genomes in the ancient Middle-East)
- There are no "pure" examples of these dog races left, as European colonization and trade spread European dog genes everywhere
- There are still however predominantly "pure" dog breeds, examples being the Siberian Husky or Greenland Dog(something like 70% Baikal dog), Basenji(something like 85% Basal Eurasian dog, also the second least trainable dog breed in the world), the Australian Dingo(something like 85% New Guinea Singing Dog) or the Korean Jindo(70% NGSD), and most European dog breeds like a German Shepard, Great Pyrenees, any Sheepdogs, but as there were no WHG dog genomes in this study like the Oberkassel dog we can't know how much admixture they have of them, only that they are closest to them from any other breeds. Purest European breeds are found in Germany, France, Spain, Italy(except Italian sighthounds) and England.
- The dogs brought in by neolithic farmer migrants into Europe were very different from WHG dogs, the former were rich in Basal Eurasian dog ancestry and were very far from both WHG dogs and modern European dogs
- Modern European dogs form a continuity from Funnelbeaker Culture in Sweden dogs, who were a mix of WHG dogs and neolithic farmer dogs(the latter not from this paper but a previous one on mtDNA, this paper did not state whether they were pure WHG dogs or not as they didn't sample any mesolithic ones)
- Like Swedish farmers and their later descendants in Globular Amphora had elevated HG compared to other European farmers, so too did the dog modern European breeds descend from(of course various other farmer group dogs had extra WHG dog admixture in various amounts but it only gets to the modern level at Funnelbeaker)
- Certain modern European dog breeds have Siberian dog admixture, mostly in the north/north-east, as did the dogs of EHG(so much for no link between ANE and East Asians) among Karelian HGs(significantly), and EHG influenced HG areas such as Pitted Ware in Sweden and areas in Germany.
- It is still possible Baikal/Siberian dogs were entirely introduced to east by ANE, but there is no evidence for this, would be complete speculation
- A third dog migration was introduced with the Indo-European steppe invasions, these dogs were a mix of all 3, WHG dogs, Basal Eurasian/Natufian dogs and Siberian dogs, Siberian dog admixture in modern European breeds is all via this steppe dog proxy. This may not have been the exact dogs Yamnaya or even Corded Ware had, as they are using Srubnaya dogs as a proxy for steppe dogs, when Srubnaya is known to already have significant admixture from the west
- The dogs of both the neolithic farmers and Indo-Europeans fell out of favour(perhaps less sociable?) while the Funnelbeaker/GAC dog population expanded(to most parts of Europe via Bell Beaker/Unetice/Srubnaya/etc most likely, not GAC themselves)
- Papuans and Africans domesticated no dogs of their own, nor kept any tradition of it if their ancestors en route to Papua from mainland Asia had in the past in the case of Papuans, Papuan dogs were introduced from mainland Asia, African dogs from the Middle-East, both very recently
- In the Middle-East itself, native dogs were largely replaced with European dogs(but the previous admixture still exists, along with some steppe admixture), save for Egypt where native ancestry still makes up about 50%, and further east where it makes up about 30%
- Outside Africa, Basal Eurasian/Natufian dog admixture peaks in modern Indian village/feral dogs, at around 65%
- It's a simple mix, but the steppe dog signal can still be detected. In modern dogs, the steppe signal peaks in Central Asia, Tibet, modern Turkic group dogs in Siberia, and parts of China, even down to Indochina, largely replacing the Baikal race in Siberia outside of the arctic
- The Amerindian dog signal is only somewhat present in Alaskan dogs and modern Mexican breeds, modern Mexican breeds are still vast majority European dog
- Modern dog breeds have no wolf admixture, some wolf groups in specific regions have dog admixture

PCA(bottom left) and location/dates of samples:


ADMIXTURE map of modern dog breeds:



(page 24)

Pretty much mirrors human genes, except steppe dogs seem to have spread their genes more than steppe people in East Asia.

11-05-2020, 07:04 PM
Hilarious and amazing at the same time If you ask me! Lately I've been targeted with ads/websites of test your dog learn how much admixture he Is from here and there etc.

11-05-2020, 07:14 PM
Lol I just realized Chihuahua's admixture being entirely European!!!! Now dogs being highly Influenced by Eurocentrism?? Is this for real?

Chihuahuas and other native Mexican breeds are 100% Mesoamerican amerindian lol :P

11-05-2020, 07:35 PM
Great summary, I read this study a couple days ago. Really interesting how the Indo-European dog kinda died out in favor of the GAC/TRB one despite the high Steppe admixture in modern Europeans. But on the other hand it's not that surprising considering how modern Europeans seem to have inherited several key attributes from these farmers like their lactose intolarence and the selection for blondism seems to have started with the GAC aswell.

The Baikal stuff was also found in Copper-Age Iranian dogs I believe. What is the non-WHG part of Middle eastern dogs? Just Basal?

11-05-2020, 07:54 PM
Stop the doggo racism, all doggos are the same....

11-05-2020, 08:00 PM
Really interesting how the Indo-European dog kinda died out in favor of the GAC/TRB one despite the high Steppe admixture in modern Europeans.

How do you think, whith whom this kind of dog was spreading, hmmm...?

Btw, so called IE-dog is very eastern one. It is probable, that western Yamnaya,
CCC and Cordeds had dogs closer to these who were present in TRB and GAC,
or that IEs just quickly adopted this kind of dog on the newly absorbed
lands, and then had been spreading it together with themsleves.

12-24-2020, 09:02 AM
- Modern dog breeds have no wolf admixture, some wolf groups in specific regions have dog admixture

Dingos, Coyotes and Jackals are all mixed with dogs to varying degrees.
I read there are cases where a coyote is only 60% coyote by ancestry with the rest being wolf and dog admixture.