View Full Version : Realistically am I too weird to get a gf?

11-11-2020, 07:24 AM
Whenever I talk about dating, most people bring up my race or my looks as a relevant factor in why I struggle. However, I have seen both guys who were the same race as me and who were less attractive find relationships while I can’t.

Also I get rejected by girls of the same race as me and who are uglier than me.

So the problem is surely personality related. Can I get realistic answers as to what it is I do or say which is so off putting to females?


11-11-2020, 07:27 AM
Why do you think you're weird?

11-11-2020, 07:30 AM
I dont know you through and through. Maybe ask a good real life friend, or someone who really knows your personality and lived with you or was around you. I dont know. To me you are not ugly, and race is always mentioned if you are not white, they do the same to me, they assume I dont date gypsie girls and that this is my problem, which is not true, nor it is true that I date only white girls. But when I ask they throw that in. Just like with you. I dont though, I dont do this with you. I think not every indian has the connections or wealthy parents to get him a arranged marriage, nor every indian wants that. It is ignorant, to think so or say that. But I really dont know what your problem might be, maybe it is supernatural, that you have bad luck just. I know pretty girls who have no boyfriend, so it is not always reasonable why someone has no one, or cant be rationalised. You might also have some unresolved issues, but I couldnt know that what it is. Sorry man. I cannot say more. Good luck.

11-11-2020, 07:44 AM
Why do you think you're weird?
It is obvious in the way ppl treat me

I dont know you through and through. Maybe ask a good real life friend, or someone who really knows your personality and lived with you or was around you. I dont know. To me you are not ugly, and race is always mentioned if you are not white, they do the same to me, they assume I dont date gypsie girls and that this is my problem, which is not true, nor it is true that I date only white girls. But when I ask they throw that in. Just like with you. I dont though, I dont do this with you. I think not every indian has the connections or wealthy parents to get him a arranged marriage, nor every indian wants that. It is ignorant, to think so or say that. But I really dont know what your problem might be, maybe it is supernatural, that you have bad luck just. I know pretty girls who have no boyfriend, so it is not always reasonable why someone has no one, or cant be rationalised. You might also have some unresolved issues, but I couldnt know that what it is. Sorry man. I cannot say more. Good luck.

People close to me never say I’m weird to avoid hurting my feelings. Or they exaggerate to seem funny. No honest answers.

11-11-2020, 07:45 AM
Maybe you is homosexuals? Or you spread that vibe.

11-11-2020, 07:45 AM
I don't pretend to know everything but one thing I do know is that the majority of women are put off by suffocatingly neurotic people (even if they themselves are neurotic), if you're making threads about your nose shape and the death knell of indian men it's likely to me that you may have a problem with that

Maybe just chill out don't pick yourself apart too much

11-11-2020, 07:45 AM
It is obvious in the way ppl treat me

People close to me never say I’m weird to avoid hurting my feelings. Or they exaggerate to seem funny. No honest answers.

To settle down, you need to be established first, that helps. Are you established? Do you have a job, finances, also can you do home improvement, fix some things etc.? I have no idea why no one likes you.

11-11-2020, 07:50 AM
I don't pretend to know everything but one thing I do know is that the majority of women are put off by suffocatingly neurotic people (even if they themselves are neurotic), if you're making threads about your nose shape and the death knell of indian men it's likely to me that you may have a problem with that

He is a brownincel and he is telling the truth about his people in America.


11-11-2020, 08:00 AM
To settle down, you need to be established first, that helps. Are you established? Do you have a job, finances, also can you do home improvement, fix some things etc.? I have no idea why no one likes you.

I’m too young to be settled down especially in this economy in America

11-11-2020, 08:00 AM
I’m too young to be settled down especially in this economy in America

Ok then you are not really husband material. You need to mature, first.

11-11-2020, 08:05 AM
Maybe you is homosexuals? Or you spread that vibe.

I’m not gay nor do I act like it

11-11-2020, 08:10 AM
He is a brownincel and he is telling the truth about his people in America.

No this is bullshit man. All the Indians I know in real life have dated. In fact the ones on anthrofora are all either in or have been with girls too. It’s just that none of them ever say it which creates a distorted image created by 4chan dwelling dorks like yourself.

11-11-2020, 08:30 AM
I’m not gay nor do I act like it

Maybe you should take your time and think about your sexuality again.

Women can feel such things.

11-11-2020, 08:33 AM
I don't pretend to know everything but one thing I do know is that the majority of women are put off by suffocatingly neurotic people (even if they themselves are neurotic), if you're making threads about your nose shape and the death knell of indian men it's likely to me that you may have a problem with that

Maybe just chill out don't pick yourself apart too much

Literally this... Women are programmed to spot "loser traits" and are turned off by it to their cores.

11-11-2020, 08:37 AM
I don't pretend to know everything but one thing I do know is that the majority of women are put off by suffocatingly neurotic people (even if they themselves are neurotic), if you're making threads about your nose shape and the death knell of indian men it's likely to me that you may have a problem with that

Maybe just chill out don't pick yourself apart too much

Even when I don’t act that way it still occurs

11-11-2020, 08:50 AM
I don't care about your people dude, I was just explaining what's going on with TA brownincels like yourself.

You have been spamming these incel threads for a while now lel.





These incel threads are getting boring, find something new ffs.

They have it better off than you. The biggest brownincel can (if they have family connects) get a girl from their village and arranged for them. Usually that allows them 6-9 months before the village girl wises up to their 'damaged wiring' or that they're relatively losers.

What do you have? local girls here who literally will hit on a guy infront of you, cuck you from 6 am to 11 pm and then dont want anything to do with you in bed? And if you're dumb enough to impregnate one, literally milk you for all you're worth thru alimony and child support, condemmning you to a life of no success and scrounging for money...and simultaneously program the child to never respect you and see you as a deadbeat/loser (even if you're the better parent) and have all the legal means protecting her. You have no room to talk down ANY immigrant community. HAHA we thive in Canada at YOUR expense lel.

Maube you just havent 'woke' up to it yet. But you will in your 30s-40s-50s I assure you. And you will look at your dad with envy and lament for how good HE had it. lel

11-11-2020, 08:59 AM
As a matter of fact, his ancestors were dalits who converted to Islam to escape caste discrimination. (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?326424-I-realized-how-much-me-and-Mortimer-have-in-common)

Basically the only two methods they reproduce is rape or arranged marriage, and this dude is still an incel, imagine that lel.

Lot of Muslims are upper caste descendants of Moghul intermarriage, or Persian, Afghan, Arab mingling. (Its why Indian Muslims are usually "lighter skinned" than Hindus on average). Pakistanis are definitely lighter on average than Indians. Not saying you're not correct, the Zakir Naik phenotype etc looks Dalit to me...but Noman Ali Khan etc is the norm for subcontinent Muslims.

You know what religion in India truly won over Dalits? Christianity...many dalits find Christ for a sack of rice from the European missionary, or working as servants in the European homes

11-11-2020, 09:07 AM
No you don't seem weird at all, just not very optimistic about things. It also depends on what kind of weird, it can be a positive attribute that sets you apart from others. Not all of us are attracted to the same thing.

11-11-2020, 09:13 AM

11-11-2020, 09:24 AM
Don't forget even you Indians are highly diverse since you are overbreeded like Chinese.
Guys like Dev Patel can get most of the girls and noone cares about his race. Especially Imo girls don't care that much about race.

11-11-2020, 09:30 AM
Lot of Muslims are upper caste descendants of Moghul intermarriage, or Persian, Afghan, Arab mingling. (Its why Indian Muslims are usually "lighter skinned" than Hindus on average). Pakistanis are definitely lighter on average than Indians. Not saying you're not correct, the Zakir Naik phenotype etc looks Dalit to me...but Noman Ali Khan etc is the norm for subcontinent Muslims.

You know what religion in India truly won over Dalits? Christianity...many dalits find Christ for a sack of rice from the European missionary, or working as servants in the European homes

I have family members who look just like Noman. Naik’s phenotype is also present. We are diverse

11-11-2020, 10:22 AM
this is rarely a problem - I am an Atheist fan of Black Metal music and into porn and dressing like a tractor driver and I married a very religious Orthodox girl that listens to French pop and dresses with taste... we also don't share views on many things. still we have, I think, a good marriage, also a kid, and no sign yet of wanting to leave this, after 13 years. so such superficial things like own opinion on this and that and own taste regarding clothing should not stay in the way for a relationship with someone. one of my Communist acquaintances said, when addressed by other Communists for saying she would fuck a local Nazi (because she found the guy attractive), well, she said: "the cunt has no ideology" (at least not political). it's an extreme example, but you get the point.

11-11-2020, 11:28 AM
Ok then you are not really husband material. You need to mature, first.

Are you a husband Material Morti?

11-11-2020, 11:29 AM
To settle down, you need to be established first, that helps. Are you established? Do you have a job, finances, also can you do home improvement, fix some things etc.? I have no idea why no one likes you.

Are you estabilished Morti?

11-11-2020, 11:31 AM
Are you estabilished Morti?

No but I'm aware this is a problem if you look to get a woman

11-11-2020, 11:40 AM
Realistically it is too weird to start that thread in Taxonomy section.

11-11-2020, 11:57 AM
Even when I don’t act that way it still occurs

Be irrationally self-confident

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.


11-11-2020, 11:59 AM
The things current and past gfs have asked or said to me in private on this subject makes me seriously laugh at this idea.... but I won't go into that. It doesn't do anyone any good to get hung up on something they can't change.
Especially Imo girls don't care that much about race.

11-11-2020, 12:02 PM
The things current and past gfs have asked or said to me in private on this subject makes me seriously laugh at this idea.... but I won't go into that. It doesn't do anyone any good to get hung up on something they can't change.

What did they say no secrets we are all homies here

11-11-2020, 12:13 PM
Problem is generally not personality related, but looks related! Complete lack of social skills may also create a similar effect though...

Anything that induces low social status creates bad interactions with women, feeding lack of confidence and more "weirdness" to follow. Do not blame yourself or women, though! That's just how things were set for you which doesn't mean this is how things will be: ultimately, it is up to you

11-11-2020, 12:19 PM
It's really not important. It's still true that guys with normal personalities and interests still shouldn't have issues with women in general no matter their race.
What did they say no secrets we are all homies here

11-11-2020, 12:21 PM
A lot of girls like weird guys, actually. It's usually a compliment when a girl says you are weird BUT only if they giggle after saying it. If they don't, well. ..

11-11-2020, 12:40 PM
It's really not important. It's still true that guys with normal personalities and interests still shouldn't have issues with women in general no matter their race.

I still want to know thank you

11-11-2020, 12:43 PM
yea you are. stop making these kind of threads, you shitskin.

Shitskin? That's not very nice. Man, being racist automatically makes you as bad as Scrappy-doo, no Scooby snacks for you. Bad doggy.

11-11-2020, 12:45 PM
I've always seen this retard complaining on this forum, everytime I open the taxonomy section. He's very complexed, he should accept he's an indian ABO mutt.


Calling him a shitskin is only going to make him feel more complexed. Tho

11-11-2020, 12:46 PM
I've always seen this retard complaining on this forum, everytime I open the taxonomy section. He's very complexed, he should accept he's an indian ABO mutt.


suck my peepee

11-11-2020, 12:48 PM
Why are subhumans like you still allowed to post here???!!!

Stop portraying jews in a bad light

11-11-2020, 12:50 PM
Good for him I dont give a shit.

keep going pulev, btw in romanian pule means dick, so go suck one while you are at it.

If you are a Romanian stop saying you are a jew and crawl back to the sewers of bucharesti

11-11-2020, 12:51 PM
I am jewish and proud of it. More proud than you being a complexed gypsy who wants to be austrian.

You just want that we hate jews

11-11-2020, 12:52 PM
I am not you retard, I don't identify as one, I can speak multiple languages.


I don't believe you you need to be confirmed by Longbowman first

11-11-2020, 12:59 PM
No, I am half jewish actually. I am even circumcised, are you? you filthy gypsy? you aren't european you don't look 85% euro, you look 0% euro.

I don't take superiority feelings from being or looking more or less european whether I look 85 % or 0 % is the same to me because I'm still this unique Mortimer guy people who take their pride in being a certain race are idiots the only valid pride is the type of I'm what iam and it's OK to be like I'm proud to be but in the sense it's OK to be you take supremacy though and first you were jew now you are half only

11-11-2020, 01:02 PM
You look like crap anyway, you are right, why do I even bother to talk with a subhuman like you. dealing with gypsies is like beating a dead horse.

You aren't european, you'd remember that kaffir.

But I don't need to be european to post here

11-11-2020, 01:05 PM
it literally says A EUROPEAN community. Where are the europeans? all I see some gypsies, abos, indians,iranians bragging about their shit ancestry from bumfuck nowhere south central asia. And a few retards who take pride in having mena or asian ancestry.

European forum is more like the multicultural European union or the French football team not a white nationalist community eventhough some are

11-11-2020, 01:07 PM
it literally says A EUROPEAN community. Where are the europeans? all I see some gypsies, abos, indians,iranians bragging about their shit ancestry from bumfuck nowhere south central asia. And a few retards who take pride in having mena or asian ancestry.

Where it says ONLY European Community? Don't like it, then go, wanna change it, then try:dev

Tarlus Magnus
11-11-2020, 01:08 PM
Btw, this is A EUROPEAN forum, not a fucking one open for indians or gypsies.

And fuck ulev sundvist too, for being a retarded piece of shit.
European said the ashkenazi troll

11-11-2020, 01:11 PM
European said the ashkenazi troll

He is not Ashkenazi, he is Romenian -some Turk/Roma minority, not full- thats why he is such a complexed OWD.

Tarlus Magnus
11-11-2020, 01:13 PM
He is not Ashkenazi, he is Romenian -some Turk/Roma minority, not full- thats why he is such a complexed OWD.
Whatever the fuck he is he is obviously a troll just look at how many thumbs down he gave even tho is a new member

Tarlus Magnus
11-11-2020, 01:17 PM
You do deserve some thumbs down, figlio di puttana good luck with that incelish face, mouthbreather cuck.

Ma quando cazzo tappi la tua fogna troll ebreo?

11-11-2020, 01:18 PM
it literally was, before 2013 or so, you dumb polak.

Cry baby, time come and go

11-11-2020, 01:21 PM
'Weird' in a charismatic, unapologetic way is a benefit cause it makes you stand out positively. Weird as in constantly isolated, can't keep eye contact, stuttering etc can be picked up from a mile away and will turn everyone away from you. If you fit the latter description you shouldn't even be looking for a girlfriend rather working on yourself..

11-11-2020, 01:23 PM
Chindian subhuman, please...

find something better to do with your time

11-11-2020, 01:31 PM
Dude is acting like someone cares from where he is- he showed his face very early on anthroscape- people told him he looks West Asian with Aralid and since than he is trolling because he is still butthurt. And he will be forever i guess, poor guy. Now he cant come anymore to anthroscape, so he is trying his best here.

11-11-2020, 01:34 PM
Maybe you is homosexuals? Or you spread that vibe.


Tarlus Magnus
11-11-2020, 01:35 PM
Dude is acting like someone cares from where he is- he showed his face very early on anthroscape- people told him he looks West Asian with Aralid and since than he is trolling because he is still butthurt. And he will be forever i guess, poor guy. Now he cant come anymore to anthroscape, so he is trying his best here.

Didnt know that

11-11-2020, 01:36 PM
Didnt know that

he is Romenian by ethnicity btw, thats why he can speak a bit Italian.

11-11-2020, 01:42 PM
How are you weird?

11-11-2020, 01:47 PM
'Weird' in a charismatic, unapologetic way is a benefit cause it makes you stand out positively. Weird as in constantly isolated, can't keep eye contact, stuttering etc can be picked up from a mile away and will turn everyone away from you. If you fit the latter description you shouldn't even be looking for a girlfriend rather working on yourself..

A girl once called me extra terrestrial she meant strange weird in that sense

11-11-2020, 02:09 PM
Whenever I talk about dating, most people bring up my race or my looks as a relevant factor in why I struggle. However, I have seen both guys who were the same race as me and who were less attractive find relationships while I can’t.

Also I get rejected by girls of the same race as me and who are uglier than me.

So the problem is surely personality related. Can I get realistic answers as to what it is I do or say which is so off putting to females?


If I got a wife, then you can get just a girlfriend easily.
I am the strict definition of "weird".

11-11-2020, 04:34 PM
He got banned yey

Dude is acting like someone cares from where he is- he showed his face very early on anthroscape- people told him he looks West Asian with Aralid and since than he is trolling because he is still butthurt. And he will be forever i guess, poor guy. Now he cant come anymore to anthroscape, so he is trying his best here.

Damn he got banned before I could even view the comments.

Who’s sock was it?

11-11-2020, 04:40 PM
Damn he got banned before I could even view the comments.

Who’s sock was it?

its the user who keeps coming back here/ on anthroscape- its the dude that posts disgusting images but sometimes acts "normal"- he was Benim last year/ David Johnson etc. . he has a fable for Iranic/Central Asian-

this is him now- giving me thumbs down and rep commenting all my stuff but he has propably a lot of accounts


11-11-2020, 05:05 PM
Whenever I talk about dating, most people bring up my race or my looks as a relevant factor in why I struggle. However, I have seen both guys who were the same race as me and who were less attractive find relationships while I can’t.

Also I get rejected by girls of the same race as me and who are uglier than me.

So the problem is surely personality related. Can I get realistic answers as to what it is I do or say which is so off putting to females?

every time i’ve voice chatted with you, what i liked was you were always very open and willing to listen and discuss. during times like this, you have always been engaging, and it was hard for me to see some of the social awkwardness that you mention.

it’s possible that most people make you uncomfortable and therefore as a a defense mechanism, you become withdrawn or shy around them, or your personality changes? i haven’t seen it personally, but am taking clues from how you mention social interactions etc.

what do you think the difference is in regards to this, my view of our interaction, via voice and cam, VS your experience interacting with others? i feel like if i could witness this in action, i could provide more detailed feedback.

11-11-2020, 05:13 PM
every time i’ve voice chatted with you, what i liked was you were always very open and willing to listen and discuss. during times like this, you have always been engaging, and it was hard for me to see some of the social awkwardness that you mention.

it’s possible that most people make you uncomfortable and therefore as a a defense mechanism, you become withdrawn or shy around them, or your personality changes? i haven’t seen it personally, but am taking clues from how you mention social interactions etc.

what do you think the difference is in regards to this, my view of our interaction, via voice and cam, VS your experience interacting with others? i feel like if i could witness this in action, i could provide more detailed feedback.

People outside TA have a very low bar for what they consider weird. That’s one of the things that makes the forum appealing despite all of its failings.

I am more reserved and shy in real life for precisely this reason.

11-11-2020, 05:13 PM
Be irrationally self-confident

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.


I knew a black crackhead like this. Any woman, even a lawyer etc he would try to pimp her. "Let's go get this money, HOE" And you could almost see it happening just because he was that confident and spoke with an assertive Brooklyn NY accent

Keep in mind he himself was homeless and was bumming random ppl for cigarettes etc everyday

11-11-2020, 05:44 PM
I knew a black crackhead like this. Any woman, even a lawyer etc he would try to pimp her. "Let's go get this money, HOE" And you could almost see it happening just because he was that confident and spoke with an assertive Brooklyn NY accent

Keep in mind he himself was homeless and was bumming random ppl for cigarettes etc everyday

This is one of those things that only black guys can pull off.

11-12-2020, 01:48 AM

11-12-2020, 01:49 AM
You made thread..probably

11-12-2020, 02:22 AM
you're extremely complexed about your race and you wear your insecurities on your sleeve, this will be a much more severe barrier to dating than your race ever could be

iirc there are women from the same race as you anyway and men from your race who are dating rn so it can't be that.

tbh unless you're drooling, rain man level weird it's not that. women like an ambitious guy with quirks. it will be a lack of confidence/drive. most women look for masculinity in men and you need at least one of those to be masculine. If you lack one you need fucking shitloads of the other, too.

11-12-2020, 02:24 AM
you're extremely complexed about your race and you wear your insecurities on your sleeve, this will be a much more severe barrier to dating than your race ever could be

iirc there are women from the same race as you anyway and men from your race who are dating rn so it can't be that.

I do not bring up my insecurities in the real world.

11-12-2020, 02:28 AM
I do not bring up my insecurities in the real world.

doesn't mean you're hiding them very well

as I edited into the above post:

tbh unless you're drooling, rain man level weird it's not that. women like an ambitious guy with quirks. it will be a lack of confidence/drive. most women look for masculinity in men and you need at least one of those to be masculine. If you lack one you need fucking shitloads of the other, too.

11-12-2020, 03:21 AM
Whenever I talk about dating, most people bring up my race or my looks as a relevant factor in why I struggle. However, I have seen both guys who were the same race as me and who were less attractive find relationships while I can’t.

Also I get rejected by girls of the same race as me and who are uglier than me.

So the problem is surely personality related. Can I get realistic answers as to what it is I do or say which is so off putting to females?


You need to get laid, boy. Seek out a decent looking call girl, or multiple ones, and pay for sex. Then you can see straight enough to notice that it's all been in your head..that is, your head has been woefully full of semen. But seriously, use the benefits to your confidence and the balancing of your sex drive that you gain from getting laid by a call girl. Use those benefits to advance through the more romance-worthy girlfriends you'll now feel easier around.

11-12-2020, 04:04 AM
Very rarely do women find low testosterone beta incels attractive.

If they decide to play hard to get you will give up first 5 seconds cos you don't love pussy.

11-12-2020, 04:06 AM
You don’t come off as weird, just super cynical and pessimistic.

11-12-2020, 04:43 AM
I mean why do you want a gf in the first place? You can get sex other ways. And if you want a relationship you’re a fag with simp cuck leanings. Why would you want a relationship in America given today’s environment/setting there? You do not get to be the man of the house, you don’t get to smack a hoe when she talks to much or says some dumb shit, you do not have ownership over your children. You don’t have shit as a man in America your only value is the resources you can provide to society. Even rich men (Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Dr. Dre, Will Smith, should I go on?) get treated like dog shit. That little fun phase in the first couple of years of a relationship ends and people get bored of each other and even start hating each other. It’s all kaka when the man has no authority because only a man can lead a family unit. So it’s over before it even began. Even if you weren’t a currycel it’s not that good.

11-12-2020, 04:46 AM
I mean why do you want a gf in the first place? You can get sex other ways. And if you want a relationship you’re a fag with simp cuck leanings. Why would you want a relationship in America given today’s environment/setting there? You do not get to be the man of the house, you don’t get to smack a hoe when she talks to much or says some dumb shit, you do not have ownership over your children. You don’t have shit as a man in America your only value is the resources you can provide to society. Even rich men (Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Dr. Dre, Will Smith, should I go on?) get treated like dog shit. That little fun phase in the first couple of years of a relationship ends and people get bored of each other and even start hating each other. It’s all kaka when the man has no authority because only a man can lead a family unit. So it’s over before it even began. Even if you weren’t a currycel it’s not that good.

I need companionship I’m oxytocin deprived. I want to put my head on a girls shoulder and cry

11-12-2020, 04:50 AM
I need companionship I’m oxytocin deprived. I want to put my head on a girls shoulder and cry

LOL! Come on nigga. You really think something like that would ever work out? The day after you do that shit your girlfriend will be waiting for you in the bedroom with a present from amazon.com and that present is a strap-on to fuck you in the ass for crying like a bitch or showing any emotions. You really can’t have any weaknesses as a man. It’s unforgivable. Women will say some supportive shit in the moment you show your weakness and then wait until an argument to attack it.

Take the red pill. You have to be a real man with no emotions and completely self sufficient that’s the only way you’ll be happy as a man. And pussy is just secondary

11-12-2020, 04:52 AM
LOL! Come on nigga. You really think something like that would ever work out? The day after you do that shit your girlfriend will be waiting for you in the bedroom with a present from amazon.com and that present is a strap-on to fuck you in the ass for crying like a bitch or showing any emotions. You really can’t have any weaknesses as a man. It’s unforgivable. Women will say some supportive shit in the moment you show your weakness and then wait until an argument to attack it.

Take the red pill. You have to be a real man with no emotions and completely self sufficient that’s the only way you’ll be happy as a man. And pussy is just secondary

There are some that are kind hearted

11-12-2020, 04:53 AM
Very rarely do women find low testosterone beta incels attractive.

If they decide to play hard to get you will give up first 5 seconds cos you don't love pussy.

Women don’t play hard to get. A bitch either wants your dick or she doesn’t and it’s apparent within like 5 mins. It’s all about looks. And if she digs your look.

11-12-2020, 04:53 AM
Lol I can't stop laughing. You always make funny threads.

11-12-2020, 04:54 AM
There are some that are kind hearted

My point is that you shouldn’t need them or anyone else. That’s how you know you’re weak.

11-12-2020, 04:54 AM
LOL! Come on nigga. You really think something like that would ever work out? The day after you do that shit your girlfriend will be waiting for you in the bedroom with a present from amazon.com and that present is a strap-on to fuck you in the ass for crying like a bitch or showing any emotions. You really can’t have any weaknesses as a man. It’s unforgivable. Women will say some supportive shit in the moment you show your weakness and then wait until an argument to attack it.

Take the red pill. You have to be a real man with no emotions and completely self sufficient that’s the only way you’ll be happy as a man. And pussy is just secondary

That’s not true. It actually means a lot to me when the guy I care about opens up to me emotionally and shows me vulnerability. It means he trusts me. Most women like to love and nurture the men they care about.

11-12-2020, 06:13 AM
This thread is projection city and lowering my IQ with every new post.

11-12-2020, 06:25 AM
Most women like to love and nurture the men they care about.

I don’t agree with that at all. Some women might do that but they will always be the minority. Women want to be led and they want to be led by someone who is superior to them in every way. That means emotionally too. A woman needs to KNOW that you don’t need her(this can’t be faked) and that’s when she has respect for you. When she understands that you do need her some of that respect goes away. That’s why the best advice for man is to build themselves to be kings and set themselves as the focus point in their lives, be a narcissistic, and everyone else is just lucky enough to be along for the ride. It’s the only way to think.

11-12-2020, 10:20 AM
LOL! Come on nigga. You really think something like that would ever work out? The day after you do that shit your girlfriend will be waiting for you in the bedroom with a present from amazon.com and that present is a strap-on to fuck you in the ass for crying like a bitch or showing any emotions. You really can’t have any weaknesses as a man. It’s unforgivable. Women will say some supportive shit in the moment you show your weakness and then wait until an argument to attack it.

Take the red pill. You have to be a real man with no emotions and completely self sufficient that’s the only way you’ll be happy as a man. And pussy is just secondary

It reads like you're trying to tell yourself this to convince yourself you're not missing out on anything vis-a-vis relationships but it's actually just coming off as autistic and lonely. Possibly you're confusing being overly emotionally vulnerable in the opening stages of a relationship versus the point where the partnership is established (eg, crying on a first date vs opening up about major loss after 18 months) but I think it's just autism.

11-12-2020, 01:25 PM
You don't have to be weird - you can be completely normal, just that you are "late to be born." The world has become strange, and you are brought up in an outdated paradigm.

11-12-2020, 02:34 PM
It reads like you're trying to tell yourself this to convince yourself you're not missing out on anything vis-a-vis relationships but it's actually just coming off as autistic and lonely. Possibly you're confusing being overly emotionally vulnerable in the opening stages of a relationship versus the point where the partnership is established (eg, crying on a first date vs opening up about major loss after 18 months) but I think it's just autism.

I mean I can’t control how people interpret what I say. I can only say it. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything not seeking and not being in relationships. I personally only care about sex. It’s just how I’m wired. The only thing I can think of right now is the problem of not having kids when I’m still young. Because it’s better for the mental health of children when they grow up with their parents still being relatively young and then dying when the kids are old themselves and can take a loss better. My relationship with my kids (my blood) is something that I think I would care about. But a relationship with a woman, not my blood and she’s only here to give birth to my kids, my pleasure, and to take care of my kids. When she is no longer useful for those roles she is disposable. That’s how I really feel. I think it’s a pretty good way to go about things especially in today’s environment. So my convincing efforts is of others not myself. I am already set in my ways lol.

11-12-2020, 03:23 PM
I mean I can’t control how people interpret what I say. I can only say it. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything not seeking and not being in relationships. I personally only care about sex. It’s just how I’m wired. The only thing I can think of right now is the problem of not having kids when I’m still young. Because it’s better for the mental health of children when they grow up with their parents still being relatively young and then dying when the kids are old themselves and can take a loss better. My relationship with my kids (my blood) is something that I think I would care about. But a relationship with a woman, not my blood and she’s only here to give birth to my kids, my pleasure, and to take care of my kids. When she is no longer useful for those roles she is disposable. That’s how I really feel. I think it’s a pretty good way to go about things especially in today’s environment. So my convincing efforts is of others not myself. I am already set in my ways lol.

This paragraph confirms that you haven't experienced a relationship, and therefore, no offence, have no idea what you're talking about.

11-12-2020, 03:39 PM
This paragraph confirms that you haven't experienced a relationship, and therefore, no offence, have no idea what you're talking about.

Okay lol. What am I objectively wrong about in anything that I said?

11-12-2020, 04:08 PM
Sometimes these problems don't really have solutions. We're men. When we see a problem, we try to think rationally to solve it, but sex and relationships are in the realm of the irrational. You cannot rationalize your way into a woman's pants/heart. It doesn't matter how objectively correct one is, objectivity and logic has nothing to do with it. Make more money, make some friends, lift weights, and cope the best you can. If you are so lonely that you are thinking of putting a gun in your mouth, you know what my recommendation is, as I've given it several times on here.

You can get a permanent resident visa in Thailand for $20,000. Find a way to save up that money and you can spend the rest of your life on a beach in Pattaya if you want. Other than that, I don't have anything more to tell you, tbh.

11-12-2020, 04:08 PM
Okay lol. What am I objectively wrong about in anything that I said?

Every time you spoke about relationships you were wildly off the mark. Idc about your personal desires, I think they're a misplaced cope, but that's your mistake to make. You can justify that however you want; my point is you giving retarded advice to Trouble based off your ridiculous outsider impression of what the average relationship is like is worse than worthless, it's deleterious.

11-12-2020, 04:15 PM
Every time you spoke about relationships you were wildly off the mark. Idc about your personal desires, I think they're a misplaced cope, but that's your mistake to make. You can justify that however you want; my point is you giving retarded advice to Trouble based off your ridiculous outsider impression of what the average relationship is like is worse than worthless, it's deleterious.

It’s cope yet I don’t desire a relationship. Like I said in my previous post. Everything is up to PERSONAL interpretation. Just because that’s your opinion of me doesn’t make it reality. And I’m giving trouble great advice. What I’m saying is focus on yourself, make the most money you can, make the most gains you can if those things get you pussy, great, but a woman should always be secondary to your own love of yourself and money. How is that bad advice?

11-12-2020, 04:18 PM
No matter who you are, there is almost always someone out there who will be attracted to you. Regardless of how “weird” you are.

11-12-2020, 04:28 PM
I need companionship I’m oxytocin deprived. I want to put my head on a girls shoulder and cry

Oxytocin is just a drug or chemical and not even close to the best ones. Heroin, cocaine etc.. are way better better and dogs are better companionship than your modern Westernized woman. Heroin addiction is bad in all sorts of ways but one of the ways it is good is you don't care about human relationships and other sorts of bullshit.

11-12-2020, 05:20 PM
I don’t agree with that at all. Some women might do that but they will always be the minority. Women want to be led and they want to be led by someone who is superior to them in every way. That means emotionally too. A woman needs to KNOW that you don’t need her(this can’t be faked) and that’s when she has respect for you. When she understands that you do need her some of that respect goes away. That’s why the best advice for man is to build themselves to be kings and set themselves as the focus point in their lives, be a narcissistic, and everyone else is just lucky enough to be along for the ride. It’s the only way to think.

Idk. I suppose I’m different. I’ve never needed a man to lead me, I’ve done well enough on my own. However when contemplating partnership with someone, it’s important that I am with someone that I believe I can grow with. I would never want to be with a man that I felt like didn’t need me. I would feel valueless in that relationship. Also, I would never want to be with a man that never showed his emotions. Partners should be able to confide in one another. If he doesn’t feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable around me then I wouldn’t feel confident in the relationship.
But that is just my perspective.

11-12-2020, 05:36 PM
Sometimes these problems don't really have solutions. We're men. When we see a problem, we try to think rationally to solve it, but sex and relationships are in the realm of the irrational. You cannot rationalize your way into a woman's pants/heart. It doesn't matter how objectively correct one is, objectivity and logic has nothing to do with it. .

Exactly, I find that certain males have a tendency to explain everything though the scientific method, which has a lot of flaws when looking at human relationships. There are plenty of things scientific studies and research can explain, but they can hardly explain for example why some regular girl all of the sudden obsesses over some below average looking guy like he's the absolute shit.

11-12-2020, 05:50 PM
I mean I can’t control how people interpret what I say. I can only say it. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything not seeking and not being in relationships. I personally only care about sex. It’s just how I’m wired. The only thing I can think of right now is the problem of not having kids when I’m still young. Because it’s better for the mental health of children when they grow up with their parents still being relatively young and then dying when the kids are old themselves and can take a loss better. My relationship with my kids (my blood) is something that I think I would care about. But a relationship with a woman, not my blood and she’s only here to give birth to my kids, my pleasure, and to take care of my kids. When she is no longer useful for those roles she is disposable. That’s how I really feel. I think it’s a pretty good way to go about things especially in today’s environment. So my convincing efforts is of others not myself. I am already set in my ways lol.

The mother of your kids is not disposable lol this is so degenerate.

11-12-2020, 05:51 PM
Whenever I talk about dating, most people bring up my race or my looks as a relevant factor in why I struggle. However, I have seen both guys who were the same race as me and who were less attractive find relationships while I can’t.

Also I get rejected by girls of the same race as me and who are uglier than me.

So the problem is surely personality related. Can I get realistic answers as to what it is I do or say which is so off putting to females?


Could definitely be your personality. Being on this kind of forum, doesn't really speak well ... Insecurities, complexes ...

Then again, I'm an absolute spastic, when it comes to relationships. Never seem to be attracted to the girl making doe eyes at me, always trying to get the one that's indifferent.

I'll tell you this though, I was bald by 25, I'm of average height and south Asian. Never, ever has it had the least bearing on my success or failure with a woman.

Just don't be neurotic, mean or self-absorbed. Unless you're handsome. Being handsome helps. Or be a banker, that's helped many a desi that I know!

11-12-2020, 06:02 PM
The mother of your kids is not disposable lol this is so degenerate.

Western problems require western solutions I guess. I’m not a degenerate the system is. I’m just a byproduct of my environment. Blameless in everything just doing and thinking what I have to

11-12-2020, 07:49 PM
It’s cope yet I don’t desire a relationship. Like I said in my previous post. Everything is up to PERSONAL interpretation. Just because that’s your opinion of me doesn’t make it reality. And I’m giving trouble great advice. What I’m saying is focus on yourself, make the most money you can, make the most gains you can if those things get you pussy, great, but a woman should always be secondary to your own love of yourself and money. How is that bad advice?

Focus on yourself is OK advice but your retarded horseshit about emotional vulnerability remains retarded horseshit, your take on what women do/want is at best delusional misogyny and 'interpersonal relationships should come second to money' is either bitter divorcee talk or again, autism. Money won't keep you warm at night or go on a lads' trip to Magaluf with you (although obviously it facilitates both things).

11-12-2020, 08:29 PM
Focus on yourself is OK advice but your retarded horseshit about emotional vulnerability remains retarded horseshit, your take on what women do/want is at best delusional misogyny and 'interpersonal relationships should come second to money' is either bitter divorcee talk or again, autism. Money won't keep you warm at night or go on a lads' trip to Magaluf with you (although obviously it facilitates both things).

Nothing misogynist about me. Just keeping it real. And money will absolutely keep you warm at night, cuz you know you got to pay for heating. As well as for me personally I value physical things I can buy more than experiences. I will never trade a good night out, or let’s say even a whole month of good nights with the homies or some bitches for my $6,000 Alienware laptop for example.

11-12-2020, 08:34 PM
Nothing misogynist about me. Just keeping it real.

'Not racist, it's just true, innit?'

And money will absolutely keep you warm at night, cuz you know you got to pay for heating.

What a terrific piece of wordplay, well done.

As well as for me personally I value physical things I can buy more than experiences. I will never trade a good night out, or let’s say even a whole month of good nights with the homies or some bitches for my $6,000 Alienware laptop for example.

As I said in my first post, you are autistic or coping. Either way, 99% of people would not choose an unnecessarily good laptop over a healthy relationship.

Nothing misogynist about me


Autistic people are often irony impaired so maybe it's autism and not pure cope.

11-12-2020, 08:47 PM
'Not racist, it's just true, innit?'

What a terrific piece of wordplay, well done.

As I said in my first post, you are autistic or coping. Either way, 99% of people would not choose an unnecessarily good laptop over a healthy relationship.

Autistic people are often irony impaired so maybe it's autism and not pure cope.

Dude stop being so ableist against my autism. And have you played half life alyx on maxed out settings? Unnecessarily good laptop my ass. Worth every penny.

11-12-2020, 08:49 PM
Dude stop being so ableist against my autism. And have you played half life alyx on maxed out settings? Unnecessarily good laptop my ass. Worth every penny.

Hey man, I'm not saying don't buy a good laptop. I'm saying don't choose a laptop over having a gf.

11-12-2020, 08:53 PM
Hey man, I'm not saying don't buy a good laptop. I'm saying don't choose a laptop over having a gf.

Or pay a 20 year old who is way out of your league with daddy issues to slurp you up and then go to enjoying your dope laptop. The world is full of endless possibilities

11-12-2020, 08:54 PM
Or pay a 20 year old who is way out of your league with daddy issues to slurp you up and then go to enjoying your dope laptop. The world is full of endless possibilities

Dude, stop. People who think like you will end up miserable later on. Too many people convince themselves they don't want human connection when they really do. At least im honest about it.

11-12-2020, 08:55 PM
Or pay a 20 year old who is way out of your league with daddy issues to slurp you up and then go to enjoying your dope laptop. The world is full of endless possibilities

Prostitution is glorified masturbation, there's almost no point.

11-12-2020, 08:57 PM
Prostitution is glorified masturbation, there's almost no point.

Meh let’s agree to disagree

11-12-2020, 08:59 PM
Dude, stop. People who think like you will end up miserable later on. Too many people convince themselves they don't want human connection when they really do. At least im honest about it.

I’m being honest in everything I say too. My only problem to solve is the having kids problem, surrogate maybe? But that will cost too much because I want at least 20 kids. All males.

And you can search for whatever you wish, just don’t be disappointed when you figure out the crazy autist on the internet was right about many things.

brennus dux gallorum
11-12-2020, 09:10 PM
Why dont you try to date females of your own racial background?

11-12-2020, 09:14 PM
Why dont you try to date females of your own racial background?

Why don't you try to read before commenting?

brennus dux gallorum
11-13-2020, 06:43 AM
Why don't you try to read before commenting?

You are right, i read only the first paragraph, to be honest

You might be even uglier and creepier than you think, so that you own backgrounds girls that reject you are not as "low" as you think