View Full Version : There is no Turkish look

12-02-2020, 04:57 PM
People create ranting threads about why girls don't like their photos and all, so I as well will go and rant about something that is bothering me here.

I seriously fail to understand people acting like there is one typical Turkish look. These are mostly prejudices. First of all; I know that this forum usually gathers people who come from largely homogeneous societies, so they treat other nations like they are the same. In fact; Turkey is like Canada or America.

And let's not forget that there is not much of a 'ethnic awareness' in Turkey, so except Kurds and maybe some Laz, most people coming from varying backgrounds identify as Turk. This includes many Pomaks, Albanians, Bulgarians, Bosniaks, Slavs, Circassians, Ukrainians, and North Caucasians, nowadays even Russians, mixing with each other and even creating a unique phenotype under the Turkish identity. These people are not minorities, after the Balkan Wars, millions of Balkanites migrated to Turkey. Even in modern times, people from Yugoslavia and Bulgaria kept coming to Turkey because of civil war. Before that, millions of Circassians migrated to Turkey because of genocide. A great number of people living in Turkey are not ancient Anatolians. When those people came; they didn't just stick to their own group and live in the ghettos. They mixed with locals, other immigrants and such. Atatürk founded the country on a national principle which said 'Anyone who feels like a Turk is a Turk'.

Even on this forum you see Turks from different backgrounds. I'm myself 4/3 Balkan and 4/1 Eastern Anatolian. So these people mixed with each other. There is a Turk from Bosnia here and I noticed that someone was trying to challenge him saying that he is not Turk even though he identifies as one. This is like asking most of Americans not to identify as American but as Irish, British, French, German, Dutch, Italian etc.

Of course 'Turanid' phenotype is common in Turkey due to a certain degree of ancestry from Central Asia, but it's just frustrating to see some people calling fairly common phenotypes such as Alpine and Pontid as 'uncommon' in Turkey which is ridiculous. Anatolid and Armenoid are not stereotypical Turkish phenotypes, in order for something to be typical it needs to cover at least %80-90 of the population, which applies to homogeneous populations such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, most Balkan nations, Ireland etc. but not heterogeneous places such as America, Canada, Turkey etc.

12-02-2020, 05:09 PM
I'm myself 4/3 Balkan and 4/1 Eastern Anatolian

Congratulations you are 533% Turk

12-02-2020, 05:24 PM
Congratulations you are 533% Turk

Lol you actually updated the number :lol:

12-02-2020, 05:24 PM

12-02-2020, 05:25 PM
Congratulations you are 533% Turk

Also i am 100% purebred Karaboğa Turk

12-02-2020, 05:26 PM

You might not give a fuck but I'm not like crying nonsense, just stating some concrete arguments for those who might be interested.

Your hero is a good riddance btw.

12-02-2020, 05:28 PM

12-02-2020, 05:29 PM
You might not give a fuck but I'm not like crying nonsense, just stating some concrete arguments for those who might be interested.

Your hero is a good riddance btw.


12-02-2020, 05:29 PM
What !? How ?! -Non-Turkish