View Full Version : Future Scenario: Decentralization of Medicine, Individual-Based/Personalized Medicine.

11-06-2020, 07:32 AM
I love how angry he is with the state of medicine today. He proposes no doubt a wet dream of layman and medicine niggas alike that is unlikely to be implemented on a mass scale where every AAA+ to F- Social Credit-Grade citizen living in the future Neo-Sinic Empire Co-Prosperity Sphere, whether Mainland or Outermost Limits mega-districts, will enjoy the benefits of HAL 9000-customized/prescribed medicine unless $$$ is involved but I ain't no economy savant genius like Paul Krugman or the people investing in/inventing new ways of obliterating human health but maybe the delusional neoplatonist spirit of Karl Marx (pbuh) will rise from its grave instead and hopefully save us all using the effective time-tested Kevorkian method.

Nevertheless, one thing is motherfucking sure. Butcher methods of treating the body (focusing on symptoms instead of causes, relying on generalized data too much and killing people in the process) shall remain a cherished status quo medical practice unless somehow someway someday medicine magically distances itself from pseudoscientific polemics a.k.a. "economics" and "statistics" a.k.a. "let's focus on the golden-goose middle of a Gausian distribution and deliver our usual 30-60% efficacy but my God, you must be insane to expect your genetic-specific case to be treated accordingly and not be thrown under the bus with the rest of you off-center distribution 'deviations.'"

The gist, the point, the Hot Take™, the big takeaway: We're fucked. Unless . . .

"We wouldn't need humans to bear the burden of not only having to try the drugs first to obtain data but we also wouldn't need to wait for people to die while getting that data. And we wouldn't need to have to do things like withholding experimental medicines from patients because of how a trial was designed." (Quote from the vid)

Original title: "A Future of Medicine"