View Full Version : !!! I want to start a new classification trend!!! Description in thread. Do read!

12-06-2020, 06:21 AM
So, as the title suggest, I want to start a new trend to see different posts rather than the typical classifications.

Anyways, here's the thing. So, I'll post my picture. You can classify me only if you want. However the main purpose is to guess which celebrity or famous person I resemble. You can also say if I look like someone you know, and what nationality he/she is. It should be interesting if more people start doing it!

For example, I feel I look like Freddie Mercury only from the side profile and our bone structure, so I attached a side by side picture with him.


Is there any other famous celebrity I look like? Anyone you know that I look like? What ethnicity?

12-06-2020, 06:23 AM
Feel free to comment! However, please don't be racist and mean about the way I look. I see a lot of meanness and racism on this forum and I don't want it under my post.

12-06-2020, 06:53 AM
You look like you could be a turkish or meditteranean. So I guess a turkish soap actor could be your look alike, but I dont know them all.

Quick google search


12-06-2020, 07:00 AM
You look like you could be a turkish or meditteranean. So I guess a turkish soap actor could be your look alike, but I dont know them all.

Quick google search


Thanks Mortimer! No I'm not Turk or Mediterranean but I'm flattered by the comparison!

You look very slightly like Gabriel Iglesias!

12-06-2020, 07:01 AM
Thanks Mortimer! No I'm not Turk or Mediterranean but I'm flattered by the comparison!

You look very slightly like Gabriel Iglesias!

I know that you are Parsi. I saw your posts before, but unlike some others I do not classify only by ethnicity or origins, it can give some hints or clues to make a conclusion but I dont judge only on that. To me you look turkish/meditteranean.

12-06-2020, 07:51 PM

12-13-2020, 04:33 AM
Bumpity bump